xt7zcr5n9k6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9k6d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1968 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 39, 1968 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 39, 1968 1968 1968 2012 true xt7zcr5n9k6d section xt7zcr5n9k6d n 
      G Why [  
  v 2
n 9   »
{ Why } J

 Quust as any approximate figure is an erroneous one,  
easy answers to questions are usually wrong; and, if  
- not totally wrong, at least lacking in full truth.  I
So to the question, "Why does the University of Ken-  
i tucky exist?" A simple, automatic answer could be, "ln  
order that young Kentuckians may obtain higher educa-  ·
l tion."  if
· But the real answer is more complex. lt begins with  
the dream of a man who believed his vision of an edu-  l Ed
cated citizenry would materialize generations beyond if   W.
Y the taxpayers of the Commonwealth could be brought  A im
to see his vision and bet tax dollars that their sons and   l“
daughters could find at the University knowledge and  Y if;
understanding, culture and challenge—qualities the par-  g Gr;
ents admired but which they themselves did not have.   TH,
. And so it all began with a gamble on the future of  
  our young people. lt may have looked like a long shot   Ag
é ‘   at the time but the payoff has been one which would   C;
` have bedazzled the earliest supporters of the University.  
i lt would require many months of diligent research to  ‘ l¤¤
l ~ find a single area of human activity in which UK does  l
not have a least one alumnus who has excelled.   M“
i he foundation on which this excellence has been  if Mm
, built has been a simple striving to learn the "why"  `
i of any environment. lf why cannot be answered to  i
the satisfaction of a curious and imaginative mind, then  
there has to be a better way of doing anything, a clearer, , ,
cleaner trend of thought, more suitable philosophy or a l.  Cla
better pattern of personal behavior.   Oli
_· g You, as an active alumnus, presumably know all the  
‘ who-what-when about your Alma Mater. The effort in  
l this issue will be to respond to some of the "whys."  ‘

   ¤ae·Y@2z‘aoiy K   I  
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» Autumn-Wmter 1968 Volume Issue 4 ‘ 1 l ‘ I
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°       ?
- Editor     Qk
. W. B. Annzmr   ·  E ·
K C t i · A ?
I Managing Editor On en S Q   1
 c JAY BRUMHELD The Current Focus of Student Eyes ............................................ 2   l {
 _ Alumni News Editor D0 Students Come to UK ..................................................,,,,....,_,. 6  { ‘ ·  
I AD D. R —  3
— A EFBORD Are People Unjust .......................................................................... 7 E `I c
2 Graphic Design 4 T
E Tuosms E. CLARK, ]n. Computers Make Mistakes ..............................................,........... 11 · p A
 _ Vocational Education Aids Kentucky ........................................ 17    
 Q ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Tobacco Research Pays OH .......................................................... 20 I  
· Cmxucs O. Lnxnnuzsr . i
; President UK is Involved in Latin America ................................................ 25 l 1   =
  IOE CREASON Political Action in the Nation’s Politics ...................................... 28   i
 I Vice President I i
  Mm JOE F. MORRIS Engineer’s Questions are Diiiicult ................................................ 31   i
 Y T’€a·$`W€T Alumni Forward .............................................................................. 32 f _ _
gi  Director of l
  Alumni Affairs F
  THE COVER; A design by Artist Tom V A
_.  Clwk brings impact to the “WhyP” theme
 ‘_ 0f this issue. -V ·
.1  i I
 V 5. l

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rj   i ·   By A. D. Albright  » them
T Q i l  , thing
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'° ` i `  E
 *       A native gf wasinngrnn, D, C, (born March 6, 1913), Di.A.il3:§  ibecol
V   7 l was reared in Virginia and Indiana. After attending DePauw Kruse; j,   
 if   · i in Indiana, he earned thc bachelor of arts degree, cum laude, at NL.? V 
