xt7zcr5nbh2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nbh2g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_132 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 132 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 132 1922 1922 2014 true xt7zcr5nbh2g section xt7zcr5nbh2g ‘‘r    T / ,- ·
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  X &’?>l1···i in <*»>1111¤·uti·v11 with th`- Il!I'1\’\lTilll`(\i m·xt<~11si¤¤11 work c;x1·1·i0<}
  "1{IW "*>·¤>I*~·1`=\li··11 of thv <‘n1l¤—;¢ ui` .\;x·icu1t111‘o, Lvl11\`C‘1`Sil}' <>1`KclllUCl<}'.
 is ruth liu- I'. S. 1‘<·1~:u‘lxn<·nt <·1` .\;l`i¤'l1i1\l1`m‘. und disli·il~11tc¤l in I`\lI‘l!1vl’—
 °` `mw UI lh" “*"k I·l‘¤»vi¤l·~4I 1`·¤1· in th·· .\»·1 nl` <‘·¤11:xx·ss nf May N. li·ll.
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j \\‘l1i¤·l1 l»11il·i~ ·»1· I'<‘[¤illl'< lIIll~<‘l·‘. 1111 \\‘l1i··l1 may ln- iw;-Il 10 supply
A lil-git aiiiil &‘ll¤‘l'§;}' <»1‘ in l¤I1il·l l`z1iI_\’ Ii<~11·-_ 1'2ll‘l¤f1ll_\`Ill'illPS {sugars
 ll uml >7;ii···lI··~ \\`lllI'll lll£I_\` l»·- ll\•'ll lil<·- fail l»y ilu- llmly, \\'iilQl'y
- lIlill¢‘l'iIl ~i1l·~I:i1i··i-< ;i11·l \`ll£IlIlllI·‘<. Il1·- l;i~t 1li1·i-·; ll¢‘lllQ` l1L'<'l‘*l·· M11 Il1·- lII‘Xl pens`- li~1~ 1li·- 1i1<·~t llll]>0l`lZlI1{ fwfvls
  in <°lll‘ll Q`l`¤»llll.
- l·`·»i· ··;i~·· in >•'l1‘.'llIIQ` I`·····l< »uii;il»ll· 1·» ···»ml»ii1•~ l`··1· zi meal
  lll<‘_\'lll&1}`l¤·‘<’l;I~~•‘¤l in ilu- l`¤»lI·m‘iiig· Q‘l'l•lI]¤<  
. lil'III- lll. St;¤1···l1_v I`<··»il<. ····1··-:il< in-ll 1lI··ii· ;·i·¤·»li1··i<. 11+.-111*,
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Gwiip Y. l·`;IIs
» Foods are cooked:
 p 21. 'l`·»·l·-vi-l·»p <»1·¤·l1;111g‘¤- Ilia- llil\'|*l`.
V l·. 'l`~»1i1;1llI‘l' in lligx-st,
ml. To 111:1ll'&‘ ;1li1‘z1i·ti\‘<·.
` in 'l`¤» llII‘l`(‘2lSl¥ \`iIl`l<*l_\` iI1 w:1_\‘s of SI‘l`\`lllg1`.
_ li. 'l`<>ilusI1·<»y (lis;-;1sI·gl-1‘111s\\‘l1ii·l1 111:1)* lm ]1l'm‘NOIIl'.
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G (l1·I`t‘Illtt)` No. I.‘»".’  ¤
chimney and at least partly elose the other drafts. 'l`o eool tha  ‘— i
stove quiekly and to eheeli the tire. open the danipers letting eoltl  Q` I
‘ air on top of the tire.  `l4V i
° Caro of Kerosene S/ores. 'l`o avoid an unpleasant odor-   l
when in use the kerosene stove should he wiped otl` freipiently tz.  Q I
keep it free front oil. llnless a wieltless stove is used. the wielts  .
should he wiped every day or two so that the tlaine will he i·l··;n· Y *
and hot. As the niethod ot` lighting varies with the ilil`t'ei·.—ii1   t
kinds of stoves, the direetions whieh eonie with the stove shonlil  ‘
be followed. X
V h ' » •  {
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Fig. 1. 'l`al>l•· S~·ttin:_  li
Simple Rules for Talilc Selling;. Before setting the talilc  “
see that the dining rooin is elean and a eointortalile teniperatnr·\  
A pad of heavy cloth, very little larger than the tahle. pla<·~·l  .
