xt7zcr5n9m7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9m7j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1963 yearbooks ukyrbk1963 English Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection 1963 Kentuckian text 1963 Kentuckian 1963 1963 2019 true xt7zcr5n9m7j section xt7zcr5n9m7j   Unjve,,Jty Arcnfve* 'Margaret /, '{:no , .,
Bin'K^cky 40506  1963 Kentuckian
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON VOL. 65  ,f/4 University is a place, it is a spirit. It is men of learning; it is a collection of books; it is laboratories where work in science goes forward; it is the source of the teaching of the beauties of literature and the arts; it is the center where ambitious youth gathers to learn; it protects the traditions, honors the new and tests its values; it believes in truth, protests against error and leads men by reason rather than by force."
frank L. McVey Stag Day gives an opportunity to discard social requirements and break the regularity that pervades college life.
We Are Kentuckians ...
Unified in Goals We are a student body of different people and diverse backgrounds. 10,000 strong, we are seeking a goal less tangible, but more meaningful than the diploma which represents the culmination of our academic efforts. Although many are natives of other states, we will hold the Commonwealth, and in particular Lexington, in warm esteem.
Students find a further chance for self-expression in programs outside the curriculum.
An ROTC color guard leads one of the parades that are an integral part of the military science program. Since the original land grant, the campus has grown into a complex of sidewalks and buildings.
Pioneers in the growth of the modern University realized that UK and the Commonwealth must grow together if either was to keep pace with our growing nation. Today a network of centers is enlarging the educational facilities of the University. The Agricultural Extension Service guides the state's farmers. Research facilities contribute to industrial expansion and development.
Cumberland Gap, historic gateway to the West, offered passage through the Allegheny Mountains for early Kentucky settlers.
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Traditionally . . .
 . . . Kentucky's economy has been based on its natural and historic resources. Deep tunnels into the earth have produced millions of tons of coal, great fields of burley tobacco have grown, an abundance of limestone water has contributed to the success of the distilling industry, and rolling bluegrass farms have been the source of thoroughbred horse legends.
 Growth ...
. . . toward a new Kentucky
Now a new Commonwealth is emerging. Industrial sites are being devoloped on formerly quiet countrysides, the many thousands of miles of waterways are being harnessed for hydroelectric power; the highway system is greatly expanded, and tourism is being developed as the second largest source of income. Accompanying this, an upsurge in housing developments has become necessary as the population shifts from traditional employment to the new industrial climate.
The University must be 'the leader in this development. Thousands of eager graduates must be sent into a multitude of new vocations. Research and education must guide economic changes.
10 The University has taken an important step forward by launching the Spindle-top Research Center and Park, a unique addition to the industrial growth of the Bluegrass state. A full range of research will be carried on by the University and private industry.
The Medical Center typifies the aim of the University to set the pace in educational facilities.
New plants will provide employment for Kentuck's labor force.
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Learning . . .
a Never-ending Process
Primarily, the individual's daily life is centered around classwork, laboratories, and study.
Greeks and campus organizations confront students with practical lessons in self-assurance, cooperation, and leadership.
12 Intramural sports give the participant a wide variety of competitive activities.
The new University student soon finds that his life is a continual molding process. The opportunities which arise from the very nature of UK leads him to a field in which his goals may be set. Academic achievements, social development and professional activities contribute to the total education of the individual. Spring weekends are used to get away from the campus for leisure hours.
With the rigors of study, tensions mount and nerves become taut. A change of pace is found in the social activities which are usually centered around weekends. Parties, picnics, hayrides, dates, and movies are but a few of the many outlets which bring needed relaxation.
Students find new outlets for their creativity in many social activities.
As the University of Kentucky nears its centennial year, 1965, those who have known its past begin to reflect upon a history of constant development. Changes in attitudes toward higher education in Kentucky, in academic standards, and in student mores have made each passing year one of progress.
This ninety-eighth year has also been one of changesthe adoption of a new, more practical calendar to increase the effectiveness of the total academic program, the abolishment of compulsory ROTC, and the appointment of a new president. Signs of the physical growth necessary to the total development of the University are manifest in the opening of the University Hospital, in the new Chemistry-Physics Building, and in the additions to the Margaret I. King Library and the Student Union. The future will determine the effect of these changes on the University.
