xt7zcr5nd189 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nd189/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-06-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 11, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 11, 1987 1987 1987-06-11 2020 true xt7zcr5nd189 section xt7zcr5nd189   




UK golfers drive into first NCAA
tournament appearance.

Kentucky Knlere


Page 4.




Equine Center opens

UK President Otis A. Singletary presents a


Maxwel H. (5in Center for Equine Research.
For story see Page 8.

'~'- 3 L; as S DED'CATED
' 'r? ItiHORY




RFL needs funding, receives license


also receive «0.000 in capitalization
grantsfrorn UKand lesingtonifthe
station raises its share (1 the went-
im Met by July 1.

UK and Lexir'tm will continue to
match RFL‘s finding in) to 815.0!»
for the follow“; two years.

Despite its need for money. RFL‘s
licensirg makes its staff optimistic.

On May It, the Federal Cornmu~
nications Commission granted a lie

a ‘ sta-

The redo station will
have an effective tread-


" '9!
said Scott Permian.
rum: parts-at msnaper.

“We are no linger sim-
ply a team. We are a
ratio station, as much

Members of WRV'U's staff showed
Urch, Ferguson, program director
Mark Beaty, mmic director Rhea
Perkins and production manager



“We are no longer
simply a dream. We
are a radio station, as
much as WKQQ."
Scott Ferguson,
Ill-”L’s general manager
Jack Kirk their erpriprneru and fa-
cility layout. 1hey amwered «pes-
tions about their station’s setup, in-
cludir; those about trainirg,
buttetirg and organization.

"They shared tips they learned
from experience that will help in in
our day-today operation," said

DePalma’s “The Untouchables” tackles Ca-
pone legend in an exciting fashion. Page 6.


JUNI l ‘591'


UK officials review
offer for insurance


UK officials were given an offer
last week from an imurance firm
that if accepted would provide liabil-
ity insurance for about 11,000 Uni-
versity faculty and staff who have
gone uncovered for about 11/: years.

The premium quoted by the insur-
ance company is good for so days,
but the University wants to settle
the issue as “quickly as possible,"
said Bruce Miller. director of em-
ployee benefits and risk manage-

The insurance policy is now being
reviewed by UK's legal coumel, said
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for

Both Milla- and Blantm said they
are “liigtily optimistic” tint the Uni-
versity will inve liability insurance
ft" its faculty and staff within about

Until then both said they would
not name the company that made
the offa- nor will they discus the

Recently the Uraves'sity has been

Limited and University Risk Man~
agement and lmurance Msociation,
Miller said.

But URMIA. a company located in
Tennessee now being turned by a
group of colleges and universities.
money that state law requires to sell
liability insurance, Blanton said.

SCUUL is a for-«profit, cosnpany lo-
cated in Bermuda in order to avoid
US. laws regulating the sale of in-
surance. Miller said. SCUUL only
underwrite imurance policies for
universities, colleges and schools.

The University of Louisville re-
cently purchased liability insurance
from SCUUL for $72,335 in April for
a one-year policy. said hank
Briggs, U ofL's risk manager.

That price. however, does not
mean UK’s rs'ernium will be similar
became the schook’ are clfferent in
sizeandclaims lista'y, Briggs said.

Among the item the Uriversity is
lookim for in an immnce policy is

coverage as we can to make are
that we cover all of our faculty and

Other items the Uliversity is
looking for in an nuance policy.

See INSURANCE. Page ll

Room and board rates
increase by 4 percent



Dinercard users. who Vice Chanr
cellor for Administration Jack Blane


- mmthinlmandwiilnowpayuls

per month.
Efficiency apartments at Coopers-

Sce INCREASE. Page 9

 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL,Thursday.June11, 1987

Roselle impresses Med Center staff


I'K President—select David P.
Roselle's personable demeanor
makes him seem more like a co»
worker than an administrator. say
workers in the AB Chandler Medi-

“iMeeting with Rosellei was rath-
er like talking to the individuals I
work with every day than the presi-
dent of the University." said Alan
Kaplan. an associate dean in the
College of Dentistry.

