xt7zgm81m575 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81m575/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-03-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1952 1952 1952-03-21 2013 true xt7zgm81m575 section xt7zgm81m575 The Kentucky Kernel


Election Plans
To Be Made
By Parties

President Says 'No
To Book Exchange
In Student Interview

Both Organizations
Will Meet Soon

would never be approved by "those

Dr. Donovan Cites

hard-headbusinessmen on the
Board of Trustees." Carter said.
Only Obstacle Is No
Carter's answer was, "Well, if
that's socialistic, this is a highly
"To make it short, the President socialistic country."
Commenting on the President's
says no."
That was Pete Carter's report to veto. Carter told SGA members,
the Student Government Association "The only thing that prevents a
Monday night on the proposed stude- book exchange on this campus is
the President's 'no'. I'm sure we
used book exchange.
Carter, chairman of the SGA could work it here."
After the meeting Carter was
committee to investigate the possibilities of establishing such an ex- questioned on the type of plan his
change, had earlier given a more committee had chosen. He said that
favorable report. After talking to no final decision had been made
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson yet because they had first wanted
about the project. Carter said there to get the approval of the Uniwas a "distinct possibility" for it. versity.
Of the plans inspected so far.
He had said the Comptroller favored
an exchange and thought it feasible. Carter said the one that seemed
When the plan was taken to Presi- most suited to UK was the one used
dent Donovan, however. Carter by Vanderbi'.t University.
quoted the President as saying, "As
Vandrrbilt Plan Landed
"At Vanderbilt," he said, "the student brings a book in to sell and
marks down the price he wants for
it. He is given half of a book check
and the other half is put in a filing
The Judiciary Committee of
"When someone comes in and
SGA had its first case of speeding wants to buy a book, a check through
on the campus last week. The ofthe filing case shows what books the
exchange has and the prices on
fender was charged $10.
Pete Carter, a member of the them.
Committee, said a schedule of
"At the end of a two week period,"
fines had been decided upon for Carter said, "students who brought
future cases. The first offense books in, return and either pick up
will be S10 and subsequent oftheir money or their book, if it
fenses will cost $20.
didn't sell."
Besides the student's price on the
book. Carter said the exchange
long as I'm president of this Uni- could charge 10 cents to cover
versity, there will never be a stude- handling charges. He said the
book exchange."
whole operation could be handled
with student labor.
Idea I'nsuccessful In Past
Book Store Has No Monopoly
"He reminded me that it had been
Carter also said that contrary to
tried by the University in the past
and was never successful," Carter rumor, the campus book store does
said. "I then asked him if he not have a monopoly. He said he
would favor an exchange if I could went over the lease with Comptroller
show him working plans from other Peterson and "there is nothing in it
to prevent the University from startuniversities.
"The President's answer was still ing a dozen other book stores."
Carter's report got no official re"He said it was none of SGA's sponse from SGA. After the meetbusiness to get involved in things ing several members commented,
"Well, that's the end of the book
like book exchanges.
"Another objection advanced by exchange."
According to Henry Neal, a memDr. Donovan," Carter said, "was that
Mr. Morris, the operator of the ber of the book exchange committee,
campus book store, might break his he and Carter are still going ahead
lease if a rival exchange were estab- with their investigation of possible
lished to handle used books. I asked plans for the exchange. He said
the President if he would OK an Alpha Phi Omega, national service
exchange if I talked to Mr. Morris fraternity, is also working on the
and found he didn't mind. The idea. Neal expressed the hope that
student opinion might do something
answer was still no."
At one point, the President termed toward making an exchange a
the exchange a socialistic idea that reality.

By Dorman Cordell

Failures In Past

Establish Store

Saturday night, was picked from five finalists who were presented at
the IFC tea in the afternoon. The other finalists were Snug Gregory,
Kappa Alpha Theta; Betty Blake, Kappa Alpha Theta; Betty Buckley,
Delta Delta Delta; and Joan Martin, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Doris
is an independent.

