xt7zcr5n9j1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9j1x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-04-apr4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-04-apr4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-04-apr4. 1967 1967-04-apr4. 2011 true xt7zcr5n9j1x section xt7zcr5n9j1x 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 4, 1967

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular session
in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University
at 1:30 p. m. , Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, April 4, 1967 with the following
members present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman, Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Dr. Hershell B. Murray, Secretary, Mr. William R.
Black, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Dr.
Harry Denham, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Hudson Milner, Dr. Harry Sparks and the
two non-voting faculty members, Professor Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul
Oberst. Absent were Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, and
Mr. Wendell P. Butler. Dr. A. D. Albright, Executive Vice President, represent-
ed President Oswald, who was on leave recuperating from surgery. The
administration was represented by Dr. William R. Willard, Mr. Robert F. Kerley,
Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, and Mr. Robert L. Johnson. Members of the various
news media were in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened

      The meeting opened with a prayer by Dr. Diachun. Following roll call, the
Secretary reported a quorum present and the Chairman declared the meeting of-
ficially open for the conduct of business at 1:35 p.m.

       B. Letters of Thanks Read

       Dr. Albright read two letters which had been received from Mrs. William
F. Foster and President Oswald expressing appreciation to the Board of Trustees
for flowers sent by the Board to the funerals of Mr. Foster and Mrs. Wieland
Oswald. The Board acknowledged receipt of the letters and ordered them filed.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Albright commented briefly on the items contained in PR 1, President's
Report to the Trustees, copies of which were available for all those present.
Governor Breathitt thanked Dr. Albright for his presentation and, having first de-
termined that there were no additions to the report) accepted it on behalf of the
Board and the report was ordered filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

Dr. Albright commented that the only item in PR 2, Recommendations of the



President, related to appointments and other staff changes, all of which were
routine in nature. There being no questions from members of the Board, on
motion by Mr. Ezelle, duly seconded and carried, PR 2, Recommendations of
the President, was approved and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of
the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

      E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

      The members of the Board of Trustees took a few minutes to review PR 3,
Supplemental Recommendations of the President, and took particular note of the
recommendation that Dr. Bernard Kern be named Chairman of the Department of 7
Physics and Astronomy and the recommendation for appointments to the University
of Kentucky Development Council as set forth in sections I and III.

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and carried, PR 3,
Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       F. Presentation of the Internal Budget for 1967--68

       Dr. Albright said that the presentation of the internal budget is always a
happy prospect as well as a rather large undertaking. The procedures followed in
the preparation of the 1967-68 budget are very much the same as those used during
the past two or three years. The University has moved increasingly toward the
preparation of a program budget and Dr. Albright said that in his opinion the docu-
ment which was placed in the hands of the Board members approximately ten days
prior to the meeting reflects very clearly this movement. He explained that a
program budget in its simplest terms attempts to put to each unit of the University
three rather important questions: (1) what do you expect to achieve? (2) what will
you emphasize in your program to achieve those objectives? and (3) at the end of a
year, how will you assess the progress which has been made through that program
toward achieving those goals set forth? This year these three questions became
even more pronounced in the allocation of funds to the various units. First and
foremost, a budget is a financial expression of a University's program. It is based
on how many students an institution plans to take care of, how many are expected to
enroll, how many faculty members are needed, and what expenditures are neces-
sary to maintain staff and students.

       Dr. Albright introduced Dr. Don Clapp, one of the key persons involved in
the preparation of the budget. Dr. Clapp showed slides giving the current per-
centage distribution of income and the percentage distribution of expenditures as
well as the proposed percentage distributions for 1967-68. Graphs of the anticipat-
ed enrollment figures on which the proposed budget is based showed the following:



                       Full-time Equivalent Students

                    Unde r g raduate             11, 959
                    Graduate                      1, 630

                          Total                 13, 589

The desired faculty-student ratio of 20 to 1 at the undergraduate level, 15 to 1 at
the upper division level, and 6 to I at the graduate level would necessitate 938
faculty members in the Division of Colleges. A total of 313 in the Medical Center
would be required. The proposed budget will prov de only 878 of the desired 938
positions in the Division of Colleges and only 291 of the desired 313 positions in
the Medical Center. At the Community College level the anticipated enrollment is
4, 880 (including the Jefferson Community College) and the budget provides for 220
faculty positions of the desired 244 such positions.

