xt7zcr5n9g6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g6r/data/mets.xml  1838.  books b92-161-29919622 English Observer & Reporter Print., : Lexington, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Cross, James Conquest. Caldwell, Charles, 1772-1853.Cross, James Conquest. Refutation of charges made by Dr. Caldwell through the columns of the Louisville Journal against Professor James C. Cross of Transylvania University text Refutation of charges made by Dr. Caldwell through the columns of the Louisville Journal against Professor James C. Cross of Transylvania University 1838 1838. 2019 true xt7zcr5n9g6r section xt7zcr5n9g6r 






       OF THE


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                     TO THE PUBLIC.

    To those who are in the habit of reading the Louisville Journal, it is well
known that I was most violently and wantonly assailed by it, under the editorial
head, in the numbers of the 27th and 28th of last August. Language was used at
which decency crimsoned, and charges were made at which profligacy would have
blushed, and perfidy itself would have hesitated. Those articles, I have ascertained
to a certainty, were penned by Dr. Caldwell, and who, with his associates in mis-
representation and falsehood, after having attempted to destroy by calumny and
rancorous denunciation, Professors Dudley, Richardson, Mitchell and Smith, have
now declared a war of extermination against me. Satisfied of the uniform purity
of my motives, and of the uprightness of my conduct in all my intercourse with the
several classes to which I have lectured, I did not consider it necessary, contrary to
the advice of numerous friends, to take a formal notice of the charges preferred
against me, convinced thatsuch of the studentswho heard me lecture in the Mledical
College of Ohio, and in Transylvania University, would, the moment they saw the
numbers of the Louisville Journal above referred to, make such response as would
satisfactorily refute them. From those to whom 1 have lectured, I looked to for
justice, and in that expectation I have not been disappointed, as the communications
and letters to be found in a subsequent part of this publication must fully testify.
It is front the favorable impression a lecturer is enabled to make on those who
hear himt, that the service he renders a School of Medicine is derived, for,
from their decision, in regard to him, there is no, nor should there be, any appeal.
Upon this principle I have uniformly acted, since the commencement of my career
as a public lecturer, and upon it I shall not cease to act, so long as I continue in
that capacity.
  In order that the reader may understand how far the charges preferred'against me
have been refuted, I will make such extracts from the aiticles that appeared in the
Louisville Jonrnal as seem to me fully to convey a complete idea of their nature and
import. In the number of the 27th of August, Dr. Caldwell says:
  "Upon the reorganization of the Medical Department of Transylvania, in 1837,
Dr. Jas. C. Cross, was transferred from the Ohio Medical College to the Lexington
School, as much to the relief of Cincinnati as to the joy of Lexington. Dark, des.
perate and unscrupulous asan intriguer, he is the bane of every society that receives
hin. During his stay in Cincinnati, he was engaged in a constant effort to wean the
affections of the pupils from his colleagues in the school, by a resort to the most con-
temptible means, if we may believe respectable gentlensen who were in his class at
the time. And such too has been his course in Lexington during the last winter."
  "During the last winter, he played off upon his class in Lexington, a continuous
round of intrigue and maneuvering, in order to entrap its members, and use them in
furtherance of his ambitious designs. Instead of exhibiting the dignity of a Medical
teacher, he was as obsequious as the Jatnitor, entered heart and hand into all the
schemes of the students, even those which were asowedly projected for the injury
of tvo of his colleagues, and, when called to account by those colleagues, sneaked
out of the difficulty by an evasion."
  "What was the conduct of Dr. Cross in reference to this menmorial In the midst
of the plots of the students, his active selfishness was busv at work, and scarcely had
the accomplished Eberle descended to his tomb, before Dr. Crosa conmenced howl-
ing likea hyena around his grave for his Chair of Theory al ] Practice. His engines
of michief were set in immedinte rimtion, by slin"Ioiing the pupils froIn their



