xt7zcr5ncz98 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5ncz98/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1971 1971 1971-02-02 2020 true xt7zcr5ncz98 section xt7zcr5ncz98 (
“MM“. “My...“ 3..-”. .m .,,.,_.. . ...... .t‘ .-.- ......W.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, l97i UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON \ til. I \H. \o 7” ‘I , ’
r, .- .", .
Against Westbrook wig .5 . 7-.
_-————_ ,, ,, . ,. . ‘_ _ _ .....h.I..’...’.._.......I..,- .. ..
roseeutlon Rests Case I, .-.... . ,
,..i - ‘. '~ ‘ . .,‘ .1 .
“IV I)AI..E .‘IATTIIE‘VS and literature explaining “'11-.“ it \('lll(‘ll(t‘ .‘liHl said, “Kay llt‘ s.i\~ ,5; ,‘ . . }fi\;‘ . _ ., '. ' l.“
Kernel Staff \Vriter was and how it is used in Viet— this is a bomb." I ~ ' " 1 I; -‘ ,I‘, .,' . V. 1
After long hours of testimony. nam last July 15. (Ialled FBI I" ; f“ ,I ’3; affi -I ,,I , .1 I .
Fayette County Attorney Pat Also included in the package \lrs. Kay Roland. who also (Jr ". \ ,v’ ’3. 1" it“ ;. , -‘ \ 31'1"
.\lulloy rested the prosecution's with the bomb casing and the works for Selective Service. > 1,3 I 3-? If.” 1:115 w
,. ’ case of alleged common law as» explanatory literature was a let— testified that she their called the ..v- ‘, I, f > ‘- .i , '
.sault against Ilay \Vesthrook late ter from \Vestbrook to Mrs. Alice State Selective Service llead- I .. 1} ‘5, "rt“ . 3/" 33- , , I. '. I‘ . ’
yesterday afternoon. It. \lorgan, executive secretary quarters in Frankfort and iir— "i " ‘- 'I. '1" :9 {If-:tf1'4.,fl \" * 1 /' "
“'Cstbrook, a 1969 UK grad- of local hoard 127. formed them of the situation. ’ ,. - 191/]. ,3 .I" '- / ' . . '.
irate. is charged with common The first sentence of that let- She said she then called the ‘ 1t _’ '1 ‘4' /. f5 . j , , f .I -' I'Z 1
law assault in connection with ter read, uI'Inclosed is a guava FBI. which in turn ('tllh’d tht‘ ‘ i if, ’1 . ,5” . //I , 1' ' 1‘
an aluminum guava bomb cas— honrb.n Although the letter went Fayette County police. .-\ccord— ' -;' i; ,’ ' I}. " 5‘"- ’(j 1:) I i - 1' " , - '. ',
irrg he sent to his draft hoard on to explain the bomb casing's in}: to Mrs. Roland's testimony. '~\\ .4»; ' ‘1' iii. ‘_’._-.s _' ’t a), "‘1 '1, X, , _ a'ri ‘
last summer. Lexington local harmless nature, Mrs. Morgan no one touched the box contain- ~ I! 5- ’ 4332);? 3.5%} 53ft“ r,‘~'.-‘,«t . t ':
V board 127 received the casing ceased reading after the first ing the bomb casing until the :3 3,! :1 '33.??? (:‘I h t " . " , 1
are, to police arrived some 40 minutes ‘I‘I, “5 3' 55"- \‘ i" :t ‘ . \E - #‘i'fijs , ~ 1
33.55 ..s later. 1"“ -,'.f:""v.‘ , ii ,i l _, ., d'""'“- 3"" «a ‘x o. ’ '- ' ' .'
I 1-3/7 Fayette County police detec— ’4} V’ / .,\\ if ”Q “'3' t 1;"- .5: N1 ' s ’r £33. 1 . '. ..
if ' T :.-J the Thomas Heal. also a wit- ‘4 V . » ...- 'mm‘* , ‘45,“: 1.: ' .-
‘4" iii/- ) II ., _ ness for the prosecution, testi- QM ,tII "'. .I . I-
‘ -' J fig fied that when he answered the ‘ j , 5 " ~- *
{'1 @{f ‘ call to the Selective Service of— JAY WESTBRUOK i, ‘_ ‘I
’«tII ~I “Ex ,, , ' fice, he examined the package 5" '. ‘, '.
ifbh'} ‘ '9 from \VC‘SthOOk- “Judging from prosecution disposed of two l'K law professor ltohert - ‘. .5 . _'
J i \ ' "5 overall aPpearance, I de- more. Several others disquali- Sedler. also acting as attornm
, f ' 1-» s cided that it was an antiper- fied themselves after being ques- for \\'estl>rook. began his (lt'r : » . . ; .
l»"\ .0”: I sonnel type bomb," Beal testi- tioned by Judge Meade and tense by placing \\'estbrnok on . ; ‘l ,.
.- ‘-\. . . fied. both lawyers. the stand. iv ‘ ' i
‘ Ix, I'_.II ;\\\x\ tuitiehlgprrnnllgsfagi‘ngl 3,3315%:ng 1' IOnIeleifI if?Iproipelctive i'urtlri.T ,ls'rIxIdlIer ftolId\{hI¢ ljurykthIatI in ,II ,,
1“ 2:79. . 'T»'.‘s."_.~ .-...I‘IIIIIII .2 At: \ . . 1 f F. ,K I, f . ( rsquai (t . rimst IIIrtcaust. It orcer o llt( est rroo L_lll t. ', . ,I .» '5: f .
‘:,.3 x’fkg» '2. . . , squa( rom 0“ Q03 8 tE‘T It attended \Vestbrooks church. they had to he cominced he. ;..,-.‘.,,1;.,;...-.1.,....
