xt7zcr5nd164 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nd164/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1985 1985 1985-11-26 2020 true xt7zcr5nd164 section xt7zcr5nd164 ————————————————————————————————————____—____———______________,
H I .
Vol. XC, No. 37 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 19'" Tuesday. November 26, was ' ' I.
-______________._______________—____________——_———————————————- . .
59 k'll d E ' ' 4
passengers 1 e ..= --. « ~ ngineermg .. - -~
. .l": . ‘ , "'I-‘IfI, ‘ . , I" . I"
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as Egyptian troops - » . m professor I...
' - . - Itftfp'I, ' ‘
storm hijacked 'et ‘ ' ‘- gets award '4"
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By JOHN WINS MILLER every 15 minutes unless the aircraft . . , i ,. ”If“: Leon [CSLIfleS .5 ‘ “i it“?
Associated PreSs was refuelcd They did not say . I ’ . fist? . I’ '.’I It'z'i .4};
where they wanted to go from ' . '5" . f ..,‘I ,I'.- 'v "-'I'.I ,

" VALLE'I'I‘A. Malta ~ Egyptian Malta before (:0ngresS . .~ fifth-’11;
commandos stormed a jetliner to Officials said the hijackers made .1 - . t I, if?“ . Ifl'f.’
avert a massacre by its hijackers. no demands other than that the ‘ p , . ' '. r . , . “i'f‘lv.

.I who responded with fire grenades planeberefueled . ' big," '9 T'HR‘“ R‘" "Hm“ . j 157.}
that turned the plane into a blazing Other survivors included seven ’ Skins. t . t,on.ributing “m” .I‘ x;‘ f .‘VI’i-‘I
coffin for scores of 'ssen ers. le wounded by the hi'ackers ; 7‘: _ . 9,1 T- "5"
Egyptian and Maltese (iffiicialsgsaid fit): of those had been shotJ execu- ‘v I T ' '_ M” h” erk publicizing cones-rib " 5'6I 1'
yesterday tionstyle. officials said Another of , "H i H about pension fund“ for ”12an" ~‘. ;_'

Nine of the 39 ictims were chi!» the wounded. an Egyptian security ‘ - . Bf‘njamm 1’9”" ha} "WW“ m" m“ . at, " {‘1 i"
dren ()ne of the five ht" k r4 . . uard was shot durin a unfi ht I I henlut'ky clei'trlial engineer to he 'I I . , I f
Jacessurg . g g g , ., i_...i

Vived the assault iii the Egyptair jet with the hijackers before the com— “‘5"de m" Utf‘mm ”t ”Mr”. m .‘
and underwent surgery at a hospi- mandos boarded the plane. officials the m““.‘”“‘ m ”WNW” “n" H” . f " ' " ”r ’1‘
tal. said Paul Miz'sud. the Maltese said Ironics Engineers I i' . ‘2‘ " 3
government spokesman Rescue workers removed 58 bod- . A5 chairman ”' an mm)?" W“ '-I- . {IQ}? -.‘
Egypt blamed the hijacking on re- its from the aircraft Mifsud said a . ‘ "on C."m""””° “W“ I” "'m h“ ',‘-I‘. .; ' ,r ,
negade Palestinians working for an Filipino passenger died in a hospital I. fore I( (ingress on the si-U-l‘c won -I " ‘." . ‘7'". . I
Arab country it did not name. Gov» later of wounds suffered in the bat- t. ' ' i ; cem“ ”’9‘” pew“ “NM “WU" . 7 5 . , '
ernment sources in (am) said the tle between the commandos and the ' ”"79”“ he “M . 7‘
country was Libya. Egypt's neigh- hijackers Lnder current laws .ir'. engineer Z A A:
mrandarchrival He said the government was . mu"! ““5 “‘m m" “‘7‘" “”‘Per L'=' .‘- ‘ < :_

