xt7zcr5n9g1t_35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. March-December, 1931 text March-December, 1931 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_3/82m1_3_1/194467/194467.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_35 xt7zcr5n9g1t " IJ _V 1 .?.   — I S •;·'!j   _i?FL¥Z I NIL;   .5-T; `J§<}T$)
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. _gq. and _the m111_ St1`1}gBS~ A11} ,5-th VA A-A;• A»·     . » V. A A  
 mmh C_m,um,;_A _ ‘h.V V V;  _.·_ _ V _V A-_, Aa,.  all P4V9¥1%¤¥¢d__by.~A¤9¢i¤1 S>911di- ~A· .
QA;.    ·* »AA;··;· A j·   B  r r ¤¤U°.¤S as Weil-€=¤SAtb¤A¤sht.  ·3 **g11a;jd hasbeén_1ig3$\‘:éi${ii§§‘t1‘éLi1iing* ati
·   ENQUIRER ln n ;ij;¤cng_cm¢fs*n‘¤é*Qc;;p5g;;;;;ggy 
      M Y V   V     ·-}Knb:;, < 2. iecént *exaQitii3i¢?€·A”6l£—.gBbd¤
$S¤&*`dZ· W¢FkQ}’i$Q .i¤€¢ij¢§tiii§·€ R»·R 1 'T1ge_|
2. ‘{;3¤a1 ·` wipnapawaij V qi j‘;1ié`§ge&i%@i¢k§3
;N%*=i¤1i¤i.~G¤é¥@`nff¤¤¤`"*¥3é%€€f5.?Ké£*" ‘
§‘¤;¤Z·6 Z¤?·*#{¥1¤T‘¤%Sa¤.F¢§ré§E§?¤¤c$1¤=z?·
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1$?9d_JbY `1$.¤¤¤’€=3¤iiil·=¥s."e§ii¢¢%¢¤1>¤· Vwii¤$§'-e?¤¤?¤¤béf`
ngven gv exéégdéd 1‘»400,;ZJV.L~_I_l1?;§§édingK
_ their coming had beefgiwééks fear-,
M-V Wim $ii1pi¤S£ .f¤4<1$i¢ié§1§¤iirig$»d;
?¤$m¤¤¤¤- éf €m=*¥¤Y l¤¤iii4d§`Q‘;f?ei¤i¤¢,‘E
déépérétidn,     sé.b0tngé,V_; f`1inéi‘ap10j?{?
ment. ’* THe P larget {  j   p:f§_ `
. peputy   ,YSh§i·if£si· j   33; iu,;; [ {lic}.
F ‘ `g1T§é.t€I·>·€hQ:.l]:U1ZEibQI`bgélhdiiié gud1jd;_`
_ _ e5the_=·g·reatei· .secnned;_;f;_0__ g'1{OW_ th¢~
' _¤-oubxc and me mppé-.g j1pt¢n$§,V»¢igé
Vzée1mg._           V
  Y Gun.t‘dsmcn`R_ente;edi .`.· Wnere fthe:
pame dziumbei zpf peputy;$1;¢;·1:1:s` `
§f¢a,réd to; tread, _ Thcii*:`_§6f:Q1ing"»'·was
{ 1nai1·k`ed by -4wé1cBmes` Zbyjthe Qpbpu?
