xt7zcr5n9g1t_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. 1931 [month and day unknown] text 1931 [month and day unknown] 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_4/82m1_4_1/195003/195003.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_39 xt7zcr5n9g1t - .--1 ····'·’?"¥""f{‘*1’*"-‘-'¤·'Z*1;·~··•é:' -‘-— y¢.¥§!!@)5§*.g»<¤i&A€;¢ at-26*.-p·;;;P$.Q%..•#.~:pf°f.p.~q*7},,,;;.y§9· K;-3-,ttt·_;A4};
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A II»IA__us° for I_B¤ubHééhg=:I$·O? shetismeiiéégcmltéeti-;_ztIItheI A   the amendment would_"be7§i1n¤A€danger7¤0f failure?
`- V· V"~‘»‘ "°*- ¤*h¤*‘wl¤e creditedfins  V ‘ < °   °·V ‘V°"l"‘ ‘   b 'default FromaexVerience 'it iV   `th t
_I I-bca; newppublish d.A .A4_4¤~¤ap¤:· \aAnu.Aa1a°- th.,-{     4- yA I _ . p A I _ I, I Is I Ipwn._ aI4a.I
I· I- _. A -i·¤¤.¤r-simian d:ap§;ahL§‘T§_}2.; .-£‘§L.1£,'.§1R**’¥3°$;?%”'·'.?-af-i{ i -’-.°°*Tl*‘¥%f P?*°?“*“g"-°f "°l°’s·m‘*‘y be °°¥‘“l°d °“V· -
. A _. __ · _ 4SUBSCm,,Tl0N,A RATES `_.7 _  _   ,,,. A - -A-.-_te.v0te against anything, no matterhow. desirable-
I A ·I_Pt .-.. advem vm--· ¤re4·-¤>Al;_b¤-.»¢s=pe¤ted4 Tuesday-
III . I      I_ N       i   ’”""·~_§I;wThe$eI.Aadyerse v0tes4-must be overcome, and the
  `’'‘   AVB9 ·Qar¤l¤?r, Vw`Hééé'.2;§rV{&5, ·'-° dVQHQi?.$Q 1; *) `   V {_ “ z¤¤1y·lway§ we can :mal . . A · _   ._ ,. K,
I _ N W Y K I ' _;A -Vp R6P|‘¢8€htat|Ves je_ _¤ I _ — · _       I
  A xvlimke-·l°BpiV.,?.r§{@a,,”taIBl§§h·n (g‘Af;Q°»PhiLidélg¥Ies€ [ · A -.Ev1deutly·»D1•e1ser-;_]QAqes Not -
' _Vr   tanti°V Bldgd B08{OI1 ·VVatg;g·hq léld ._ D a'}; - _ I- . - . ` V   V   . . i
. »°°"·=”¤'··M¤*.¤r¤ `Bld¤Q .       e —;"-A? €’?F?.'?* { i . ~ ·PIT30UC€ What Het Preaches- ‘ , t Q CI
· A - _ J AlFAh§g;a§_{;2§gt§— A-  __I_AI:°Ihgne 3£1121 g Y ~     _J;Pl‘1EOdOf€IDf€lS8I, party ofthe second part-in t N ‘
  A VA   ‘&n;altercationA with Sinclair Lewis recently and}
i YOIBPS     ‘   I   {5 -·     g who A also has Qwritten s0me‘Sb0ok§ V`.»—_ was intez·—‘.
‘ A " ‘ ‘ V i . l     -iV·`   ~ YV   t   ` V. ·viewed the otherday by an edito1·‘in Kentucky,·
AT0- ‘ .   ·.   - .   .-
    To The P 9115 ·Tu€SdaY.- . r   I where he had gone to conduct an inquiry into A
‘ ‘ AI O¤·Tiiesday of this -Iweek A thé- proposed in__ Q ;~ A_   conditions in the;coa1 ‘fie1ds.`As a matter of fact,.
· fheritance tax amendment will be submitfed tO_ ' Dreiser Vandfother New York writers were inter-.