Gets Speeding

N. Peak, executive secretary the advice of several friends. I will
of the YMCA now serving In the have to consult with them first be- Kentucky House of Representatives, fore I decide what to do."
said this week he expected to de- Executive secretary of the YMCA
cide in the next few days whether at the University since 1920, Mr.
he will seek the Democratic nomi- was graduated here in 1917,


nation to Congress from the Sixth
"I am not ready to make an an- nouncement yet, Mr. Peak said. I
have to consult some people first.
I do have 6trong intentions of running, but I must see what kind of
support I can get first."
Mr. Peak said he was "not a politician, so I am rather dependent on
Student-Writte- n

ami received a law degree in 1931.
In Frankfort, Mr. Peak has at- legisla
tended every session of
nn. of th. f.w
tllr. Bnd
makers wnQ read every ltm of leg.
islation. He has generally voted independent.
This is Mr. Peak's first term in
the General Assembly. He has never run for public office before, al- -


Will Be Presented
By Guignol Players


one-aPour original student-writte- n
plays will be presented April 2
and 3, in the Laboratory Theater
by the Guignol Players, student
drama group.
"Time Past. Time Present, Time
Future", written by Ann Oldham,
will be directed by Don Clayton,
with Jim Holloway as stage manager. Cast members are Marilyn
Easlcy, Mary Jo Bishop, Jo Ellen
McNutt, and Charles Neal. The play
is about a girl's attitude toward
death when it strikes in her own
Sheila Strunk's "The Good Men
Do" is about a young school teacher
in a rural community. In the cast
arc Dave Bere, Marshall Amos,
Lucy Ward, Bob De Benedictus,
and Francis Mabelitini. Anne Hall
is director, and Barbara Francis is
stage manager.
"An Italian Episode," which relates the story of two former soldiers
accused of killing their commanding
officer in Italy, will be directed by
Gene Arkle, with Normaglen Fields
as stage manager. Betsy Maury,
Meg Bailey. Arden Milam, Jim Read,
and Bill Wintersole will be in the
play, written by Ann Oldham.
In Gayle Sandefur's "The Weekend," a girl who is nominated for an
award is accused of spending a
weekend with her fiance in an
Army camp. Sheila Strunk will direct, and Marshall Amos will be
stage manager. Cast members will
be Lynne Marshall, Carol Bell, Dolly
Sullivent, Prlscilla Gatling, Jody
Terney, Barbara Francis, and Bonnie Complon.

to the Democratic state convention.
He will return to his office in the
SUB next week, after adjourning of
the General Assembly today.

Campus Blood Drive
Receives 776 Pledges
Donors To Report
Monday, Tuesday
total of 776 blood donor pledges
were taken in the drive held on the
campus last week. This number
more than doubled the goal, 360,
which' was set.
The Air Force ROTC unit, which
held its own drive last Friday,
represents 76 per cent of the total
blood donors received. There were
595 Air Force cadets who pledged,
of which 396 had not pledged be- A

Lances Gives
Three $900
Three scholarships totaling $900
will be awarded this semester to
junior men by Lances, junior men's
leadership society.
The scholarships will be for $300
each, and will be awarded on the
basis of scholarship, character, and
financial need. Any Junior who has
completed two semesters of work at
the University may apply. Lances
members are not eligible for the
Applications should be left at the
office of the Dean of Men by Tuesday. The scholarships are good for
the school year 1952-5- 3 only.
Lances reserved the right to decline to give the scholarships if the
selection committee feels that the
applicants do not fulfill the minimum requirements.
Members of the selection commute are Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice
president of the University; Dr. A.
D. Kirwan, dean of students; Dr. W.
S. Ward, faculty advisor; and two
Lances members.
Further information and application data may be obtained at the
Office of the Dean of Students.