ilatibui N0?] doés t1;é';`ti·U$t~§Véém`,t0L
*ha.ve>_, beenj ui{meij1’;edf;_‘,·Q/V EQ           ;T:
  Mé.rLia.1{-»1a.v}vV wa; @*1iqt :§`§1§b1ared}'
fgictibn subsided eveh“jbéfg§vgén= the
V léndgns andxthg ,`a.diE}i6i'i¥§ié§;.V.`ciy¥§1
’ ?é?f¢$fé as? ¤¤é 3¤rv—L$3¤t駤,:¤¢$¤¤2.i
again ;__ mines {opened? gig   gndgéngg
` j q:;;prese££__e¤¤qom;c c§ma;u¢;;s.R V jd;
4     z¤#r¤¤¤=i¢¤ if t¤éi¤1¤+.=W¤#¤¤¤$|
aye- re¢e1v1¤g` farther-, in.$L;·g1Cfi6nI1V__in 1
{nts whi¢h`_iséém in9re§;‘pa.§:}fi¢ `_'_  
; than · propagéndistslQVi`_ngzq.in$t_;V sncly
V ;>trainingV·1ndi_cate. QVT1i'é_\néxp publjg
L,   vlcnnergency i1:d%a.y bel fii·§,°f1‘;i`Z‘I.;;·:?   ·,_` ’ 5   A   Zi. {-2;. p    ¤   ·*°_ _ p ,V.·‘  . ; ‘’‘_ . L``‘ .p __.‘ 5 »1'· ff  {   ` V . .   ` _  ‘ X  ~  p V i
‘   . i V `* `  *   = -‘°l ‘ '     ‘l   U l     U       4 V yMY      1
4 Trip Westward lllffnce Workers IGovernorSamps0n,When-Ycu Swore to Uphold tllé a at H L i e a 4 »  
i One B1 Parade l Get Cut lp ZP L iD'dY » Th- ‘*kY i W S · t B INT0 S AMB E5 BY THE MASTE S. t at
  t 0; *1*%         i ~—t i W    aws 'i  °“ > ‘“ e °“i t°*° w°a"“g  ° °°°“‘° OF BREAD AND 1111212:1) Assassms
a —   ‘ ’ g jobless ~ » i t . ‘ e · .   `- ‘ ‘ . . Y _   i
  ~.—   Ch {Ot! il F‘ 0fC IC 7 t  —i i
- VV _ A/ A , ' A closely UDOYI thé 31'l3llOUHC€Hlgn;)“£;];: E   u     -.   .     · ' • · · • • ' ‘ ` Y R [L
" Sym-ms Of Idle Workers Over- the United States Steel _C0rpOmti(m ·_ .· », Tv " z·   ·‘ .. z I v_ Ktllmgs, Dynamxtmgs, t]Bllll'lg$, The Regular Weeks 0l1l!f\€
` 'H°‘” B?’**°“ Jpaths And Am W°““‘ give WS °ffl°€'S mid White Kentucky’s fiction df law is ptmetuted! ip all its wamten crucltyl its ruthless `dis- , U¥‘f¥'?* ·°*°¥" Of G°"""’“‘{’ A“d 'BY_Th° *°‘“??‘°?"“°_s S“'°‘Y“ i '
`Fcund Even In Thete.‘·Then the coil diggers are expcdscd t0 terrgle huggeg m;n_;hIiO?gh Iggglainiozggv Egg avifgsglgggi
'  ` ‘ ’ · ·l Y' ,_ ‘ . ·. "§ , > `. ` _ • . • 1 ‘ . :5  a   .
