xt7zcr5n9g1t_38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. April 1932 and May 1932 text April 1932 and May 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_3/82m1_3_4/124852/124852.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_38 xt7zcr5n9g1t - ._ V` V ··   V - V —~~;.,.r. - ` ¥»____ j ‘ i A
• K _ 0 ‘ • A  
Proposed National Election Platform and Candidates of t e
o _ O __ O
COmmuNlSf Party of €l'l€ UHlf€d States 01 Am€TlC6l
‘ if "" " '  ' V l . )  
_ O   _ y i l ‘ · — · . ~ - UNEMPLOYMENT AND _
· _' Y _ e · , l _  -·`   · THE EXPENSE OF THE
WAGE-C[¤ITlNG POLICY . A »     I I _   i \. I { 2 .   - —· . STATE AND V THE EM_
   i'. .   -   »-,•ii·— is *··. _     PLOYEK
\; V V ` * ` '  
(Section of the Cqnntmht International)
  V _ I ` O . O `O · O
For W  eorkmg Class Umty m the Election e
    ‘ V A ° h H i
  Campaign . ··» g31IlSt t 6 l1I1g€I' Ellld
W Off ° f h C ’ l' V  
  s   Elf   €11S1V€ 0 t €e apltél ISCS .   P e
V **1 _   » Z   O _. ,0 < _ • at ·
1:*01* the Workers Tlikét .»- C&11d1d&t€S of fl1€ COII11‘I1l1t11St Parfyl »» °
py t Against the Candidates of the Bosses I   s   y   e  
V For President- i",   """ A __ For Vice-President-Q-A i
l ’ ‘eW·0l' . . V e·‘   ·
q ‘ p 1-—UnemgloyEent and social insurance at the ex- - . of Alabama ·
  EBSQ of the state 3Ild €mQl0l€1‘S. — ~  
  5;`    .....    .  e .   . `.; .`` T   . · . . ‘   ’’i;    `‘'‘ ‘"*“`   ’`:``   ```‘’:   ’’:‘*;; ‘Oi‘E:    
l     2—Ag`3“*S* H°°“**’S W¤g°·°¤**mg P°h°Y {   »   l o  
  2-Emergency relief for the pm ramers without   y . .    . , .       O . .. . { e `  e
‘       y 1‘€S€1‘1¢¢10HS by the government and banks- ex-  Q      
{   ?¥?EZEPf{l ‘ • ` , $§:E?`$E:§E?’*?%EE*?§’:· if      l ·  
~—~-—~ ~—» .   €y}PiZiQ_n OQ }109l` f3§m€1’S; fl‘0m_ t3X€S. Bild f1‘011l»i     :’‘   E   _   ,
-   .;e‘;  lla-; *"* cw °""““.t“"" ‘” “""¤’ m` Gems- `   ‘ .»   N   i
  l ii    4“E9“°·l. mghts M the Ncgwes and S¢lf-d¢t¢f-     eee    
  .·.*-   mmatum f01‘ the Black Belt.   e·.·: 3.;  i  
   i‘i   r · · - .   ·;= ’‘‘- -i_   T?   ·:‘-l<   ··e‘::e 31    Fi  
  "”`Ag3mSt capitalist terror: 3g`3mSt all f01°mS of   ` *   ==» I ·l=:‘*   e:.` *   `A  
 ; · · · · ·   ....   · ‘ " ‘·e. ·~ .,._· e J   ..  
  ‘l_    :_-   Supmlessmn of the political rights of the Workers.  2   ..     ..   5 _ .     ·
