xt7zcr5ncx7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5ncx7j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2003 Vol.74 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2003 Vol.74 No.3 2003 2003 2019 true xt7zcr5ncx7j section xt7zcr5ncx7j / WV 1
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Volume 74: Number 3 - Marcg. 2003 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ,
O [3 was/swears ,. WWW,;was;sWW flaw” mWWW/1q? sagas; er;- mwfi s- 1
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By DANA EHLSCHIDE were still wiflout power to their Eta???)%3%va,%¥affm%w filgggfggfléfiggfiéfg '
News Bureau Director presses. Refimg that they were flnggagfigg . >1 0» figu’wmg 33, “was?! sags, 3:12; .
gomg to havg to make arrangements ”ii/{MW} gwfiéé g; ””5 massage?” ’ fifiifiwflgrzgfifgfigfi '
The me and snowstorm that hit to have their paper prmted at another :1}? ,. reggreégi’ 913;, ,Nfi‘gyfiw' érjgééijjjgfiwfiéfgtéiw:
Kentucky in February created havoc facrhty, Scogin and hIS crew moved §A,,%’W @“t’ifiggfifi 5;:fi’fifé‘igé Efigggg 5 17%th =
on the roadwa s and shut down theu‘ normal 4:30 deadllne to 1 .m. in W: F? a x '9, saga: ea :3, “1%.,ng we (34% .
schools all across the state. Thousands order to get the paper to Danvflle s g a”; . . “M“essifisse”¥i§% M% 3ng x» : “wag; fig; effigfigjfijg '
were Without power leavmg may to Advocate Messenger. new? 2.%‘;;W% a {2763; j fiafifwéffgfifitgffig‘igfié‘ag
599k alternative Places *0 StaY- Area With “0 Phones 0r GlecmleY, the as. x .fligfi’iaswwi wwe’mfimewefhow .
newspapers weren’t spared from suf— News-Graphic set up a makeshift vgg %§Zgg§s’* dgéamgwawizagffmtg -
fermg a few setbacks as well- newsroom at Georgetown Clty Hall- assesses}. saet=wza fi‘fiwawfi ;-
“It was an odd situation,” said The power came back on during ”W: / $31, gay“?ii’ggflwww’iffifwf);u,5 3
Mike Scogm, publisher of the the night Tuesday, Scogin said, only to W5 553% awe/@fié’gégggééggmwwflfg‘ggw’wmflgreasy?
. . Kiwi?“ «zgsogyc/r,vzaf/§M .
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- Edwards Hatmaker McGrudger Ryan Staats West
Induction ceremony the same day, UK will also host the the UK Journalism and the Kentucky Press Association’s .;
. . 26th annual Ioe Creason Lecture in Telecommunications Alumni board of directors for 25 years. .
W1“ be held Aprll 8 Memorial Hall. This year’s Creason Association, are: 0Bob Edwards, host of the popular 5
Lecturer is Bob Edwards, host of °Louise Hatrnaker, former editor, NPR morning newscast and entertain— j
51" Journalists Wlth Kentucky ties National Public Radio’s ”Morning publisher and owner of the Jackson ment program which reaches an esti- L
have been chosen for the Kentucky Edition.” Edwards, who grew up in Times and Beattyville Enterprise and mated 13 million listeners each week, j
Iournahsm Hall Of Fame and W111 be Louisville, is one of the Hall of Fame a pioneer woman journalist in embodies excellence in broadcasting. .
honored at a luncheon APr11 8 at the inductees. Appalachia. Now retired, she began With NPR since 1974, Edwards con— ?
Umversrty 0f Kentucky. The other inductees to be recog- her career as a reporter for the ducts more than 800 interviews each 5'
- I . .
The ceremony W111 be held at UK 5 mzed at the luncheon sponsored by Hazard Herald and was a member of See FAME on Pa 8 8 ,
Hilary I. Boone Faculty Center. Later g