, 3,; -I 1‘ e. f had been X-rayed in the UK Among the questions asked yond a reasonable doubt that he "5 .K' '~
’93; 1%5'me‘9 ..- \i‘iw‘i Medical Center and then diS- the prospective jurors were had malice and that he had in» ,— . . I.
i‘ s'_,I '1V‘-‘,g§”, mantled on the police pistol whether they belonged to any tended the casing to frighten ,_.; .‘
" ' ‘1\t I! practice firing range. group strongly in favor or the draft hoard personnel 1 l 'I , 'I '
1 ‘- $.1‘ - _":.J_. Wu: '1‘gI'\:s,\, it: I" 3 Jury Selected strongly opposed to the Viet- \\'estbrook then testified that it, ’- ,If .' . ..
' ‘ {1-1,} ”W :: “tug, Fayette Circuit Court Judge nam war, and whether \Vest- he came into possession of the -' I, g‘ ‘
5 . } _ 1' i j \‘ N. Mitchell Meade opened the brook's long hair would prevent guava bomb casing through a l'.’ :‘ ‘ i;
4*- L 1 531’ i ,«s (U. I, I ; ”id! at 9 am. MOYEdBYI and the them from making an unbiased fellow American Friends sei- 53"”,5‘5 .,"-;-‘I,_I’TI*".I’II'
. a. “git: - :“1 ».; III \13 {(-34 f" uous process 0 se ecting 3 decision. . vice Committee worker. Ille I." a »:
#41,: j" -. " ‘ , Jp'“ 11”} began. Prosecution Rested further testified that the casing .' , ‘_ . .. f
, t I!- «I ., Elf-é? I l, ‘3, I: 5 . Several jurors and tWO hours After establishing that \Vest— and ones like it had been used V
‘ ', “'4‘ , A“ ' , M V \f later Judge Meade had the Jury brook had often corresponded to illustrate the horror of the ‘4....L_I.I..;i.;...i...i;..s
, ‘ 35,‘ “it, _1 ‘j’ ' 5“"01 ‘1 m. with his draft board and that he \ ictnamese war. , . , ‘ *~ 1', s,
.1 1; ‘1‘ x " f) Bill Allison, one of West- had sent the guava bomb cas— \\'estbrook also testified that "t .-_. i
‘3 “ A. 31" ' f ‘7 [HOOKS attorneys, had one pFOS- ing, the prosecution rested its he had no intention of frighten» ~ , " _ - '- .1
PAT MULLOY pective juror removed and the case at 3:30 pm. Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 ’ w
W h T ll Ab H ° E '
i eae am e .3 out anal xperiences a .
l ~- . 5 -.
By DAVID BLANTON _~ local draft board by \Vestbrook er Americans working in the that once they were in the tie also pointed out that .117 ' "r,1, ' ' ’,
Kernel Staff “’riter as a “dramatic device to show peace movement. hands of official military person- cording to ,1 (“in”) 1“” W. . ', I. . -.
After testifying for the de— what their (the draft board’s) Meacham stated that during me] and out of the hands of lmwd Sunday, 73} per Wm ,,f if . I, . '
fense in the lay \Vestbrook trial work really meant.” this time he was able to talk a local villagers, they were all ,.]l Americans favor setting ,i J '. ' .
earlier iii the day, Stewart ‘ , ,. , great deal with the three pris— treated well and were given date in 1071 to \chdm“ \mw. .I . I.I,I
Meacbam. director of the Na- ,, Terribly Silly, , oners. He said that the pilots adequate food and medical at 1“”, mm!“ {mm \‘iphmm _ '. ';,I»: .
tional Peace Education Program , In a “.133. 1t 15 terribly 51")" told him the CIA would do .uiy— tention, \\'l 'l . visitin ' \orth Vietr I,“ ' , ‘I , " .
(if the Anrericarr Friendg’ Ser» “ e are usng these antiperson- thing to manufacture propa- The prisoners also told \ltne \l .. l“ t Hit N l" l: d \u: I' i t :1
vice Committee, refiected at l'K ”“l bornbs t" Isl" people 0"” ganda against the North \‘iet— eham that they were not tl (.Mi Ail-Ii 'fiihi linse'd 3;: MHIII” '.
on the controversial trial and there.I b1" la." 15 Q" the “if“? namese. treated brutally while they were . if ((33:11?an 1;) loge ”Wk.“ 1 . 5 .I , '
told of his experiences while 9f be‘.” found guilty .for scarI—I w“ 1 . .. , f. . ., being intt‘l‘l‘Oflilth _\leacham “gdln ,1 » Pf \ M1.“ HUM I "'I l
.- .- - , . - ing this lady at the draft board, ‘9 P105 “t“ t" "10” t. .1 tl 't ,. .. this time one of tia sutions o t i. , I I ,I
visiting llanoi iii 1968. said \Ieacham frightened of the CIA than ther Mm ra snru I 1 . H‘ .1 . \, . l \II III IIII officials III . I . , ,
Me'icham spoke to approxi- 1‘ i l. . . . were of the North Vietnamese,’~ these mp" had “at“ IPUI) It -‘ ‘ mt ' “I'lI‘uIm ' . ' . 'I ~‘ . . ‘.
‘ . \feacham vrsrted Hanor in , . that he had been badly treated so told \leatharn that lttlttx -. . I ,
mately 40 persons gathered m 1968. At that time, three Amer- 581d Meacham. by the North Vietnamese. from and to American PI'i-‘(H'W‘ 1 - ,- 5 .
the Student Center N‘Ionday ican pilots who had been shot Treated Well \leacham )ointed out that were being sent iii and out of . ’
night as a part of the Student . , ,. , . I . _I . I . 1 \"-nain but that they . I, . , . ,
' ' ' ' ' ‘ k down over North \ietnam were Meacham further “dud ”Mt former President lohnson had \“H ' "f I . ~ , . . .