  =·—i   .-~,~_—     ei l 1.. ‘ ·~ · _ · . »   ==‘   ‘‘’‘‘   ·.     r——   ‘l  
  5 gglamst Hupermhst Wal" fm. the defense of the   ·‘`C iii  Ya     l ‘  
  __·‘_   · m€$€ people and of the Soviet Union   lj   Q _ A A‘‘° F   .
  *       r vom COMMUNIST, y l   e. *      yp J; a   y
W0TkeV1.S and Famncys,   gggsggigéglg glzlfggdmznéyagzatfthle suffering og? ieallyé gegusil unemployment insurance as de;
V A _ · ‘ · O "l€l1‘ WIVQS 31) H13!] Q Y t 6 l1D€l’I1plOy€d hllllgéf lD3.1'Cl'lE1‘S td
U {ind NQg`}‘Q, Men cmd   Qmg,3];» chlldmn becomes Stwdlly W01`S€l Washington and to many state capitols. They
This is the United States of America in 1932! ` refuse t0 appropriate money for a f3·1'·!'€a¤hi¤E
CAN anyone deny the Widespread Suffering But what have the capitalist ry · public lwmks p"°g"‘““ f°" “*H""’i“g` ““°mPl°Y·
’ `, 3]*gd mlS€1'}’ ])I‘0V3l€HlZ today amollg the R€pUbllC8.I]Sl Bhd! D€mOCf3.tS—d0Hp0 lblclingg ment. They refuse to appropriate money fol-_ _
· Qgreat mass of workers; and farmers in all parts Warehouses are bursting with un 8 dafoud 1   immediate I`€li€f f01‘ the starving workers and
Of `lZl’lG Ul‘lli2Qd S'lE3.lZBS? NO, this C8HI10t l)€ d€— clothingz Hundreds Of thousands uigh OO an farmers. They I`€fllS€ to pay the bonus to the
pie! The facts   M Wen mm. standing Bmw Idle faaO,.ies af.; c§§§§i,f‘§§ ¤==·Smi¢€m<·m;>f,*h¤1==S¢w?r·¤w¤* of Wim
_ Twelve million Workers, ready and anxious   han tif goodls the people need and 8.I`(-3 HOW LlI18l'l'lpOydd 01 WOYl{1Hg' only pd-1*lJ-t1I11€.
V to work, and capable of producing the food, M E ave $6 P0 iiicimls ’¤ak¤¤ my Steps 4 For the hungry masses, in their ¤p‘ ‘ , th.
clothing, and other goods so urgently needed by t° Start the factories going; again, to 019611 up Slop from restaurants and hotels and tliléorlriiseri
the people, are Suffering enfqrced id1€mSS_ Elie; e.1g1p§ytl}roL1;esIfor the evicted workers, or to able charity system is good enough. The em~
_ · __ _ ·1Sr1ue e ooc andcloth'n· t led l d l '
·_ Eljhqse workers who still desperately clung to m the warehouses among tii5§;;>1; iglio ali-}; l;ia?£tim;w~iio?1:iin(';ut.S have 1'€SUi`l.€d ill- 3. ]0‘yV€I‘i,Hg of thé llYiI\g' Suff€l`i]lg` of UIQ IUZISSGS. They   (i;1l;u3,b()ui Eankérs and mZ;·nufa(?tllz`€1HS and to pyovide tihe
° standards of the entire Working class by more the Pi`0fll$_ Oi. ”€l1€ 1`i0h. Their proposed way out S ;§;Sm;1;u£§SfOgrt§1;?;t Jalii. c(¥rupt¥.u  
i _i.l’\3,ll 50 {DET C€I\t, l')1`iI\g‘l!\g` HIE AIl‘l€1'lC?th Of the CUSIS IS a wway that   bring Pcrnlanellt ‘ , 10   lca luac nl?. E
; , _ poverty and miser _ t th k last session of Congress, with Democratic con-
¤ _ workers down to the level of the poorly paid farmers, while the}/f€“(; Tic; Egikgig jg? tgz? trol of the House and with the approval of Hoo-
_ ( Eurevm *~’·>¤‘k¢*‘S· .ufactm·ei-S who control the country wm become "?‘” ’*ppr°*°¥“"“"d b““°“S °f d°“”"S f°*` direct
    ‘ `·   ·i q't   f           ]'lCh€l‘ and   mO1·€ povverful ald   the inch- H0OV€Y’S “R·€COHStI`l1Cti0Il CQ}-
$0;, till iii-iieE§l·1§§‘t§2‘L駒fldL2§€m§JZLQEQ Th ~ t { U. ~ 1. ` ¥°"‘°`£{°"% “‘§“f¤{“““”%il2’°°°’°°°’°°° ““‘“"""°
_ ¤ ~ _4   _ ¤_ ` · eu· way ou 0 c cr1sis—t e capitalist _ 01* ie ig a ers. anges in the banking,
, gfhlerfreqxfenlt I§)1`O11l1E.l€S· of Hooyer and his Fe- ·4 {Way 0utF_fil.Suy, proposes direct hem not tc tariff and taxation laws, not only placed the
gte iczgipan V 4/`eyitgzgétxc suppoi ters about ··e, Hm poor. but to me rich. burden of the- huge government deficit ouethe
. idm nBf`@$i>€NU‘ 31€$QIT1Dl€f€l}f i;€fllt€3lF _, _ ’ _ I: middle class and chiefly on the broad masses,
these undeniable facta. Instead of 1·etm~mng· _ Under the guise of ` ec0nomy" they categloiz but paved the way for further trustifieation of
,/ 4/   V ° , ` _ l F ‘

 F O l l F . O   I O _ O O 1 I ` _ 5
The Communist Party. Alone Fnghts with the Workers IH Their Every F  
. · . 9 • ,
Day Struggle Against the Bosses. Support the W orkers Trcketl r
......;___;...._._________,_., ,_.,,.,,_,..... -_____i_, .._i..._....._. _.________________,______i,_‘
industry, more firm control of the ` The capitalist/way out of the oils and strong organization of poor By Emergency relief for the pooii _
industries and railroads `by the c»yiSiS,;.{h3yd]y,...py0vidES for in- Lli3»1‘1'I1€1’S. Uurier the leadership 0f farmers without restrictions by V
N Wall Street. banks, ami for still tense preparation fm. and the im, the Communist Party, the worlgers fhg government {md bankg; ex. A
greater protits by the biggest and n (rat. I n hi f_ c . — 6 organized m such class·o1·gamza— xm t. f _ f _ f .
