xt7zcr5n9z8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9z8n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-10-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1943 1943 1943-10-22 2013 true xt7zcr5n9z8n section xt7zcr5n9z8n The

By Don Lail

The mosquito boats of
the British navy have turned out
to be more powerful than the mosquito string of the last malaria
peril. As the fleet made a daylight
attack on Nazi Europe followed by

aerial attack,
the buzzing bombs burst on Berlin as well as southeastern Germany. An attempted fatal blow
was made on London by our





Blue Feathers Will Mark
Women Joining YW Drive


Campaign Set
To Open Monday
For Membership


enemy, leaving behind them four
demolished houses, a football club,
Traditional YWCA blue feathers
and two people. At the same time will mark the women who have
at a different station the
counter-attac- k
proved joined the Y in its membership
drive which opens Monday.
more successful.
Desks will be placed in the Post
many and Berlin were bombed
without the loss of one hair on office, McVey hall, and in the Oreat
hall. Union building, for the conone Allied flyer.
venience of those who wish to sign
Da It Again
History is being made every dav the pledge cards, according to Carand today, as approximately 25 olyn Spicer, president.
The membership fee is $1 which
years ago, a private named Hitler
surrendered but In a different should be paid at the time of joinmanner.
This German youth ing or as soon afterwards as posswam naked across the Volturno sible.
river to surrender to the Fifth
Full information about the varArmy. It wont be too long before ious functions of the Y, which Inhe elder Hitler surrenders
clude the Freshman club, Dutch
deserting his true "Ar- - Lunch club, Junior-Senicommisrace.
vans" of the master
sion and the Y's Owl, may be ob
Nips Nipped Again
tained at the membership desks.
Allied air might again sink the
Members To Work
Rising Sun a little lower when 60
Members have been assigned to
planes and two warships were sent
to Davey Jones at Rabaul. This work in sorority and residence
has been the second raid within a houses. They include Margaret Hat
week, and he Japs can ill afford ter, Alpha Gamma Delta; Frances
to sustain these losses. Not con- Jinkins, Alpha Delta Pi; Virginia
tent with losing their base at Baskett, Delta Delta Delta: Clara
Finscthafen, the little yellow sons Lane, Chi Omega; Claudine Gibson,
tried a landing to recover the base Kappa Delta; Brewster Phelps,
but most of them are now where Kappa Kappa Gamma; Julia Rowland, Shelby house; Elsie March,
all Japs go.
Zeta Tau Alpha; Helen Bradford,
Capri Capers
When the Island of Capri was Hamilton house; Ruth Moore, Altaken after no resistance, the Al- pha Xi Delta; Jean Phipps and
lied sailors took over Luigi's bar. Mary Elizabeth Stigall.. Jewell hall.
Rut Lulgi was unhappy for the
Ruth Anthony and Betty Lee
Germans were moving on the town Birk, Lydia Brown; Alice Benton,
of Castellemare where his daughter Sigma Nu; Dorothy Cottrell and
and his expected grandchild were. Ellen O'Bannon. Phi Delta Theta;
A Navy lieutenant told his comWanda Scrivner. and Martha Kop-piu- s,
manding officer of the situation
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Audrey
but he was forbidden to go to the Davis. Kappa Sigma; Ruth Eubanks
town and rescue the girl. However, Sigma Chi; Frances Kendall, Mche was ordered to patrol near the Dowell house; Claudine Mullinaux,
town and he could go as near as Patterson annex.
he wished. Luigi's daughter was
returned to Capri and all had a
Scotch and Soda good time.