The University is constantly changing; we, its students, are changing. The Kentuckian's purpose is to give an accurate portrayal of this year and the events and personalities that made it unique. Without apology, the Kentuckian has recorded this year as it was,- The University of Kentucky, 1963.
Classrooms provide the basic background for the educational program of a university. The student also learns, by participation in accepted activities, the key to life in a social world. These events are many of the traditions which makes the total view of the University.
The mechanical processes of any university-orientation, registration, study and examinationsaugment and reinforce our education. Concerts, lectures, the fine arts and other diversified intellectual activities are available to all, but accepted by only a few.
Weekends, rush, politics, all-campus events, and parties are the settings from which the most student participation evolves. The importance of such activities can only be measured by the individual. /
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19 The attitude of freshman men toward the coeds at Freshman Camp definitely changed soon after this opening discussion meeting.
Summer Orientation Introduces Students to UK
Faculty members and upperclassmen led discussions with freshmen at Freshman Camp intended to make full integration with the total advantages of the University as easy and fast as possible. Freshmen and transfer students get their first introductions to the University during a summer orientation program that is a day of visiting main campus buildings, taking placement and physical fitness tests, and flu shots.
For 120 freshmen students there is an extra chance to learn of the many advantages of the University during the weekend YMCA-YWCA Summer Camp held in early September at Natural Bridge State Park.
Students make every effort to pass strenuous physical fitness tests to become eligible to bypass physical education requirements.
At summer orientation students get an early taste of a UK tradition, lines, lines, lines.
To the confused freshman, talks with advisers are strained but welcome. Helping a new roommate move in is always a key to breaking the ice with new friends.
Arts and Sciences students find a pleasant reassurance during their orientation meeting with Dean M. M. White.
Anxiety Runs High During First Days
Parents and freshmen who did not participate in the summer orientation program found the long lines and drizzling rains a trying experience.
For freshmen and upperclassmen alike, the first days on campus are confusing and hectic. Organizations night, fraternity and sorority rush, dormitory politics, and innumerable meetings pose continuous questions to the student. Faced with the strain of uncertain decisions freshmen learn hard lessons in self-sufficiency.
This mounting anxiety and the rigors of registration and informal opening class meetings leaves the neophyte questioning himself about his college career.
Through the days of moving into dormitories, attending orientation activities, and registering for classes new students looked ahead to the first classes to learn the real way of the University.
23 Lines appeared and disappeared each hour of the day as new groups were scheduled for registration in the Coliseum.
Experienced Students Master Registration Processes
Working out an attractive schedule grew more and more possible as class after class closed.
The bi-annual registration of 7,500 students in three days proves to be a hotbed of problems and worries for students. The manner in which each handles his registration often singles out the experienced UK student. Knowing a mistake means visits to deans' offices, drop-add slips, and instructors' signatures, students learn that the slow and cautious approach is the safest.
24  Threatening and scattered rains added to the confusion and anxiety that are a part of rush week.
Decisions Are Many During Sorority Rush
Sorority women and rushees were forced to relax and enjoy small talk wherever they could find room during crowded Coke parties.
Rushees had a chance to compare notes during the waits between parties.
 Sorority rush plunges Greeks and rushees into a chaotic first two weeks of classes. These days are lost to everything but classes and parties. Rushees looking ahead to Bid Day remember hoarse voices with clever skits and parties. Sorority women awaiting the big day have memories of smoke-filled eyes and sore knees with fascinating conversations and interesting new friends. When Big Day finally arrives all enjoy sincere smiles, tears of joy and the beginnings of lasting friendships together.
As rush progressed parties became more formal and sisters tried to show the seriousness of sorority life.
Sorority women learn that the real burden is trying to get to know and remember rushees after just a few minutes of casual conversation.
The increasing tension of rush hit a peak as new pledges are announced on "squeal night."
 Fraternities Differ Regarding Value of Deferred Rush System
Rushees get a first look at fraternity life during weekend theme parties held after rush reopens following mid-semester tests.
PiKA's fire engine makes a good topic for discussion during open house parties for all freshmen.
Following a schedule modified by the IFC rush committee, UK fraternities found rush one of the most tiring and confusing since the adoption of the deferred rush system.