       Dr. Albright thanked Dr. Clapp for his presentation and then summarized
some of the important implications of the budget for both the main campus and the
community colleges:

             University Main Campus

                 1.  Salary Increments

                        a.  Faculty salary increments based on merit
                             are intended to maintain a competitive
                             position with respect to the benchmark in-

                        b.  Faculty salary increments are provided
                             for promotion in rank.

                         c.  General salary adjustments are included
                             for office, clerical, technical and service

                         d.  Salary increments based on merit are pro-
                             vided for office, clerical, technical, pro-
                             fessional and administrative personnel.

                 2. New Positions

                         a.  90 new faculty positions in instruction and
                             research are provided for the Lexington
                             campus in order to prepare for increased
                             enrollment estimated at 10 percent.



          b. Graduate programs are expanded by the ad-
               dition of 60 new graduate student assistantships.

          c. Additional support positions are provided in
               office, clerical, technical, service and ad-
               ministrative areas.

   3. New Programs

          a.  Further implementation is provided for a few
               new instructional programs including planning
               education, computer science, statistics and
               applied mathematics.

          b. Establishment of coordinating offices for
               Tobacco-Health Research and International

   4. Program Continuation

          a. Faculty research fellowships and teaching
               improvement fellowships are continued in the
               1967-68 fiscal year.

           b. Funds are provided for continued activation of
               the University Hospital.

           c. Re-programming of agricultural research and
               service activities will continue.

           d. Health service programs are expanded, particu-
               larly in the allied health fields.

University Community Colleges

    1. Salary Increments

           a. Faculty salary increments based on merit are
               intended to maintain a competitive position.

           b. Faculty salary increments are provided for
               promotion in rank.

           c. Salary adjustments and merit increments are
               included for all categories of non-academic



                2. New Positions

                       a. New teaching positions are provided in the
                           community college system to accommodate
                           expansion of program.

                       b. Support personnel are provided for additional
                           classroom facilities.

                3. New Programs

                       a. Jefferson Community College will receive
                           its first students in the 1967-68 fiscal year.

                       b. Funds are provided for further planning for
                           community colleges at Hazard and Maysville.

                4. Program Continuation

                       a. Increased University support for Associate
                            Degree Nursing Programs.

                       b. Expansion is provided for terminal technical
                            programs in allied health, civil engineering,
                            drafting and mining engineering.

       Dr. Albright called attention to page iv of the budget document which
showed Estimated Income and Funds Available. The total budget of $76, 278, 269
is approximately $10, 000, 000 greater than the 1966-67 budget of $66, 153, 266.
State appropriated funds will provide approximately $7, 000, 000 of this increase
and it is anticipated that the income from non-appropriated sources will increase
by about $3, 000, 000, mainly from student fees because of increased enrollment
and from such other sources as contracts and grants. In closing Dr. Albright
said that this budget represents a general expenditure authorization for services,
current expense, and equipment--by units. The present document will be followed
near the end of the present fiscal year by a detailed breakdown in a Personnel
Roster. On behalf of President Oswald he commended the proposed budget for

       After a brief discussion, Mr. Ezelie made the following motion: that the
1967-68 operating budget as submitted be approved and ordered recorded as an
integral part of the University's financial system with the necessary fiscal control
being exercised for the collection and appropriation of income and for the expendi-
ture of departmental appropriations in accordance with authorized fiscal policies
and procedures and accepted as a basis of maximum expenditures for the year 1967-
68. The Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee is empowered to make such



changes in the budget as may from time to time be deemed necessary upon recom-
mendation of the President. Mr. Ezelle's motion was seconded by Dr. Denham
and approved unanimously.

