xt7zcr5nd46s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nd46s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1947 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.18 n.1, January-February, 1947 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.18 n.1, January-February, 1947 1947 1947 2020 true xt7zcr5nd46s section xt7zcr5nd46s  






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5‘; VOL. xvm

Jamary-Febnmy, 1947

No. I I;









The Kentucky
State College

use Frankfort. Konhlcky


Co-educaiional Class A College

Degrees offered in
Arts and Sciences
Home Economics — Agriculture
Business Administration
Education -
Engineering — Industrial Am








 The K. N. E A. Journal

ofiicial Organ of the Kenmcky Negro Education Association
VOL. XVIII January-Fm, 1947 No. I



Published. by the Kentucky Negro Education Asoclafion
Editorial Office at 2230 West Ghatmlt Sheet
Louisville 1:1, Kentuclq

W. H. Perry, In, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
W. 0. Walls: Providence, President of K. N. E. A.

BOARD 01’ nmecwons

0. B. Nukkalls, Ashlaml E. VW. Whiteside, Pad/meal:
Victor K. Perry, Louisville ’Wihimey NI. Yunng, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the school year

Niwemlber, January, Much and April

Membership in the K. N. E. A. includes subscription to the Journal.
Rates of advertising mailed on request.



K. N. E. .Al Officers
Editorial Comment
Can-operation Appreciated, J. M. Tyd rigs

Post-War Task of Teachers Critical, W. 0. Nuckolls
Historical Monograph Published .
Convention Committees Named ..
Kentucky State College Development Planned
The Liberian Centennial
Prof. W. H. Perry, Sn, Passes
Reconversion and Educabional Opportunities, F. L. Stanley
Report oi English Department, Jewell R. Jackson .....
American Teachers Association Notes, Welter N. Ridley
Over the Editor’s Desk
K. N. E. A. Constitution
Directors Plan Program . .
Strike of Louisville Teachers Averted.
Financial Report of Secretary-heasurer .
K. N. E, A. Sustaining Members
Kr N. E. A. Newsettes .
Kullings ...........








 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS FOR 1943 - 1547

W. O. chkolls, President l .iProvideMe


Robert L. Dowery, First Vice President . Franklin
Elmer 0. David, Second Vioe~lPresiidemt Cynthjana
, lmiisville

W. H. Perry, J12, Secretary-Treasurer

w. o. Nmkous, President
or B. Nuckolls ..
Victor K, Perry

E. w. miteside .Padmah
Whitney M. Young Lincoln Ridge


Edward T. Buford», High School and College Dept. . l . lBoMIling Green
Mayme R. Morris, Elementary Education Depanmem ”Louisville
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Dept. . '
E. L. Carpenter, Music Department .
B. W. Browne, Vocational Education Dept
John V. Robinson, Principals’ Conference






Beatrice C. “Willis, Primary Teachers’ Da'pt, . Louisville
Anorma Beard, Youth Council ........ .Louisville
Hattie Figg Jackson, Art Teachers‘ Conference . .Louisville
G. W. Jackson, Social Science Teachers’ Conference l Louisville
Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference . . . Danville
Jewell .R. Jackson, English Teachers Conference .Covington
C, Elizabeth Mundy, Librarians’ Conference , .Louisville
W. L. Kean1 Physical Education Department Louisville
W, Hr Craig, Guidance Workers’ Conference . Covington
A. .T, Richards, Foreign Language Teachers‘ Conference {Egankfofit

r OulSVl e

William ’1‘. Davidson, Adult Education Conference .

. .First District Association
Second District Association
. .Third District Association
Fourth District Association
[Fifth Distncit Association
. ue Grass District Association

.Northern District Association
S—E. M. Kelly, Pikerille. r . .Eastern District Association
9—~J. A, Matthews, Benl'iam Upper Cumberland District Assn.


l—tE. T. Buford: High School and College Department, Principals‘
Conference, Librarians’ Conference, Adult Education Department:
Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 1): Music Department, (Section


luBettie (1 Cox, Paducah
Z—Lester G. Mimms, Earlington.
3—E. B. McCIaskey, Russellvillle
4—M‘ J, Strong, Campbellsville
5—-Eliza'beflh W. Collins, Louisv
S—P, L. Guthrie, Lexington
7.41;. R. Merry, Covington.