' In Moscow. the offiCial Soviet 'deeply sorrowed” by the deaths of , for I” “a” "‘ AIM“ Wn’w‘” hm“ ' I " ’ I
news agency. Tass. said Libya den- innocent people. but "when we real» ' “L“ the aierage iength "1 ”I.“ ”m1 i . - ‘ , ‘3
ied involvement lt quoted Ali Aha ized they would go on shooting ipeo- J 5 neers spend m .‘m" «'m' “ ”m“ ""8" " . ‘ 3' ;'.'
dussalani Treiki. the Libyan foreign plea there was no choice but to go .’ 1". yeai‘s. LN” 5““ . 1-‘ -I . , ‘ . 1'
minister. as saying his country ahead“w'ith the assault 3' ‘_..I ‘. Four citations ”: mm” ”‘N' “W“ ' ~ . 1
"condemns the latest seizure of hos- Officials said 98 people. including ’4; presented during "a”: ”f m" '- ' I ~ '-
tages as all seizures of hostages in six crew members. were on the v * .,a:’ / 333m" three “A“? "II "312W?” a '- 1‘; T"
general " plane when it was hijacked Saturday ll , " ' . ' ‘ ‘3th have that the; \k“: L" a”)?! '. ‘. . , 1‘" .

The commandos stormed aboard night . q ‘ ‘ 'r 9 gmcrnmcnl iiI atIli'riiuiing mat I‘ .' ' . i
the plane Sunday night. 24 hours The ['5 state Department ldt’ml4 f": . ~ m” that dfmhfl‘trw M’ m“ .' i W 4.
after the hijackers commandeered tied the dead American as Scarlett I, i 3 . neering “‘ done “" {niprmv "H ' ' ’; . .’.
the Boemg 737 on a flight from Marie Rogenkamp. 38. a Civilian , ‘ ,_ 9"“ng “1‘1“”me “”"I , _ g , ’ -,
Athem. Greece. to Cairo and forced l' 5 Air Force employee stationed I , I ’mde mm“ m" ‘I‘mh'fnfl “‘ I hI' . i * . x
it down at l,uqa Airport on this {tied in Greece She was from Oceanside. I, . t 1‘90" “1”“ P‘W‘T’“: I" “n" "Vim“ ' ~ .~ . “ E I'
iterranean island The gunmen (‘alif \ ‘ ’ m” ”f the ”hmu‘c‘ [ \ "M“ . ~
killed an American passenger before President Reagan sent the Mal» t I ities Board publications . ' , I ‘. ‘.
the assault and threw her body from tese government a message "in I’m)" hi” ”Wm. "“1"" p 3‘9““ ‘ Ii .. ‘ -‘
the plane which he expressed his thanks for z. \t 3“ edll()f"ln-(‘hl£‘f "If 9““ Pm" '_ 4 ‘ ‘ . .
The Pigl'ptian government said it the firm stand taken by the Maltese i 5 I” that. 1‘9”" “M ""p‘”? M" d 7 i- 'x g .
sent the commandos in to avert a government."!\fifsud said. ‘ \\ newsletter Wf'Imrf'U‘m "ha“ge‘ m '. " ‘ . , . "
massacre It claimed the passengers Gala]. and co-pilot Emad Bahev i i ”SI format h" ‘Ian’l'mw‘ ‘[ 1m” a
died as a result of the phasphorous said the hijack leader kept a gun . ‘ ' magazine . ’ I i . ‘.
grenades thrown by the gunmen. trained on them in the cockpit He ' ln “mm” P‘W‘VWY‘”: “hI'Vh “I -' ', I‘ f
and that none was killed by the as would announce that he was gomg to . “"““”° ‘°"“' W“ 1’9”“ ‘mmed . ff hr‘m“ m“ “ 1“ ~ , _- ». I‘ _‘ -
saiilttroops kill someone. they said. then leave Llnear load delivered to ll-.l~.f. :i'ieiiiners inside I . I- .
the cockpittochoose his \‘lCIlm. I; Jan‘tmt‘f"I ”I" (:‘mnwfnfiiprxlrl‘ " . ~ . , . ‘
Ham Galal. the pilot. said at a The leader sin led out Americans . . . g '3' 1' “-T‘ ‘-’ "f i' "‘»" l“ . l ' ' -' '.
news conference that the hijackers and Israelis "figir execution." the :Zzgrefiveogzgko; $2222): 33:52:"; a “2:299 tberLconstrIuction TI'te r("Ken'lY- The bU'ld'"9 WI“ nalistshesaid . - . I ’. .
told him they would kill a passenger pilot MM » 9- 0 00 _n- e exmg on s to est of 30 stories. Before his involvement with these .. .' I
two publications Leon edited a tech- I. > « . _
nical engineering magavine from I ' . ,
o . 196769 .. .; . .
Radlo Free ex [1 t f . . . Leon also has l‘fi'f‘llt‘ti the ”Cliff's . ,' ’ .’ ';" .
L 1 g 0“ orum see 8 pu 1c opinion —. »
He will be presented with his cita '_ . - I. I' 'I
By KHIBFRIYS‘ISK Th . . . l d I , tion at the southeastern Regional I. ‘ I‘ . ’
Staff Writer ' ‘ - ter. f3 representatives lnCIU e A new staiion would "not be a kernel article as saying the station About 33o people attended Radio (‘onterence oi [EEK in late March I I = : -.‘,'
L rch. Pam Bratcher. the organiza- change from what we have which would be open to playing everything Aid. and 130 people responded to her in Richmond Va f I. . ' I '
