xt7zcr5nb01m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5nb01m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-09-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1932 1932 1932-09-27 2013 true xt7zcr5nb01m section xt7zcr5nb01m Best Copy Available







Keydet Writer Gives His
Opinion of 'Cat Victory




Lawrence Crump Is Appointed Purchasing Agent of

Contracts Have Been Made
With Several Concerns;
Buying Begins

With the appointment of Lawrence Crump, senior In the College
of Arts and Bclences, as purchasing
agent, the
association of fraternities and sororities has completed the initial plan
purchasing of supof
plies for the university organiza
The general plan of procedure Is
for each of the organizations to
make purchases from some mer
chant under definite contract at
wholesale prices, It being decided
that with a reduction of prices
there would be an augmentation of
business for the firms under such
A portion of the
an agreement.
purchasing price of articles will be
refunded to the association In order
to be used for further plans.
At present the association is comprised of 10 organizations on the
campus and several more have signified their intentions of Joining.
These are: Alpha Gamma Rho, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Delta Theta, Zeta
Tau Alpha, Delta Delta Delta,
Nu, Triangle, Delta Tau Delta,
Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Chi. Those
signifying their intentions of Joining are: Alpha Sigma Phi, Lambda
Chi Alpha, and Sigma Beta XL
The office of the association has
In the Service
been established
building opposite the university
Contracts have already
been made with a laundry, dairy,
meat market, and wholesale house
and the actual buying has begun.
At present no definite arrangements
have been with a coal or grocery
concern. The program of the buying association will be expanded as

By R. M. CLEWIS, '33
Kentucky's Wildcats won their
opening game from the V. M. I.
Keydets by a 23-- 0 score. The Key
dets held the Kentucklans to a
lone touchdown In the first half,
but in the fourth quarter the 'Cats
pushed over two touchdowns, and
a beautiful place kick by Kercheval
In the third quarter added three
points to the score.
The first quarter was marked by
exchanges of punts.
Kentucky's brilliant punter, getting
much the better of his kicking duel
with M. Urlck. Keydet half. Late
In the first quarter Darby, Kentucky's half, slashed off right tackle
for a 25 yard gain before he was
run out of bounds on the Raftery-Ite'- s
two yard line. It took Ken
tucky four downs to make those last
two yards, but on the fourth attempt Kercheval crashed center for
Kentucky's first touchdown of the
A minute later Kercheval

planted a place-kic- k
through the goal posts and Ken-

tucky was leading V. M. I. by seven
The second quarter was mainly a
series of punting duels, with Kercheval again getting the better of
the exchange of punts. V. M. I.
flashed momentarily when Travers
uncorked a 30 yard pass to M. Urick.
Urlck fumbled and Kercheval re
covered for Kentucky V. M. I.'s
only scoring threat was over!
In the third quarter Kentucky,
out for blood and touchdowns,
started a touchdown drive, which
carried the ball to the Keydet's five
yard line. A fifteen yard penalty,
for holding, set the Wildcats back
No longer to be denied, the Kentucklans brought the
Ine In
pigskin back to the
two downs, and on the last down
Kercheval booted a place kick over
the bars to make the score: Kentucky 10, V. M. I.. 0.
Early In the fourth quarter Bach
ran back one of Urick's punts 57
yards for a touchdown. Kercheval's
try for the extra point was blockconditions warrant, and a definite ed. Score: Kentucky, 16, V. M. I.,
date will beset after which no other 0. Kentucky's
chance for another
organization may Join until the ofscore was made possible when M.
ficials are satisfied with the outUrick dropped one of Kercheval's
come of previous plans.
line. SkinThe situation regarding the es- punts on his eight-yar- d
tablishment of such an organiza- ner recovered for the Wildcats. In
tion was discussed at a meeting two tries Kercheval ran the ball
last June, headed by dean of men over the goal line for his second
C. R. Melcher. and several faculty touchdown of the day. He added
the extra point with a perfect place
and student representatives.
kick. The game ended a few moments later with the final score:
Kentucky, 23; V. M. I.. 0.
General Comment
The whole Kentucky team showed
up well for an opening game. Penalties and fumbles held the Wildcats back on several occasions, but
V. M. I. made even more costly
The work of Kentucky's line was
excellent, as V. M. I. made only
three first downs,
two of those
Strollers will hold their first were on penalties. and
meeting of the year In the little
toe and
theatre of White hall at 5 p. m. passing arm were
factoday. All members must be pres- tors in Kentucky's the dominant
offense. Darby
plans for the semes- and Bach made nice gains, Bach's
ent to discuss
57 yard touchdown jaunt being the
(Signed) :
longest run of the game.
Bill Kaylor, at tackle, and P.
Members of Delta Sigma Pi will Urick, at
meet at 7:30 o'clock Thursday, Sep- V. M. I. end, played good ball for
tember 29, in the smoking room of best bet inTravers was the Keydet's
the backfield, but injurWhite hall.
ies hampered his playing.
goal was
Sigma Delta Chi, professional never in danger, the Keydets put
up a real fight. The size of the
Journalism fraternity will meet at score gives
little indication of the
3 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon in
the Kernel news room. All mem- hardup to comethe Wildcats had to
out on top.
bers are urged to be present.




