xt7zgm81kk4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81kk4h/data/mets.xml Schwarz, W. R. 1915.  books b92-132-29322892 English Jobson, : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. United States. Army. Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 1st.Milligan, J. T. History of the First regiment of the infantry, Kentucky national guard  : from its organization in 1847 to the present day / comp. by W.R. Schwarz and J.T. Milligan for the Regimental council of administration, First regiment of infantry, Kentucky national guard. text History of the First regiment of the infantry, Kentucky national guard  : from its organization in 1847 to the present day / comp. by W.R. Schwarz and J.T. Milligan for the Regimental council of administration, First regiment of infantry, Kentucky national guard. 1915 1915. 2002 true xt7zgm81kk4h section xt7zgm81kk4h 


Foreword .      ..........................................................
Chapter I.-The War with Mexico .......................................
Chapter 1.-The Civil War ............................................ 12
Chapter III.-The Years of Peace ...................    .................. 15
Nluster Roll of Louisville Legion, 1878 .....  ............................ 24
Chapter IV.-The Spanish-American War ............      ................... 28
Roster of the First Kentucky Infantry, U. S. '.,  ..................... 32
Chapter V.-The Goebel-Taylor Troubles ................................   42
Chapter VI.-Service in Breathitt County.                             4I
Chapter V1I.-Reorganization and the New Armory .......      ............... 50
Chapter VIII.-The "Night Rider" Troubles ..........    ................... 57
Chapter IX.-Other Changes, and the Regiment To-day .......... - ......... 64
The Annorv ..............        ............................... 7O
Sketch of Col. Morris B. Belknap . ......................................  2
Sketch of Col. C. C. Mengel ...........................................  74
The First Regiment in Lexington .  ...................................... 7a
Sketch of Gen. William B. Haldeman ................   ................... 76
Appreciation......................................................... 77

                     LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS
Mluster Roll of the First Company of the Louisville Legion ..... ..........  2
Col. Stephen Ormsby .............................................         4
Gen. John B. Castleman .............................................     11
Prize Battallion, Louisville Legion, 188 .................................. 16
The Legion in New York. 1888 .....................................       20
First Field Service Camp, Middlesborough. 1890 ...........  .............. 25
Col. Morris B. Belknap ..............        ....................... 29
Col. C. C. Mengel .........        ............................ 43
The Armory .....................................                     51
Gen. William B. Haldeman .    ..................................... aa
Col. William A. Colston ..................     ................... 59
Lieut. Col. Robt. J. McBryde, Jr .....................................   63
Group of Officers, 1915 ............       ......................... 65
Group of Officers, 1915 .    ..................................... 67
Group of Officers, 1915..    ..................................... 69
Gov. James B. 'McCreary; Brig. Gen. Roger Williams .70
Group of Officers, 1915.................                             71
Group of Officers, 1915.................                             73





                     OF THE:



              TO THE PRESENT DAY

 A tory of uit iorabtr i'rruire to Kniturky aun thw3 Nation

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          W. R. SCHWARZ and J. T. MILLIGAN




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Mustee Roll of the First Company of the Louisville Legion. which enlisted for service in the Mexican War.
                           The original is in possession of the Regiment.


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             HE FIRST KENTUCKY INFANTRY first saw service in the
               war with Mexico. In the first battle of Manassas or Bull
               Run. fought on July 21, 1861, the First Kentucky Infantry
               was found among the Confederate forces commanded by
               Beauregard. In the Armies of the West, there was a First
               Kentucky Infantry which gave a good account of itself on
the Union side. The old regiment furnished the nucleus for the two organ-
izatiomis that bore its name with honor on the opposing sides of that war
of brothers.
     In 1878 the regiment was re-organized under the command of John
B. Castleman, former Confederate and Union officers serving on its field,
line and staff. The regiment, like the country, was again united.
     In 1898, the First Kentucky volunteered for the war with Spain within
twenty-four hours after the sinking of the Maine, and for the second time
in its history, saw foreign service.
     In war, its officers and men have never failed to answer to the call of
duty as they saw it. In peace, it has been a bulwark for law and order,
having been called on by the community and the State to suppress the mob,
to put an end to mountain feuds, and to check the gladsome activities of
the night riders.
     The time chosen for the writing of the regiment's history finds it
housed in the largest and handsomest Armory in the South, with its ranks
well filled, and its officers men that, for the most part, have seen long ser-
vice in the National Guard, the volunteers or the regular establishment.
In the essentials of equipment, drill and discipline, the First Kentucky of
to-day is worthy of its best traditions and never better prepared in time of
peace to serve in war should the country again have need of its service.


