xt7zcr5ncx9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5ncx9q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2004 Vol.75 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 2004 Vol.75 No.11 2004 2004 2019 true xt7zcr5ncx9q section xt7zcr5ncx9q #5 Volume 75, Number 11 U. S. Postage (f? 3:; \ (:1 3...?
//’ v, flew-fl A-j_—vu T" r a Kentuc Press Association PAID “W"?
W w 4a “$5 ‘ ’41.» 1' “" ~, 7 2 VERSIW
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/ November 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
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KPA board undergoes reshufflln g KPSsedsmonthly ,
addllarrecord '
would be Proud. A on Second , 1%.. With a couple 0f He’ll take the reins at the Winter Buoyedby,ig:aplacementg
few of you all may old green file Convention, basically in charge of the WettghttslndianaNewspaper
remember him, flLnghL @342” cabinets and a organization his grandfather served AdvemngNemorkarm, the;
others may know green metal so well for many, many years. (Vic KenmckyPressServmesetaonewi‘ljgf
the name. Vic _ desk. He barely was secretary / manager for 24 years, monthaddoitarvotumem
demand headed fiftfié’ufifl’fifié’ifé’r had room dd a 1942M. Weddmdwwe
up KPA back when ' ' chair. As Vic shuffled down the hallways tetaimrpassedthefiél,
the position was While the rest at UK 40 years ago, I don’t know what amobemsaeg
called secretary / managerlremember of you may not have heard of Vic vision he might have had for KPA. ”We’Vegottencloseacoupie
my first sighting of Vic. Aslight man, Portmann, you’ve probably heard And I doubt he even thought that ofmnes,”saléKPA/e>(eeuv
I saw him frequently shuffling up and that last name around KPA circles. someday his own grandson would be tlvedlrector David T " ..
down the hallways at the UK Vic’s grandson is Charlie Portmann, president. Thompsonwnslnngwfioe
Journalism School back in the 60’s, editor of, the Franklin Favorite, and a Butlknow Vic Portrnann would be batfaflmgshqrteffixemcorél
when I was a student there. long—time KPA Board member. In just proud that Charlie’s going to be a mmfis’tmysmfimhefhad
Ifinally asked someone who that a couple of months, Charlie will president. mmemhwxd‘fl'
was. I never saw him in a classroom become president of KPA and the * * * * * tarvolamebeuseemgoalhas -
but he was always around the jour- Kentucky Press Service. Charlie was put into the president- beentetopthatmark.”
nalism building. ”That’s Vic Charlie was moving up the ladder elect slot when David Thornberry left hd‘Wénalmonfidymordfi .
Portmann,” I was told. ”He heads up to president, beginning this year as and that created a vacancy in the Vice havebeensettiusyearfor '
KPA.” Vice president of the organization. But president slot. Typically, the vice pres— January($389,27979), May 4
At the time, KPA was located in the when David Thornberry, president— ident is elected by the membership at (%53'}27?8) andSeptembg:
J-school building. Vic’s office on the elect, was moved off to Iowa, Charlie the January membership meeting. But ($442,45168);
second floor was little more than a found himself on a fast track to the ‘1 MAN Wascreamdm1998at .
See BOARD on Page 11 {hemqnegtofmefloosmsgate ;
————'——'——————-———— " " PressAssocxatlonand "designed: '
' ' ' mifidVéiKPSfbpérate,thefdiépiéy"
u 1c recor s au 1t 18 a success am .0.de -
newspapers The service miners
KPA has con— We also audited right. I thank them all, and so will fiefiadfggcememofficigisgt 'V
ducted this state’s President’s I .. "-2.. several state agen- you when you see the results. K3385 nid Inasm: '1’: J I
first open records cies and all eight For 10 months this has been in the i, 1? iiprgmes Sta 1, 51:? pace- 6
audit. It appears to m 9%.! regional universi- planning. Shortly after the luncheon 1:3 gleeféggrgm oughits ’
be a solid success, . p . % ties. at the winter convention in January, r"MGh0tcefft ff ,, I
and perhaps the " as? It was a test of we met with a roomful of professors R chigillso do Teresa: ‘1
largest yet accom- WI?" NFZSO“ dd compliance. We from our colleges and universities. iffizaj‘ffgu’oyan am}? f3
1‘ h d. ”51‘1”“ t d t r d t Th 11 ‘t d b t th 3733931959“: vitécigéi'din9hngi’fl‘e I i
p IS 6 Wan e .0 In W ey a were eXCI e a on .e staffmembers‘involxtedzin.Piece; 3
Several states if custodians of the prospect, and all made a commlt- thi 1. {13"And" tall , i
have conducted such audits; some public record knows the law, ment to assist if needed. Egg :athtbec 31mmyg§ 1
have done two or more. whether they abide by it, and per- It was at that moment that I knew myqn 7a . , ailzse ,0 8:; d
Indiana’s most recent, conducted haps even whether they know what we had the resources to accomplish Viéntportantmesonceea "g: :
in August, covered 92 counties. At a public record is. You may be sur- the task. I wish we could have used 388; ' ifh: KPS : 1":7' I ' '
last count, we were successful in prised by what we found. students from every school. For a {ogfi‘egg “1;ngan
auditing local agencies in 111 coun- The fact that many of you were number of reasons, that was not pos- 7.310523%: If“, $3293! ;
ties, and we expect that when all unaware until you read it here is tes- sible, but knowing that they were ctb firmR‘KPS/szg I
auditors have reported their find- tament to the commitment of those haoiereéééflfitlfl lift-25:;
ings the entire state will be included. involved to keep it a secret, to do it See AUDIT on Page 5 39%,- J