The first week of classes opened with four days of open houses in which 800 freshmen were supposed to visit all 19 fraternity houses. Rush was closed until after mid-semester grades were available to aid fraternities in foreseeing which freshmen might be academically eligible to pledge. At the end of the semester Bid Day brought a lopsided, but record number of pledges. Concerned with the unbalance that had appeared in the classes IFC made an unsuccessful bid to establish better balance by reopening rush for eight fraternities.
28 Summer rush parties across the Commonwealth are used to interest recent high school graduates in fraternities as a part of college life.
A semester of rush pays off as the IFC president reads the lists and the new fraternity pledges start a new life.
Valuable lessons in understanding others are learned by fraternity men and rushees as the time of decision draws near. Cats' Victory Over Vandy Lifts Homecoming Spirits
Homecoming 1962, was enhanced by the Wildcats' 7-0 victory over Vanderbilt before a chilled but enthusiastic Stoll Field crowd.
The victory served as a catalyst to students who had begun to feel the strain of weeks of work on floats, of the pep rally in the rain, and of the continuing drizzle that disappeared just before kickoff.
Sharon Edstrom, Homecoming Queen, was crowned during halftime ceremonies, which climaxed weeks of campaigning by the men's residence halls.
Students began building floats in tobacco warehouses all over Fayette County weeks before Homecoming.
Workers made last minute preparations on the winning float in the sorority division built by Delta Gamma and Chi Omega.
30 7
Coach Bradshaw and the Wildcats faced a sea of umbrellas as they were cheered on at the Yell-Like-Hell contest that opened the Homecoming weekend.
( Football Weekends Command Primary Interests ...
The botanical gardens provide a quiet setting for solitary study.
The quiet that follows the storm of registration, rush, and first class meetings is a unique time at the University. Football weekends are the keystone to all social activities. Dormitories and Greek groups plan their social life around the Saturday game with brunch before the game, after-game jam sessions and theme parties, and going out to dinner.
When the Wildcats are visiting in Knoxville, Atlanta, or Miami students plan weekend trips to games or gather to listen together. Leadership conference, the Kentuckian Queen contest, and study are particularly planned for these weekends.
Cutting afternoon classes to spend a fall afternoon with the horses at Keeneland often proves that crime doesn't pay.
 The quiet sideroads of Fayette County offer students a panorama of the brilliant colors of fall on weekend rides.
The fall meeting at Keeneland is usually the last distraction before students start preparations for mid-semester tests.
33 Republican Senator Thruston B. Morton won large support from UK students as he was reelected to his Washington post.
No tree, post, bulletin board, or wall is safe from the campaigners who post signs over the campus.
Lt. Governor Wilson Wyatt sponsored a campus jam session during the senate race.
Mortar Board members staff polling stations for campus elections.
A A Students' Political Interests Directed Toward Elections in State Government
Campus politics have taken a back seat to state and national elections since Kentucky became one of the leaders in the move to lower the voting age to eighteen. The seniors of 1963 were sophomores and had just reached the new minimum voting age when Senator John F. Kennedy visited the campus to seek the vote of this fresh new part of the electorate.
This year the race for one of the Commonwealth's seats in the United States Senate was brought to the students as both Senator Morton and his Democratic rival, Wilson Wyatt, campaigned vigorously on campus. The senatorial race had hardly been settled before students began dividing into Breathitt and Chandler camps for the Democratic gubernatorial primary.
Campus elections for the 99 seats in the Student Congress, for offices in student organizations, and for the many campus queenships consisted mainly of a white sea of original posters hiding buildings and plants.
The Sig Ep Express gives traditional ferry service across campus on election days aiming at support for fraternity candidates.
Active campaigning by Progressive candidates insured a clean sweep in Student Congress elections. Winter Brings Many Signs of Holidays
^ r
Winter snows add new color to the campus left bleak from the rainy fall.
Lon before official winter, the campus begins to be guided by the spirit that is Christmas. Christmas formals and parties begin in early December. Caroline and the Hanrnne; of the Greens fill all with a warmth that no one can ignore.
The nights of study for pre-holiday tests and exams are interrupted by cold walks to the Coliseum for basketball "ames.
Traditional Christmas parties for underprivileged children of Lexington are the center of Greek community service projects.
36 New snows hide sidewalks from students who brave weather for eight o'clock classes.
There is definite evidence to prove that Santa thoroughly enjoys Christmas at UK.
Sorority sisters enjoy exchanging comic gifts at Christmas.
Decorations appear in residence halls early as students begin to anticipate the holidays at home.