* the-'¤1e¤i¤rate’ ¤s·’A1;-53;,-a` ·ne,e »Sh0Al1d h Cu · .. `.viewmg»*h¢t¤dii¤r»‘He¤¤d¤¤-Ev¤¤S b>··-name-a¤d*w
-   ‘     - - -“’ Yi V ba- t d‘1um· bbt'1-1`r11·"’°· `
4 whe an necessif     . I I | I A II I. I 8 ql1€Sl.p1'1€ II 8 O I S € g10I`1, IIICOIDB
· P i A y .- E.   Y. Qr futher €XP1a—¤at%°¤ 9f_.lil1¢_ A Yand other personal matters when the Kentuckian ‘
· · cse 0 A ¤m<·=¤d¤¤¤¤t- br fer ally fllffhér ` V VV decided to turn the tables and · V V V · V
t I A . ~ .uus· _-- . » A ·   -- I I A Aquizthe-·auth0r.of »
Vlrecltal       has   ¢xp]_éi¤€dI time   .   ‘ “ApI·AInErjcanI   a       _ I __-I ·I   II \I·
V i gnli agam in n°l”$P*‘P°Y$-t}11l0¤ghOutl_the state,   ’ - A ~_ - The first-question`. he asked was what Vw;-as A
AI   ‘ i— _II{ f.' _ · y'· V- . .- I I
I   ISh0¤ld be thoroughiy Aundgrstpod by- every- I ._   I. __IDre1sersAinceme{_to which the writer replied that A
_ voter. ‘   i A -   -· ‘· -A ·- ' A Aj he made apprommately $35,000 ayean To a sec- A
  V . .   VV " ‘ - s V - P T d qi1estion"Dreiser-`adxriitted that»he··gave none ’
  Perliasitwuld .  -.i·°°       . - · .. I
th P I 0 be well, however, toI give A   .95   income toA`char1ty."He addeda however, that 
¢__.eXa¤t_w0rding of the amendment and to point I ea -i·~4 ‘ he-was_.try1ng»'t¤‘ take careLe£"five-members of `
  ‘ °“* fmce m0f€ that Alabama hasAabs¤1ute1y mth- Q ·_ A, -.;his__family,,on‘ whom hegsaid he spent between _
— . mg *010%- ami ae¤¤d-deal to gait-,.by its mm;   -$5-900-ansi.-$6»9¤04.a wear--i F A. _-_4   _      
    _catic>n.?The_-‘amena~—·* iimiys; ~   -A·   _~ t    FQ;-._f A- A.;-Eqoinxégthia itrwquld appear that 1VIr.A;Dreiser,  
  4 *         Vne`ticisQm‘*-a1cnV ;?6thVVr**1ines Sis`; aw
F¤€Ff:?1’=i-é5·">;é¢%&*2$¤¢ti¤n*;‘·219-:0 -“>;t i`’' ‘   · ’    iiéifiif .~»¤,-$·=4?¥t==-.·-¤ -,--      
W-{§§F?;i’;,*;§;[}¤¢h_gb$Z§§_laii}`ih11é -‘     §§€2f§?fil·iiV¤§§believl¢1:Eia9wt¤—4.¤>at-matter--·-alas.: -·-=. a ski- —¢
QFgif‘-AlF<:§€&-at-siiiy-aY1i,$$*§;’2]E;g   Fi??g‘@A*:x駀§—iptl§a5e`iieiiqeiLtacked-—';ther¢¤n‘»i¤byt¥’a??‘2-cynic;‘l¤i‘ahg1**  
‘--::.·.r.,-2=_    ·,     · .   -.-.-·     -.·- ss. 4.91*-;§’-:·  *·* ‘·‘‘· M  *         .-4.     —~.i‘ <     :i¤·~;; ··t‘ ¤= ‘·-·*‘  