 ·· l ` College in Tennessee, He later was awarded the master of AS€li¤i*#   A
if  gee by the University of Tennessee and the doctor of pbll050F~·l“’  
‘· l   .·’=   New York Universim _ .  mj h
 ,.i . l     ,..r-#i     Bezl¤¤i¤z his ¤r<>f¤SS·¤¤=·l ¤M€¤ i¤ 1938 M H S“l’°’T‘“°‘ F?  F  
 ` _ i A  V;-I   Avj y f  W/I ' A 5/ Tlfg/Z`  Chattanooga   school S)’S[CUl, he moved thc {Duc"-lug lf: `    
  lq   V.     V'   ' Nashville where, until 1946, he served as supervisor of the    byoun
 iv   I    ff i   State Department of Education. Thcrc followed two YCMS l19{a"A·   ~
    ,       during which be was 'I`ennessee's assistant state commissioner Gl      
  It i     . A     ·_ [jon, and another two (1948-50) in which he \V¤S dHL*Ct0l of l“’·‘   be
j     l    QC 4 ~ i “/I    and chairman of the staft of the State Department of EduCf•¥l¢lll· AAA  
  ii   g   4     ·’   Dr, Arbrrgirr joined Nashvi1le’s George Peabody Collcgc l¤ 19*;;,;  rtprese
    V ¤   A   - .A  ;./   »- A. _'¢r   professor of education, rr post he held until coming to ltcnlilvln ll J;  fof Us
        if   IV' His first position at UK was a dunl one. Hc served GS dll'¤`C““A“gA:   A
    1   i     AA ;/Q   4A   V Bm-eau gf School Service and ns chairman of the College Of Elms--   Z
 j   `   A     nil  _· VA Division of Educational Administration-    
  l `     /,_,  vii V He was executive dean of thc Univcrsity's Extended Pf0Eli‘l"$1gé\_“_i  
  i-    V A  A A      from 1957 to 1960, and provost of the University from l*l6gAAAA_A·Aé  I z Aslllélj
 ‘5~ l-     ,. ,, Q , the latter year, he was named to his present posh eee  -;A Ce]
    .       j president. ,,_,  
A  ,A   i     .r:i   ·iy·   DL Albright is a gnnnnn cinnnnrm or tho National C¤¤f¤l’°“°jA    8Y
  YA , E   i·i-- .   . V 4 fassaas of Eduggtiongl Admrrrrstrrrtion, and has scrvefl ¤$ °°“~Sm,;  ilhoug
»  fl? ir. · :  i such agencies as the Ford and Carnegie FO\ll'ldi`|UUns» lh”Ed°AA__:  
    ` ’ *   I V Education Foundation, the Fund for the Advancemvnl of u` ` .·   €.
    ~ V ;A  M   A » and the southern Regional Education B¤¤rd· , (mr,  QQ; WE
 ll   _ ·’ , He has directed or assisted in thc direction of mi\nY f¤Ut‘€l“d;1ilA Ta  TA? M
    l i   _ ’   V in education, including statewide projects of this Annture TA 0 mg   0
 `-     V _·, C ‘ nessee and Connecticut. He also has served as viSl\lllE Pm “$;A]el.;_  
 `{Y   I » , XE faculties of the University of Tennessee, UHlVOY$ltY of Umh‘  Te
?    A A , ,   j versity, and Teachers College of Connecticut.  z Kas
ri    l Y “ 
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   "The paradox is this: Young men and women in ’ *1; ld
  American colleges and universities are urged—by their  
  professors—to improve and sharpen their minds and V Q; `{
  to do their own thinking. For years, American   1 Q` ii
__  educators have been complaining that college students · P l; 1 V
 i do not Show Sufllcient interest in current affairs. Yet     ~ ,Z is ‘
 =` when those students do follow the advice of their pro- E l l
  fessors and do their own thinking, what happens? .,.. ‘ J   1 "
  ul students do their thinking along the proper, ap- Z 1 I »*
__  proved and conventional lines, then it is perfectly all i  l f lj  
  right. If the students become yes-men, then every-     I _` ’=
 ‘ thing is lovely and higher education is a wonderful l ' I  
 lg Every day on the University of Kentucky campus, thiol?. if h d ' · · · ' —  A _ 3
3 14,773 pairs of eyes are in actiou——l00king at books, a d Ph t 5]***(;"*$_t*?€g**{f*h1}*;k·¤%)1¤_*h¤¤9w¤ WQY i  l .—  
  · 1 kin at the older eneration " “’. “‘° ·   me *0**-* * sy _€e¤ askmg em- 1 l *»n»  
B s lookmg at thi? faCultY= OO g g _ > barmssmg quesluons of those who sit in the saddle- e I F-  
¤  looking at society, looking for truth, looking at g1IlS, that is rank radicalism, impertinent heresy, subversive 1 _- F
  communism and all that sort of thing. - ’
 2 Or boys. 1 k throu h microscopes some through t€]€_ "And if the students begin talking about free speech , i -  
l  ,~ $01116 00 g ’ and their rights as American citizens to express their   _ ` 
 gscopes Of speCfr0S<>0P€$- opinions on various topics, the aforementioned, un- i i `, A . 
