xt7zcr5ncw47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5ncw47/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2001 text GLSO News, January 2001 2001 2001-01 2019 true xt7zcr5ncw47 section xt7zcr5ncw47 i t~°’~*:7’/ .. .7 1 mm ”m. 1» r‘. in"; ,7» 5717/; i :‘it
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1 I: Lexington, Kentucky rm: * t/ 2 t» t
is t Wefigfgflejogton (131151;: 5311151 Eastman Service Cigarcaitfflt

Federal Suit Against Somerset School District Settled Bluegrass CZeteht‘ttti

Somerset school officials have director of the Kentucky chapter of
settled a lawsuit filed by Brad the ACLU], said he hopes the new Mark your calendars for this
Putman who was harassment by fel- policy in Somerset will be a model one: the "Queerest" game ShOW in
low students who thought he was for other school districts in the state. the world, Bluegrass Celebrity
gay. Brad, with the support his fam- Cooper said the new harass- Squares, brought to YOU by the
ily, filed a Federal Civil Lawsuit ment policy is the largest victory for people Who do fundraising best,
against the Somerset Independent her. "it's not going to fly by so easy the Imperial Court 0t KY- tt Wt” be
School District and some of its the next time" a student is held at the Kentucky Theater 0"
employees last March. Brad does harassed, she said. "This wasn't Tuesday, January 30th-
not consider himself to be gay and about money, but it'll sure help Brad included th this event Wt” be
thinks he was targeted partly as far as his future." the Grand Finale 0t the Celebrity
because of his interest in fashion The Somerset independent AUCttOh- ASK any member 0t The
design. School District will pay an estimated Board 0' the MOhBtChS for a 00th

Brad and his mother, Gina $135,000, some of which will be put plate listing of items to be auctioned
Cooper, had reported incidents of into an education trust fund for Brad (emperorev19@aol.com, imperial
harassment including death threats to use in any Kentucky college. CtOWh Prince XtX Chris Rhorer,
to school personnel several times This monetary settlement will be an crownprincei9ky@aoi.com).
over the months preceding their incentive for other Kentucky school Silent bids Wt” be taken Stah'
decision to file a law suit. As is too districts to update their policies and ing hOW and Wt“ continue Uhttt the
often the case, school officials said train school personnel in how to night 0t the event. 30 start YOUt
they could not do anything to stop stop harassment. bids and fight teeth and nail to get
the harassment. The Superintendent The settlement also included your pick from OUT celebrity selec-

_ at that time, Monte Chance, met some money for GLSEN-KY (Gay ttOh- As we usher Year 2001: join ’

with Cooper and told her that the Lesbian Straight Educators Network, the court tor the met fundraiser 0t
district had no policy against same- Ky Chapter) and other endeavors in theNew Year! ‘ < d
sex harassment. the state. Gina Cooper formed this twjtfiymjwfitstrlr

They do now. Part of the settle- chapter and is encouraging new iétptiirtth'niflii‘ctilmi‘iii
ment was a more stringent policy members to join. There will be a 'g 3% .— F
that forbids any harassment or dis- GLSEN meeting in Lex. on January ; ' ; ° _ -
crimination based on "actual or per- 10 at the Pride Center at 7:30. ttt . tftr 9‘ fit ‘ ,1, it; ;.
ceived sexual orientation" and out- Brad has come through his jr.~_‘1_:_ ittifélhtu’i Wt itééti'ittt Nitrite-'1
lines the schools” responsibilities ordeal in good shape and is looking 5 , . .g
and the recourse available to victims. for a college that will help train him ‘ ' 3 ' V / (1/. !