                         COL. STEPHEN ORMSBY
FIt Coone of the LosIlle Legio. C-mmndrg the F-t Ketuky during the Meica W.,


History of the First Regiment of Infantry, Kentucky National Guard

  History of the First Regiment of Infantry,

            Kentucky National Guard


          INCE the days of the Revolution, when the Thirteen
            Colonies wrested their freedom from the British,
            down the roll of years through the second war with
            England. -the Mexican War, the War between the
            States, the Spanish-American War and numerous
            other smaller combats and various local actions, Ken-
tuckv troops have always stood in the first line of battle. Their
valor and courage, their behavior under fire, the victories they have
won, and their ability as fighting men have been factors in the
building and in the maintenance of this great Republic.
    It was Kentuckians' blood which flowed at the massacre of the
River Raisin. Kentuckians they were who won the Battle of the
Thamies, where Tecumseh was slain, after our own Col. Richard
Johnson had drawn the fire by ruse of the Forlorn Hope, probably
the bravest deed in the annals of American warfare.
    The Louisville Legion, organized in 18.39, served throughout
the Mlexican War, winning especial renown at Monterey and Buena
Vista, which names have been inscribed upon its colors. Among
the most valued treasures of the command are a war drum and a
flag borne by the gallant Legion in its campaign under Gen. Zach-
ary Taylor. It was the Legion which became the First Kentucky
Regiment when the State Guard was organized in 1878.
    And while that celebrated body of fighting men did not serve
as a unit in the War between the States, the greater portion fought
in that struggle either in the famous Confederate command known
as the "Orphan Brigade" or with Gen. John H. 'Morgan's not less
celebrated cavalry. During the course of that terrible conflict Ken-



History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

tuckv blood was shed in every State south of the Ohio and east of
the Mississippi River. It is a remarkable fact that the Kentuckians
who made up this famous First Kentucky Brigade-the "Orphan
Brigade"-were, with one or two unimportant exceptions, mem-
bers of old Kentucky and Virginia families who traced their ances-
try back to the earliest settlers in the Colonies, who came over from
    Of the officers and men who went with the North, Gen. Will-
iam Tecumseh Sherman in a letter written in 1880 said: "In my
opinion, no single body of men can claim more honor for the grand
result than the officers and men who composed the Louisville Le-
gion of 1861. I would rather possess their confidence than that of
any other organization of like size which took part in the great
events of our Civil War."
    In the spring of 1898 the First Kentucky Regiment was or-
dered into camp at Lexington and mustered into the United States
volunteer service. From Lexington it went to Chickamauga and
from there to Newport News, where it embarked for Porto Rico.
Returning to the United States in December, 1898, a great recep-
tion was held by the citizens of Louisville in its honor. It had ac-
quitted itself nobly.
    The history of the First Kentucky Regiment is a narrative of
the service of the best citizenship of Louisville and the State. Never
has it been called upon but it has been equal to the emergency. The
men who have composed the regiment since its inception have
earned an enviable record in the history of the Commonwealth and
of the Nation.




History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

                       CHAPTER I.

              THE WAR WITH MEXICO.

          E-'CESSARILXY, the history of the First Infantry, Ken-
            tuckv National Guard, must first be devoted to a
        E   sketch of that noted body of fighters, the Louisville
            Legion, from whose ranks the State Guard w, s or-
            ganized. While long since passed from the active
            military ranks, many veterans of this famous organi-
zation are still among Louisville's most active and prominent citi-
zens-men honored and revered for those sterling qualities which
have placed them on the highest plane among Kentucky's sons.
    The history of the Louisville Legion dates back to 1837. In
that year a company was organized called the "Louisville Guards,"
Thomas Anderson, Captain, and Charles Tilden and John Barbee,
Lieutenants. The "Washington Blues," under Captain W. L. Ball;
the "Kentucky Riflemen,"' under Captain Thomas J. Martin, and
the "Louisville Grays," under Captain J. Birney Marshall, were or-
ganized in 1838 and 1839, under a charter enacted by the Legisla-
ture, were organized into the Louisville Legion, with Thomas An-
derson, Colonel; Jason Rogers, Lieutenant-Colonel; Humphrey
Marshall, Major. and John Barbee, Adjutant. Many members of
the old Louisville Light Infantry were enrolled into the Legion.
    The Legion served throughout the War with Mexico. Led by
Gen. Zachary Taylor-"Old Rough and Ready," as he was lovingly
called by his soldiers-the Louisville command followed him from
the Texas border and fought with bravery in the battles of Monte-
rey, Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo.
    Although cast in official terms and on almost moldering parch-
ment, those company minutes, which tell the tale of the battles
fought and won on foreign soil, form some of the most thrilling
chapters of the country's history. These official records, which had
been preserved by Capt. J. F. Huber and handed down by him to
his heirs, now are the property of the local chapter of the Sons of



