xt7zgm81m58r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81m58r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-07-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 30, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 30, 1943 1943 1943-07-30 2013 true xt7zgm81m58r section xt7zgm81m58r British Consul Slated
For Convo August 5
716 Registered
For New Session
Severn hundred and sixteen
students have registered for the
second half of the Summer
quarter at the rniveraity. This

figure win be increased



ditional students who will register for short courses starting'
August 11, according to the office of the Registrar.
Final enrollment for the 1948
second half of the Summer
Quarter was 1,385. Registration
for the first session of the Summer quarter this year reached

UK Men At Perry
Win Softball Game
The University of Kentucky soft-ba- ll
team of Camp Perry, Ohio,
composed of UK Senior ROTC
men, recently defeated a similar
team from the University of West
Virginia, 12-- 1,
according to Pvt.
Bob Conway, former sports writer
on the Kernel, who is now stationed
at Camp Perry.
The team members were Charlie
Bill Walker, Phil Cutcbin, Milt

will be dismissed.
Tandy, who is the British Consul
at Cincinnati, has served in the
British Consular Service since 1927.
Since that time, he has served as
Vice Consul at Bangkok, Barcelona,
Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Valparaiso. In 1939 Tandy was appointed Consul at New York.
Bom in London in 1905, Tandy attended Christ's Hospital, Exhibitioner, Goldsmith's Exhibitioner, and
was a Demy Scholar of Magdalen
College, Oxford. In 1926, he received
a B. A. from Oxon.
The invocation and benediction wll
be given by Reverend John Mulder
of the Good Shepherd Episcopal
church. Anita Roos, a student at
the University, win present several
vecal selections accompanied
Joan Akers.

UK Trainees Begin

Any soldiers on the campus
who are interested in contributing news or feature items to

The Kentucky Kernel are
ed to contact the editor.
dress all communications
The Editor, The Kentucky
nel. McVey halL

men stationed here,
per cent will receive
a furlough and will return to the
campus. Those not receiving furloughs will be transferred to other
units. Major Carpenter said.
Of the







By Shirley Meister
Question: What is your Idea of

Marie Hilton, Education Junior
Right now I'd like a cold Frigld- aire.
Dot Wells, Ag senior: It would
be with the one I loves.
CpL William Boesate, Ft. Phoe
nix: Out of uniform, on a desert
island, a blonde at my feet, a brunette in my arms, a redhead on my
knee, soft breezes, and a full moon.
Bill HoOingsworth, ASTP: Somewhere where there arent any
bugles, whistles, and sergeants, and
where you can sleep all day.
Dallas Villines, Ft. Phoenix: The
University of Kentucky.
John Borman, ASTP: Fishing on
Long Island Sound enjoying a fur
Bill Schumann, A&S Junior: Not
having to get up in the morning.
Charles Ruptey, Ag freshman: A
good book and a good bed with a
plate of apples on one side and a
plate of food on the other.
Ffc Sam Lucia, Ft. Phoenix: Un
der a tree with a bottle of beer and
a babe in my arms.
Pvt. Edwin Ullalea, ASTP: Civilian life and freedom.
Pvt. Berth older, ASTP: A bed
with clean sheets about 6 by 8;
that's paradise.
Don Lawrence, ASTP: Go back

Houses On Euclid
Put Up For Auction
The property on Euclid avenue,
recently acquired by the University
as a site for the proposed field
house, was cleared yesterday when
24 houses were put up for auction.
This sale included all lumber.
brick, and plumbing fixtures.
Frank D. Peterson, comptroller
of the University, stated that forty
houses were left standing and that
these would be torn down as soon
as they are vacated.


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

Arrive Here
To Start Training On Campus

400 ASTRP Men

The Kernel Travels
To North Africa
"Just saw a Kernel and felt
good for a change," was the
message received from Lt. C. L.
Combs, somewhere in North
Africa, by the Kernel this week.
The lieutenant is better known
on the campus as "Hoot" Combs,
star, and University graduate. "Give my love to the coeds," was Hoot's final word.