Everett Hoffman, an attorney for what he wants--a career in fash— i 1* ht? ' , i
for Putman [and a former executive ion design. ,4,» it

 ‘ . pride C enir er Telephone Line
,1: A“ OW Vision for 2001 Tables, chairs, dry erase boards, etc.
it;7_«V537:"..5'3-_;if:{.’;;.7;:j2’_e GAY and Computer -.
Rife? LESBIAN The Pride Center Committee of Newsletter
L%W;fOLRVICL the GLSO has been developing Fundraising
‘2‘th ORGANIZATION guide lines for our new Pride Announcements
‘32-” Lexington Kentucky Center. We have looked at a vari- Web Development i
' ety of properties and will be making Pink Pages (
a decision within the next month. i
WGL so NEWS Thanks to those of you who have Information Access: |
sent in suggestions for locations. Computer with online service I
VOL 15 ”0- 1 Here is our vision in outline form. If Library: Including an In-House ,
Published Monthly by: you want to take part in the work to Reading/Lounge Area
make the vision a reality, the next Inventory List 1
. meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 4 at Develop a Donor Program I
The Lexmgton Gay 7 pm at the Pride Center. Call Jane Periodical Section i
Lesbian Service for information 389-7698. Web Presence i
Organization 80% Begign ‘
Pride Center Mission: to provide Newsletter Online
52| becond 51: the focal point for our community by Frequent Updates
maintaining a safe and positive Info Specific to Pride Center
Editors: gathering space with access to the
_ latest, most accurate information. Community Involvement
Mary Crone Peter Taylor Current Functions
5 d [9 Physical Considerations: Community Meetings (GLSO,
MM Geographic Location Fairness, Imperial Court, Colts,
Terry Mullins, President On a main artery GLSEN, FayYEN, etc.)
Peter Taylor, Vice President Assessable from the burbs and Discussion Group
Mary Crone. Editor from downtown ActOut rehearsal space
Anita VandeVen‘cer. Treasurer LOW crime area Social Events
Ginger Moore. Secretary Good visibility from street level Development of New Programs
Kelly O'Ferrell Appropriate Space Youth Support/ Networking
Jordan bummers Handicap Assessable Potlucks
Jerry Hicks Professional to instill pride Classic Movie Night
John lZidner An office Contra Dancing
LATonia Jones One large assembly room Games Night
At least one mid sized confer- Poetry Readings
GLSO Annual dues ence /meeting room, elsewhere: GLBT Retail Space
and ”QWSIGtten $15-00 stocked with table & chairs, dry Liaison to Larger community
Dues and ”amen" erase board) Outreach to Progressive Groups
for couples: $20.00 Develop contacts in many
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News _ Ba_Sic Operation Needs: organizations
are those of the authors and don’t Paid Office Manager (part time) Post/print into about Lexington
necessarily represent those of the GLSO Regular Day Hours community events
m‘efigg‘fp‘gx gingegfs": fife Additional Scheduled Staffing Submit articles to other
staffresexves the 11th to edIt submissions Volunteers,& College Interns publications
:3an ngfifii‘stfo: 3:31;: gxgx Availability of access for after Letter writing campaigns
_ ._ hours programs
GLSO Page 2