studies to Bacchanalian revels at his own rooms, and lie wrkerd upon them by p er-
sonal appeals, and by misrepresenting Professors Short and Mitchell, until he stiC-
ceeded in getting up a memorial to the Trustees for his appointment to the Chair
of Theory and Practice. Yes, this memorial in favor of Cross, which is so triumn-
phantly paraded in the attack upon Professor Short, was the work of private pupils
and favorites of Cross; he set thc machinery in motion, mixed with the students,
and piled falsehood upon falsebood in order to accomplish his purpose." "Thus
by taking time by the forelock, by working without opposition, hy making false
statements to the pupils, and by plying those that loved tt with wine, he succeeded
in getting 163 names to his paper, and, after all this scheming and meanness. with
the entire game in his own hands, and without a competitor for the Chair, he has
the effrontery to claim that snemorial as an honor to hun, and holds it up as a mark
of disgrace to Prof. Short! But more of this hereafter."
   In the Louisville Journal of the 28th, Dr Caldwell admits that he was mistaken
 in ascribing to me the authorship of what he was pleased to call an attack upon Dr.
 Short, but which was an answer to an abusive alti malicious attack on the Medical
 Faculty of Transylvaisia. He thus speaks:
   "We are informed that our conjecture in relation to the authorship of the recent
 attack upon Prof. Short, is a mistake, notwithstanding the strong resemblance in
 style to other productions of Dr. Cross. But we make no mistake in saying, that
 Dr. C. was at the bottom of the matter, the prime mover of the whole assault, for
 the letters written by a fev youing rmen, abusive of Prof. Short, were all directed to
 Dr. Cross, and bv him furnished to the Fl-ditr o: the "-O)berrer," for the purpose of
 an assault upon br. Short."
   How was it possible to avoid furnishing the letters alluded to, which might have
 been multiplied to any extent, but ivere withheld in mercy to Dr. Short; when called
 upon by Dr. Caldwell, in the following insulting language to produce them:
   "For the purpose of throwing a deeper shade over the merits and reputation of
 Dr. Short, the Lexington Observer insinuates that numbers of letters, expressing
 like sentiments, have been received in Lexington, si ice the Doctor's resignation of
 his Chair. This I fearlessly pronounce an untruth. The paragraphist has no such
 letters. If he has, let them be produced, and shown in their original hand writing.
 to persons of respectability, who shall correctly report on them. Their existence,
 if thus established, may be credited, not otherwise. The word of the writer of the
 paragraph, unsupported by better authomity, is confided in by nobody who knows
 him. Let him be silent, therefore, respecting the reception of condemnatory letters,
 or produce them; else the whole will be considered an unprincipled fabrication."
   Though he admits he was mistaken in ascribing to use the authorship of the
articles referred to, instead of making the amende honorable, he continues, with
unabated bitterness, to vituperate and slander me, and proves, that right or wrong, he
is resolved on my extermination. The motive is apparent. We shall soon see,
however, with what success. He says:
  "In the statement of the "Observer," about the ballot by the Class, there nbast
be a mistake-it declares that Dr. Short received "but one vote, notwithstanding a
strong effort wits made in his behalf." Upon whose authority is the statement made'
By whom was this strong effort undertaken The "Observer" should have given
the entire history of the transaction, and let the public know that its favorite ,rof.
Cross, got so small a vote, when compared with the one Dr. Dudley received, that
he declared he would have nothing to do with the Lectures on Practice, though he
was afterwards obliged to de liver part of theri,"1
  He continues: "It has been) repeatedly said by intelligent members of last
winter's Class, by respectable citizens of Lexington, and by more than one of his
colleagues, that the fortunes of the school cannot be more fatallv and speedily sealed.
than by the continmiance of Prof. Cross in it."