Wlfm ii Is slSliil

Anglo-Americ- an


SGA Makes Chans?;
Kernel In Dilemma



$700 Is Placed As Goal
For War Chest Drive
To Open On Tuesday

Kyian Queens
To Be Chosen
On Oelober30
Four Candidates
To Be Selected
From Nominees
Four Kentuckian Beauty Queen
candidates will be selected by five
Impartial judges at 7:30 p.m, Sat-

Dickson Is Head;

urday, October 30, in Memorial
halL These will be chosen from
approximately 25 women nominated
during the advance sales campaign,
according to Micki Bogan, business
manager of the Kentuckian.
The contest, at which all nominees will appear, is being held on
Saturday night so that military
students may attend. Miss Bogan
Pictures of the four candidates
will be sent to a national authority
on beauty who will select the queen


invol-.jntaril- v.

Hurt, Palmore



Aiming at a S700 goal, the
campus War Chest driv-wopen Tuesday and continue
through November 3.

type to be conducted this year,
combines the work of the arionr.
charitable organizations who formerly made separate campeiiu
during the year. After the drive
completed, the money will be
appropriated to the individual
Separate drives are being conducted by students and by faculty
Frank D. Peterson, University
comptroller, has ben named chair man for the entire University drtv
He has organized an advisory committee, consisting of Walter A
Price. Niel Plummer. Jesse E. Adams
and Henry Beaumont, and a general
committee to do the soliciting.
The quota for the University, ac
cording to Peterson, is $6,602.35. in-- I
eluding the $700 student goal. The
faculty drive will be held between
October 29 and November 8.
Dickson Is Head
Algernon Dickson, arts and sol-- j
ences senior from Paris, heads the
entire student organization
about 200 workers. Marjorie Pal
more, education junior from Hors
Cave, is chairman of the women's
division, and Jimmie Hurt, arts
and sciences junior from Hard- burly, is men's division leader.
All campaign workers will
.m. Monday in the Y
al C:3
lounge of the Union building for
final instructions and distribution
of materials. Miss Dickson announced.
Cards To Bo Used
Each worker, according to tto
system of operation, will be
for personally canvassing
several students, and a
report will be kept from cards turned in by canvassers. This card system, used successfully in other
campaigns, will make possible an
drive toward the aim
of "1 from every UK student."
Campaign leaders plan to eret t
a large cardboard thermometer
near the Union building to give a
graphic daily report of the drive's
progress toward its $700 goal.

and rank the three attendants.