fi  gome see with the compassionate eye of the social able to answer such an argument, begin tnt-nit;ing i   — 
 éewoiker, the doctor, the nurse. Some look through a ““flC*;i;’;>¤¤§ 3¤dt*¤€W¤¤g Mlilidalamnrh; . . , l    
  , . · E C S U CH S HIC DOI C 1 ICD. Gy HIE y0UI1g ` _ 2 `  
 SIWP legal 8}/6* Some gaze with the eye Of the ‘*’F‘st’ men and young women who are being trained, =   y l
 ggomg develop tl]C Cy€·-{IHC] I}OS€··fOI` U€\V$· Some V1€\V ostensibly, to take charge of affairs ____ Tg prohibit ‘    
 {with the perspective of the historian; some look down these YOUES m€¤ and Women from forming or ex- ` l » * 
 ; _ . . _ · · pressing t eir opinions . . . seems unwise, intolerant, L i __ » 
 Qfmm the Soapbox Of the political sclentlst fantastic. It also shows that the big boys simply can’t _ `~ i 5
 ‘_ Some look out of faces that are black. Some—slzmted take it_th€y love to be yessed but they certainly hate t il
 land shaped like almonds—are set in bland Oriental to be argued with." 4   
 Cifaces, Most are the eyes of Americans; a few b€lOIlg to I hope the shock Will not be too great when I ex- l "  
 visitors to this land. plain that the editorial appeared in 1937, when the e    
  Could we put all these eyes together and multiply "big b0ys” of today were the students demanding {  
 {them into seven million pairs, we would produce some- from the older generation of that era exactly what · I  
 llething comparable to the compound eye of a fly, which students seek from them today. l
 Ythose who know tell us has more than 4,000 facets, If we could move the student eye and the older eye { f é
 {enabling its host to see in many directions at once and t0 look through an imaginary stereoscope, we might l y '}
1913), DL im  ;=bec0me instantly aware of movement. End innumerable pairs of identical pictures—one A l y  
ng DePauw     This composite eye-representing all the viewing from today and 0I]€ fI‘Om the paSt—tO fuse iIlfO three- l  
:;`:St;ui$’;;Eg§;  gdbility of this natiorfs college and university students- dimensional scenes familiar to all associated with   i  
cm: cf 1¤bii¤$°¤h¥`*   be termed “the student retina? Through it we higher education.   3  
X, supm-iw, ii e  Qmight Vi€‘~v the many facets of modern life with a new For example, a picture from this Spring would Y l '
he f¤l1¤~~·i¤¤¤T>*¥*  §Qvisi0n and we might begin to understand what all these show much criticism being leveled at what was termed ` V
,' €flZ:5!*  it- . . `
  jixgclisieee  §Y0U¤g eyes see as they look about. an obscene cartoon of the Statue of L1berty mcluded ; j
¤mmissi¤¤¤¤ Ffrfdff   Then, if seeing truly is believing, if in fact "seeing" in material distributed by the Students for a Demo- - Q
` · O ”*"‘  é• . , . . `
zi gg;;(;O,,, I   b€h3VlI`1g, we m1ght have some clues to what the C1'at1C SOC1€ty. 2
v College      ;Pf€S€¤t student generation thinks and, feels, And, those Its twin would come from more than thirty years — l _
» ’ tow ’-·  T4 _ .