Scabbard and Blade will meet at
at 7:15 o'clock Thursday night. Important.
Liberality comes into its own.
All students and faculty Interested In the formation of a liberal
political party will please meet In
room 111 McVey hall at 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, September 28, for the
purpose of organizing a
And we were laboring under the
Illusion that Thomas was strictly
Socialist, not a Liberal.


The Pryor
will meet at 7 p. m. Thursday In
the basement of the Museum. Prof.
W. S. Webb will be the speaker. All
are requested to attend
in time for the refreshments.

Things like this never fall to
happen. The sweet young thing was
attending the V. M. I. game in attendance with the rushers, and was
pretending that she was enjoying
the game, about which her knowledge was decidedly mediocre. Several times she had heard the announcer, "Kentucky's ball on their
own 40 yard line;" Kentucky's ball
on V. M. I.'s
After a length of time, she heard
the announcer: "Kentucky's ball on
line." Innocence was
portrayed in her naive request of
her rushing neighbor: "Whose









Present Preferred Dates
To Social Committee



Fraternities and sororities desiring to schedule dances and dinners
are to be asked in the near future
to present their preferred dates to
the social committee in order that
the university social calendar may
According to pktns
be arranged.
announced yesterday the completed
calendar will be Issued shortly before Thanksgiving.
According to the social regulations all entertainments and social
activities of every kind must be
scheduled on Saturday afternoons
or evenings, or the day before legal
holidays. These rules In the past
have been strictly adhered to.
The social season at the university always starts after the Thanksgiving holidays. The social committee composed of Dean C. R. Melch-- r,
chairman, Major Boltos Brewer.
Prof. A. J. Olney, Mrs. Eda Giles
and Dean Blanding attempt to arrange the calendar in order to avoid
conflicts and to prevent dances and
other engagements from preventing proper scholastic endeavor.
In the past fraternities have been
allowed to give formal dances every other year. Dinner dances at
the chapter houses were limited to
three every school year. Although
no anouncement has been made
It is believed that the same system
wil be folowed in making this year's
calendar. Similar rules and regulations are provided for sorority tea
dances and formats.

Publication of
Letters Magazine
Is Suspended
Letters, literary publication spon
sored by the English department,
will not be published this year, according to an announcement Issued
by Professor E. H. Farquar, editor
of the publication.
Condition of
university finances was cited as the
reason for suspension of publica
Letters has been published on the
university campus for the past five
years. It has gained national recognition as an outstanding collegiate literary magazine. The Kernel sood the cost of printing, and
subscriptions from students covered
other costs.
According to Professor
the magazine's prime purpose was
to promote literary endeavor
throughout the university proper
and the state. Although university
students were the principal contri
butors, writers of national repute
also received space in the columns.
Sketches, poems and essays. In
addition to fiction, made the scope
of content wide and brought much
favorable comment to the univer
sity. Although the expenses were
not great, more than $2,000 was
needed to make certain improvements. This sum was not available,
and hence the cessation of publication was decided upon.