Z—Beatrice C, Willis: Elementary Education Department, Primary
Teachers’ Conference, Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 2),
Music Department (Section 2)l

3—G. W. Jackson: Social Science T-eachers’ Conference, Science
Teachers’ Conference, English Teachers’ Conference, Foreign
{Language Teachers’ Conference, Physical Education Department.

PW. H, Craig: Guidance Workers’ Conference, Youth Council, V9-
catfonal Education Department, Rural School Department.


Editorial Coniment

m 17

Eadh school year local, state and national educational organi-
zations seek enrollment tees of teachers, and encourage their
participation in edwcational activities, increasingly, teachers are
realizing the values of organization and are taking active parts in the
making as Iwell as the camying out of policies. The Kentucky Negro
Education Association, the American Teachers Association and the
National Education Association are open to and Welcome enrollment
and active participation, Each has a definite program—of opportuni-
ties for professional growth, improvement of health of teachers and
physical conditions of school plants, legislation favorable to teachers
and pupils—published and easily available, and which should be
known and supported. Local educational organizations meet needs
peculiarly local.

Human nature being What it is, some persons, having paid their
membership fees, feel it is (the duty of “the other fellow" to make
the organization go. Membership fees are important to the estab-
lishing of programs on a functioning rbasis; how- efieetive the pro-
gram may Ihecome often depends in large measure on the under-
standing and support given by the membazslhip.

Every Kentucky teacher should be a member of his local educa-
tional organization, his district and state associations, the American
Teachers Association, the National Education Association. It the
programs of any of the organizations are not what some of the
membership wish, perhaps they would 'be if those members he-
came active. Each teatime: can make a contribution to, and profit
from, each organization. The total cost is trivial; the returns great.




At the last meeting of the K. N. E. A., a motion to increase the
membership fee from one dollar to three dollars was passed. The
motion must lie on the table until the ‘194'7 convention because it
involves a change in the constitution.

The Board of Directors and. District Presidents, in their October
meeting, strongly urged that all teachers of the state voluntarily be-
come sustaining members now, ‘by myng the three dollar fee. The
e"Banding program of the Association and increased operating costs
make an increased fee a necessity Several District Associations, in
their Ball meetings, approved the increase K N. E. .A. officials have
Planned for this year a flexible program, to be expanded Gl' limited
as membership fees warrant,



[Aheria’e approaching celebration of oneihnmdred years of existem
as a republic, and her expressed desire to contribute to international
good-will, merit interest and. support. Cline country, [which made an
outright declaration of war against Germany and. Japan, which We:
the second largest mm producing am available to the allied
nations in World War H, and which was a vital air base in the attack
on the soft under belly of Europe, flaw offers to the world her natural
and admiral resources, and aee‘ks cordial relations among the powefi
of the world. The Centennial celebration of the Republic of Liberia
[Elects the belief that enlightened world intercourse will assure
world; peace, promote good-will and stimulate mmual relationdluips
between herself and the family of nation. .

This Republic, founded as a refiug'e for ex-sh'ves and freedmen
from the United States, the only nation founded in modern time,
and the only republic in IAfirica in which Negroa control their own
government, has written a bright chapter at World history. Through
her struggles {or existence and recognition. through sum-5mm
offsetting enmoachments on her territory by imperial powers that
held neighboring colonies, this sovereign state has demonstrated the
well known fact that the survival and development of small nations
is intimately connected with international developments.

The frequently shown determination of the Liberian people to
maintain an independent existenCe, and their conviction that it is the
duty ot present world powers to guarantee that right to all mull
nations, was voiced at a recent meeting of the United Nations Council
by the Liberian representative. His earnest speedh, opposing reten-
tion by Italy of Afriean territory seized diving World. War It, was
vigorously applauded by the delegates. Liberia, settled by Negro
men who left America to establish a democratic way of life, becomes
a positive factor, in the atomic age, by ringing. through its Centennial
and Victory Exposition, international cooperation on an enlightened
and honorable basis.



