xt7zcr5n9g1t_45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. Memorabilia text Memorabilia 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_5/82m1_5_4/126121/126121.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_45 xt7zcr5n9g1t   -·‘v V     V" .-  if V » . -4
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   ' {

 Communist Party of the U. S. A.
(Section of the Communist International)
_ Membership Book No.
V, Name .......................................
Date Admitted to Communist Party ............
Entered Revolutionary Movement ...............
District ............ City .....................
Section ........ Shop or Street Nucleus .........
` Signature of Member (in ink) ..................
This Book was issued on ......................
I‘§:‘“t‘°“ s`aghA£i&&` £>i`i>`1§££1k£`o}§i£I{i2é}
amp and Party Seal
No Party Membership Book Valid Unless It Has
Party Seal Stamped On
Issued by the Central Committee, C.P.U.S.A.

Extracts from the Statutes of the f dei
Communist Party of the U. S. A. { ul,}
§ 3—Membership P3
1. A member of the Party can be every per- l th*
son from the age of eighteen up who accepts the `
program and statutes of the Communist Interna- ` to
tional and the Communist Party of the U. S. A., ‘
who becomes a member of a basic organization * si;
of the Party, who is active in this organization, c low
who subordinates himself to all decisions of the a ex
Comintern and of the Party, and regularly pays ut-
his membership dues. M my
4. Members who change their place of work, i
or in case they are members of a street nucleus, ,_ te]
their place of residence, must secure a transfer · to
card from the Party unit in which they have held · li;
membership and must present this card to the W
unit to which they have been transferred, A ge
duplicate of the transfer card given the member l m,
shall be sent to the leading committee of the   ha
territorial section from which the member trans- . be
‘ fers and transmitted by this committee to the l th
territorial section to which the member transfers. ~ CO
If the member transfers from one section to ev
another, the transfer card shall be transmitted or
thru the DC; if the member transfers from _ Si,
one district to another, the transfer card shall ‘
be sent thru the CC. Transfers from one dis- P,
trict to another shall be entered in the Member- cc
ship Book of the member. l
6. Every member of the Party who is eligible P,
to be a member of a trade union must become a Wi
member of the union to which he is eligible. he
§ 4»—The Structure of the Party 81
1. The Communist Party, like all sections of UT
the Comintern, is built upon the principle of

 , democratic centralization. These principles are: i
i a) Election of the subordinate as well as the
i upper Party organs at general meetings of the
' Party members, conferences and conventions of _
i the Party. `
b) Regular reporting of the Party committees
` to their constituents.
` c) Acceptance and carrying out of the deci-
‘ sions of the higher Party committees by the
¤ lower, strict Party discipline, and immediate and
i exact applications of the decisions of the Exec-
utive Committee of the Communist International
L and of the Central Committee of the Party.
d) Any Party committee whose activities ex- •
~, tend over a certain area is considered superior
’ to those Party organizations whose activity is
j limited only to certain parts of this area.
l e) The discussion on basic Party questions or
` general Party lines can be carried on by the
y members only until the Central Committee
7 has decided them. After a decision has
» been adopted at the congress of the Comintern,
i the Party convention, or by the leading Party _
committee, it must be carried out unconditionally,
even if some of the members or some of the local
organizations are not in agreement with the deci-
. sion.
{ 2. The highest authority of each unit of the
Party is the general meeting of Party members,
conference or Party convention.
A 3. The membership meeting, conference or
’ Party convention elects the leading committee
* which acts as the leading Party organ in the in-
terim between the membership meetings, confer-
ences or conventions and conducts the work of
[ the Party organization.
I (Continued on page 14.)