Deany Is A Meany
Two uninvited gurt
with the enlor member

of the

Y.W.C.A. cabinet at their recent
retreat at C amp Danirl Bonne.
Dean Blanding and Loin N'ral

vainly proteirtrd.
While the cabinet met to


ram the unchristian-lik- e
of university students.
Blanding suddenly
the lint uninvited rK was
chased from the lunch which
had been placed under a tree.
The guest was, guess who a

A few minute later a second
yowl from the throat of President Lois Neat, pierced the air.
This was the straw that broke
the meeting op, and after the Intruding cow was rhaned, the cabinet members partook of what
was left.

Medical Books, Papers,
and Other Things of Historical Value Desired
By Library




Work has begun seriously on a
project that should prove valuable
to the Kentucky historian and to
the medical students at the university. It is the collection of various old medical papers, pioneer
accounts of travel, and other things
of interest to be placed in the library at the university.
The committee In charge, consisting of President McVey, C. R.
Staples, J. W. Coleman, T. D. Clark,
and Dr. J. S. Chambers, has collected all the medical literature of
the various departments at the
university and also some Journals
and books from the Fayette County
Medical society. Leek of funds now
prevents the committee from going
on In their work and from going
on the market for much of the desired material.
The anticipation of acquiring a
valuable collection Is not the purpose of the collectors, but rather
the idea of obtaining a collection
that will be of great service to university students and to the state of
Anyone having any knowledge of
where such material can be found,
or having the material itself and
willing to donate it for this collection is requested to communicate
with Prof. T. D. Clark at the university, secretary of the committee
In charge.
Below is a list of the material
that Is especially wanted for the
collection. Much of this type of
literature can be found lying in old
barns, garrets, offices, and libraries
of deceased physicians where It
probably Is unnoticed.
Down to the
Old Newspapers
close of the Reconstruction.
Private Letters Family data, Pioneer Kentucky, wars of revolution,
1812. Mexican and Civil. (These can
be photostated and returned.
Account Books Old and discontinued firms. (Close of 1880.)
(early numbers.)
Kentucky State Medical Journals.
Medical Journals of any kind
bound or unbound, complete or incomplete, doctor's instruments, account books and papers.
Copy records in
Court Records
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania (All records referring to Kentucky and Kentucklans.)
Old Church Records Also books
(Continued on Page Four)

Annual Retreat

Senior Cabinet of the Youna
Women's Christian association held

its annual fall retreat Sunday at

Camp Daniel Boone on the Ken
tucky river, at which time the
members of the cabinet had opportunity to get better acquainted with
each other and to make tentative
plans for activities in their various
through the ensuing
Plans were discussed for the an
nual state student Y. W. C. A. conference, which will be held October 21, 22. and 23. on the univer
sity campus. Delegates to this
conference will be sent by the var
ious colleges in the state.
Arrangements were made for the
Y. W. C. A. skit to be presented at
the meeting of women students
October 12.
Among other subjects discussed
were the annual membership drive,
hobby groutis,
finance campaign,
and activities of Interest to freshman women.
The new members of the cabinet
appointed to fill vacancies meeting
with the cabinet for the first time
were Virginia Pulliam,
Edith Burke, secretary; Helen
Morrison, hobby chairman; Eleanor
Huson, social chairman, and Marie
Boltnot, music chairman.

The following freshmen have not
called for their post office boxes.
They are requested to call for them
at the university post office In the
basement of McVey hall as soon as GERMAN CLl'B HAS NO PLAN
possible. The list follows:
Sum Potter, William Strupp, Wil- Plans have not yet been made by
lie Wire man, George Tuloch, the German club for any programs
Taylor Duncan Davis, Lewis which are sponsored by that club
K. Edwards, George William Cook- - was learned today from Dean
Edgar 8. Miller, W. O. McCon- - cher.