History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

the American Revolution and are carefully preserved as a record
of great achievement.
    When the War with Mexico broke out a requisition was made
upon Gov. Owsley by Gen. E. P. Gaines, of the United States Army,
for four regiments of volunteers. The Governor upon receiving
this call had issued a proclamation appealing to the citizens of Ken-
tucky to organize military companies and the first to respond was
the Louisville Legion, eager to go to the aid of their fellow-citizen,
Gen. Taylor, who was known to be opposed by a much superior
    On the next day after the Governor's proclamation, which was
dJated on Sunday, May 17, 1846, the Legion, through its Colonel,
offered its services to the Governor, which were accepted. The or-
ganization, ten companies strong and composed of the flower of
Louisville manhood, was mustered into the United States service
as the First Kentucky Infantry. A subscription of 50,000 for ex-
traordinary expenses of the State was secured by the Hon. William
Preston from the Bank of Kentucky and the troops four days after-
ward were sent to New Orleans. The regimental officers upon the
leparture for Mexico were as follows: Col. Stephen Ormshv,
Lieut.-Col. Jason Rogers, Maj. John B. Shepherd, Adjr. William
Riddell, and T. L. Caldwell and J. J. Matthews, surgeons.
    A company had been recruited by John S. Williams. in Clark
County, but, through some misunderstanding between the Gov-
ernor of Kentucky and the United States Secretary of War, it had
been excluded from regimental organization. Capt. Williams ap-
plied at once to the War Department to have it mustered into ser-
vice as an independent company. While this application was pend-
ing, Capt. WAAilliams marched them to the rendezvous at the Oak-
iand race course, then far beyond the city limits, but now the con-
junction of Seventh and Magnolia Streets. Capt. Williams uni-
formed his men and soon received an order from Gen. Wool to mus-
ter his command into the service of the United States. He was or-
dered to report to the Colonel of the Sixth United States Regular
Infantry, then en route for Mexico. It served with this regiment
until its term (one year) expired, and participated in the battle of



History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

Cerro Gordo, where it received the highest praise for its bravery.
"Cerro Gordo" Williams was the sobriquet afterward lovingly ap-
plied to the Kentucky leader, who soon afterward was appointed
Colonel of the Fourth Kentucky Infantry, a regiment organized
tunder the second call for troops.
    The first fighting in which any of the Kentucky troops were
engaged was at the siege of Monterey, in September, 1846. and but
few of them except the Louisville Legion were in battle there. The
Legion was posted to guard a battery, and for twenty-four hours
riaintained its position, holding the enemy in check without being
able to return their fire, and exhibiting the courage of tried veter-
:'ns. For the part they took in the protracted fighting around this
stronghold of the enemy, the Kentucky Legislature passed resolu-
tions complimentary to them, and voted thanks to Gens. Taylor
and Butler, and a sword to each of these officers. Maj. Philip N.
3arbcur, of the Third United States Regular Infantry, a gallant
Kentuckian, was killed during the siege, thus marring the joy of
his victorious comrades in arms.
    After the fall of Monterey, the next important military opera-
tions wvere at Buena Vista, and there the Kentuckians distinguished
themselves. With the First Regiment, their brothers-in-arms, the
Second Infantry and First Cavalry, also from this State, distin-
g uished themselves. While the battle of Buena Vista was raging
a portion of the Louisville Legion and a part of an Ohio regiment
where fighting Gen. Urrea at Mier, twenty-five miles from Monte-
rey. The Mexican General had attempted to cut off and destroy a
heav- wagon train belonging to the army at Buena Vista and the
Kentucky and Ohio troops had been ordered to its rescue. The
Mexicans succeeded in capturing and burning 300 wagons, but the
re-enforcements arrived in time to save the balance of the train.
    After the battle of Buena Vista, the Kentucky troops took no
active part in the Mexican War, except the company of Capt. Will-
iams, which was attached to the Sixth United States Infantry. It
participated in the battle of Cerro Gordo, as has been related. The
term of service of the first regiments to respond expired some time
after the battle of Buena Vista, while those recruited under the last