Mablhzatlon Committees spea - released t0 him and to two 0th' all three of the pilots told him re )e'rtedlv told the American were not being received by the I . ' I,.I II 5 ,
er forum. . .. .. thaw; ‘ ____-5.-:.;,.__ =-~ ~::. pebpile tliui the l'nited Stiltt'fi' prisoners. families in tlit‘ l'iiitt‘tl 1 I" -' ' l
Meacham, who also is one. of . 3 . . 3 i , ,. was only bombing military tar- States. M”“‘“”“‘ Of tlm‘ 1th" ~ , ' 3 '
the seven cochairmen of the . ' , :1 _ " \I ’35 gets in North Vietnam. \lea- \orth \retnamcseI preferret to II . .' I
New Mobilization Committee to , .. II I "II N . I‘I I: cham stated that different pilots send the marl via ..llw peace ,' . .1 , - . .
End the “Y?” in Vietnam, de- I ' Sf? “s , “.95 had told him that they had seen m”“‘"“"" l” the l '5‘ t, , ' , i, V '
clincd comment 35 10 the prob— a I 1» “g 1. ,I -.\. t, 1 1 - . churches out iii the middle of . '. ' i" .' '.
able outcome of the Westbrook ' ' - ...... 2,33) :5 " . open fields being bombed. , Grandstand Plav .I, I, , - , , 'I
trial. but stated that it had been I, i ‘ .‘ m " v.3. ' .. . Reflecting on the “mint th (Toncerning the current cam~ ' .- 1 i . , ,j
made into a “major production." ' _ . ,_"s a i. ' irrg (,f a North Vietnamese pr” paigu to free American pilots . ,- . .
He described the sending of a. ' ' “g“ “a A g ”n” of war camp by IKS. held captive iii \orth Vietnanr I, _ I' ,
the empty bomb casing to the “h *3 forces. \leacham stated: ”This \leachanr stated that it was not - - . -
57* we" would be the best way in the ‘l"‘l‘~'l““l l” fl'f‘“ -”‘\"”N'- l‘Ht ' 1 . ‘
" ,,-W~m’rw . '. w \Hnltl h) Ht'l [lu- piisuiit'is ”Ht!” “‘1‘ (lt‘WL'llI‘IVl ft”- ltll'r'r-t' ' , I ‘I
killed." gain .1 purposes. e sl.iti'( t Hi ' I-
weatller ' .- fig, In regard to the widening of ll'“ ll 5 ‘4"“"“”“'“t “5" ”HF :1 ' I , . .
Forecast: Increasing cloudiness _ ”it thelnarl‘ in Indochin.;. \lcachaiu ”I'L'II'I'I'I' ”3:”: 'IJ’I‘WI‘Il‘h‘TI'd l:'la\ ' ' "I .‘ I. r
2 ,-.»,~;»*" » . -. \.tl( : " ..ios, siine t re lll\.l\lHlt . ' "-1 H L" ' Iv Irv .. I- .‘ ’. _. . .
:zfililfgaCLnEleogiznzanzfet (A3??? “:5 ., . ' I it K of (..urilrodia last \lay. has ltt't‘li “"“' ‘ I .I , I
tonight. Warmer with snow 3% , ' lrirililit‘tl more . intenselx than llt' gm,“ M \li-lril-mtn»: \ . .
changing to rain Wednesday. 93’; _ .11: . ,in\ other area in the lil\tlll\ of t ,,”|Hm.,,,j\ m,” Yiiiii‘t-;{ ,I‘ til . ._ . ,
High today, mid 20's; low to- . ”litth'll' warfare . . . lu‘ \\tillll‘\tl i\ l’t'ltilltt\ l in ‘ , - , . \
flight. IOW ”rs: high tomormW. f .. if" - I .. “(‘(UIIH‘ IIlIlt‘l‘Ill‘lI . t'tNtlil it“) Hf lllt‘ \llltlt‘llf it‘le! -
in the 40's. Precipitation pro- " " . . “e have become llltlt‘l‘l/t‘ti .rt 5 (N) l"” *H“. \ltein.iti\e ,I . I~' _I.
babilities: 5 percent today and Stewart )Ieaxharn, diretlor of the National I’eate Edutation Pro in letting militarism he the \\.i\ \nrerica (:,,,m.,.(.,m. planned in, . ,-
50percent tonight. gram of the Ameritan Friends Servite Committee. talks to a group in which we attempt to defeat February 262.2% “I” be dis- . I- '.
m""o" of students about his trip to Hanoi. North Vietnam. fascism. said \lcacbanr. ”“de ‘.

 t l
' Z—T‘HF KENTI‘CKY KERNEL. Tuesdav. Feb. 2. 1971 -————-————-————————————————————_—
' O
' 7 V ' B l d u
‘ Laotrans Report horth Letnamese m p
Y ' / , , x L ’ /
’ ‘ s \It ;( )\ \l’» l..it\tt.tlt gen ln \\ .tslriirgititt‘ a i)eiense lh‘r ing thousands oi l'. S. and In all‘ six l’LS. positions came elnenrs' :ol'drer‘s twerlo .lfilltI-dt n;
I 7 Nah H PM?!” \irtllrifl -| it'llhl' partnn-nt spokesman reported a South Vietnamese troops to under enern} harrages and the it‘t‘ hltrltL-lt-ftmt“ \\ I“ I ~15 H
. _ "l‘ ot \orth \ retrr‘urrtsr' and rnaior mo\'ernent of North Vii-r areas along the l,aos-»Vietn.un t'h‘. (forninand reported its “tr” .\ J“ "m"
- l'atlu-t l..ro trui‘t's tor [towtltir narnesetroops down the llotihr hrrder in ath'ance oi "a new Americans were killed and Jr Among other ['S. installa-
' .rttatks on rnrportair‘ .muh Ht \tinh trail to l.aos in recent step oi war escalation in Laos." were wounded. “0m hit was 1|“. hig air huge at .