The Wildcats drew an exceptionally large crowd of 5,500 paid admissions, for their opening football
tussle of the current season, when
they defeated V. M. I. on Stoll field
Saturday. The probable reason for
this large opening date crowd can
be assigned to the fact that the
'Cats were for the first time in a
couple of years meeting a Southern
conference foe In their initial battle
of the season. Fans who saw the
game Saturday were more than well
pleased with the way that Coach
Gamage's boys handled the matter.
The play of the 'Cats was ragged
and brilliant by turn, but that was
to be expected on such an early
opening date, and with a team dog
ged so persistently by Injury and Ineligibility.
The playing of the
playing of the Gamagemen at various times in the game was an Indication of what we may expect
as the season progresses, and If tills
expectation Is fulfilled It will still
be a number of weeks before the
campus will be filled with that natural gloom that prevails after a
The outstanding line plays of the
afternoon were those brands of
football to which George Skinner
treated the fans. George, playing
tackle, covered punts with the speed
of an end, and time after time nailed Cadet backs before they had
moved a single yard. To George
goes the honor of making the first
Wildcat tackle of the year; and
strange as It may seem five minutes

before the boys dressed for the
game he told your correspondent
that he would do it. You can't stop
these Wildcats when they get their
minds made up.
Among the many interested fans
who saw Saturday's game was little
Miss Gloria Gamage, daughter of
"Gloomy" Harry Gamage, chief boss
of the victorious Wildcats. While
the teams took a rest I managed,
by tricks unknown to ordinary folks
to have a five minute interview with
Miss Gamage says that
"maybe the 'Cats won't win all the
games this year, but she sure hopes
they do; at least she thinks that
daddy's team will win most of them
any way." When questioned as to
who was her favorite Wildcat star,
she responded with the answer that
she liked all the players that pluyed
good which is about the same
thing everybody else would say If
they told the truth. After a little
more questioning Gloria at last
gave her vote to Ellis Johnson as
the player she liked best, so Ellis
bus the little girls as well as the
little boys pulling for himl
Talking about Johnson's popularity, It certainly was in evidence
Saturday afternoon. Some one in
the press box asked where Ellis was
setting on the bench, and the only
answer that could be given was,
"Johnson Is that person with all the
kids hanging around him. All afternoon the little boys besieged Ellis,
and then they had to go home without seeing their hero In action.
Among the Interested spectators
In the press box Saturday were Edward Templin, Vernon D. Rooks,


Popularity of Professors
Will Be Shown in Annual V. M. I. 0 IN


Collection of Kentucky Min
erals in Possession of Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey




An Interesting and quite comprehensive
of Kentucky
minerals and a very complete set
of various types of Kentucky maps
are now on display at the Bureau
of Mineral and Topographic Survey
which Is located on the second
floor of the Administration building. The Bureau was instituted in
place of the old Kentucky Geological Survey at Frankfort which was
abolished by the last session of the
Although the Museum of Geology
is not quite completed, nevertheless,
it contains probably the most complete collection of Kentucky
material of any museum In the
world. In addition to the specimens which have been taken from
the famous Mammoth cave, the
collection includes mineral deposits
representing the following caves:
New Entrance to Mammoth
Great Onyx. Mammoth Onyx, Floyd
Collins, Crystal cave, Carter, and
the Cascade Caverns.
Many of the cave deposits
seldom seen In museums. Offered
for examination In this group are
the beautiful gypsum flowers and
fern and grape formations.
On display In the numerous cases
of minerals are samples of almost
every Important mineral deposit
found In the state. Fluorspar, coal,
rock asphalt, calcite.
barlte, sphalerite, iron ore, and
galena are a few of the minerals
In some cases, the
specimens have an important his
torical value. According to D. M.
Young, curator, some of the iron
ore on display was used in furnaces
as early as the Civil war. In addition, two solid Iron meteorites, one
of which fell In Glasgow. Ky., in
the spring of 1922. are included In
the collection of minerals.