t p 0G.DEN_ Utah, Aug_ 1___Ha,,ing not ;;Ft’;u:;:§i° ;v°1r;1S tutes **):11 fold up, he down and che peacefully, or gg cm wxth ihc wage; of pecrlagc, hungerilq their rep   lei   _O _ _ 8 y _ y _   y t t-
. . . ii D 5¤¤ , $8YS i e - - - -- · -. . _ · . · to ratse mp, xmce m protest agamst the te1r1ble and devas a
gust amved_back on the tatlmad, pl.€Sid_ent, because most of them belhee, despair m they hearts, than wtves hopeless drudges, then rchxldren as litters of _ · l_ __ 1 _ f_ _ th l_ _ Th list F _
` ¤ft§1`_¤€§¤‘lY tw? .m¤¤’¤hs   the in- app, union mem Office Slavpehave iuikept pigs. No more than that does _Gr0verndr Santpscm Can f0l‘° and IIO 1855 Wh€¤‘}l€. m§.p];g1lt_th;{VcOF n?m;;S lm: elgse wig uffk G f ts ‘
iiimfpegiegysazigiypglgihgélei   °°nStam1y held themselves "‘1°"f wlls for fhe S€¤bbY Am€l*iC¤¤ Legion, backbone df América; Fascism, lickspittléggrvant caf; les 1; Hag an m 6 as W€€ 1*98 S 1- 8 OHS 0 6 _
· ¢¤ ¤====i¤h f¤i ¤ master Mi privpeii- iz?.1$~:°;e::s;¤S.:¤;;2: Tkillfiii °f B‘g B“’*‘“°“ at **11 t"“°s· *° €l*"’° °“? -*h° ‘¥°?"°l“‘g ‘“*h“"‘t $p‘““ °f dm f‘°”°°lY 'agmg “E—e wal · u ·€ e And truly a war is petpe ·.vage , · _ _ Andy MelI0n’s) state. That Co11st1tut1p»n,_'11} conformity wnth the Constitution of the Un- e _A__   __ ; ' i OHL ° V-
the competition for jobs is just as _   __ _ ited States guarantees free speech freei_pi·ess `peai:efuI‘assemblage.' It guarantees that ; ~ ‘ ——— l . I -- ` "
mii as ¤i my vim ele-i_· · pl,§_*fQ`Qn°i§;“,§;JS;gnId';;;‘i;t·€»’_;}f‘0*;fj workers shellpot be obliged to toil tap etatvattep wa‘gee~apd~t1pep be attacked bylaw et- secmmmwwo, Cel-_ — Fraiik Thgfsmijg;dv;;t;T`;}fOiR;:I‘;j_Em
  Wages ,Aw$_y Down grested and»h€]d Miss Ann Burlac Six fiC€I`S W}lO· Stl‘iY€‘·tO drive         these     tdols in ¤tt€mPt‘   Sw:c;i;]is§in;£(:;0: isn thi tecteduliy th€ badges of debufcvl
` where wages of 3,00 and 3_50 days for deportation although she ing to realize what has eu honiousl been Caueé b the likes of — ou "An » Am&l'lCa¤ . y   g sheriffs are running wild thrpugh
g $ $ .111 P i Y H ·· y y ’ » { Imperial Valley stulte cases was re- .
prevailed lest year, the ranches are- M Miive {¥m¢i‘i¤i=¤"w¤i¤ the target Standard of Livi¤g", _   . ‘· . ‘ · i . ..epSea"py the eautpmta Appealé me hills S**°°““¤i idY“a‘““*“g· ‘“‘
“Y?;gf"j i‘il5;“ih_**““g*`>’ glffs °° Qf;fy"p;;’*°}faQ)‘;Ya];";§;’_Os;“;u§;   _ ‘ Well,-·y0u can not get awaywitlmrit, Governor. The miners aiemainly native Ameri- !Cqurt, `has many peep Areleased   edh
;;;;t hzg/Q. Aidnagézyi?-`—gc_c0W;;%I5'\ya1te1. Frank, acting. chaifman Off CBIZIS il'! YOU? (3.l1dvS&D‘l_Il’lSl;.l“,S·) Qt-ate. ._YOl.l -C3h,t d!'i.V€ th¢l'I1 0Llt and _they 1Tl3d€   goiii pmS°n".HeTl:md‘ Servigi   tm. of mrhe Crawford NEWSQM (gf '
aaa a few $2.50 per day. me American Civil-Libeiiies Uiiiiiii- $*"k°· All Y°“""“°?’P°"s· P‘”“°¤I $h°"ff?i ““?”°“ guardsl and Ba1dw‘“ hnks °‘¥‘“ mt tpiza apeyixé petee{-Esp? Zhecoxps- C’*“"f°*`di V“`g"‘ié· g"‘““"*`i"g S““‘°
mana about unemployed paiades! Miss Biiiiac Ms bm active in they force the mine people to starve in serv1tude;_‘They jhave elcgzted to fight and they are ; erm Wk `at the time gf the 8l_ news tee his paper, \VKS-31'|'lbUSh€d
14....... t...a.. a ‘,.....»:....a.... ...... +·.......·. textile strike in Pawtucket and Cen-’l£i...l.•»:.... :- a.L..· NJA ........3LL. £-...;....•:-.. I.·.A»...•.·§e.l IT..:.... £-......¤ei.`.. ·. ‘ ‘   °. ` T y., · ; .4 .. . . and shot thrmwh the leg.