The United Students and Constitutionalist Parties will begin plans
this week and next week for the
May Student Government Association elections, presidents of both
parties said this week.
Henry Neel, president of the
United Students and a representa
tive in the SGA, said his party
would meet this afternoon to lay its
first plans.
Don Richardson, Constitutionalist
president, said the Constitutionalists
would meet sometime next week.
Both Richardson and Neel said
they expect to announce candidates
and party platforms earlier this semester than in the past. Last semester neither party selected its
candidates until just before the
deadline for filing.
No Candidates Selected
Although the presidents said
neither party has yet selected any
candidates, four students were
mentioned as possible candidates
for SGA president. The United Students may nominate Carter Glass,
Neel, or Carroll Hastings, while Jess
Gardner has been mentioned as a
Constitutionalist possibility.
Gardner is an
while the others are now in office.
Neel said he did not believe the
United Students would present a
platform "with anything particularly
strong in it, unless we have more
student support." He said he expected to detarmine the amount of
student support by reaction to action
taken on the book exchange proposed
by United Student representative
Pete Carter.
Nothing Yet Decided
"We want to give the students a
platform we can carry out, and if
we have points that don't have stu
dent support, we can't very well put
them over," Neel stated.
Nothing has been decided about
the Constitutionalist Party platform,
Richardson said.
Richardson said approximately 12
fraternities and six sororities are
members of the Constitutionalist
Party, an
The United Students have both
Greek and independent members.
x The United Students
now hold a
majority of SGA seats. They have
representatives, while the Constitutionalists have.


Judiciary Committee

Peak Undecided On Race
For Democratic Nomination










fore. Over 71 per cent of the cadets
made pledges.
Booths set up in the Agriculture
Building last Wednesday and Thursday received 60 pledges; the Engineer Building, 60; the SUB, 76; and
the book store, 92.
Next Monday and Tuesday, donors
will report to the SUB at their appointed times. The hours are from
11 am. to 5 p.m. on Monday, and
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday.
The mobile unit will he set up in
the Music Room and the Game
Room of the SUB. It Is essential
that all appointments be kept ex
cept in cases of emergency, officials
of the drive said.
Donars should not eat any fatty
foods during the last few hours pre- -,
ceding the donation. However, the
donor should not be hungry at the
time he will give blood.
The Alpha Delta, Pi sorority will
serve refreshment alter the donor
gives blood.

The rate of handling donars will
be about: nine 'each 15 minutes, ex-

cept during the lunch period from
12 to 1:30 p.m.- - The reduced staff
will slow the rate to approximately
five every 15 minutes. Each donor
should plan to give from one to one
hours of his time.
and one-ha- lf
This campus project is sponsored
by the Interfraternity Council and
the local American Red Cross chapter in the interest of national defense. From donations made on the
campus, some blood will be sent to
Korea and the remainder will be
used to provide plasma for the defense program.


Book Titles
Chosen Theme
Ffcr May Day

"Children's Literature" has been
chosen as the May Day theme this
year, it was announced Monday by
Dave Bere, Suky president.
The theme will be centered
around fairy tales, nursery rhymes,
and other children's classics. However, no comic strips may be used.
The one exception is Walt Disney
characters. Floats built around Disney, subjects will be acceptable.
Suky stresses the importance of
using only light or humorous subjects, rather than horror topics.
Judging will partially be based on
the subject selection.
Any organization which has not
Women with science or mathe- participated in a May Day parade,
matics backgrounds may apply for and which would like to enter this
positions as engineering assistants year may contact Bob Link at
at the General Electric Company. before April 15. A news letter of
Additional information may be se- information regarding May Day
cured at the Dean of Women's
preparations is being sent out to
all fraternities, sororities, and campus organizations which participated
last year.
Suky requests that the majority
of students appearing on a May Day
float be members of the particular
organization which they represent.
A Suky member pointed out that
in previous years women have often
been predominant on a fraternity
The May Day Queen will be
selected in the same way as in previous years'. The queen's court will
be elected by popular vote. The
queen will be chosen to reign May
10 from members of the court.
Special committees, under the direction of Dick Walker, have been
appointed to work on preparations
for May Day. Chairmen are Ann
Williams, program; Pat Hervey and
Carol Milkey, dance; Bob Layman,
trophies; Marie Leathers, throne;
Bruce Cotton and Mary Blanton
Williams, floats; and Dave Bere,