37  Exam Week Determines Success of Semester
Final exam week is a unique period in the life of a student. The hours of concentrated study, the bartering of stay-awake pills, the two-hour exams and the elastic study breaks are a few of the facets of final week. It is for some the time of greatest diligence; others write their farewell addresses to the University in blue books.
Women's living units post no admittance signs to men during exam week.
The increased study facilities of the library were put to good use. UK Social Life Is Built Around Dancing Students
Wherever or whenever UK students gather or relax, it's safe to say they will be dancing.
Dancing proves to be the common denominator that lifts all bars of age, different backgrounds and homes, and just plain shyness. The same quiet freshman, who would not consider asking a pretty classmate for a coke date, would not hesitate to ask her to dance at an all-campus jam session. Students danced at the campus-wide "icebreaker" by the thousands in the Stoll Field parking lot.
Despite a strong bid from a new dance step, the Big B, it was another banner year for the twist. When students danced, students did the twist.
Some students remember the days when couples danced in each others arms.
A precarious Dixie cup provides the style for an improvision of the Big B.
No matter where or when, if there is a lull UK students dance.
I  Students Adapt Dating to Study and Relaxation as a Vital Part of Life at the University
The tables are turned when coeds are required to make the dates and pay the bills at the annual Golddiggers Ball. Tommy Jordon was voted the Golddiggers King, at the annual affair.
A quiet afternoon in a dorm lounge is a tranquil break from active social life.
Dating as a social custom that invades all aspects of college life leaves many and varied impressions in the memories of all students. Students mature from the common excitement of the first college date into completely different attitudes toward dating. For many dating long remains a casual and enjoyable social custom that affords each an accepted comradeship. Others soon find a particular someone, which leads inevitably to the closer relationships of life-long togetherness.
It is a far cry from the first blind date of a freshman rushee to a fraternity party to the quiet seriousness of a senior's engagement. It is a part of an education.
At Golddiggers Ball, University women find it a little difficult remembering to hold their dates' coats, to open doors first, and to PICK UP THE TAB.
	1 LOST &. FPUS"
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1BI    I! ;iil:f   Faculty members often weaken to pleas to move class meetings to scenic campus spots.
All-roads lead away from the University when the freshness of spring begins to win over the student body.
A coed fori
the call of studies on an afternoon ski trip.
Students Seek Excuses to Get Outside When Spring Fever Slows Academic Life.
Blue Marlins hold their annual aquatic show in early spring.
Spring at the University begins oft-times long before winter has gone to stay. Students herald each bright day as the last of winter as the forces of Kentucky weather weaken.
Consequently when spring arrives the citizens of the University are quick to begin a mass move to do everything possible outside. Professors hear pleas to teach outside, convertible tops are brought down, and trips to Herrington Lake become the order of the weekend.
45 Sigma Chi and Lambda Chi Derbies Proclaim the Coming of the Spring and Fall Seasons
Sigma Chi Derby
It isn't a "run for the roses" in the Sigma Chi Derby, but a race that places emphasis on broken eggs, whipped cream, mud baths and limbo contests. The initial all-campus fall weekend features the sorority pledge classes pitted in many unusual contests. Delta Gamma won the derby in this their second year on campus.
One questions the adage that victory is sweet during the derby.
Sorority pledges mob an unfortunate (?) Sigma Chi pledge equipped with only a whipped cream can for protection.
The limbo contest was a new feature of the annual contest. The Ugly Man contest added a contrast to the derby queen.
Lambda Chi Pushcart Derby
The Lambda Chi Alpha Pushcart Derby gives both participants and viewers a chance to put their restless energy of spring to enjoyable use. The afternoon is opened by a parade of queen candidates, pushcarts, and floats. The race, on a course around the Administration Building circle and up Limestone Street, is run in four heats and the heat winners are matched in the final race to find the winner.
Last minute plans find racers serious about the cominsr heats.
"They're off!'
47 LKD Weekend Packed With Surprises and Spills
Members of dorm and fraternity Little Kentucky Derby teams are among the first signs of spring as they begin practice for UK's biggest weekend. Clad in sweatshirts and riding the traditional red bicycles, team members appear everywhere in an effort to build up the stamina needed for the race.
The LKD calendar features a fast-paced social weekend. The Friday night Debutante Stakes, fashion show, costume show, and street dance and the Saturday morning Turtle Derby are all preliminary to the featured races.