Lg; lgsnalmrei iii  ff Us who are older might find the sights something ago when an ed1tor of the KERNEL responded to a { Z
College ¤f Ed““°;`   H familiar old movie Ol- (me Of those ggcggjgnal British CB.1‘f0OI1lSt)S Sl1gg€Stl0I1 that th€ $YmlJ0l of  
md P,¤g,i,,“$p;e;  °ld€¤tS which make a person feel suddenly, "This "Uncle Sam" should be modernized by calling for a    
y from 1960·ll?l2`§  _i$l1rely has happened b€fOr€_" replacement of that same Statue of Liberty. .· l
, xeC\11`*"   . _ i
pm Q   C€1‘t31Hly those who are students now are convinced H8 Wf0t€1 ._  
nn (o¤¤f¤¤¤;;;lj;ff‘;  iiiey are seeing the world fresh; that their ideas and "Possib1y the statue S{¤<>¤ld ¤<>*‘•‘ be $*1*3 if QF €"€“i“g‘ 1 -
me “s ° ° le Yi Ou ht ‘ ‘ · gowned butterfly witi a cigarette ie iigi in p ace ;
°d°mmi’    jljmeg S and mslght are mwah even ahead Of then of old Miss Liberty’s torch, and a cocktail shaker ‘ Q
mmm  lr W, , could be substituted for the book she clutches in her  
my {minding  L  611, léts look through our student retina and see. left 411111-,,   l
= ¤¤¢¤¤° Jasgshm;   _M0St who fall into the student category would agree Another pair of matching views: '  
  ' I ' ,  s · . ‘ l
vg? Smit raw  §¥1*h¢h¤s excerpt from an editorial in a Galveston, A twenty-£ve—year old psychology major at SHH e l 4
ii y..‘ °XaS¤ newspaper: Francisco State College wrote last year: l i    
 3 3   5
 1 l
‘ · | i i i i  

 iQ   i  
i   to   "I am not drawn ahead by the apron strings of student who felt peace strikes would “stir tho uu it 
;       Heaven; I am pushing at crashing speeds into the un- science of the college generation to an uiiderstrrndus   AY
  if l r known. I’ve made no contract with God; His promises of the horrors of war,” a man who until recom];  thro
r     and threats do not interest or frighten me. My power served with the Department of State, now an rttmmu i  m0f€
 i   s 1 i is in me, in all of us. Life is this power.” and Special Counsel to the Interational Bank EMD _;  A5
    E Q A twenty-one-year old philosophy student at the beth Hardwick, now a distinguished alurnnrr r,[ rr,  
I it p Q University of Kentucky wrote in 1948; University, and Tom Spragens, now President Oi (jre  _
        ··r have oo wooo for foolish oooooooao gods; ttt C‘{tt"g"* "ttlt i}“T"“g tt7"“t’ "°"St°t‘”°‘t ‘“°T" ‘*‘·*’~  to
r jr r I! I seusry my ewrr rerrereus ueeds ____ »· little progressive in their student days. ]1mCglg_ r
    { { well, ]ohn Ed Pearce, L. T. Iglehart and Others his  
i.   t Il There are other sets ot pictures. moved from a S01nCtim€S far-out student \·ir»rr·prriL;  F
 °   i [ This Spring, students were holding forums to dis- to become responsible members of the Stz1te’siiritlrl{o_ ·.
 Q     cuss how to keep out of military service, how to resist aged generation, leaders of the not-to-be—trustcrl Or-rr  s
r   the draft and war. In the Spring of 1937, “Peace \Veek” 80 group. r.
 Z       observances at the University—paralleled over the Even Bart Peak, who as a retired county jugs   Bn
        nation—included an open forum on methods of pre- probably shakes his head these days over canrréi  (that
        venting war, the causes and cures of war, ways to activities, had some liberal views in 1939. .~\s atlrg;  s erner
    ¥   keep out of war. to the Campus YMCA, he spoke in favor of tlrorr,  = "aH·ic
    . § Peace strikes were the order of the collegiate day dents right to protest, as long as it was donc in riorr.  . torial
 A.     thirty-one years ago, and a poll of sixty-two Kentucky ful fashion.  _j ment
        students indicated that only three would support the WVe must reach the conclusion then that life ir;  i ture
 .   u   United States in any war in which it might engage, giant cycle with the idealistic—sometimes ratlirsl. jmidd
gf   V   forty-three would fight only if this nation were in- young mellowing and becoming more conservative;  _ Th
 i g?   vaded and fourteen would not support any war. Of they reach middle age.  - rebel
 gs   I   course, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, such idealism Agrooirrg on that, howevory does rror deyuruure    ·_ Older
 {       1 vanished th the heeesstty tet detehse Ot thts htttteth fresh and pointed criticism that spurts from tedgge  . theo
    o l   ahd KehthettY sthdehts‘hke these eetess the tend'- student generation or invalidate the truth of xv};   Th
rr ig _ I   did fight, courageously and valiantly. registers ou todays srudeur rerrmr _ andt
 Z Q   l   But tn the 30,s> as t°daY> Otgamzattehs Such as the Certainly as the student looks at his elders. he rrr   shout
  A   i   American Student Um°tt> the Ytmth Committee Agamst see much that is false, much that is sham. He sees that  ·-~ he
          Wat> the ttetettms Ot Fhthte Wats> H<>¤¤§hed» h<>ld1¤s who should be wiser, because they are older. espoustg  
 s     5 their; meetings and tl1€11' it}(;I‘Ll1'DS 21Hd tll€1I' pI`Ot€‘$lC$· values only for- selfish, personal purposes.   AS
    ti < r _ Omen O that ee pus ed tot mote tteed°m> mote As pointed out through that chilling comedy. "T2 V  _·. W
 ·;   ‘ r mghts Out ttottt   ddtmttettes Sthdehts Opposed the Craduate,” he sees a generation that demands stnttii   mi Sl
 Z r   tgtum Ot Ptohtbtttom admttted they dtttms ¤l€¤h0l¤¢ moral codes for its oftspring than for itself-ti   em
 . r l i beverages favored comptttsoty Sex edttcttttott tn COt' mother who married under threat of pregnanti   ftp rm
      lege The KEttNEt'> hemg dtttmgdh the eXtteme· sisting on virginity not only in her daughter buli  A TA
      Wagcd at Carnpalgn to clunlnate Syphlulst any who Vvould YVOO the   HG SCCS tl]€ llOllO\l`llit`     1
    _     tOtum’ Sptmsoted by the YM and YWCA» ex' of church sanction to a union of man and wornawii  ` move
 is       attgmed these quttstmnst _ , out love, only convenience. I  A rtg
  li E. i S the Student Press Supetvtscd tO° Closely? Atettt He sees want and slum conditions in spite wilt  {pu?