For Assistantships










COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN AND OFFICERS of Delta Sigma Pi and the College Chamber of Commerce
have completed plans for their first annual faculty student banquet to be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the
Sl'B ballroom. A skit produced by Ann Kirtley will be presented after the banquet. Shown here are (front
row) Ann Kirtley, program chairman; Phil Johnston, president of the Chamber and ticket chairman; and
Virginia Goebel, Secretary of the Chamber. (Second row) Fred H. Miller, vice president of the Chamber;
Morris Burton, president of Delta Sigma Pi; John Chandler, publicity chairman; anil Dean Anderson,
treasurer of the Chamber. Tickets for the banquet are $1.50.

April 30 Is Deadline
For G.I. Book Bills
Veterans on G.I. Bills should
note that the official closing date
for G.I. Book Bills for this semester will be April 30, James E. Morris, manager of the Campus Book
Store, said this week. On that
date, the bills will be taken up by
R. D. Johnson, assistant
veteran affairs.
This applies only to bills for
this semester, as new bills will be
issued for the summer term, Mr.
Morris said.

Kentucky Begins Fight
To Keep NCAA Crown
By Playing Penn State








Game Tonight
Starts Road
For Olympics



By Earl Cox

Wildcats start firing for
their fourth National Collegiate
Athletic Association championship in five years tonight, when
they tackle Penn State's Nittany
Lions in William Neal Reynolds
Coliseum at Raleigh, N. C.


Also playing tonight will be North
Carolina State, the host school, and
St. John's of Brooklyn. Tonight's
winners will meet Saturday night
for the right to advance to Seattle
for the semifinals and finals March
25 and 26.
If the Wildcats of Coach Adolph
Rupp get to Seattle, they will vie
with teams emerging victorious from
eliminations in Chicago, Kansas
City, and Corvallis. Ore.
In addition to the usual glory
and laurels that go to an NCAA
winner, a possible trip to the 1952
Olympics in Oslo. Norway, this
summer awaits the Seattle champ
because both autoand runner-u- p
matically will qualify for the Olympic trials, which get under way in
Kansas City and New York March




thoto by kvn Yancv

ONLY ONE watch at I'K, packed his uniform yesterday determined to
win another at the end of the NCAA tournament. Bob Moore, manager of the team, is helping him.

Anna Russell To Sing
At Coliseum Tuesday
Concert Comedienne
Takes Dali's Place
Anna Russell, international concert comedienne, will appear at
Memorial Coliseum at 8:15 p.m.
She replaces Salvador Dall, who
was unable to appear because of
Miss Russell, regarded by critics
as one of the outstanding comediennes of the day,' begin herj arer i
a Junior League Troop Show in
Toronto when the director noticed-thashe was too "animated" to
continue in the capacity of a chorus
girl and asked her to do a comic
Anna Russell came out of the
chorus and set out upon a career of


Kentucky On The Spot
satire with a musical background.
Kentucky is on the spot as usual.
Since that first appearance. Miss The No. 1 team in the nation in the
Russell has given more than fifty final polls of both the Associated
recitals in Toronto alone and has and United Press, the Wildcats are
broken all records in New York's the choice of the "guess perts" to
famed Town Hall. She has made capture their second straight NCAA
three tours through the United title. As the defending champion
and the choice to repeat. Kentucky
States and Canada.
"If it hadn't been for that poor will be a special target of every
harassed director," she stated," I'd ' team it faces.
Coach Rupp is skeptical of the
have gone on for years being just a
serious concert singer among mil-- J Cats' chances of going all the way
Wilis of serious concert singers. But as they did in 1948, when the Fabu- -j
I thought that if he thought I was lous Five combined with the Phillips
funny, perhaps others might think . Oilers and other college stars to
capture the basketball champion- -i
so too. So I had a try at it."
Born in London, Miss Russell ship of the world in the Olympic
trained at the Royal College of Games in London.
Rupp Is afraid the Cats don't pos
Music. When she moved to Canada
she expected to continue in the sess enough height to combat a bis
capacity of a straight concert artist opposing club such as Kansas, Illi
nois, or even Penn State, whose big(Continued to Page 8)