most powerful capitalists. ` re _1 e au_c ng 0 dn W imp ` `tione can defend their interests to- L P um Q pom éumers mm ‘ ‘  
. rialist war m which the workers / da \vhi1€ fi htin ·· h . _ taxes, and from forced-e0llec~ _ A F
. . , , _ y,_ g g tor t e ievolu _ _
The capitalists “’“Y Out M the and farmers Will be cflllvd up0l\ to tionary way out of the crisis, for mm Ot YBYWS OY d€l)l?$= ~·
crisis,-secor1dly,——embodies ja serve as the eannonifodder. the overthrow of capitalism, F
f¤¥`th€¤` difect and brutal *%¥——¥€k In their greedy desire for greater The most relentless struggle, now 4* Equal rights for me Negmes `,
on the giving standards Op me profits the capitalists set outto angl throughout the election eam— and S€lf·d€t€l‘l7Wlll?\l"l0H for the ‘
· . _ e - ‘ wrest new markets, from their im- paigu, lor the following demands-- Black Belt, '
. t°1l°r§‘ » · perialist rivals by armed force and the demands of the Communist
_ · \,Vm·k€1·S> wages arg being even t0 rob the peoples of Latin Amer- Pa1jty—-alone offers to the workers , , _' , __ __ _ _ ,_ . __ _ _   F   I P r V
more drastically slashed, The iCa» of Chipél, Of` l·l'1€ Philippines, the 111(-38,11S -0f defending- {Lhgir in-   fgixlzt lfgplildhbg @491 i (21;, N ,
speedup in the factories and mines etc.,,of their territory and natural terests agamst the bosses attack. * ge 5 al gr S °_ S“PPI`€SS1°}l _ t ,_ .
  is daily imma. More emits »¤S<>»¤~¤¤S- F W 1 Um ,0 qmf , 0 .,1. of the ¤<>h¤¤¤* MMS of the - , »
`F ” ` me Shut down: more W<>1‘k¤rS Me In preparation for this wm- the ` P ’ -a“` S °` "`smi F "’°1`l*€*‘S·   . i
F 4 thrown into the streets to join the 4 terror against the Workers iS—,$cm._ ‘“‘°° at the °XP°“S° of the State - I V   j i » F
, r Zig;¤i;;¤fit¤;¤¤;?11€;§g§dQ;-lghebrgii me through m crush all mnmmcy *‘“"~ °_“‘*"°*’°"*’· 6. Against impei-mm war; for me ·
‘ ` ·= th w‘·k d ll. le ·         ..· . A e ` ·   ‘
. furthen reduced and the burdens of fggllglgr Wgrkglls,€J`I§g;§iZaii0§§Y%§; .2. Aifiiiiet Hom L1 e wage euttmg » cletengemofgthe tC·g1Il€S€ people » »
.· , , ’ r_ , Q , . . ’ , r;
’ the chauw Systeln me Placed On lions of dollars are spent for naval D0 IC) ‘ am O Q DVI mon, ‘ J "
` · $2}*% *’·h`€§·§3fcIlfY€ak1“ihba°1{S{fluke F and military armaments, while the · A " ` _ .