      G. Addition to Engineering Complex Named Anderson Hall (PR 5)

      Dr. Albright presented PR 5, Recommendation from the Building and Campus
Development Committee, which recommended that the new seven-story addition to
the complex of buildings serving the College of Engineering be named Anderson Hall
in honor of the first dean of the College, Professor F. Paul Anderson.

      On motion duly made, seconded and carried the recommendation as set forth
in PR 5 was approved unanimously. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      H. Action on Student Code Deferred (PR 6)

      Dr. Albright read the following recommendation presented as a part of
PR 6, Non-Academic Relationships Between Students and the University of Kentucky:
"that the Report of the Senate Advisory Committee for Student Affairs, as endorsed
by the University Senate and the Student Government, and the attached statement en-
titled 'Financial Delinquency' be accepted as a policy statement of the Board of
Trustees from which subsequent Governing Regulations will be formulated. "

      Mr. Ezelle said that in his opinion the proposed student code was an im-
portant and far-reaching document that deserved closer scrutiny by the Board than
it had received to date. He was sure that the faculty and students had spent con-
siderable time in discussion of the report prior to endorsing it and he felt that it
merited the same careful consideration by the Board of Trustees. He felt that there
were certain sections of the report which needed clarification through. discussion with
faculty and students. The Board should not procrastinate but neither should it act
too hastily.

       Mr. Broadbent agreed with Mr. Ezelle and added that he and other members
of the Board of Trustees had received inquiries and expressions of concern from
parents and taxpayers which they did not feel qualified to answer without further
study and discussion. He suggested that a meeting with faculty and students be ar-

       Mr. Milner expressed the feeling that the report had been in the hands of the
Board for too short a time to warrant action at this time. The Board had not even
had the opportunity to discuss it among themselves.

       Mr. Ezelle made a motion that the Board of Trustees authorize the Chairman
to appoint a committee charged with the responsibility to review the report on behalf



of the citizens of the Commonwealth, to meet with faculty and students designated by
President Oswald for purposes of clarification and discussion, and to report back to
the Board of Trustees in time for implementation of whatever action might be taken
in the fall semester 1967. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brcadbent.

      In the discussion following the motion and second, Dr. Harry Sparks agreed
that further discussion was necessary and desirable but wished the record to show
that he felt the report was, in the main, an excellent document and those responsible
for drafting it were to be commended for the care and thought which had gone into its

       In answer to a question by Governor Breathitt as to how much time the faculty
had spent in reviewing the report, Mr. Johnson indicated that the committee had
worked for a year and the University Senate had a discussion of the report as its ex-
clusive business at three sessions. The students were represented on the committee
which drafted it and the final report was submitted to Student Government for study
and discussion.

       There being no further discussion, the question was called for and the motion
made by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mr. Broadbent was passed without dissent.

       Governor Breathitt named the following committee: Mr. Smith Broadbent,
Chairman, Mr. Sam Ezelle, and Mrs. Rexford Blazer. (See PR 6 at the end of the
Minutes. )         -

       I. Acceptance of Annual Financial Report

       Dr. Harry Denham called attention to the copies of the Financial Report of
the University of Kentucky for the Year Ended June 30, 1966 which were available
to those present. He indicated that the Finance Committee had gone over the report
and approved it.

       Dr. Denham moved that the Board of Trustees accept and file the Annual
Financial Report of the University of Kentucky for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
1966. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and passed unanimously.

       J. Appropriation of Funds for University Hospital

       Mr. Kerley explained that the 1966-67 operating budget for University Hospi-
tal was based on an activation level of 318 beds. Reserves were established to
finance any additional beds activated. In the fall of 1966, additional activation oc-
cured sufficient to bring the level to 345 beds, or an increase of 27 beds over that
provided for in the budget. Staffing increases occasioned by this activation added
over $200, 000 to the hospital's operating costs for the fiscal year.