first-string- er

Tate To Talk
On 'Criticism'
Before Series
Allen Tate, professor of English

at the University of Minnesota, will
be the first speaker of the semester

in the Literary, Speech, and Dra-- .
matic Lecture Series. He will speak
at 8 p.m. in the Guignol Theater.
Mr. Tate's subject for this address
will be "Is Literary Criticism Possible?" The following day he will
speak before a class in creative writing at 3:00 p.m. in Room 111, McVey
Hall, on the subject, "What Makes
Fiction Credible?"
Born in Clark County, Ky., Mr.
Tate is the author of several volumes of criticism, biography, and
verse and is often called "the laureate of the Lost Cause" by virtue of
his "Ode to the Confederate Dead."
This sympathy with the South
prompted his biographies of Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis.
He has been associated prominently with the Fugitive Group at Vanderbilt University, with the New
Humanists of the 1930's, and with
the New Critics of today. He has
also at various times been resident
lecturer at New York University,
Princeton, the University of Chicago,
and other institutions.
From 1943 to 1944 he held the
chair of poetry in the Library of
Congress, and during the next two
years edited the "Sewanee Review."



Must Play Better
Assistant Coach Harry Lancaster
said the Wildcats will have to perk
up and play a much better brand of
basketball than "we played during
the last games of the season and in
the Southeastern Conference tour- nament.
"The last good game we played
was the Tennessee game here," said
Rupp and ' Lancaster and the
Wildcat party left Blue Grass Field
by chartered
airliner yesterday
Making the trip were
cans Cliff Hagan and Frank Ram- sey. Capt. Bobby Watson. Skippy
Whitaker. Shelby Linville. Lou
Bill Evans. Gayle
Rose, Gene Neff. Willie Rouse, Ronnie Clark, and Doug Howell. The
latter two are freshmen. Howell
has never played in a varsity game
Also aboard the plane were Man- ri-


(Continued to Page

Minnesota Economist


Minnesota Professor Is
Next Blazer Lecturer

Herbert Heaton, professor of economic history at the University of
Minnesota, will speak in the fourth
of the Blazer Lecture Series at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the auditorium
of the Taylor Education Building.
The program was previously scheduled for Memorial Hall.
Prof. Heaton has chosen as his
To Give
topic "Putting Socialism to the
A native of Yorkshire, England.
Tau Sigma, UK modern dance j Prof. Heaton attended the London
group, will give a modern dance pro- - ' School of Economics. Birmingham
gram for the Central Kentucky University. Yale University and CoWomen's Club at 2:30 p.m. tomor-- ! lumbia University. He has been
row at the Lafayette Hotel ball- -, assistant lecturer in commerce at
Birmingham University and lecturer
The program will include Intro- in economics at the University of
duction and Dance, based on a Ken- Tasmania and the University of
tucky folk theme; Renascence, a Adelaide. Australia.
He has also been secretary of the
solo dance by Geneal Peterson;
Memories from Childhood, a series research in economic history comof three short dances; Carnival of mittee for the Social Science Rethe Animals; Despair, directed and search Council. Prof. Heaton rechoreographed by Beulah Reynolds; cently returned from five months in
Tears, a solo dance by Janice Stille; England studying socialism in op
eration. His talk will be based on
and Bells.
The program is presented in col-- ! these observations.
Mr. Heaton is the author of sev- laboration with Helen Lipscomb and
eral books and articles, Including
Barrie Bruce Floyd,

Tau Sigma
Recital Tomorrow

6-- 5.