 G 0mm unity News '
Social Concepts are held at 2216 Young Drive, Suite Sistahs In the Life
A local production or the The 1. Young Drive is located off New Ebony Male
Vagina Monologues will be present- Circle between FllChmOhd and Ebony Male and Sistahs in the
ed at the Singletary Center next Winchester Roads. Life invite you to a FREE Holiday
month. The cast includes our own Join us and be yourself for a Unity Celebration! We'll see you on
Debra Hensley, as well as Rev. Kelly couple Of hOUlS- The GTOUD iS there December 29th at the Limestone
Flood, Cathy Rawlings, Missy to support you, and we might even Club at 213 N. Limestone St. (two
Johnston and Kathy Stein. have a laugh or tWO- ll YOU have doors up from Columbia's restaurant)
There will be only one perfor- questions or need directions call We will begin the evening at 8
mance which will be on Monday, Jane at 389-7598 (evenings). pm with dinner. There will be a vari-
February 12, at 7 pm. You can't miss ety showfrom 10 pm until 11pm. And
this. We will either get together Wishing Chair get your groove on from 11pm until
before or after the concert. Get your WlShlhg Chair Will be performing 2am! Dress is casual, there is plenty
tickets NOW. This will sell out quick- in the are on the TOllOWth dates: of parking. And it's FREE!
IY- Singletary BOX Office, 859-257- Jan 4 Stanley's,Cinti,OH,10 pm For more information about
4929. All tickets $15.00. Jan 11 Cheapside, Lex. KY, 10pm Sistahs call LeTonia 233-3751, or
This one is worth missing a day Jan 12 High on Rose M Mother Jane. Joan 252-2657.
of work for out of towners. The own- 8 pm
ers of the play have allowed small Jan 25 Cheapside, Lex. KY, 10 pm GLSO Library
groups to produce it on this one time Jan 27 Stanley‘s, Cthlh, OH, 10pm GLSO plans to establish a
only basis. You might not get anoth- library at the new Pride Center. We
er opportunity. Call Ginger for info at Moueallle “33‘. will develop a collection that
389-7698 or email gg40504@hot- Movable Feast needs help for includes books, videos and other
mail.com for. delivering meals. ll is easy; YOU media, information and entertain-
come in at 5 Pm and are thTOUQh by ment sources, and have full and
7pm (often earlier). YOU can get a open lending services to the com-
BIN“ $3 specific route if you commit toa reg- munity. We are looking for volun-
VOIJJN'FEERS NEEDED ular schedule. if you can drive a car teers to help build this as a commu-
GLSO can earn $200 by pro- you can change a life. Please give nlty resource. Call Jane 389-7698.
viding volunteers to work at Bingo US a call at 252-2867.
games on the fourth Friday of each Soulforcc
month. Tom Collins is organizing ART FOR LIFE In January the local Souliorce
volunteers. We need you even it Pleasejoin USlOFART FOR LlFE. group will begin a new "17 Step
you only can do it one time. The an art auction t0 benefit AIDS Journey into Soulforce," studying
money will help pay the rent for the Volunteers, inc. 0“ Sunday, January the non-violent principles of Gandhi
Pride Center. Call Tom’s work mm 14, from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the and Dr. Martin Luther King. There
ber at 1-800-420-7431 and ask for Limestone Club located at 213 North will have, an initial meeting in
Tom Collins Thanks Lime. Hor d'oeuvres and cash bar January, possibly on Thursday 18.
provided by ph" Dunn's Cookshop. if you are interested in receiving
Discussion/Support Group Art provided by local area artists and information, please email Dotti
The GLSO Discussion Group the Ghiglieri Trust. Silent auction and Berry dottl.berry@mindsprlngcom
will be meeting every Wednesday in viewing of art items begins at 4:30 pm; at and she wrll put you on the list of
, . . . _ people to contact.
January from 7 to 8:30. Meetings live auction begins at 6-00 Dm-
. ...Community News continued page4