under the tahleelotli lessens noise and gives a hetter appearaiii ·i‘»  V
Spread the tahlerlotlt snioothly and evenly, with the eentrixi
crease at the eenter of the tahle, ,\ eenterpieee ot fresh t`lower~. p
arranged in a low vase or howl so as not to ohstrnet the vi<‘\‘·` i_ 
across the tahle, will add nineh to its attraetiveness, l‘la¤·e all  ,
silver with lower end one ineh front the edge ot` the tahle. l{nive<  
should he on the right of the plate. with sharp edge tnrneil le- i
ward it. Spoons are on the right. of the knives, l·`orlts are l
placed at the left of the plate. with the tines np. 'l`he naploii i
may be placed at the let`t of the Forks. with the open eorner ltr J

  l I·'tuu/.< /'1‘:»_ir¤‘{. ('~1t1'.~’¤ .\‘~. I 7
hn * \\`;ll‘tllll1‘l*|\\<'l`Vllll nl. llll' l.lll`l‘;. Ul'   l1l2l}'llvjlllll1·tj<‘t}lll•;1'(1frl;ll<;
M * pl;u·e_ il` plutes &ll't' piled ll|‘l·Ul`|f the nm: \\`l1f) will serve, lhe
“-;m·l- glu`; sluuild he ut the tip <»t` tlu· l{l11l·i‘. lt` l)1`•:1ltl—2lll(l—lJUllCI`
W l)lillt‘$`llI`<* used. lll*‘_\' *l1**lll*l lie pitt ut tlu: left of the plute. he-
.; · Yriml the eml <·l' the l`¤»1·l1. See l·`1u. l.
All (`llI1§{ll||l >;im·e1·s muy l··- piled iii twes il` ll*‘*‘l‘%*£ll'}' lleeuttse
  p[l;1<·l;t»l`>p;1¤·~·. ,\l`l'I|l|!•‘ ull dishes uml plu1t··1·s so LlSl()1ll2lkC
    llu·lt1l¤l~*l·»<·l(¤1l'·l·‘1'l_\`i1l1·ll·¤il\`··1ll< lust, ,\i'1e1· drying ull the dishes, wush The
llm"`; tlish towels uml eleths. l'lll'l1¢%S ul the lullle uml iiilthe l{ll·t‘llL‘1l Slltlllltl be 2ll'OlklCll. Tl1C
Wd W.  ‘ {1100 Nlltlllltl he used only ley ettttiiig lped uml the lurk 01‘ ${10011
kg HW ` fO1U<‘111`1‘)'111g 1l iurthe llltllllll, \\ l1e11 1ltll` 111 use the lilllfti 21·11Ll
mlpkw (lik ¤l1011ld he lieisule t‘ilt‘l.l other uertnss the plulc :1 llltlc 0110 Sul?
will W (ll lhe 11mldle, with the tiiieu ut' the l·<1l'li up. The sp0011 Sllkllllkl

 l  »
S (`{l‘l·1l/l1r.\U», III?  J
lI0 lllilvml lll lllv >illl<‘l‘l' \\-lll`ll lllll lll ll~<‘, ,\ l.
be pwvillcll for Sl‘l'\'lll{j_` l~ul·li fuml uml slmulll ulwuys lm usml  
iustczul of 0uc`s U\\'ll l`llt‘-llillf u illllllllllll, iill, lqlwl V
0lY uml lllvillc iu liull` l<‘llQ'lll\\`l<·‘ l»l` ilu- li<·li·~
how to llll‘2lSlll'C lj lpllillolllllllll. V
t. ................,l....r.....,....,........ teuspoil pi. ...l   _.l.   ,..,,,..,l. ,. . ., pix.;
Lb. ....,.........l..l................ tablespoon qt.  , ...., , ,.......   I. ...._,l...,. quart I
` c. ...........,.......l......l.,..l..,.........,... cull lll. .. .,..   .. ..   ,,_.____,_,__ ]lOllZlil
lu`. ..l.......l..............l..._._...l....l... llOlll` uz. .. ..l..,_.l.,..,. V   , __,__,__,. , oiui<··e I
3 t. ..............,.........., 1 Lli. 2 nn wutor or ollwr liquill _._....   1 Bil.  