HUI'tiH'IH J‘Hl W‘liht'i“ I'M“ \Vt‘t‘l“? 00‘” PVMJQU“ “"11“" ””“my” official news agency “I" The heaviest attack was a 50— Du NantL t"“‘l”"“t target ”f
l ' l -‘ immlM‘ 0“" l"""' “t” (lt‘M'V'llK‘d 0‘“ ”“05 i” “tilt-‘0" W ‘i'mt‘d the Communist-led round mortar shelling and a (Tommunist command gunners.
it ‘ r i r\ rng out daih an attacks on “001” and raid they usuall) l’athet Lao as saying the l’nited ground assault against a ['_S_ . 1 . t' S (V ‘111 s' id
. . - the Ho (‘hr \lrnh trail in south precede a hnildup in prepara- States has sent "more comman— recorrnaissancc tearri that had I “ l ) "8' I.‘:)'"."]1‘l‘ (. ‘kdlt‘
, i' , i. ' u er'n Laos in an eliort to knack tion for comhat ”ppmtjom_ do and scout groups deeper" set up an amhush position tour ahout (V toxin viii-Idi‘(1.i()(ft(}t
. . 1/ nit a drx season r'esripph oi \Vith the reported enemy in- in“) Wlltht‘l'll 144103- miles west of (.‘hu Lai‘ head— hlt the (“St ant “(ft “(‘(45‘0 If
- - - - , . r . . . . . . -ur hase. The attack started a
. ,‘ enern\ tones. hltratrorL the Pentagon has now Sudden l=psurgt quarters of the American DIVi- l' ].~ ”l 14 .h , t'
, -: ' ' Tht‘ [ult’t'd'l “‘t‘mt‘ "4m“ H‘Vm‘d l" “5011“”? “t “WW." I” 5"”0' Vietnam, ”WW ““5 sion in the northern part of the film ”aft (It-“01M; iuygfl (il,l‘itlvli
' . *' ' ‘V hour the Detense \linistr) in troops in Laos to ($5.000 or 11 “1009” upsurge 0f mortar and eountrv. “.08 oi ue. ant ( Jami?“ :“T‘m
genial“ -‘i Vientiane and trorn J upln‘l'rtl 70.000. rocket attacks hy North Viet— ’ aircrait.slightly. 'l iere were no
. " i I who said that it the enemy at The De i e n .s e Department “1”“95“ and Viet {10”}: ”00‘ I” ””1? ”tifivkr ”w V'S' (:om— casualties 1,‘ h r} . r f
.' . i . tacks sltt't‘t't‘tl. taros' neutralrst spokesman. terry \V. l’ried- against V5. air hases and other Hiillld said, hve Americans were In (.amhot ltl no , gating?)
. r h i premier l’ltnee \‘orn'anna l’hon- heim‘ refused to ('("nnu‘nf on installations. kilh‘d 4010 (‘lflllt “Ullltt’h‘tl. l‘tH' *“h‘ “(m-“‘1'“ ”U ““5 r(p()i H '
If , ' .' ’ - 4 " rna. will he merthrown despite what steps the allies might take
' r t' 5 support tor hint to counter the huildupr 48 Texas Governor
: ' - ' The upmmrl declined the Ilht New Obstatlt‘s _—_;—-__._ . / .
t ' ' " ‘ oi his nanng a Vientiane (i\- The North Vietnamese dele- ( l] D A W ‘ d j
' V. - , i I '3 hart it said. gation in Paris accused the Iona y 61] 168 11y l 011g Olllg ‘
’ ' i: if \lrlitarx leaders would take t'nited States of stepping up the ‘ l
I -. . «n'et Ht l..tos atrtl (-ontrnue iight- war in Laos anti said this cre— \VASHINCTON (Al’l— John ly about his ties to Richardson. SPeCifiC questions he wants (”0"-
. , . 1 ‘ - _ f mg the ('ornmunistrrled toms ated new ohstacles to the \‘iet- B. (Jonnally Jr. denied Monday a millionaire oilman who hired nally to answer before theSenate i ‘
‘ ‘ i“ the general asserted. narn peace talks. now stale— he violated the Texas Constitu- him in 1951and whose estate he debates his nomination. * r
. u , The Defense \linistn nr \‘lt‘llv mated there. tion by accepting at least $225, helped administer. Proxmire said he wants‘ to l
i, W I. V ' tiane said the \orth Vietnamese The oilieial Laotian rep'ti‘ts of 000 from a foundation while gov- The Richardson Foundation know if, as the story stated, (40"- t J
', . g 4 i. are huilding up for otieirsiVe an enemy huildup supported. in emor. He asked a new Senate got most ofits $86 million in as- nally receivedcompensation from ’ r
, 7‘ ~' (h'iVes in hoth northern and part at least. the statement oi hearing on his nomination 35 sets from the estate in 1962. the Richardson compensation ~ j
‘ .z' ‘ ' ' '. “mum.“ 14m“, SeerctarV oi Stare \Vilham 1’. Treasury secretary so hecan pub- After reading the Times story. from the Richardson Foundation v