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press,March 2003

K t k l ' th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne 5 Pu
. Hickman Courier editor He began his journalism career in Paducah, will succeed Jones. A native of Glasgow, Strange N01
takes jOb at Fulton Leader Fulton when the Leader was still a Pyron’s editorial background . received her Bachelor of Sc1ence to the le
John O’Neal Jones, who has served daily paper. He then became editor of includes a two-year stint as copy ed1- degree With honors from Western tee/S act
as editor, writer, photographer, pro— the Weakley County Press in Martin, tor for The Courier. She officially Kentucky University and also did her specific
duction manager and distributor of Tenn, before going to Hickman. began her duties Jan. 6. master’s work in the Biology chances
The Hickman Courier during his 11 Jones, 46, is a graduate of the A graduate of Lambuth and Ohio Department at Western where she budget t
years at the newspaper, has left to University of Tennessee at Martin. State Universities, Pyron began her worked as a graduate assistant and Hopefu
' become the editor and general man- Cherry Pyron of Clinton, a former journalism career at the Richmond, served on the Graduate Council. nohces
. ager of The Fulton Leader and will copy editor at the Courier and at Va., Post—Dispatch, where she worked After completing her education, “mt “1
also oversee the Fulton Shopper. Schroeder Publishing Company in as a typesetter. She moved to an edi— Strange was employed in various was “0

torial assistant position at Yankee management positions with bm‘ ,

, , 0 ‘~_ , 7 7 ’7 _._ 3:1 ’55; 1,; in f , _ 7 , Magazine in New Hampshire before Waldenbooks, a retail book company, “fig:
1 , r, k The ,; KentUCkyrreSS 7f "f coming back to western Kentucky. over a period of 17 years. She was hood cl
3-; '_' ,. g’ 3 __ . 1 ;; 7;,3 7' She took a job as reporter for the assistant manager for Waldenbooks in tghrougl
‘1 "fire Kentu (21(me (ISSN-GO23~0324)isDismct11-GlenncrayMan - g: - Y Fulton Daily Leader until taking a Bowling Green; opened the Towne signed
;,= ‘pribfiShed‘inonflalybythe KmtuckyPressEnterpnse' 1;}: sabbatical from journalism to raise a Mall Waldenbooks location in notices
_.’ mam/Kmmdeym Servzoe,Inc {[39:35 3.; ~32. son. She alsohas written for the Elizabethtown as store manager; interne

Penodmals Class postageis paidat ;;;;;5Dismct12'DaVid 1110mm Carlisle County News, the Hickman returned to Bowling Green as store You

gfigggmmmthpmngwwemg County Gazette and Hometown manager and then became a trainer want tc

'. .3, 3;” 03m .‘333 ,1 1m , .‘gel; 0g‘;53;7:;;f;é23s‘7:71;}:5 Magazine. for new store managers there; and T119553?

{:1 fnggzggymgéalelmggamaumW Before coming to the Courier, finally became Waldenbooks district meetin;

;, 3223:8821; EL; Pyron was a copy editor at Schroeder manager for Kentucky and southern m Kent

KWS‘YWWMggfLmSEMS Lisa Simgspn Strange In December 1999, Strange joined afifi;

‘ 5Pmmdent~$lmonTummshTonyMZ§§bnMadiciyonwfieMfismger takes pu llsher’s 1'0 e at the news department at the Glasgow Egencit

3, ’3 tayioreaayesxeetaairy NewEra Lisa Simpson Strange was named three years there as copy editor while Sou

i WAéWWMs”’§mmiizwvamlex News-Gazette the first of January by operations of a local newspaper. the int

SomersetCommonwealflrJoumal’ 2' 37: .73.“: g ’3‘ V 13;}; regional manager Keith Ponder. £91185 IS new co-owner Of nel t9}

1 'f , fr , , AdverusmgbivmonsdierylMagers, She replaces Dealton Brown who he Butler County POSt reguire

EM~'Q§:;1EPOW [ j,” _ " 7 Cenh'alKeniuckyNewsJoumal _' 773337,;23 joined the management team of the Johnnie Jones became the new co- Wlt.11}l:

1 I “a ' '1: 4‘: {177193553 CeeolafioaDmosKoeafohmoh 31321225132? cahfmma“ 1“ early See PEOPLE on Page 10 11C 'me

. mm B; 0|; imal , .; {B35}:i.‘;7;i;j2f;~ié2:??321293:e.V 2;!" ’35:”? _—-—-—_——————-——-—-— 1 orrn

If f; ; ; ,-;:‘3I’5T’i5 . ASSOQatQSDlmé/naaifipgkham’ Arrangements for Kilduff were The

Boardothrectors ' 1;";1 Wilma” D e aths pending in Beattyville at press time Wh

W0“ Am ”WMWWWM electec

. Tm management Former Herald News eo- end“?