16 tb ................4.l....._. 1 In 2 me sugur 1 ,. A   , , l ll».  `
2 C. ........................ 1 pt. 2 lz l>lIlll·l` ur <>llu~l‘ suliml ful, , llll.  ·
' 2 pt. ................._..l... 1 qt. »l ¤·. lluur l... .. ., ._.. . _ .,   __._. l Ill
.- — " »
· ‘ I _ · 1 `  ~
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l·`l&;l   Kl··1I#\ll'lllL{ Xu, I, `

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  l·`i:. ZT. )[·’Il>\1\€l:! Xu. l.
115:1 _
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1 11,. V ·1
1 N1. 1 » aj. _
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 A . Q »
  yy ·_§· • .  
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 ` Fin'. 4. }[(‘1l5l1l`i1`|§' N0. 3.
\ `  

 ¤  _, 
10 {`l·l't‘l([tlI` Xu. ISP 1
(`ereals are the seeds of erasslike plants known as urain<_
Such as rire, wheat. oats. ele. ln r\nn·riea there is a wide \`ili'l•‘Y}`  Q
of preparations of these used l`or lvreaklast liootls. Some are t·r··Y  i
pared to serve, others partly t·ooke¤l aml rolletl or eronml ~~  
that they can he more ttuiekly ttrettaretl. aml others siinttly  
cleaned. The amount ol` water neetle·l to he atltletl to them »l~  
trends largely upon the size ot` the partieles ol` grain, \\'ht·i·~ :_
grains like wheat. oats. ri.·e. ete.. are tn·et»aretl in the tu···t¤orti·—x. t
of 1 e. eereal to ll e. water. l·`or eoarse grouml, like lminiay V
grits, craeketl wheat. etc., use l e. eereal to 3 e. water; aml t`·»:·
ll11C CC1‘C&1l$ like L·l't‘zl1ll oti \\`llt‘ill`. t'til'll lll¤*ill, t·lt·.. l e, to —l or Tl ··_ ·
of water. .
The kernel of grain consists very largely ot` stareh in the l`··rt;.  .
of l`ll1C. T\`l1iiO ptl\\'tlt)l'. lleltl ill little eells til` \\`tttitl)' lil¤t*l‘ t·&lll»··l
cellulose. The hran or clark outer layers eorering the grain ‘
contains ralualtle mineral salt snhstanees aml vitamines. an·l Y
the germ eontains some fat aml protein. l·`ron1 this we ean se
A that the meal or tlonr matle of the whole grain stiiiplies a witler  
variety of nourislnnent than that made from the white. star··h}‘ T
  part only. t
Vlhen eaten with milk or cream aml a little or no sugar, well  
prepared cereals make an attractive tlish l`or hreaktast or stitmer `
and are nourishing and usually easily digested. They are an I
especially valnahle food for g;·rowine· ehiltlren. ‘
Make a list of all the kinds ol` eereals you can think ot` antl  _
cheek those you know you have at home.  »
General Directions for Cooking Cereals:  _
Measure water. atltl salt", aml hring to ltoilingt. Pour cereal V
in slowly, stirring constantly, let hoil three minutes aml sel in  i
double hoiler or pan ol` hoiling water for it) minutes to one er `
two hours accordintz to the kiml of cereal. To prevent lnnminx. —
fine corn—meal or other cereal may he mixed tirst with a little
cold \\'21tUI‘. Cereals may he niatle more nourishing hy eooking i
them in milk.  V
Y 1

 i /`illl/*/1* /'1‘~_/rr/, (W4//‘.~‘¢ Xu, / 11
` Oatmeal
 i· J, 1; 1·-11ll···l outs LL c. \\'lJ.l.(;l’
H , 1 L. s;1lL
_ _ ,\1l1l s;1l1 ln \\'illl‘l' uml \‘»`lI*‘ll it ]\l»1»ili11g stir outs i11 slowly.
   V Lol 1111112} 111i11., <·¢>\‘¤·l‘, >··1 <1\‘<·r l1·>ili11g‘ \`»`illL‘l` uml lot cook for  
   i lll', or 111··r·.·.
M i Hominy Grits
I`. - 1 1-. E1o:11i11;v L‘l`ilr 3 c.xrulc1·
`M · 1 t. s;1lL 1
  ‘ l1' 111·····ss:11·_1‘. \\iIl`ll lll•' llllllllllf grits. wool: like rolled outs.