f , ; Regiments Returned lioget‘s on i‘Il‘idtt). littut't‘s Mid iiCly rebut a story suggesting he Senate Majority Leader Mike m 1966 Whmh ‘might have "018- i
' . a v: Tr“ t‘l‘iit‘t mnmm ‘Pt‘tl‘t‘r .r \Vaslnngton news eonierenec did wrong, Mansfield suggested the corn- tedth‘e'lexas (.onstitution. _ i
. man, (ien Thong Phanh Knok— the North Vietnamese are huild- (IonnallytOTd Sen. vyauace F. mittee might want ‘0 reont’n “5 These. ISSUES false Yew sen' g
. .3 'i ; ‘ _~‘ s\. said two regiments ot the ing up large supplies ill tilt‘ Bennett, H-L’tah‘ h'e earned fees hearinfis- V ' Qus questions. lroxmire mee l
,' » i i. " North Vietnamese Zilth l)i\'i~ Southern panhandle area oi as executor Of the estate Of Sid Sen. “ illiam Proxmue D- Sen. Russell tong, D2141” Chair- ’5
' ; ' i V i, . i sion haw returned to n ri'thei‘lt Laos. and moving them h_\- truck 1t. Richardson who died in 1959' “is” who earlier ‘sent his own man of the i‘inance (70mmittejl, l
I i” ' j . Laos aiter a sr.\~month ahsent-e (itm'tt ”W H" (Thi \linh “1”." (lonnally did not say how much. investigators into 'Iexas to probe Who already h(as $313,116 Wi i
' ' ' and are apparently preparing l'rS. HS heaV} honrhers and He spread the fees Over 310- Connally S finances. set forth vote to approve ’Onna 3' r;
" 7 ' , for an attatls on Long (Theng, a \Htillilt'l' ilfll‘tt‘hl’mnl’r” " ”"le year period, Connally told Ben- X g
, t'S. (‘entral intelligence r\gerr-- ”N hutllnlt‘l‘illfi 0i tit“ ”0 (i It nett, to minimize the tax im- A H l l P . I I S l I i L"
i " i ‘ c)‘ installation southwest oi the “Wit 0&1” 0“ \ionday. extend» pact. He said since his services ‘ l,() () h i l 0 ) () ll] h () ‘7e( 9 l r
‘ . ’. f it Plain oi lars mg the war"s most prolonged occurred before he became gov . , . t ;‘
f ()ther. ttiiltt.tt‘}' sources said lmmhinu campaign through its emor he did not violate the eon— I , . l ‘ 1 P s s l I ) t
. ' '. . . i ., the enenw ma\ he preparing at- liSth day. stitutional prohibition onoutside ‘" n ‘11 J‘lll( 1.1;: ()Sb] ) ( E
i " - . ' im'kx (”1 m, \iolmivm Plateau Til”. North ‘liji‘ih‘umw' mi- income from corporations or per- Sl’,\(flf (TliN'l‘lCi’i. llouston ones attached to the command i :i
I. . _ in southern Laos. list-( the t nited istates oi send- sons. .\l’ ;\ (“(ka 1““an which ship itseli‘. 1':
i" ’i ' ‘ Bennett said he did not ask east a cloud user the chances The astronauts rernrwed the a
‘..y ' _‘ , -_‘ Connally the total amount recer- h”. ‘1“ won” H “mm landing (twkmu ‘rmm, (”Hr hrottght it e
t 1', __. ,__,V_.-.-Mm _._~«__w ,_._,w gummy"-.- -VV._-V-»«—-M—v "a.--” ved HS executor ‘ ll]? senator ‘1!)17‘11‘phtl\ tlt'.tit‘(l liNt‘ll up .Hltl tlrsttit' iitt' (itiilliltlliki \llil) (HUT) b
'"fii—Ti-admwew} The KentuCR Kerners 531d he assumed It was $0000 oiiit‘mls said \loirda\ the astzo» \londa\ Th” ("H't‘illlh ”h
r ‘._ .‘ t -i. y a year. ;\t 10 years. tit-at would nauts (MI make \1 lunar landing \Emawt rt”, “wt”. and ti”. ii
. . I ' I " : rnakt- (Jonnall) s tee 34007000 or NMH‘ ”Hind“ ”Mr“ H” A” thogttt; “rmtr 1.‘ ft”, wk.“ m (,t tt
'_" _ ‘ > f' d T ahout 1 percent oi the Richard 'trtlittt‘t'trtt’ttt “‘le asrr'or.:ru!-- H“. ritnixtte; (imm‘ that h I”, n
:i i," . n 0 son estate, , , . . -\larr l". Shepard h _ litigar l) Mt'h'ti Y” the hilt” Itlttthli" a
I ‘= a m ~ [Trunk a” ”ldwnnon‘d atter \lrteheli .trrr‘: Stunt lirrosa \‘J‘l‘. lint tilt'\ t‘rttlhi ““0 11000“!
. . _ a ‘ O Tuesdays heanng. the t'rnanee \, ,. , z y , H r , .r K T} ',\ my hi- to 1 t l V
i i I i: i ( rt Committee will Lto into execu- ”hilt m h” 7"” ‘1”1“ ‘0‘“ in,“ H i J H l ‘H I i
' ~ ‘1 3 - 0 .' . _. ., t . _ speeding toward ttrt ttnnn tlrt' two preus together hi hand i
.' '22. «. O . w tne session. question (.onnall‘, (l M. l \ . . 1 . r] y _ (I \ } ~ , .