Faculty. staff and students at
this Medical Center said they were
struck by the president-selects con-
genial personality and willingness to
listen to their concerns when they
met with him last week as he toured
the L'niverSity‘s Medical Center

His nsit left a lasting impression
on Medical Center personnel. said
Peter Bosomworth. chancellor for
the UK Medical Center.

“He gave morale here a tremen-
dous boost." Bosomworth said.

“The faculty felt positive about his
willingness to listen His personal-
ized approac.. w. t.. people usually
leaves them feeling very good about
the exchange. " he said.

Medical Center personnel were not
the only ones satisfied with the ex

“It's been really interesting. It‘s
been a wonderful week. I've learned
a lot and met a lot of nice. dedicated
people." Roselle said.

”The program was very well or-
chestrated by Dr. Bosomworth and
his staff." he said.

Roselle, who was selected to serve
as UK's ninth president on March 3.
spent all last week touring the Medi~
cal Center.

During the week. Medical Center
officials tried to provide Roselle
with a “very comprehensive over-
view" of that sector of the Universi-
ty. Bosomworth said.

a m .

UK President-select David P, Roselle works on a computer in
the College of Dentistry last week as he toured the Medical




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Working from about i am. until
about 9 or 10 each night. Roselle was
taken to everything from “birth to
death" in the hospital.

One afternoon. Roselle made
rounds with cardiologists Last Mon-
day moi ning. the new president suit-
ed up in a surgical outfit and ob
served brain surgery. Bosomworth

While observing the surgery.
Roselle had the opportunity to see
neurosurgeon Byron Young demon-
strate laser surgery.

“I think he appreciated the oppor-
tunity ito observe the surgeryi."
Bosomworth said. “He seemed very
comfortable in the operating room. "

Roselle said he left the Medical
Center impressed with its faculty
and fascinated by some of its ong-
oing research projects.

“There are some faculty who are
doing some absolutely outstanding
things." Roselle said.

What Roselle said he was most
impressed with. however. was the
Medical Center's ability to repro-
duce the image of a human heart for
study on a computer screen through
the process of computer enhanced

”It‘s absolutley terrific.” he said.
"That‘s very exciting for me, That
really is exciting. These guys are
doing things that are really gomg to
change the way we do medical pro-

Those who met Roselle were im-
pressed by not only his endurance in
the workplace. but also by his abili-
ty to remember detail.

"I‘m amazed at the man‘s stami-
na." said Diana Weaver. associate
hospital director and director of
nursing for the Medical Center.

“He looked as fresh. attentive and
responsive to people at the end of
the day as he was at the beginning,"
she said.

Weaver noted particularly his
ability to recall facts and apply
them to a variety of occasions.

“He has an incredible memory to
remember details and remember




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 SGA president starting
to put ideas into action

Managing Editor

UK Student Government Associa-
tion President Cyndi Weaver says
she‘s playing a whole new game.

“Anything is possible." she said.
"and we'll be trying new things,“

So far Weaver's new game plans
include a change in budget and for»
mation or renovation of three come
mittees: minority affairs. academic
affairs and community affairs

The budget process. Weaver said.
has been simplified and is “indicar
tive of an attitude I formed from
many years in the senate."

Brad Dixon. SGA executive vice
president. concurs with Weaver's
budget changes.

“It was a great thing to change
that budget." he said. "It was mis~
leading and people were able to pass
out thousands of dollars freely with
that budget."

Also new in the budget is a $4.500
increase for office supplies The $8.»
000 total is due to planned office ren-
ovations. The work. Weaver said.

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Will include carpeting. chairs and
some plants.

Susan Bridges. SGA senior vice
president. said the renovation is not
only needed but will help SGA‘s repr

“We hope to make it more open
and friendlier." she said. "and a
more pleasant place to come into "

Weaver's committee renovations
reflect what she says is needed on
the UK campus.

Minority affairs. which was part
of an SGA committee last year. will
become a committee under Wea\
er's administration.

(‘ommunity affairs was created to
act as a kind of good will organiza
tion to work with philanthropic pro
jects and to improve the SGA
image. Weaver said.

"It's kind of PR work for us." she
said. "It's something productive and
posttive, And people are always call,
ing for help with stuff like that ”

Academic affairs. Weaver said. is
her “niche” and she would like to
see SGA put a lot work into it.

