xt7zcr5nbx71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nbx71/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1998 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides Kentucky Football, 1998 image Kentucky Football, 1998 1998 1998 2015 true xt7zcr5nbx71 section xt7zcr5nbx71 Q
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‘_· I _· - hese words, written /Z - , 5
_   ` ‘   _ i in the Louisville /_//( /   -._ Vi
_  1   Courier-faurnal __ .· 1 VKVK { @.7 . T
    following Kentucky°s mqwn mm "' '     VV   \_i   2
        dramatic overtime win by i- ° __ `  
qi; » - i.   ' against Alabama, tell the   ‘`''i "   E ZE" _` ; `  
ii   " story of the 1997 season   , V, _ I _ n l ·
  V »"·_· and point toward the       "   Y /=—,;·>   ' Y.' 1 I T   _" }· ._ ‘      
  .; I hope of1998. eL __   S A   ,‘ ’i " K ,; Y .- ~   .  A- ‘   {
  _Vf` Ayear ago, Kentucky `vi {Q1   A   ~       TL, T;   °`   3"‘ Y T " {  
    fans took an immediate   ,, °   —,__,q,  —,,      ` "V’°7   \ s V
**··<—   “ likmg ¤¤ ¤h<=if Perm- Pi ‘,-Z. i- *3 -~[~]l‘i?‘ * =-6 ` Maz.}-   i >   ‘* 4*   -3 ¤
11;:2 1 4V able new coach, Hal   V   i   I     " I _  
      Mumme. Local song- ¥· ’ -- ="· -~· ·‘ ¤ ` Y -9 » · ·€·` ` . - _ { r
  . ._•i»`i writers wrote ballads about him   fans wore WWId¢·ats·_fans tore down the gaaqmsas ) ~ · ‘ ·
  - _, _. “Mumme masks” to the games   and even fbllawing UK is first win over Alabama `  
if   ( i before the first game was played, Lexington in 75 years. {  
  · ·(   Mayor P31`11 Mlll€f I`C1'l3.[`[l€d 3 SIFCCC along-   jx  
    I   . , _ _ A _ . side Commonwealth Stadium “Hal Mumme Prospects noticed, too, and Kentucky’s _  
ili [ .`   Pass.” ("I didn’t know if it was an honor or 1998 recruiting class was listed in the top ` __ . 1  
_   j   i SV     an order,” Mumme quipped.) 20 by three national recruiting rankings. ·`i i » »
  l ·   ` Q? we _·,” _ __ ‘ Pass he did, and the turnaround of the As one might expect, enthusiasm for "TV- qr ;
‘   -   _` r ‘ 2 @47 ‘   team was immediate. The Wildcats zoomed the coming season is at fever pitch. Sea- _· g
V     (   V   we `. gg ` ` from 109th in the nation in total offense in son tickets are sold out. Commonwealth A ` ,
    i   I *1,. Fil VV ‘¤',,.”L *\ 1996 to sixth nationally in Mumme’s first Stadium will be expanded to a capacity of rl 'P , ‘
    - A _     V    ig 'p_4    q  Q season. Fifty-one school records, 15 South- 68,000 in time for the 1999 season.
    5i_       '  i i     eastern Conference records, and UK’s atten- The fans will watch an offense that 3. \_. `
lj;     yi     H i    dance records were smashed. The Wildcats returns nine starters. The Wildcats will be I ‘_
    :»\ V         put themselves into bowl contention. Quat- young on defense, but will be faster and A t
Q "_`   .   'V terback Tim Couch placed ninth in the quicker than a year ago. Both starting _ . ,
· l ‘1   Heisman Trophy voting, the first Wddcat in kickers are back, along with a record-set-  
{ l _—‘_ ` UII [IIE EIWEP the Heisman top 10 since 1957. The Wdd- ting kick returner in Craig Yeast. if . _ ,
Y   _ · `~ (from left) Quarterback Tim Couch, cats surprised everyone by winning five “Air Raid ‘98 - Reload” is the theme for .-_ _
-   § ‘ ` linebacker jeff Snedegar, and wide receiv· games, and the Knoxville News-Sentinel the coming season, as the Wildcats hope   .
