xt7zcr5n9g1t_44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. Undated, p. 78-88 text Undated, p. 78-88 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_5/82m1_5_3/195299/195299.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_44 xt7zcr5n9g1t r   A _ p AA _ A/‘ A f AA     JV“<    ruzswumrdw mj ‘·,"4i       A ? A _ A
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V V V     VV V V , ~       .-__V._ VVV_ ,_V_V     A .  V.V5.V_V;;_VV:-WV;-VV§i_V2i_iVVV,Vij: VV-V-.VV_ VVV_..-A.;-.;_V;;;.   5V   gr g VV . V V . _. _-.A iV MVVVVV
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  A       - .   47, A H rmrwnevuau »06wne»o Comaa Bovmc s »ou.mx Eea6¤muMn0¤. V V I A. ` A .` ” }   ;F§"
'=A` ·s AA V AVA AA V _ 'A -5 _ »(€ Z"//4. I~¤·r¢**·3 *7 Zgév wwwa ¤f »MAz*.a.zfT»;{A’:,;yg‘; .· - V V, - `Vi     TVV. 
  V VV- V VVV ` ` , ' Vin this cartoon, the Red Army soldier. representing the Soviet Government. has kicked God, Capitalism arid the Pope utf the earth. - A A A A i.V; — -A·. 'A  
2 _i   VA .V__ __ AA _ AA ‘__  A.·> s`
{ A VV ,   V V* . V - V V . ,V .V Vi V :· xm   »¢V_‘;1
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I »> I- ,_   JOHN DOS PASSOS  
` \_ I; V · 2
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  Excuso mo if I just say ono thing, and that is, I think  
_ I fl that you can trust us to do ubsolutoly tho host wo can to lot   _V
2 I ovorybody that wo com roach by muguzino urtiolos amd howspapor  
, ` I storios and books, know what roully is hmpponing. i
. _ -   It is tho wholo Umitod Ststos whoro tho workor moods all   1 y
·, ‘ tho holp ho can possibly wot from tho ooplo who cam accomplish   i
. I E, P y
I _ what thoy huvo in ordor to got what is his right, and wo will   `
_ I   do tho bo st wo can. ·*’ _
\ ° I ;» _]
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· · I ‘ ` I
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 /:6 Z]
. j i . Q ` I ‘ . ,~" `· . V _
. _ , / X , -
— ' , PORTLAND CIVIC NEWS ./ _ ` _
-   ,
.;......».....` ..,................,...,..,,.,.,,..,.,..,,_:, {   ··‘ V
¥ . . · '   O
— I Portland Point of View Column /E.-· = - V
' · I •:••»xo;<»1»••¤;•»;•• Z ‘
' . . `eaten in spots, andnsadly inieec ot I `
u.ZYfcL‘$.lEi,u‘Z§Li.S'i‘.§d.$£iS 2‘Z.iS?.?£ ’“ cmge and rem as mm Perm » .
Name and address must Bccompmw as it is ,who of us would change it _ _ .
l · each letter not for publication but for SOv§tSRuSsgB'.S whe? Liceguouk
~ _ . . .' i ' ness an in o every escrip ion, is · . . `
z` for 1dentmcat10u` rampant-where Immorality is in- `
·· Q- “ dulged in shamelessly while Morality · -
· . A “MY COUNTRY "HS OF THEE" is dubbed a myth; where Sanitation . , _ V'
Z°·r¤ the Editor or The News; is unknown (think of 3 men and · . . ’
_ ' ‘ A few weeks ago, at the Woman's women living together §·a 6 x 8 _ »
' Club, both sides of the picture of !00mJ)3nd where men Hlld WGYHBH ' » V
` i ‘ recent disturbances in the coal fields- indulge in Free L0ve—bringing chil- T , _ _ - ‘
of Southeastern Kentucky were pre- dren into the world, much as beasts. -~ ‘ {
· sented, in an absolutely impartial, Think of people who laugh to scorn _ ‘ °
unbiased rrignnerllby a. man whose-;thB G0d who fZ.Shl0l'l€d them 8.Ild . _
training in the newspaper afield has i call Him a boot·legger andla drunk- _ I
\, V at givguwhirri ;m_ppen;_min;i, .;,3;, ._;.i_·*ard.' Yet this new Russia boasts . · ‘
Dotted here and there among the SM is FREE ¥·T’_._T°,m°"€ so than ,‘ ‘
audience, as is always the case, were ., - — - .