The following editorial, from the Louisville CourieraJom-nal, ex-
presses a point of view worthy of reproduction here:

"The Board of Education is asked to provide more vocational trail?
ing for Negroes, and for a large number of physically handicapped
children. The request should be supported, «but it should not stop
with general statements.

“The kind of vocational education that is required is something
more than dabbling in basic “manual arts." It should he a guide to
genuine specialization ‘Its object should Ibe not only to train a person
in the use of his hands, not only to fit him to take advantage of 013'
portunity when it comes. It should be concerned also with creating
opportunity itself.


 “For Negroes, as for no other groups, there is need of teaching
definite skills IAn old argument ms to the efifect that it is pointlas
w do this, because Negroes are barred by custom from employment
in skilled trades. But this is dust another way of excusing' discrimina-
Lion and keeping alive an inequality of opportunity, To deny train-
ing on this gmund, and than to refiuse to employ Negroes because
they are not skilled and dependable, is to set up a vicious circle
winch Poems in all progress.

“What progressiw Negro leaders propose is to break this circle.
They point to the experience of wartime, when in a grave national
emergency the doors of industry were open to Nag‘oes. But few
were qualified for admittance as skilled workers. This lack was partly
repaired by training of a limited number, but meanwhile the mobil-
ization of manpower was slowed and the nation was the loser.
If young Negroes are made ready for opportunity when it
comes, this very preparation Will speed its coming. The full employ-
ment which is the goal of our economic existence should create as
many needs of manpower and result. in as many new emancipations,
as the total mploytment of wartime.

“The thing to do about vocational education is to make it real and
practical education, in the idea that community standards will be



The following letter from Mr. .11 M. 'I‘ydings, Executive Director of
the Kentucky Interracial Council, is published for its expression of
appreciation of cooperation given by the K. N. E. A., and for its sug-
gestion of further services needed.

Mr. W. (H, Perry, Jr.

Secretary Kentucky Negro Mucation Association
2230 West Chestnut

Louisville, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Perry:
The purpose of this letter is to outline the legislative progress

which was made during the 1946 General Assembly, and to especially
express appreciation for the cooperation and effective work of the
Ki Ni E. A.

The foundation work for the legislative program was laid down in
the recommendations made 'by the Kentucky Committee on Negro
Affairs It was most apparent that all legislation afieeting the Negro
People was so inben'elated that it was important to coordinate edu-
cation with health, employment, social welfare, and civil affairs prob-
lems. It was also apparent that the K, N. E. A. was a state wide
Organization effective through its members in obtaining support for
all legislation.

'It would be impossible to adequately express in a letter apprecia-
tion for the work done by many individuals who are responsible for
the progress made.

 It is, however, an appropriate tribute to the many who did Serve
that We list their achievements.

The following are both the direct and indirect results of the 1945
legislative eflon:

l. M. O. M. Travis was appointed the first Negro member of the

State Board of Eduuation.

,2. The State Department of Education has employed Mr. W. M
Young as Assistant Supervisor of Negro schools, and his salary
as sud: was added to the appropriation for Lincoln Institute.

3. 0ut-of»state-aid was increased from $115.00 to $350.00 per year
per pupil and the sum of $30900 Iwas appropriated for this

4. An act prohibiting discrimination in the amount of teachers
salaries because of race, sex, and teaching level. and defining
“quality of service" was confirmed by the Attorney General as
being included; in present laws, and this policy has been adopted
by the State Board of Education.

5. The acquisition of Darnell Hospital by the State Welfare De-
partment made the present .plant of the Kentucky Children’s
Institute at Frankfort available as a receiveing center for orphan
children of both races. A pemxanent building on this campus has
been set aside for Negro children. 'llhis is the first time Negro
children have load a State supported home.

6. The appropriation of $4,000.00 for the Red Cross Hospital in
Louisville was transferred for their use under the State Board
of Health instead of the Welfliare Department. This act planes
the Hospital in position to enjoy the cooperation of the Health
Deparhnent in the development of a nurse training center with
State funds to eventually support it.