"Welfare Work." "Yorkshire Woolen
and Worsted Industries," "Modern
Economic History with Special Reference to Australia." "History of
Trade and Commerce with Special
Reference to Canada." "The British
Way to Recovery." and Economic
History of Europe."
The Blazer Lecture Series was
inaugurated on the University campus in 1949 under the sponsorship
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer of
Ashland. The series is designed to
bring speakers to discuss various
phases of history and the social

Deadline Announced
For Fulbright Aid
April 15 is the last day to apply
for Fulbright scholarships on the
level. Dr. A. E. Bigge,
head of the Department of German
Language, announced this week.
Further information concerning
awards for University lecturing and
research may obtained
Milfrom Dr. Biege in Room 303-post-doctor- al

post-doctor- al






� f


T.ijrp 2



Now Is The Time

For Party Action
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of the party.
No, we aren't practicing our typing. The above
statement is directed to the members of SGA's two
parties. For now, not the week before elections, is
the time when party members can really help their
organizations and SGA.
For too long SGA elections have depended upon
personalities or upon whether the candidate was
an independent or a Greek, rather than upon platforms announced far enough in advance of elections
to give the student voters an opportunity to decide
upon their merits and practicability. Candidates
have seldom, if ever, made public statements as to
their willingness to work for the fulfillment of their
party's promises, but liave confined their campaign
efforts to the last minute rounding-uof friends.
Henry Neal and Don Richardson, heads of the
United Students and Constitutionalists, have stated
tliat they plan to announce their candidates earlier
this semester than has been the practice in the past
If they receive the support of their parties in this,
one of the big reasons for student apathy in SGA
elections and for that matter, SGA itself will be


Although Pete Carter, who proposed the exchange, and SGA no doubt had good motives for
asking the establishment, they really had no concrete plan to present. The only advantage shown
over previous exchanges was that this one would
have the backing of SGA. But that would not insure its survival.
All this seems to make the picture appear dark,
but there is a ray of light which we believe offers a
real solution to the problem.
Alpha Phi Omega, national Boy Scout service
fraternity, has established used book exchanges on
several campuses, with great success. The UK
chapter is now investigating these exchanges.
Evangelos Ievas, president of APO at the University, says the organization will soon have facts on
how to establish and properly operate an exchange.
Since Alpha Phi Omega's plans for book exchanges have been proven successful and workable,
we do not believe the President and the Administration could legitimately refuse to approve establishment of an exchange by the local chapter of
Alpha Phi Omega, when and if its plans are presented. D. C.


The prospect of a good job is the reason most UK
students have come to college. The desire for more
knowledge rates second, according to a recent poll
of 132 students in connection with the National
Toll of Student Opinion.
In comparing the local results to that of the
national poll we find that there are practically no
percentage differences.
College students from all parts of the country
were asked to pick either one or two choices which
came closest to their reasons for attending college.
The results: a good. job .after college, 53 per cent;
desire for more knowledge, 36 per cent; to find a
mate, 2 per cent; it was "the thing to do," 3 per
cent; the parents wished it, 4 per cent; none of
these, 2 per cent.
Oddly, only six UK coeds admitted that they
came to college to find a mate, while nine males
chose this reason. The two reasons given by students who disagreed with the given choices said
that they had come to college for the social life and
to escape the draft.



Athletics may still be going full blast, but the
more cultural aspects of the University are beginning to assert themselves withjmore frequency as
the basketball season draws to a close.
Next week is a good example, with two lectures
and a concert being scheduled for the first three
days of the school week. Allen Tate, well known
critic and author, will begin things with a talk
Monday night in the Guignol Theater. Tuesday
the Concert Series will present the concert comedienne Anna Russell who is substituting for Salvador Dali, and a Blazer Lecture by Herbert Heaton
will top things off Wednesday night.
Sometimes we get so wrapped-u- p
in the more
highly publicized athletic events at the University
that we forget that there are actually a great deal
more programs devoted to the arts than to sports.
This is just a reminder of three of those programs.
Next week is not an unusual one; the student will
.be offered many more such programs throughout
the remainder of the school year.
Students can blame only themselves if they leave