    r   ;i;1;;¤;Sr;=§¤:>l€ 0; s3ve¤ir1e theeselvet Have stu- adults’ Woo oo ooooay. He suspects that ao rotors  ; »“Q§‘;
 Q { g _ OUP O cettttm pohttcat theettes Wtth' tation given to Christian charity by many Hl¤l€€t‘  gd
  l; l Out s“PPtt’Sst"t’ measutes exettedt basket of food at Christmas equivalent to inerlii iaggtl
 is   A Certainly, we’ve passed this way before. social responsibilities for the rest of the year.   Thi
    ` And, if WB €X&miH€ the past that has become pro- He demonstrates against a war he feels is lllllllttlttt  `jpeet
A     .   logue to this present, those of the older generation may and immoral, perhaps because in his history lJ0Ottt    
 géi   ~ i be amused and those of the younger surprised to find sees details of war to make the world safe fmt  {heser
 _A   ` that yesterday’s student rebel has become today’s mocracy and a war to end all wars but nothing Oht  feed fu
    . F I‘€Sp€Ct£-lblé Ul€ITlb€I' of thi-} ESt3.bliSl'1H1€I1t, bridging progress toward real peace; Perhaps also in l1l$ llltttt  
 {ie       I the generation gap simply b yliving and learning. books he has seen the principle that a state vi hh   Dr
    . g The names w0n’t mean a lot to those who don’t to be decided by the legislative body to p1‘0f€°ltt  such
      know Kentucky well—but there was ]1m Wine, a people of a democracy.  jrevolt

 “stirt1»._  , _ _ ' y
I ulldersxlm   And yet, even with this sharp vision that cuts He says: ;   ‘  
until mccmii t through the prctcnsé, much of his behavior is no Qsafc _withi¤ the sanctuary of an ordered Society, E i  
mw _m wom;  ilmoye than imitation Zllld echo. tl:;3n?;%,3)f gggysglaltg ghftys Of *%*6 left (OT are _ ] i . i
ul B_mk Em]   Ag Pr0fGSSOI' RlCh&I`d B- S€\’\/lil] of Yale has Written: fancy themselves I-gsm; to pcsgliingcgg ggigrisgleg Jig; Q   , i  
` ‘    =- th·db' th - .· . · 2 i V 
illllllmu of rh;   ··gtudCms have an way, because they arc young and doivni? IlgénigngeggrilgllggregfOfhiscgizugzxi gaimig I J   ‘  
csidem ()fCH__   expcrim¢¤f=¤l» bcwusc HEY MVC endless €¤€f8>’ and fwlity presents a new kind of challenge to glue; I     it  
red more H:  . Cast-{I0!] digcstions, of hrst trying out, often to cx- tion ,,,_ " | ~ _
_ mj   ces; all thc indulgcnccs of thc society into which they ` ‘ :» `L Q
li1Y$- ]1mCa]q·  V were born. Gambling, Sex, liquor, narcotics, social- TIME magazine, CODClLldiHg that students have i  5 i li
md °“‘°“ ht  ¥ °EE}F"2£§f}2$‘l° KC“¥wlZdf?”?§g$h’Z1SZTEh"`,$§w“G‘§tt§2 ‘““°h "‘°“’ *° gm by Working a¤*iV<=1yf<¤ change i ‘ 5 ‘  
_·x_ _M tg 2] ' *3. * 1 *1 ‘ . . ', _ - ’ . c
`dcnt }l°“'p°1···  g lmdergmduzntc scandal hits the country with such a Wlthm the emstmg $Y$t€m than by df0Pp1Hg Out of it, I r "  
r States Imddip   Shock} what docs uduk America expect, the wily it bg- suggests that their education should teach them this;   .  