Nominations will be made on the
basis of advance sales, one nominee
being allowed for 20 deposits. Sales
. . . u'liuh
officially begins Tuesday, was opened this week by will end at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Miss
Bogan announced, at which fTme
pinning the traditional blue feather on students from three for- the names of all candidates must
eign countries. Helen Harrison, Lexington, is shown giving the be submitted.
Fifty cents may be saved by maksymbol of membership to Rose Amada Segarra, Ecuador, who is
Marjorie Palmore . . .
deposit of $1 now, Miss BoJimmie Hurt
University student. Standing, from left to right, are Caro- gan pointed out. Payment of an
now a
lias been named general
lyn Spicer, Lexington, president of the YWCA; Mercy Cornelius, additional $3 in January, when the . . . is the men's division
lnder'y flnnmun 0j ,ile u.omen's divi-o- f
India, a graduate student at the University of Michigan who 1944 Kentuckian is distributed, will
sion of the War Chest drive.
the War Chest drive.
entitle one to a copy of the annual;
spoke to the Y last Tuesday night; and Huguette Balzola, Mex- otherwise the cost of the yearbook
ico, a Unwersily student.
will be $4.50.
Pfc. C. Edwin Barnes, ROTC-AST- P
student. Is in charge of the
beauty contest. Ida Bannon, Lexington, Is sales manager. Women
have been selected by the business
manager to canvass the sorority
and residence houses.
A medical aptitude test for
all persons who plan to enter
UUItVl ft Hi UVU V
medical school will be given at
3 p.m., Friday, November S, in
uuua vunuuci nieuais nave Deen
room 103, Health building. This
Scott Reed. Lexington, has been
awarded to a group of men sta- UK's first formal dance of the
is the only such test to be given
of the Kentioned on the campus. The pre- - year will be held from 9 to 12
this year.
tucky Law Journal, a legal periodOf
All students who plan to take
the medals, which rinrk tomorrow niuht in the Blue- Gather 'round, wimmin folks. The was to have been made at tne
ical conducted under the auspices
the test should apply immedigrass room of the Union building.
hyar-b- y
great day's a comin'. We-uregular Saturday military review,
ately to Dr. J. S. Chambers in
of the law college, according to
announces and proclaims that was made without ceremony ear- Music will be furnished by the
the Health building.
Prof. Roy Moreland, faculty editor. the week beginning Monday. NoKats.
The Hallowe'en
lier this week oecause the parade Kampus
Other members of the editorial vember 8, and ending Saturday, was cancelled.
theme will be used.
board are Leo Oxley. Huntington, November 13. will be Sadie HawkJohn F. Day. former Kernel cdi-- !
Admission will be 25 cents for all
The following enlisted men, havins week.
tor, and winner of one of the cov- W. Va., managing editor; Ira Stephmen. soldiers and civilians. Women
Grab yo' track shoes, girls, and ing served the required length of must present a hostess or guest
- Nicmnn fellowship to Har
enson, Williams town, business manle's go. Sadie Hawkins day is sup- service with "excellent character,
vard university, will speak at an asager; and Rosanna Blake, Hunting- posed to be the sixth of November exemplary behavior, efficiency and card.
sembly of journalism students this
Hostess cards may be obtained
ton, W. Va.
but due to the lack of eligible males fidelity," received awards: T. Sgt.
afternoon at 1 o'clock In room 54,
All Campus Ring . . .
by any
student, graduate
Pvt. J. H. C. Dick and Jacob A.
that week, we old maids of the Maynard C. Tittle; S. Sgt. Victor student, registered student, or wife
McVey hall.
Published four times a year, the
. . . will be held at 6:30 pjn. every
Bedenbough, T4, were elected Satcampus has decided to put the date L. Wilner; T5 Irving S. Bain;
The author of the book Bloody urday to
Thursday in the ballroom of the
fill the two vacancies on Law Journal material is made up of on the thirteenth so that each and Pvts. Donald Baiter, Fred Bloss, of a soldier stationed at the UniGround, a study of Breathitt counJohn S. Brown, Thomas Calcerano, versity. Guest cards are for
Union building.
the Union board, it was revealed leading articles on important legal every gal can git a man.
ty. Day is in Lexington for a vacaguests or for women not
Cosmopolitan Clnb . . .
today. One of these will serve as subjects, notes and comments on
The only hitch is that we gals Jr., Robert Casey, Edwin Cook. on
