xt7zcr5n9g1t_33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Communist Forcing Showdown? : Why Reds Stir World Wide Violence,"                                  US News and World Report, May 23, 1958 text "Communist Forcing Showdown? : Why Reds Stir World Wide Violence,"                                  US News and World Report, May 23, 1958 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_22/124095/124095.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_33 xt7zcr5n9g1t     A   v_¢¤ W  I   j   
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TURF rxsncrs give no quarter when l   ,
they set their choppers chewing on I  
your grass. But they’d better change I _.'
their diet if they plan to reach old age. I K {
Shell Chemical now makes the lawns i Ji ,
strike back. 1 `  
Long-lasting clieldrirn, made by Shell p A  7 U ~  ` _` .
Chemical, now eflectively protects the ..     · ~ ·     ";;£~, _ V _
turf in lawns, parks, and fairways ,_ ‘·   _   _ A . _ y
against the ravages of grass-killing i " "   l —»  
insects. ‘   ..»- ¥i::`Y<°·-*`— ,· Y ‘  i
“   tv" ·· · '
Easy to apply, this potent 11"lS€Ct1C1Cl€ V ="j§_  · •‘,·_ __   ’
provides effective control for weeks ,5,;,   t §_b;g;;;’.i _-?···` ` r   ,
~ we · .4
agamst lawn foliage wreckers such as 5.   ’ _ ; p
cutworms and lawn moths. And diel- 4, ¤ ’\_it   . ‘ x, ‘ -
drin protects turf for years / ,   _ __ ` .   ‘
. , ` . /.»' \ l V I. {S- _?   f»` is A .
against root-destroying soil   , Q ,,4    *;   ,[=—   ’. ·—_. {% 2
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insects such as white grubs, ¤  ,   . p ,· , .» -   » ~ 4 __»,   4
· .·   j` lr jr  ' ` · C _
wrreworms, and ]`apanese ` ·‘ ,,4* ,,  ._ ,;  V "l\  
beetle grubs. Even ticks, chig- 4 . j  if fg _ " J " .
gers, fleas and ants living in " / y a?
7 · _ ' § '  I
the grass are destroyed by V l · _ i~ · r
dieldrin. ' , \ ‘  
Developing this use of dieldrin _ _l;- _   ‘ ; g
4 to protect landscaping from insect , I { », ly ‘_   ” · , ,
. . .   *` ' ‘     C ui
damage 1S another important service ~ .i  if`   ,; .\
S1 ` · , . I /  r.  _ [ ii i Y2: \
iell Chemical rendeis to ielp make {  »  _   ,.. gg}, _   . \
modern living more comfortable ,   · ·   Y   \
and pleasant. E f‘ bpm; ‘ ’/V \
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1.  Flare-ups on 4 Continents: Eyewitness Accounts    ··——»·:c=·* I ·>·‘    
I First-hand reports by Regional Editors covering the W€eI<’S   . ____ _ __,: , ,:o_`,:`_.    U] 
— ‘ major hot spots: “I saw Nixon mobbed”—page 48. How up-   :__ Q _»¢_=   ‘   t__‘    ” I 
Ileaval looked in Lebanon-page 50. \rVhen the biggest crisis   T-rrvr 
since WVorld War II hit France through Algeria—pages 35, 37.     __-_ ' `~v--·   I
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,.·; Whut’s Wrong Now in South America   ·=:,;._r  
Vice President Nixon’s tour of South America, which ended »     _(___ _ v¢·j;,.V9;gV1_;.;gf€@j=:;.{,:_$,,§?¤MAA  - V- V , ,· -A ,, .v;» ( » ryliry c M  M ‘   .,4,  "*'·_¢‘·‘=-;é•‘·’ff._§ ,, ‘~* »~, *“ Q * %;<~;·J';·»s,_ wi `¤‘/·¢,%T, ,A ` ,,.,2 , = , ¢;‘ °  VV¢¢ ~
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nours & . . .   . I .