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, November 2004 » . ;
K t k 1 ° th '
en uc y peop e, papers 1n e news .
A sports action photo by during a Christian County High Harp recently joined the staff of The eight national awards in the most ‘
Kentucky New Era photographer School-University Heights Academy, Sentinel-News in Shelbyville as recent competition of the National ‘
Danny Vowell has earned a regional game earned a third-place award designers in the ad graphics depart- Newspaper Association for the ;
award from the National Press among Region 4 photographers in ment. Cooper graduated from Kentucky Standard in Bardstown.
Photographers Association. The Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan and Jefferson Community College with a Calvert-Smith and former Standard 1
photo, made at a Sept. 12, 2003 soc- Ohio. degree in commercial art and tech— NIE coordinator Jennifer Walling ‘
cer game of an awkward tumble Margie Cooper and Mary Ann nology. She previously worked as a won third-place in the Best .
. . . .. ; . . . , _, , ., graphics artist for the Maui Newsin Newspaper Promotion category for ;
.l " i‘ Th K ‘ k P 's Hawaii. Harp has an associate’s full—page NIE contest ads. Manning,
3..I_______ e j antucy reSS_____ degree in office management from news/ photo editor, won first place
:5 ~§ 3;}. v_;,;§};3: Southeast Community College. She in the Best Breaking News Photo cat— . ;
MKerituclgyPressQemtfltaghspub. jg, i. giggi‘ffjl previously worked as a graphics egory for her photo of the Jim Beam
kshedmonthlybytheKentuckszess if; ExsmctlleGiennGrax Mmehemr I; 1:55" designer for the Middlesboro Daily fire. She also won second place in the
AmaW/wadcymsemcerlm Enterprise News. Best Breaking News Category for a -
Th1“: ClasspostageispaidatGlasgow, i, .r; 'f-ti Stuart Simpson, former publish— story about the fire. Manning and
”42141 5’meme nee15$8 per.“ Dde12—DonnaCarman,Casey er of The Wayne County Outlook, reporter Boxley got an honorable »
year‘PDStmaStensmd Mggffigdmssl - CountyNewsrjggs; I'E P 1 k' w k Th S _ ‘ ' h B Ph E
FtO-s'Ihe.Kentuckyflessr101;(30nsumer 3 u as 1 ea r e omerset mention 1“ t e 95" OtO ssay
' LaneyFraanOPtyKY‘lOGOly(502)223~8821fDismctlS-TomCaudfiLLmngton Pulaski News Journal and The Category for a photo page on the ,. .
a; if" ' , g Herald-leader} i Times Journal in Russell County, fire. Manning also won second place ‘
carers =~si>213}: . Th U .. 3: £14; 2131 . ., V,
nate to top month over month and By Teresa Revle” a days of the placement. The entire emvmtyoen c‘kyls
les man time _ KPS Director of Sales «5&3 r ha t t ak la uickl so Journalism AlummAssocratzonisn
‘ year over year sa y s . p ocess s o e p ce. q y . acceptingnaminatiensaffor/4.22005
There was one record set in Willard, Rachel McCarty and Tami that our newspapers Will be pald 1min ctees intethe 3:321ka
October 1999 that I did not think Hensley for all of their efforts_ according to the KPA bylaws and the JoumahmHaKOmee Y '
would ever be broken, however. That Holly is the IN AN advertising INAN policy and procedures. Teheehgiblenemnatedmm
. was when there was $761,117.43 sold. assistant and has put many extra Lastly we could not do anything mmmfifitEIfilerbEKméCKY"
Each month I would think - ”Why hours into the record setting month. without the full cooperation of our mavesrmusthavesntasz»
can’t we find someone who will help Rachel is the IN AN rep and member newspapers. You guys let us nificant 01.8011 Offltfiicareegs '
make us reach that goal?” Kentucky advertising assistant and stretch deadlines and add runs at the workingnnewsa orbroad— ’
This month that last record was she juggles many projects while last minute. You may scream when castouitahsmmngiuck'v
broken when the staff at Kentucky maintaining her sanity Tami pulls all you get off the phone with us but Sincertsmrze 6011132981 ,
Press Service and Indiana Newspaper the tearsheets after the ads have been most of the time our requests are not some135 . ‘ soishavebeer;
Advertising Network sold run and makes sure that each proof is anything that our client did not ask lRClquedtifé-ethe Kentuck »
$842,632.90 for newspapers. The ARK in place before the account is from us. Most of the time we hear ”I’ll lmallmil-Iaflbf Fame Fla 1163;
and statewide classified totals are not invoiced. take care of that for you” and it makes honormthemembersarg on