  ;1ll»·x1·i11ui1 111 >l('ZIlll l l1r. or lll*>l`l'.
for   /1"f1r·1~·i. llow to s1·l··=·l l·`11·1·ls. l`1·r··ul ,l·`o1»lull1·1·s. \\`uI1·1‘. sugur. uml \lllllK‘ oli 1l1<·111. 1·s]1w·iz1ll}' 01‘ul1gQS 2111Ll
wh`,  - ]>1`llll•V’<. for \‘i1;1111i111·s. 'l`l11· l'illlll‘l' lurgw illlllillllt of cellulose
` 1  \\`l1l··ll 1l11·_1· 1-·.»111:1i11 us xrrll us 1l1·.— u··i·l~. 11lZll{L‘ 1l11·111 vul11ul1lc i11
WVU  . l£<‘1‘]1lllg` 1l11· lmlly l`r1·1· l.l'<1lll xruslo ]1lLlI1*l'l11l \\’l1i1·l1 \\`U\llLl i11j111‘C
MM. 1 ll-. 4\]>]>lcs urv <·m· ol` our lll**~l Yllllllllllll fruits l,1cr·;111sc of- their
U im (l1‘ll.l$ uml llllll1‘l`{ll<_ l»1·1·;111s1· 1l11·y ;11·o\\‘ ulmost L‘\'CI'}`\\`llC1'C 111 1l1O
ir111)11·1‘z111~ xoiio uml lil‘<‘illl~1‘ 1l11·y l<··1·1»11·1~ll:1111l1·u11l10 cusily p1‘C-
:111·l ; $k‘I`\`m‘l1·s ol` us Il<‘£ll‘l}` ll1u s;11m1 size us possible. \\vusl1
mm;   1\‘1‘ll. rul out 1·o1·1· \\`llll :1 l‘<1l`1‘l' or l{ll1l`Q uml pluro lll ll pic 01* buli-
111111}  . lllg pun. l·`1ll 1l11· (‘(‘lll1‘l'S ol` llw upplos with lllll sugur, pour
mlm]! { 011<•11g‘l1 1v;m·1· £ll'()llllll lll(‘lll to 1·ox·1~1· the lJ(>ll(\lll of tl1c 11:111 illlll
' 3 bulic i11 :1 1]l0£lL‘l'{llC (I\`0ll l.(ll` 20 to 30 111i11. or till soft ll11`llOl1l'.

l V
li.] (`tI't‘1tf1l1` Xe. /-'·".'
Browned Crackers
6 eraetaers :2 t. butter
Salt · `
Spread T; t. butter on eaeh eraeker and sprinkle with salt.
Plaee eraekers in baking pan and brown in a moderate oven, .
1fr_t`t1·rizet. l·`resh Fruit and Vegetables as (`oiis··rrers of .
Other Staple Foods. Farmers’ llulletin STI.
LESSON ttl. Corn Battercakes
[`so of I.·`_!`l-orrr Ctrru/s. Left-over eooked eereals may to .
used in many ways and are usually too good for the ehiekeus er i
pigs whieh ean just as well eat eheaper materials that people ‘_
eannot eat. lf mneh eereal is left it eau be warmed over in it
double boiler, or be poured into a bowl or enps and chilled and  j
served eold with eream or milk. This is a very niee way for lioi  .
weather, espeeially if fruit is mixed with it before pouring out. t
or is served with it. The ehilled eereal may be slieed. eoveiwil
with alittle flour and browned in a hot pan with a very little fat ·
_ and served with meats or eggs or with syrup. If only a little `
is left. it may be used in plaee of some of the tlonr in makin: _
muftins. battereakes. or watlles. lt may be added to soups ‘
made into eroqnettes, or eombined with egos, milk. sugar and
flavoring to make pnddings.
\\'hat else do you know about eereals/I T
Cornmcal Ntush Battercakes
A 1 e. mush {5 e. itour .