preparatory to going overseas
the campus who are dates of
. . . will meet at 7 p.m. Saturday
assistant to Jay C. Doyle, chairman current topics, editorials, abstracts have to do all the courtin'. Begin- - Rosct v Cqrnelius, Ervin Csoan,
for service with the Office of War
of the Dance committee, and one and discussions of the important i nin' Monday the eighth, any gal William Dennis, Edward Esterday, the soldiers.
in the Union building.
Eberhardt, John Farrell. Cards may be secured before 12:30
will assist Rob McNeil, chairman recent Kentucky cases, and reviews can Invite any man to have a date Robert
Dancing Lessons . . .
A member of the class of 1935, of the War Effort committee.
Jr., Walter Flesch. Ewen Fraser, p.m. on the Friday before each
of books. Students and faculty are wif her, she payin' the bill, nacher-lbeing held every Wednesare
Day began his newspaper career on
Robert Gilbert, dance from the social director of
Dick, who was a student at the contributors, as well as outstanding
As fo' the men folks, they can Loren Freeman.
day night at the ballroom of the the Lexington Leader, later Joining
Hevalow, the Union. Ouest cards are 25
University of Virginia prior to his lawyers and judges.
make the gals carry their books, Robert Held, Clarence
Union building. Lessons are 4 for
year's campaign netted $630: this
the Associated Press from which he entrance into the Army, studied
Hillock. Theodore Jensen. cents each.
year we should go way over our
The Journal is sent not only to tote their coats, open the doors, and John
fl. Girls wlU be admitted free.
was given a leave of absence last law and was a member of the StuThomas Knepp, Norman LaBar.
quota," commented Miss Dickson.
Sweater Swing . . .
subscribers throughout the United such like.
year to accept the fellowship at dent assembly.
Ralph Martin, Richard Maurer,
On Saturday night from 9 to 12
States and Canada, but also overby the House com- Harvard.
. . . sponsored
Women Divided
Russell McLucas, Glenn Morey.
Bedenbough, who has ' an A. B. seas to libraries in Hawaii, India, each gal takes a man to the big
Women students have beT tta- mittee will be held from 5 to 7:30
The Nieman awards are made degree from Newberry college, S. Puerto Rico, and several South dance at the Union building. As William Parod, William Podhora,
pxa. this afternoon in the ballroom
ified into five divisions according
annually to a dozen newspapermen C. was president of his senior class American countries.
many gals who don't want to drag Hames
of the Union. Admission will be
to place of residence, and leaders
of high qualifications in order to in college, editor of the annual
stag Ralph Roberts.
a man as may be, can come
... .
have been appointed for each
Bryce Rucker, Sol Sandhaus, Aus
permit them to improve themselves memoer oi . .
on the
Soldiers stationed
uie Appeals miu laand do all the breakin. But nogroup. Eloise Bennett is geutal
Phalanx . . .
so-tin Shelley, George E. Smith, Rob- campus who were born in
by further study in their fields of cuses committee of the Literary
tice, no man can be at the dance
chairman of the sorority-hou- s
. . . initiation ceremonies will be interest.
foreign countries are asked to
ciety, and taugnt ntgn scnooi ior
lessen a gal gives him an invite. ert Soka, Bernard Stump, Robert
women, and responsible to her ar
held at U noon. Tuesdav. Colonial
go to the YMCA office in the
three years before entering the
smile yo' bestest, boys, and start Tritt, and Edward Yewell.
eight house chairmen with their
Rawline lanes.
Twenty-fiv- e
Union building as soon as
of the
Mar-- ;
YMCA Cabinet
ASTRP are commended for their
The election of these two soltha Cockrell heads the three-urn- .
8:30 a.fd.,
. . . breakfast meeting.
makes the Union board have
outstanding work both as students
All members of the ASTP and
dormitory division, which inrliifl'R
its full membership of nine. When ASTRP have
and as cadets. Their character and
taken Army Specialin
chairmen and
ZTA Open House
two vacancies occurred this fall, it
deportment has been "most exemOn
ized tests this week covering work
Jewell hall. Patterson annex, and
plary," according to Col. B. ' E.
was decided that the 1.250 service which
. . . from J to 5 Saturday afternoon
has been done the past three
the Lydia Brown house. In charge
Seven soldiers have been ap- men on the campus should have
Brewer. These cadets are Donald
for all servicemen on campus.