 , »,> __ - .- him come to terms with his Eden Towers and former Miss Gay
cgmmgmw News Continued approaching death. The two men US of A, Chelsea Pearl.
Bluegrass Rape Crisis Training struggle to find common ground and, It was certainly a delightful
The next training for the by the end, find that they have evening for the Court to celebrate
Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center Will enriched each other’s lives. Christmas, the season of giving,
be starting 0” Friday evening, Jan Ernest Gaines and director with the community here in
26th and will continue for the next Joseph Sargent have given us an Lexington. Congratulations to Miss
three Saturdays. This training is outstanding movie that richly con- Mary Christmas 2000, Sapphire.
free Ol charge, a SiX month commit- veys a place and time to easily for- On December 15th The
ment is asked. gotten. This is an opportunity to Imperial Court of KY held "Food for
Upon SUCCGSSlUl completion Of remind ourselves and to teach our Friends" at Mia's restaurant. The
all training SGSSthS, volunteers Will children about the history of race court designated Movable Feast of
answer the 24 hour crisis line in relations and the importance of Lexington the beneficiary of the pro-
their homes via call-forwarding. human dignity. ceeds. During the event a "sneak
Shift choice is flexible. Volunteers peek" of the almost annual celebrity
also provide support and informa- IMPERIAL COURT NEWS auction was displayed. Preview
tion to victims and their loved ones, The Imperial Court of KY cele- items up for auction were: Lawanda
meet immediate victims at local brates the achievement of donating Paige "Aunt Ester, Sanford and
emergency rooms, and staff lnfor- $10,000 to Moveable Feast Son" Picture (autographed), LeAnn
mation tables at local health fairs. Lexington over the last several Rimes Picture (autographed),
This is a valuable training for years. Moveable Feast delivers hot Gladys Knight CD (autographed),
anyone interested in working with meals each day to people living with Julie Neumar magazine (cover
women in recovery from sexual vio- HIV/AIDS in this area. autographed), REM poster (auto-
Ience. To apply or this training, The International Court system graphed with goodluck note by
please call Brandy at 253-2615 by designates a nation-wide charity band members), The restaurant
January 25th. campaign each year. This year, was full the entire evening and
each chapter is challenged to raise Mia’s donated 30% of all proceeds
Diversity Films money for local charities that assist of food sold to the Court. This
On Monday, January 15, as part people in need of food. The Court is money will be used by Moveable
of the Martin Luther King Day honored to assist Moveable Feast Feast to get them through the holi-
Celebration, the Humanitarium in and HMIM Emperor Donnie Royce days, The silent auction was well ‘
cooperation with the Kentucky has designated it as a main charity received and provided a great pre- ,
Theater, will be showing A Lesson for his reign. view of the many other items to be
Before Dying in downtown Lexington. On December 5th the Imperial auctioned in January, The Board felt
Based on Ernest Gaines' award win- Court of KY held the 4th annual this was a very successful evening
ning book by the same name, this is Miss Mary Christmas Pageant at and would like to give a special
a compelling story told with sensitivi- Club 141. Highlights of the evening thanks to Mary Beth, Mia and staff.
ty and compassion. were the opening production ”Santa On behalf of The Imperial Court
Set in a small southern commu— Claus is Coming to Town" per- of KY, The Board of Directors and
nity in the 19403, the film recounts formed by Empress 19 of KY, Tracy the reigning Monarchs, EV and
the efforts of a young school teacher, Taylor, Empress 15 of KY, Natalie Tracy, we thank you for your contin-
Grant Wiggins (Don Cheadle) to help Gaye, and Reigning Miss Mary ued support and generosity and
Jefferson, a man condemned to die Christmas 1999 Samantha Storm; wish you a Happy New Year!
foramurder he did not commit. and also with fabulous perfor- <——————>
Grant's Tante Lou and mances from local entertainers Take "on: Mary cw" has a "w
Jefferson‘s godmother Miss Emma such as Imperial Crown Princess .
(Cicely Tyson), pressure Grant into 19, Jordan Taylor, Princess Boyale email address. Y“ can reach her fl
visiting Jefferson regularly to help 19 Rayna Starr, Empress 18 of KY ”3W6'0992@m"twm
GLSO Page 4

 .. , .. A. , Kentmky. , f . '
1e . , .
of _
‘o- Bluegrass Celebrity Squares
ak 7
ity it
,w Tuesday January 30, 2001 ._
3: . . :1. Silent Auction/Games&
m State Theatre (msnde Kentucky Prizes
1), a: All proceeds to benefit
2i Theatre) Moveable Feast
Dy . '1
m 214 E. Mam St
'ld '.
us Doors open at 8:00 p.m.
lll- E
ell '
.e_ .
3e 4
elt _ 4'5 Special Appearances
19 By Local Celebrities
m ‘3? fig: For information contact
”d "“ fielgfl"! _ Imperial Court of KY
33 65;?“ PO. Box 265
nd ”*3 Lexington, KY 40588
w 1;“