32 Radio Centers
Placed In Leslie
A system of thirty-tw- o
radio lis
tening centers, designed to place ev
ery remote portion of Leslie county
within three miles of a center, has
been completed for that county by
the University, according to Elmer
G. Sulzer, director of the radio

centers have been in operation since
1933, and Leslie county has had
some centers since that date, this
is the first time a systematic location of centers has been completed
for an entire county. Plans have
been made to complete similar in
stallations of centers in Letcher
and Harlan counties, Sulzer said.
People living adjacent to the centers are encouraged to come to the
centers to listen to news, agricul
tural broadcasts, and other pro
grams of interest.

Picnic Scheduled

Wednesday Night
A picnic for summer school students at Castlewood Park Wednes-

day evening, August 4, is being
sponsored by the
the Student Union, Bart Peak, secretary of the T, announced today.
Anyone wishing to attend must
sign at the Information desk in the
Union building by Monday noon.
A fee of 30 cents is being charged
for food expenses.
There will be swimming in CasSocial Activities
tlewood pool, and other activities
for those who do not swim. A
Are Cancelled
group will leave the Union building
Union social activities will go on at 5:30
and go to the park by
a decline for the next week when bus.
ASTP trainees leave for their furlough.
The regular Monday night movie Tea Is Served
has been cancelled for August 2, In Jewell Lounge
according to Miss Dorothy Collins,
Tea Is being served every Wedsocial director.
nesday afternoon in the Jewell
Other activities which will not be hall lounge from 4 to 6 pjn. for all
held are the Howard Hall dancing women students of the University.
class scheduled
for Wednesday Miss Lester is in charge of the afnights and the Union dance which fairs and all women students are
is held on Saturday nights.

Cutler W.ll Speak

Reading Series

John L. Cutler, Instructor of English at the University, will speak on
"Song of the Folk," in the library's
The men, who are the first to be
Browsing room in the sixth of the
given military scholarships in the
Invitation to Reading" series at
Fifth Service Command, will be
3 pm, Wednesday, August 4.
housed in Boyd hall, which was
Speaking on ballads and folk
songs, Cutler will play recent re- formerly a woman's dormitory. Dr.
cordings and comment on them Chamberlain stated that classes
The records will be ballads and folk would be similar to those of the
songs representing the entire coun basic ASTP courses on the campus.
While receiving basic military intry, and not only those of Kenstruction at the University, the
tucky, he said.
On Tuesday, August 9, Mrs. Frank trainees will be provided with tuition, text books, housing, subsisL. McVey, wife of president emeri
tus Dr. Frank L. McVey, will speak tence, and medical care. The retus, Dr. Frank L. McVey, will speak serves will not wear the Army uniform. Dean Chamberlain said.
At the end of the term during
Woe Lieutenant
which the trainee reaches his 18th
birthday he will be sent to Army
Speaks To Women
camps to receive basic military
Lt. V. L. Haspel, new recruiting training. On completion of this
officer in Lexington for the Wom- training, the soldier, if still qualien's Army Corps, spoke to Uni- fied, will return to college to conversity women Thursday, July 29, tinue his studies.
In addition to the
in the Music room of the Union
200 to 300 more enlisted men from
the regular Army will arrive on
Lt. Haspel spoke of the needs for the campus before August 9. At the
women volunteers for the organiza- end of August, the total number of
tion, who was needed, and why. "I Army specialized trainees at the
am taking you through basic train University will be between 1,100 and
ing so to speak," she said, as she 1,200, according to Dean Chambertold of the various duties and lain.
trainings of a Wac
After her speech, Lt. Haspel held
personal interviews with women interested in becoming a member of Social
the Wacs.


Women's Drill Team
Is Organized Here
A volunteer women's drill team
has been organized on the campus
by Lt. V. L. Haspel, Women's Army
Corps, with the purpose of giving
future enlistees preliminary training in marching tactics, Mrs. Sarah
B. Holmes, dean of women, has
"This is a voluntary women's
drill team with no strings attached," Lt. Haspel said. "I am doing
this entirely on my own hook. This
is not a recruiting device," she emphasized.
The voluntary group will meet
each Wednesday from 7 to 8 pan.
on the drill field back of the Union

Sports Should Go On Is Campus Opinion


Approximately 400 men 17 years
of age arrived on the campus this
week to begin training under the
Army Specialized Training Reserve
Program, it was announced today
by Dr. Leo Chamberlain, dean and



By Doris Singleton
That sports should definitely continue for the duration of the war
was the opinion expressed by the
majority of University students interviewed in a survey taken this
week by The Kernel.
"We must have some pleasure at
home to keep up our spirit," was
the opinion expressed by one coed.
"And the boys overseas enjoy reading of the athletic activities in the
States," she continued.
Many expressed the opinion that
the Army men stationed on the vato Southern California.
Pvt. Coe Conway, ASTP: South rious campuses should organize
America. That's where I'm going teams and play
games. It was desired by many that
on my honeymoon.


FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1943


Memorial HalL
All third hour classes which run
under the Summer quarter from 9:40
to 11:05 and classes running under
the regular quarter from 10 to 10:50




Arthur H. Tandy, H. M. Consul,
Cincinnati, will speak on "Britain
Today," at the first convocation of VOLUME XXXIII
the second half of the summer term
at 10 a.m.. Thursday, August 5, in

Ticco, N,oah Mullins, Roe Leer, Bob
Eillenmeyer, Mel Brewer, Johnny Furloughs July 31
Hurst, Gus Hank, O. C. Brumfield,
ASTP trainees stationed at the
and Clark Wood. The team man- University will leave July 31 on
ager was Bill Deep.
furlough and will return August 7,
Major D. C. Carpenter has announced.

The Kernel Invites
Soldier Contributions


the Army teams should play as shoulcl not be taken from state to
college teams, and not as service state.
"Sports must continue," another
"As long as there are Americans student said. "All work and no play
to take part in sports, sports should makes Jack a dull boy," he added.
continue," another student said. He
The greatest disadvantage to continued sports for the duration is
added that sports are
and without them the health lack of a means of travel, one coed
of the nation would suffer.
said. But all agreed that as long
Most of the coeds said that they as busses, street cars, and bicycles
would not attempt to take the men's are available, Americans can find
places in athletics. They all agreed, means of transportation. It will
however, that various teams or- not be necessary to use that vital
ganized within the University would "A" stamp to reach a football game.
"Sports should definitely conbe not only beneficial, but entertaining for many. They said that tinue," coed Elizabeth Shaikun
feminine athletics should be car- said. "Just ask Mr. Sutherland
ried out on a lesser scale, and why!" she added.




Y lounge.



Sing 6:30-7:pjn.,
Thursday, Amphitheater, Memorial
Tea Dance 6 p.m, Friday, Card
room of the Union.
Invitation to Reading Series
pjn, Wednesday, Library Browsing


US's UKs
Seaman Second Class C. Roy
Steinf ort, former University student
and director of athletic publicity for
Wildcat teams, visited in Lexington
at the conclusion of his boot training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. His wife, the former
Willie Silvers, a University student,
completed her college work and
joined him at his assigned station
at the end of his furlough.
Capt. Coleman E. Alford, 31S Clif-

ton avenue, is among the officers
graduating from the Chemical Warfare Unit Gas Officers Course at
Edgewood Arsenal, Md. Prior to entering the service, he was an instructor in the Lexington city schools.
Captain Alford attended the University.
Set. Charles E. Morrow, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Morrow, 152 Sherman avenue, recently graduated
from the factory training school at
the Army Air Forces Training Command, Lynbrook, Long Island, N. Y.
A graduate of Bryan Station school.
Morrow also attended the University. He was a former service station

operator prior to his induction into
the Army last year.

� Kernel Feature Page

The Kentucky Kernel




Entered at tbe Poet Office at
Ej,AC ae eeeona claw matter
Of MUCt S, U71.
Kentacky Intercollegiate Preee
Imiii 1aT1rin
Lexington Board of Oommerae
Kentucky Preee Aeaoclatlon
National Editorial AanclaUon

t.M One Qaarter

1.M One

Folks in Uniform

Celja Bedfrman
Scotty McCulloch. .News Editor
Betty Bohannon . . Business Mgr.
Carolyn Hill, Dora Singleton, Shirley
Meister, Mary Jan
Ray Wbitham, Charlie Patrick,
Bill Spragena


By Fleishman and Tevb
Twas brilllg and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
AUmlmsy were the borogroves
And the mome raths outgrabe.

National AdvertisingSenrice.lnc





Voaa. H. Y.

