xt7zcr5n9g1t_36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. January-February, 1932 text January-February, 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_3/82m1_3_2/194557/194557.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_36 xt7zcr5n9g1t 1   `   J! ‘ VVU V? {JA   l
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Q §V»?ld?·YQAl F  TT   ‘ · T 1 T N5A§ @gTY<>M©¤  
y g. >   el-Ieraldis 1§d`UH3b"Uur:.-._‘ VT H " {T     I
' ’ ok upon itsel the task oiclearer A_ .‘ - ·   I
` ing the atmos e.»     4 _ 4 Febréary 144 wg?   .4r__F4.__V 422 4 ,
  -1N OLD` I  =\r-   I. J T     3 J
{ze" ·. - · ‘ ‘   VV . . ; ·<     · ` ·‘ ·.     ».- V    
F s Kntgg at to afiasith  St. g?§§§     $TC`*K*Em¥G °¥%K_ENT V  
J. ¤ communities are concerned. 4'Offi-· i   . ._.bérs£_of_a," 5 ii V   [  ?=‘ff_;l   ‘ ‘A  
  cials want nointrusion·4from4·the _ · _   FPO visited the trlgblgg   °?Tk°
4;. outside. They desire norreliei for- M 4 g ¤9ky».have¤;be€n.ah.€st   . y gg??g1?*T*.9fK¤n=g
  ;l their people and public meeti V_t.=‘ ; - ; State. -Some·§of then; ..·A W ed·:.'m}d VbaP1Sh¢$i··-fF9n1.;the· T
·’l` ~' are¥barred. Te1nporarilyT,Tsections_:25 · fuqroeess; .·.· Sohiewtheré w;;;Z?T§;;§;1y'iTmm€?dT:i¤T·iVh°T.--
Z of__Kentucky haveyjsevered their w .1 , 2 (The sugi-iéibhhjé 4p;é£t§_i.$t4}dn44,_tl 4 VV _ ,4 4
V = T2§;“‘§§¥i§5£€u£V§E;1 ·?**§§l;`%§‘%‘E??§§§i    Z$tf§§i‘*#V 
2 travei‘e¤&1;:ree·—speeeu>r;Q. t:t.. 15. .    
I For sorne_reason1T4.*certgin TNQWQ  
4 York more or less literaryngexutle-· T PoerkweepmyTfql2§jKéh‘tuék3;·£6.;&   . 4
¥ men are istirred by thealcondiy ions _¤$¢*T I entupk`A4h{a"`·*¥5€,m!;d~   t,_,_o   ezmore·
QT in Kmmky- ¤¤¤Vt¤¤#1<¤¤¢¤¤t¤i¤s&  Mis
. $hf’“ld '°" d°“°· y""h"’YVP“"°V.”°’?"d% gw   3* ee‘-· dé·*.1¥P€i;¥f$ir1$iTend?Yéeééxitiy.· -gl;i»i`»?"?‘t‘*it. >
4 to invade ·~ and. investigate DQ?-E  {lf?}.9’Q·R€?d_¤Tt_g‘.2.be _i‘A gqyjmmig·bfji{Hé·it§;}g_;4%v;t¤*]€§?S
4 sonally and.have4co1;ne out second EH 4r.mis;io;g. ·If.yisitn1g4vy.fit€I{§;V4é;é-t4 ,V,k  { A·4_ 4 __ateve  
best in _, the encounters., They ;_ §>_;b¢¤€_-way.Vro; rega1n,;;0m O V   —·°““S new ,1
4 wentwithlireea-suppiies erer the ¤¤“<>rder.V  ·oh°4 ‘ I   *‘.·   —t·. - P-_F??’§V;}¤—t¤;s¤fcV¢heis seq
destitute, and acco1fding`·to4 their it · V -   ` T - ‘ `“’-V   ° j,·Q`_ Q   _ ri;4 Q
story; they 'were.esoorted_.out of:  
Pineville to ,the Z'I‘ermessee_ Tline \
V , where one of the party, TWa1do
Frankgwas slugged, he claims. _
T "I‘he Pineville ‘authorities‘deny
the charges lbut, nevertheless, the
writer fellows got outof Kentucky
in a_ hurry. Then they hied theme-
selves to Washington and V`·de-·$
manded anfinvestigation by. icon-V;
gress *o£` the mine war,T alleged;
ilabor peonage, and other existing
sconditlons. o Some senators `;__·aref
favorable and others question -the-4
authoritybf the federal govern-]
ment, which 1'eallyhas enough;on·
its hands right now in a nationalQ
sense without   bothering -` with-
‘ local troubles. · _‘ Y _,   f J
"Pineville objects to· aVny·~-probe,.