§=;>.”,,;>‘ ”éi·ij$f§§I‘£‘£‘? §x9°°~-~-. »gB1e=gate-fthezainotuits-i ‘·‘-i 3l l-il-¥{€_*.T;§I€f*l~?¥$llY`$l??Y$4¢J‘h‘°€r?rll.-F   ~ ~·.‘      be .··l-‘ ji. ’l`--- ’·  
tg .~.. _-5Qiialg-A-aiiawadeit.;-b§l§§§Qt;dj#ag§;A§lQ§g£%§j;f1‘kg;?;fF£@-g?¢i,44.;?·,A[ tg-·g  ·4~A 4-TheAalientiiclry-»Aedgt9yTs‘s»iqueéticgisitwere ’»·L p are;}
   $1¥¤ila¥$-¥¢a>sAY§;w§rp0nsfixilmefitaneegim·j,A1m;gg;·‘s.pl§QL    ?{-sQ·`A’Aii¤¤l¤YlY.·4‘VP9i¥1t¢Sl-` $iU°¢* DT¢i$¢I`- h¤f}?,_§l¤$t ·_¤§l$°d —;
  V· ·V’-it lg;Vl1lV;·ié;°V;iVV;§§gQjZi{V°¥f§}P‘g¥t§“?A-U“i;1§d£S*d*V€Sl§*i‘-?· i~Q—:‘l“Y`-1evy· such- mhémancé--   ·   - y-.   -.4.and-$754 a, week ·-Wlll e II111'1&l‘S.»Of-·`th€_;_d1S$IJ.Ct» »A
    ·`   4    - ‘—· -..   ., A _;·_0r..e tat ;..;4;-       --.- .   - - ,   . ·   ---. . _
12 ·»     ’.‘- §i;§§F·m: thee-*aF€·l· ¤f·:<’A1ak>¤ma_-·¤¤Jwa€s‘4‘1¤aZ’(-*5   -»-i -  ;   @r¤~w¤¤=1=·=<1 few-$30 ~*<>·- $40 ; a m¤¤¤¤- --D¢e¤¤¢¤ ¢¤p¤<=r·> V-l
l.    VA'gm-cég?1§;gV{;l;?A{V§;?f°édangZa‘§1;;¥?;§“?°Vfaiils-*ent. ·‘ t.     `¤°¥1t*T’H hmlself as l?€mg."l“l€r°sl%°d·dn--’?V?qV?lltY·?V·V z-X
V j     LV. illh°“**Va£¤dii`Sfia1llVV<;ViVilVyVébeggix- ~'-‘ »- i V-    ZQ.B“'° °PP”°?‘*1Y ~h°V is,.V_mt€l'l¢§t?(l-Ii§-§V$Sg§llly-.V°Ill¥ E
A I _I- It I aged wr egifcrcedilto the ‘e;;tent’¤£ absorbing they-·.` ?   VAN for-Gtliek h¤<>R1¢• I 4_   V-V4 [T 1;             all
A - AVA V       dI$1i1l·%cfl·O¤ 0Xé|]€1i‘l€di[g;,`whjgh~_may -'· 'A ' ·   AM-.;.-·:.: aj q--·>··   ·fi··   -I¤-   -I·. (ifs--   -I _; ith ·· .· »  
l, .--- A,_ It ¤‘-aws-0* e· _nited’Stt     * l ‘ __- t " Q   A ;.*·‘A
._f‘ A_.\‘InQW_‘€X1$f,ingA0r hereafter €¤acted_tOI,bé_I_c1éki1§§ I ` A       _A ~e~——·raI,rT-am II I . - I. I I \ I, A I     A _I
   ‘_`b¥ ¥°QS°{¤ ihefeef eS·deducticm~or-ered1t,agamst._ _·-         rtl- ‘ U I =_ V T A ·_4· Ari-. A T  
_     Such··Sun·l1§I"`FaX   Athi}-UVI]itQd..-States?applicable;’V ;' l I-’ - ;I .- ·I ’T' I , . I II A _ A   ]‘;V‘__l · V  
_· lj ·At0 Alabamamhemtances OI`I€St8tE$,   A- AA ,   ' A ' A · · jV ’ - V V =   ‘ /1
 ·~I¤V`?**b=·*·" ···· ·""‘\ l"   tit- .‘A-._ A-_. -‘ ·...¤I· __ A_ 4A —A   A     _          

 (A '5 ".
HV All 
?‘·` A¤¤lJuu3{·¢1l.su1‘lcu a.tt01‘ney, charge .