months. These tests include chemof all fraternity houses and coop- pointed to the YMCA cabinet to representatives on the board.
Allen. Howard Bram. Joe Brandt,
Datrh Lunch Club
istry, math, history. English, and
Dutch Lunch club will have its erative "O1"8 te Helen Bradford,
help promote cooperation between
Candidates for bachelors degrees Donald Bowman, William Camp
. . . will meet at noon today in t he
ting group of chair-toda- y
will be charged a graduation fee of bell, Carl Cater, Delbert Demmer. first meeting of the year at noon w1,h
the organization and military units,
Bluegrass room of the Union.
The tow.
The examinations are given on $9, it was announced today by the Douglas Fisher, Robert Forni,
in the ballroom of the Union men and committees.
was announced after the annual
contacted by Jan- a nationwide
T Meetings
scale to 150,000 office of the registrar. This will James Frischkorn. Albert Gilbert, building for the purpose of organ- - 6irls
retreat last week.
commuters by N
. . . anil be held at 6: IS Tuesday
students throughout cover the rental of cap and gown, John Hayes.
izing. Lucille Brown, president, an- They are C. Wong, Ralph Sum-nicy Shropshire.
the Union building.
J. P. Frank, instructor of physics the country. Finals prepared by diploma fee, senior dues, and the
Bill JohnNorman Swanson,
David Hendrickson. Frederick
University, has University professors are to be purchase of the Kentuckian.
Soldiers Included
Date Bureau . . .
Women are asked to obtain their
son. Ted Wirt.hR. Tom Young, and in the ASTP at the
Lampe. John Lowe, Jr., Ben Moore,
Hurl, mens cnairman. ai a s'li
been elected to active membership taken during the week of October
. . . will hold a party from 5 to 8
Candidates for advanced degrees George Morris, Jr.. Russell
lunches from the cafeteria or grill
John Jensen.
eral meeting last night annotitKed
in the Institute of Radio Engineers. 25.
pm. tomorrow night at, CasTe-woowill be charged a fee of $15, which
Parker, William and to take them upstairs to the
Meeting times of all groups have
of his divioi'i
the organization
will cover the same items with the Rogers. Albert
Sebok. Ralph
been moved up to 6:15 p.m. so that
which will solicit both civilian and
exception of the Kentuckian.
Outing Club . . .
soldiers may attend. Members of
Schwlnd. Walter Shuttleworth. All women living hi town or
addition it Includes tlie cost of the James Sykes. and William Wilkin. commuting are invited to attend military students. Assigned to
. . . will sponsor a hike, leaving the the ASTRP will meet with the
division, BUI Barton plan.-- ,
hood to be presented the candidate. Jr.
building at 2:30 p.m.. Sun- Freshman club in the Y lounge,
the meeting.
to employ soldier support by workfees are payable not
Names of those interested and iipperclassmrn and ASTP stuing through already established
later than the fourth day precedmust be left at the Union informadents will meet together in the
Continued on Page Three'
ing tlie commencement exercises.
tion desk immediately.
Y meetings
Music room. All
The University social committee
Pitkin dab
on Tuesdays.
has announced that sororities and the campus will be on furlough.
. . . will meet at noon. Wednesctny.
women's residence units will hold
The time open house will be held
al the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
open house for civilians and service on October 30 and November 13 will
men every Saturday.
Despite the war the University is
be announced later.
Forum Commute . . .
In previous years, it was the cusagain presenting a full program of gram by the University choristers.
. . . will meet at 3 p.m. today in
Dean Holmes Chairman
tom of sororities to hold open house
room 205, Union building.
A party is being sponsored Satafternoon musicales to Mildred S. Lewis, director; Febru
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
eacn rnuay aiiernuun ior iraier- urday night from 5 to 8 o'clock at students, faculty, members of the ary 6, Marisa Regules, Argentine
Westminster Fellowship . .
nlty men, but this year all women's women, is chairman of the com13,
Walt Disney's movie, "South of
Castle wood park by the Date Bu- armed forces on the campus, and pianist; February
. . . group of the Maxwell Street
residence units and sororities will mittee, with Mrs. John R. Evans reau.
Carl A.
Soldiers desiring to go are citizens of Kentucky.
Presbyterian church will meet Sun- the Border," will be shown at the