       A salary scale increase for nurses was implemented on July 1, 1966 and was
provided for in the operating budget. However, the unprecedented rise in nursing
salaries during the past months made it necessary to institute on January 1, 1967 an
additional sizable increase in this scale. This increase, which cost $146, 000 during
the current year, was not provided for in the original 1966-67 operating budget.

       The requested additional appropriation of $305, 840 increases the 1966-67
appropriation of general fund support to University Hospital to a level equal to $35. 00
per patient day equivalent.

       Dr. Denham said that the Finance Committee had considered the need for ad-
ditional appropriation of funds to the operating budget of the Unliversity Hospital and
it was their recommendation that this be done. He moved that $305, 840 be appropri-
ated to the operating budget of the University Hospital from the general fund reserve
for hospital activation. The total general fund expenditure authorization will be
increased to $4, 035, 850. His motion was seconded by Mr. Milner and passed without
dis s ent.

       K. Corporate Investment Advisory Agreement Adopted (PR 10)

       Dr. Denham said that the Finance Corhmittee had examined the Corporate
Investment Advisory Agreement between the Chase Manhattan Bank and the Board of
Trustees of the Univeisity of Kentucky and recommended its adoption.

       On motion by Mr. Zzej1e, duly seconded and carried the Resolution Adopting
the Corporate Investment Advisory Agreemrezit as presented in PR 10 was approved
and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 10 at the
end of the Minutes.)

       L. Approval in Principle of Somerset Community College Development
Plan (PR 8)

       Although copies of the plan had been mailed to the Board members in advance
of the meeting, additional copies were available. Mr. Kerley complimented the
architects for a particularly fine job on the Somerset plan. He indicated that it had
already been presented to the local Advisory Board and had its approval. The plan,
based upon an ultimate enrollment of 3,000 full-time equivalent students and a
faculty of 137, provides for 300, 000 to 375, 000 gross square feet.

       Mr. Evze44e-made the motion that the Somerset Community College Preliminary
Development Plan be approved "in principle" with the understanding that the plan
will be periodically revised as the program requirements of the College become more
fully expressed. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and passed. (See PR 8 at
the end of the Minutes. )



      M. Dr. Ray Marshall Named First Alumni Professor of Economics and
Chairman of the Department of Economics

      Dr. Albright said that it gave him much pleasure to recommend to the Board
of Trustees that Dr. Ray Marshall be named Alumni Professor of Economics and
Chairman of the Department of Economics in the College of Business and Economics.
The recommendation carries the wholehearted endorsement of both President Oswald
and Dean Haywood.

      In 1965 the Alumni Association established a President's Progress Fund to
provide three alumni professorships as well as scholarships for needy students. Dr.
Marshall is the first Alumni Professor to be named. His appointment will bring to
the Alumni Professorship in Economics a scholar who has gained wide respect and
recognition for his thorough research on some of the most pressing economic
problems of our times.

      A native of Louisiana, Dr. Marshall is a graduate of Millsap College in
Jackson, Mississippi with a master's degree in economics from Louisiana State
University and a Ph. D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. He
has served on the faculties of Louisiana State University and the University of Mis-
sissippi and is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Texas and
Graduate Advisor and Chairman of the Graduate Studies Committee. Dr. Marshall
has been a Fulbright Research Scholar in Finland, a Wertheim Fellow in Industrial
Relations at Harvard University in 1960-61, and a Ford Foundation Fellow in 1964-
65. His appointment to a position at the University of Kentucky will bring both
prestige and quality to the program in economics at this institution.

       On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr. Murray, and passed Dr. Ray
Marshall was appointed as Alumni Professor of Economics (with tenure) and
Chairman of the Department of Economics in the College of Business and Economics.

       N. Dr. Herbert M. Jelley Named Director of Jefferson Community College

       Dr. Albright recommended that Dr. Herbert M. Jelley be named Professor
of Business Education (for one year without tenure) in the Community College System
and Director of the Jefferson Community College. The recommendation has the
endorsement of President Oswald. Dean Hartford, and the joint Executive Council
for the Jefferson Community College.