Mrne ertidee taU cobau are to be eoaeleeree' thm opiniont of the writer
o not eeeMra rcreet tke opinion oi Tht ErrnM.
Meiaaetee, am






hear tell
it's Friday again . . . meanin'
another Kernel, another juicy
gossip column . . . think this
is it? . . . nope, don't think so
. . . say, how's about creatin'
some big talk so's this corner
can have somethin' to write
Good morning . . .

the ibove stanza

from Lewis Carroll, of Alice
in Wonderland fame, fascinates us.' The words and
sounds in it are harmonious to
our aesthetic ear. We can sit
by the hour in class and dream
of gimbling in the wabe. And
we can outgrabe with the best
mome raths, too.

aaa raaeciece


Off to become Uncle Sam's
boys are Allen Cloyd and
Clayton Cruise for the Army
Air Corps and Buddy Parker
for the Navy . . . Big SAE
men . . . What's this we hear
about Delt Tom Mosely gettin'
his y
pictures mixed up?
Is it true, boy, or not? . . .
Congratulations to Kappa
Pat Oldham and SAE Tuffy
Sutherland who took the final
step yesterday . . . she finally
got him after Chi Omega interference . . . yep, the Kappas always say just like the
Canadian Mounted Police "we
always get our man" . . .
whatta' you think? . . . neither
does anybody else . . .
Seen Around Town: Kappa
pledge Mag Wharton and
scads of Signal Corps "shavetails" . . . Porsy Prewitt over
from North Middletown . . .
Kappa Ethel Blanton over from
Richmond . . . Harriet and
Winn Hord up from Maysville
Minkie Clark from
the same hamlet . . . Phi Tau
Gus Green on furlough from
Ft. Belvoir, Va., and really
lookin' great . . . KD Beth
on duty now at the
Cottage, must be familiar surroundings . . .
all for now . . .
hasta luegos
it says here.

What about the Date BuWe haven't heard a
word about it in weeks. Could
be that it's served its initial
purpose that of introducing