                         Fr-omn the Kentucky GaZett.
  We observed iil the Louisville Journal of the 27th ult. a violent attack upoii the
character of Professoi Cross. This article appears under the editorial head, but
Judging from its phraseology, as well as fromii public iumonur, we have no doubt that
Dr. Caldwell is the author of the article-anid had he only- heaped his slander and
misrepresentations on Professor Cross, the article would l;ave passed unnoticed by
us, as we know that gentleman is amply able to defend himself. But the author, not
satisfied with his denunclatimis of Dr ( -'is. hi- ii!)pl1!ntd,(l in his libellous rroIdu,-


tion, the 163 students that signed the memorial refetred to, uharging them with being
his ready accomplices in crime, and compliments them by saying, before his personal
appeals were successful, they were brutalized bv bacchanalian revels in his own
rooms. As we are a Part of the students that signed the memorial, we feel it our
duty to pronounce this charge a pross and paloable violation of truth, and should
bring down upon the autbor ot this illiberal and slanderous production, the execra-
tion of the whole community. The memorial originated with the students, and was
voluntarily signed by them; and so far as we knowi, or are informed, it was volunta-
rily signed by all those whose signatures were to it. As to the charge of bacchanalian
revels in Professor Cross's rooms, it originated from the samie foul source that has
continued to pour a flood of falsehoods upon the friends of Transylvania ever since
Dr. Caldwell was expelled fromn the institution.  Who, but this old and hardened
offender, would thus unfeelingly drag innocent and n noffending young men before
the public, and attempt to brand them with infamv' Dr. Caldwell, a day offearful
retribution is at hand, you may yet be undereived, and find that all your wicked
machinations will recoil upon your own head.
                                                  ALEX'R. NICHOLSON,
                                                  DAVID WALKER,
                                                  J. B. COONS,
                                                  S. T. NEWMAN,
                                                  S. W. COONS,
                                                  A. M. McKINNEY,
                                                  JOHN A. NORTH,
                                                  C. A. PINRNEY. M. D.
                                                  JOHN G. BAKER.
                                                  WM. H. ATKINSON.
                                                  VM. B. WOOD,
                                                  PEYTON T. JOHNSON,
                                                  WMA. CAMPBELL.

                       Fr-m t.e Lexington Inteiligenszc-.
                       WEST RUSHVIl.LR, RICHLAND TowNsMrn', OHIO, 
                                                  19th August, 1838.  
  SIR:-,y remote situation from the theatre of the difficulties between the rival
  schools of Lexington and Louisville, has detained this comunmunication, that I desire
publicly to be made; and if you please, through your columns. As a member ot
the Medical Class in the Ohio Medical College, during its session of'36-7, and grad-
ate of Transylvania University in the spring of '38, I feel myself constrained to re-
pel some foul and black calumnies, that appeared in several numbers of the Louis-
ville Journal, and which purport to be emanations of the factious editor of that
print, but are, as I believe the ova of Prof. Caldwell of the Louisville Institute, mil-
itating against the mnoral, as well as professional reputation of Dr. Cross, Professor
in Transylvania University  Having been a niember of the Class in the first, as well
as the second school, for the periols mentioned, and furthermore, an actor in the
scenes of those epochs, I must be presumed competent to speak, as I shall fearlessly,.
so far as pertains to the seeming issue between the above named getiileman; and
that too, with a moral temerity, that neither knows nor anticipates intimidation fronx
the tongues of either "1Blanch, Tray or Sweetheart." To begin- it would appeaL.
that the Editor of the Journal in question is made to say, tsat' "during his (Dr.
Cross's) stay in Cincinnati, he was engaged in a constant effort to wean the affec-
tions of the pupils from his colleagaes in the school, by a resort to the most contempt-
ible means, if we may believe respectable -entleneen, who were in his calss at the
time. And such, too, has been his course in Lexington during the last winter," c.
This charge bears upon its very face the imputation of falsehood; and I challenge
the indtictor of the falsity to a single attestation of his declaration-there is not one
tobe adduced; and he knows it. Professor Cross's moral altitude could never de-
scend to such practices as those preferred, to attain the affection and confidence of
his pupils, and it is a satire upon their intelligence so to believe. It was, rather let
it be said, the truths of the science, and the eloquent induction of their legitimate
principles, as taught and declared by him, which established the Professor in the
high estimation o his pupils; and it was that that elicited fromi th-Em, on all occasions
spontaneous Rac.    . i :.i aIt of his great ability in the chair he then filled, viz:
the Materia, ; . i a-il! l' er peutics. Answ-er me, ye malignant herd, what it was
that prompted the Alumni of that session, at its close, to pas certain resolutions, ex-
pressive of their highest regard for hini as a Teacher and a inaii, connected with a
more tangible expression, voted in the foiin of a costly gold snuff-box Could the
-contemptible means," (charged upon hiisi, ever have purchased such demonstration
Nei-er, Never! No; it was nothing hut t he. envieus, craven, shall.viw minds of some