in this total amount. These sales are Then the extended Staff comes into life easy for everyone. exhzbitgmthe Enoch Grehan
for display sales. The sales did not play. David Spencer uploads all the Your efforts are most appreciated JoumahsmBufldmon theUK
come as a result of the efforts on one ads to our accesskpa web site. When and it is through all this cooperation caning g ‘y 1: .
person but as the result of a team anyone has a problem retrieving the that will make all the difference in the Aynommatienformisavadable
approach. That is the only way that ad it’s always Spencer who gets the world in whether or not any more entire School 0th? imWeb
; any of us are ever successful. call. He stays after hours to help out records are broken. Now let’s start Site atuk'tedui’fo make a '
Special thanks have to go to Holly the good of the whole many shattering. eé'nGmmatIolfycofnpletefhe fofm
.. .. m _ andsmdtherequesteémfomw '
M” t ' E 1 b1' h h d as...
. Telecommm‘mmttmvmfiy
‘ By ROGER ALFORD other honors. nity newspapers are go-along, ‘ get— efKenmdcyIWGrehaanidmg,
Associated Press Tom Gish, a former Frankfort along, the Gishes have always stood hemgtflndfl’fifje
WHTESBURG — Two small-town bureau chief for United Press for something,” she said. adimeferreptefnonw
. journalists have been honored by the International, and Pat Gish, a former ”They’re respected because they’ve hahehetehh‘hzsgeteeheh
. Institute for Rural Journalism and reporter for the Lexington Leader, done it year in and year out and mlltakeplatermhnuarg
_ Community Issues for decades of which later merged with the haven’t wavered.” andméucteesmtlbenotxfied
work in Eastern Kentucky. Lexington Herald, bought the The couple struggled economically shortlythereafterAnmductmn
. . Known for tell—it—like—it—is journal— Whitesburg weekly in 1957. for years after the firebombing that ceremenyhanfirmgfllenew
ism, Tom and Pat Gish have been pub- Tom Gish Said the early years were destroyed their offices in downtown memberstshelémtfiespmgm
lishing The Mountain Eagle of toughest, with public officials adopt— Whitesburg, Cross said. emmchenmfiitheammaijoe
Whitesburg for 47 years, despite bouts ing resolutions banning The Advertisers stayed away, fellow CnLectrere
of persecution — including once hav- Mountain Eagle staff from their meet— citizens shunned them and their chil— ,
ing their offices firebombed. ings. dren were harassed at school. 2.4me
”The.“ careers could make a great ”We Spentneafly a decade fighting . Yet they continued publishing the
book or even a motion picture,” said the old battle for open public meet— paper. workshppiannedat ::
Al Cross, director of the new journal- ings,” he said. ”Now I don’t know of Cross said small communities Murraysmte
ism institute based at the University any place in the state where things are often don’t provide enough advertis- Theepartmmtoffenmahsm i
of Kentucky. more open. I take great pride in that.” ing revenue to cover the costs of anéMassCommmcahommfl ;
‘ Cross, formerly the political writer Pat Gish said that she is happy that courageous, probing newspaper that hastlf832ndam1ualjgumahsm ;1
at The Courier-Journal, said that the they left jobs at larger news organiza- reveals hidden truths and helps set andErsaécashngWorkshopfor ‘
‘ Gishes are the first recipients of the tions and moved to Whitesburg. the public agenda. regianaihlghschoolsftebm, j
’ Tom and Pat Gish Award, which will ”We have had 47 years more fun Three generations of Gishes now accerdmgtoworkshopdirector f
be presented annually to rural jour- and more problems than we ever work at The Mountain Eagle. DrBechGaugiiey
nalists who exhibit courage and tenac- expected,” she said. Tom and Pat’s son, Ben, is the edi- ?After registratxenand
ity in reporting the news. Dee Davis, head of the Center for tor. And granddaughter Sally Barto is mmmentsmmmgfi’
_ The Gishes also have received the Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, said a reporter. Smdtsandfilexaémswmbe ;
Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award for the Gishes have become respected ”I know they’ve been through a abletepzckfwmzfiifemgramfi
, " Courage in Journalism and a lifetime champions of open government in lot,” Barto said. J
' achievement award from the Society Eastern Kentucky. ”They have been an inspiration to SeeNEWSen?age7
of Professional Journalists, among ”Inaworld where alot of commu-.~ «mef’. .- - . , . . , --..-..-..wi-,