{ 01 BTS- us Way e calf}? lS°S people starve. Efforts are made to · r s` , a w • · .
mam am eu- oa e roii s, - _; · · · . . . . ~
y ,,,,,1, the Wow. ,. ,0, Qdpn ,,,.,2,. ==¤d.S?¤§€¤#_S 12}*¤,F*¤·> euhtmy wl The Communist Pm-ry Cars upon cairopen up·tl1em1ll101is of haw, y F  
S E 6 C €• 3.L`lX1ll3.1y O1g2l.1'l1L3,lt10l1S in an effort · - - ¢
, and Hemel. to the Stawation law] to make them the cmmon fodder td. the millions of workers and farm- now held empty bylgreedy p1‘1Va.te , -
· , » { J &nd even »b€1O“,_ be ruthlessly Spmqhtered On the ers, Negro and white, and partieue landlords, and provide comfortable ·
. in ‘ . ‘ ’ ·, i ° Q . ‘ _ . larly those rank and file workers housing for the millions living inf
_ ` When the w0rke_rs, by strikes and ls;?§c§2i1gSg§A¥a§;;1b)f£gn,?a]5?h;;g who are now misled by the leaders cellars, sewers, the disgraceful pubé F . _ -
  N dexrionetratious, fight to maintain fqke diswhmment )§_g‘m ah `F of the Socialist Party and the A. F. lic lodging-houses and the terrible * »
· their living standards and to resist ‘ ‘ k ‘ 1 l S ’ ‘ of L., to rally to the fight for these "Ho0ver cities" of the homeless um ; » F
__, , these attacks of the bosses, they _ The imperialist war has already demands. The mass fight for these employed. It can immediately feed;   ” .» _
’ , rrieet the sharpest terror. Their po- Tstarted in the East, on the borders demands can alone develop effec- clothe and house all the workers ` ‘ F
l1tlC3l.-Y1gll`lZS guaranteed by the con- of the Soviet Union, with the rob- tive resistzmce to the starvation and Dui them busily at W01‘k ¥‘¢D1‘¤r A —
    §l}1t\.llZ10lI are denied them. Meet- ber attacks of Japanese imperialism , and war program of the capitalists. F ducing-all thingg necgssmy, l 3 F
mgs, demonstratioiis ‘ and picket I on the Chinese people in Manehuria y T] f'0_`1t f r th 1 d · ‘ .· rl »
lines are ruthlessly smashed. Work- and Shanghai, with actual warfare . 18. le 1 O1 GSB (ewan S’ as Th€Y¢ is Plenty and to SPRW ‘ I F `A
- i ers are clubbed and gasred by the ·1 ”‘ ` tz tl S ·' 1; U ' ` P1‘~¤¤S€<* by th¤r¤¤m¤~¤¤1St Party’ · · ‘ - l I n`
·= w].`£<{;1;ui7JQlcr~or;o;r;; _,,.   in __O1_g3£iZ€d magS` St;‘ug;_ié)1f%g0€§§ and Start igpgngpyie gggtiyity going   I **
I in Washington The ahbemyj Re? r thee ¤1QSnég1ga¤,19;aii];l ylenionetiaci above immediate demandsof the - full Speech for the benefit of the E _,    
F `\ I publmm Pimhom Orders the club' out ;l4lFarillY;ll§¤;l& 5,6;%% tgagfls ‘~V¤1‘kGfS» as the first step toward W masses of workers and-farmers. · g - » r ‘
’ • ?bing· and murder of the Peimsyk '   · u · ‘, l "the establishment of a·revolutionQ V ` ‘ L r·   F A F   A
— n , vania coaismkers. The Demoemrie — -m‘°‘y elw S°‘~"lF1‘?"Tl»- f°ll°“’€d by lhg a- woRKERs· AND PARME-1=r.· This iS"i”°V€¤ by the €XP€*‘i*‘>¤<>¤¤   * -
- Maycrcermak Orders-the beating, to1;cecl,,co;1scr1pt10ii__0f the workers égVERNMENT_ { 4 S - of the Soviet Union. There the     _
  gassmg and kimug of Negro work- .“‘t° the 1`°l’l°‘”` mmy ¤fW¤l1.Sm*¤- ~ ` F Workers Seized power in the revca 2
ers on ChicagO,S South Side. Ford V YIm1_éaScd_hungel_ and misery S ucl; a- REVOLUTIONARY _ V lutioii 'of 1917; -With_tho goveriig, A [ F
F, 2 · and his "pr0gressive" henchmen, fm. the masses umm. and Wm___ GOVERNMENT_¤l0¤€ can fw? thé ment initheir hands the-last rmi, z · F i
. * F Mu h order the murder gf {Ou; .· . ~ ’, ,i ’ · ·· DWSSGS i1‘0¤1 mlséfy and slavery, name of capitalism are being up;. ,1 · · ,
ITP y! ,   h , t l • . · . . .