G. I. to Coed. The boys, according to numerous authoritative sources, have been very
able to "take it from there."
But one poor character in
Co. A is still waking up
about. . .
"Confidentially, if he'd only stuck to paperhanging . . .
screaming in horror. SomeWell, hear about the
how, he doesn't know why, he
. . . yep, seems like they
happened to snag a girl with
been doin' some big work
athletic ambitions. She wantamong the Fort Phoenix men
ed to run over the Stoll Field
. . . they use the first technique
obstacle course at 10 p.m.
the guys,
of machine-gunnin- g
Batman would have loved her.
next comes the chanting of
McLean, the Connecticut Bain, came back from fur- She's not typical
of Kentucky
"The Engineers Will Win the
Yankee, will tell you that two lough and is resting at the in- coeds. We're not all muscle-boun- d
Parley voo" and then
with pneumonia.
Singapore Slings do not mix
women out of Flash
they start yelling "Come on up
well with a G. I. supper. He Speedy recovery to you. Trust Comics.
about 7:30" . . . that's how
your illness won't hold up our
ought to know.
they approach them and from
The boys in Bradley hall furloughs.
the looks of things they had a
Last week in philosophy
A Bradley hall brat was
want to know what Charlie
full house that night . . . now
we found out a startling
Weaver has that they are lack- caught wearing his fatigues in class
pledge Parti Gay Lotto is the
town. About to be punished, fact: Plato is not Mickey
(Ask Frankie.)
"sweetheart of Computers No.
Mouse's pet dog.
1 8" but she seems to be hold-iSimmons must be a good his superior inquired whether
ir r ir
the lad had heard that fatigues
man. In eight weeks he has
true to the Army Air Corps
Funniest sight of the week:
become engaged to three girls, were not to be worn off the
little SAE pin. . . .
and a
and he hasn't broken any en- campus. Replied the wit, "I Expression on the faces of
Seen together quite a bit
gagements yet, either. What thought the state is UK's cam- Jewell hall girls when they
in dear ole' Rose Street are
found that 400 of the new
English dedo you use for rings, private? pus."
members of the
Don Pearson, the only Dem- ASTP boys are only 17 years
An illustration of false econpartment namely, Alpha Gam
omy A certain soldier named ocrat in the state of, Maine, old!
Miss Marjorie Thomas and
Hancock cannot afford to buy has finally lowered his standMr. Don Irvine . . . How long
his own smokes but manages ard of morals. The other
takes no Sherlock Holmes
has this been goin' on? . . .
to travel to Cincinnati each night he held a girl's hand.
to deduce whether the soldier
Don't ask us . . . They've been
week-en- d
This is for the benefit of or civilian side of the cafeteria
for feminine comdoin' it so often. . .
the new girls on the campus. has the better food
If we stare at you, stare right watch on which side
Sound advice to Dick
the offiJust stay away from back. We're not rude, gals, cers choose to purchase their
Prestonsburg, Ky., for a while just curious and human.
Remember Splash Chan-nin- ?
and watch your demerits vantc Tfr Tfr
It seems he has someish into nothing.
Now that Mr. Hall has
By Betty Teria
thing which attracts the comtles." As we walked out
Haggerty, Inc., with Devlin pany commander
The title of today's little
as well as taught the soldiers the KenEhlers as general manso he says! tucky style of jitterbugging in
drama might well be "Blitz-krei- g around the front of the build- and is doing a thriving busi- all the women
His CC insists
Splash hon- his dancing class, we feel sure
in the Bookstore" or ing, Morris pointed out 14 agers,
ness in view of the coming fur- or him with histhat
huge ash cans, eagerly waitpresence at ev- that the boys will pass it on to
"Melee in McVey."
their friends when they are
ing for empty ice cream car- lough expenses. Address is ery Gl meal. Hm, hm, hm.
The other day we waded
Room 9, Bradley hall.
For the sake of all future home on their furloughs.
through the sea of green fa- tons to be thrown in them. But
The boys have suggested Officer's of the Day. The in- Thus, it shouldn't be long beupon Jim- even with such provisions, the
tigues and pounced
we form an alumni of structors don't cherish the fore the whole nation is hep
my Morris in our best journal- bookstore hourly floor sweep- that
CCNY at UK. It would be idea of playing with a gun to Kentucky jive.
istic manner. We wanted to ing yields a haul of hundreds swell to get together and plan
it ir
during instruction hours. Ask
know how the war has affected of pieces of cartons.
To the boys of Companies
Grinning and handing us a a few outings, etc. What ac- Sol about that???
the bookstore and the soft
you say, fellows? We can
Now that Boyd hall has been A, B and C of the 548th Servdrink situation. With a grin, cold coke, Morris told us that count for about twenty-fiv- e
emptied, the men in the other ice Unit of the Army SpecialMorris, the friendly proprietor, he would appreciate the co- men who attended CCNY. No
ized Training Program, we
led us to his bulging stock- operation of the civilian pop- doubt there are many more. half of Part hall will undoubt- wish a happy, happy
edly make an effort to catch
bookroom. We gazed in awe at ulation in keeping the
We know they'll have just a
be ashamed to admit it!
pillars of cokes and other bot- store clean. The military is Don't Hollingsworth, the 'Fris- up on their studies.
To all you fellows who are dandy time seeing their partled beverages towering into under orders. And we answer- co Kid,' is tinkering with Tinkplanning on marriage during ents, reading newspapers and
the air. Here were 47 cases of ed that he would certainly get er. Why and wherefore??
the coming furlough! As going to picture shows. After
one soft drink a small por- that cooperation because we
No doubt you all are fa- soon as your honey has put all, when a boy has been away
yardbirds don't
civilians or
tion of the
from home for months, studybottles of drinks sold every want the picturesque book- miliar with Baird, the older her ring through your nose
ing like
store closed for lack of neat- one of the two who always that is the time to exert your better mad, he likes nothing
than going home. Bedrives (or better flys) us to the authority and make sure that
Explaining that with tre- ness. Inspired with true crucause there he can sit before
in business sading spirit we turned toward Castlewood pool. Well, he is the rope isn't any too short.
mendous increase
We'll sign off now and hope the fire every evening poring
also comes headache, our gen- the Kernel office ready to a proud papa now. Remember
to call him Daddy so that he to take a week of vacation in over a copy of "The New Reial tour leader pointed out a write. And just as he disapno other place than good ole public" whilst sipping reflecmournful stack of empty car- peared from view, Morris was will get used to it.
fellow New York. Pleasant furloughs tively a glass of Pepsi Cola or
That handsome stout
tons. "In 4 or 5 days we have taking a handful of empty
even lemonade.
from the personnel office, to you all.
lost 29 cases of empty bot bottles off a windowsill.
Tri-Delt- s?