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, November 2004

i ‘ ' “i r - - , . . "- “fir-n. "r 7'44‘ '1'». w , ~*-- ,.~ 5'}. , 8;, mm . . -Em - I

Newspaper putatisliei s step up ts iielp higi ]
1 school journalists but more are needed ’ i
1 Last month > . enrollments are up, sor a local school, there’s still time. journalism teachers and their stu- B
‘ in this column, Oh, By 2;. the eight-old-year Sponsorships are just $50 per school dents. ' ‘ K
~ I told you that The ‘ Wa :“« organization is cer- per school year. If your local school _ KHSIA membership means a ” , “ D
, publishers of y j;~ m tainly a contributing has already paid its own member- school can participate in the annual . ”

15 Kentucky —"‘—" ‘_‘_"‘ i” factor, a sentiment ship fee for the current year, that’s contest in categories ranging from -- al
: papers had By David Greer W verified by educa- OK. In that situation, we give the newspaper to broadcast to yearbook. , n
5 sponsored the KPA MemberServices 5’) tors. school a $50 credit toward its future Teachers statewide report that stu- 7 f1
: memberships Direct" It’s gratifying to fees for our annual contest and / or dents live to compete with one anoth- . W
- of 38 schools in see so many convention. er. It’ s a huge motivation for students, . i at
: the Kentucky High School Kentucky newspaper publishers Sponsoring a school or two is teachers tell me. Also, member 1‘ " P
l Journalism Association. KHSIA is who are willing to invest in future painless. You don’t even have to schools can attend the annual KHSIA , t?

3 administered by KPA. Now, exactly generations of journalists. That write a check. If you like, the spon- convention where we bring in top— , P

i one month later, I’m pleased to report bodes well for our industry, state sorship amount can be deducted notch journalists and journalism edu- ‘ C]

= that 23 papers have now sponsored a and the entire nation. from your KPS ad revenue check C'ators to present workshops for stu— . f‘

5 total of 52 schools. That means more Since last month’s column, these making it unnecessary to write a dents and teachers. Training sessions . . it}
i than half of the schools belonging to papers have sponsored at least one check — although you can do that if are also available during the year. . _ , Q3
2. KHSIA this school year have been school inKHSIA: you prefer. Our goal is to have at least 100 , V‘

sponsored by a local paper. Winchester Sun, 1 school At some schools, monies for join- member schools in KHSIA this school , _ . ' d