,, A",



H.story of the First Regiment of Infantry, Kentucky National Guard

call for troo)ps did not arrive in Mexico until the hard fighting was
    On their return home, the Legion was received with every
mark of affection. and tendered, as it well deserved, the enthusiastic
welcome of the people. Public dinners, old-fashioned barbecues,
culogiums and patriotic speeches were profusely showered on
them. But the joy of the returned warriors was marred by the ab-
sence of their manv comrades who failed to come back, whose
bones they had left to molder in the dust on the banks of the Rio
Grande, at Monterey, in the gorges of Buena Vista, on the heights
of Cerro Gordo, and around the walls of the City of Mexico. Most
of the Kentuckv dead, however, were afterward brought home for
interment, especially those who fell at Buena Vista, under an act of
the Legislature. In the summer of 1847 they were buried in the
State Cemetery at Frankfort, with the honors of wvar.
    The Louisville Legion, after the Mexican War, was continued,
under the varying laws governing the State militia, until the out-
break of the WVar between the States.



                      GEN. JOHN B. CASTLEMAN
C.rnnndrng Sc Lf  dl. Leg- ad Flrt Rgi-t Kntl-ky Infantry. U S. V. I878-,i8q.



       History of the First Regiment of Infantry, Kentucky National Guard

                       CHAPTER II.

                    THE CIVIL WAR.

          ITH the beginning of the War between the States
            comes a regrettable break in the history of the famous
            Louisville Legion, for while an organization of that
            name enlisted and fought under the Stars and Stripes
            in that memorable struggle, the major part of the
            original members of the command enlisted under the
Stars and Bars and fought with the First, or "Orphan," Brigade,
and many with Gen. John H. Morgan's Kentucky Cavalry.
  Kentucky, having adopted the position of neutrality through a
resolution of the Legislature, recruiting for the Federal service was
-lone outside of the State. W. E. Woodruff, in July, 1861, estab-
lished Camp Clay, in Ohio, opposite Newport, taking two com-
panies from Louisville with him. Before the summer was over he
had raised the First Kentucky Infantry, U. S. A.
    The Louisville Legion, however, was known as the Fifth Ken-
tuckv Infantry during the war. This was the Legion which fought
for the Union. On July 1, 1861, six companies of men which had
been organized in Louisville went across the river into Camp Joe
Holt, on the Indiana side. John L. Treanor, Lafayette P. Lovett,
Alexander B. Ferguson, John D. Brent, William Mangan and J. E
Van Zandt were the captains. Lovell H. Rosseau was colonel of
this regiment. H. M. Buckley, of Henry County, was appointed
lieutenant-colonel. Some 2,500 men had gathered at the camp in a
short time, and these men were made parts of the Second Kentucky
Cavalry and Stone's Battery, besides the Fifth Infantry.
    On September 9,1861, the Louisville Legion was mustered into
the service of the United States, and on September 17, Rosseau led
his men from Camp Holt and proceeded under the command of
Gen. W. T Sherman to Muldraugh's Hill. There Col. Rosseau
was commissioned Brigadier-General and Harvey M. Buckley be-
came Colonel. The regiment remained on duty along the railroad
at Bowling Green and Nashville and then marched with Buell's





History of the First Regiment of Infantry, Kentucky National Guard

army by way of Columbia to Savannah, whence it was conveyed by
boat to Pittsburgh Landing. It arrived in time to take part in the
second day's battle at that place. The services of Rosseau's
Brigade and the Louisville Legion were favorably mentioned in the
    From Shiloh the Legion wvent to Corinth and thence with
B3uell's army to Huntsville, Ala. In the summer of 1862 it marched
to Kentucky with Buell. From Louisville it marched to Perryville.
On the way it was engaged with the enemy at a place called Dog's
Walk, near Lawrenceburg. It was not with the troops that en-
gaged in the battle of Perryville. After that battle it went in pur-
suit of Bragg as far as Crab Orchard and thence to Bowling Green
and Nashville, and camped on the road to Franklin.
    In the battle of Murfreesboro the Legion bore its part, losing
men killed and wounded. Among the wounded was Maj. John
Treanor. He Uas also captured aid held as a prisoner five months
in Libby Prison.
    The Legion also took part in all the movements about Chatta-
nuoga under Gen. Thomas. At Missionary Ridge, the Legion was
engaged at Orchard Knob. Col. William W. Berry, then head of
the regiment, was wounded there and two days later was wound-
ed again. The Legion then went with Gen. Sherman to the relief
of Knoxville. It engaged in the operations against Longstreet in
Last Tennesset during the winter of 1863-64, being above Knox-
ville at New Market and Strawberry Plains, and also below Knox-
ville at Lenoir Station.
    In the spring of 1864 the Legion became part of Gen. Sher-
man's army, organizing for the Atlanta campaign. It fought with
him at Rocky Face, Resaca, Pumpkin Vine Creek, Dallas, Kenne-
saw, Chattahoochie River, Peach-tree Creek and other battles
around Atlanta. From Atlanta the Legion returned to Nashville
in August, 1864, again being under the command of Gen. Rosseau.
    The time of the regiment expired in September, and it was
mustered out of service September 14, 1864, at Louisville.
    The First Kentucky Infantry was composed mainly of men
from Kentucky outside of Louisville. It participated in the bat-