I ~ " I w h I I more about his finances andthen "( "I, ’H‘ H” “1mm; (‘1‘ M‘ I MN‘ “it'l‘ “i W” "I“
a. V' ’. i -' . s It t , , . . . . ' rector. told newsrnen that (“\t('!, (t'\\ to repeat the earlier taihtttx
. ,, . ~ 0 vote memhtlmmgl} in faxor of V . ,I. ,
"j " 4:- his nomination. si\’c anahsrs could nneo\er no lllt docking nnshap had put
. : (Iorinally took the offensiveas prohlenr now with the docking the astronauts ehanees oi land- ,
,‘i 'i. ‘ senators began demanding an— mechanism \\iltt'it tailed to up. rngon‘thonioon in douht. birch i
‘ <~ . p . You!” find an organized swers to questions raised by a (rateproperh onhundai, a landing in the rugged old l'ra ‘-
2 if.” 1‘ . .‘l . . New York Times story Monday ' \\ere proeeet‘hng with ("Na \laur’o highlands oi the nloou ~
’ ~ ’. list Of campus meehngs about the Sid liltichardson intention of .rnaking'a hill lunar lb“ ”Til, \f‘llt‘d'llt'tl i0" 01“) a;
. . ‘ Foundation's payment of 8225. i“"(l;flfllmissile”. said 11W} \?<‘ ”'m” 1"“, irldilll‘) k'
.‘ . ,‘ ' ; i . , can rnt not ring wrong wit rt re . H monu or 'mgs
' , " ‘ I . Announcements Of mOVIeS, 291%1t&9,(0nn1“3 between 1966 docking prohe. \\'e are conii- lieiore the decision to land
- p v lectures, concerts ONd fO' The newspaper contended dent now that the docking prohe “M ‘HIIHHHH‘WL Stillll‘ti Sitth‘l‘tL ii;
I. -_ ‘ rums Connally had consistently de- is good" the director of High! operations. {"3
‘. . . . . nied, in answer to reporter‘s llre statement was made at a said. ”\\e will have ") convince ‘ at:
.' l - ‘ . . . queries while he was governor, news conference Monday atter- ourselves in some ‘iashion that
l ‘ ~I . Campus ACt’IVltleS that he got compensation from ””‘m “it” mill-“"0"“ ”" ll!“ 0'" thing is ""1"”! “figm’m'it iii}
'. r‘ . anyone or any foundation or Der- gm'md hi“! iST‘mfull] “ii-5m ““ m" “Mi“;"ml (1(Kkings'” ] l t it
3‘ A . trv formed an . services outside his amining mot e s 0 tie dockingr liven i Mission Contro ia( '
, V. . Placement Center EmPIOY' job of goveinor. mechanism to try to find out decided the docking mechanism Bit
f ' y - ‘ . ' menf Opportunities At a two-hour, 25-minute Fi- why it failed to operate properly could not he trusted, Apollo 14 {lid
j , _ i v nance Committee hearing last in the docking attempts Sun- would still have heen ahle to go
.i.‘ ' i i ' Thursday. no one asked Connal- dd."- into an orhit of the moon.
1' . .' ., ‘ ! r 1 Foreign ()hjeet "The mission rules say that if I
- ._ 1 v. " Astronaut James McDiVitt. you have a good lunar module 21;}
-j ' I. , ; Q manager of the Apollo Snaee- with the command module. You W
. , , .“ craft Pr‘ogr‘artn told newsmen, can go into lunar orhit even 0:
' 'i v_ en - - I e “l unfit help hut foo] more was though you couldn‘t land." said get
‘ , , ' SUmv foreign object that got into Sioherg. "iii
. ' ' the system. \Vhere the foreign in moon orhit the astronauts "
-' f, FOR THE SEMESTER Obi?” came from and where it could have conducted important (dine
. , m ‘- ' Went, we don't know." studies of the moon's surface 'va
.1 ‘ , \ ——0— Once the spacecraft had heen and of the strange unexplained if?"
’ . vi V55“ launched. had ‘ orhited earth “till” i” SIMN‘. Powerful cam- u
, ’/'\ 7,, 5"“ ,7 NEW and USED Ullt‘ itlllti one-halt times and was eras are on hoard for such stud—
. , ,, r‘ l/flhfl their tired oil in space toward its ”‘1‘
' ._ A /A\ (/ \ s A L E S the moon. ‘ltoosa ‘pulled the “Tide the astronauts slept. m:
. . ,. .. "Ass is ‘
‘ 4., : , v.1 - . ‘ NH spcn ”H l." u owart tie moon. "re ‘ i"
' , . “7' we Repalr A” MakeS! stage rocket Sundav night. He trait lel't earth orhit at more , VI
. V .. turned it around and tried ii\e than 3L000 rrriles an hour. lint ' iii:
. ' _0— times to rejoin it nose to nose as it moved moonward. the aali
, ‘ ‘ with the lunar module. And iive gr‘.r\it\' of the earth was trying “2‘
. " " ‘ , . . times three small metal latches to pull it hack. This caused the jih’
‘ , o 5 SM yc ery tailed to capture and hold spaceer‘ait speed to decline ”T;
V' The two crait finally were slowly This will continue until TN
1985 HARRODSBURG ROAD "Near Turflond Moll" :inketl uprrlg a prtliltedrirf'e which 2hr moon‘s grants grasps the it}:
. w'passet tie sma ma unction— spacecraft and boring )ullin' :1”
' Phone 277-6013 0pc": 10:00 o.m. - 6:00 p.m. daily ing ‘latehes on the command outward. Then thiT spalcecralfflt‘ H
, ‘l'lll‘ pt‘oho “ Plunger-like de- speed will increase until it loops “St
‘ -. ... ‘- ~ HT" ”WT """m" ’l l‘ lill'L't‘t‘ into lunar orhit
- \C \

 . I I . . . . . . .
a . I .-
________________________________________________ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesd‘dv, Feb. 2, l‘l7l 1 . 'l : . ‘ I
H R . St t P l C . . I ’ l. ( l
‘ OSt CSlgnS as a e 31' {S OHIIHISSIOHPI‘ 4 ' "
/ I}. I l .
in ve . . .,. , . ,. . , ~ . I ~I ' :‘~ N
FRANKFORT, (AP) —Parks In a letter to Nunn also re KY ”ieti W‘sdISk if . t the only \i\ .1) i ltrrovx ho“ to surator,wh¢n (Alllk lost t i \mm . . . . ,
' | .- . . . se in v - ‘ . . ' " ~ J .r . - . .