 Membership Dues for 1932
‘ 03
g 1 2 3 4 5 _ -5
cj *1
E  i E
E E 0 7 a
 5 _ E
Q1 1
A a
. -5 ‘ #°
. gg i 10 11 12 13 1  
g E. 14 15 16 17 18 0  
 << cg
. Q 1 ,_
* >¤
 g 1 19 20 21 22   §
 F; L 2
  G,  < E
Q 5 23 24 25 26 §
 *‘° 2 2
0 i x:

 Membership Dues for 1932 g
_ El 27 28 29 30 31 .
E a
go 32 as ss .
Z {
:5 .
§, so 51 ·

 Membership Dues for 1933
¤ § 1 2 2 4 5
{ "’ ·
z?  7
Q rg 1 6 7
. Ez ‘
Z A _A
 gl 10 11 12 13 » 1
 E. 14 15 16 17 18 _ ?
E >_ ‘ `
| n
 ,2 26

 Membership Dues for 1933
_ *·:
el M ll 30 2
’ 2
Q 32 sa 34 35
_2 `“ J
~ 5 § as 37 38 as
 (Seal) (Seal)
·-~- City ................. City .................
··-- District .............. District ..............
··-· h Date ................ Date ................
°*` W `Districtr 0rg£§QET“i D District '6F;§¤1zei""
L) i (Seal) (SGM)
···· _....._.....-—--
···· City ................. City .................
···· District .............. District ..............
* · · · Date ................ Date ................
ar Dlstrlct—7.)i·gani2ex· _ '4District .CF§aiHa?'_
(Seal) (Seal)

 § 5—The Party Nucleus C
1. The basis of the Party organization is the
nucleus (in factories, mines, shops, etc.), which (
all Party members working in these places must
join. The nucleus consists of at least three mem- (
bers. Newly organized nuclei must be endorsed
‘ by the leading committee of the Section in which -
the shop nuclei are organized. (
3. Party members who cannot be immediately
afiiliated with a shop nucleus shall join tempor- · 11
arily the street nucleus in the Section of the city D
in which they reside, until it shall be possible to   ,
create a shop nucleus in the factory. ·
§ 12—Party Discipline
1. The strictest Party discipline is the most ' (
solemn duty of all Party members and all Party E
organizations. The decisions of the CI and the {
Party Convention, of the CC and of all leading ,
committees of the Party, must be promptly car- ' K
ried out. Discussion of questions over which there {
have been differences must not continue after the _ I
decision has been made· Q I
§ 13—Party Dues ‘° 1
1. Each applicant for membership shall pay
an initiation fee of 50c (Unemployed 10c), which 1
shall be receipted for by an Initiation Stamp fur- 1
nished by the CC. Fifty per cent of the 1
sum of the Initiation Stamp shall go to the ‘
National Office and 50% to the District Office. ‘
2. Each member shall pay dues weekly ap- 1
proximating 2% of his earnings, which shall be » ’
receipted for by dues stamps issued by the Ceu-
tral Committee. Dues Stamps shall be issued in Q
five categories, as follows: j
All members receiving
$15 per week wages or less (including housewives
and working farmers) pay 10c dues weekly. I

 Over $15 and up to $25 per week wages shall pay
U6 25c dues weekly. `
cl; Over $25 and up to $30 per week wages shall pay
i 50c dues weekly.
Bd Ovqeg $30 and updto $40 per week wages shall pay
ch _ c ues wee y. _
Over $40 and up to $50 per week wages shall pay
]y $1.00 dues weekly.
r- - Members receiving over $50 per week wages,
ty D shall pay in addition to the regular $1.00 per
to ·_ week dues, addmonal dues (special tax) at the
A ratekpf 50c for each $5.0§5(§%r fraction) of their
wee * y earnings above . 0.
st . 3. The district organization shall purchasehall
dues stamps at 50'7 retail price· the district s a
by sell at 80% retail pjrice to Sectibns; and the Sec-
?; tioiis .213111 sell then; at 90% retail price to uiiits-
V. . oca or istrict assessments or co ec-
r’ Lions are prohibited except by special permission
:2 if tg? Pol§om.1Special tassessmteilntscréiaylllxe levied
.— y e na 10na conven 1on or e . 0 mem-
» ber shall be considered in good standing unless
' he purchases such special assessment stamps.
Ly 5. Members unable to pay dues 0r_ assess- ·
;h ments 0n_ac{:ount of unegnpfogmirlit, sttukesg gl-
- ness or simi ar reason s a y e vo e 0 e
fe nucleus, be furnished with exempt stamps. No
le district organization