1 Several KPA member papers are The Gleaner, Henderson, 1 school ing organizations such as KHSIA are year. We are within sight of that goal. . ‘ C‘

_T sponsoring schools for the first time. Benton Tribune-Courier, 1 school available. But they are not available at Help us to achieve that goal by . 5‘

‘ This is really a positive trend for the Tompkinsville News, 1 school other schools. And sometimes, while sponsoring at least one high school in ‘ 7 b

4 newspaper industry at a time when Sentinel—News, Shelbyville, 1 the funds are available, the sheer has- your area. I hope to have additional - 0

nearly all Kentucky colleges and uni- school » sle and red tape of getting a check cut sponsoring papers to name in next " , ' a:

: versities are reporting enrollment Lexington Herald-Leader, 8 can be overwhelming — to the point. month’s column. 7 I C‘

7 increases — some quite significant — school where teachers are discouraged from If you have questions or concerns, " ’ ' C‘

5 in their journalism programs. Pioneer News, Shepherdsville, 3 joining KHSJA. In that scenario, a call me here at KPA at (800) 264-5721 ' 1'“

: While KHSIA wouldn’t claim to school local paper sponsoring one or more or send me an e—mail at S]

be the sole reason college journalism If your paper would like to spon— local schools can be a lifesaver for dgreer@kypress.com. K


‘ o o o o o o . P

An informed Journalist IS a good Journalist P

f . c1

: By DANA LEAR .. .:, journalist, the person who is respon- the State of the Union Address or a informed citizens and journalists is . f]

T News Bureau .Esgirzjf I, sible for supplying thousands of debate was going to be broadcasted. to know what’s going on around us. . 5‘

1 Director readers with news weekly or daily, He would be on every channel. My Not just in the areas we cover, but in L

1 I fielded a lot § can't have an intelligent conversa— night was ruined. What would occu- the world as a whole. What is hap- .- ic

“ _ of phone calls the tion about politics why would any— py my night? Only old people and pening on an international level can .

V night before the .. ' one trust what they write about any- geeks watch that stuff. Now I guess I touch the lives of the people in the » ‘ —

. election. I had thing? fall somewhere in one of those cate- smallest town in Kentucky, and cer- . 1

\ people calling me ; . Now I don’t claim for a minute to gories. tainly things that happen on a (

asking questions be a political expert. In fact, only But my interest in politics didn’t national and state level have an '

; about specific candidates and the since taking my job here have I real- just occur in my adult years. I was affect on all of us. Ihonestly feel that a‘
constitutional amendment on the 1y become ”knowledgeable” about four years old when Jimmy Carter the more informed we are the better
ballot. They were asking me? Sort of state government. Sure I knew the was elected president. My mother we report the news to our readers. . t1

; made me feel good that they thought players and how things operated, tells me that every time he came on I certainly believe that if I was as l - $1

‘ so highly of my opinion and wanted but I had no idea how politics and television I was glued to the set. I informed five years ago about state (:1

a little bit of input before casting parties played a role in our state was always watching his speeches. I government as I am now that I ‘ 7‘ .

: their vote. There’s really nothing I government operations. vaguely remember it, but I think the would have been a better journalist V it

1 hate more than an uninformed voter. I’ve learned a lot about it in the reason why I did this was because in when I worked at a newspaper. ' .I<

~_ I was glad to help them out. past two years. Now, as they did the my little mind I thought, ”Hey, he’s Yes, there is a lot out there for me ‘ ‘ '51

‘ Long before I became a journalist other night, people trust my opin- the president isn’t EVERYONE SUP- to learn, but I no longer leave the . a‘

‘ I tried to keep up with what was ion. POSE to watch him?” Guess that just dinner table at family dinners when , o

_ going on around me in our country Back when I was a teenager, years foreshadowed my interest later in the topic of politics comes up. I’m rt

' and the world. I felt as though it was before cable made its way to my par- life. usually leading the discussion. ' ti

’ my obligation as an American. Now ents’ house, I can remember being Yes, he is the president and I know I’m no longer one of the , a