       Dr. Jelley, a native of Arizona, has been at the University of Cincinnati
since he received his Ed. D. degree there in 1958. Since 1963 he has been director
of the University of Cincinnati Graduate Studies in Education and Professor of
Business Education. In September 1966 he was named Assistant Dean at UC. Dr.
Jelley's experience and training qualify him admirably for the directorship of the
Jefferson Community College.



       Dr. Albright recommended that the appointment should be effective at the
earliest practicable date and no later than May 1, 1967.

       On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr. Murray, and passed unani-
mously Dr. Herbert M. Jelley was named Director of the Jefferson Community
College with the rank of Professor of Business Education (for one year without
tenure) in the Community College System.

       0. Report on Meeting of Council on Public Higher Education

       Governor Breathitt requested Dr. Albright to report on the meeting of the
Council on Public Higher Education held in Murray, Kentucky, on Monday, April 3,
since some of the items on the agenda were of concern to the Board of Trustees.
Dr. Albright said the matters considered by the Council which would be of interest
to the Board were as follows:

       1. Recommended to the Governor that a request from SREB is educationally
sound to help initiate a regional program for instructional television by which the 15
Compact states and their higher institutions will cooperatively plan, develop, pro-
duce, and use recorded materials for formal credit instruction via campus TV
systems. With the development of the ETV program in Kentucky this proposal has
real significance for the state and for the University of Kentucky in particular.

       2. Approved a request from the Commission on Higher Education for a
Comprehensive Planning Study. Since it is the responsibility of the Commission to
allocate funds under the Higher Education Fa~ilities Act, Title I, a study covering
the present physical facilities of all accredited colleges and universities, the de-
velopment and production of the necessary forms for Commission use in annually
up-dating the inventory of facilities, a current and detailed report on utilization of
all physical facilities, and a projection of annual college and university enrollments
for the period 1968-78, would be of great assistance to the Commission in making
fair and equitable apportionment of available funds to both public and private insti-

       3. Approved the list of students recommended by the Advisory Committee
on Veterinary Medicine as being eligible to enroll at Auburn University in the Fall
of 1967. The majority of the students were from the University of Kentucky, al-
though a few came from other parts of the state.

       4. Heard a progress report by Mr. Edward F. Prichard, Jr. , Chairman of
the Budget Format Committee. This committee is charged with the responsibility
of developing a format for the budgets coming from each institution to the Council
on Public Higher Education for review and recommendation to the state's chief ex-

5. Accepted a resolution passed by the Northern Kentucky Chapter of the



Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers which petitioned the Council for a
survey in regard to placing a four year state college in Northern Kentucky, and
agreed to conduct such a survey. Dr. Albright felt that this was of particular
interest to the University of Kentucky because of the location of the Northern Com-
munity College in that section of the state.

       Governor Breathitt thanked Dr. Albright for his report and said that because
of the wide-spread interest in the four-year college proposal for Northern Kentucky,
he would like to have an indication of the Board's position. Mr. Milner stated that
the matter had been discussed informally over luncheon and the following statement
drafted at that time:

          The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky recognizes the
       need for continuous development of a program of public higher education
       and related facilities in Northern Kentucky to meet the needs of a growing

          It appreciates the strong interest of the people of Northern Kentucky
       in a public four-year college as a legitimate aspiration of the people of
       the area.

          Further, it recognizes that the legislature has directed the Council
       on Public Higher Education to exercise overall authority in planning
       and making recommendations to meet the needs of higher education in the

          The Board recognizes that the Council's attention will be focused on
       this problem in the immediate future.

          The Board of Trustees, therefore, offers the full resources of the
       University to assist the Council in any manner which the Council may
       desire in the matter in its preparation of appropriate recommendations
       to the Governor and the 1968 Legislature..