Commissmner W_ James H051 leased at the new conference, lick my .1 I I0 X: en}. do it. . lor gournor lli llit lit. (.()iI . . . .
resigned today, leaving himself Host said: I‘Iheht “’0: ll "‘1 85 I‘m ollt Host originally wasasrrpport- primary. Then ho,- “Mkal ham . .. .' . .
. . , u . e 1ce ' ) . I . . . \ I v . . . .ll I I . II II . I
the Option of running forlleute- I respectifully ask that you 0' 0‘ J ”4X" er ‘ er of Marlou \N, (.oolx. novx LS. lor .\rinn ill the h... amr .rrrtrr » . . .' . , _
nant governor or helping manage accept my resignation. . .so that o o 7 i ‘ 4 i l ‘ z
‘ ”"3 “who“ WNW ‘m” “We ”New B reckm rid re L” r res V oler Pu r we ~ . -' »
campaign, by the exigencres of the job to ” " ' - 2-. . . .l ' w
. J . l .
' ' - . ‘ .. (lete .. - . . ., . . . . . v; . -
nIfn remarkspreparedtoranews th rfrIninevaIvhether II shall ”It" FRANKFURT. lAl’) _. Alt). (It'll. John ll or mun or iii. min thinly. l .- :1 _, ' z. . - . U~ . .-
1:? Hence Iln Cov. Louie B. Me 91?“ 10?," nomination he lireckinrirlge urged \ltirrrla} that lilllgtlillrll illlr‘ \Illt‘ - I ,' m. _' .I
Lu’l“ 5 folce’ the 32-year-old dhpitlmdrya h H _ tetlur'es be undertaken ill Kentrrtlt} to .i\\|lil‘ ”Flori. 9h. “my .2... ,. . “I. .I : , ,I . I . ,2 j . '
exIlIngtoman said: (i 05. _ls‘il” tfe opportunity honest elections this year and in all lrrtrrre elet- iiillllllt's \thri h lurk! 34: l” i. . . r , . . . . If g ‘ .
I I sec more to be done, more an peri (fit-{eh}? 583mg 1“ ”the trons. He said he has obtained the roneurrenee oi «hurlih- ii, mt: m H'“‘i"“' ., ~.~, .. .- , . ., . , , I I I . r.
. ' '~ . ove me . . . . . ' '- . t
llat, ”mum‘s undone than there :nri 1;]. n f” Se" (‘3 VI?“ all announced Lalrlllllates lor (you-rum Hi this more lt‘L'IlNIr'ic-(L in» “iii a. . ,, . .. .. ‘ ' ; ;
‘ ' v‘ cm e. - . . .. . , . , . ,. II....~II.I_=
is t(LlnieIlli which to do or people N th x9323??? at}; tddt “hr 5 elm-troll to iorrr lrlrrr in calling on all tilll‘ trial the irriru.rtirrir [1‘1 mic ”I mare. _ hi» I . .' '.
to o it With, not only in the unn ‘15 g5” 1m to blr'Od er (lidates lor public olfice to work on purging \oter not lJt‘t'il pillLLetl as miniml m inn 1. ', ‘
DfepartmenIt 0f Parks, bUt In all avenuIisflin greater p“ m re— registration records of unqlraliliul \oters. “1.11., .uLuo‘mlr-rlmna g}, d g l. . r; W ‘ 1. . ' ' .' .
. ~. .. s nsr . . . . ' ‘ -‘ 1| .. .~ ‘3
0 IiI(entiic.() state gotcmment. p0”S 1 ‘6; t . lirecltrrrrrrlge. .r Dellltit‘lallt' tiiiitlitllilt' lor heu- .rrrthorrtx to mirrire lllt .rl lii, ml. . I... . .: . _I . . . =._ - .
.. \ 4 ‘. . 0 ‘ ‘ ""7 ' . _ ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 'llH i.. I -II' --v, f. . "in.
. In essence, that 5 Why Ire that fonrlie ti: us mus “T t” It] tenant gmernor ill the Ma) prrmar}. saitl his \rrlilr); rolls .rtleiiimtr-h Bin “Whig. .mr mi,“ ‘ _, ‘ -
I - I ‘ 4 I r ‘eed v . . . .~ . .ii i ..- .v .t III_.I, I
Elgned. To continue as I the the fl w if 51(1): p anti; action steirrmul from a letter lrorrr Mrs. John the proterhire lor siir h at lit/ii . . . . ..
‘ ‘ ' y. le rlc l o .olllsH e. \\ it; is new err u it . » . . . r ,, . .. , , ‘, - . - =
lIeen would leave me precious Afto er -.-00m’th 0“ 8‘“ ( I) t l l I ll l r l t l ll \rri till/til «an illtlti ..rarar \ . ,. ..I. . . . -.
ittle Itrrne to ensure that the I . (Ff praising I e governor Kentuek} Leagueol Women Voters, Board III l‘:lt'tli'lil\ .rgairrt lrl\ IIIIIII IIIIIIIII II I II, I .~ II
Vital innovative and human pro- administration during the past \1. I, . l 1, 1 ~ _1 i . l l . ~ -- ~ ..I . .
i b three cars h (lded ttli . rs. l)itliitl rat riolrrtu out. .ir \Jlt t rat hels it h.” 1411,11 t“ “III“. .1 ‘llll'it'lll IIII II . I .' II I III .‘
firams egthYCOV-NUHDWOUld )nf y " ea ‘1 enews records ill some counties indicate that rrmrr tlmll lilrr‘liatrori. Bretltirrrrrlat \ilill .' -. 1‘ -’~
H l ' C( \ - "‘ ’ ' ' I I, ' : '- '. . r
e Rained 0“ through Our next IIerence , Y . _ . 40 percent ol the count} s total lt'L"1\lt'it'tllla\wli' .. .2 I» I I . . I I.
administration. But Loure lNunn s time is llit‘ll rln shite Emmi ..i in... \ _ . . ._ . -' a . . .