3* mm

— _ u- I ' ‘ A ‘

GLSO Page 5

__ 5%: HAS BIG PLANS ma 2001! Q
, We will be moving into a new Pride Center soon and hope
" t ORGANIZATION to receive news of grant money to support expanded
Lexington, Kentucky % programming. 53¢
Our current projects are: "

* The 450 News * Pink Pages * The Pride center of the Biuegrass * Pride Mowth *
* Act Oat * Speakers Bureau * pride mm * Discussion growps * Sociai Concepts *
New projects:

a; Youth Support: gag straight/«Luann 3|- Oatreach into eastern Kentuckg a-

fig We need from you: 5%?
x- New and renewing subscribers to the GLSO Newsietter a;
x- New advertisers for this MWsLetter and/or the Pink Pages so 3%
a? 3; Names and addresses of friends who woaid Like a free sampie com a-

(see rates and extra forms on reverse side)
I Yes! Please add me to your mailing list I
1 12 issues (1 year) for 5’ 15.00 1 I
i 24 issues (2 years) for $25.00 (a $5.00 savings) :
I Couple membership 12 issues (1 year) $20.00 |
I Mat this time. but aooeptmytax deductible donation }
i in support of the Pride Center 5’ I
I I would like to subscribe at a rate I can afi'orrl right now... I

S for 12 issues (1 year) i


I Name l

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1 Mail to: GLSO News, PO Box 1147]. Lexington, KY 40575 1

Working To llnite Our Diverse Community W7

GLSO Page 7

 All you have to do is send any of the completed forms accompanied with your check made out to the GLSO News.
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_ m qcso News is published .

The GLSO News Rate Sheet mowthig with a distributiowofove

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_ FULL Cost per month ad runs: of news amt iwformatiow for the 1
L341" Communities of Eastern I
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D VERTICAL $20 $ 1 8 $ 1 4 $ 1 O aLLow extra time for changes
2 x 5.875 COLUMN to flour ad.
E: £fgg For more information on how you can
1 d ' th GLSO ll:
$12 $10 $9 $7 my
GLSO Page 8 .