By Shirley Mrwter
acting as social director. Other
entertain for service men. More
day at 5:30 for supper, 6 for Even- first meeting of the Cosmopolitan
committee members are Dr. T. T. to sign up with their Date Bureau
The schedule of concerts announcthan one open house is being held
Question: Who is yoir
and their dates ed by Dr. Alexander Capurso. ex- University Women's Glee club. Milsong, and at 6:30 for a forum led club at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Y
each Saturday so that service men Jones, dean of men; Mr. Edward will be
girl and why?
arranged through the Bu- ecutive director of the department dred S. Lewis, director: February pin-o- p
by Dr. J. Farra Van Meter.
will have an opportunity to attend Newbury,
27. program by University chapter
The purpose of the club is to proBart Peak, director of the Union; reau.
Hallowe'en party . . .
L "ilium
of music and chairman of the com- of Phi Beta, hororary fine arts fra- Kyan.
least one each week.
Those in charge of the arrange- mittee in charge of musicales, inand friendship
. . will be given for all soldiers and mote understanding
The schedule for open houses is Miss Margaret Lester, director of ments
: bliirley
Temple, rause Im
ternity; March 5. Robert Kuhlman.
for the party are Sue
women's residence halls; Pat WalPresbvterlan students on the cam among the members of different as follows: Saturday, October 23
cludes concerts by five eminent visJane Denny, Mary Jane Gal- iting artists, faculty soloists, the baritone. University of Kentucky; firm believer in getting them
nationalities, and to afford enter- - Alpha Gamma Delta,
pus, Saturday, at the M a x w e
p. m.; lace, representative of the women's
laher. Bob Rich, T. H. Brpwn, Ed University music department, and March 12. program of violin and and bringing them up right.
Street Presbyterian church. The tainnient and fellowship for the Delta Delta Delta, 6 p. m.; Lydia house president's council.
piano sonatas by Lee Crook. LexCpL Duke Wyman. KOTt : Jane
Yewell, Joe Robertson, and Harry
10 pjn. and students and faculty members wYio
party will be from 8 to
student organizations.
Sara Ewing, representative of Orr.
Brown house, 6 p. m.; and Zeta
ington, violinist, and John Shelby Russell that's a foolish question
come to the University from other
ill not be a costume affair.
These Sunday afternoon concerts
Alpha, 5 p. m.; Saturday, Panhellenic council; J. C. Doyle,
J. C. Doyle. AAS junior: Lana
are held at 4 p.m. at Memorial Richardson, pianist. University of
Alpha Lambda Delta . . .
October 30 Hamilton house, Kappa representative of SGA; Mary Jane
Turner; she's got that "come on"
Kentucky; March 19, William PrimDuring its existence on this cam- Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kapimportant
town representative;
. . . will have a short
look, you know, the honey type.
meeting at 4 p.m.. Monday, in the pus, there have been over thirty pa Sigma house, and Sigma Alpha Carolyn Spicer, YWCA representaThe season program is: October rose, violinist. New York City,
Pvt. Martin Dudeh. Breckinridge
countries represented by its mem- Epsilon house; Saturday, November tive; Norman Chrisman,
"Tlie Road To Zanzibar,"
31. John Dudley, tenor. Metropolitan March ?1, Florence Kirk, soprano.
bers and guests.
Pi, JeweU Hall, representative; and Bill Nickell,
Bob Hope, Bing
Activities Committee . . .
Opera association;
13 Alpha Delta
November 28, Metropolitan Opera association; Ap- hall: Betty Grable; she typifies every curve In Analytic Geometry.
representing the civilian men.
Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour,
Membership in the Cosmopolitan and Patterson hall annex.
Angel Reyes, Cuban violinist; De- ril 12,
of SUB will meet at 5 p. m.
Sacred Oratorio, The Seven
will be presented at 5:45, MonPvt. Shelley Shochet, Bradley
Open houses will not be held on Companies A, B, C, and G each
cember 5. John Shelby Richardson,
Monday in room 204 of the Union club is composed of an equal nifih
day at the Union building.
stu-ar- e
Saturday, November 6, due to the send a representative to all
needs no
pianist. University of Kentucky; Last Words, Mildred S. Lewis, di- hall: Gypsy Rose Lee
building. All who have signed up ber of native and foreign-bor- n
j rients and forutty member.
fact, that fervlee men stationed on
December 12, Christmas Clioral Pro- - rector. Le!a w. Cvilis, organist.
ask1 to be present.