Radio Free chmgton will hold [\‘ims Sfcrgtgrhfidagd FTImbel‘S Theo is great this would be an added from classical to Jazz. Top to. new column in the Kerrie! about a new He is "well known within elw'ri» - I, .I- I.
forum tonight to learn how studenta' ‘ 1):?“ if“ t ta“ ‘I‘C e th St d t dimension. IIsaid I an] Hayden, SAB music. reggae and hardcore “It s campus radlhslailtfll. l’rch said cal engineering Pr'llt’5\l ”a. W1 abuse 1970. said his emphasis is on deter- .. .
But then you probably never ex- “~ 5 II) N. I Since coming to l'K in 1977. Sulli» mining the extent and consequences
pected to see baklava. New York ~—- . van said he has concentrated on tea- of alcohol and drug abuse in the pop
cheesecake and exotic coffm in the . ‘3 i. ching and treating individuals with ulation Ul'u m .- captured the dou— .
Wildcat Grill.either. - - substance abuse problems. "We don‘t know how many people Nu m for the 30W)“ in Indoor .
The new Student Center coffee Gal/m" sald {"0“ 0‘ hls experi- have alcOhOI and drug problems." W,, in ”mm (3., rm ‘
shop — located next to the. ice ence has been in the field of re- Clayton said “Nobody"s ever donea them,sum.me2.
cream counter in the grill — has search l ha II study on thestatewide level.
only been open a. week, but students Gov. ll art Layne (‘0 ins ap- “I want to help provide the state ”ha-u“. m is mm
have apparently already gotten the nnoiiimuimsou Iormlsrato stint: "I‘thm to WICIOUHCIlsl in :32) with a bettiIer iIiIgdcrsttIagding ogIhow 1: sensitive. whih the W
messa e. . . . . . o r €C0unCl is a -me r man e ve 9 r0 ems i .
Robegrt Braun. assistant director Monica Lavvheod, a nurstng iunior, buys a piece of cheesecake ot citizens advisory body. which re- and )ilt'li'aey‘ihese problems are." he WWFéTtmgz‘Im;
0‘ food services. said. "Considering the bakery in the StudentCenter yesterday. ports to the Kentucky Cabinet for said “Until we know this. we can't m M; one ”VERSIONS.
it hasn't been publicly announced. Human Resources on programinn effectively and efficiently treat ”3‘
the response has been overwhelm- take an afternoon break. eat a pas- ing from cappucmo to chocolate al- mental health. mental retardation these problems H . .
ing." try and dnnkacupofcoffee." mond. are served in elegant almond and substance abuse. . Clayton said he ‘5 also interested
Richard Clark. manager of the Most of the baked goods are pur- plastic mugs for 45 to as cents The Sullivan w‘" . serve for three ‘" finding out how many 9°09"? have
Wildcat Grill. said. “We sell a loaf chased from Del Coto's in Zlndale elaborate gold and copper coffee “’3'5' “8?” “i"‘servefmme ”0‘“ 5mm“ 8W“ 3"? mm
and a half of banana and pumpkin Shopping Center and the coffees machine gives that de ngeur whiff 80‘." “M the" background work "Oblemsi 3 5mm.” he 5°", ‘5 “9°
breads a day For Christmas and from John Conti Gourmet Coffee in of European cafes. “1" influence the" 30315 as mem- ”53"." ‘0 deter mine proper "‘9‘" m .g 5. non], M “ .
Thanksgiving. the bakery will have Louisville. There are several dozen varieties hers ofthecouncil "m“ j I. we a m, 1".
special seasonal lhills?» that they‘ll “hie dayold sweet rolls and tum- 0' pastry. The bakiava -, with lay» “One of the issues I'm very con- an... in iii: in: It. ran.
mm, . . . . overs arssold 8‘ a much reduced 9'3 0f “‘0 leaves. nuts and a sugar cerned about . . . is the availability Clayton is currently involved in . iii-m- on in ii to pau-
“11“5 '5 the first timeIIwe V9 had. a 9““? and If you want the taste 0‘ es- 9““ that 1‘3“” your hands drip of treatment and services for low-in— 3W0 nationwide studies. (he is I 10- .i i . it III a! In I“
{911-le bakery me, Bram ““1 presso. youIcan sprinkle cinnamon pins — costs 3125. the cheesecake. come perm who have problems year followup study of the lons- it all sou-I in up up
It is a way of reachirg out to poo «chocolate inIyourregularcoffee. 90 cents; cream horns and chess with alcohol and (ii-“85‘" Sullivan term effects of chronic marijuana ””1"“? .‘~,
pie who normally would come to The “X “"9"” of coffees, I'll“ mm”uf"65°°ms- said. me. The study interviewed nearly .j