4and suggests thatthe -1nvestlga—T
ltiong if there is to be, one, shouldj
start` in New I York. g Unquestion-
V ably there arecconditions ot —pov—‘
erty and suffering. in New York*
the equaljof those T in,`—KentuckyQ{
and theinovelists are not obliged
`to leavetheir,;ne_tropolitan hornesj
to discover erases -of-V injustice and; T
hardships. · Probably,. however;
. they seenr more horrible in an--i
other state··than-· next door. T. 1
) That is often the case; ·f Wemayi
’be arousedgby the depicted .ter_-I
irors in far off China·'or India and§
. notnotice the’grime and éVl1’·Y1Il.;
the next street. Infact, we may? ·
be more concerned in l}h.B4`COlfldl1Qi2t
of our neighbor thanfin?Tke_eping
,0ur ownrdoorstep clean. V”That is]
{human nature. ‘   ._ YT V ,
4 The Kentucky ,V.· gtuationis bad.
The actions of_Lthe_New—_ York au-
thors have i.served·;to;4rturn the
spotlight upon it. ..Now‘that they
have accomplished ithisg _,they4
might devote their _ attention ;4_ to
the slums of their own .town,“_*’¤% ·‘.y ·_

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 i - . ’ ` " · CDV —cr;]_
Cirknj-évrvls M/•¤¢J’¢/··£ c _ l
  __: _· . ‘·‘. 7‘·r" *‘ I  ’
[9 WQQIEZZIV _ 0  SATURDAY, J1lN“UA.RT.<§ 2, 19U2 U
. I 'wivh ` .   ‘ V
  l d' °d    ie ol Th QE    
Address Before The Group Forum, New York, Dec. 15, 1931 °
IT IS alllwell enough to study strong, with his faith ih indi- wealth of the txeasurles which their teeth and izheif claws, and
such instances of ec:0n·omlc vidualism and what it will do his griant 0ve;rlor»ds, once lesser with rbhese they strike mud thein
and social injustice as _Ha:·la11 for him, but, tlwm is about all`. individuals like himself, now dead are everywhere, .defea,ted
mild the mining districts of Illi— Mainly he is without his ment, control, ‘ :m'd starved. .
nols, Eastem Ohio, xv-essen; his job, a decent; suit of clothes, _ _ _ _ _A _ , _ v_ ' it
Penvnsylvzmia, t-he comon mms a pair of shoes oi- food., [More,   Sum by [mS__W‘}l·$h}¥’ P? _h{·$  §m@T`*°j?I*?.@h9u1`d
of iihe South,»a1ild1¢1ie`Lex»zi1.o and his iaith lil]; this free-for-a~ll in- d Gyn lgrlvabe “g(h”?·$ 1*0 mdm-y {U‘€m*°§_Y if OW ullilvfdughsni _
A other phases or New England dlvidulalism   now lg-duhimoo bg‘€;h€”1_i;;2;€§i?·Qveiirglgoiid iggciffy   ~*;‘;?;¤;nfi1°*;;T“H~¥g;°»b{f9%
and elsewhere, but fom more im- 1-he pace w ere his e ow in- _ é" _ · ‘ _ ‘ _ ‘ * 1 " _   _}
D01‘tH¤t to me als ci subject; is divldualilsts of greater strength, '?gYh°H?€% hi ¤0W Sees hlmself, lwlgle. I1$_Sh0u»d be and Ie,. it
the compicpe collapse of md;- cunning an-agreed, are in a po- ;€aH‘; g §;aI;’h§;;‘g` ingh el? hg gf if;’·m§I‘;f;a;1;’;$?g;‘Q1_{x;"$%X»
viducalism which as -11; mom gg slum to say fom how much, or · V ‘ · 1 _‘ G an · I _ ng _ ** ‘_ ’ _·°
· ’ . .l . ‘ · , . , . · l1as.t'h*e pmsperit of the dmstic uldivi-dualism which nior
me, hes at the bottom of 1; a11,_ mthei, for how little, he shall as We _ 4   _ Y _» _` .