7. Kentucky State College received increases in its operating 21;»
propriation from $150300 to $225,000 per year and- $200,000 was
added for capital outlay.

West Kentudry State Vocational School appropriation was in-
creased from $48,004) to $55,000 for operating expenses and
960,000 was added for new flunildlings.

9. Uncoln Institute received an increase from $412.00!) per year to
$75,000 and WNW for new buildings will be added when the
school’s property is transferred; to the State. In other words, a
fully prorted state boarding high school service has been
esta‘hlished for Negro youth in Kentucky where no high school
service now exists.

As far as actual passage of legislation is concerned only a few bills
Were passed. However, much gain has been realized, and plans should
be laid even now in preparation for the 1948 swim: of the Gena’al
Assembly. If We shall have gained any lesson at all during the past
session, it is that the facts concerning the need of the Negro people
must be fully supported by personal contacts with members of the
legislature and the State’s adm/inistration. There is a need now 101'


 continued research into the needs, and a great deal of statesmanship_
The Kl N. \E. A. can lead the way, and certainly will.

Jr M. Tydings, Executive Director
Kentucky Interracial Council



by w o. Nmknlls

With hhe overall picture of Kentucky‘s educational conditions
facing us, the education associations of Kentucky should urge that
every possible effort be made to increase the present percent of at—
tendance of children in school age. They should also urge a type of
training that will dbtain a more pronounced good. meat on social
and economic conditions.

The general efficiency in Kentucky’s educational slam lags behind
many slates Ibecause Kentucky needs to spend more money and more
time and earnest study for the type of training its citizens need. Our
condition is as it is, not only because our law—makers of the present
and past did not appropriate money and enact measures um would
force better conditions, it is also because teachers and administrators
have been too complacent and have not put forth sufficient unified
effort and clamor for what we have needed.

In umr nation social unrest, mob violence, inability to reach agree-
ments between groups of employers and workers, between consumers
and producers and inalbility to live at peace with groups show that
people have not been properly trained.

While our nation rightly concerns itself about friendly and helpful
relationship with foreign nations, there is also an obvious need of
more effective concern about better relationship between racial
groups within our own borders 'flhis lack of proper understanding
and relationship inevitably tracw bank to the type of training ob-

All our teachers are expected to teach the principles of true de-
mocracy with the spirit to love, to serve, in buildl and protect the


 Amemiuan idea of liberty and equal rights to the pursuits of life and
happiness for all. The after-mach 0f th'm war seems to spur an in.
grained psychosis of race prejudice which leads many in our natian
to practice inhuman lawlessness and gross Inn-American intolemnt
attitude. 'Dhis is not only a serious menace to the group upon which it
is imposed; but it will finally react upon all groups and aflect national
and world peace. In our nation a group of more than hhtheen millions,
who study the same bible, serve the same God, who learn from the
same writings and experiences, who must know and: abide by the
same laws, who have, for more than three hundred years, worked to
help rhuild, fought and died to lhelp save, and studied and achieved
to help establish this nation, are not willing to accept anything but
what the constitution of this nation and Christian and social ethics
glw—l‘antee its citizens.

Thus it is hoped that teadhers will accept the uhallenge that the
mind of this present world presents. We must create a market for a
broader humanitarian regard for God’s created‘, and we must sell the
idea to the world, else greater calamities shall follow. It is also hoped
that every person who spent suffixvient time in armed service to se«
clue Federati Aid in furthering some type of beneficial training will
take advantage of it.

The American Teachers Association was held; in Durham, N. C.
July 23 24,25,1946.

I am. very grateful to the K. N. E. A. for the opportunity to repre-
sent it in this meeting. The addresses of the president, Walter N. Rid-
dley, and others of national reputation were inspiring and instructive.

The enrollment, as announced up to July 20, 1946, was 9735. 0:
11111": numher Alabama had enrolled: 40’7"! and Kenmcky 180. Though
Kentucky‘s number was far ahead of several states, it was flax 'heloW
too many. As your representative, I stated on the floor in one of the
meetings, ‘Kentucky has the honor of having one of the 'best state
associations in the nation and; the K. N. E. A. is very mnxch interested
in the National Association and the improvement of education in
the nation. Our enrolhnent must be greatly increased for next year."