 2-KENTUCKYKERNEL Timothy, Novmzt, 19“
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Benson R lee ull of f t...1.....,.t....m.p 20
. , y p Team (Record) Last Week SIDEL'NES
. ' O 0 1 Penn StatelH-Oi 1 From Staff and AP Reports
» surprise doubles Victory W... ~----- »
. I1 3111311324an l) . 5
4 Oklahomaltirli . . .. ,. 9
» . . . H) KRIST‘IH’IIE.“ Rl SSE”) it was their quarterfinal match that s Auburnlti-Zi . , .. . 4 Wildcats duel With SilVCl’SWOl‘dS tonight
. '1 - Staff Writer opened a few eyes In that match. o Miamiti-‘la Hill) , , ,. . . . ‘
‘ . Benson and Rylee beat the .'\'o 1 ‘ l"ltirldalti-l 11 . .. ii ,. .. . . .
. .. L'K freshman tennis players Rich» seeds Andrew Burrow and Ste“. 8 Nehmum, I ._ . , , 1 The 1-0 “lldcals play the first at their two games in
' . , . ard Benson and Kenny “HIP? PUllf‘d Kennedy of Nilamlll—fi.6-i.63 9. Brighannoungloc; . .. . . 111 Hawaii tonight against Chaminade University in McCabe
, _ . . . off the biggest surprise oi the tall Rylee said the Victor) over But" 10. Arkansas 19721 . - ». - - -- - '3 Gym. The game will be broadcast bv WTVQ Channel 36 in
. . season Sunday as they won the dou- row and Kennedy was the turning 11 ~\11 Ftircelllrii . , . . 11 lexington beginning at 9 p in '
. ' , . bles title of the Region III Indoor pom! "After we knocked off the 1: Florida sumszi . . . , .. .. . 14 ' ' '
. ,. ~ Championshtpm “hem- “it No 1-seeded team we felt we could 1t Tennessecl’rlrll . . . . 19
I. - ’ . " If an} l'K team was expected to win “ 1-1 [St 1‘11) . I 15 . .
. ' ~ “in the vhampmnshipm. it “as Put In the semifinals Benson and if tiiuhtmsimt :1 . .. . . a Ransdell, Williams recover from surgery
’ ‘ . . “CG?“ and Greg Van Emhurgh. RIvlee won easily over Georgia's 16 Tcut sis-Mali . . . .. 20
‘ , _' winners oi two mahn‘ champlthhlPS T J Middleton and Steve Enochs ti- 1‘ T' ”11121 ~ 1 ' ' ' .. ‘ , - . - a ,
I . . .I , ”I” fall and the \o 4 seed in the 2.54% 121 ()‘l’lltiSlalclii . . . . . . 12 Ll\ JIuniorIIquarterback Bill Ransdell and senior defensive
\ I‘ . ,' mummmim 19 WNW“: H . . . . .. m end Brian Williams underwent successtul orthoscopic knee
. ~ 'y; 3 . However. the unseeded team oi This set up a final between the Hi 30 Bduomgly . . .. , . H, surgery yesterday at Central Baptist Hospital. trainer Al
‘ . ' . Benson and Rylee stormed through freshmen and the No 2 seeds. Ville Green said.
. I' ' the draw to win the prestigious JarLsson and Peter Jetxel of North Green said both players were scoped for cartilage dam-
": _” 5 ' " ' . e\ent eastern Lourstana Jansson and Jet I o . . . j , , _ I
' -"f ' , \\'1th the win. Benson. a name oi zel are ranked {\o iii in the nation UK women 4th In natlonals age in their left knees and returned [0 their dormitory
1‘ '1 ' 1' Ogden. l'tah. and itylee. a native of That seemed to motivate Benson rooms yesterday.
' ' ‘I Richardson. Texas. get air automat- and Rylee as they fought off two Staff reports Kansas State and Washington State
,» ‘ w . 1c berth to the National lndoor match points to win the match «Hi. 7- 227 iin' 244.1nd Penn State 253.
. " Championshipinllouston Feb 6710 5 H; The l'K women‘s cross country Volleyball team plavs last home meet
.' ' ' . - "I'm itMUl DFUU‘l ”1 Richard and team took fourth place yesterday at For the [K team. freshman Sher» ' ‘
.. ‘3 ' -' _' Kenny” l‘K coach Dennis Emery McGee and \‘an Emburgh ad- the NCAA (‘ross t‘ountr} rIv Hoover tittished 30th overall with , ”I . .. . _ . .
f " " . .- ' " said "They were Pld,"mt-’~ 0m) the" vaneed l" the {luar’i’l’f‘ndb bt‘for“ Championships at Marquette [hi :1 time til i" no The rest of the team bk 5 volleyball team, \‘thh “111*th third in the Smith-
. .' .‘ -. second tournament as a team and losing. versfly tinisheti as tolltms. Audrey Pierce. eastern Conference last weekend, takes on ()th State in its
', ; I I I they beat NU m the best teams m 34th. 1703. l’m‘ky Gallivan. 39th. last home meet of the season at 7:30 tonight in Memorial
. . , ' . thecountr} \‘an Emburgh advanced to the Sln‘ Wisconsin won the event with 58 17 13. Patricia l‘tidorno. 4151 17:16. Coliseum
,_. ‘. Benson and it) lee won their first gles quarterfinals and beat Burrow. points Rounding out the top 10 were Lisa Breuling. 25111. 17:30. Elisa '
-' ' - . two matches. including a three~set ranked No. 16 in the nation in at” Iowa State with 98 pomts. N (‘ State Frosim. mm 17 35;. and Lynn Segre
‘ ' “ ' . . ‘, match oxer Alabama's top team. but gles. inthe second round 103. Hi tits. Texas 143. l't'lA 2m. 11. 117m 18 27
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' ' ' O ' ' '
Pitchers of Bear $2.75 I I
Schnapps 75¢ I o I
”MW“. “Inflow”... 260-14" L Wm“°°""’ J