We have, in Mmmm, as Wen work, for how mug, and whew.? lend whi-cfu he e1‘·eabes.Aotua11y, some, qieans ell,   fox the
is elsewhere 1;hi·oughou;;i pho ei- he shall be allowed no make “·°*_J’~_W0} *6% he is léugb-*6d W mam';   We mlb U?g·31A“~·%
Ngyldj and tlhyoughoub hisboyy, .g_n·y cO_n·]_p]_,g'j]_·]_1; Oy qgvgn SE-gk mg-     of `|.1T.L'I'€SL»2;I1d fltult- §JSOI`l`;Cl(glI1S%y ·OJ.a”l11&.Cgi{1(,§;Zi]&e?lI§§ny,iI§
illowed the individual of mqusa dress in Case he is unhappy OT · » I upon _aS_*'L me cO“"*‘?”·’·  Y _ la we rn' _i ‘ _‘ f'
ual force oi- cuiming or gmcd ·oissa·usned, ill-treateci, deprived, ·?_ W§i°’·k1*¥“$, 9· mdl°¤1» an U-¤‘d€· yemled &·$~§“°¤- F O1 °&YY‘*“‘%§;
to mm umnsclyf or in yomw Ol. even {mummy Sm1.,vd_ In Siva le citizen, one who has hot me thous.a11·.·ds-lof-yeais-0 _`
Words · Extend hand lammply mq fact, this falftlh in this mdi{,i.dm_1_ the right to complam of the ills gwovvrth of organized society eu-;
mtuyml powers, While SMH pm_ ism as gl Solvent Im. an his jusz by- which he hnds h‘1l'l'1SG1f be; guts desme on .t;h·e pirt, 0f Nag
clmmmg mm 1OO_kmgpOn himself has caused him to Slumber, sect, ·‘ybe1·deck'111_so afar as the  loo evgidhthgxex ren? 2,1g,_N
‘ as an- individual. " While   Mew mdMd‘“"·1’iS'*S ef yrgijgzig yvggymuig Lscigieziizrrgjcéciigl jugglg     Linn; Wfichm g
.. . ., _ in-eate·`»·re·d and cu.nmn·heve ’ ‘ · `   ' - _ _ ‘_¤ »
YP¤91*h’&DS, lll! prlmltive Atimes, Seem lsegézhig his Wwmg his \v&tcl1·e·d over as the slaves of subnufb lthei, ¤Ol`g¤2l-l'LlZ€d society
ll'l·d -wh=e‘r·e· zfew people were Coy,- dhmchy his press, his cO_m,t;S, his the South were wamohleqh over ¤lihtrough0u'r, hisbory has i1‘1·d»ulg‘ed
·‘€m€d» this was well ‘€¤O¤·§h- U? ju.d,g,€S hjig 1,8gma-tors his po- m·J6l'1»€·detyS before the C'l‘VLl Wax, m more a.11'd more rules and laws,
eave   strong amid protective heel mild mm/8 an Of léis,OT1gm_ by the spies and agents of   each inrbended;bol.liir1it, yet llilli
»€11t€l‘ to za ll1l1`l=0I‘ horde. Bu.i;, aHy_agm€d_upOl1 lcommmtional immense co-ioperamve a,ssooio,- frustrate, the imhvidmial m his
PVi·T·l1`th€ growth Of the mee and rivileges SO · that mda he tions of we;al—th, hi the factories 1`:€l:£ll}lO`llS to his fellows. ·
xhe multiplicetioii of the indi-. p lk °` . t- 11 -’ be Q y’   ‘&1l‘Cl mines and mills for which " · .
lmuat l¤<—=¤.·e came, ohumuy, W? S *?**?*°a Y m, at Ol *3 he mw wwe, www upmby Mfecwm @T·?¤·¤10f*>¥‘€m“‘
y i. . . ovlh shadow. He cannot now _ _ , _ . yd Soclet c0mc10u_S_Of umm-
[he °“l$·h °l 1“dmdmlS·¤f wei- any longer openly say that   "@“t**‘*b"’ armm Of "‘€"°€“*‘mS Egious hgé beeh to ma,ke‘5Jt me
BI` CH»H1'Ill'1·g'; :Eh€l1‘ 1‘1Va]_ zgmbi- _ -, ,.| __ '., . _ {QW employed by myggg gjg{n;{;g· .' ·¤   " l`
Hons fwd the exploitation of djssglblsagd-lxvltbh]S·gOY€lm1?wm2’ whom he- still so mucl1`admhwes OMV posslble but n°°`€'SSz‘TY for
  V _  __ _ A_   oy that he thinks it is W10H‘g. y _ _ ‘ . ' ighe mdivichml mo live with his
’&%l°“S gwups *01 their ¤W¤ nm- elm he mmi{S1¤.civ1cl¤a1ism· *1* °’d"’ “° °‘”m“"" mm and fellow in ocescocbie equity in
SEXEEE §}ii”?§i§S;§§’“§}§l,?“B“` is W1;;;e1g».5m¤y»   ee ye §?§é§;i£§mLf$fie“E“di¤é“"t“tBeE   me he my my my
; _ '_ · · 11-ow m iisw2r,ong;noo·can ·  · ‘ » " _- ,. ._
fr Wlieu, by this process, these he any iohrgey organize in unions _b;‘3’°kh§md   SIWOL dqwn when mmaeur ’ i
hdividuals grew strong enough, which we not gubgmed amd; so he $mkl€S$_ he MQS hlmsgf af IF that is not S0, Why Uheu <>Y·
my ?€t? th€I§$`€1V*'=‘i$ UD as kmge c-ontrolled by mhe very indivl- §gl£i;g S;?11db&§‘;§iédffL‘;;r“at;?é Qlganized society ari: all? Ellf tlmt