bg-tm$t(;(] Om   lm-cs? Collcgcs can cducntc but they cun’t insulate? (_   i
 .» Studcntspocxivcr can bc beneficial, student tyranny t  
 I _ never is. tu cnt invol t ' Iiti h ld b - r ‘ "T
L] county judge g  But Professor Scwull b€]lC\’€S—21Hd I must agree- courugcd, but studentvgiiige lgfpgm cifeijggggcepig- i  
xs Ow; Cami  fthgt what he terms un “undcrgmdu,;1t€ culture" js @$5 {¤ESfh¤lW¤yS he resisted. Students might wel] bear ,   ‘ 
-939· M mc:  temewg mid ***1* this is di”¤r¤¤* wh from the L‘Lé“i§wE$32$2“EZEl$2Z¤biL`§$§2d’€§S§2§d ‘*§”‘“ ‘   ~ i 1
 ’— ,, . » · . , _ z W S , '
gym Of thpgh  __ OHECIHI culture of thc CHI, Wh1Ch IS set forth ll] cd1- between compromise and copping mrtg 1 Om A ` . 
5 done in pm.   torials, governmental pfollounccmcnts and commence- If We in education can teach Students these things   _ p {
g ment addresses, and from the tmdmorml personal cu]- . , 1 i ’
· V _.  _ _ _ _ _ and preserve the nat10ns coucgcs and universities as °   `
-1] that hfq E; · ture of matcr1a]1St1c, SUCC€SS—OI'1€l]t€d, power-mmdgd_ I h _ 1   ’ E
_ _  » _ _ l p aces w crc the search for truth can be carried on ' =
(gun]95 mdlggi- I Il’]1ddi€·{1g€d ATT`I€I`1Cd. throu h free in . h S _ . ,
 -· . , lI1I' ` 2
C(){]$CI'\';lti\'i§   Th1$ H€W SU.1d€Dt CUIUITG 1S IU2lI`kGd DOt $0 much bv g . q yy We can eac pnng award Our - ii ` - i
 I _ _ _ · degrees \V1thOl1t feeling that perhaps thev should i i   i‘··
y rebelhon, negation and dcmal of the values of the . Q . ‘ ‘ t ;
V  Older generation qs bv 1 Tcdlmrmqti 1 f , I h_ I carry the notation, Th1S represents only half—0r at · g
ot devaluutec  i the Old stm ‘h b·t‘d ‘ ‘ 91 0 m UGS “ K 1 most three-f0urths—of an education? ° g  
rts from f0d&jP5  ¤? Prem _ U 0 m?t Pmétlca And, if W6 can continue to look through the bright °  
_ t tl {WL  jg The student, as It were, IS saying to the professor · - . . ’ I i
, ru 1 0 W  yand the pimnt “DOn,t do qq \0 d D I mmut€]y—f0Cus€·d student rctma, perhaps societv will · I
  = . .. ‘ u o. . r 7 rs ,, . ‘ a 
 should dO,, · O qs wu Sa} no longer follow The Ca1f—Path described by Sam v
I i S. he uri  ;— ' \ . Q
S G ( H _L__p  . He would be upset, perhaps if hc realized that this Vaker l?OSS’ who Wrote. F i
JD. H6 5€€$l¤¤¥>¥  attitude is faint] 7 CO 7 t_ ’ ’ I _ (ORG day, through thc primeval wood, Q t *
p Older, CSPOM  gmdical OH] l th}t ·t user`? I1'? QVEU Ewlsta SIC and rg calf xgalked hcimii as goodkcalves should, 1 ' i
i_ ._·’ Y IH 3 1 gO€S O IG root O tlings. uf ma 8 8 tmi 3 mf 3$'€“', i {
DSES.   - `
_}  _.tV AS 1 k tl _ · A crooked trail as all ca1· s d . ,
lg COm@d}'_ TZ?  Ewa SQSEOEQ bi;I·OughtFh€ C3{£7}i)1e_;_Stud€nt retina, then` Sil’1C€ th€l”l t\VO hl1I`1dI€d\}f;;1IS0h{1\'€ Htid,    
    ij  I d 1 D ques 1OD_ ly`   \V€ see 8* de- .’\I`ld,   iIlf€l', tl]€ calf is dQ3_d_   I
_1 for itselmi  gimall hat authority remember its proper function and But mu he left behind his tmik i i
                  fxnd   hangs L1 I]'lO1'§ll tal€_"      
 or 1 · · . . _ 2  i 2
daughter bmi  eye includ eas ?vuC_ S_1m° bughtest m 'the Student The poet then explained how this crooked t['3_]1’ .