First Mass Meeting
For U. K. Women
Set for'V tober 12
The first mass meeting for women

All professors who are skilled and
trained In the art of "dirty-nosing- "
will have a chance of being among
the 10 whose pictures will be

contest, open to faculty members,
exclusive of deans and the university president, will be sponsored by
the 1933 yearbook.
Votes will be cast by the seniors
and Juniors who will have their
photographs made this week for the
annual. Each senior and Junior
may obtain his ballot in the basement of the Alumni gymnasium
where the photographers will be
established. Each voter may name
his three favorite Instructors and
at the end of the week, according
to tentative plans, the selection of
the 10 most popular professors will
be made. Pictures of these individuals will be placed in the faculty
section of the yearbook.
Due to the expense, it will be
impossible to run pictures of all the
faculty members, and so this method of giving recognition to some of
the faculty, has been chosen was
the statement made by John M.
Kane, editor of the annual.
Juniors and seniors and other
students who will have Individual
pictures in the annual may have
them taken from 8 until 5 o'clork
earn day of this week except Sat
urday, in the basement of the
Alumni gymnasium. Juniors and
seniors, don't forget to cast your
votes in the faculty popularity
contest and don't forget to tell
your best faculty friend for whom
you voted. The Kentuckian expects a lot of credit for originating a more novel, bigger and better method of
The contest will be absolutely
fair, promises the editor, even
though the Men's Student council
will not conduct the election nor
count the votes. The committee In
charge of the counting of votes will
be composed of the editor, Junior
editor, and secretary of the Ken
tuckian. They will be very glad to
see lacuity members In the Ken.
tuckian office any afternoon ex
cept Saturday from 3 until 5 o'clock.
However, deans of colleges need not
call as they are absolutely barred
from the contest and will not be
considered eligible.


International Club


executive committee will meet Friday afternoon of this week. The
Women's Self Governing association, Y. W. C. A., Theta Sigma Phi, first meeting to which all interestPhi Upsilon Omicron, Chi Delta Phi, ed students are Invited will be held
Women's Athletic association, in room 203, Administration buildCwens, Mortar Board. Phi Beta, ing at 4 p. m. Tuesday, October 4.
Strollers, SuKy, and Women's AdAt last year's conference which
was held at Miami university, Oxministrative council.
ford. Ohio. Clyde Reeves, a member
of the local club, was elected president.

William Ardery and Norbert Campbell, all former members of The
Kernel stafT.
These boys excuse
me, gentlemen all seemed well
pleased with the showing that the
Wildcats made, and they expect
that Coach Gamage and his team
will have a fairly successful season,
If they are able to beat the Injury
Professor Sulzer and his band
were at the game Saturday minus
the usual uniforms, which was the

reason that no formations


given; It Is expected that they will
be in readiness for their usual exhibitions In another week. Students
and visiting friends missed this very
Interesting half-tim- e
Saturday, but we have heard that
the most disappointed person was
the band sponsor, who doesn't think
she can afford to muss many
chances like Saturday. We enjoyed the music very much, but hope
that they will save the Washington
Post March until the Tulune gome.
"Duddy" Boles' fence guurds had
an interesting but not very successful afternoon at their posts. A new
Stoll field record was set in fence
scaling according to the best authorities on the subject. At least
500 kids, men and even women
gained entrance without going
through the turnstiles. We wonder
what makes college boys go over
the fence when they all are Issued
the little books that have the required stubbs In them we are only
As a suggestion we
can't see why Daddy doesn't hire
some stickwit'lders that can run, or
Is it a pension job?