>1‘ Yu GFS 4m ·$¤,_ or thousands cmois hom whose economic " ` _ `   ‘_ ' _ is not so, thenwhy the h0P€ wid"
;gt%‘§“`S· ge mwe $*9**1 'tT§b€€» pressure he   seeking to escape.   the ·dmea;in, in every ll-eaft. Of  
·` S an ‘ even 1‘&C’€=$ €’XP Oi · ' ` V ` ‘ ‘`‘`' Shame in which the iudlvidu-a
3d 1°0I»Vbh€ behléfit 0f zi wulihg HE {;3,nh—o{; hmm bg his church, €0V‘91'H¤1€I1'F. may not be MO much put yup;.}
QMS- Thwt i·d·e& ¢0f_ it ruling because his chuich will mot ix RI ANS ·i y h ld oh? And why inthe absence of
31958, h'%d€ld, usually `by la pre- listen to   economic ills here A lfmgan leggggg/€_ itugu of that (this desire-d State) Revo`-
émnent lnlcl-ividulal, is by no on earth; 11; calls his ielbtehtion mcmvmuausm as Such" ghey luti0n——’i;hB ’1i1w.·1lhumalt €XDll%"
mans dead. It bxouignhig on the eo 3, Paradise which is to come - , _ -, , y `. .· thy sion lof its lhatrecl of irc}-l1~$¤léi—¢¢·
§1‘¤¤»t Wmf ·0f 1914, and ii; has h·ei·eaht,eq·, The present; eaythly Tixggggld,§r§GE;Sb€$)éi?HgIl`:§i§?duai o;·u¤e1.by, sLa.ve1*y, usury? WV”i1·3f‘
i‘€V€10D€·d_ the American trust Pam-dlise, hm its eoon-omic form, is fm, itself pmwls ,00 Sustain, Hr our present Social -°Jl·1’l1<>’¤11I€,
md hflldlulg C0mp&ny with its at least, the church blandly Self   ’d_€z_]S {yeahh $0 Mile with its courts, its l€€iSl¤l»iV'0
Df€‘·‘€m‘l11eh§l¤ :&1:e.n·c1e1* which oonoewes to the very ‘i1mdivzldue.l— Wmikesb am every mmm boo1ies,,.exec1utlves, its S0-·0£1U€d
¤0W, bhfougli Sz few of these isms of whom he now complains. _ _ _ ' popposento/uiv.cs of each rm-d ev-
Behitral 'f;,Dl8.DCl€l'S, hm;} the ·gi·ehu Nm mm he e1;m·n ·1;O his pyoss The cues of the Jungle twoélgy my One-; V‘ _ ‘ .  
>1`S¤¤iZ¤4 MHS which they com- which, by reason oi economic we ¤¤ mqfe wd 1Y0 WOFSB l n · _ , ‘ l .
nalydy Seeks [tO 'diC`t,3,`bB to   Qydvantaglgs   only »It’,1]()S{} the cries of rhhe ITklIl1€I`S  H&T'·   thlese do n‘Ot m‘d1€£l?l€ Q1" l`
WGH I-ule the woa·¤1~d-ih`othey gmmml mdividuausts, whom he ian, ur of who ooiiyton mill WO1`k· spell e. dream of true _d€mCj<31‘·¤€_Y. _·
Nerds, to make ii, safe {oy 11- Sybil] SO much g~dmjygs, have in ers gf Gosboma, or rbhe texhlle of- helpful ·Q0I11D¤fllQD*g1T`1D· 11}
mzm·cie1·s mild h-oldhmg c0mpaH‘i€S. their ke·€Di11·Q; and Cm .b€Si’°W· “{°Ni:fTS {lf L&“{TBnm’fOIIIbhl€ gig; Msgs  1_tg·$:)is%1;?<;D0m;§¥§>  
, _ 4 _ turns not 130 him, but, dog *1;.11959 Flcu 11-113. WOT QBIS 0 mp€1‘l3. g {JI 4 I _A _, , - »~
  vqmt,5f=a§n;(?t_.undqEi§ta1§Ci his musi>e1·s. And fol- what mea- Valley, or of   masses in gen- And if than is, true, `rthehd 
y I aww _' R miellum pmp ‘ SO,11 he may noi, be homo. For- eral. They, like the zebra. m should lltlb this lgilmb el s V ;
lheh ms bm 'dmucd mm uw Somhiy .35 pooxvas he now is rthe Jews of the lion,. are the PGCIOUS. m·dlY¤d¤¤l1$m ¥“?¥?,,*%?_,
’€'g““““g 'mlhc ’“"°'°SS“Y mld ii cailhoi, i¤i·m· to me oooecil econoinic victims or theséglant Am·emica,` now ¤per¤t¤¤·e·~‘f¤r¢c·@s2; 
he ’*”°lV‘m*·*‘g"’ (lf the ihdivlduel ijlge press what Gish mum which 001-pomtms, still posing as in- whim md mc.ccmrc:¤ eilar 
md ams Point Of View dogs not they mow demamd ih ord-em mo do dividuals, although awmed #co_·t.he and mhe =debascme11t  
ppl Teahze how .°°mp1°J°“ is uw justice t.0_ rbhose millions whose teerbh with puxchesd laws, hhfed mend: ·ofAth·§ 1`fw·¤X_z;€uagdé 
gopggg-Si ;’h_B't lfm as a wmk" mimu-te and und·empai·d labors oihcials, and! Ovemweu Or GDH- as I v;u_·old&l¤§YQ_  ._,_  
'== 1 Olmu &· yggm constitum the Sguygg of jyhc trolled ·C0l1.l‘l}S. These lzvtl-eh W6 tliely. , .    