Workers at Dearborn. The Socialist llS_ le   e cam a IS? Way Qui Ot by taking over and operating the rooted, socialism is being built. The   ·* f F
‘ . ,. Mayor Hmm, backed by the pm_ the ensis; The election programs b1g"111dl1StI‘1€S, t1‘uStS, 1‘ail1‘0ad‘S‘and first Five Year Plan is now being; ‘=   .` ' '
3 M U pressivé ,R€pubHc&n" La, Foucttg, of Republicans, Democrats and F banks. Only sueh 2. government can successfully conipleted; unemployg ·i11
. order the samegattacks im the Mu- socialists; no matter how Skin-   llyiglgvggi we f3°t§1‘Y· m1l;}·?{d’ ¤5<·>¤*¤ has been Completely égminaté F _=1·1  
ni , Waukee Workers; AH the capitalists f H, .   d _ H t I . . _ l_ _   _ - Je wor ers on eir e ;_ wages are Jemg stea ily lim-  
—  I and all their artiee are determined · ?‘ Y """°°“‘* ’ "’ °° "“ "»‘4"" Jobs egam 1>*‘°<>dS l ¤r¤aS¤¤,;,lt¤¤ material and cultural- F —
p - differences between these pa1·t1es -h· by V A » - · .· ~ .·
r tor force ‘th.I·Oug·h. the ,lOW€rinrg Of ` ` V ‘ · ·' ·~ - XY 10 ' ar€_ zneedgd     _hung1`y,> level  th€ ma»SS€S 1S belng   i ` -
a the workers, living Standard and on how to cariythrough this cap- starving populatmn. Such a gov- 110; crisis such as`i11 capitalist couuf F
1 L , the maintenance of their Own Dwi rmhstr way pug, how-{0 gc; the ernment alone can immeqiatelyr tries ha; affected their programs; ~ ' V
. I its by an Lmm_€c€d€nt€(]»a11d grow- masseg to accept hungem term!. _ V S€lZ€ and rhstribute to the hungry the seeond Five Year Plan is about? F - y
it ing t€1_1_0l_· A _ and war., — t F rnasses the enormous stores of _ ·t0obeg111;rThe Soviet Unionlstands `
Q F 4 ~ l .. , » iélcgod-stuffs now tllgept locked up in out as proof that the'workers cali _ l
» ·· _ _ ‘ V _ , V ‘ eware muses, us caring for the rule, not only in their own interest _ `
»   WTOIRQFS MUSE Mllltdhtly R€SlSlZe B0sses’ Att21CkS masses and creating a great ele- _ but iii the interest of all those vvhel ‘ _
Amiusk these attagkg Of the em fm mae moment tl _ · mend for new production. It alone ` are oppressed by capitalism
· _ ., . V - ’ · reir war prepara· ___ . i · · · - » V · _
- * ployers, against these efforts of tions, particularly for a. bloody war ` . il #*4 m` * \ ` ` F
_ , · the capitalists to enrich themselves to crush the Soviet Union; » V F   it · i F » ` V
·  tth · fth¤t'l·,th-   ". i I F F   · =
’· ~ $v0rk<§rs€x§1$cl1S§a;)niersLmlxsilétighri , There ¤S M my out of the crisis F A y F , ·  .. · — ~ ‘
“’ `   e'g*gg=y;;;;;;* Fgjjyogll *¤1¤€j%;,tfll§"F*ZI.·¢·».?V;i;·*l mu  A  ll    _`   V 4 V 4
They will contiigue ever more ruth- Wh. A ti _ _.n 1. Y ' ,   ` , .     __ Afygg  — A _ _ .