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KENTUCKY KERNEL raunchy, Norm”, 1'“ - 3
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Ans Edno:
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‘Tim’ a rowdy romp‘ ‘Pl‘all‘le’ 00 se 8' 1 _,
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Sim le Minds stumble , . ~ eatle exhibit 0 S _ ,, .-
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Bys'rl-3\'E[)R||-:SLER ' .. ,g } ms The \ssocialrd l’l‘e~~ llop ill the rock group s hometown oi ‘= '. ., , 'v

Staff Writer [.11 erpool the museum s owner \alti 5).}, ‘ ,
REVIEW ' ' n. f , a”. ‘ , . _ . (LAREMUN'I‘. ('alit Satirist pesterda) , :, .1 :‘J ' _..T
'fimTheReplacements — . ' Garrison Keilloi who turned lll\ \iiit-e ll opened in this eeononil 1! -‘ . ;'. 4, f; .
Sire/warn” Bros.Records -oon But alienated teens in search ‘ \ . American Puhlu' Radw humor mt“ mil} depressed port mt) In Apri. ”1;? 4 .1 1"
:fcult heroes take note _ o " P the ll‘sl-st'lllng hook 1.4m “I;?ri‘t"" mm the $2 9 million exhihition I. 5' f 1' .. 2'.

You‘ve got '0 love any .805 band Tim's two finest moments are in- \ ‘ 121m hasn't 11‘! h1> newttiutltt Flt‘hw called Beatle I‘ll} has faded 1.. .' 1;” .1 " f"
With the audacity ‘0 name an album dicative of the wide diversity in the " . cost him his humor make a profit and has drawn ti-w't :. 3. .5: {
Let It Be or sillv enough to name way the band approaches 1L5 sub- 1 - i ' "What will )ou do w hen the hook than Jill1ll|\'l\lltir\ according to its -,':"fi 1" 1‘. '11-! !
one Tim. You've just gotta. jects. ‘ ‘ stop selling” a reporter .rskt-tl hm. omier the independent radio \ldiltil 3,3,”. '. I ,‘L‘ "

()kav_ so The Replacements have “Waitress m the Sky." 3 r0“.d‘. ' c before a porltirlltémee .it ( laroziioiit lmditit'lt} in): : , ’1’

a sense of humor. but can they rock romp about being snubbed by 519;. E ‘ , a i'olleges Bridges :\Utillt)l'lulli HH‘!‘ 113.1“, 1 it} managing 11111-11111 '_ $.15, iffy?"
‘n'roll'.’ ' ardesses sounds like “'5' being " . the weekend 'l‘i-rr) \mith \iild the museum hm ' 1,(~';:"f:‘x-.'.‘:-: ‘

()ne listen to Tim. their fifth bangédouton potsandpans. .1 ' I ' ‘ . Replied Keillor ‘\\'hei; 'ht hook H...” mm 1.. d” “mummy.” 111.)», ...-‘5‘; .35, .1.
album but “mt 0" a major labeL “Here Comes a Regular." on the - 1> it dead llt'lll. “1‘ PM” ‘3" 11‘“ who hm pledged to llltnt- the 1-\tii:1 _‘ 1’1; . 1N:
should answer that question. The other hand 1‘ a haunting ballad 5““m “"5“” ("‘PW‘ 1“ ln-‘U‘HV‘ ‘ht‘ tion to London earl} newt ~\eai l 11'.) ,1":- e' t 5.1:

" '~ "r ’ - . 1 1 . - --..-v 21.12521"

Replacements are “0‘ only a great about the sad understde of the SIMPLEMININ‘ ‘ONCI‘Z l'P().\ A TIME' “oild lhtatri’ jnot ltuii Mutt _ilt‘li the mmum will ”pm '-" *' .71..g.‘,, 1 .:~1
band, they show flashes of being the “Cheers" mvstique“Well. a person his show A l raiiie lioim. t oiiiptm .-.m-kend~ ‘. 1‘4: 1. “:3,“
best rock 'n‘ roll band in America can work UT) a mean. mean thirst. lesson that most ot the white disco "(ihost Dancing" and stimuli “in: is based . , l" to l 11 V [I I m, _' 11w 1‘ _,~’."-.IZ."-' : -'
The Replacements are four high After a hard day of nothing much at technodrivcl bands coming out of Yourself” are also both eii_1o1able ““11"" ~‘ ”’“K “mm “”15 5“ l" Q 3321, , itiitJ‘di‘h‘ “1;, i [:21 Vi. 2:21
school dropouts from Minneapolis. all.” ' the woodwork in Great Britain could enough songs that hem-tit greatly I\ 1“ lb' Hm Pt‘lmmii M'h "31"" 1" -’ M‘ ’* ‘ ‘ ““ ,, 1: '1".
who have decided to do their nose- It‘s trulv amazing that a band can certainly stand to learn That hit from Kerr's lilting \oiee Kerr \ l_\ 1'1'l)|¢‘~‘"”m9 WES-‘1“ ‘ ... ' :. 1 .l i :21
thumbing with guitars and drums. he as ObrlOXIOUS and as 59,1511,th 35 single from “The Breakfast ('lul) rics are a hit pretentiow and $111 lh adtlltltm. \\\t‘kll\illl"\ mum I am persona“) ex ll‘lllt‘i} \til '1 L._ 1‘53“! 11-11;.
The results are some 0f the most The Replacements are. also gave Scotland‘s Simple Minds P.‘ but h} the no) he caresses Pitt'il zoned with the name oi Lake \tow It 11\ lemma LIVt’TlNNtl ohm-t! “do. ‘ 3-, ...' 7’ 1~ i".:_.‘;:‘
honest and touching songs about Other standouts include “Hold My the recognition the} had been seek word. it‘s not so much ll> meaning 11““ it ”Dihlwl 31‘111’I1“"'d _‘-'~im~"‘ 1"“ 1’ ”W11“ ‘1’ it“ ”1:12:01“ "’1“ ‘ . t ’1‘
growing up ever recorded. life -- “Bastards of Young" and ingin mm for seven records ;1\ its 3()und that 15 llllpt)l't.’1llt that i‘ ltlht- foil to!‘ hviiloi \ lilll oi 'hei‘e is more tourixt .11 1.: 1 1-: :_ :. 1 3:3,": 31::
- < ' ' ‘ -' .1 1 1 1 t!‘,‘ s“ ' f 1‘ $1114: act. .1111 “.11 - ' ~-,_-.