For while, on thoione hand] __    _ _,___ , , __ ,,,,   _   I .   -  ..  . . - -  __ __ ' .. ` 
V9 'l‘l2`tV=e o.1·x»ogla;t,e@ to each of L_ —·—·· —·‘—L ·‘_"" ____________  T_._Z1
>l.11‘SelVes the `wighit; ho be ia giant E `] "4
n»d‘ivldu1o.l if we can, we have   l‘'`A
10t seen how impossible it is K l
YO*1‘_ more than a very few, i£‘so
many, to achieve this Also that,
xhould it be achieved by so much
ls owe, the rest of us would be
l1·€1'-B wobots funot.io11‘ineg ai; the
will cond under the -dh·cc1;ion of
mat -pa1·tioul·z11· incllividuhl. It
would ·follow them, if we had the c .
xi-ehltal strength to rzraso ii,. tim}.

 " //
OV!3/M(// /D**'*¤j·•»¢’~ ,*)*1 Ma,- »{a;/1 M/‘néVrV: S,-Eea/Q
r~€.7>ftn4¢$=L /*1. I
~   i C—O°·¤»· /5] M3')
~ CTAN-pnF’:(} L’\}P¤-fix Crj-kn.-Z`! /93-`L)

 l . . . .
*NOV€l18t S8.}'8 He S\IbSCI‘Ib€8 to PPIHCIPICS ofl Th Attended Union Meeting M
` • a t e tirst; w V ° .
Commumsm, But Party Won t gin? ¤l¤l¤m{i°°$°¤¤wZ$td° h§`°‘§{§g
. r Cmr l
Accept Hlm. t lgl?tm,¥°°¤l°°€?tL*“° N§§,,,,;’{“‘g3',i“ t tl
l non. althou ll “°”
By GERALD GRIFFIN. "im illegal 0rga.ulzatlcn*' because, he '] _ /_,///_   M I jcrlncd the unign, gut cgzdsoulztt main
Stat! Ccrxesmmdent. This Colt»$er··Jourmtl. “·m· im ‘1“d“`¤ ”·dV°c$t€d vl¤l· E § rmvts nt, Thornton replied
any and al ruddwméed Sherju of Sscd the committee ills 1’¤€mbcYs would       E tlggzrllgy Powers tcstlflcd that- before
ignriw C°u,·,ty_ who dmmd charges bu protected while in Harlan County, I ,*}::0 l . if U c received tram $5 te yy 1 da ,
tmadc against ms fomfby the other md Hcfndcn Evans, Pineville MWA- Zl!0 ; · i tt le rltllies, but that {hg lm, yl
lwltneem. mm Theodore lmlser. ¥’“¥’°*’ ¥’“*’“**‘°"·t"”° ‘”°·‘t“°‘ °"° °’ ‘ " * t ’ ¥"”"‘“‘° ******1 "¤ mlm mme well Mi
New York novelist, amd his investb um °xp°°“’d m°‘°°°°“‘   ‘ M In   ;"?§k" $**5 or silo at month" Ollk gi;
lmmg committee um mu. ` ¤”'·,gm·¤=· l*~‘”°*m§j{”*¤g;¢*Y #*¤b¤gg*· l l ,,   · ;??m},f2€? lgt ml the ¤<>m¤l¤¤& tw; ll .
M°M‘ M m° °‘u"d°Y °°°°l°° lm held Dxtgglscr tgldmrlgl? gmltgasxgggegyed hx; ·¢ : ? lpttallzlglois (:1:, ig é mmm for **05-,
in *‘ °?°wd°d h°t°‘ "°°m· h"°~ wmw be allowed bo qtlestton the questloncr. A § Eflllld and lmurc rs mrvi°°§‘ b‘m“’=
the committee oi wrlters, at corps; oi M1. Draw. ag,ccd_ ,, E , icompsmv h ` ’*¤¤¢¢. with rent et al
stencgrnphers, and the publicity agent: ` “ ·     g ;_ — (***5* °0$¤¤tz—Ir¤m $12 tcl ”
Mr. Drelser had asked Mr. Evans   , $15 a. month 3 g i
of the committee listened to the wit- regarding his mcomgaud the mm}, ;/l;,/,2/jj, g K é he wu amd' fore { W- Yéitilied that;
!m”°’°‘ rm wen given °”“m1‘"”y ville publisher rctaltated hy asking ·’Z,Yf;jl 1 », ’ ?"pepe;- hid'!) ”° T¤g·$¤¤, after nl
lquestinnlmz before they entered the me author to name the amount 0{ r   ,,   lmeetlu { em msmd **’m¤tK of lt
{room. When it came tu interviewing his myamm on elm American I gmiimdgtgn the union. Later he ad-;
Sheriff John Henry Blair, the hotel Tragedy,. ;fhe author Bald he had I lowmmc MFG had declined to weyk?