of his colleagues, that sought to establish the e.trangsiuienit ut their pupils u on the
ground of covert, ungentlemanly means on his part; when, in their secret souls, they
bowed to his talents, and attributed the exalted esteem in which he was held by the
Class, to these alone. There is, I believe, now living, in or near Louisville, a gradu-
ateoftheOhio session,whoin I could deE  '   -         upon this matter. Let
Caldwell visit him. These remarks are i ; ..:    .   similar censures passed
upon Prosessor Cross by the same paragraphist; as rega rds his purported intrigues and
manauvering with the Lexington class last winter, and ascribed proscribed dignity
towards the students. Now it is admitted by all, that no member of Transylvania
Faculty compromitted less of this character, in their intercourse wvith the Class, as-
sociated as it was, on the part of Dr. Cross, wvith an affectionate freedom, that found
an answering feeling wit us all. I am speeking the truth and I feel that the meni-
bers of that class, ayv old and remembered associates, vill appear in the proud de-
fence of their slandered and beloved Teacher. In relation to the "memorial got up
last winter, pra inig the Board of Trustees to transfer Dr. Cross over any other mnemi-
ber of the  'aculty, after the decease of Dr. Eberle, to the chair of Theory and
Practice, I know all about it. I was one of the prime movers in that affair, as Drs.
Short and Mitchell know; and whom I met, by invitation, with the late Mr. Gordon,
of Mississippi, with my views frankly and openly given, explanatory of the causes
which impelled nie, with others, to project and prosecute it. We parted satisfied
with each other. Professor Cross had nothing to do in effecting or ultimating the
memorial in question, for when he understood that such was contemplated, lie re-
quested the attendance of six or eight of us, and at our meeting wve were distinctly
informed that he was averse to occupying the vacated chair: that lie wished to re-
main neutral; and had no doubt the Trustees would make a suitable and efficient dis-
position of it. It was clearly understood, and by mnyselt in particular-for 1 had on
a previous occasion suggested his acceptance as the expiessed si-ih of' a majority of
the Class-that he did not desire the chair, but to remain where he was. No, niy
coad utors will testify. he is totally absolved froni any participation in its origin or
conduct- indeed, it svas a matter of surprise, when we presented hill with the intrea-
ty, he should direct it in the event of any of the Facuity seeking the vacancy, in
his own favor. Such was the design of this famed meniorial, and it was upon these
ternis alone that he consented to hold it as a check to the supposed aspirings of two
of his colleagues, for whom he expressed a cherished personal regard, and only hos-
tile in this, their presumed ambition; still declaritig, as before, that it was for the
best interest of Transylvania the chairshould be filled fromt abroad, by one of known
reputation, whose name might balance the popularity lost in Dr Eberle's. "So niuch
for Buckingham -' and then to a refutation of what appears puerih1 even to name-I
refer to the charges of our being sumnotied to Bacchanaliani revels with the Profess-
or, and worked upon with his wine and appeals for the proniotion of his private in-
terests and wishes. It is all base falsehood, and they would io more dare to confront
those who are thus aspersed, than appeal to their God for the rectitude and honesty
of their motives, I ant free to say, that in nothing did the taoral or professional
standing of any niemberof the Faculty suffer by Dr.Cosssfroil expressionsmiade by him
inmy presence,ori) that of others with whoul I held intercourse; and asthatwasvery
general and open, I should have been apprised of it had such been the fact. I therefore,
knowingly and gratuitously pronounce all the charges preferred against Professor
Cross, the sessions above understood, of plotting wvith the students, false; that by
him we were withdrawn from our studies to join in the glass, thereby to subserve his
ends. equally false, that never in my hearing, or my fellowstudents, was the charac-
ter of Alru. Mitchell and Short traduced or undervalued, for the promotion of this bu-
siness in question, but that, on the contrary, he always spake as becante their co-la-
borer in the same vinyard, the friend and gentleman. And now a word or two, touch-
ing theballoting spoken of, by the class; for I was there, and must be acknowledged
a competent witness-and itioreover, a Teller for the occasion. I disremember the
numerical vote cast to each candidate, but I swell recollect Pro. Short, like Bob Trot's
horse, came up lag last in asinigle unit. It is asked, -upon what authority is the state-
ment made"   I reply, by my authority, with the connected testimony of all present.
Dr. Cross speaks truth when he sai s there was a note for hint on histable, calling onl
him to perform the duties of the chair of Theorv and Practice; that lie returned for
answer, he could not nteet theni, and earinesthd cls  that ort' votes Imight toit, ill
the pending election, be thrro v for hiit. I svas tlie illdividhual wvlho pCenined that note,
and at the conclusion of his Lecture, suspectin!: the authograph inie, he sent for
me, to stay their interference in the coming contest; to remain qevit, deeming it ill-
advised and precipitate; that the Trustees, he was assured, wvoTlil act isisely aied for
the general interest. thus much for the ballot box.
  Professor Cross's friends never essayed an effort at getting him up a reccoumt enda-
tory letter; if they' had, it s ould have been feasible of success-the 163 moenioriat-
ists remembered !- It is said alo o; in the veritable Jomin mnal sheet before nie, that il-
telligent Sfl'trnts, resoeeshle ritizrns, -., del+red I,,st 'vti, ie X in.eaimmvto, ' th