G. I. Sweepings





Business Is Plenty Rushing,
But Morris Has Troubles

Fec-ch- ia



� oesi irupy MVdiiciuitf
Page Three


Friday, July 30, 1943

Isn't It A Lovely Day

The Battle Of Bradley Hall,
Or What A Plumber I'd Make


By Pvt. Saul Haipert
The hallowed
in the rolling rhetoric of newspaper correspondents and radio newscasters, has been highly overrated
as the setting for acts of heroism
and valor by the individual soldier
in this war. Candidates for the
Congressional Medal or the Purple
Heart are just as apt to perform
their brave deeds on such prosaic
battlegrounds as an ordinary Army
barracks or even a basement room
in Bradley hall.
Several members of Company B,
1548th Service Unit (a crack fighting outfit that won glory at El
Ouettar, Bizerte, and, more recently, Pence and McVey halls) were
fortunate Tuesday night in witnessing such an act of heroism by
one of their own comrades-in-arm- s.
Night was deepening, and
heavy formations of enemy
bombers had launched a
concentrated attack of rainfall


four-engin- ed




... to take a jump in the drink.

cure for summer school






damsels guarantee a short swim as a sure


Taxicabs! Phone 8200

precipitation bombs on their objective, Bradley hall. Raging
pouring in through an open
basement window, threatened the
battalion command post and a closet full of clean O. L clothes.
With complete disregard for his
own safety, Private Lester J. Gillis,
buck private in the rear rank of
Company B, flung himself with
reckless abandon at the open window, and at great peril and risk to
his own life he succeeded in breeching the gap and saving the endangered command post.
For his unselfish valor beyond the
line of duty, Private Gillis has been
recommended by his commanding
officer for the Purple Heart. Private Gillis, known affectionately to
his close friends as "Little Beaver,"
acquired his nickname as a result
of his affinity for a particular brand
of beer of that trade name. His
friends are expecting him to sponsor an appropriate celebration' in
the Blue Grass' Room in honor of
his pending decoration.

Of The Week

Schick, Adams
Serve As Heads
Blaine W. Schick, for many years
teacher of romance languages at
the University, has been made acting head of that department during the absence of Dr. Hobart
who Is In the army.

Ry-Ia- nd


Fords and Plymouth

Phone 648



Dr. Jesse E. Adams, professor of
Philosophy of Education has been
chosen acting director of the Uni
versity school, which Is affiliated
with the College of Education, and
which Includes a school system
embracing all grades from kindergarten through high school.

Bart Peak To Speak
Peak, YMCA secretary,
on "Everyday Living'' at
Tuesday, August 3, in
building at a Joint meeting of the YMCA and the TWCA.
Weekly programs are held each
Tuesday evening, and those interested in attending are invited, Peak

Bart N.
will speak
6:15 pjn.,
the Union


Short Street

to the standards of the Army!
Let's cooperate with the army

and show them we can do our bit for the
Let's not

leave bottles or ice cream cups around to



Simmons college has announced
an intensive program In dietetics
for college graduates, to be offered
for the first time with the opening
of the summer session in July.





XI Delta Jewelled sorority
pin. Name Lucille Richard on back. Return to Kernel Business Office. Reward.

Betty Bohjuinon, Chairman
Scotty McCulloch, DelU Delta Delta
Dick Faulkner, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Bob Smith, Independent

Black and white Schaeffer-Junlfountain pen sometime Friday, July 23.
in front of McVey HaU. If found please
return to Kernel Business Office or to the
Information Desk at the Student Union.


and clutter up our campus anil

buildings. Let's make cleanliness our goal

Vincent Spagnuolo
This week's "Colonel of the Week" goes to Vincent
Spagnuolo, Arts and Sciences Junior from Cumberland, Kentucky.
"Spag," who is former Advertising Manager and
staff writer of the Kernel, is president of the Student
Government Association, vice president of the Newman Club, sports editor of the Kentuckian, and a
member of the Student Union Activities Committee.
He also was a member of the Student Union House
Committee and represented the College of Arts and
Sciences in the Student Government Association.
For these achievements, we invite you In to enjoy
any two of our delicious meals.

a sardine to his

"Thank goodness we're not war
workers who have to live In

war effort by being considerate.