]E_ ggggerch-ales {Crawford alld A Igeryhgt
§§ `·.A1¤‘¤2<>l._ithc.i.r€a$Onk f91_Mth€__SOcm§y»S ·] lei-     aVe a share of the air,. T . · _
decisiongyto call off“`its.‘proD0scd ,1‘1D < 3 ·   V
to‘Newl.York*to investigate ·the~1s1h00t- r       —' Q
ingcot children=by"gunmen; JT e..so— ( =..       ` ` c A _ · _ E
ciety· was't~iornied at~.Pin_eville~recently· 7 i `      H 
duruistbilis .vi¤i¤ ·?f·—`p1`€ism` we his 1 E;   (Continued from"~First‘]P¤·Kc)l '4 ° i
°~commi ee. . I       ·‘ g ;_  
X —Mrs.“A`.` Li. Hutchinson, chairman.} J `mA as.1tl-le Ah1gh_Sheriff." ..$he said that
sid` “the. c capitalisticvsystcmi had K he ggess the mmsrs t¤¤klthe responsi-
lcaused the calling .0ff of the l?1'lDA'A’ Q rat M lwsof telling about, actual condi-
lshe said the committee J had s¤¤sh¤ E old W01'1sashe_had no idea what eventually
gtree transportation yand tree A lodging q . DV. . ha°¤A€¤- _. A
`d\11`lIlg',ll}S proposed. investigation, but ( no- OFEICERS ARE SCORED, .
*falled`to receive it,. · ‘·   se Mrs. Sha k lf .· · . A
;_’. Another A reasonj advanced ·by :Mrs. E ;an fomcment coifimd 'clmcizell law en'
lxnitcnmson wasnfailure of New- York l cm Sh I .· c""§- ·€$D.€¢}¤·Uy- the
{authorities Atoiassure the committee E -10-. BY ff, Hndysaid A‘that*·in "thejmsg.
pi" protection. during its visit. She ‘ ted 'm1U€lYS were afraid toitalk because mA`
saidthe committee had requested full { ‘ threats. of whe gun th .,, .. .
'police protection,Abut hacireceived no 5 nvce tions vwér _ { ugs· C9Pd1_·
reply. When Dreiser and hisncommit- C on h . .€ S0 _b3·d. she charged, that 4
tee' came- herelen its investigation lt g in- W En deputy sheriffs. passed, miners Q
slmila1·ly`had`requested protection of I lad Awouldlrnn fmmtheirv homes and nid J
;Governor~Sampson of Kentucky. Mrs. { VCH in the hills` She A th H · A Q {
Hutchinson said approximately 300 has imimié t   A_ $?’}d‘ _£ EU¤tY1l1gs" {
pmernbcrst of_ktheA Czommlttee had I /be Lhaf *?· Cqyminefs to such anextent 2
planned o ta e·.the rip.   _ · __   manyof th A · · I;
Mrs. Hutchinson said the comirilttce , ‘ . to church 'and gin awere afraid to g° l-
will""have to .iail·’just\ as Diic1ser’s V   the small congfegauoflisq m"‘EY_°f 1
committeerfailed11ere." 4 · · {   dljngy In conclusion sh€·tl;’grnecd gg- {
l` .   . { .dlfJi0¤ "sj 1*. H. _ ` ·
Bullock Denies Persons . i me ivisiy ;l§n§1§g;°“a€j§;§·. County ‘
g . · » ' · miner fr th ` · · , _
Are Starvingln Harlan. 1, tee tion. tergga. ¤§m§g§QihY.aCg§;}§tsi;‘ g
· OD tween men of money van · -
. cl St8.1‘va.tlon." v
535 HB fizald he had served arterm in the x
M_ pen? enuarlt ‘b€Guuse- corrupt ·` ‘·laws· x
·i— €§S§§l?* ther “'°°¤¤r‘ mm put him i
git mBdiét\Heturged miners to- take im- Q
er asmai§§ *§’&}sZ‘%f°t my mm S"“·` *
by °"I love Americaq?·Finle sail U U (
>_ . • l K _ d, ub t
ug: I _h8J$© the men·who' are egunning thle  
. Am ggwggfy 8·1'1d· are working, hardships
— _ ° W°rk€’SsiE·= &e¤3;m11<2-;m¤<¤le E »