    t · f er Craig Yeast will play key roles for the called Kentucky “the most exciting 5-6 team to produce more magic moments like the p ` 2V
. =   _· Wildcats in 'Air Raid ‘98 - Reload.” in SEC histoty” one pictured above. U I _
i   V`) \ ‘ `·~ .` ‘. · x · ‘~ · ".\` ~ 5 A V i . A · ‘ ~ ~ ·'
·   . ;~ \ . .   . J ~’· ·. · \ 3* .' ,   - 1993·||niug3-sh ul Kemucky Inutball 1 ' "   ~i`~ — - · ' ‘ ·· `
{   ` l\,.\··- \   i ·i ,;" _·‘.\·, ' y S 1 ¥ _‘·_ x`;· _ ' . I .'   · ‘ . — ‘·

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._,_A · `·,_? xw) gl ri   i
’   § . Ii ,0 S
§»   QW The 1998 Umverszzy 0fKentucky Faatbull Medza Guzde _ ` _ J
A   ‘ ,    
A i   V" Meiia Imnrmatinn 1 /‘_`   The University ` '“’
4i_ wi _ l   Media Policies 3 _ lit !   University of Kentucky Profile 124 I
\ _`   80   UK Phone Directory 3, 4   T President Charles Wethington 126 · . t  
_,   Primary Media Outlets 202   A _   i Athletics Director C, M. Newton 127 _s 1
_- . i   The 1998 Kentucky Football Media Guide is Y? UK Radio/Television Networks 204     UKAA Administrative Staff 128 ,
. · published by the University of Kentucky ·· Lexington Map 206 E: r~ UKAA Coaches/Year-in-Review 131 t ·  
'Z _‘_ Athletics Association, C. M. Newton, Director Hotel/Airline/Car Rental lnfo 207 UKAA Support Staff 132 , 1_—
11 .· What They Wrote About 1997 208 »"ii t
__   _, Compiled, written and edited by Rena Vicini,   The I·II8iDI’y BM Tl‘3II111DII "· L
_ 31 _ 'lbny Neely, Brooks Downing, Susan Lax, if ' TM IIIIIIDDK tt A History of Kentucky Football 134 -   i  
*-1 Brad Sutton. and l0)'€*? B¤X¥€T· _ ' F   A Lettermen Returning/Lost 6     UK Football Traditions 137   _ I`
. _`  1 Chief Photographer: David Coyle. “' 33} Gctmu Outlook 7   Retired jerseys 14]   ·'·{ ’
1 if Additivnai r>h¤r¤z,r¤t>hy by Breck Smithers s A *15 Position-by-Position out166k s ,_.,r S`; UK 1=66r1>s11u6¤6r ROll 146 1 g E,
  t 105CPh RCY 0*% HClC0a Hal-l=   News and     j · Alphabetical Roster 12 , T4 1 Wildcats in the Pros 152 I 3
’ L s Publlc Rclim°"'$· L¤><¤¤sr¤¤ Vlslmrs B““‘3u· 6 "   Numerical Roster 14 UK in the NFL/AFL Drafts 154 Lf `
_ ii K°m“CkY Dclmumcm ¤FTt¤v¤l- Offensive Depth Chart 16 UK in the Polls 155 " " .· ,
` l' · Gljaplllc design bY Jamie Barker; Defensive Depth Chart 17 UK vs. Ranked Teams 156 §¤ ·`·  
is 5: Pnmlngi Ed Parsonsi Post pnmmg C°mP3“Y· UK Football Bulletin Board 18 Bowl Game Summaries 157 RTE- V A L
1 .' _ Additional copies of this publication may be pur- ,,_¥., s tj nm cnamu me mounts    
j. ¤*1¤¤s;¤ t1i< is uuqus 211 ft t Q
_! —'\ First [Cam Practice QW Freshmen Play at UK 214    
1, T 1 fuyjx V 1007 lll REWBW UK Playing Systems 215 _· L
it ny; August 16, Sunday I ".;Z1§ lt g · Game-hy-Game Reviews 98 Nike, Summer Camps, ]V Team 216 J  
·_ t , F ns, Da at Common cajth St   _ it     Air Raid on the Record Books 105 Attendance, UK 0nTV 217 , ;
1 3 Y W a lum T ·` M Honors 106 Schedule, Practice Policy 218 _   t.,
* C A E" Statistics 108 Playing in the SEC 219 1
·_l .‘ August 21, Friday w I 1. J5 Superlatives 110 Nuttet Field House 220 ;t_ U  
‘.     HL h Game—by—Game Team Statistics 111 Commonwealth Stadium 223 I i` _1 V
\ 1, 0 unc con Game-hy-Game lndiv. Off Stats 1 12 Nutter Training Center 224 I ·
t. ` Game-by-Game Tackles 1 13 UK Strength Program 226 — __
i". August 26, Wednesday Starting Lineups 114 Walk-ons Earn Scholarships at UK 228 · t ·
,·   First day of Classes Departed Seniors Profiles 115 Medical/Equipment 229 · \ _
·_ CATS 230 .   =
ji TIIB SEC William T Young Library 232 goin .