Communists. The meeting had been ;_'§1‘;¤[§g;&gdr;§,§;$?'· __ . 4
well advertised and doubtless mem- beam] namgggu · .
bers of the Communist organizations 1. . 5 f, . ’ _· ‘ _ _
· had been sept from New York to WSE m
` [ attend. One, an attractive youth mi ____ _______ _i __ ~ `,___ _ `
(resembling an artist), with long, V \_ ~ -, . `
‘ _ , slender white hands (that looked as V ' _ · · ' ‘
. . ‘ if they had never held anything · '
weightier than an artist’s brush or _ i ~ ·_ .
. ‘ pencil), and black shining hair, . _ _
/ leaped to his feet the moment the '. _ .
" speaker of the evening had finished · / _, _
his talk. I believe the self-invited ’ ` .
. speaker was sincere. That's the pity i - p` x ` .
of it—these young radicals are   ' ‘ ‘
heart and soul in their cause, Com- 3 `
munism is crafty ,subtLe, and, like i . V ` ·
` death, "1oves a shining mark." These it Y · `
Reds select the Youth of our Land— § ` ‘ `
` the flower—the intellectual youth- ' · · ' , ·
College boys and girls-as instru-   \ `
V i ments to spread their damnable doc-   . ·
. ` trines. . g ‘ — __ . *
This young tellow was hissed down   `\ V - i
but the invited speaker of the meet- * V `
ing handled what would otherwise E ` - ‘ _ -
have been an embarrassing situation ¤ ‘ _ , 1
‘ i  in··a most tactful and admirable I . V ` '
‘ · · · =manneie .~LHolding·_·~,up_,_~his» hand-,§or.e .4 ~ »
_ _ silence, in a calm,_pleasant voice, he l ‘· ‘
i said; "Let him continue. I want l V / —
to hear what he has to say. I am   · J· . `
int,erested." The young Red then ’<` »` _
V repeated what he had previously { . . '
‘ ` said, and added that the Intelligcnciu. · — »
of our Country—iLamont, Frank and »
0thers—writers, artists—men who
had achieved distinction in every line ` i .
V —were Communists. .
- These rabid, impressionable young j . · J `
__ folks are really beside themselves-- . `
·· · so_ "eaten up with zeal" they are j , `
mentally off balance. One can feel ( — _
nothing but pity for these misguided i ·
` youngsters who have a too-abund- ( _ ‘ . ‘ ` `
V ` ‘ ant portion of enthusiasm, unseason- 3 ._
ed by sound, mature judgment. Their g · _ · .
· - minds are developed in a one-sided ,. _ A
fashion. But they must be curbed-
‘ reached in some manner and made to V O
realize the error of the direction `
— they are headed and made to see - · ·
that the older and more experienced ` - . ~
Reds are exploiting them for their 4 ‘ r .
own sinister ·purposes—the spread of - ‘ »
the Red Menace. 1 _ ' `
We admit our country is in the ’ = _ · `
grip of unscrupulous politicians, ’ ’ _
brokers, bankers, financiers and . .
. racketeers (many of whom, in these ‘
lines also, are Communists-along - ·
with the Intelligencia referred to by
V our young friend), and though it's
_? Govcrnmentwrnay be faulty, moth- V

   "  'HOW‘WEiFEEE i   · _ M. E. Tracy, eminent columnist and°.11ews]ji.aperman, , _ ~
  ` , was in Middlesboro yesterday "seeing_conditions and not
, ` i .. . V ‘ talkingiabout them," for the purpose.of.getting’;ai,correct
_ I ‘ i perspective of the labor difhcu-ities in BeIl.`·and1Ha;—1an . _ ‘ A
. V counties. . ‘ I, . · ‘ . ’ ’ ·‘ `'‘V I * .
i   :;g_ ·   The following is a picture we wish Mr, Tracyancl all
Ii i ` ' i ‘ 1·*_ j '-of thejimpartial observers onthe outsideconld visualize. i
‘ » ly _ Vile believe it would help our distressed‘isituation'to somei — l
I _ I, —I · extent, and perhaps temper in a'-degree the feeling that? , ~
e V _ i_,I_ ’ rank injusticprevails. j . I I _ { V _
- i ». I Our people have lived in these hills for several gen- i > ~ V
‘ eratio_ns. ~We have been isolated, not much intercourse}
t I with the world, not m_uch__touch with the outside. We; . _ `
` , ~- _ have grown up as a race of isolationists, proud, patriotic, ·
‘ - . I ( _ I and loyal to God and·Country. We have our prejudices, · , .
i ` ,` » our shortcomings, our poverty, our inward suffering. But
"   wehave endured it all and still retained‘our self-respect
· r and our pride and with peculiar · notions about many) V . .