F " 'lessly to maintain and increase 0 my 0 m‘m`#€ 1°‘ i l ¥§g;?”‘  V ._     _ ' .- "   I
their own D1 ofits and wealth by In order to carry out this strugw { 6fwp<.¤.·   »·.. - , ly " \‘··¢“-`-·· -· —
Iorcmg the workers and farmers glo, the workers and poor farmers, l F   = --   ‘ ‘
into greater misery. They will nev- Negro and white, must organize. * F A Q   J
/· A er voluntarily relax their pressure They mustbuilcl powerful, fighting   ‘·’ F " · °;*·*$°‘ ;·—   V »
* on the masses, nor will they cease trade unions and unemployed eoun— ~ A V2, "F   _
» ·-. I . _______  
l - O O O , O 0
  Set Up Electron Committees 111 Your Factory or Mnne. o VVm Your
E_ __ ’ i ` _ ' 7 • V ·‘_`
_,, Fellow W orkers for the Commumst Platform and Carrdr&atesE
~ as .

 A l it _`  _ "‘*y ¤  ·  ¤;·—a;___ eg. . — .
 A i A —W'orkei·s'- S md Sh 1: tz R YOU li L IC 2 l' Y ’ 
. l· ·· € El u 0[DIID3 C O €p1’€S€Hl` A Ht   C OC3 O1111T1Lll1”l ISE
Election Conference Wl1ere Delegates Will Be Chosen for Chicago n
_ Old Parties Serve Capitglists owii bill. lts leatlers in the trade the.Socia1l)em0e1‘acy, iihieh isoin ‘
» unions help sign .wage—cuttmg eoahtion w1th the Monarehist Hm-
‘ The capitalist pa1"Cies——Republi— ystarve the unemployed and eliib Rgr€Gl?€H_tS’ ml b’Z€*‘k the Strikes denbmlg and Suppcrm he emerge"' A
_ {any Democmtic and S0ciaHSt_r__ $t1,ik€1,S, Smile upon um lyuching Of. ot iioikeie who iegist. _ U cy decrees •\Vh1Cl1 Ueut. wages, de- 1
. Y V together with than- A_ R Oy Negroes and tlispossesaion of bank- The Socialist Party and the St1'0y€d &0C1iilSf€1'li1C€S,ll21l\w€(l\ll‘i·
- Ai `n ii ·u it » · · mpi filrmm the Same as my °‘*¤· i·%t»·¤m·-L-tb¤i- Party of Minnesota "““’1°"“‘€“}‘ ”‘*l¥"f* and """*"’ the
J.- enc l1"i0l”1—W1 _eaC_ appeal in actionmiya · · ‘ · _ _» burden of taxation upon the mass-
this election eampa1gn lll different N   - D carry through the same policies, BS, carrying through the fascist
2‘31‘b§ €3¢h_ will P1}‘¥}Q€ml te ?fl€¥` il Ulf? d1H€1'€l1<3€ l>€lZ\V<*€¤ P1`0gY€S·- i11·Ame1·iea, as their brother party, nsuppressiou 0f the working class
~ Way out Ol? the €1`l$lS_`b€¤€f*°ml to SW6 and R°¤€li0¤3FY is 1U€‘1'€lY 011 the Labor Party in England, which and p1·epa1·a’tio1i for the open fas-
`l>h€ }m*·SS€S3 €3°h will fI`€€lY_jl?Y0m* W6 SUTf#¤€<§» f01‘ Pll1'D0S€S of flémil V launched the wage-cutting -cam- cist government. They support the
U p nig Jobs, and plenty to the vijorliers gogy, to hide the same basic proi pgyigu, out down the unemployed, pacifist swindle of the League el? A _
`:e` i lI€l€‘§t€d· But behllld =¤lUl1€¤`i=*·lS¤ 2`mm P? the Capitalist Wil? out all iiisurauee, raised high tariffs, and Nations and especially help pre-
` V, l Womlses amdlau of glelr apparém the-·c“S‘S· V p · ‘ taxes 011 the masses, and carried pate war on the Soviet Union, one ‘
  _ gaigirigigiiidggiywgggifs Y?Vl§’§€?’?§· Openly Supporting the Hoover thiiough iniiatioii. They stipport i Of·J€l'l€l1‘Q1‘lHQ1}_)H.l·OCCll])21tlOl`lS   .   . y p
_   V , . l._ _ O pi-agi-am, is me officialdom of the  and <>r2¤·l·¤t<= <>¤ the wma ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ daily Sl¤¤ then bfilfal attaclfsl on the ‘Amm.ic;m Federation of Labor It as their brother party in Germany, Republic. l
; . workers ami their protection of the {wht . t th _1 X N { l‘f _ ~ · .,- · ·
. rich. The workers must see that ti; sagigggs O; vé3;§lb€gL;;1)ti?& ` A   · ’
A these parties have been and are . _ . . ` ‘ O - Rall A gingfl Stgyvgtign and Vtlar  
‘   ‘ mow the defenders of the capitalists     a§;;?;;t[i;;:x;E  , y i   J 4 ‘ V Q  
, A O md the blttey Enemies ml the lfor the e:(_S0l;H€1.S if mvéutg Against all these parties which respectable eliurelmian, and Morris A
g" v01‘k QVGH qw Snwu? ·
»   éd by tw0—partyfake1·y, NEW dem- trac’cs?’ ever more firmly upoii the aceoiint · capitalist profits, for - my h%lS Pllly me l’°‘Y€¥l“l @3** V
‘ ° — i1g`0g’Y Mid D1‘0HliS€S 31*6 being ill- workers than ever beforey which the capitalists and their lieu- mgm m iw S¤i¤i¤<>1t·e¤l¤¤l2 1* 11% ‘ .