‘lmom was ioresnken for the Sherllfs receive; $,,00 D60 for mm work Mr. gmrcmanwwyth Day, uml that thc;
auitlce at the Ccurt, House, “ ’ ith ..Y ‘ b K y ldls h ¤ti hlm he had orders to?
.l Mr. nrellser author ot "Ah Ameri- Omitz interrupted wt ’ ca' u t l " "Bc him. He has be ·-’
wv A d tell htm how many years you starved on the mercy of th FH livin!}
l .a¤ 'rralwly. l¤¤‘¤v¤¤¤ ed lm ‘*“°"` more tm www that eeotw t tllselmr ° ‘°"°p*°` ’“*¤°¢ hisl
tions to the witnesses, wma or whom H V k d ‘t N d g°· h¤ Mild. and has gon; { rl
? were swam amt some rmt, with ire- md"? mn **5 ° “b°u ’ "'1 Us "'*m¤¤t food, ° j
g quant lntermptlnxie by sam Omitz ugmn wd p“m°u$m by M13 9Y¤i·‘¤¤1'· ( P0Wcrs said he joined fh N l
KNEW You 15 k ’ Mr, Evans ilrcd back by asking the Minery Union] t; E ;m°““l‘
,_ pl tm wor er, and author h b ibm to th ri · i an ma August; and sham t
, mi nymmch and Jovi}. aut- or if he su scr c p n _, · erwtmi was mmsted SK
ctr clplee; at Communism. The author · Qc! Cflmlhhl Synpucaug on {lt charge;
_1 Discharged Miners Heard. lmpmd he dm m' bm mn he was}, Itmow what that m .m. n D0 YOU;
  All during the morning and aiterqnot ¤ Commimist "bccause they {asked, and he ,.€pm.,denH$? h° MSE
s.ln¤t:m sessions the plight ot mllicrstweuldrft; take mc." He said that he l lives going agéimt   They said it·
iéwithout jobs was pictured to the com- wquld rather cull it "equlty’• lmrteadf lllad up iden oi Bowls country. but Ig
l_lmit.tce bv witnesses who clalmcd, most: of ·*g°mmum5m,·· and gyould nut} lwmd mr me CU ull that. I always?
. let them. that they had lost their ]0bS;w¤nb to import: Stalin to Americay lpeople always touxlitltutton and my?
;il)l‘(ZRL\S9 they had ntiiliatcd with th¢lbu{ uml, whe gwgct form of Gow; gtryr He Wag In jlilt. ter the coun-
Y\§N¥\l,lO\'\1\l Mlm·rs’ Union, an ¤|'§3DiZ3'\ -——-—· i im; Sam {md M Il thlrty·i'eur daysj
.,gtttm which Sheriff Blair termed as (Continued On Page 12.)   gC1rcu“',Jud8€ Ds élurtllly l‘ele:¤.¤y or victlmr, er me; . · ‘°¤ wtrc tml · . ,   =
li Mr 'Q`Q;i_‘_j; ;::;°hF°im""t· Emma disorders. Slmrlit Blair dls··l ;°""u1d MOD vbllgcttrxg ltxhlyrii you; {
ll ' ` *5 lommmm "Yl" or mel I
  Prima. Charles RllCllCX"l0I‘(lXmut€€ he could pmmlse them that, gwltlicss $\ll$Wl,‘X'(?d in the tttrlfnfi me;
_ ·w:tl1n,;lIfl€7»’ have btfcll Dicitlfrd. The N0-! lslnclslh tlmd and °“$*¢‘d" whtlc rene
;’§Vfl,, •·4lltm·_ mqspmbtcd mst mgm nt;t.lOll8] Miners Uhi0n_ he said, httsé lmmw Eb'l° 1‘°l{§¤. izitlersperltetl with ,
,%l"lrlcvllle, where a. coiitmence w¤s§"m*'*’d UD U`<>¤bl€'» wld. for that rea-   20; ua Hy G°dS· They fotlml <·0¤lq.`» l
held, Ag A ygguhl of this mcmmgisort. he is opposed to that organiza-E jklcheg DHUY \¥g'¤l‘ker." she said anti
laccordlltg to Mr, Omltz, word wzxstumk Hr wld Wl had 110 0*->5€CU0¤$l · %··Lh;O out A w*Y‘d°W· ihrcatcltlllg to
%SDl'c:td llito Harlan Ctilllhly that elllm UW $¤°°€h· {Wt? lwblifl ¤SF€mblH¤e§ { ¤lt"l“?° —m jan",
ipcrsons hm·lh;z gricvmices es at re-WY *° mw other nrganimtlon. He ¤b·§ lmmiar es bcalf, who said hr- qm‘;‘ted
,su1t ct the mlxie troubles here \\’Oll1dEJCct0d to me methods GY um ummll lvelximzym mc Ser er 9. mterjectcd
tlbe welcome nt the hcariug; here to-E\°8d(`Y$ lll advising the miners trii fwh ? humor lhto the teqgm  
{mm ;"ttak¢? tt rifle and take what you] th C‘Il»lC told of the bmmtlmes du T11,
L The xrtttticsscs were (\llQi%ltl0!lf?{l hv a?""2{}‘t·" he Said. . i lméfmitalt lie said he made <‘*5B¤"v
;iV¤icml>er ul the cmhmlttce lieltlre thaw? wmlld wu like (0 FN? mc "m‘°l`Y‘§` —,,,_.O I mm$(`{Y· find cnntlracrtety vit?.
