xt7zcr5n9g1t_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. 1932 [month and day unknown] text 1932 [month and day unknown] 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_4/82m1_4_2/195019/195019.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_40 xt7zcr5n9g1t L_ 4 V V _ x .’-` · ,_     A · _ A .  
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facturers Gal1¤0£ r f    if
M l>a¤l¤e¢-.....»..····   -···¤e Vg,}
-· _ Because they. came Vsolely on an "educational tour," the group of students shown above, from ji
Va1`dS Russia- the department of journalism, Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va., were permitted to travel thru ge 
gnat Russia 1s V the Harlan, Ky., coal fields unmolested under escort of a deputy sheriff assigned to the party by  
{country left Sheriff John Henry Blair. They are shown in front of the court house at Harlan. First row, left to fr;
_ _ - right: Bessie MacLachlan, Virginia Lee, Jessie Mae Waldron, Mary Magee and Deputy Sheriff Lee V 
ch lt IS Ml" V Fleenor. Second row: Ben Tobin, Mack Beard, Garland Ray, William Estler, Professor Page Pitt, pro- ty
de on a big fessor of journalism inVcharge of the party, and Harry `Wright. Deputy Sheriff Fleenor was theprin-  V
the British cipal inthe shooting of two miners during a clash at the Harlan swimming pool relief kitchen last
had aapohcy August. He recently was ind1cted·on—_a murder charee
~le for its _ _ ,
` that dc, It 1S all part of a scheme tc dis- FRC
courage Russian trade.
using to "Russian trade is` to our
fmal m_ vantage `by four or f
,, . And the dea that =‘
d our
-.,,,.5 only ternnorarv
· Th ere _,. VVV. mw ,
. i L

   `A Louisville attorney   who ’_ rej  
'lcentlylsat as ,a circuit Ijuclge . in}
Q! the Eastern Kentucky, ;di_strict. will  
ilaocompzmy ’··the ·American‘ Civil},
G Li`i>ei·t1es" Uiiipon"p‘A1·ty`-if-or·‘»*»Hm`:lii.F
¥ and ’Bell` counties .May 12, the,
· Unioni announced today ati Newl    
2L_.\'Y-ork. He is Grover G. Sales .‘.' Q ‘
anl In view of the: threatening
seg statements `madle hy Walter B.
0E\Smith, ·prosecuting " attorney of _
Bell County, who daredf Arthur;
Garfield Hayes to come to Rell,
County, the party will seek pro-,
·» tection before `enteringthe ‘ for-
bidden zone. , `
To Ask Injunction `
N First, a federal injunction willl `
'be sought. If granted ~·it, they
wil move on to the mining`;u·¤;t;
,:1* without further delay. If denied,
l_d,it,,,they will call on Gov. Laffoonk
QS at_`_Frank@ort for the protection of E
hd his office, ~ h  
uy ".l3Jut the party will make the], ,§,:,w(_m my V
hn trip, protected or n0t," the Unlonil  
mj ¤¤¤¤¤¤<=€¤-. ‘ i   aixpian-Q
* . The purposes of the trip were;  _§;1l’11;elZ€Si1_*QNeWark,
In- given as follows: l   0£`:75»_·o4
qi 1—®u1 aid in the legal defense I   i named <
  of the scores now lunder rpmoseou-  _. td ..d8llgg, ,
tion ian both C0lllllZi·0S. `     ‘ >""“_;gg   7 -   father fa
.ch 2 T _. . . ._   me ._._   __._.,.,Republ1o, ,
_ — l0 and the unlnindered dis-     irtté§%yiM " ababy. . ·
llc tribution of relief.  sw-·*¤f‘#-=.  -·.=·   ·   anon |, r i _
my 3-—'1‘o aid in `l70.`t»01’l\l the   thel - V. :
irs _ · S I g`   ,   7..-, ._D· .    
‘ right of the uniuers to hold pub··‘    gw.   ;$CLl$S1QI14   . 2 Q
)b lic meetings and organize unions.   _L=‘ *.3·_j_gO0d,_¢»d.Q{1] N .   3
___‘, G. The statement me me ummm   ,,,   }%J§2§;-1..d<>I}e.ib.y theirrly — ’Ul
  ances in·Bell and Harlan countiee _.;,,(?. _ :,;,,;.§lnl(€S}Q1g`21llQ2;‘S,_y. I-ew   · A- 4· ,
dflwore due ‘not 'to native Ken-  § ggQIl;d,,What`;n0·[·' xwhol __   , it
11; tuckians, but to the anti—uni-on  $ 1 _—‘;§]yx;`j;h8.Ve)jQ_.·bggnQ more {— _ 7;-
~»- Fiiiiiig°§nil?`§ad2.‘i;l`3EZ§L"li.§’°l2‘l?,?   gf?     affairs m i J 1H°"’ Y
‘ '· . ~ ;  Q.q4 ·  S .. 0 ’ _
i York, Detroit and Chicago, w`hicl1\_    4..   QQ-if       {fail-Srgit,
N dominate the field." ·I_   ·`r· M·`   ·0‘r{ my` A llindh
"‘ In View of um resold the ob-.r'.   ,»’i ‘—`°.%-ES 2 1°"_—IS&k°.13WSkY‘*.1kYd ·
v_ . ,. - . . · - r J » ,.,Q¤nqm0ns-~ofrextreme want, =* gapeq
 él¥ii’1@=`»’*=.§¤ff€1?i,¤gJ._exist in ‘New-·  é. *
 £;‘§if{§9Y1&l§1G}tY&W1hi€b'—i.t.hfeeten the’~I~p_ _ Cog:
    _,.. ian; ives?¤£.;._hundreds‘.aaS Si,.
  F-"jQi@ ·e`” i *h<>¤_S¤¤ds—_ .<>f»‘m¢¤g`·;>w0me¤,;~j ¤;;;m]°;
gl e‘<· gQs;;=,·.e¤5i·j;chi1di·en. _i-·  T[ll_Qlq'Qxj§tencg·,tis was .
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