— e A_lay:s_agalnst `usare, corrupt. _ Thel gl-g_
1_ coal`; operators ilcallg us. iRed; Russians, the
e but whenjyou ·take.awa,y’the meanseor
: fur¤ishipg;r¤pe a¤e.raime¤t·.r¤r.·tnas on
  ot‘1_nnne_» then youjeertainly‘are§ ZM1
E. 1ngectmg:;§red’».blood into my·—system.' -‘·h‘e.
· ‘ ‘H¤¤ver‘ has said »he‘qa¤%1; _.wprk, edgy J;
¤ any .· results toward the g immediate re¢A~ ihi
; 11€·f opruneniployxnent. ~.fI‘he»National  
J Miners pinion- andf'the_`mi.ners can mu
; Wflgk _·thls-' out and I"bel`ieve this is.Ah(`
.·uI‘i er ,WaY."‘· ` A.   . = A A ..~
    -1. . fr
.URGES _A_». ‘·‘COMl’LE'ITE_ .SACRI1?ICE,f’ ‘ Aa;
, Fi!1}ey.urged.l1is audténce`_to.‘fshake°   i
·loose?-A£rorn._·present.conditions. A ·  
` "The tlm€"`Is,` coming," `·he°‘said l
f‘when` we. »must‘ ma»ke..the__qcomn1ete'  
{sacrifice. We never win anytl·iing` »
; without there being some! complete, g
l $&°¥`m¤€·_ . f'I`}f1Q;' Qllly cause .f0l‘—_ which `té
gI'd~b€ wi1l1nq·to give up my lifeiare ]5
3lTI‘1Y_ little e1·lildren.’·‘   A 4 _ " ‘} · .5
{ .At_AiXltcrx*alsAFinley— would `Jstop and .C
i ask this audience if what ‘he,·said-were f
;not the.Atruth.· Replies of ‘fY€s—" and Ql
· { "NO"_Wt3l'€ the response inalmost even ,:
; proportions. _ 2 . ` · `“ t ` " 1
El   Dreiser said he andhls committee i
V will leave tonightfor Mount sterling é
I mian egdrtng interview anumber "Of l
m mers e dA ereon charges of mur- ‘
  rleryin connection with coalfield =kill- I
3 ings. The cases were transferred from J
. Harlan- to Mount Sterling on~ a `;
l ?1k8»I1§;].0f ’ve1’1&i1e_ and are toibe t-Tied
2. Cr IS mOIl . ` ` `- ‘
- L" Last night. Govi Flem·D._l Sampson .f
; anpointcd Judge Smith‘Hays of Win- °
3 ¢_h€St¢1‘ and ANA. Bablitz o1‘j_Lexin:;- ‘
l ton tofinvestlgateyconditionsr in' the
J Eastern Kentucky Acoalflelds and re"-
' port to_ him, ` " " i V

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    ¢L'_ »·.· ;5  :":».;*§"?.>li as E, 4. . . · ~s'iff.WhGt..‘DV€i$€F¢i·NB-€d8· l8`,G.J —
· ·   .  ··: nt   1);     . ‘I'   i· 'Qljff   - ’¤   "Lst¢i;7-J;-T_’l‘·’:‘v     ‘1=‘€‘-F ilQ»I ,i.   ‘· . i   Q" W ’i,`Q;.‘.:`G   1  r   _ ._ _.  
'   . ill , Jl}   L} " f` · ·Z~ I F. `   fi - ,1, *~ ZT { ` '   ·.’ (   ··       L   ` l
E i I `     U li ii           .. ‘     N 1 '·'`     E   . ‘ .i..The?¢`$l`.‘¥°i¤P¢1’s°¤aiZ-f°é““g;`i¥1·, the [
  ·-  ·~      I  ··  ;      »· 1 . QQ  QF9..WB|il.¤€sI.l0;§F0$$ B:SiiQQi¤ »» .     i - - it r "ihi?*.?s*i’·si‘·i9‘i·S1‘ipPY"S°”ti‘?‘€“*“l' .