.. , t It uld l) l llltit. I .l 1.... . ._ I . ."- I.
I I intend toIscc that the) are, ~lm‘g1f0llifth wo IcI a 1“ “Hum” \t'llltli 1”“. a tlll\t' In”! ohm; my; 1 It IrIlillLI. .r.. IiiilrI. rln ..Ii _..II_.._ . . I, .~ I IIII : I
either by running for and wur- h‘Q-‘I 5” I“ ‘ new 5i)mt he \lirri-Hlsloir ol l’lll‘ukill‘rll 1”.“ch rI. “,3. 1“ Iir j \rul rlI l.r~- llrtal hum: \Hi‘ i. .‘s ‘ ' . I I. .
mm; a ill‘djor elective office ()i’ instilled ill state government he .9} in ll) llt'li t‘lil ill the lllliil ii-uiiril ill II .~ II llw state luniltl -..iir rlisllrlm ',§'i.r? inur‘ . ,1 -. .- ’. I .
l b) campaigning full time for the allowed l” run out With him. L'lslc-rcrl to \Ult’. A A h‘h‘t “ m“ ““' l :- ‘ ‘- I’ 7 ‘
l, next RePliblican governor. Ishall I 3“" to see that It does “0“ 1) iii horn the i‘thl mums lrr‘ \ ill: . '.~ «I. n . _1 '- " I,
i ., :.._‘. ‘. r . .- ,- ..“.. ‘ ‘ ‘ I ;., in lslfiiirii‘: Min: . . t. . . .-.__
(Ilctcmimc which oi those courses F “1:th I54“: that“?! h‘ “‘1‘” that on an .ueraui til [Et'ltt’lil Ll M: ‘4 l 2‘ .. , , . ~ , . . , (uh . . ( . . ' .. ' r »
e 7' . .' . . I . . .. . ,. .~ _ . .-. ....,- .r‘ r. . -.I. .1 I . I I
I Will take Within A few Weeks. Il'dii ()l’ t()( d}, 11 l) iiltt‘lKl lelllllll ill .1 {illllli} is ill \iitmg _tL’t' .. I. I .i .. IIIII . .‘ 11-. ‘, In -.
Host. a schoolboy hitching mg to return, he wants to bor- 'l'l “'t'l' re lit i\\4'llt"l “Tim it: " ' ' ‘ ' l‘ ‘ l' l l l V l A H ‘
. . I _ I _‘ , 1‘. r _ l . . r i . .-\ . '1‘. ‘}l l'1l_:‘ IIIIII .‘ I I I -. f“. . I ,I ‘
ace at Ashland, also “ as in the it)“ his partingwordslromNunrr; [lill‘l ilnm [lilitttllllt \ “I t— willow ,. . , . l . . , I - » 1- I... III
' . .. - . . . ' ‘ uOi ’u"‘“ \w - . “A ' A l ' ‘ ' ' ' “‘1’“ ' A‘s- \s : «
iilslirdlch. “til L‘tdli. building ‘13 ““1 ht “lab“ ‘1“ llrllr lillt‘\il|ill \R llt‘lt‘ \l.lii\tli \ slum NJ ;.l~ '1' I. ..H. .3;, I 5.“. I“. ’-lri I,, , A I .I _ », g j 3 W " '7
and broadcasting business at Kentuckians t“ WilCh ”WW 13,011“ WM .' l ' ' -
Lexington before (timing to state ”l “huh they 1”" Vill’ilhhi l” '~'-=~=----' " “4,23%?“ ' was?3-3353??? . ” *" 'l l h 'lV I -'

. s. , . '; ’:>.j v‘..,'"§.'-:l 2),... I . In,” 1'25:?=5:5¢':x>«',: ,. .' .. Lei-:5.” I r_ I . . f '. .
government. He sel‘VtXl as pub- h‘lhh ”1“” greatest imit‘htl‘dh I-g. "¢ ‘75: . ‘5. ' {*5/09 . ’ c . I: ' -. " " ' ‘.
lic information commissioner be— i” ,ncn and “ omen. “i“ “l. I l ' (I r o... ' 1" 13' A L- " “ ~
lore Dronrotiorr to tlrelargerparks have met our responsibilites t" .. g4: ' 9 l' l A‘ ‘ ‘ l. ‘ ‘
“,1“qu the brotherhood ol man. 3* a a 8 v , g . . ~. . . _

; His .llillllliil‘ err‘rent was n» 11ml corlrrrrelrterl: ”Thais - T "3:? .-:::;r:53§::~rz-:‘::.a: .' ’ .. " ...I::: I . “ ‘ l l‘ '
i . k \s" . t tl ' ’ ll ~ l " " “39%?“ a; i . / ' . " f ‘ '
‘ gamed by some as a iilrtalrr— ”‘1 h‘ l” d d mhl' = V» “iv... -. 4‘ “‘ . -~ ' .;:;:~;_ 4‘; .' "" ' ' - .. - -
l raiser lor the GUI) slate which H" (h‘l ”ht l3." into ‘h'lillh . i i l ‘\‘ 4 ' 1 \ H .' ‘ - ‘ .l' '
‘ - * . “-212: - .43.. , ‘ -;;>