1 <·. buttermilk RQ t, soda l
1 F2? YQ t. salt V
Add salt and soda to flour after measnring‘ it. Sift all te-
grether. Blix mush and milk. add the flour slowly, then the ef! _
well beaten. Drop at onee in spoonfuls on a hot, greasy gt‘id¤ll·‘ Q
or frying pan. \\'hen the edges begin to look eooked, turn the 1
eakes and let brown on the other side. lf many bubbles rise .
and break before the eake is ready to turn, the batter is too thin i
and a little ttour should be added. lf no bubbles appear when  .
it is ready to turn. the batter is too thiek and needs more milk

 E /·`t1¢t1/,< ]';‘:»_tr¢‘/, {lm/1‘.¤r Xu, [ lil
t.t· \\‘;11t*l’, '1`11·-1·ala··s shnnltl l1<‘l111'1l<'¤l <·nly <1n<··-. -\ s1nz1llt1it;<;·;
ttf 1`at salt purl; 1`\1lllN‘tl <»v•·r tln- lint pan witl1 :1 l`<»1·l< ;11·1~;1s<·s it
A \\`1·ll.
1lt_ ],’,t`.t·t ttt·t_ llnw tn S··1··-t l"·»·1·ls. l·¤‘1't'2tl l·`t»<>·ls7 l"i|I`lt|t‘]'$. llttl-
, A l··tin #17.
ni. .
I·`»»·»1/ l`·t/in nf /C5/5/.<. 'l`ln· ··ug‘1·<·11tai11s t»r¤»t•·in antl innst nt`
t11·~111i11··1·als11l·st:11;<·1·s l'*¤1'l>11lltl_\'. lt alsn 1·¤»ntains 1'at_
IW _ llftlllltl i11 tln· yall;. :11111 th·· \`lliI11ll1lt'< \\`l1lt‘ll >1ll111llZ1lt* grnwtlt,
- l.11t it 1lt1··s n<·t 1·11ntain any 1·a1·l111l1ytl1·:1t·· antl is 11l*21I`l}' 1l1I`t‘¢‘-
i  1 1`<¤111‘1l1s w11t1·1·_
tl tt E N' l" ll"" ".li ]¥'!/!/·*- 'l`·»·1··t··1·n1i11·~1111·1`1t··s11111·ss·11’paysttt1tt1·.—
img  1 lll'? *ll"ll· ·\ l.l'l"ll <'¥`;;` \1~1iilll)° ltits :1 1‘<»11u’h >lll'l.§ll'Q_ _\11 ygg
hm  1 1l111}`l*t.‘1¤‘*l¤‘¤l t`<·r l·l'<'>l11l¤*\lill<‘ l`<11‘ l1<1‘. '1`his is l1t_*:';l\1SQ tl11·
·1`a1t A #111-11 is t11»1·<111s sn n11»ist111‘t· t·y:1t»1·r;1t1·s Ill1`11 it 011>l2ll1tll11g`l.<>1`21ll}'
mtu · lt‘11§l'1l1f>l` 1l1l1~* 211111 2tll‘t·<¤1111·s in tn tztliv its pla¤·t}, ]1l&1l{ll1Q1llt? ogg
kin; _ (`<’t11$l21111l}` liuhtwr. ,\ .l`l'<‘>ll 1-gg rattlvs wry little, if at all.
»11t1s_ = \\`l11‘11 >llill{t‘ll gwntly. <·l·»s·· tn lllt‘ var. \\vllK)ll stalu. 11 can he
:111·1 ll<‘il1`tl antl t`t·lt tn shal11 01 lsllllll, liulletiu 215, l·`e·l  
i B0ar1l of \Y(1l'2ll1Olli1l l·I11111·ati011, \\':1s11i11g·t1»11. 11 g.
Q`. l’ri1·1— 20 eents. 1’p. 1132. lit}.  1.
· — . _,. ‘  · _ 5 ' .· ; H  -
_  ,·  · ‘ · ’*'·é   · _ .· ‘ { _   L
` · *‘*"‘-*‘Qki$. ` 4 ` -64 w ` =    .
, · *1 .