Membership Campaign





Medical Test
Will Be Given


Members Named


Former Editor
Speaks Today
In McVey Hall


Service Men On Campus
Receive Conduct MecIaLs

Recti To Edit


Awards Presented
Without Regular
Military Review

Sadie II. Set
lor Manhunt

Kirs I Formal

Sel Saturday



ASTPs Place
Two On SUB







Foreign Born
Soldiers Report


Soldiers Take
Tests Covering
Month's Work






Seven Soldiers
Named To Places
YMCA Cabinet

Graduation Fee
Is Set At
For Candidates





Dutch Lunch Club
Will Meet Today



Frank Named




To Institute





Woman's Halls, Sororities
To Entertain For Soldiers

1943 - '44 Swriclay Miiskales
Set To Open On October 31

Soldiers Sign Up
With Date Bureau
For Saturday Hop

Movie Slated
Shown To
Cosmopolitan Club










Movie Scheduled



� 4




EI-- l'






Entered ftl the Post Office at Lexington. Kentiirfcy,
C3 Cltse D.ttler under the Art o( March


Islington Board ol Comnwe

aO Meuwon




mKWiil ore It, .e

f ftemaelrri.




Folks in Uniform


- tl,e



! Thr Kfrmrt.


laillpaigll gels

( ilicsl

ilif lainpus

wav on













"We feel dial the making of surgical diess-inIt ii at
is ilit- inosi i i ti oi niii
we are
.mil would Ik- tlelinlned to have University
women hel us," Miss Julia f.uiiskill, exennive
setreiary of the lot a I Red doss, told The Kernel vesieitlav.











iecon.es Recent History



mi m asvKiaiiou Assemhlv at its last meeting
io hold iis regular meetings on Thuisdav nights
railier ill. in the usual Tuesday has It It I lie
Keinel in a smiI.
Metlianital retuireiiieiiis neiessiiale lliat
I he KtMiiel gti io press laie Thnrstlay afternoon.
Si in
we aie ahle to publish only one issue a
week, this means that if news of the Assembly
is io lie used it will le nine days oltl bv the
ii it ailit s
iti ini
and tit luhli lv no longer


weeks have passed

since The girls are all
And the boys all have flat feet.

the return of the native and Kappa

Betsy Ban.'is Stevenson still asks,
"How did you like Texas?" And
just around the corner. Chi-O- 's
Edith Conant and Pat McCarty
just love to ask the same question,
only to be repeated by Alpha Gam
Joan Thiess,
and KD June Scott.
Well, in answer to all the ques
about Texas so many campus
We have alwavs tonsidered ii one of our most tions and girls . . . ASTP, too . . .
im(oiiani funtiions to let I lie students know have asked, we submit a poem car- what giK-- on in meetings of iheir governing riecl frotn tne battle of Camp Vol- you
If spate requirements forte us to omit ters by Pfc. Ausil Davis. If
like it, thank Davis; if you don't,
"ittenl liisiorv" airouiits of ihe Assembly on that's tough . . . company comottasioii in iirelereiue io live news stories, we mander Mitchell Yowell will con- ho
he siudenis will realize that our hands ,itlt the Chaplain for you.

That's why they sent us here.
To sit In sad dejection.
Out on this lonely desert.
For this damn stale's protection.