, Ifeel as though it is my obligation as devastated when I found out that EVERYONE SHOULD watch him. uninformed when I can carry on a
> an American and a journalisthlf“ at] (I the president was going to be giving The only way we can bervtruly.‘ [mini—debate with one ,of ,the‘ best . _ . z E

 The Kentucky Press, November 2004 - Page 5
Losing the battle but Winning the war the
importance of insisting on access to crime reports
By KENYON MEYER an incident report was exempt from lost the case before the Kentucky dates of birth. The UK Police
‘ - KPA General Counsel disclosure as an unwarranted inva- Court of Appeals. The court con- Department and the University
Dinsmore 8: Shohl sion of privacy pursuant to the per- cluded that sex crimes were differ- attorney refused to reconsider their
When investigating g Agffif sonal privacy exemption in the ent from other crimes and that the position, even though most of the
g allegations of a crimi- ”egg?“ Open Records Act. victim had an interest in maintain— incident reports did not concern sex
nal act, police typically " The Courier-Journal appealed the ing the confidentiality of her or her crimes. The Kentucky Kernel
' file incident reports “ decision all the way to the Kentucky name (at least until the initiation of a appealed to the Attorney General.
, which are written Court of Appeals and asserted that criminal action in court) that out— The Attorney General ruled in '
accounts of what victims or com— the City did not have the right under weighed the important public inter- favor of the Kentucky Kernel and
plainants have told police investiga- the Open Records Act to implement est in ensuring that law enforcement actually relied in part on language
tors and represent the first step in a a blanket policy mandating nondis— adequately and uniformly investi- from the Court of Appeals’ decision
police investigation into a reported closure of this information in all gates and prosecutes these crimes. in the City of Louisville case. There
‘. crime. Incident reports contain the instances involving the investiga— The Courier—Journal has asked the the court decided that, while per-
following information: location of tion of sex crimes regardless of the Kentucky Supreme Court to review sonally identifiable information
' the crime, district, beat, incident, facts and circumstances of each spe- this decision. But even now, the could be redacted from incident
. ordinance, violation or statute title, cific case. The Courier-Journal Court of Appeals’ decision has been reports in the narrow category of
victim’s name, address, race, sex, argued that police incident reports useful in stopping law enforcement sexual offenses, this would be a lim-
‘ date of birth, and phone number, are public records and that the per- authorities from withholding addi— ited exception to the long-stated and
' complainant’s name, address, race, isonal privacy exemption must be tional information and documents enforced law that law enforcement
, sex, date of birth, and phone num— evaluated on a case-by-case basis as from the public. agencies may not withhold the iden-
’ ber, a 'brief description of what required by the Open Records Act. As the Courier—Journal feared, tities of all crime victims as a matter
occurred, police related information The Courier-Journal argued that a authorities seeking to promote of policy and that the majority of
. and witnessing officer’s signature, person’s name and address are not secrecy attempted to go further than incident reports would be accessible
‘ case status and solvability, and the "private” matters and that the con- the Louisville police. Earlier this under the Open Records Act. Thus,
. complainant’ssignature. .xl,‘Inci,dent tents ,of: a police incident report , year, the University of Kentucky the very opinion that rejected the
' reports have historically been acces- would become public immediately Police Department adopted a policy position of the press with respect to
sible to the public through the upon the initiation of a criminal that permitted a complainant to sex crime incident reports provided -
Kentucky Open Records Act. action in court. The Courier-Journal choose whether he or she wants to the basis for supporting the long-
InIuly 2001, the City of Louisville argued that incident reports con- withhold his or her identity from standing history of the right of
. Police Department implemented a cerning sex crimes should be evalu- public disclosure. Because of this access to incident reports in general.
policy of redacting the name of the ated on a case-by-case basis just like policy, the UK Police Department Sometimes it is necessary to lose a
victim, address, exact location of the with reports concerning other types would only provide redacted crimi— battle to Win the war!
crime, and complainant’s signature of crimes and that this blanket poli- nal incident reports in response to PLEASE CALL YOUR
from any incident report involving a cy could establish a precedent that open record requests from the HOTLINE ATTORNEYS:
sexual offense. The City of could be applied to crimes of other Kentucky Kernel that excluded com- Ion L. Fleischaker: (502) 540-2319
Louisville asserted that the victim’s types. plainants’ names, signatures, home R. Kenyon Meyer: (502