 , ;;,;l,:"y $:1;:8   ugnglcfilgllwax in Slatingtdn; Pa. Then they  uni? [av; [ie umu Own` lnese mmc¥$ have Yuen} Ulfby shall IRQ? bc Qi0\§’I]§¤·£   ?.s y0}.! tofannounced that he would head a imo preachers house, ·an¤ sm: nor- ·
» abundant but the laws of man say h"' ‘Mrs‘_A?mP   M- Tfllinghasc is gclrnv a $*7 tq YQIUT,-Path, betraymg the {qw; of K€!1fUCky alidbf this l8.l'ld;It might bc movement for repeal of the crimi-I Sex was arrfstcq and Charged with
4 "Th0u shalt not t0uch," (unless you g1:sm;1m1“]8Fat1on · c0mm1ss10ner’ 1n we _tO remgynbcr thabthe m0VCm€nt you w uid dcstyoyris vga] beyond   go]-lniv'ing and nal syndicalism law. _ cmggnal Synmcihs{“' f Q A .
have ,, mm,_ .   V ,- _ _ V attacks for THE BLOOD oy MARTYRV 'IS-THE` saab OF THE cuuncrw ——-—-——   5 Tf‘§.if"';.*“‘§     b“§§‘g .
And f00d;dc]ngl]strati0nS! I havu   I ry I i ~ ' > - A I   4 V , I d lv] 1 er les nlon was u lc *
seen them in eve;-y city, town, ham-     z , -——§._• {  _ _ , _ U _; _ 2; Icoohngt 5y?fmH   $;,?~y hbuili inld tl;-u·e;;tenedHbe;`o1c ia Eudgoé anal:
' let nd t . _ try sto Jrithe 1 _   S       _ M   . I     . D vouge; wa er Aus e mes; ea , ' 0 0 eave ar an 1 e 1 no
....$`.p10§.£Vf§l§.'i,;°“}`.4 »..,.§§’n..d » a n s V     ‘ lcag0·   €\Y0!` n, ONES V am ms¤¤¤¤=¤   fwd   and IWW-*0   there in =a  
hm. ¢» acon   M md M UP NEW INTEREST IN N OTORIOUS S ` h B h 0 f'   T G` `"`°`”°“`“""““' °“““ “"‘ °°°‘·   """’ “““‘*~ a   me-
the like, land some had thc gumption -¢; . · _ · ‘ _ · v—   ,   _     , 0   Belly-Rcbbing Thrives ) adeiuof t,hreehch1ld¥en, was short
to ask for butter, milkrzmd wppin.5         ` _ g . _   _ . . __ . The Anderson Board and Supply anb {led by`1t eso hxred ziisassmx, > A
, to go with umm. . V i V W , _ ,,   The c ‘—·§ ‘ f M · .     · _ S Company, that feeds the men, a rua merc1ess,mexcusa c muy-
IAREI, lvitnessing this gigantic   · _ .1 . ·- h Ccmmk ;°f"_‘i€;'c£*;Fl?smggi]]g 2;; ,       hasn": enough kitchen help. This deh
· Stfugglc between the hhavesu and . _ V 4 ` all Obstacles. myth h ami depa t_ . . é- , . company expects the unorganized Harlan Jail Jammed Full
the uhavmotsn fm. 8 bericd of 0V€l__ V MINEWHYOR-K. — :D€221th OI.·F13,I1k C. Oxman, the "h0r{€St ment 91 jobs hah ice; climinatgd Big S1x_C0mpa.n1cs_At Bopuldet job-seehers to work fmztheir chuck. Over one hundred men are lying
WO months, when thousands upon ...1 eman whose pc1·_]·ur;·=d tcshmony caused Tom Mooney _t0 Thc school boardikanned 98 and the fJ<>b L€¤¤”¤i¤g T0 *F€¤¤‘ W¤bs; Hates a? ‘“”lS ““’ °“]Y filled half in the Hman C¤¤¤*¤Y J=1il· a filthy,