. · `idulged in to make the masses , , . tenants will fight to the death. tfaledlo by, every Calntahst p°h`~ . i A
V   , lchmsé bétwéeh “P1;0gmSSiveS” and The reactionary ofheialtlom h _ i ` p ` _ A p_ tieian; that  the argumeiit that it 1 lp '> -`
·‘ A · *“Rmtionai·ies·· within the two - of the Amwcan Fwleration of Il Wat the C°‘“““‘“‘S*°~ tP“"*¥- IS ¤€°€SS*=¤`Y m ¤¤l€1"¤¤. `keélltlle A 2  
·   ' open capitalist parties. A Labor is·an"ageney of capitalism ‘?;lOn€f";l&l°h f°Y€m;lll;E:ict1}€.W3; "laSS€S- {gow m}`“?1?i·t° gommug ‘  
l ‘ _ , _ _ · __ _ _ _ .. GPS 0 _ Q 21DD1'0HC.111$; l`1S1S_ ‘ ms1·1’. Q e captnis s wi gran   ·· ~ ·
  But tips is merely El.1€_Cll\»'l5l*.l*l of 'mmng the }v°I:k°rS {ml putfng lwfore--tlte-ei·isis lielxah; it wastthe. 1]Otlill1'lg'_ti) "koepLthe lmasses from ’ T A ·
? l3b0i' b€’€W€€H _tvij0‘ parts of the °‘Q°‘€ thc °‘*P*l**llSl “'al` '”'l Ol me Commuizist _Pa1·i;y which MS DG1‘—` the Socialist Pa1·ty”*Q iifhey, oo the -·e.. 4;*-»»~»» —  
‘ - sam;. garég 0fH·sw1ndle1·s,   are qrisis. i _ SlSlC€l'1lIl_Y\‘\'El1`D€Cltll€`¥\`Oi`lf€F$‘0f`th€ ° co1iti·a1·y,»he4lpi‘ drive the masses ay   _ '  
·l-‘·» J wor mg ‘0ge er 011 one p at erm, , . ._ . · _ _ _) _ war plans of the_impe1‘ialisl:S; jit, the Socialist Party as soon as thel,   u
V   A Wh10h·1§— the capitalist way out of WijuflilitSSg;;‘£;i;]€ga};§git   was the·C0m1iiiii1ist'l?’ai"cy wvhieh maissesilbegin to break away fi*om`f__"’f · - ’
A   . · the crisig, A A l n     · the Muste groupéis the little     b;:§1i§;)i‘:)t·;lr§‘i%2;r1sts » tithe Republieang and Demgcratg,,` —·   "
l A The S0-Called Progressives have ‘ byother 0f_ the American Fedora- lrnciiw ‘(l;f;CG· ;€U_d1_ `iyggg 1 _,_’ ~ In the election Campaign of the.   _.·~
y- ‘ ~ exactly the Same reactionary pro-l tion of Labor. Its special taslcis tot *5 . °’ P .‘ ‘ l° wa A / —, . .» . . ·. . .- ‘ —.