Darby and Bach Made Long
Runs to Provide Thrills
For Crowd


23-- 0


printed in the 1933 Kentuckian as
a token of the esteem in which thry KERCHEVAL STARS AS
are held by the undergraduates. In
other words, a unique popularity

students of the university will be
To Meet
U. of K.
held at 4 p. m. October 12 In Memorial hall, according to an announcement Issued by Dean Sarah Delegates Are Expected from
Blanding. The purpose of the meet-wi- ll
West Virginia, Ohio, and
be to acquaint women students
with the organizations on the cammembership.
pus open to
The Ohio Valley International
The meeting will be the first one Relation club's conference will conever held on the campus open to vene at the university, December 2
women students only. Dean Blandand 3, and will be attended by deleing will be In charge, and Pres. gates from West Virginia, KentucFrank L. McVey will address the ky, and Ohio. Among the nationalgroup. The W. A. C. of which Lois ly prominent speakers who will atNeal is president, will assist in contend will be Miss Amy Heminway
ducting the meeting. Plans for a Jones, of the Carnegie Endowment
womens' building will be discussed. for International Peace.
Each organization open to women
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, of the
will present a skit showing the ac- political science department, facultivity of each group. Groups who ty advisor of the club s chapter at
are to be asked to take part in- the university, announced that the

Kernel Sports Writer Strains Vertebrae
Plans for Ensuing Year Are
Discussed by Members
Watching Wildcats Claw Squadron
At Daniel Boone
Held By Y.W.C.A.


27. 19.12

Classification Tests
Given to 2,000 Frosh
Students Entering 9 Schools
Get Tests; Tabulations
testing program
for Kentucky colleges began favorably this fall with the administering of Kentucky classification tests
to approximately
2.000 freshmen
entering colleges in the state, according to a statement from Dr. J.
R. Miner, head of the university
psychology department.
Tests which were presented In
nine of the Kentucky colleges were
prepared by a committee of which
Prof. E. J. Asher was the representative from the university.
In addition to the university, the
following colleges used the Kentucky tests. University of Louisville,
Bt'Sra, Transylvania, Georgetown,
Western State Teuchers College,
and Union College.
Three of the colleges presented
the tests prepared by the American
Committee on Education.
colleges were University of Louisville. Berea, and Centre.
other tests were presented at other
According to Doctor Miner, on the
whole the records were higher this
year than they were last. The ratings for students at the university
are not yet available because the
psychology department has not
completed a tabulation of test results.
Eustern State Teachers College
used a test prepared by Prof. N. B.
Cull, Richmond, who Is continuing
an experiment he began last year.

Ten First Downs Made By
Kentucky Against Three
For Cadets

After a scant three weeks
practice, Kentucky's Big Blue
met and decisively defeated
Virginia Military Institute,
the toughest opening foe they
have met in years, 23-As
is expected for an opener, the
struggle was marked with
many a shoddy play and an
equal number of brilliant
flashes that predict a much
better team.

Kercheval Stan
While Coach Harry Gamage has
continually said that he has a star
less team, it was evident to the
spectators that in Kercheval,
triple-threman. there was a star
of the first magnitude. The midget
Darby and the pugnacious
each shared in the glory of the
game by running magnificently at
times. A blocking back was needed. Goodman and Miller were tried
In succession but without a marked
change. Cassady, although not in
the best of shape, finally went In,
and two touchdowns followed.
In several departments the
Wildcats looked much better than
they did at any time last year
namely, placeklcks and passing.
And in the forward pass defense
they did particularly well one
of the best executed plays of the
day was a pass from Travers

to Kercheval
The punting duels that formed
the main dish In the first half were
very onesided in favor of Ralph
Kercheval. A punt that went out
of bounds after going only 17
yards cut down on his average for
the afternoon, otherwise it would

have been upwards of



punter, M. Urick, was
likely an average punter, but showed up poorly in comparison.
Bach Starts Off
As the game opened, V.M.I. kicked off to Kentucky, with Bach receiving the offering. His return of
35 yards started the crowd to roaring as It looked like he would get