1 ‘ i· \\ September 5, Saturday _ * v_ SEC History 118 Community Cats 234   ‘
{ K ck L -   lt F;'¢-j 1998 SEC Schedule 119 State of Kentucky Profile 236   ` _
cntu y at Oulsvl C I H`. ` 1997 SFC Statistics/lndividual 120 Lexin ton Profile 237   . . V
_ _ . 8
· ` Aé." ' {A 1997 SEC Statistics/Teaun 121 What the Pros Say About UK 238 . ‘ `
V "X V All-Time SEC Standings 122 i _ i 1 Y
`.`\ \ \ ‘ — i. t li" ~N \‘f° ' \ _ ·.Qlq_l“t L` l i ·[ ` `   F A ‘- I   Q" ' ' i a  I . •_ 1 ' * it i 3 »
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· \V __~       of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a comprehensive source of |(e|'|u|(;|(y Fnnthall ~ A .V {
f '   information for media covering the Wildcats. Additional information or photos can be obtained by calling Tclaphmc Dnecmry _ Am C°d° 606 -V · g F
  _ V UK Media Relations at (606) 257-3838. Our fax number is (606) 323-4310. C_ M_ Ne?,?:n_`    '``'''''`' ZW .· ·`
  I _ lr Larry Ivy, Senior Associate Athletics Director A , ` · `
AV , * _ _ Kathy DeBoer, Associate Athletics Director ‘V·
(__ yV2 \V nallyfwlwkly SEFVICES the Monday press conference or after practice. Interviews John Cr¤ppA ASsis{¤¤t Athletifs Direftor   _` V
AQ ".` will be conducted at the Nutter Football Training Center or 'gl""l€lg‘"s°'g A*€·jtjgt_A¤h'st·¤ }?‘x*“l5°' _," l' 5
V   V VV M0|lll8Y PFB88 CUMEFEIIDE by telephone. On game days, interviews will be granted Nlggki   $5;:31   :3 Eh; A;   · r 3 V V
  '   I University of Kentucky Coach I·Ial Mumme will only after the conclusion of the contest. Barham {shan-,_ Admin guppm, ASSOC V _ ] V- ?
if ‘ VJ conduct a weekly press conference each Monday during Telephone interviews are available to the media on a Sandy Morgan, Admin. Support Assoc. ` vi? `V
  ( the 1998 football season. The press conferences will be "call-back" basis only. Individual player telephone num- p*“ Nei"- Adm"- S“PP°“ A“°C· Vl ·l ;_l
V 2 ·, 5 conducted in the Wildcat Den at Commonwealth bers WILL NOT be given to members of the media. lc¤Iol1llc(GIT8) ..A.................... .2W’1i‘i  i' . `; _·
    iv Stadium. Media members may access the Wildcat Den at Players are instructed NOT to conduct interviews when B<>l> Br¤dl¤Y» A-s5¤€i¤¤€ Athletics Difffmt for Qi l f
8 ‘i i · Gate Three of Commonwealth Stadium. contacted directly by telephone. The UK Media BS‘;d°"bS°'Y'°°s A hl A S d D D. V·` { V
' S Y; The opposing coach is usually available via telephone Relations Office will arrange for telephone interviews at L; §rSch:IT;:;V°Vg;aJcnfizccxnggzr El" "` ‘ ,’··` i
I- , phi hook-up. Selected Wildcats football players will be avail- a time most convenient for the student-athlete. Am Craiglow, Academic Counselor " if ·‘ `
    YV: able at the press conferences. The university dormitories, dining halls, team locker Mellissa Dawson, Academic Skills Counselor [tVl·\rV l'
L It gg The weekly press conferences will begin on Monday, rooms and team training rooms are considered private team hLZ¥¤¤g;]F'¤;$$hA¤%deg·< Slfllls C°°"d‘"*"°’ ,}_ · Q E
-   Aug. 31. Press conferences conclude on Nov. 16. No areas. These areas are OFF-LIMITS to the media unless 1-E €y’ ca cmlc (lims" Ol   ri ‘
r ·~ A A . , , _ Quinton Murdock, Coordinator for . \__ ~ V
p ; VV . press conference is scheduled for Oct. 26, which is the accompanied by UK Media Relations Office personnel. Ame,;e0epS;A[h]eeeS in Service H, America y._V A