_ , y ~ O V _ _ , _ _ and lmpcrmhst Wm. - Communist Paity, tlieie IS 100m -, ,
g M gram as Hoover, the program to - cover up the same program w1th= · ‘ , _ n _ U _ - d _t-1 at- d . ‘
·’ p i lower the living standards of the the mask of Socialist phrases, and The gnait liiiiiger marclies and "01 le Olgamm pahlcllla .1011 an. i ·
· V masses in order to raise the profits thus to prevent the awakeuingu demonstrations of the unemployed Q_ gupport of GYQYY “‘¤1‘l<¤¥ ull Amen` t ,
· A V of tlie capitalists, The ,*‘p1·0g·i¢essive’ worlgers from organizing for a in hundreds of cities; thelstrikes of c§’ mall and Woman whllc and Ne` i _
  · ~R€pub]icau··,“pinchot, as govemm. igeally effective taituggle. P1t‘sup— the mineraiii Westei·11_Pem11sylva- §}0j "“l‘§l°?t }€g?1i,;° ghcther  · A
  ‘ of Pennsylvania, at-was through thg .l’Pj'l?S‘§aP1l$al1S'¤ mrmaiwly and gras- ma, Eastern ohio, we$t,_»vngg1n1a   ji m*·m°$* 0 ·*~· ·°““m*mS i
( ’ WaO_€_cutS avaiust miners gmc] O tlflfsiliillll l111Cl€I‘ the 'l1yp0C1'i.iiC&l · and Kentucky; the te}:tile_Si;1‘iI{es;in   in- 110; _ _ ,, . .
A . ° , A ° 4 V _ { ' _ _ O slogans of "11ationalizatiou of Pa<;ei·>;o11, Ijawrence and many 0th> ’ E"F1l. "mkqr Bild umtkels . mx if
Wvrkersy and all 0th€1`S· with the A imnita, railroads and llll1lGS" or c€tiss· the mass mobilization t gamzatmu Whmh 1S ready to mgm! A A
V Sillglé 1‘lili3hl€SSH€SS as Hoover does: `._` tliroughtflie capitalist ";1ai:i011’i. Il; against tei·i.·0i· l1l’Cl1lC‘3L`O; "Dl2l11’0lt,°    zngingi E0;} \ 2
» na iona ly; his State tyoopgpg. kit] covers _1e worst eapialist rob- Harlan,. etct; the xtroiw fight n ‘. , ° . A , . ` .
, St]-{km-Si and unenlployéd woykeré beries as "steps t0wai·d socialism". against lyuehing, for the tlelfeiise of mglulst   Smmnmtecs V _
. _ _ . V . 1 N `_ It fights against the Worker ' Un- the Scottsboro i>oys———all these in W.1c1` Wu . O1g‘“mM€ and Conduct
and smash laboi umons met ab eil . - ‘ ’ 1 ·h1< cam ·u<>·i A
A ` rfectivél i. . Q hi up ' t. ,, . Employment I1isus?:mee___B1ll, and which the Comimmist Party played ‘ J; i l°‘ °1‘ _ . _, V .
b th 5; a' H   AZ? mmry pats forth its own demagogical the leading role, are the best proof C_`°um{°l‘t ti;§°n;m°_"1Sl_El°°i‘l°“ -
‘ Y0 €l`¤· The l)i0g1`€SSlV€ D€m0· _i_ emasculated proposals to keep the that the Couimiiiiist Party alone _.dmpa!gn' d. Y Ghmd 1tS.p1a’t`
_ ,, . . . .. . . . term and id dat \l k th th
A _ei‘al.s., Roosevelt; andy Ritchie, workers from fighting lor their deserves the e0m"idenee of the   CQ! I es' ya e . IS e
M_ Wmpkem   starting point of a gigantic mass
"’“"""‘“—*"`——“*_‘*i‘“7_“—‘_“”“""`“`“"‘“""‘—*"" " - . _ m0v•2m<%nt avainst starvation ter-
. A nm. Th? Socialist Party and itpS '_'left" rot/and war? Resist with all’y0ur
A   Q ·     · ally, the Music group, especially energy and styength the brutal at-
V   V   MF has iirietl in the past and tries now tack of the capitalists. Fight fox
_ {gl     _ to birealg up the woi·ke1·s fight for ~ unemployment insurance, against
. ‘ i ?   '   . A the progiram- out ;l’01·wa1·d by the wage cuts, for relief for the farm- `
  __,,&    ,;~l ;g;Q» ¥ “ °”l Q »’ _A,   ~ i C<>m¤i¤.imsts, by b¤·iiia·ing f0>vwa1·gl ers. for equality an- the Ncgnngn _
_     `·‘‘`‘'‘`‘ ·   `%¤ = {’ lla www substitute of US0lll9tl”1ll`lg' against the nnn·doi·ouS onpitnlist W
A     -   1 '"·’ PV ;  N V! ° Jl-wl as a‘00