J AIrtg"


History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

tles of Murfreesboro, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and
-he Tennessee campaign, afterward marching under Sherman into
    Recruiting for the Confederate army commenced in Kentucky
before any attempt had been made on the part of the Union men to
organize under the United States flag. Two battalions under Cols.
Duncan and Pope served under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston in the
Armv of the Shenandoah, at the battle of Manassas.
    Eariy in the summer of 1861 several hundred men repaired to
Camp Boone, at which place Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner made his
headquarters, and enlisted in the army of the young Confederacy.
Most of these had been members of the State Guard-the original
Louisville Legion. The advantage of scientific training soon be-
came apparent and bore its legitimate fruit in the subsequent effi-
ciency of the First Kentucky Brigade, C. S. A., which has been call-
ed the "Orphan Brigade."
    They were organized into three regiments of infantry, known
as the Second Kentucky, Col. J. M. Hawles, succeeded soon after by
Col. Roger Hanson; the Third, Col. Lloyd Tilghman, succeeded
by Col. Thompson, and the Fourth, Col. Robert H. Trabue. As
recruits came in three more regiments were formed, the Fifth, first
commanded by Col. John S. Williams; the Sixth, under Col. Joseph
Lewis, and the Ninth, under Col. Thomas Hunt. Two batteries of
artillery, Cobb's and Byrnes', were assigned to the brigade.
    This was the famous "Orphan Brigade," many members of
whom are living still and honored members of Louisville and Ken-
tucky society. Many of them were soldiers in the original Louis-
ville Legion. The history of this organization is almost too well
known to recount.
    Of the First Kentucky Regiment, C. S. A., there is little record.
There were, however, some Louisville men in this organization,
which saw service at the first battle of Manassas and in the Vir-
ginia campaigns.



       History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

                       CHAPTER III.

                 THE YEARS OF PEACE.

          OLLOWING the railroad riots of 1877, an unpleasant
             recollection to many of the citizens of Louisville, the
             Legislature of Kentucky in 1878 enacted laws pro-
             viding for a State militia. nUnder this act the First
             Kentucky Regiment was organized and composed of
             the very best citizens of Louisville. Three of the
present judges on the bench in this city were members of this regi-
ment; two Chief Magistrates of this city, former Mayors Charles
F. Grainger and Charles P. Weaver, were First Sergeants in Com-
pany A. Four of the Captains in the new regiment had earned
honorable distinction in the Confederate army, and one had served
with equal honor in the Federal army.
    In perusing the list of men who have deserved and secured
success in business and social life in Louisville, one may find the
names of those who, from 1878 to 1915, have been active or honor-
ary members of the First Kentucky Regiment. No regiment in
any militia of American volunteer soldiery can point to the same
length of active service which marks the history of the First Ken-
    The names of the officers commanding the various companies
in the organization of 1878 are the names of men deservedly hon-
ored in this community. That veteran soldier and splendid gen-
tleinan, John B. Castleman, was Captain of Company A; Judge W.
0. Harris, Captain of Company B; John H. Leathers, Captain of
Company C; Clinton 'McClarty, Captain of Company D; and E. H.
Moise, Captain of Battery A. at the time of this organization
flames B. McCreary was Governor of Kentucky, and J. M. Wright
was Adjutant General of the State. During this year Companies
E and F were added to the regiment, Company E, cavalry, com-
manded by Capt. Josh Bullitt, and Company F, under the com-
mand of Capt. J. M. Wright. Regimental organization with the
addition of these two companies took place with John B. Castle-