. ` » ti ' ·   I
1. - .· 5  i
. ‘ #:1 if _·<' {
_ . I & ";:·r ?¤*1 {
{ _ ··,. ;’ J! . '
. "*:—- ·   ‘ -· -··— ·`
1     V1! 1
~ · _. .-;T—   .-·¤-x.;..;  g
"   i " 9  :
, Fig. 5. l‘ll|lll[>l\`l|‘llL f01‘ :1 l·‘001l Club.  1
Value uf ]1(`l'(`}'(/{j(”S. \V2ll(‘1' is a Sl1l1S12lllt‘t‘ s0 111·1·1·ssa1‘y 1··  \
tl1e bocly tl1at 011e \V()lllL"l die S()()llCl` l'l`0lll lael; 0f it 1.112111 ll`O1ll lael;  ,
of {0011. Nearly all tl1e l`00oftli··<·im¤·<·l;ti··
ll  ` i1·.·l~;·i·mviiig·iiiti·<»l»i¤·zil<·<»uiiti·i<·<.<·~]»····i:illy)l··xi¤·o;i1i•l(Miitmi
_\mt·i·ii·;i. l`li<»i·¤·l:it¤· i< \‘··i‘_\‘ l|<•\ll'l>lllll,1I. <·¤»11t:ti1iiiig u luxur-
·l  i. ;gl|ll>lllIl ol` i`:il ziii·l )»i‘·¤t··iii. l»··~it2ti‘··li. (`ovou \`(*<···t¤··l to t· <·<»iit;tiii oiily ¢···l··1·. tltivoig stimiileiiit uml
t;i11i1i1i,zt >i1l•>t:iii<·¤· \\‘lii··li i~ lll_lll1'l¤¤ll< to tli·· llIllllL;`< of tliiwligw-
_ in tiw timi1l:mt i<»m•· ;i·li1li<. 'l`lit· only i'<·<»·l \·:il1i·· ···»m··< l.l`<1lll tl1<·11iill;·»1·st1ga11‘
`  L \\'lllt‘l1 muy liv mliltwl.
 C Cocoa
L:   2 iii. ootwiti lg <·. wtizw
  ; $3 iii, Slim? 1 qa, mill;
‘ l‘E::t·li Suit
l Blix t··»···;i. \\l;I2ll’ uml >;ili. ml·l \\‘zit¤·l'. lloil 2 llllll.. >ti1·1·iiig
 » (·oii>l;tlitl}’. ,\iltl mill; :1ml lot ¤·t•im· 1·»zi l»·»il. To Dl'i‘\'t‘llI switiii
  l`*>l`llllll! on top wlioii it >t;iml<. tli·- ····»···;i muy lic lwzitcu till
_ fotiiiiy ziml l·t· kt-pt t·o\‘01‘t·ly, l.•~t lmil Il miii. aiml soiwo.
A s

 ff"` T
I . 
lti ('lIl‘l·ll!llr Nu. l.‘f;’  Q.
Muffins  I
2 r. tlllllr l r. swl·l·t milll
Jl t. I)LlI{Ill§ pllwlll~l· 1 III. |llI‘lI•‘tI l';lt  _
lg I. SLIII 1 vg;  
JIM/lllll »·_t` .l[l`.l·lIlll; ]I4l{{4I'. Nil`l llry llIilIt‘l‘I1lIS. ,\¤l·I lllllli  I
zlllll slir till wcll lllixl-tl. tllrll lllt*II<‘tI I`:lt illlt‘(lIl‘ll Iiulr ~
illlti stir ¤>llI}' <‘llUllQ'Il tn mix. I·`iIl Q`l'l‘&lNl'illl< ;lI»·»ll: ·
IlilI[ fllII l»l' lllo I¤2lIl1‘l` £lll21I(t‘ilI <»lll··- ill il Ilt·l <»x···ll l`·ll· ;ll»·»llx T
20 lllill.  I
]IU\\'tIItI}It¤ll1IlIXIIlt‘t‘<>l'll l»l·i-llll .’ p
IIilI{\‘II l\ppl··  _
(`clwnll _\lill;
Sttltlllllllllll ligus
Blllllills. (`t\l'!l IIl'l`iltI llr lZ;llt»-l· l·lll<»·s `
Cllrllll j
Sl!Q!`z‘~I ~¤•lllt‘ t‘IlilllQ‘t‘> \\`IlIt'IllllI;.!I1l ll·· liliIIIIIIIllUl' IIlI!•*, fur NIWIIIQ IIlllt‘. Ipr l··lli1··¤·s lll2l}' be
V llSt‘ll. Ill$ll. li} lllll. llIl(} Slt‘\\`t’ll (Il` Nl lllTl’(l l(Ill1iiI(I(I1` ()lll(*l` Y(lg(*t2llll.<‘$
 N or for Illltltllilgfs 4111d ]Nllllll`}' drvssiiig, or lll2l}' bv dried z111d
1 ;‘l’n1llIl1']Ililx‘lIl!` i11 at lint ovvu. lt` it is to bv cutcu dry. toast should
l)·‘ >Cl`\`•·¤l Els small Els lIl`