gelitlercd the room amd A sltp nt lJl1|)0{,i“.iu mis s¤lt¤<¤·¤*" MV DYNSUY “?k*`d·¥ let`- H»O(Bm· mU`*€l”S to . work my jill
,i¢Ui¤$Z Ml'. Drelser ri! the mtture ¤£%Th’{ Sh°"UY *'¤¤>H*?d· "Th<`l'¢'¢= ll°l· tflllrci: $21; my ilk mecme te twice tm
;[h;pjr ;_,,Sm,w,,,5.‘ was www mm umlstrllce here thm. 1 mrow err The l1¢‘\>;tl·t~—:l·l·s" bv cm`, plem D , E.ti»eht lt. all. ;,¤m_’ he mrgi e and
z-§ml‘¤t to the tact that thev lmcl;S“m”S°“~ ““‘ lm"`- TYWV are XTR}.? §“€‘¤i· him the bocttczlzlh ucd' M.
ltlneen ··el¤¤xlmed·· ltr uml `mlttlu¤tG"°"° M Ch°S°h“' mid Cnpt. rwmpl Swlt was arrested ··¤¤` K. bum"’“'
_;rl·<>:uptmtt~;t hcczlttse t,ht~;· had tqlrtngi B- M<7All¥lffl*. LU\ll$\'ill(’, nucl Mtxlii 1¤\v," he Sum. {incr 513 tttrllmd Of}
.°ill`¤¤¤‘ Nllllullftl Mltaz~rx‘ llltitm hr haul `mhn A P"mm€· $Pl"l“%’YlY?lfl. '}`l1t‘l:¢‘.? l"mO"· Mid alter th- lc lomud uml
" them seen sit meeamgs at this tii‘;:nhl-¤‘“A° lm mA‘“l’“ 2“"'°»   jfmlild Httllc:11 Iltcfililllli llmccrs had;
ggvatltlwn. All of them told ot the? {W l t.--- gl   }•il'.E\'21Il$. the Plhegilln ms home`?
H {shrinking of :m;.·cs at the mines slumvl " T S"""“"“‘ S""""Y· LC $***3**- b¤>lll;llt: out some F ucw€p“m`l`F
l..tl9l7, vellett rim: l‘X—llllll('l‘ said hel HYmT‘"· KY- Nm" 6 (/m"“Bm"°l lmh“i$5l0¤$ bit Qtlestlonlo ML Smulsi
Lnlnlarle as much as $500 zu mamma, m;Cl‘¤wtm·d. etlltcr of Ct·lm·$m·cl's Week-Z ?‘·’“H€d to the stzmd by   .m}q WM;
:·riii`°_m€1;S°;g3 ‘;l'*;;“;8?]*‘ ¤l`<‘V¤¤¤ `·*'tV·Z<`;lS‘. Norton. Ve., was $er·.·ed with nm/tml: ,;•;l<;H;ts”l:‘eg him "shoulcl tievgemlgllhtrlgf
as- Tho wim(,t;S,,S .,__.:.(_ mwmmm dmmtnt lt i¤0_000 llbel suit. tiled by Slli"l'lH d ltu t>eth»r‘m§£I§*;l§u· t·.·a:1es or ln.
,.V, Lv t·l—gm·:‘nllliers. in order that {l]"§‘l*·’.`llu(’ linre tnclaj: with the Dycgspr {T ‘sel:1ie>linpe, We lllliilnoii is in mc;
`pgxvrittlcl lmyc to UMR, M am, coxmmmlmmuumm Et; land make thp ami ·f either held rm
Ofstarcs. nr cmnmls:<¤trlns. where. they ,   _, i `dl`§`ll"(‘SSlOll ¤·-',i\,` O., it "“'*¤K the
;$Rtd_ {hl, m.m,S Mc A mem dm) higher; Phe summons sam C;·m.w.d ;mt;·t$ In rppgxf   S e tml »
_]_éth¤t1 tlwy nre nt cithcr _;$(.)Ws_ Omillsllecl an ltrtlvle (lt"(Tll\l`ll]Q mw'? sezcl hi?ll`ir¤21,$miiLlQll. Mr. Dreieltr.