 J I ‘N L 1 ‘R Y 2 0 0 1 GLSQ News ZQGH sponsors
‘ J. Mark Chambers, CPA................619—5621
. Bluegrass Fairnm8......UO'COUUIIUUIIOIQUCCI296-7812
mamr~~~ firfs‘mm‘“ 335553;?“m fish—REA?“ sassy—“*m ramp—“m”
Q. ' , . ‘ ’ ~ - AIY ' '
8:00 pm AA Step Study ’ g0 plm $211112? '1 6330 Pm MCC Bible Study 7200 pm Pride Center 7:30 pm Guy/lesbian AA Keeping our eyes on the Ky‘ LegISIature
0"" 1mg. c-u anc 7:00 pm GLSO [Discussion Committee 1’ 'd: . . .
Lanes) Group (3mm) ( n ' Richardson VlSlon Center ..............278-4201
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
1757 Alexandria Dr, Gardenside
7 SUNDAY 3 '_"—_"~'_' 9~'~_"—‘_'—"~' ;io_“‘"“""““"”' 11‘“ *’—‘“"‘”‘" ‘E*—'—'*—‘—' 'fi—‘~—*---—- Scott Ackerman...........(vmce mail) 294-2055
TBA Dignity 8:00 pm AA Step Studv 9:00 pm Rainbow 630 pm MCC Bible Study 7 00pm Fail-lies 7""0 C‘ ' ' -
_ V . .. . . : .3 p.11 nay/lesbian AA .
10:45 am UU Church Bowling (Sciruthland 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion (Pride Center) Paul Semonln Realty“""""""269-7331
122l5 pm Interweave Lanes) Group .
Lmlche(,n IIH‘J Cl‘l‘lrc‘ll) EgZOO pm Ga:}’/L4c:;bia]1 Al'\ Sistersound IIOICIIIIIIII-I......'O.II...‘I...II.243_0243
__..________-._.._.._______ .._,_.,_______________ _______.__.___________ _.....__..________.__. _______.____________ __________________ ____________________ Diverse music for all women
14 . 1.5 16 II 7 13 19 20
11:45 am UU (.Ihurch 7:30 pm GLSOanrd 9 00 pm Rainbow (3:30 pm MCC Bible Study 7:30 pm Guy/lesbian AA Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252-3014
Meeting, Glide Center) Bowling,(Sc-uthlancl 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion i (fi(mfifififi _
8:00 pm AA Step Study Lanes) Gmup $1113er ADDITIONS A charity organization
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA AND/OR CORRECTIONS
:i73'!)64é) The Bar Com pleXOIOCCO...IICOUCOCUOIIICIOI... 255- 1 55]
21 ‘ 2'2 23 22.4 25 i - __i—fi EE—W——~--_ .EW~—~—~~ 224 E, Main
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step 900 pm Rainbow (3:30 pm MLC Bible Study 7:30 pm Guy/lesbian AA
Study Bowling, (Southlanc'l 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion '
Lanes) Group Turner counseling no...col-oOOIQ-oIo-oo-ooo.269 6497
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . .
2216 Young Drive, Lexmgton
28 “___” IEEEEET— 31V~~~~~~ 3'71— ._.._.____-__ -_._-__.__-__.__ -____._.__._._-__. _________.__-___.__-_. .
10:45 am I_rU(:h1[[ch Study 8.00 pm Celebrity SII'IUBIUS 6.30 pm MCC Bible Study Wlndy Knoll Farm.too-n...oncogene-
555"“ 1116?“) 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion , , . . . .
9:00 pm Rainbow . Group Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Bowling, (Southland 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
' Lanes) Lexington Men’s Chorus................266-9l75
Rehearsals start again in March
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