: merreunmgmowsonspnae Former Kennedydpress publisher dies iii,“

Progress , l. . , ,. , - _ ;. , ’; 1'77: gamhclejfcy’lgmswwflm secretary, editor ies Elsie Atherton Creal, 85, of lizwill:

. ,Clanon I} 51,; . a1 mock ,3; :L‘é'r'y‘ff mefimefievm ,_ ofSales ,3,7'ff'i'7’5f557’1j37'357’7; spokesman who gave a shocked world Feb. 23, 2003, at her residence follow- teadal:

omeewmmtmemme the first official word that President ingaiongruness iih

1 Favorite 3; 7" wflafifmwfl? W I ed, died yesterday. He was 75- and the former Elsie Atherton Smith. press ‘

. DismctS- RonFilions,Katmcky SWWRebawmslaesWeaum is ill Kilduff was found to be unrespon- She was retired as bookkeeper and thellee

' - ' ‘ : it firm-emu: W at a Beafiyville nursing home yes- co-pubiisher of The Herald News. 0:; ,3

§ mag am}; PostLomsvige fileCmmdgAmanveAésmt terday and was transported to Jackson Earlier employment was with Nolin £511}: 1
: comet-«Journal f’ 1'3 ; . 7.23 3.74 RacheIMcCarty,AdvefimngAssxstant :Ioséaigal, Whel: hf: was prgnounced RECC and Lincoln National Bank. every

- '-’ :7“ ”7 i “"5 7' 3 " HoflmeMMANBusmflexk ea Y Breat “ ounty oroner Funeral services were held Feb. 26, below

. , i 7 _' 3 .. 9:1, ‘7 7~ , Tm Hermieyflearsheetflerk Kilduff more recently worked as Expressions of sympathy may take time y
' 833103.;8' KenMetzfiad-i 3‘ iNews 7'7 1, 7 editor Of The Beattyville Enterprise, an the form of contributions to Hospice 1)

/ , ,4 ; 55:; “ 7, .7} 3 " p 77‘ Eastern Kentucky weekly newspaper. & Palliative Care of Central Kentucky, new?

DisnictQQMarkMaynérdkshland ”Deity, SeaffmembersOfficsrmdDirmrsmaY But his biggest moment in the Spot- 13.0. Box 2149, Elizabethtown, no“:

Indepmdent I, 3, 3 i, I 7;}; bereachedbye—mailusmgflxemdimduarslf, light was at a 1:31 pm. news confer- Kentucky 42701, or to the American gill

Districtlbw Edmund Shelby Bea , x ,4, 3 ,3 figgflgfipam$k£§lsgfite ence on. NOV. 22, 19o3, at Parkland Cancer Society, NCICFUL, p_o_ Box as a p

:Entetprise ,' , I ,_’ y; '1 . 3” . g Madras ; I ,I' , g .‘ j ; { ' , Memorial HOSPm11 In Dallas. 102454, Atlanta, Ga 30368—2454. expen

531.3, 3_ ~3 3 ’ 3 ' 3 4 ‘ ' -, , , u v _; 33 lisher:

dent r

 The Kentucky Press, March 2003 - Page 3
s o o o - '
Public notices and the Internet - - not as Simple as 1 , 2, 3 :
NOTE: This is being written prior . , per file and read a notice of action by a times intemet service is not available. '
to the legislative conference commit— On Second r, government agency. That history is not And in the case of that storm, some i; ,
tee’s action on the state budget, and t s ’ available by publishing notices on a Kentuckians would have been without
ier specifically House Bill 269. And the l Thought tfim WEbsite. internet service for up to 12 days. -' '
chances are, you’re reading it after the : ——— tft One version of this language So point me to one newspaper who
budget bill has been approved. i ‘s ’ addressed that issue by saying the ‘ didn’t publish that week because of no ,
l Hopefully, language affecting public Bit David TiThompson j if”; ' school system had to have the informa- power. Newspapers found ways [0 get
notices in newspapers and more impor— K A Executwe 13mm” , . tion posted for a year. Okay, fine. What their editi0n(s) out. Could the informa- ' ’5. ‘
. tant, the public’s right to information, , . about someone wanting information tion have gotten to the public any other
was not compromised by the budget responsibly and with great sensitivity from two years or five years and pre- way?
bill. to the essential nature of this task. KERA days? 8. Government agencies cannot
ny It’s coming. Maybe not now, maybe Publication reguirements in local 4. There is the opportunity that ensure that information located on a
’ not next year but sometime, there’s a newspapers do not inflict a ”tremen— once a notice is published, the govern— server is secure. With all the stories of ’g
. good chance legislation will get dous cost” to taxpayers. In fact the ment agency could change the content hackers accessing specific websites, it is 4L
s m through the House and Senate and rates for public notices in Kentiicky are after the fact. That is not possible with a known fact that information could be ,
signed by the governor that public far below the standard rates charged for publishing notices in a newspaper. changed, or deleted, with very little '
notices are to the published on the all other advertising. The much greater Easy to do and who’s the wiser that effort. Accessing websites by just one
internet. cost would be to public confidence in it took place? citizen could pass a ”virus” to that web- ,
b You don’t want to hear that, I don’t their local officials should notices disap- 5. Some websites require specific site and to those who access the web-
: want to think about that. But it’s the pear from their local newspapers. software be used to View the content of site. ,
message resounding from committee The House Education Committee that website. That means some citizens 9. Until specific requirements are 1
ct meetings and Capitol hallways, not just was told that school districts spend would either have to purchase the soft- developed and put into place, the pub- I:
'n m Kentucky but every state. . . . some $255,000 a year to publish finan- ware to _V1eW the webs1te or choose not he should not be expected to rely on 3
t Until a great deal of foundation is in cial statements. I have an e-mail from to View it at all. The agency can restrict just a government agency having that .
place, there’s really no reason to tlunk one superintendent in Western access to a speCific software it chooses. information available There are no ,
d about it. It’s not as simple as a legislator Kentucky saying that his school district Consider the Legislative Research re uirements on howlon information "r
putting in language that says public x e diture w inc rrect. The re rt Commission’s own website. While the _ q 5 _ .3
w - - - e p n as o p0 - - - - is to be osted on a web81te no re uire- .
agenCies can pubhsh notices on the to the committee said his district spent text of bills is pubhshed on the webSite, p h . I th _ q i
. 1 internet. $5000. He says it was only $1800. You a citizen can only access that informa— ment for w ere on a web s1te e infor- i
llle . Sounds good because ”agencies will wonder how many other districts were tion if he or she has Microsoft Word. mation ShOUId be contained, no _ ‘.I’
1y i save a lot of money.” Will they? "Sure, rnisreported. No other software will allow you to requirement to the format of public
. I . 7 the internet is free.” Not necessarily. But you wonder how much newspa- View legislation and the same could be notices on a website. Until those con— 4,
w There are costs associated with person— pers donate in space to schools. I’d say true if a government agency posts trols are developed, and until minimum I
f . nel to keep the website going, time it’s more than $5 million per year if you notices on its website. standards are put into place by the leg—