Riders try to wait calmly for the all-important start.
 The Haggin-Holmes Hall team makes the final exchange in the Deb Stakes.
A new addition to the race program, the walking race, was the surprise hit of the day.
Exchanges at the fastest possible speeds are necessary but harrowing.
The Four Preps' concert at Memorial Coliseum closed "America's Biggest Col-
lege Weekend
49 Greeks massed to the carnival held at Joyland Park.
The burning of a wrecked car marred the success of the carnival as many said the behavior of a few ruined the week.
The Greek Week steering committee set out to improve interfraternity spirit by taking the drudgery of past years out of the program. Greeks attended church services in Lexington in groups and the first Greek Week banquet was held in the Student Union ballroom. The speaker challenged Greeks to meet changing educational trends by raising the goals of the Greek system.
The week closed with a social weekend of dancing and a carnival at Joyland. 1,800 Greeks attended the dance at the Phoenix Hotel which featured Del Shannon, Tedd Browne, and the Dave Parry Orchestra.
50 /
New Greek Week Program Features Carnival, Skits, Fire at Joyland
A coed tries to score a hit in a fraternity booth featuring pies and a pledge.
 The shining eyes of a queen.
The curiosity of humans about curious animals.
Concentration on exertion.
UK is a small city of different people. Each is a personality and an individual. Here we catch sight of the differences in people and how they react to their surroundings. From all parts of life students are portrayed in unsuspecting moments, quiet, intent, or exuberant. The happy eyes of a Homecoming queen, the boredom of a student, or the mysterious expression of a dancer are all faces of the University.
 The study break.
Candid Glimpses Record Students' Secret Feelings
The questioning insecurity of learning.
The many faces of good times. Guignol Opens Season With "The Mikado"
Guignol Theatre ran the full range of drama this season in producing "The Mikado," "Harvey," "Summer and Smoke," and "St. Joan."
Guignol productions offer experience in theatre to students and interested Lexington talent. The University thespians do the producing, directing, stage craft, make-up, and acting in the plays.
"The Mikado" was the Guignol's annual summer production.
'Harvey" was the comedy hit of the season.  The methods of art are often as varied as the art itself.
Art exhibitions offer the campus community a chance to judge the controversial as well as the classic.
Fine Arts Stimulate Student Self-Expression
Through participation in the fine arts, student artists, sculpturers, and writers find self-expression in the creation and the criticism of their work.
Artists find ample opportunity for exhibition of their work in the shows held for local productions. The University Musicale Series offers the community outstanding student musical talent. Stylus, a campus magazine of fiction and poetry, presents the best of student work.
Musical art is perfected in intensive practice.
  Van Cliburn, Helen Hayes Head List of Performers In Cultural Series
Outstanding cultural opportunities are given the students of the University through the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series. The series, which is open to all students, consists of limited membership in the community and is co-sponsored by the Central Kentucky Concert Association, the Lexington Public Forum, and the University.
The French National Orchestra, the National Ballet of Canada, Alistair Cooke, Van Cliburn, Walter Slezak, Helen Hayes and Maurice Evans, the Robert Shaw Chorale, Ogden Nash, Jean Madeira, Edgar Snow, and "A Bernstein Gala" was the 1962-1963 program.
Complementing the series is the Blazer Lecture program, which brings outstanding national and international speakers to the campus. The English Department offered students several outstanding speakers, including author-critic Cleanth Brooks.
Alistair Cooke, star of the television series, "Omnibus, entertained his audience with witty frankness.
The Art Department presented an original Bluegrass work to Helen Hayes during her visit to Lexington.   Booksneed more be said ?
Seniors find placement interviews become a part of the final year in school.
Many Traditions Establish the University's Personality
The University derives much of its spirit from its many traditions. Splinter Hall, Adolph Rupp, the Hanging of the Greens, whistling law students on the steps of Lafferty Hall, the Kernelthese are the University of Kentucky.
Things traditionally collegiate become traditionally UK in their adaption to campus life. No student will ever forget drop-add slips or class-schedule books. The noisy din of the Grill ever remains the same.
 President Dickey's Resignation Starts Search for the University's Seventh Top Administrator
The retiring president and his family at a Wildcat basketball game.