 Faith MCC we have been called by God to be be something. We must also do
Remembers The Legacy God‘s servant? something. Looking back at Paul, we
Celebrate the Dream of MLK Martin Luther King did. King see a man who became the greatest
Sunday, January 14, 10:30 am. described himself as an apostle of missionary of the Christian faith. it
Jesus Christ, a preacher of the was only after Paul made his trip to
In every generation,there is light gospel, a servant of God. Antioch that believers were called
bearer, a prophet, adrum major, one . Paul, in his time, had been a Christians.~ Paul took the Gospel -
who seeks out justice. In the early strict Pharisee, he had interpreted really took it to the people.
days of the Christian church, God the JeWIsh Law. He was a citizen of Now, Paul wasn’t a famous man
spread the message of salvation Rome. Paul was well educated, 3 outside the Roman Empire but that’s
through Paul. Paul had seen the light. man who believed in observing the where he went to work. Paul took the
the light of Jesus. It is Paul who ch al- Law, but he believed that legalism message of the Gospel to those who
lenged the early church to understand would not bring one closer to God. weren‘t hearing about it. And in
that salvation was for all who believe. And so, Paul saw Jesus as a threat doing so, Paul endured hardships,
Paul’s light was snuffed out as he was to the traditional Judaism. Paul was encountered danger, was jailed,
beheaded in the ancient worl d. there as an observer when Stephen beaten and stoned. And yet, Paul
And in our mo d ern day world, was stoned to death. And Paul had chose to do something. Even though
Martin Luther King, Jr., was a light undergone a miraculous conversion he was warned and warned again,
bearer. King’s light was snuffed out on the road to Damascus. During Paul left the safe confines of his
by the bullet of an assassin. If King this incredible experience, Paul real- home and took the Word of God’s
were ‘0 appear to us today, he might ized that salvation came through love to those inlneed. Paul endured
challenge us, and ask, ”Wh at have Jesus Christ, not by one‘s works. arrest and Imprisonment and served
you done in my absence?” Did I die With Paul, came a new day for all. years in prison. And in time, Paul
for nothing? Have you moved Not only did Paul’s conversion was beheaded as he fulfilled his mis-
toward freedom and justice for all? remove one of Christianity’s most sion. Paul preached, he wrote, he
Have you finally found peace? powerful enemies, but it also gave traveled, he endured. Paul did
What will be our legacy? King Christianity one of its most brilliant something.
would not allow us to rest on the lau- leaders. ln Paul, we can see he ful- And what of King‘s legacy? King
rel s of some well intention ed l e 9i sl a- filled his legacy— to be something. led the Montgomery bus boycott- this
tion and social programs created in And in more modern times, led to an end of segregation on city _
the 1960’s. Martin Luther King would Martin Luther King also fulfilled the buses. King used Gandhi‘s non-vio-
point to his legacy and he would chat- legacy- to be something. King was lent strategies. He organized the
len e e us to discover our own l egaci es. an evangelist and a brilliant civil Southern Christian Leadership Confer-
Our own legacies may be found- rights leader. He, like Paul, was ence. King staged demonstrations,
ed' upon three challenges: Be some- highly educated. He was the 1963, faced attack dogs, bombs, knives,
thing. Do something. Leave some- Time “Man of the Year.” And at the and guns. King led the March on
thing. As we look at the first chal- age of 35, King was the youngest Washington and gave his ”Dream“
lenge, to be something, let’s also ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. speech. He was activelyinvolved in
look at it in the light of Paul and King. Now, what of our legacy? Will bringing about the Civil Rights Act of
Paul was agreat apostle, chosen to we be something? How do we 1964. King led voter registration dri-
take the good news to the Gentiles. describe our relationship with God? ves and sought to combat segrega-
He saw himself as servant of Christ, Can we claim to be servants of God? tion in the North. He taught self-
set apart for the gospel of God. Paul What have we done to let God‘s light worth. King preached, he wrote, he
was very clear in his calling, he was- shine? How have we fulfilled the first traveled. King did something.
n’t called by the people but by God. part Of the legacy to be something? . And what about US? How d9 we
Now that was quite a claim- how And what of the second part of fulfill our legacy to 30 something?
many of us can claim the same- that the legacy? Do something. To fulfill What have we done. HOW have we
the legacy, it is not enough to simply WOODNHUFJC’ on the ”EXT page
_ GLSO Page 10