;l;g‘”*Lllt**¤f* flltlltetl tiwlrcs slmaxltis; tl1lttg$=¤¢*l‘itI had l)(?l1K5?ll Tum C()lll`lf)1`$_ 1 Sli5.t](l(1‘·n MQW " ‘·` "l¤l>l`l>xllunl»1»;
tughe lltlltl ll vents {nr sugar at, gr t·l1:ttl·l§l:tbtll‘ ttttltm l`t‘l}l`(`S?'lll`l\ll\`C.   Elves nmf Af` ,tH° Wa? asked if hp
m,;>€l<>¤°v. ullcl Lllittrllle szltlllr L\l`Hi)llIll   t _" ‘‘‘’ "“"‘rWr   Ul‘¤l.¤e;· ;;ig_.i’ tl X te _“h*l¥`ll>‘. Mr.
,t;’¤ll>:'ir mst him 120 (`l?ll(S ut tht- l: ‘·M.v· lm, jh` ';1‘Tl‘?- V
ltlle stltgllr Drive nt. H10 chstln sttlre, lllltilll ln nhl :l l{|‘()ll[) of Piltawllle l`4*:>l— It fY0lll‘sQ baecd ml Om DqU"“m<‘ Than
...‘_ Tzllc nt txrlltizies l`l‘(`¢fl\`(‘(i tit tlit·»tlelils xrhn UNH"€llt‘ll}E~<)l\(‘S "‘l`ht· Sw`! lilllcl YYNBAL you wil{m`.,I MVC **l<*ll:trltv_
- lli\ll(l‘< of "ll\r‘ lltts·," ol t:·~it»;; jtt2toll:¤`i<>l>’ ter the Pl·ot¤—t·ti€(`Z\llFQ they had Cll§)St"< ttf 'l'ht~ Dahl ;Ul‘lllt’irett," t l Svyt-my mm, t
v}'"Vk"l‘. Clll!]ll1\llllS{ llllhlieztlloh. lll? 'l`<'i<*:1l`¤lliS were sent to \`»?2l!;L<‘Z`, W ( §“'h<>$<% teslhu·t¤<·ssir»l:; ol stitterlttt; :m(t’W. Atterliurv. urt~s·illl,¤‘] {Nolan mh m°‘"m$¥· mid Dr. .j_ W ll
stllce their tlteamlssnl from their _@eh$jRlllll‘lmtt, mul tu the lhnltztgoy et the .~ ;Alilerle·tl1 Ligmndpr llt the Illtrlzllil l
ret thrm»l< srutl of ll't\ll'tlf?l‘ were- t··¢t·itetl*Bll€lll0l‘¢‘ llntvl, New Yeric. 'l'hl~v v.·<~:·e < httttel- `it i~ 'tmu Posh t"]<·sre¤, who trequmtly t·,·.·r,—_“l¤ll*‘3‘ l¤¤l·<‘Fllncti¤tm :mmi’*‘ll· M llfvslrletit nl the EXf‘t'7llUK`¢‘* " n fm “* *m:m'= l __$*"*· Lllrllltq the umu; mp mlm
nr that tht-sy gmytgte had g,,Hm\·‘.,i gmasltecl that he elrl "rlu:· (`l,\llllllll»l¥‘1• l¤-;t \“`h<> lllflv mill clltilthe to Ur- 3 mlm
lalletzctl law ’.'i(1Ii\S,lf)Il. twettzzntlilz the liorrible sl:tu;;htm— Ugg Iihl$ mlm m·»_l,.r has b(_(_]·ih;‘Q*lll¤. liu:
*d°[‘*'l$**l€$s cliildreu in the streets util swm°°"<`S llltltle lt q ,g(. ,m`d‘ Tm
New York? It said the investigation l [m‘m· 8 deputy shcrltln vm Um" mm;
Will begin about November é0‘ a!'t‘csted_ but Shcru . never had  
MT- Cole and Mr. At Ufiéd that { mah l*“·*’¥' WS-
terlmnl were i me mn h d
ltskcd tn rumish the committee A · ***5**6 wd is under 3 bun "`
tmmvortatlon to New York, l pcarahce before the bond for hh °p"
Tm m¤¥¤¤·zer oi the Biltmore Hotel G¢°l‘8¢ Maurer, 8 gxggbjum I
vas asked to entertain the committee. 1 °°mmm¢¢. interrupted th °r M the
  _ M $*7 bf! hm-! h ` E ·’¤¢¢¢l¤z
¤F_-.....-·-- . M s Herd rumors there _

     I l, ‘ V ‘_ V. 0 `V _} V l 0 V ` ` V . _ `V r I A V V‘f$r-     A W _    _ ~ .r ,   4   -_ VA _  VYA l` — ‘r   V   _   V- A '· I ~ VV A V-
;V;4 AA VA v_ _V A     VV   V   0A J V A V V A V       4‘V_»          V_   _V__V_, A V     V   .A VV     .V   ...A V VV V VVV VY V V V