; required to post notices, fees associated measured the news hole and multiplied 6. Some websites are available islature, the public should not be If
0- 1 With an internet service prov1der. by the newspaper’s advertising rate. only through speCific web browser soft— expected to rely solely on a govem- "
The bigger issue is the access to pub- And that doesn’t include a donation ware as well. Many of the state govern- ment-c o ntr 011 e d website for inform a- g ,
10 lic information or more specifically, here d there. merit websites will either not allow . . . ,1
e . an . . tion it now has available through a
government corthtrolhng the flow of 2. Public notices should NOT be yolhr bfiowserlto accress mformthhcifllf or newspaper 1
— information to e citizens. w' te you at to est view e ' or- _ . ' . ‘
That is the issue and it should be. rgmtrpiledetgyiaeggymesrneagmgnecyton mation contained, you should use a Thls is the one lasting argument. The i
2 While I’d like to think we trust an website. Publishing all public notices in Specific network browser. language says PUthh on the inter- . ,
elected public official to do what’s right a newspaper ensures that public notices 7. Newspapers don’t miss issues net." But where, when, for hOW long, m f
. r and make sure every bit of information are not at the sole control of a govern— but there is a real possibility that web- what form? f
is available, let’s get real. It’s not going ment agencv. With the language pro- sites could be down, precluding the citi- Presently, all public notices are I
to happen. HOW many times has your Vlded in thé Senate’s budget version, a Zens from accessing the Website at a required to be published in a newgpa- : '
‘ newspaper been asked, ”Can you put school district can decide when the particular time. Some areas 0f Kentucky per and the law is simple and straight— ;
'W- this in real, small type so it’s not so financial statement is published, what were Without power for up to 12 davs forward. With the internet idea. it
readable. information is published and how the recently because of the ice storm. becomes a confusing process. ;
It happens. information is published. Internet access was imp0351ble from Every one of you has a countv gov- :
ity I thank my. colleagues at other state Sorry but Ijust don’t trust public those homes because of the lack of e rn m ent. Some have two, t'nr e e, maybe t
;h. press assoc1ations for helping develop agencies if they had control of what power.lNewspaperstere Without even five or six incorporated citi es. r
nd the reasons public notices should not be information to put on a website. 1 power in those locations as well but Several have m u nici p ally owned utility i
on the mternet..Over the years, we’ve remember too many times when I was were still able to get their newspaper companies _ water, electric, cable TV, F
n prepared for this battle and now it s an at the Georgetown News and Times printed and into the hands ofttheir sub- and then there is one, in many cases .
issue in most every state legislature, that the school superintendent, or scribers on time and Without interrup- two school districts within a county.
2 6 every year..The pomts we use are mayor, or others at public agencies tion. . Not to mention parks and recreation '_
I . below and in some cases, I ve added would ask me to ”print that thing as Newspapers have weathered fires, departments, planning commissions, :
. my thoughts to the reasons why it’ s not small as you can so people won't be floods, tornadoes and even terrorism county clerks master commissioners ,
ike time yet. . able to read it.” threats but they keep publishing each And on and dn. ’ f
:e 1) Kentucky’s local community Do you want me to supply a magni- day or each week Without interruption. So the question begs to be asked? Is
:ky, newspapers have prov1ded notice func- fying glass with each copy of the news- WebSites and Internet SerVice PrOViders it more convenient for a tax a er to .
tions for more than a century to govern- paper? was the response I wanted to have frequent down time or times th p y .;
ment — reliably, effectively and at an give. when the website is ”busy” or ”not have one, at e most two, newspapers < .
n exceedingly efficient cost, when taken 3_ There is no archival histo to available,” even several times a day. In a FOUDtY as a source for pubhc infor-
x as a percentage of total government government actions as there is wiffl It’s a shame testimony on some of mation? Or Should we expect taxpayers
expenses. Kentucky newspaper pub- newspapers, if information is available these bills didn’t take place during the to have 10, maybe 15, websites that they g
lishers have performed their indepen- only on the Internet. Years from now, Ice Storm of 2003. We could have have to check regularly to see what f ‘:
dent role as public notice providers any citizen could go back to a newspa- included ice storms among the many public agencies are doing? '_ .