thousands of hungry men and wom· bé Sentenced to the Eallows fO1‘ thc San F1‘a1'1»CiSC0 ]’1'CD2l.I`9d- b0¤1'd ¤f F1SSCSSd|`S'48 white Collar- V Other Gains Are Made of the time` It ls grab ¤¤i¤k*v Or Sweiwring, Véfmifl-i¤f¤$t€d hc!}
_ cn passed 111 review, without even_a—*·;·~—;·————-+—®nc,is Day bombing, has been the sub_ wm-km-;. In thc€.watm» department » V S'0dh¤11Z1';V· TUHEGYS wc? 12 hours hole. Twenty·0ne‘» Of' them are
honorable mention in the dailv` jnct of widespread editorial Om city plumbers aré¥Or(=.€,·€d to install · . -. a ay. · n 1. at cat eig t hours as hovering in the Shagow of thc dec.
. , ‘ ·· -· — - · V LASVEA N.—-"` Y.
Press, I arrnvchd m Qgdcn to learn Free SP?€°h Case {ment and has yallied many ind?vid- fivc meters a (HCV instead of tw°· ».it jailaed liégtl gv. flkhis mu.ch WO lon; .WE of the L W' W' Imc chair °" a tmmped up chai-gc
i that the wmmms, unemployed cmm_ Involving Gaha n uals to write to GOV. Rolph of Camx Meter readers wm mad 100 meters o   · » Y 111 an Q OID want three dining room crews and of murder, and more apc being ar.,
cil would stage ag parade of unem- · _ _ » `omia to urge anew that he pardon il day instead of{40 as·bef0re. This mi r=¤1r¤a·<1 €I€V€n I· W- W" enough to do the work without de` Nsted every day-
ployed at 10 a, m. with permission Continued; Sept. 22|MO0ney_ - A · iwill mean the lay-off of half of m&mb€;‘s to jail. O1'l&· of the vendmg mi men Whc ¤r¤1¤¤ki¤g for The miners on the Outgdg aye ·
. Of thi? UW m8Y¤1`· · n ` » ‘ ` » ` Oxman died at his home in Dur1·c ithc €mp1°y°°s·   · ·   nee of fh 1 — work doing it' · fighting d9Sp€“t€]Y· f°‘”1€S5lY·
Watches tommy Flop I » , Oyegcni on July 22 Of heart disésgf The miodle class politicians. are figvxizék if a C;O‘g;1é:<;;,aSt;rI;\]S I 1;;,0;.12zrs dor; this jobé zoo}: up an ghiay are fighting the fight of their
» . . . . .A·ppemng in Judge Edward- Several times in the fifteen · mug mu best ·f¤ serve their - . » . . . ‘ · ·   "ga ° °“ °P “S S'? ° OW Wwkefs **’h<> Mc behmd the
V V Bang J“$t·m_f¤'°m the Sucks anfl Igchleffervs criminal jury court on Since M¤On€y·S cbnvictiun, frienélliag; masters, the bzmhors who hO]d city _The c3.p1ta]}Sf Slheets Said 3.]] cure Fhe 1·1ght conditions. There aye bars, never knowing at what minute
` ` my {Y z"`yH`”`g °St °f the MEI." August- 5 D. disorderly .0..m the defense .......1 Om,. and M Wa"m· FY¤:"=<==·S WM 109* *°| Ms, Well. ¤.<>¤1mg wrong ·b¤·¤.m¤y delegates m the   wd they Wm be med Off ’>y.*>¤"€*5
“?’°’· °“"d a g°°_ S