fottunes of the school cannot be ururo fatally and speedily sealed than by the reten
tion of Dr. Cross." This assertion, equally with the rest, is untenable and false. l
was in the focus of hearing, and oftentimes with the enemyv, and never heard such
  In fine, to the class of '36-7-8, at Cincinnati and Lexington. may Professor Cross,
with the surest guarantee for defence, refer; they iay only hurl back with dismay,
upon his libellous accusers, the envenomed shafts of malice and hatred. Is it not
cruel in the extreme thus wantonly to assail reputation. whose only imputation is
renrus and merit  Well do I belie;ve, if Dr. Cross had been in poverished of these,
  e would have been less a prey for that mighty hunter,' Caldwel , whose only page
to posterity and renown is blackened with the defamnination of the great and good
of our profession. For this poor, weak old man, whose "throat is an open sepulchre
with the poison of asps under his lips," how nobly great would it be, how greatly
good for his reputation here, and eternal interests hereafter, were he to repent-re-
pent and be forgiven. I cannot close this communication before.remarking that, in
the aforegoing, lhave said no more than can be substantiated; that in all, I have
been actuated by the desire to have an honorable and much abused gentleman prop-
erly placed before the world, so far as my relationship with him extended; and I am
persuaded that there are others maightier than I, who will come afterme, morecom-
petent to the discomfiture and overthrow of his enenfies.
                                                        SAMUEL FU. EVANS.