  A E   Monday prior to UK`s open date. Ann Sampson, Sraff Suppfort Assoc. . ;1 --3  
i V? ( — The press conference schedule is as follows —— lunch IIIIBFIIEI D`A¤¤ B ¤¤l<¤¤ShiP· St S¤PP¤¤ A5s0<·   · _ ( I
· ‘:   is set from 11:30 aAm. to noon; Mumme press conference The official University of Kentucky athletics internet Mgiiinniivg Qqwlggg ,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,, ,267-11{fl  I A`
_   2   from noon to 12:30 p.m.; UK player interviews from site is www.ukathletics.com Rodney Stiles, Director \.· ;
il   · ·A 12:30 P_m_ [O 12:50 P_m_ Susan Renaker, Staff Support Assoc. · V ·  
‘ zA ‘V= . Fax-nn-Demand mann umm ........................ zrmnss i' E
V );§ Sunday Talacuniaruncn University of Kentucky football statistics and game J· K Hi$1¤·A¤¤¤¤·;n¤s M¤¤¤s=r " c >
V {V IV UK Coach I·Ial Mumme will conduct a weekly notes are available to the media via fax-on-demand. §;'a°&%l§ii‘;"£2:;[??°&:§("‘ ` l
lt , I (_ Sunday teleconference following Wildcats football Contact the UK Media Relations Office at (606) 257- ]_J_]0ncSV Alecouming écrk s· `
  A ‘ games. The teleconferences are up to 30 minutes in 3838 for the phone number and access codes. Carol Ann Maupin, Accounting Clerk - r` A
i 'V ’\ length and begin at 5:30 pAm. ET The Southeastern Conference football statistics and Sandce Woodworth, Accounting Clerk A ·  
(   ·V 17 Media members can participate in the teleconference notes also are available via fax-on·demand. Contact the D"“"“ C°"· A°l‘“‘“· S“PP°“ A"°°· '  
(  ` _ X", by dialing a MEDIA ONLY telephone number which conference office at (205) 458-3010 for the phone num- Dull}! ............. V .... V .......... .257-8804 ·V l V
A " 1V can be obtained from the UK Media Relations Office. ber and access codes. Sandy Bell. Assistant Athletics Qtrcctor V ` `
` _} .."Vg The Sunday teleconferences will begin on Sept. 6 and kggig;’g:§cg°é':;l:2é°A(g;2::;?at°f V ·V· V V
Y . - run through Nov. 15. No teleconference is planned for Hllllllill PFIEIIGB V V A' j
~ 7 ·‘ ~‘ ‘» Nov. 1, the week of UK’s open date. Kentucky football practices are open to the media,   '‘‘‘'''''‘‘'‘‘‘*''‘*‘‘*•***‘ IF" ""° T   A V
, ve · . - - - David Boyd, Computer Systems Manager V • ; (
· V \~\ The teleconference is broadcast qualiry. Please con- including photographers and videographers. A ·
_ ( , , i;• tact the UK Media Relations Office (606) 257-3838 for Media members should contact the UK Media   -··· 3 ···· g ·-····-----···--·· -257*622 `, · ' .
,   - further information. Relations Office, (606) 257-3838, for practice times. T°m Kalm°wsl°’ Eqmpmcm Manga  
S ' ‘   HIIIIIIIIIB ........ . ................ .267-$11 V ·
(A i Suutlicasturn cunlarancu Services _ issk Flies;-ssi¤t¤¤¤t Arltletio Dir=¢t¤t/F<>¤tl¤l| 0p¤r¤¤i¤¤s j \_
i · , c out eastern on erence e ia e ations - ‘ - ‘· A.
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    :-2 · Office, headed by Charles Bloom, offers a variety of ser- josh Bullock, Staff Support Assoc. ° I l` l
· ` — A'; ‘ vices to the media throughout the academic calendar year. PPB88 BOX Carla Kemp, Staff Support Assoc. ‘V` `
V i. Statistics and league standings are available to the Credentials for working media and photographers M-.¤1—'pIr“-nxhplxiul ________ 15-gnu . .V  
  E \ media on a 24-hour bulletin board. Media members can for Kentucl