The American Teachers Association is rendering a unique service
for the race in the nati n and the K. N. E. A. must assume a greater
proportion in its activ ies.

As 1 can recall; 1, Mrs. W. o. Nuckalls, Miss Alberta Abstain, Mrs.
Emma 13. Bennett, Mrs. Ora K. Glass, Mrs. M. J. Hitch, Mk3. Lucy
Earth Smith, and Mrs. Maymie L. Copeland and some ladies repre-
sentimg hhe Parent—Teachers were attending the meeting from Ken-

Your servant served on the Resolution {Committee and nominated
Mrs. Lucy Earth Smith for a member of the Board of Trustees M15
Smith was elected. ’Mrs. Minnie J. Hitch, Kentucky State College,
remains Regional Fm’s Secretary and Kentucky’s Secretary. Mrs.
Hitch has attempted to enroll a large munber of K. N. E. A. members
in the A. T. A. It will 'be giving, not only, too little support be Mrs.
Hitch but too little support to our cause in the K. N. E. A. and the


 A. Tl A. if we fail to enroll in both of these associations.

Let me urge all to enroll.

The following points for the consideration and suggestions of
distal/C15 have been presented to respective presidents:

ll Effort to plan Departmental meetings that wrul aver-lap less,
and probably combine some during Lundh ‘Hour.

1A5 andbjecfive to run throughout theiK. N. E. IA. Annual Pm-
gm “A Study of Om Activities in Educational {Elfiorts and National
Educational Activities,” through main addresses:

a. Kentucky's activities through an addrw by our Supervisor,
W. M Young, who will give critical analysis and recom-
mendatiom on conditions as he finds them in the state.

b. Address lyy_ the president or some one representing the
A. T. A.

c. At least one other state association representatilve.

d. some N. .A. A. C. P. representative.

e. Representative oi National Negro Business League.

5. Some one representing the Genaml Social Trends. A Find~
ings Committee of five persons whose duty shall be to make
report recommending what should be stressed by teachem
throughout the coming year (which may he taken from
this series of addresses). This report Shall ‘ae read to and
approved by the K. N. E. \A.

3‘ Plan to have eaoh District President to take the lead in selling
the spirit at a bigger and better K. N. E. A. through early enrollment
and through an increased enrollment fee that will enable the KNEA.
to live and walk in keeping with other State Amciafions.

4. Plans for the K. N. E. A. to enroll as many as possible in the
A. T. A. and develop greater representation in the A. ’l‘. A. regional
and national meetings.

5. Discuss proposed N. E. A. Constitution Revision.

6. Discuss the feasi ty of attempting to interest the teachers of
the state to attempt to mouse the Negmu to group themselves in
every locality where the population is sufificiently large and start
some type of work that will give ocuupafion to the largest possible
number. This wbuld be an efifiort to help meet post war conditions.





"The K. N. E. IA. from 1187’! to the Present,” a monograph compiled
and edited by H. C. Russell, Resident of West Kentucky Vocational
Training School, and a past president of the K. N. E. A., is just oif
press. This authentic production, basal on the official minutes of the
Association and personal recollections of the author, condenses in 60
pages significant trends in Magma education, comments on contribu-
fians of educational leaders, and has pictures of alll past presidents
and secretaries of the organization.

The booklet makes excellent reading, is reasonably priced and
Should be in like library of every Kentmfky teaahet.



President W. O. Nuclml’ls annmmoes the following committees, to
serve during the 11947 convention of the Association.

Legislative: [FL C. Russell, Ohainman; H. E. Goodies, Charles ‘W.
Anderson, C. B. Nuckolls, R. B. Atwood, S. L. Barker, W. H. Hum.
ph’rey, J. A. Matthews, Mrs, Hortense Young, G. D. Wilson, .7. M.
Tydings, E. ’W. WEI-Reside, H. R. Merry, Jacob H. BTW.

Resolutions: G. W. Jackson, Chairman; Miss Clara Clelland, Mrs.
'llheda VanInWe,_ Ma‘s. Hellen 0. Nutrkolls, A. R. Lasley, E. 3. Mc—
Claskey, Charles Payne, -'W. L. Shellie, HIC. Mathis.