Red Cross Issues Call
For Coed Mandate Rollers









i ml lit do r die!"
j niti ls precisely noi me aiiitune
which should motivate the men in
armed services, ac- edi.,g to Major Jonard Spigel- Itass, Special Services Division. U.
S Army. Major Spigelgass was one
of several ranking military officers
i.Mrtii.inatH in
Congress held recently at the Uni- versity of California at Los Angeles,
'Hit-- Congress had been called to
M..sii1i-- r
how writers could apply
talent and hkill to help win
war. and was attended by al- tl
every notable figure in Amer- letters, radio, movies, and jour- laii
laalisui-fr- om
Theodore Dreiser to
Walt lUsney and by such promi- i.. nt refugees as Thomas Mann, the
iennaii novelist.
A.K-rica- .,



Arm Interrsusa
... oi
tjt.ugress from the point of view
that wnters have played an im- IKirtant role in preparing training
films and other educational ma- for the Army. Major Spigel- fass pointed out that every Amer
lean soldier must be made to under
stand the issues of this war and
have an active part in the conduct
f the fight.
Some typical GI attitudes indicate how well Major Spigelgass
stated the Droblem. One of the
most frequent attitudes expressed
in GI bull sessions is the fear that
there won't be any jobs for us when
we return after the war that we
will have a repetition of the unrm- ployment and breadlines of 29. and
that we will be up the proverbial
It is unfortunate that some GI's
indulge in this kind of thinking.
It's unfortunate, because ii contradicts the fundamental reasons for
which this war is being fought. We
are fighting to destroy the very
things that some of us are afraid
we may come home to.
Fight Is For Many Things
j ne


will be u defeat, the War will not
be over, we will simply have an
a,.misUce untjl allother battle 20
years nence. n we aim t secure me
uunvai v
j u.
and P!'lical measures that will
the repetition of
tnose conailions wnicn leaa to las- cism and wars
of colse. there are cynics among
us soldiers as well as civilians
'ho affect the pose that they real- ...
... if ..... A, ., . onithor.
war in 20 vears. They back up
lhis aUitude wiMl a shrug of the
shoulders and the cliche that "We
can't do anything to stop it any- -







Air Force Cadet who
was stationed at Corpus Christi,
Texas while we were doing time in
Mineral Wells.
AGR's Yancey Owen and Marvin
hell recently informed us from
Wolters that the UK coeds are
in their hearts . . .
maybe that explains the
look in so many pretty eyes.
Strike up a chord, maestro, the
TS slip of the week goes to none
Patty Gay
other than
l.alta who was overheard in the
grill singing. "Just Petey and nie,
and Swifty makes three."

me here.



Just heaven, from end to end.

ever-prese- nt


But one thing is certain.
Of this there is no denying.
The guy that started that noise
D,d a 1"'11 of 8 Iot of lvin-


Deep in the heart of Texas
There ls sand in all we eat.

What Goes On There . . .


,1.,-id.- -



Writer Hep On Basketball


This war is not simply a test ot
military might, and victory will
not be won with the mere military
defeat of the enemy. We are fighting against poverty and unemployagainst mi
ment, discrimination
nority peoples, social and economic
all those conditions
which bred and made possible the
a.....- - h. eii.. .
n.r of the Axis powers.
- ""'"'ly
Wr air confident that We will "rt"'"Ktlemerge victorious on the field of route Itsntt unknown teams? Is it
them the
cctntiM. fcut actually, the victory

What Makes A 1'n.ressur?
IKiking as pedantic as a track
chance to try? I think every buy sn.r with
rrew rut
hii- witl1 the desire lo Ijlav sbotild be ri,,,,,,
glasses. Prof. Henry Veatch.
permitted to show what he can do. of the Department of Philosophy
Indiana u.. introauces himself
A Diseasted Sports Fan
with this statement:
A check
(Editor's note:
with to his classes
"All men are fools."
Adolph Rupp finds him wel- Coach
"Henry Veatch is a man."
Henry Veach is a




From The Type...
"I hear


en- -

No. star knows il. Iimj "

It is wisest io lev me cat tun .t
the bag yourself. If you don't the
neighbors will. And by then it may
naVe kittens


stick by men who stick their
necks out for what's right.

It il:



gentleman, he manages to talk and
think about "two jumps ahead of
anyone else," much to the discom- fort of the br