BWI. car at left wrthstahd smashrng rmpacts such as shcwh here. ey gave astmg _
21-page ‘
*L°w*" prctectrch agarhst the fcur major causes of blowout: (1) Impact, (2) heat, V
(3)m0isture,(4)f.Iexihg. AII trre makers use hylch cord rh therr bettertrres. F0ry0ur
V . . I
Y Enjoy the "DU FONT SHOW OF THE MONTH" ¤n CBS-TV. · · l T H R O U G H C H E M I S T R y
23, I958 . Vg

tlzc ’lU0i'l(l’S Q   
Vol. XLIV No. 21 May 23, 1958 A  
most c.v;icizsz'1·c    
*<‘»· aim   U S News 8 World Report  ss  t
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Ilikbstcr cigars I = $j‘T/
an acliveizture   ;, `
in smoking   `S
\\x IN D EX V   .
l FINANCE ................................ 104 POLITICS .................................. 68  
  INTERNATIONAL (see below) E Q
I   LABOR .................................... 92 romonnow ...,.................,.... 21 I  
4/;/ >7‘i  
I   LAW ........................................ 86 woR|_pGRAM ____,__,__,,,,,,,.,...., 73  
  MARCH ¤F THE NEWS ·--···..·.-. 12 TREND or Business iu. s.i .... 89
__/_,..,//J ,,;i~é·{¢   ·
    MISSILES .................................. 54 NEW5 You CAN USE _,____   99
  ii   NATIONAL AFFAIRS (ssc netsw) BU$|NE$$ ARQUND  
-';~;:,/T § PEOPLE .................................... 17 THE WORLD ...................... 109  
  ¥I\\“ s  
F i‘   .
Golden Light CONTENTS     A
WE B   E RQ Communists Forcing Showdown?   S
s CIGARS Why Reds Stir World-Wide Violence .......................................... 33 g it
--·¤ll H€W€U?€LJill€’?` For France: 24 Hours on Brink of Disaster s `
Long-Awaited Showdown lsn’t Settled Yet ....... ; ............................ 35 ig]
  Firsthand Report: How a Crisis Was Born ii; .
. "I Got a Clear Warning of French Army Revolt in Algeria" ............ 37   4:.. ·‘ 
_v____A__>A_ _____W" _>_____   tV‘' Wh¤t’s Wrong Now in South America    
A sc - I ··‘__ j _ ;· ·   t»_·_V»·_     Behind Neighbors’ Anger at the U. S ......................................... 43    
      _A ·.VV     s   "I Saw Nixon Mobbed"-On-the-Scene Report of Venezuelan Riots 48    
  [Q`   _i-·   Nasser Tries Another Take-Over *   _`’_ X 
: .‘:` i it V__’` QQ,   From Lebanon, an Eyewitness Account of Fighting ....,.....,............. 50   V
i  wm spuinik in Prcves   -
  ;; V_,V jj:  Russia Laaas, But the Space Race is Just Starting ........................ 54  
      Business Puzzle: Downturn—Why? Upturn—When? ............................ 59 i:
  `»,t· A ‘`l—— ?   Woman’s Dilemma-Home or Politics? é Q;. _
  V Y],     Getting Elected ls Only First Problem for Office-Holding Wife ...... 68 1   F .
. .  ,-·- »».·· :           I., .         . . . . . . ~ fe""  
    ._»»i   One Growing Prop for Business: 23 Billions in Pensions, Aid .......... 76 _  
  ,··“               —·-.=         . .   .,
    How Much Your Grocery Bill Has Gone Up in One Year      
l   Details of the Squeeze on Family Budget .................................... 79 ~`  
  When Members of Congress Retire-A Plan for Higher Pensions 80  
  New Light on Norman Case-Was Canadian Diplomat a Red?   S
    A Senate Committee Cites Evidence of a Communist Tie-Up ........ 82 s
  News-Lanes for Busmessmen: What You Can and Cannot Do ........ 86  é
»   Labor Week: Pinch in Workers’ Wages——Who.ls Hurt Most ................ 92 g
i     President's View: Red Hands in Unrest "Around the World"  i
“     How Ike Sized Up the Situation at His News Conference ............ 96 _,",
*;j__·f  .‘i*;   Pius and Minus: Indicators of Business Activity ................................ 102   ·
  Finance Week: Toll-Road Bonds—Good Buy or Gamble? .................. 104  
  `"___   VV_V;     David Lawrence Editorial: International Anarchy? .......................... I 12  
_ ‘ `   —;:—      Q °i ;‘l“=’ ‘    Hsfssffsiiéii °;”:·xiii1O§Lgt.i{iw1i(»isiilrxisissiiiiiiliiggdviviiilibi E¥.s3‘é%°2s i2’$§§s’1§§’§s ‘2s‘Elii‘§"$‘t l
gr     >     · _ V. . _ _ ,~ ,2+ ;:.;. the poist otficeé \;las1l]11n€tgnég)t C., gnder the act of glercén 3.   §ubscr&D§10n rates de- [
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4 ¤ u. s. News a. woiun izrsronr, May 23, wss Y

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