is the hollow  érmovememig »$€€’i1I?;§ 'uiticc donc, excmphfied by thc simply because it was there, was taken by a dog, then °
md wonmm  mommy h00F CEV1 fgg IES, mid virtue rewarded, havmg u sheep, until a path was made; the path became a L J
 1; lied JQ nes Y_an t 6 PTm°1Pl€$ Of d€m0CFH€Y Hp- road, 21 village street, and finally a city thoroughfare. ii if
S in spite git}:  ;eEutiOna?a§]t?mat10nal 85 WGH as HHtiOl`l8.l and imsti- HB Continued: V ·;
. .   airs. ·
~lmt the 1Ut€YP:'  »; P .‘ , . _ .
· _ , h .. .. Ad tl Ld   ·t -
/ many mm:  ?_d€H$T0f¤PS more politically sophisticated than the stu- Thx; Ugéi (;ESnC;3;;u;€J§llrnL` Mm 3
ident tO m€€ii;;         Student feels Ile can g` l]l1I`1dI`€(%f tl`|Ol1Sii`|d 111811 ;\'€¥`€   d > Vi 
 is r · ` GHC Cal HEMI ll` ; . ‘ ,
File Y-€9·Y· U     The Violence     iyolgd tile 'CFITIIEUSI Ti]C}` fOll()\\`C(~i       V i
;€€]g 15 Lm]U$U*"  {pmt not S 1 , G TIP S Slgud S` sus` And lost one hundred years a day; y
histmv boom;  3b up no muc `1 tht? StlldCI1tS desire to run the world For thus such reverence is lent _
‘ [1.6}   “ 15 Wish to be heard init. When no Om will listen T0 “‘€“·€S*=¤bh$'¤¤d 1¤¤¤¤d<>¤*-" 1 ‘
Odd Safe 0 ,  $116 screams louder and] d ‘ i · · · · - `
ut nothing 0[   ged full m tu · Ou Gr and, 1f hc has not reach- Let us, thcn, not d1SlD1SS the CI`1t1C1SITl of the young
also in his hjgict  dhoodi MY, he I`€V€I`tS to the equivalent of a with the thought that soon they will be the old, settled Q
n smc Of war?   Dr Nathantr1;1m· into wcIl—cstabIisl1ed ways. Let ust instead. continue to 2
ily to pmmtit  jguch (chem an u$€Y» Pf€S1£iGl1t Of Harvard, dcplores look through the student retina in the hope that thus ·?
  _ gfifcnt nonscnsc from the relatively mrc we can discover :1 more direct path bv which man I
 iimvoltlng stud€¤ts· c·m improve his lot ·1s he traverses life 1 *
é  5  

.   r Q. 6) F I -  
it   l P · K ? 9
5     • ? P ~ Qt
; it   - 2 0 t
  E { · · 7 .4 d
 K   r lllllllllll 9 7
; ‘Z l - hi ‘ • •
    E •
    D0 Students _Q gf 2  
to   l V Q P, »  
    l = CCIDE 'IO 2 -,50 n |
 ?     9 °
        UK @2 ·° Q   ” 
;   1 t   ?¤  
 1   V r . }• A
 V It t l :
 V if ‘ Y r _
  __   t Prestntly a Profess
l .     jected to the perspective student is an academic OM   Dr. Lvrn
t   l Why do students choose to attend the University of Fore found.  tg   
r      Kentucky? A recent Suw€Y reveals most Come for the The UK entering freshmen indicated they lwdi 5* dsmtt from utc
ie ll g courses offered and the University’s recognized aca- qtmg time d€Sit€·» tO attend the Uttit.CtSttt._ Amon; _t*t_t;;tj;Si=::j·t;·i·t·¤tt
 Y   ; demic Prostigo those who most influenced their choice in schools \\‘tf€·   gt; Social Ps)
t ‘L r , _ _ , _ .. I *51 ·)[ ` t,
`t   2 This was the conclusion of a study by the UK ad- {irst, parents, Then came UK publications uml nh  .. t,,t,t,“fQt 'ftttjhht
    l   missions Oflicc- The sUI`V€Y sought to determine factors fl'i€1’1dS. Lesser influences were teachers ;1I](lC()llIl$€lOl$  _;'¤;];udy in cnn
  I 1 , , . , . SEI" Y t
 ;_ ; mtluencmg students to choose a particular college or Fcrc concludes that rnnterrals which str€SSlh‘ t tttmns 
 V l' V uHiV€r$ity·‘Sp€CiHC3.lly UK-·fO1' thC PUIPOSC of I`€VlSl1'1g reputation Of the athletic teams “*ill {]()[ {ltlI`LlCl    ·t£:`¤0§ts;·rv.;j t
` 1 • » . » » “ I , ' , V V H * _
 *~ E l UmV€Y$1tY Public r¤l¤¤¤¤S m3t€f1¤lS- better student, It rs evrdcnt that UK has an olwllallltl   uhm, ,0 ht; ttf;}
    {Tho number One I-Eason 3 student in the upper part to pI`OSp€CtlV€ Stl]d€l'ltS to 1'l()t Ollly €[Tlpll[lSlZ€ &1C1lt
  `. . . . . . . ,   ., .` `   Wm
  ~_ Second OI] the list lg Hnanclal cOng1d€I·gt1()n_ Third of them ()h()5€   The Stu(l€l]tS all lld(l at least   t 1¥lt;tn50fObst,t,`_t
li  T . . . . · . , ` ' ` ~‘ .