Their sound is an eclectic mixture “Little Mascara, but m all honesty l'nfortunately. 01m» L'pon (1 mm However. song: mm m . l “M1 3hr” W: in}; o ”1 "Ir: flip: W xi: v \. 1. 11 , ‘ 111111 r: 'h : .: ”‘1 ,1
0f garage rock. hardcore. pop. 0V9” song is worthv 0f repeated 1‘" lacks th'it hit's‘ i'ihrancx' and dert‘ 1' w ll) ~ 1,; l ,1 .1. d ‘ ‘-' It Alu‘ ““1 “ : - ‘.‘ . .lllilig it is > .i» 1 .- j j.‘ 1 .. : ; ,‘
rhvthm and blues and countrv ‘ 1 ' 1 ‘ ‘ - 1 ou ere ”6' 1 “”1?“ an to .i 32 page catalog Ht r-tlu‘k'i'lt“ truth the Beatles tilii. \liiguo. ”213.":

- - tenings despite ii {9“ 30011 501185 that “lit and the title track are a: dream and .. . 1 11 n 1 .1 v 1 - .i . . . 5' ,. ' . .' 1‘
shuffle Things have been cleaned robabh get lenti ofair lax l h t l t l? I ”0mm WHLNHI 'hm” 1"“! H“‘k" Nd” ‘ "a . r. ‘

. ' ' ‘ ' " l ‘ ‘ 2.x : '> ’) i i , . . . r1, 1,1 .. .;-,~,f .. 1.
up and toned down a little for their (1 - l‘ onah‘meSimple Minds p ‘ p ‘ p ' “‘1‘“? 1‘ I “r H t 1 1” ”II-W“- -\l1“- 1001)“- 1.1. W” U ‘ ._ .- .f
. . ._ “‘9 p 1 . _ glcland is cieii about life on the \ ...i, ,, t: l ,. ,. ,, A ., , \ 1 -. . -, ._
major label debut. but the bands »\&\ll{ecords ()ncc Lpon a Times first single : : : . i. u. llittlt o ..i.ir ..igi .1 g 1 ‘ ‘ : ‘.

1 . ' ‘ ‘ .. , , 1 11 _ . , >llt‘9t. lust like the Spiiiigslwr; soul. ,..\. . ,1 1* ,1 l’ . .. .... N . _ ~ _ .‘
boisterous spirit still pervades every Alne and kicking. is b} tar the 4 ‘ ~11 : _ _ : _ .uiv _tn. iia UM“ guild. _ _ ., 31.:
song best song on the record The song l:~ ot " “ml ar mm“ l.l\ km" 1111., laziglum ‘- fi-U uni stage nothing \pdllllllifl :1 , 3' __ ~ 5. _- -

“Don't You «Forget About Met" given a surreal quality by Michael After the strength of “limit ‘1in scum containing more that: ' 4N ‘.i'_”‘\ puxterx ..mg “.111” 11,1“ piltt'w .f‘, '
This record isn‘t going to make reaffirmed that a song can have Machil's keyboards, while vocalist Forget About Me