  ` _»_        .»»v    w   4_A» , II  { ··:·_    yII_·i.- ·-V-A `>--{ _<     III!   _i I·.nove1_CZas_§_]§'·"wou_ld the-asgent·_o;·"Mont ·r
` i V f-if.'.'.'.`.'.‘..'.'..' ..,..».Ir.....l,..'..'.,..'..'...,.'..'.' .g.,, ..... ..'... ..... * ..;..'..'.“.·.,..."?, .... . ........ ' ..*"""? ...... ,... ........... I ........ ‘ @     I ·‘=’_{2B1ane'-onjnylhands··and_»`-knees.··~~To iI
· ~ I I _ I   ·   ,¤I     I .» I · » I   :‘-. ..   ..-4- -.     I.~ z-_. I...   · ‘ " ._ms'_hs;Iis_1;h`e dullest.writerjalive;` One J
. }I _ _. .‘   v·`‘‘_, y 'T}    I`.   : r_ N {     .-I . Q · .·  jmust ‘d1g`fand'_.blast'thruIuncounted i
ir s 3 ·‘ FQYQU did much ofyour plodding andloitering,-as I`-do, injthe“ » “ ,‘fth¤us¤ndsI-;e-s>f' s¤l¤¢¤fi¤¤¤s» eeivriess,  
’ <> ‘.,· :;f:"‘£°   f'f· l ‘ ·.   ·`   `· ·· " j -   ‘ i L ‘i and ill—placed words to get at althm ·
[   ·vi1p]=u.i·ty  $sVs¤T>h ¤v¢¤¤¤l_¤¤<1=Flfiy-s¢Y¤·¤ih 'Si’¥¢¢iil'11l·`·thc c1t'y_l istreak- ‘ 0_f..·true,Dreise1·ian jgold.   I ’
· . .   0f~`.N.¤W» ‘·V Y01‘k;`rI -6011id Sh°W Y0u.. another s· American tragedy, , - ‘i·;ve;11d¤’tQir;y-to_r<;¤§1&f'TP1¢ 'i;;i;¤·"_   F
- ‘ ‘ A ·. ~- i V. .· . · · 5 -   ‘   ra e _·;&·.¤a <;._;.i·;I>is , .:
  . t11ax1._the -Ioss_.1u twoIvo1n1nes,la_play and aIIta1kmg p1cture._   _ ‘ ,· I§.;,i;,?eh,;ad¥-·uHs;”has,. hong O;I;.thIs I
- . - 1 —· _It is-aineighborhood infested by .br1ght.eyed musicfstudentsl ease; _th¢’1>¤¤1•‘>ss· the Pssissss, Fm? -
. ·» f " =     I" · ' ` · · ` ‘ " ` . . '   `· ·I iv .5 - .the_cleverness._of the modern‘wr1t1ng- =
· I     1, d_OWdy y0l.1Ilg`Sl»€I`S f'LtSSlDg"Wl'bh-PELIHEI Bllldiclay, _. man __tbs·.I-·=sO’;·{; Of, youngster? who  
  i — ‘smart;sl1oppers,beautifulbut bad women;-and good dogs: ‘In:the' wr1tes.aI.smar.t ¤¤v¤1·ih..th¤.m¤r¤1¤S. j
. · ‘ . . _ ’ ‘ "`     ` . ' `· Z· ' · ' " ~ -pedd1es itafter lu_nch and spends the
  _ - mrdst of Ith1s..bustlmg,Iwell-grooImed.maIss of-Manhattan1tes~.I-zvery_ V I myam€S·.0h .,1; big bingghthg ssms
.. — often ‘·tt c atch sight of a human figurethat bringsjnieto a~ dead¤st0P}Y Might-   .; ~·.V   `,V. `_ ._  Z._   I IIIIOI
V . g. .· .   , I I I _ m»,r;·,...;_...‘,. ~~ I. `- . =quainII ‘_quir an a . I-
' Wltih @.ca‘i’ch.u1 myihroat engl a'st0.mShm€nV1cn*  eyes" - ` · E mo1isn;kul_1Iforce_d himito beastrlnger
» . _ It is over six feet tall, this figure,II believe,»the}1ast· words of Groverj ____. of {wordsi °And'_ so, for forty years,
- heavy and ”Sm0p_Sh0u1dBrcdI and 9-n- Cleve1and 6yoiljd`n’t’ be. amiss `f¤ri‘·old ` the" man-"hasy sat.--crouched overI. a I
` · d _ ° h 1 `S smc that thi ht|Theodore -—."I;.tried ‘s‘o-’ hard -_t0 do ' V 'desk, with. the bright worldcalhng _
. Case in- as. ai}? Es . g   rightl"; to·‘my~mlnd one of·the_ most _I thru. the fwindowhcresting those ten- -
V i have beensiept m fqr three m°“thS· heart-breakingexpressions ofrhurnan. pound door-~weights-_he_ calls `novels.I_ g
` Gray. hair sticks 'all ways from I-be- futility eveiqheard in this worl'd,- _   .I Tl-iere’s? no --more"artistlc_ grace 'IH ..