. l , , things; Q   ·i i A ·   . .
.. . \_. t Industry comes when our coal mines are developed. _
— _ ; Our hills have beenigorged with people coming in. from
. . . ‘ V J other rural sections, seeking employment in the mines '
I. ~ ~ while everything was prosperous, when money was made j · i
. - _   handover fist, and when the unnatural demands produced j .
· I . _ I II by the World War forced highwages and highprices for   A
V · V coaI.. ’ i `
. V   I ‘ Following the war,__the collapse came. · Gradually,  
‘ [ ·§ the coal business went on the decline, until in the last`, · `
_ . I g two or threeyears the industry has been almost helpless:  
` _ ` P — Thousands who have been employed have been cut off I _ ‘
, `K _ I   due to shiztdowns, curtarlrnents, and other causes. _I Many . _ ~ .
i V o1?Ithese`thoiisands, insteadyof tricklingi backto their small ‘ i ·
I ‘ S farms or leaving the section, have lingered around thei. t .
. ' _ i I coal camps, hungry, wiietched, and in want. - Theminers) ` i ’ `
. ` _ A ·   who are fortunate enough to be employed have to work on_ I
` ' , halftime, or less, at wages far lower th‘an"they` were ini .
_ _   the peak days of the World War. . . I '
. ’ l Discontent, difficulty, dissatisfaction, distress, 'an_d I [
- " i. _ tragedyresult. Our people are wondering what to do;.
· ‘   ` . our coal operators are hanging on in an effort to save
I , V . · l I their investments; many mines are shut down completely;.
`     millions have been lost, and the end` is not yet. . i
~   I. Here, indeed, is a fertile soil for the agitator, the, ·
I , ” Red. Our miners, unemployed and Ihalf-time workers,}
"   hot understanding howI tb better the conditions, want to§ 'I
. . V ` ; dosomething. They cannot understand how the operatél ,
` II · ‘ » I ,   ‘ orsYcannot bring relief. They suffer in their silence. and   . `
· _     their distress, lilcehungry sheep huddling about on bare
. V l hillsides. . »C_   . » i
· ` V °   , Withrall of us gloomy and down in the mouth, wish-, i
` l ing things would improve and that we could do something I `
, \ ·   about it; with those Iwho. are fortunate enough to have `
. . < jobs chipping in to create relief runes,. though such relief i
. ` l may not be adequate,Iwe are just naturally not in the '
4. ' I 9 , ` riioodto have the Communists come in, some from Russia, I
i i   simié from`Pittsburgh, some from iJil~é`§SilllllS of the for-]
_ ‘   eignLpopulated cities, telling us `that ‘ebnditions are. badi
l here,iand stirring up our people with the cry, "Down with l
J . _ I I   the capitalists!" VVe have enough sufiering \vithoutIfur—i
I _ I · V g ther inciting of brother against brother, friend against]
I_ . ‘ § friend, neighbor against neighbor. {
I I   Is it any wonder that we want to dry up tho {noon- .
·   diary mouthings of these foreigners whom we have never i
· ‘ , seen before, and whom wo know to be enemies of our"
W   government, and who are using our poor people to furllwr  
. l I their nefarious scheme? lt just. isn`t human not to want Q
, - . to resist theinvasion ofiihe llc-dsg-;g`Mid1ilcsb<~ro Daily i I

 rl . A r BETWEEN Us ‘  ,· A , `
K ' ` By {Herndon J. Evans V; V A*"·‘ A A A
, V_ V , _ Noiv that the ustudent     Téfhgr   Of the   CO3l   €l]_d€aV()]‘. ,
_ l __ vnsionn is an thing of than wnrld are experiencing and ing to get the truth of condi-V . 7 l A
3 , . past it will be well for somelg Witnesslng the social 3-Hd tlonsvhere Such lllVeStlge· Y · ·
’   of the newspapers whjchll economic evils which accom- tlell le Weleeme and every ‘ A
V `   Seem Shocked-at the ¢¢Oni_l; pany capltaljsmyv citizen will co-operate with ‘ `A
l _ · rageous" treatment accord- l "We demand unemploy- there mell to See that tlleY ‘ A
,   A , ed these schoolboys and girlsll ment insurance for all stu- get MW lllfemletlen fiioy (le- A
· l ‘ to bgadvlsedrof Some Of {hgh dents graduating or leaving elle- _ . _ ' ` — i
.   I-Gal factslbackof the will l college who Vare not placed _~ » 1. e · {_ . A
l l _ .1>mev111e’1lee been patientl in positions? A (Minimnm who next? -· A 4
  `A ` xxlitll eaill lS;1cces;i\;Q` grolipl liiglltuy of $2ga Week- N? plan First came Theodore A` A l .