The University of Kentucky, 1963a place and a year of rich meaning to us, the student body. For those of us who have now completed our fourth and final year at UK, it has been a time in which each occasion was something special. The last basketball game of our college career, the last Little Kentucky Derby, even the last exam has been firmly recorded for future memories. We no longer consider the University the mass of buildings manned by an indifferent faculty who consider us only numbers in a roll book. Like the graduating classes of nearly a hundred years the University now represents learning, friendships, and another home. This year is one of happy memory.
We were back on campus in September, and in the midst of registration, when Dr. Dickey announced to the Board of Trustees that he was resigning effective July 1, 1963. The chore of finding a presidential successor was taken up by the board, who promptly appointed a selection committee to screen nearly 100 possibilities. We also soon found that Margaret I. King Library had been doubled in size and the stacks were opened to our use. It took a long time to find everything including the single entrance.
The first issue of the Kernel treated in detail the Morin-Marlatt-Halfhill controversywe remembered that they passed out pacifist handbills downtown last spring. The Board of Trustees was promptly petitioned by 200 faculty members to take no action. We heard more of the pacifist struggle all year long as the Kernel editorial page gave ample room to letters, including one from British pacifist leader, Lord Bertrand Russell. As things seemed to quiet in the spring, English instructor Morin and student Halfhill appeared in Frankfort on the steps of the capital, picketing for the commutation of two death sentences.
AWS voted to allow senior women to set their own hours at night if the coeds had made previous arrangements with their head residents. The manner in which the late hours privileges would be administered was left up to the individual residence units and sororities to decide. These regulations had to be approved by AWS before they went into effect.
ROTC became optional to freshmen and sophomores during the year, and officers in charge of the Air Force and Army units predicted only a small drop in enrollment in military science courses next fall.
Student Congress ordered us to register our cars with the dean of men and then spent the rest of the year patrolling, and judging violators.
The end of compulsory ROTC was happily accepted.
62 Our tuition was raised as we felt the pinch of the rising costs of education. The Board of Trustees also approved a rise in the cost of dormitory living next year.
It was mother-daughter night as Carolyn Mansfield, daughter of the 1939 queen, was judged the 1963 Kentuckian Queen. Carolyn represented the University in the Mountain Laurel Festival. Soon the Kernel began to protest that there were too many queens on campus, but never hesitated to name its weekly "Kernel Sweetheart."
The faculty considered and reconsidered before adopting a totally new calendar for next fall. The radical change will bring students back to classes the first week of September and the semester will end before the Christmas vacation. Those of us who loathe Christmas vacations with term papers and back work were extremely happy at the prospects of a vacation without studies hanging over our heads. This plan was adopted as a step toward using the tri-semester calendar.
The weather was the source of an unusually great amount of conversation and doubt. Freezing weather was preceded and followed by spring-like days from October to March. The rains only added to the mess created as trucks transversed the campus during the completion of the Chemistry-Physics building, the library addition, and the Student Union addition. The flu also hit when the weather was at its worst and class cuts became the thing. Some of us used the flu bug as a chance to see the new infirmary in the medical center. We were amazed to find individual "credit cards" to aid in keeping accurate medical records.
The big surprise of the spring was the suspension of Dr. Peterson by the Board of Trustees as a result of conflict of interest charges brought to the board by Governor Combs. The chairman of the presidential selection committee immediately pointed out that this would add to the problem of finding a top-flight replacement for President Dickey.
The fraternity system fell under heavy criticism as the burning of a wrecked car marred a potentially successful Greek Week. What some considered inaccurate reporting by the Kernel, led to the publication of volume one of the "Ky. Colonel" which condemned the coverage and editorial comment of the Kernel concerning Greek Week and Student Congress.
Spring came and brought us the Smothers Brothers and Four Preps for two concerts in Memorial Hall as an early beginning to the Little Kentucky Derby activities. Warm weather found the barristers back out on the steps of Lafferty Hall after a winter of hibernation in the law library. Further down "Hello Walk" we began to notice that the commerce majors on the steps of White Hall were beginning to look a lot like the lawyers as they surveyed the passing crowds.
We notice all these things in our final year on campus. We face leaving them with both hesitation and expectation.
Queen Carolyn Mansfield is crowned 1963 Kentuckian Queen
A fraternity man looks doubtful as he prepares to be dunked in a Greek Week booth.
 Crisis Over