neath an elderly. hat that once was He's written his books, five tons ofi him IU1&1’1 th€1`Q· 15 1i‘1—¤· d¤11$i¤E baé =
. · black and is nowia greasy greenu The themi How many- will ·live,. after b°°ng’ -H?-Puts d°w“.QV°}`yth.{“g;I an ·
race is carelgssly carved fromsome thgse thsussndssmd Yghbusands Og, z — lets 1tIgo,_·Iwlthout_ thesllghtest race
. sort of old Gchre 1‘0Ck. 811d 11135565 hours. of brutal strugglej with the I:.   .°¥..i{i;€.;Q m?·P_S·K€€§“?;$  
were left by the sculptor where none psn·7IIH€rS.10ved &nd_,t0]d'I he’g besrn I and ed1tO{`iai lliiliigmenki .HgSd OO is 5.
simuui be.- The eyes, faintly popped, Ihamssed--and nectar.-ea by police and] - - er¤1¤¤s9a.i¤1¤SS.¤f ¤¤¤1?s·s dssssss , ·
— have an aiIr of wonder, as tho the press and publicsince the struggle I dates, s_ock·-and-glove--51Z€;‘t€scrnpi
man were.veryI much alone. anc1.t¤— Ever the suppression of "Sister ,Car- `I `ii0¤¤-¤f- W§FiS-and W€IYi$I·   €.»..$Q...€
*tally lost, in the thunderirlg WW1)- A rie," these many, years gone. ? For ~ _ how- ih°i`,€$.an.€ff€?_{ . d h h `Q
m0u¤t&i110\1S· shaggy. 1111i<€111Pi and forty years ..he has ¤sweated `like. a i Hs wantPdI t°.wUde’ ESM Q ag}; -
very lonelyylooking figure of a hu- bargee over~whatI-he believestosbei written, ]'Il1lllOI`lS1 an md 01§ndISOI I
man hulk it ls. ` _ ' ’ . the _tel1ing_ of‘human tales, with any -miiiiFm§ 0: ENR; isslgor s· f.
 -T-— occasional ham-handed swipein bea it is with his W °_€· I?‘ - _ —` " I ‘
An Ayneyican Tragg y Ln ` half of his“fellow_ men.-.And in his-  
‘ -The Flesh as lt_Wc'.e_ , lonesome latte/r years he-gets indicted`_ H€’$_ Smt cf,-a Bull   _
...   _by_.some,-cow-patlrjurist on a..trump;I ` M ‘ iLlf(2’S _`ChLlld,‘ SIIG]!. ·    
.   ` _ · I, A - · ery charge and is plasteredacrossl   I
It ls Theodici at ;)m1SiI;_stri;;1er€;aj the. newspapers ·as--tho he were an `, ·I His careerihasbeerr a sort of pon- I
gma-t°St‘ iwvehs _ yima · ' ig *‘m°“’“S 5h°""dr“mm"%”i ' i tderous, heavyweight .wrestlinS and é
I ~ i¤0kii18 i9Si· and 1°l`“· and puzzled And we leave him standing there, S {qmbling-with -llfe and 'with other
mpreby life itselfthan by the·F1fty· at/seventh avenue and Fitty—seventh i mm _   ‘ I ~ · .
eventh street traffic [problem. I’ve street,·“a—great —grlmyIbulk·of*a man ¤ J i - . . . i . _ ,.
Zeen this Si$b€~fW€11W times- **“d· my- with puzzled EYESV waiting fm" ii mm i stggei piifigrgatigfllnlrltlgii ggrnelsrt Z
imagination running riot thru the street light- to change from‘red-to ~ ploddiéié-.Dréiéerian desire IO dI; .
Z 1 ' l · ' { _ · .
€§?l»QB{,i?é`S—r°§€$2$ $322 L‘5§g.“Z{Z$Z -gféféh-l.».l.° ¤·=»·. ].d.......»......S...l.. an 2 s°ms""“gf?’n’“S €‘E·‘°L”""”`-‘ {‘° EI-id i
. ·, , ’ "   ·  ·‘ ` er .1no e
’ s%1.d`gQS5i¢{*F°I§,'°° ms ii is- ?“‘°·°*h?r si ' i . ` ;¤¤<1iwiih‘.‘hi$"¤e¤ts.greased for the  
·· ·‘aoner n   .‘  -     ·-··   ·. - -  
. II . headless rdf the ShIII€IIiIIgItIIIxi§III_II   I .     I _§l.l?l·`t;--.§llY1fi1e§l1d.€ 1ntq.»IQteIrr;lt3;..I..Xet 7
  ....   `... ·    

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