, )




History of the First Regimnmt of Infantry, Kentu-ky National Guard

man as Colonel, AN'. 0. Harris as Major of the First Battalion, and
John H. Leathers, Major of the Second Battalion.
    In 1887 W. H. Coen was the Lieutenant Colonel, and the regi-
ment remained under these officers until the spring of 1888.
    From the time of its organization until the Spanish-American
War. the life of the First Kentucky Regiment was anything but
enjoyment of "piping times of peace." There was hardly a year
when the militiamen were not called upon for some strenuous duty,
usually concerning the internal administration and the enforce-
ment of law and order, all of which meant exposure to hardships
not one whit less severe than those of a wartime campaign. The
history of the Louisville Legion, by Col. Col. Ernest Macpherson,
former judge Advocate General, K. S. G., furnishes much of these
    In October, 1878, a detachment from the regiment was ordered
on duty for several days, to guard a prisoner in the Jefferson Coun-
ty Jail against the apprehended attack of a mob.
    In December of the same year Breathitt County was the scene
of grave disorders, the followers of two desperadoes named Little
and Strong conducting a kind of guerrilla warfare, which terror-
ized the mountain community and set at defiance the lawful author-
ities, affairs culminating in the murder of one of the judges. A de-
tachment of the regiment including a platoon of Battery A mount-
ed as cavalry, was sent to aid the civil authorities, and succeeded
in arresting and imprisoning the principal offenders. who were in
the country upon their arrival, and in restoring quiet and public
confidence. There were at this time no facilities for transportation,
and the detachment was compelled to march seventy miles over the
mountains, the men carrying their equipment (which did not in-
clude tents) and bivouacking at night in severe weather. The Quar-
termaster's "train" consisted of two wagons, one drawn by horses,
the other by two yoke of oxen. It required five days' marching
through mud and snow over the hills and mountains to reach Jack-
son, the countv seat, where the detachment was quartered until
late in February, 1879.
    The following summer another detachment, in charge of the


ace z s awry as



History of the First Regiment of Infantry. Kentucky National Guard

score or more prisoners who had in the meantime been kept in
Louisville, was sent to Breathitt, and remained three weeks during
the session of the Circuit Court. The leaders in the trouble were
generally convicted, and the local magistracy has since been able to
manage such disorders as have occurred.
    In October, 1881, a detail from the regiment, consisting of one
company of infantry and a section of Battery A, was, with other
companies of the State Guard, ordered into active service, the com-
mand reporting to the Circuit Judge at Catlettsburg, Boyd County,
on the 30th. A most shocking crime had been committed near Ash-
,and, in the same county, some months previously, and the people
had become impatient for the summary execution of the criminals.
One of these three, named Ellis, often being tried and convicted,
was hanged by a mob, and the troops were ordered to Catlettsburg
during the trial of Neal and Craft to prevent a similar proceeding
:n their case. On the 2nd of November the court ordered the com-
mander of the troops to convey the prisoners for safe-keeping to
Lexington. Thereupon a "committee" waited upon the officers
and demanded the prisoners be delivered to them. This being re-
fused, a large number of persons assembled with the determination
to lynch the prisoners at all hazards. To avoid a conflict, the com-
mand and prisoners were embarked on board the steamer Granite
State, an Ohio River packet, and started down the Big Sandy River,
and then on the Ohio to Maysville. The mob seized an engine and
cars, running on a track parallel with the river. Fire, fortunately
harmless, was opened from the cars, but was not returned. Arriv-
ing at Ashland, the mob, emboldened by indulgence, seized a ferry
boat and directed its course against the Granite State and contin-
ued firing. A number of the troops being wounded, they were or-
tered to fire. The ferry was disabled and became unmanageable
in a moment; some of the mob was killed and a much larger num-
ber wounded. The steamer, having never stopped for a moment,
went on its way down the river without further molestation.
    The trial of Neal and Craft (afterward executed by the
Sheriff) having been set for the 7th of February, 1883, at Grayson,
mn Carter County, some of the survivors of the affair at Ashland



History of the First Regiment of Infantry, Kentucky National Guard

threatened further trouble. The Circuit Judge applied for a mili-
tary force sufficient to discourage another attempt to lynch the
prisoners, and ten companies of infantry and two platoons of ar-
tillery were ordered into active service. The detail from the regi-
ment was composed of two companies of infantry and a section
from the battery. The command camped in the most wretched
weather-ice, sleet, snow and mud, in something like equal propor-
tions-and although t