 ti ‘ in importance to students choosing a college is the standing (on a 4.0 scale). The averagc ¤t·m__      I ,   ll`|lll'(lCI`€(l tl"l€1TlS€lV€S. But how CHI] 01*16 explain the . l
I , ·· `   fact that not one of these citizens telephoned the “ i
>_   ! police? Subsequent interviews revealed that one of  
i the main reasons for their failure to perform even that   l
{ ` simple act of concern was “l didn? want to get in-    
.   _ . 1;0Iccd.” It seems th t thi a ' · `   l i
_, ,____   Exp § G · ea s re ction must be a reflection   i l
V ..     t it, —- ( of a cold, cynical view of life and of one s fellow man. q l
. *._‘·   .»   Since this now famous case, many others have re- li l
e ` ' t . . . . . . :_ ~
· i • · eeived widespread publicity. Each IS accompanied by 2 i
,   considerable public speculation as to what is becoming   .
  of us as a people. Privately, at least. most of us are 32 l
_ V L ~ ~r-v »·j I se   Y convinced we would behave differently. \Ve would   , l
.. _ ;‘ _.‘_=,   _____;   ,__.··'“" "”`f  try to help the poor victim in some way. But what if   i
* one stops and thinks for a moment about the many g l ·
l ’ P¥€$€¤ll)‘ il Professor in the departments of Behavioral Science and not SO dranlatically Visible victirns VVE all tolerate in   K ~
`l1COll€- fh°l°sl'·_ Dr. Lerner has been on the faculty of the University of ()I_lI‘ ]]]1(1St?   of LIS l(1]O\V tllflt tll€ ll\`€S Or great  
 mth émcc   A lliltlr`? (lf l-·(lY3ll`ll Ohio, he Tt‘(`(‘i\’t‘(l .1liS B:lCh0l()r b f l · t 7   d _•th f-   `
AUS dtgree from Ohio State Lniversity in 1952 and his Master of nun] ers O peop e lu Our COUH I'} are 6 “l Su ·. i
»' llfldl ` d"$“`° [mm the Saunt institution the following year. In 1957. Dr. f(;‘1‘lI]Q—pLlll]. €I]]OtiOH£tl 3.I1Qt11Sl1, Cl€pI'1\`3.tlO1l of tl`l€ I l
·llll0ll¤  €r·iv.i; awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from New `- . . " . . ` l
‘ i Wk lfiircrsity and he then moved to California for further training in body and Spuflt xiauy people are born 1HtO` Or live in  
)l$lliifl·  Ti; Pl S°°l¤\l l°S)’Clinl0gy. From 1957 until 1959, he was a Russell l1l](1€I‘, COl](1ltlOl]S of Cl€\`3St£itl1lg pOV€I`t\’. hlZ1Il\' others ( l
nd dogg i mdflll in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University . . . ' f . g
" f°ll°“`ll‘Sl ihi$ hc remained at Stanford first for a year of post Spend the greater part Of then- hves lu Inental hospltals I
Llll$€l0lS  _°"ll$f“d}' in Clinical Psychology and then as a Lecturer for a year \Vitl] l)l1(1g(~‘tS l)3I'€l\’ ZlC1€qll2`tt€ to pI`O\`lCl€ llllrlllllal Cares
regs the °\_“$0 $t‘f\’ing as a ltesearcli and Service Psychologist at the Palo 1 I 1   1     · I   · _ 1
pdx ·  gains Ad,,,immmD“ H0$piml_ et a one tie me o treatment \\ nc 1 cou c g1\e tlenl _
Zfflcll  ‘YD:(