However, two cadets boxed

him In and ran him out of bounds.
Then there started an exchange
of punts that lasted through six
alternations before Kentucky could
gain a first down. It followed a
26 yard punt by Urick. Kercheval
tried the end for no gain. Bach
tried the other end for four yards,
and then Darby sliced off tackle
for 25 yards before being run out
of bounds on the four yard line.
That left Kentucky four downs to
make four yards.
Kercheval Scores Touchdown
Kercheval rammed the center of
the line for three yards. He fumbled on the next play and lost a
yard. Darby took a cut at the line
and gained the yard back, and on
the fourth down Kercheval bucked
over the remaining yard for the
six points. A few seconds later he
gained the seventh point with a
perfect place kick.
Kentucky made two other first
downs in the half, and V. M. I.
made none. The punting continued
in Kentucky's favor, but the 'Cats
did not score until after second
half was under way.
Fumbles Ruin a Chance
Kercheval kicked off to M. Urick
as the second half opened, and Urlck returned the ball 25 yards before being downed. The Virginians were held for downs and punted out. Bach and Kercheval combined to make the next first down
for Kentucky, but on the next drive
failed to gain the necessary 10 and
Kercheval punted almost to their
goal. With their backs to the wall,
(Continued on Page Four)

Choice of Play For Revue
Will Be Announced Later;
"Good News" Was Last



Tryouts for Strollers, student dramatic group, will not be held until
about the middle of next month,
according to a statement made yesterday by Winston Ardory, president
for the year will be worked out6-6- 1
Other plans
of the organization.
for the year will be worked out later.
Each year Strollers holds Amateur Night, and students wishing
to become affiliated with the group
demonstrate their abilities as actors
and actresses. The bebt are listed
as eliglbles to be culled upon for
service in the plays given during the
The calendar year for 6trollers
Is climaxed annually with the Stroller revue, In which practically the
entire list of eujdbles tuk' part.
Last year, the revue was the stage
show. "Good News." A similar one
will be chosen this year.

� Best Copy

Tatre Two
who because one automobile occupies dotiMe the alloted space must
either further violate the regula
tions In parking on the other side
of the driveway or drive to othrr
PrM Asuocmtion
National Collr
Krnturky Inlprrollrumtf Vtpm Aftftorlatlon
If students and faculty do not
Llnton Bomrd of Commerce
wish the total prohibition of enmpus
parkinR. they have but one course to
Official Nr'Ppr of Ihf 8tidrnt ot th
follow, an alternative that rnn be
University of Kentucky. Llnton
as simply operative In thr parking
Subwrlptlon J 00 jnr. Entered it
problem as it is necessary. AutoKy., PoatofTlcr aft Second
mobile owners need only
cUm mall matter.
with the authorities In abiding by
HERE SHALL THE KERNEL ALL the present parkins rules.

The Kentucky Kernel





Managing Editor
Sportl tiltnr
Soetrtl Editor
Art Editor
Heicl Editor







CAMERON" COFFM AN Circulation Manager

Of the two Englishmen whose
writings were reproduced in the
first edition of The Kernel, Friday,
September 16, both wordedly gasp-pe- d
over the furor aroused among
the spectators of an American football game by our system of organIf any Englishmen
ized cheering.
M. I.
amended the Kentucky-V- .
contest staged Saturday on Stoll
field we hope none did he must
have believed that the impressions
received by his countrymen were
Jolly well mistaken.
Pursuance of The Kernel files for
a number of years back discloses
that a dismal absence of cheering
during the initial football contest
has become almost legendary. And
that some dutiful Kernel editor an
nually has taken it upon himself
to explain away the lack of early
enthusiasm and to exhort the stu
dent body to a more vociferous effort during the coming Wildcat
Saturday's absence of organized
cheering cannot be lightly overlook
ed. The Kentucky team is a good
one, better by far than that carrying the Blue and the White in many
a previous year; the schedule faced
by that team during the present
football season is generally conceded to be as difficult as that faced
by any other team In the Southern
Conference, and V. M. I., the 'Cats
first opponents, have consistently
a well -- fought
played Kentucky
Provided with such a background,
Kentucky followers must have possessed the best possi