On "Everyday Living"




Eyes Examined

and make use of the trash cans and boxes

Glasses Fitted


11:45-1:3- 0

Dinner 5:15-7:3- 0
Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:4-

Prescriptions Filled

for coke bottles. Thanks!


Dr. H. H. Fine

Campus Book Store


North Lime



Cedar Village Restaurant



Page Four

Friday, July 30, 1943

Problem Of Campus Etiquette Guignol Loses A

As Geiger Leaves Campus

Poses Momentous Questions
military atmosphere In
campus is
our once-prodrenched brings along with its
many pleasures some tricky problems. 8'diSerent now, to be specific We're not trying to alarm
the U. 8. Army or the FJ3X or even
our Commander-in-Chiwhen we
say that with the khaki came
With the advent of 600 soldiers
on the campus, came also an even
600,000 problems.
But space and
the reader's patience prohibits our
listing more than a paltry four or
five. There are questions which
sure enuf have been bothering us
for months. We're In a mild state
of tantrums whenever these little
situations come up. Maybe that
astute "Baby," O. L wizard, can




give us some advice. Who knows,
even General George Catlett Marshall may take pity on a bewildered
Situation N. 1: You are blithely
tripping across the campus when
you hear the hup, toop, treep, fop
of marching men behind you. What
should you do? Run like mad and
beat them to the Union? Or nonchalantly step off the walk and let
them march by?
Situation N. t: The same as in
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1, only in reverse. The boys in
fatigues are marching your way.

Should you coyly lower your eyes?
Or should you speak quietly to those
you know?
Situation No. 3: You are lounging in the Bookstore panting with
exhaustion, your last nickel clutched in your hand. You need a coke,
desperately. Should you stand un
til you drop to the floor in a limp
heap? Or should you stand in line
with about SO privates while about
200 others look on with amused
Situation No. 4: You are walking
by a group of soldiers who are
standing in something they call
chow lines. You speak in your best

Kentucky hospitality manner to
little Joe Gooch, the Pfc. you met
at an open house two months ago.
At that, Joe's buddies, all 699 of
them, join in a rousing chorus of
hellos. Should you call back "hello-i- n
an obliging fashion? Or Just
lower your head and sneak off as
quickly as you can?
These, we repeat, are only a few
of our problems. If some gentle
soul will answer them, we will be
able to act with certainty and poise.
Until then, well Just blunder. But
then. Rebels always have blundered
Brooklyn college has disclosed
summer sesplans for a four-wesion in which city-brstudents
win harvest crops by day and at
tend classes at night.

When Clarence Geiger left Guignol last week, to enter private business, the little theater not only
lost one of its staunchest supporters and most faithful workers behind the scenes, but it also lost one
of the finest actors ever to appear
in Guignol productions.
A reviewer once said of Geiger
that "his performance as David, in
Rose Franken's 'Claudia,' was one
of the best seen in Guignol in many
years. The ease with which he
took the role, after having stepped
in as an understudy only two 'days
before, goes to prove that the man
is a fine actor and one that Guignol
may look to with great pride."
This play is remembered by theater-goers
as one that gave Geiger
every opportunity to show his ability as an actor. He took the chance
and gave one of his best performances.
Work as an actor was only a
small part of Geiger's contribution
to Guignol, however. Besides taking part in plays, he designed and
built the sets for the majority of
the productions in the past three
or four years. He assisted Frank
Fowler as a director in many of the
plays and was technical director
for Guignol for many years. He
was one of the instructors in the




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is with a sigh

I break our

week-en- d
The Captain, standing guard last
Found me a minute late.




This morning I was filled with awe
As I marched on the carpet.
"This practice must be stopped, my
Before it's even started."


Clarence Geiger

It didnt take the

Skipper long
To mutter, "You're convicted.
Last night you had your fun, my
you're restricted."
This week-en- d


has left the Guignol theater to enter private business.

And so remember this, my dear
While you are having fun
A week-en- d
when I may be free
I think shall never come.

Hey Look!

Fowler, head director of the little
theater, told reporters that he was