xt7zcr5nd53k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nd53k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-12-18  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 18, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 18, 1914 1914 1914-12-18 2021 true xt7zcr5nd53k section xt7zcr5nd53k u

The Fecult y of State University met in special assaion
in the Foo culty room of the Gymnasiun Building, Friday, Dec-
ember lb, 1914.
FA ,
, President Barker presided at the meeting.
0n roll-call the following were present? Professors Al-
len, Boyd, Baker, Brown, Brumage, Carrel, Chalkley, Curtis,
Dantzler, Davis, Ferquhar, Frankel, Freeman, Gilbert, Gillie,
Grehan, Miss Hamilton, Professors Keely, Jones, (astla, Kills“
brew, Kinney, Lafferty, Mathewsl Maxson, Meloher, Liiller, Noe,
Nolleu, Pence, Peter, Pryor, Rees,Roberts, ROWe, Glanville
Terrell, Dan Terrie ll, Tigort, Turner, Tuthill, Tuttle, Lieut.
Underwood, Venvor, Vebb and Zembroj.
Refers hearing the report of the Special Comaitt 96, for
which purpose the meeting had been called, Dr. Tuthill asked

to present the following resolution:


Resolved: That the Fae culty of the State University
of Kentucky join with the Lexington Board of Commerce in ex-
tending an invite ion to the American Economic Association
to hold its 1916 meeting at Lexington, Kentucky.

This resolution was unanimously adopted.
On motion by Dr. Dent: le er the following ”Rule Relating
to Deficiencies in English" Was adopted:


Any instructor who finds the written rk of any stud-‘

ant seriously defective in its English i- expe ected to report
the Case, together with specimen papers 0 a committee con-
sisting of the De eans and the Professor of 1 nglish, who shall
have power to require additional work in com Mo ition without


The report of the Special Committee, appointed to audit

the report and make other inquiries regarding the regular com-
mittee on Athletics, being called on for a report, Professor
(£5 Gillie, fihnirnnn of the Committee on Athletics, asked that a

secretary pro tem. be appointed to record the proceedings, and

C.W. Mathewe was requested by President Barker to act in this














 On behalf of the Special Commi+tee, Dr. Tuttlo then read the
following report:

The Special Gommittee appointed to audit the accounts of
the Athletic Association of the State University of Kentucxy;
for the year, beginning August 13, 1913, and closing August 26,
1914, reports that the financial statement submitted by the
Treasurer of the Atnletic Association at the last general meet-
ing of the Faculty of the University, and the following Uonduy
placed on file in the Business Office of the University, was
found correct.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) F.E. Tuttle, Chuirman.
George Roberts,
R.N. Muxson.

Dr, Tuttls stated that the committee nad not yet had
Opportunity to comolete the work for yhich it was appointed,

and asked for further time. Dr. Boyd moved that the report of


the Special Committee oe accepted and filed, and furtier that
tle Faculty express its approval of the Athletic Committee
and its full confidence in its ability and integrity.

The motion was duly seconded and unanimously carried.

Professor Melcher raised the question as to what shall be
the attitude of he Faculty towurds the honor system in the
student body, whereupon, Dr. J.J. Timert stated that the Com-
mittoe on Student Welfare had a report to make in which a
similar question Was under discussion. The report follows:

Dec. 4, 1914.
To the President and Faculty,
State University of Kentucky.

The Committee on Student Welfare
hold its first meeting Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. It held
no meetings previous to thut time because the committee
was unaware of its existence. Some matters were dis-
cussed informally at the meeting but no definite action
was recommended as the cummitteo was unCertain as to its
duties. The Committee discussed the operation of the
Student Government plan and would like to bring in a
report in connection therewith, if this matter be with-
in its jurisdiction. The committee asks that the Pros—
ident or Faculty determine this point.


Jnon J. Tigert, Chr.
E.L. Rees.

W.S. Webb.

Alpha Wrumuge.

L.E. Nolluu.














On motion of Professor Miller, duly seconded, it was
then ordered that the questions relating to the honor system
be referred to the Committee on Student Welfare, to report


back b0 the Faculty at the next regular meeting.

Professor Miller then inquired why there was never any
report from tho Y.u.C.A. to the Faculty. He thougnt that,
inasmuch as the faculty members contributed toward the fi-
nances of this organization, the association should make u re-
port :0 the Faculty. After a brief discussion, it was or-
dered, upon motion, that a Y.M.S.A. Comritteo be appointed,
and that it should consist of those members of the Faculty
who are unon the Board of Directors of the association.
The President thereupon appointed this committee with Dr. Ti-
gcrt as chairman, the committee including also, President
Barker, Professors Chalkley, Moloher, Mathews, Bryant, and

Lieutenant Underwood then presented the question as
to giving extra credit to those students of the University
who took military work during their junior and senior year
beyond the period in which it was a required study. Inasmuch
as these students devote considerable time to the military de-
partment, he felt that they should receive some credit for this
as for other laboratory work. President Barker suggested that
no action be taken at this time, but that the members should
think it over and consider it further, at the next meeting of
the Faculty.

Dr. Tigert then arose to discuss the relations of the
Faculty body in general, to tho athletics of the University.
He felt that the Athletic Committee lacked the entire co—op-

oration and hearty support from the faculty members that it

ought to have. The relations of the Faculty to athletics wore










 discussed in an informal manner Dy Professors Jhalkley, Lelchar,
miller, Turner, and Roberts.

i The meeting than adjourned.

(Signed) C. W. Mutlgws. _.
Secretary Pro Tem.

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