 helped others along the way? How that believed “we shall overcome.” It’s a legacy that calls out to us even
have we let our light shine? King left a book of sermons titled, today: Be something. Do something.
And hOW, the final part of the “Strength to Love." Among those Leave something. Their lights still
legacy challenge- leave something. sermons were “Love in . Action,” brightly shine. We too have a light.
Do we leave something to this world “Loving Your Enemies,” and Faith Metropolitan Community
that wasn’t here when we came? “Shattered Dreams." King left his Church extends an invitation to all-
Paul did- Paul wrote 14 Of the 27 imprint on the Montgomery bus boy— bring your light and let itshine among
b00kS in the New Testament. He cott in a book titled “Stride Toward us. Choose to be something. Commit
wrote the letter on behalf of Freedom." He left letters he wrote to do something. Leave something
Onesimus from jail. He pleaded With while in jail, “Why We Can’t Wait.” behind. Sunday morning worship
Philemon for acceptance of King left behind the Southern begins at 10:30 am. at 385 Waller
Oneslmus as a brother for love’s Christian Leadership Conference. Avenue (look for the MCC in the win-
sake. Paul 3'30 WtOte Ephesians, He also left behind dignity, and hope dow), located conveniently beside
CotossianS. Philippians, 1 and 2 for a people who had no hope. King Imperial Plaza. In the event of
Timothy, and TttUS from la“. Paul left left something. severe weather, please call the
something. What about us? What will we church phone after 9:30 am. Sunday
Martin Luther King, Jr -. left leave behind? Paul and Martin for information. For infor about Faith
something also. He left-a movement Luther King, Jr., left behind a legacy. MCC, please call 255-4016.
Youth Suicide 0n the Rise The Stop Youth Suicide endeavor wants to increase
Gay Youth at Increased Risk awareness about youth suicide. lf yoUth suicide has not
By Annie Gillespie, Stop Youth Suicide affected your life yet, chances are it will. Log onto the
. _ website and get information, order the video produced by
Today '” the United States, 1000 teenagers Wt” the campaign, encourage your churches and schools to
attempt suicide; 18 will be successful today, 80% of the approach the issue, become sensitive to the needs and
unsuccessful will try again. Youth suicide has long been habits and attitudes of the youth around you, and if you
a taboo topic in our society; we are afraid to confront the have any doubts or concerns, get help. Suicide is pre-
reality that our children are contemplating death as a veritable.
solution to their problems. Youth suicide is preventable if Log onto the Stop Youth Suicide website: http://com-
we are willing to overcome our fear and look at it directly. munity.kentucky.com/realcities/stopyouthsuicide
- The first step in prevention is information. Suicide is Questions or concerns? Want to get involved? Call
the third leading cause of death among all youth in the 859-225-5628, or email: stopyouthsuicide@yahoo.com
United States; Suicide is the leading cause of death 'f you think that someone you love is at risk for
among gay, lesbian and bisexual YOUth- Homosexual attempting suicide, call: Teen Suicide Hotline: 1-800—
youth attempt suicide five times more often than their het- 999_9999 or 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-928—8000
erosexual peers. We have the information, and we need
to move to action. Editors note: GLSO is planning to send a repre -
The Stop Youth Suicide Campaign began in October seflthth’e ‘0 the meetings 01' this gmup- We do "0‘ _
2000 and is dedicated to educating parents and friends have a "flame“ that can do this 011 an ongoing
of youth about the warning signs and risks of youth sui- has“ at this “me- Please “11 “‘0’ 01'0"" “-70"
cide. The campaign is striving to inform people about the might be interested, 266-5904 Thanks
increased risk of completed suicide with handguns pre- GLSO-ONLINE
sent in the home (more people are killed by guns in sui- Peter peter@QX net
cide than homicide each year.) The campaign wants par— a _ ' , ' . , * *
ents to know that mood swings can be an indication of Ne“, Mary' maryaon§2@msn'com New
depression, and a cry for help. The campaign wants Terry: Terry__Mullms@msn.com
friends to know that 80% of youth who commit suicide Ginger: 9940504@h0tmatt-C0m
give clues, like giving away their favorite possessions. ' GLSOI lexingtongiso@yahoo.com. '
GLSO Page 11

 mrue Elanuarp on their way to battle. The doors reborn as the spirit of fertility.

By Remem- [.1 10,185 were kept closed during peaceful Dionysus was known in Greece as

According to the Gregorian cal- times. Bacchus. One of his characteriza—
endar, January is the first month of In Janus's right hand is a gate tions is that of a deity who inspired
the year_ (It was the 11th month in key and in his left had is a rod. The ecstatic, orgiastic worship. Female
the Ancient Roman calendar.) The key is used to lock up the old year devotees, wearing fawn skins, gath-
month is named after Janus, and open the new year. The rod is ered in the wilderness in devotion to
Roman mythological god of doors, used to discourage those who are Bacchus. The name itself refers to
gateways‘ and endings and begin— not allowed to enter the gates. The the loud cries with which the god
nings. He is considered the first of terms janitors and janizaries come was worshiped at frenzied celebra-
ail things and thought to have from the word Janus. Janitors were tions in his honor. The worship