       The statement was discussed briefly and it was the consensus of those present
that it reflected the position which the University should assume. Mr. Milner then
moved that the statement be adopted and a copy sent to Mr. William Abell, Chairman
of the Council on Public Higher Education. The motion was seconded by Dr. Sparks
and adopted unanimously.

       Governor Breathitt thanked the Board for its interest and concern and said it
was his intention to appoint a committee of citizens vitally concerned with the edu-
cational program in Northern Kentucky who would be available in an advisory capacity
to the Council on Public Higher Education if the Council should accept its offer of as-
sistance in the conduct of the study.



      P. Resolution Passed on Deaths of Four Faculty Members

      The Board took note of the tragic accident which had occurred on Monday
afternoon, April 3, which claimed the lives of nine persons, four of whom were
members of the University Faculty. The following memorial statement was read:

                              IN MEMORIAM

         The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with
      deep shock and grievous sorrow the tragic deaths of four eminent
      faculty members, Drs. Jerome E. Cohn, Silvio 0. Navarro,
      Richard S.. Schweet, and R. C. Simonini.

         By their scholarly endeavors, these dedicated professors had
      brought distinction to the academic world in genera]. and to the Uni-
      versity of Kentucky in particular. The loss is compounded by the
      fact that the peak productive years of these scholars had only begun.
      The contributions already made by these professors to their
      respective disciplines offer abundant evidence that. each was capable
      of advancing the frontiers of man's knowledge even further.

         While taking note of the very real professional and personal loss
       suffered by the University, the Trustees are aware of the even more
       painful tragedy that has been sustained by the families of Drs. Cohn,
       Navarro, Schweet, and Simonini. To these bereaved relatives goes
       the heartfelt sympathy of the Trustees, faculty, staff and students of
       the University..

         The Trustees further acknowledge with deep regret the great loss
       that has come to the Commonwealth in the deaths of Mr. Max C. Horn
       and Mr. G. Reynolds Watkins, who were alumni of the University,
       and Mr. Robert Yonk, and extend sincere sympathy to their families
       and those of Mr. Richard Southwood and Mr. Arnold Salop, also
       Victims of this tragic accident.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried the memorial statement was
adopted and ordered spread upon the Minutes of the April 4, 1967 meeting of the
Board of Trustees and copies sent to the families of the deceased.

       Q. Guests at Meeting Introduced

       Governor Breathitt welcomed on behalf of the Board of Trustees and the
Commonwealth of Kentucky four distinguished visitors from Afghanistan who were
in attendance at the meeting. The visitors expressed pleasure at having.had the op-
portunity to sit in on the meeting and thanked the Governor for his warm welcome.



       The Governor then recognized the Student Government representatives who
were present and thanked them for their interest. He said that the Board of
Trustees is always pleased to have suggestions and recommendations from students
and welcomes their participation in the affairs of the University.

       R. Meeting Adjourned

       The Governor, having first determined that there was no further business
to come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. On motion duly
made, seconded, and carried the meeting adjourned at 3:30 o'clock.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          H. B. Murray, Secretary
                                          Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 5, PR 6, PR 8, PR 10 which follow are official parts of the Minutes
of the April 4, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.


                                                                        I I

                             PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                       April 4, 1967


      The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced that two University
researchers will be among 110 scientists from the United States and six foreign countries
who will conduct experiments with the first samples of the moon's surface returned to
Earth by U.S. astronauts. In all, the scientists will conduct 122 experiments with the
lunar samples since some scientists will make more than one experiment.

      The two astronauts who first land on the moon in the Apollo program will return
approximately 50 pounds of lunar material to Earth. The samples will be studied by
scientists from several disciplines to determine the composition of the lunar surface and
to search for evidence of its origin.

      Dr. Richard C. Birkebak, associate professor of mechanical engineering, and Dr.
William D. Ehmann, associate professor of chemistry, will represent two of four major
investigative areas studying the samples.

      Dr. Ehmann's research will be in the area of neutron ac