                         Fsroin the Lexington Intelligencer.
  Attacks of an unjust and malignant nature having been made against Dr. Cross,
Professor in the Trals) lvania University which, if not refuted by those who know
him best, are calculated to injure the high standing and well earned reputation to
which he has already attained, we, the undersigned. who attended his lectures during
the winters of 1835 -'36, and 1836-'37, under a sense of an imperious duty which we
owe Dr. Cross, from whom we have received so many valuable lessons of instruction,
(and with whose public career and private character we claim to have a perfect
knowledge, whilst Professor in the Ohio Medical College,) are induced to offer our
testimony, no matter how feeble it may be, against the total want of truth and illib-
erality in the charges which have been preferred against him.
   Those who were acquainted with the progress and advancement of the Ohio Med-
ical College, must perceive that after the acqisition of Dr. Cross to the Faculty,
(and this we say without an' disparagemenit to the other members, for we love and
esteem them all) that it nuinbered among its students more than i . had ever done du-
ring any previous session; and the large increase in the session following, shewed
clearly that some cause was operating powerfully to increase the reputation of that
  For these salutary eflects we conceive the school was chiefly indebted to Professor
Cross, not only for the strong interest which he took in its prosperity, but for the
warm and devoted attachment which he manifested in the pursuit of Medical knowl-
ede, and the charm of novelty and originality of thought, without neglecting the
opinions of others, which so eminently characterized sis lectures. With regard to
his intercourse with the students, we ever found him gentlemanly, urbane and dIgni-
hed; not stooping as he has been charged, to any littleness, for the purpose of court-
ing popularity, but always ready to assist and encourage us onward.
  With his colleagues there existed, so far as we could judge, the utmost cordiality
and equanimity of feeling; and when he had occasion to speak of them, it was in
terms of approbation, and never, to our kno'vledge, to their detriment. These we
consider plain, unvarnished facts, and we doubt not that, were the sentiments
of all those who attended during the two winters which Dr. Cross held his chair, that
they would agree with us. without a dissenting voice.  Respectfully,
                                                    D. CHAMBERS, M. D.
                                                    ISAAC HAZLETT, M. D.,
                                                    Z. F. YOUNG, M. D.,
  iailesvillc, Ohimo, Augu ut, 18.38.         Dr. C. B. GUTHRIE.

                          1Vor the Obscriver i Reporler.
  Dear Sir:-111 the columnns of the Louisville Journal of tise 27th and 28th of July  
I discover an attack mnade upon the character of Prof. Cross. The character ot the
heart that could dictate such charges, couched in such language, defies all codes to
iniage or to name. Such baseness can only be equalled by the turpitude of him,who,
regarlllesQ of elf feeling of moral hollertv, gras;ps with avidity every shadow of evi-
cira agai i o ilee who i a.( a ilq , hli IhtcI than himself in thie cale of professional