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press,March 2003
P1 ns nderway for 2003 Journalism Boot Camp L
When Greg Gapsis attended college, . V Member papers can have the boot packed with exceptionally rewarding Fu
he planned to pursue a journalism oh B The fl camp tuition deducted from their KPS information and the instructors and ‘
career. Along the way though someone ’ y fest. ad revenue, if they desire. guest speakers were not only extremely $1‘l
persuaded him to go to law school Way a g ”The journalism boot camp was a knowledgeable but enthusiastic about ‘
instead. After practicing law for 17 _______ " compact and intensive way to get sharing information and very friendly. ap]
years, Gapsis attended the 2002 KPA exposed to the business of print jour- u Anyone interested in pursuing a
Journalism BOOt Camp. A week after 3” mm“ 6"" nalism, the skills it requires and the career in journalism will benefit greatly By K
boot camp concluded, he was hired as a KPA "2'?" W challenges and rewards it offers,” from attending the classes. Attending KP A
reporter at the Jeffersonville (1nd.) ream Gapsis said. ”The course was thorough the boot camp was one of the most pos- Ding
. Evening NeWS- first two years — those Open slots avail- and guest Speakers exceptional itive and rewarding experiences I’ve Ti
lay Cason is a retired school super- able to the public will go fast! Looking through the WtthWS 0t their had in my life." Defei
intendent, principal and teacher. But Again this year, Jim St. Clair, jour- experience added a dimension to the After attending boot camp, Susan d
sitting home didn’t satisfy the 50—some- nalism professor at Indiana University classes that could not be duplicated Tucker was promoted to staff writer at all: (
thing outdoors enthusiast. His son had Southeast and boot camp instructor the except by years of working as a Farmer’s Pride. ”The boot camp was an t 15 I
studied journalism and some rubbed first two years, returns to teach the reporter. I can think of no better pro— experience I’m glad I was a part of. At occas
off on dad who had enjoyed writing course. gram by which to test one’s attraction first, it can be a little intimidating but be ce
and publishing a number of articles in KP A members will receive a boot and aptitude for news and feature writ- I’m really glad now that I went. I use we r2
education journals over the years. camp mailing later this month. Be 1313-" what I learned at boot camp when I’m brair
Shortly after boot camp concluded, watching for it. If you have new staff ”I participated and enjoyed every writing now. Nearly every time I write Steve
Cason accepted a reporter position at members who would benefit from three moment,” Cason said. "I can’t imagine an article, 1 think about something that good
The Anderson News in Lawrenceburg. weeks of intensive entry-level editorial a better instructor than Jim St. Clair. came up in class.” ry ar
Gapsis and Cason are just two of the training or know someone in your com— While I wasn't sure, at the time, that I Shirley Cox of Mount Vernon found this 1
success stories that resulted from last munity who you might hire if they had wanted to write for a newspaper, I that attending boot camp was a boost to T]
year '5 KPA loumalism BOOt Camp. The some training, sign them up right found myself well prepared when a her career as a free-lance Christian Defe
2003 camp will run from July 14 away. posmon was offered.” writer. new
through Aug. 1 on the campus of Again this year, the price of boot Charles Mattox, editor of the ”Thank you, David Greer and Jim St. b er r'
Georgetown College in Georgetown, camp is $595, That includes three weeks Flemingsburg Gazette, found himself in Clair, for making one of the most enjoy- a de‘
just a few miles northwest of of intensive classroom and writing lab the job a couple of years ago without able experiences of my life become a H ti
LeXington- training, plus two meals each classroom any formal framing- After three days at catalyst that has launched me into the ho
Boot camp is limited to 24 partici- day _ a continental breakfast and lunch. boot camp, Mattox said he had already Christian writing market. As I said in t ro1
pants and KPA member papers will Participants are free to commute from learned more than he had during his class, I want to tell God’s news. You advr
: have the first opportunity to reserve home if they desire or they can stay in first year on the job. have given me the tools to do that!" and
SIOtS in this year '5 camp. But unfilled area hotels. Reasonable hotel room ”The KPA Boot Camp was the best If you have any questions about the "’ the I
» slots will be opened to the public — and rates are available in Georgetown just a journalism training I’ve ever had,” upcoming boot camp give contact me at men
' based on the hiStOI'Y 0f the boot camp’s short distance from the college campus. Mattox said recently. ”The classes were (502) 223-8821 or dgreer@kypress.com. hellp
_______—________._______—_____________________— se V1
. ’ . T
g e weren t e t ower ess Wit out ower
. tribt
. I felt helpless when I heard about , _ placement because so many agencies other places in Versailles to lose :0 t:
the thousands of people around me Advertising . ' 343* that I worked with in Lexington were power on Feb. 19. Iriiak
’ who were without electricity during P l ’ ‘3 in without electricity. With each passing It was their misfortune that meant art
the ice storm that occurred on Feb. 16. #L 2% moment I heard about another client that my cl1ent COUId get thell‘ ad 111 the 5hr
Our electricity went off at my home at fig _ ' of mine that was having trouble due paper and get the auction re—sched- h 0
8:20 am. and came back on a little By Teresa Revlett ' . *- to the storm of the century. What uled. Luckily for everyone concerned, av<
fter 4 .m. It was on for an hour then KPS Dmcmr of Sales -. .3‘ could I do to hel ? the Versa1lles newspaper dld not suf—
a p 12. :, p fer structurall from the loss of elec-
' ' iv s» he emer- . . y . . .2:
went off again. By 6.30 pm. Sunday 5.3,. é Then on Wednesday, t tr1c1ty. The newspaper was just g 0mg 7:1;
night our power was restored. 3' gency ad placement happened. There to be delayed a few hours. By the ”Tit/55$:
‘ During the time that my family we got cold we all three snuggled was an auction scheduled in middle of the day on Thursday, the
was without electricity I spent the day together, We made the most of it and Versailles for Feb. 20. We had run a newspaper was available to readers. w.
, trying to occupy my 5-year-old and 9- had a good day. Then I really felt bad series of ads for Swinebroad Denton The staff at the Woodford Sun did
year—old sons. Their dad was sleeping for my neighbors in Fayette County Auction and Realty Company in what had to be done to get their
since he works nights and we were who were without much more than Lexington. The ad for the 142 +/ — newspaper out to their subscribers.
trying to stay out of trouble. The day my family. acres Romanoaks Farm ran in 34 They did what every'newspaper does 5’
' was spent playing cards, board games Monday morning the news said newspapers. And the auction wasn’t each weak by proyiding ‘fitzl Lnfor‘
and working a puzzle. that all non-essential, non-emergency going to happen because of the matron t at tcan tth e matc e , yI
My 53-year-old touched everything employees should not be on the roads weather. That was an emergency and 5:333:13: azrgwifhcgglriidlfmgu am
in the house and asked ”Does the in Franklin County. To be honest, I suddenly I was essential. p Across the state we heardystories of
‘ refrigerator take electricity? Does the was feeling pretty non-essential. The folks at the Versailles newspaper workers who banded -
. microwave take electricity? Does the When I thought of how important the Woodford Sun had their own emer- together to help get important news
3' Nintendo 64 take electricity? Does the workers at the various electric compa— gency to deal with since they lost to their subscribers and who also took
. Game Cube take electricity?" nies were I wasn’t sure where I fit electricity within 30 minutes of finish— the time to help neighbors in need
I'm afraid everything Beau wanted into the mix. ing their weekly product. Something during the crisis. That’s why J
”took electricity.” Really the crisis I came to work anyway but was happened that caused the newspaper, Kentucky is the best place to live and
was a good, family day for us. When having trouble concentrating on ad along with the hospital and several raise a famlly even 1“ troubled times. i '