l o inves ina ors. a ience is i T Telsmg le m0lleY- ,D ` ; t th ` A
Q r `about €XYmuSBd_ Unfavgr » g "The student realizes that} taser nw? 8 -N"‘“°““l
l _ , , _ lM1H9TS Un1o_n representa-
. \ l . able publicity, loss of busi-{ l deU}€`¤Fi0YVV1§ a myth nndertlivesl th€HNV&1dOFrank and » · ·
_   4 ness,. misrepresentation, lfi-l eeP19l1S¤1 *811d We pro-lhis Sweetrnilk brigade, and T V
j . nancial loss through outs1 . ’ · thor of "'I‘l1e Call of the l· A ’ ~
l ume 1 -No. 2 under the head- . . · l · _ _
l ing, "’A Suggested Basis for Cumlmrlandsn _°·“ll _ other : ` ‘ . ,
V National Student MOVE good novels dealmglwith the J .
5 V _m€nt,»er we find these intein lllientuckv ·Monntams, has J ‘ · V
l . csting Statements: J een avisitor 1n Pineville; _ V I V V
i   UBQCMISB thg Soviet Urn this weeknJoe Green, staff; - _
ion is the only countryin the eorrgsoor Gllt Pf the Corr- ,,__
i world which has been able ml" °¥“`"el· Wllmcr G· Maj · ‘
V   to avoid crises and to elimi— Son, ftutf Colrespoedgllt Ol A ` · i _
V » A nate unemployment and gl°b(’1?°;ui?tl Englglrelv {lI;ldV . " i
·mass poverty .... the Soviet O or e Qyr S 8 Wl`l_el` t_ ~
l Union. stands out as an in- of Newspaper Enterpllse V l ·
- i ’·, spiration and guide to us-A$S°°¥tt1°l*r elS°,,.l,l“Y€ been . Q

 A .A A A I ·   ‘ (nprronmt) ·‘ V§““”+"~--¤‘»~’-**+·*   A
i i V ' "AN OUNCE OF PREVENT 1ON+-" ‘ V .
A · · ’ V l
A V _ Federal Judge; A. M. J. Cochran, 76-year-old { ° A. V _ V
` ` { Wl jurist, who denied the injunctionto delegates of j _ ‘ .
V , · ~ A the Civil- Liberties UHlOH.21l1‘i.ll_€ hearing held-at Lon- i " ~ 4
V don, an_dV—whol¢r`efused to acd>mpany·.them on their A _ A i A
3 . - ` ` ' V . junlcet to the coal Helds, mixed sound, common V ‘ A
‘ _ - - V ` sense with__·his high legal opinions concerning the ‘ » , _
_ V ‘ · rights of the group to test "freedom of Speechcami ,
A · ’ ` assemblage? _   l _ A { `
‘ [ i ` _ Judge Cochran advised them against attempt- l ‘ A V
· - ing to enter Bell and Harlan counties, in view of the i A ` . - ‘ i
i (_ ' intense feeling that hasgrown out of_previous in- I A
_,A·V ` 1 ‘ vestigations and crusades from the East. He knows   l V '
‘ ` the prejudices and feelings of the mountain people l V _
’ i i -toward the Civil Liberties Union. He realizes that _ ‘ "
V .the citizensof Harlan and Bell have rights of their l A C \V A A
`   own and told the investigators`as·much. The name p · A _ ‘
, i of the, Civil Liberties Union has been linked with _’
l , V V \   I "radicalism and communism until the mountain peo- VV _
{V- _ ` _ 4   ple are suspicious of-their motives. The delega- { ‘ C
’ ` -   tion denied any connection with communism, but 'V A `
' ‘ · i mere denial does not change the opinions already ‘ `
A i A· A ' formed. V · _ ` `
_ , l , ·