greatness. The name of such an one must become the syuouyma of mendacity, and
be as closely allied to perfidy as truth and virtue are to happiness. To the falsehood
of nao, of the charges there made, I can readily testify. Being associated with
Pro.. Gross, in the capacity of Pupil, in two institutions, I am pleased to be enabled
to state, not merely my own opinion, but what I know to be the sentiments of most
of those who had the privilege of attending upon his lectures. If the testimony of
a Medical Class can be taken as evidence, that testimony will doubtless be given in
refutation of the charges made by the writer in the Journal. That honest Iago says
of Dr. Cross, -During his stay in Cincinnati he was engaged in a constant efort to
wean the affections of the Pupils from his colleagues in the school, by a resort to the
most contemptible means, if we may believe respectable gentlemen who were in his
class at the time." "-This I fearlessly pronounce a falsehood;" and although there
may be some few spirits inimical to Dr. Cross, who would substantiate the charges, it
is far froni the class of 1836-37: of those gentlemen, there al-e very few who would
bear witness to the truth of such a charge. The same remark the slanderer applies to
Prof. Cross duringthe winter of 37-38, and further adds, "that instead of exhibiting
the dignity of a medical teacher, lie was as obsequious as the Janitor, entered heart
and hand into all the schemes of the Students, even those which were avowedly pro-
jected for the injury of two of his colleagues; and, when called to account by those
colleagues. sneaked out of the difficulty by an evasion." I very much doubt whether
there is a student of the last winter who would not testify that Dr. Cross was one of
the most dignified men in the Faculty-that in his intercourse with the Class, though
affable and social, he ever sustained that dignity of deportment and of conversation
which should characterize a gentleman and a "medical teacher." That he sneaked
out of the difficulty referred to, when ca'led to account, (with which calling to ac-
count I am acquainted,) is in too little accordance with his character to be credited by
those who are even partially acquainted with him. In reference to the memorial got-
ten up by the Students and signed by 163 of them, the writer in the Journal remarks
that "in the midst of the plots of the Students, his active selfishness was busy at
work, and scarcely had the accomplised Eberle descended to his tomb, before Dr.
Cross commenced howling like a Hyena around his grave for the chair of Theory and
Pracfice." A baser and more unprincipled chaige than this could not be brought
against the most abandoned wretch by the most unscrupulous falsifier. So far as one
man can become acquainted with the sentiments of another, I am capable of knowing
and fearlessly stating that Prof. Cross positively objected to being placed iii that chair,
stating his preference, decided preference, for the chair which he then occupied;-
and is at not strange, if he desired the place-if he howled like a Hyena around the
grave of the accomplished Eberle for the chair of Theory anid Practice, that not even
those who desired hins to receive it, should have hearc and listened to his cry  If
Prof. Cross desired the chair, he was most successful iii concealing it from his friends.
Passing over a number of remarks equally harsh and unfounded, the writer says:
,Thus by taking time by the turlock, by working withnut opposition, by making
false statements to the Pupils, and by plying those that loved it with wine, he suc-
ceede'd in gettingl63 nauies to his paper, and, after all this scheming and meanness.
with the entire game in his own hands, and without a competitor for the chair, he
has the effrontery to claim the memorial as an honor to him, and holds it upas a mark
of disgrace to Prof. Short!'" Here he is endeavoring to produce upon his readers
the impression that the whole course of conduct of Dr. Cross was directed to the
recuriag the chair of Theory and Practice-that every step he took, and every
thought he uttered, tended toward the memorial praying his transfer to the chair.
He succeeded! I ani one o f those who assisted in getting up and dictating that me-
morial, and I deny that Prof. Cross knew of its existence or its contemp ation, till
apprised by one of the Class. Here the wvriter has manifested the same malignant
and unhallowed spirit, and the same reckless determination to crush, by any means,
him whom be has just cause to dread. Again, says the author of the article:
   -It had been repeatedly said by intelligent members of last winter's Class, by re-
spectable citizens of Lexington, and by more than one of his colleagues, that the for-
tunes of the school cannot be mn ore speedily and fatally sealed than by the continu-
ance of Prof. Cross in it." In expressing my own, I know I express the sentiments
ofa large majority ofthe Class of 37-38. 1 looked upon the appointment of Prof. Cross
as an acquisition of which the school mnight justly be proud, and in vhich the Class
of Medical Students miight and did greatly reloice. The superior talents of the man,
his dignified and profouiid acquireients, render him an ornament to that Institution
which is the boast ot Kentucky and the pride of the W est. Wheu, by his weakness
either in morals or intellect, the fortunes of the school shall be fatally sealed; when
he shall prove himself obsequious, and sneak out of difficulties by evasions; when
his character shall become a inoral Upa , and he learns to stab alike the heart that
cherished him and the hand that ra3s 1,tcrd amainvt h'lm, thcn nts the writer in the



Journal o hand in hand ivith hun; then may that lago clairs miulml as a colleague in
baseness and mendacity, and they may smile in the face and stab in the back till Hea-
ven shall drive them from its threshhold.
                                                JNO. JAMES SPEED, M. D.

  In allusion to the articles in the Louisville Journal, Dr. LAWSON
                                         MAYSVILLE Ky., August 20th, 1838.
  The first charge, which particularly demands mly attention is, that during last win-
ter, you played off a continuous round of ianceuvring, and intrigue to entrap the stu-
dents, and to use them in furtherancelof your ambitious views; that you were as obse-
 uiout, as the Janitor; and that you entered into schemes, to injure two of the
  These reckless and proflfiate assertions, bear the image of falsehood, on their
front. All who were acquainted with your conduct, last winter, will unite in one
general exclamation of contempt and indignation, upon read