Students were then asked: Which of these reasons do you feel fits best for the majority of college
"A good job after college" was the choice of 72
of the 132 interviewees, and was chosen by 60 per
cent of all the students interviewed nationally.
The big drop was in the percentage of students
who thought that their fellow students had come to
college with the "desire for more knowledge." At
UK, only four chose this reason, and they were all
Following the national trend, the second choice
at UK was that "it was the thing to do," and next
"to find a mate," with the former having a substantial edge.
Many of the students commented that their
choice of professions such as law, education, medicinerequired them to go to college.
A senior coed in home economics said, "Men
want a job, women want a man."
Another senior said that the majority come to
college "to reap the fruits of college social life."




ences in about as "normal" as situation as could be
found. I should add that this directed teaching,
plus the seminars which parallel that experience,
were the most helpful parts of my program of preparation for teaching. It is possible, of course, that
one's own point of view and attitudes could also
have something to do with what a person gets out
of a course.
I believe that "Alum" and I must have been in
the same class at least once. He says, "One instructor spent the entire course citing examples of maladjusted children and why it had happened. The
instructor did not once, however, advance any ideas
as to how to aid or eradicate these same problems."
I am not quite certain to what "it" refers in the first
sentence above, but if "it" refers to reasons for maladjustment, then I should like to submit that those
same reasons are good indications of means which
may be utilized to eradicate these types of maladjustments. At least, I have been successfully using
those discussions in the way indicated above.
I suppose that I am just a gullible, old country
boy, but I can't help but feel that my instructors
in the College of Education have taken a personal
interest in me, and from what I have been able to
learn from other teachers now in the field, they
have the same feeling. Although I am located some
distance from the University campus, two of my

A student told us this week, "The Kernel is just
a tool of the Administration. You're always persecuting the students. Why don't yon persecute the
We are afraid that is the attitude of too many
students. In their immature,
minds, they think. If the
Administration is for it, I'm agin
it, no matter what it is.
These students are not inter
ested in objective presentation ot
the news. They are . not inter
ested in sensible editorial inter-- '
pretation of campus events. Thev ilv want "to
get after somebody."
In the first place, we seriously doubt that the
Kernel could be called a tool of the Administration
by anyone who has bothered to read it. At times
we agree with administrative measures, and at
other times we disagree.
This year, we have probably disagreed more than
we have agreed with the Administration. This is
not because we wanted to persecute the Administration, but because we believed the Administration was wrong.
We have also called certain student organizations
to task when they deserved such treatment.
Personally, we doubt that the student who made
these statements really cared what stand the Kernel takes on issues. He, like too many others who
instead of college, merely
are fitted for
wants to complain about something. This type is
never satisfied with anything.
Anyhow, we aren't losing any sleep from worrying.


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True Love Still Runs Smoothly
On Campus, In Spite Of Adage
Don't believe that old adage that true love doesn't
run smoothly. Take the story of Roscoe and Pene
lope for instance.
Roscoe was seated next to Penelope in the Mar-- J
riage and the Family class. After only a few meetings of the class Roscoe had made up his mind
that Penelope and he were made for each other.
Of course, Roscoe didn't come right out and say
this to Penelope, because he was never one to rush
into things blindly.
First, he went to the Personnel Department in
the Administration Building to check on her IQ
and other mental aptitude test figures. By posing
as a potential employer for the girl, he was allowed to see her records.
The tests showed that Penelope was a very intelligent girj. tij fact, her IQ was very close to his
own genius level. Also it was shown that she had
a high degree of aptitude and accomplishment in
the same major fields in which he was interested.
This is remarkable," lie mumbled to himself as
he left the building. He was so engrossed in his
thoughts that he failed to see Penelope entering as
he left.
But Roscoe was never one to rush into things
blindly . . . "There is her physical condition to
be considered," he decided, and made straightway
to the Infirmary where he would check on t