“I'd like to see a major emphasis



on academic policy and on working
with the tiniversity Senate Councd."
she said.

"other groups can bring speakers
and do other services Our job is
more than just bringing Dr Ruth to

However, the SGA interim senate
allocated $7,000 at its May 2? meet-
ing to bring Coretta Scott King. the
wife of slain cml rights leader Man
tin Luther King Jr. to campus dur-
ing Black History Month in Feb»

Academics is also a concern for
Dixon and he said he has many of

Sec SGA, Page 8


KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. June 11. 1987 - 3
Dixon trying to compromise,
work together on SGA team

Managing Editor

Split tickets in government are
often troublesome. and with the cur-
rent SGA administration it‘s appar
ent why

SGA Executive Vice President
Brad Dixon. who did not run on
President (‘yndi Weaver and Senior
Vice PreSident Susan Bridges cam~
paign ticket. says he's being over
looked in SGA action and is unsure
of his role and duties

“It does feel like I‘m getting shut
out a little." he said “My role .s not
really clear yet "

The trouble. Dixon said, started
when Weaver made decisions on
committee chair candidates without
discussing it with him

“It may have been a communica
tion problem," he said “We were
supposed to get together on deer
sions for committee directors to be
approved by the senate "

Weaver presented the list of t‘illltll'
dates at the May 13 SGA interim
senate meeting. where Dixon said he
first learned of it He responded by
reminding the senate they could look

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over the list and contest any ap»

“It got a little but that night."
Dixon said. "But we talked about it
and we both agreed that there were
mistakes on both sides We realize
we‘ve got to compromise "

Weaver said she recognizes the
problems between heisell’ and Dixon
and is Willing to compromise

“We have our moments of dlII-lt‘ul'
ty." she said "I hope to get through
all the trials before the semester

starts But I feel confident we can
work out a good working

The tension between Weaver and
Dixon has not gone unnoticed in the
senate SGA Senator at Large
James ltose said. “the senate mem-
bers do see that there are some
things they need to work out ”

Rose also said that a solution does
need to be found and acknowledges
that Weaver and ”mm are working
on that.

“Brad and (‘yndi are coming from
two different backgrounds and have
never worked together." he said,
"They are trying to merge things.
and it‘s definitely on its way. "

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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. June 11. 1987


Jim ws.ite
Sports Editor


Golfers compete in NCAA tourney for first time

Contributing Writer

The NCAA golf tournament is
being played this week. and for the
first time in its history. UK will send
a team to compete in the prestigious

This Wildcat squad is conSidered
to be the best team ever at UK; it
has won more tournaments in the
past year than any other team in
school history.

Five of UK‘s nine-man team was
chosen to make the trip to The Scar-
let Golf Course in Columbus. Ohio,
The Cats were paired against Tulsa
and Hartford College in the opening
round . yesterday.

The Scarlet is the home course of
the Ohio State University Buckeyes
and is considered to be the best enl-
legiate golf course in the nation, It
has been the site of the tournament
seven times, most recently in 1980.

“The course is long and tough."
Coach Tom Simpson said. “The
rough will be six inches deep."

Practice rounds were held on
Monday and Tuesday and competi-
tion began yesterday. The field is
cut to the low 20 teams, and any in-
dividual within 15 strokes of the
leader. after the first 54 holes

For a team playing in the tourna-
ment for the first time in its 90—year
history. just making the cut would

be an accomplishment in itself.

“If we putt well and don‘t make
any bad breaks. we‘ll make the cut.
Thats our goal," Simpson said.

"We‘re capable of being well in
the top 20," Simpson said. "Maybe
it‘s too much to ask of two sopho-
mores and a freshman. but they've
had lots of tournament experience,"

Freshman Greg Lehmann is con-
sidered to be the best first-year
player at UK since Simpson arrived
seven years ago. The two sopho—
mores are Steve Flesch, who re-
ceived Southeastern (‘onference sec-
ond-team honors, and Olen Grant.
Simpson said Grant could be the

“If Olen can have a good tourna-
ment. we‘ll be in good shape.” he
said. “He‘s a super player. “

Senior Jeff Quammen will provide
the experience needed in the tourna-
ment. along with L'K‘s No, 1 player.
junior captain Bill Lundeen. an Aca-
demic All