 The Kentucky Press, March 2003 - Page 5 ; .
o o o »

. Legal defense fund still prov1d1ng benefits :—

Fund has awarded :3) Sept. 1. If you join the Legal . To make application, obtain the inception, the fund has received 34 ,
efense Fund after Sept. 1, you Wlll application form from DaVid requests for f1nanc1al ass15tance and ,

' $175 000 to 27 not be eligible to receive funds for the Thompson. It will ask you to describe has awarded approximately $175,000 :

3 first six months after you sign on. the primary issue in the case and the to 27 applicants. As many participat— .3
appllcants The other threshold requirement statewide or industry-wide impor- ing newspapers will tell you, this is a f
for participation applies in the case of tance of the case. The application service well worth the contribution. .

I By KIM GREENE “g,- a libel claim against the newspaper. form asks about any deadlines that " * * * * *

KPA General Counsel ,1 To be eligible to apply for funds, the exist in the case, contact information On another note, the Attorney ,

' Dinsmore & Shohl :33 newspaper has to have an active libel for your attorney on the case, if any, General recently has reconfirmed that .,

The KPA Legal , 8’ ~ H , insurance policy. information about the adverse party agencies responding to open records '
Defense Fund is SiX Signing up to participate in the and its attorney, the amount of legal requests must charge only ”a reason— '
and one-half years 01d ” Legal Defense Fund and making sure expenses incurred to date and expect- able fee" for copies ”which shall not '

1 this month. It’s an “H“ you’ve met these threshold require- ed in the future, if known, and the exceed the actual cost of reproduc- :
occasion that should ' / ' : ments is important. Just this year, two amount requested from the Legal tion, . . . not including the cost of staff :
be celebrated. And, as H newspapers found themselves up that Defense Fund. In the case of a libel required.” This language is contained '- ‘
we raise our glasses to this wonderful proverbial creek without this prover- claim against the newspaper, you in the Open Records Act, specific