Research: Whitney M. Young, Ohaimnan;B. W. Doyle, P. L. Guthrie,
H. C. Russell, G. W. Adams, R. L. Bowery, R. B. Atwood, O. M.
Travis, A. W. Green,

Auditing: M. J sleet, Chairman, G. W. Parks,'L. L. Sptadlflng

Nemlagy: C. A. Liggin, Chairman; Mrs. Pearl Patton, J. W. Wad~
del, "11115. M O. Strauss, Mrs. M. E. Kelh‘s.

'fluxal and Smaller Urban Schoals: H'. E. Goodloe, Chaim-lamli
B. Kirkwoad, L. B. malevy, N S Thomas, E. R Hampton. E. T
Buford, (1G Merritt, Mrs. Luay Hath Smith.

Program im- Higher Learning: R. B. Atwood, Claimants; B. W.
Doyle, E, ’W. Whitside, H. C, Russell, 'W. M. Young, M. B. Lanier,
F. L. Stanley.

Vocational Offerings and Roads: H. C. Russell, chairman; W. H.
Story, J. T. Williams, W. M. Young, James Wilson, T. H. McNeil,
{Paul P. Watson, A. J. Pinkney, B. 'W, ‘Etowne.

Revision of Constitution: W. H. Perry, J12, ClhaiItnan; S. L. Barker,
-Mrs. M. O. Strauss, W. H. Humphrey, E. T. Ward, H. C. Mathis,'fl.
L. Lalwery, Mrs. Lucy Hank Smith, Mrs. Jewell R. Jackson, G. W.
Parks, W. L, Shnbe, R. L. Dowel-y.


A study of the plant, program, enrollment, personnel and financial
sum of Kmhueky State College, as a bask for planning its tum
development. requwteti by Resident R. B. Atwood, and conducted by
versity of Kentucky. has been cmnpleted.

The summary of the committee’s report states: “After a careful
study of the work of Kentueky State College the committee is con—
vinced that the institution is rendering excellent service ’ to the
Negroes at Kentucky. Its most serious needs at the present time are
additional buildings for aMnEtratiou and instrumion, additional
tunds for instructional purposes, and more adequate housing in?
its student body. The institution has used well the money appropri-
ated to it by the General Assembly of Kentucky.

“The committee recommends that the budget of the institution be
inureased in order to meet the needs of the students wlbo will be
arriving in eva- incteasing numbers in the immediate future."


 THE momma cam-mum

Liberia, organized as a republic on July 26, 184”, is making ex-
tensive preparation {or the celebration of its one hundmd/th anni-
vmuy as a. sova'eizgn nation. Plans are well under way tor its
“Centennial and Victory Exposition,” to he held in Monrovia, the
mini city, 1947 through 184%. The exposition will present the pro«
grass and development of the democracy in Africa over the span of a
century, and will give a unified and cmmprehensive yicture of Liber-
inn planning designed to conform with other progressive peoples of
the world to adhieve a sustained worm peace based. on cooperation.
minimal understanding and progressive enteipnise.

Native exhibits will be presented in Mime, transportation and
cmnmunic tion, industrial art and handiuatis and special govern-
ment exfh its—social, economic, political! planning, historic and com-
memorative presentations. Cultivation of international goodwill and
develment of cultural relations are motives which will be reflected
in native exhibits. Exhibits of foreign countries are also being ar-
ranged and movision will he made for trade contacts and: to stim-
ulate exahange of ideas of mutual interest and value.

The Republic of Liberia is an outgrowth of a colony founded by
the American Colonization Society in W.‘ Her government is
modeled alter that of the United States of America. Her persistence
is reflected: in the words of one of the pioneers, Elijah Johnson, who
said, in the midst of battle to hold newly settled termitm-y, ‘Tor two
long years have I sought a home; here lmve -I found one, and here
will I remain.”

Located on the West African coast, southeast of British Sierra
Leone, wast of the French Ivory Coast and south of French Guinea,
Liberia covers an area of about 43,000 square miles (considerably
Linger than the combined: areas of Holland and Belgiwn), and: ex-
tends inland 200 mfles with a 350 mile coast line on the Atlantic
Ocean. Her population of approximately 2,500,000 is divided politi-
cally into tlu‘ee large provinces, five countia and! one territory.

The name Liberia was chosen because it denotes a settlement of
persons made free. 'llhe capital city, Monrovia. was named in honor
at American President Monroe, who had been instrumental in en-
couraging the colonization movement. The oantny’s Dedxration of
Independence reads, in part:

"-We, the people of the Republic of Liberia, overt originally the in;

”The idea of Liberia was born as a result of deli/hemfiom of the
American Colonization Society, whioh was organized in Washington,
D. C. in mm. Dining almost a century of activity in promoting the
interests at Liberia, the society stimulated the creation of more than
two hundred mm and auxiliaries in twenty-three states of
M11131: number twenty-nine were located in Kentucky, and sponsored
911% of the developtnent of Lilbm‘ia in West Afrim by American
mos who went 1mm thirty-two states and the District of Co-




 habitants of the United Stalks a! Nor-Eli Annex-lea. The western com
of Africa was selected. by Almer-im benevolence and philanthropy to:
our future home. Removed beyond: those influences which depressed
us incur native land,itwasth)ed welwouM-be albleto endow those
rights and privileges which the God at nahmxe has given us in common
with the rest of mankind.

‘Therefore, in the name of humanity, and virtue, and religion; in
the name of the Great God, our omnmon creator and our common
judge, Wle amen! to the nations at GhL-n‘stendom, and earnestly and
respeotmlly ask them, that they will regand us with the sympathy
and fmiendly mnsidenation, to which the peculiarities of our con-
difinn entitle us, and extend to m that wmity, wfhlioh marks the
firiendly intercourse of civilized and independent communities."

Liberia is easily accessible to all parts of the world by air and- sea
travel, and many thousands at people are expected to amend the
exposition. 'Ilhe trade and other buildings which will house it were
desiaed and are being canstmrcted under the direction ocf Hillyani
Robinson, carpdbl‘e (Negm) architect, of Washington. D. 0., who is
also Ted-mica! Director of the project. Moss H. Kendrix is Public
Relations Ofificelr.

=Att meeting held in Washington/D. C. last July 26, and attended
by the K. N. E. .A. secretary as the official representative of the
Governor of Kentucky, the following resoumfion was adopted:

“We, the representatives appointed by the governors of several
states of the United States of America and the accredited delegates
of local, state and national organizafiom, now assembled in Waslr
lnagfan. D. C., hereby endorse the proposed Centennial and Victory
Exposition of the Republic of Liberia to be held in 1947-1949 and
pledge our support and recmnlmend that the several states and or-
ganizations participate in said exposition through representations
and exhibits."

(The occasion of the Liberian Centennial offers excellent motiva-
tion for a study of that interesting nation. It routs having been in
the United States of Amerioa, every American should be familiar
with its history, and take pride in its achievements. 'llhe next issue
of the K, N. E. A. Journal will give inflammation which may be useful

to teachers).


Prof. William H. Penny, Sn, flourthl ,presidem, of the K. N. E. An
and also one of its early seaetmies, passed away at lite home of his
daughter, Mrs. Sara P. Qmillin, October 13, 1944?. Born in Mattoon.
lJJrinois, trained in the elementany schools of Tom‘s Helm, Indiana.
and graduated from Central High School, Louisville, in 1877, he began
teaching in the Louisville Public Schools at the age of L6, the Bofll‘d
of Ec’vucation having suspended the rules to make this possible. In
1927 he completed fifty years of service in that system, the last
thirty-five having been Spent as prinicipal at Western School, "Six-


 womb and Magazine” Streets, in which new educational ideas —
kindergarten, manual training, organized play, nutrition classes —
were given early “try-outs." Previously he had been principal of
we Eastern (now 13. T. Washington) School. Trained at the University
oi Chicago and at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass, he was wfll known as
a scholar, linguist and poet.

He Was a graduate or! the Illinois Medical School and the first
Negmo to pass ”he