xt7zcr5n9g1t_30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. The Epworth Highroad, March 1932 text The Epworth Highroad, March 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_19/123954/123954.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_30 xt7zcr5n9g1t Z  
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· New Testaments
` Self-Pronouncing Text. All the proper words be-
ing accented and divided into syllables tor quick
 I. and easy pronunciation. F
A New Series of Helps to the Study of the Bible.
_   Selected for their general utility. ‘ .
4,500 Questions and Answers on the Old and New ’
Testaments which unfold the Scriptures. A fea-
  ture of great value to old and young.
3`l Beautiful Illustrations showing scenes and in—
cidents of Bible history handsomely printed on
enamel paper in phototone ink.
`IZ Maps of the Bible Lands in Colors. Printed on
Q Q 4 superior white paper; size, 5Vzx8 V4 inches. Suit-
able to carry or for home reading.
Printed in Large Black-Face Type. Bound in Gen-
uine Flexible Leather with overlapping covers, red
  under gold edges, round corners, headband and
{purple marker. Each Bible packed in handsome  
WO R L D’S Ideal
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Low Price 0 l" °°ld °"
f $   Cover   _
(4¤...}§.m.i,) me ny
GIFT Thumb ‘ A  
Sc xt"' One L' e O l ° .
Fon ·" "Y Occasnon! ·
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LA}{A.;P`. K WVII I T 1\I O P`.iE • .e4G1a'1\2;1*,5•
_________________ _. Order from Nearest House

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». , “ A journal of Youth y
V » ,: `
Volume l MARCH, l932 Number 3
Th1S Month M _ Tl M I o f "°E
IF you are Wondering nhow como, orc ian lasquciat es 4.....................,...._.... Mabel Mclxcc 2
cduzgfegover. tum to i>¤t§¢ 12 and b° The Psychology of Drunkenness—l. Science and the Liquor Reform.
pi-Lf yo; vt;r;:1o‘I:?t0ry, ;hatEwllllI;;lcl'(i flllJlOI1 R0y Klllg 4
e y u, ree, y ar V _
Silvers. There are chains of prejudice l)1'€tti11ess ........,.,.,................,....4...., Erlllll ll. BlllCkl)lI·}‘Il 5
and self-seeking as well as chains of ) . _ ,_
stee|_ when is n man {ree? The Day of lxesurrection. (Poem) ,...,...,...,.... .,l0lIlI of Dunnrscus /
If you’ve become rather rusty and ,
- · - · · - Ducks on Parade P il lf M`} M S
creaky in your thinking, if religion has ··········· · ··········--·· · -·~~·~-r V7)! · · 4 it \€`0¢Ul
lost a little of its hold for you, we ., y y , , ~·, ,_
. recommend ,,Advemm_cs in Rcligionj, F1 ce. ......................,...._..,...,.....r..._. La;] Road .Sll¢'(lS 10
page 21, the first of a series of articles E ‘ .‘
that we dare to can different. d1to11als ............,r..r..,.....,....,.......4.....,........... l2
If you are Over twenty-FGM v•=¤F5 Youth and T d :A F ......4... . .
of age, and are feeling lost in the ` o ay orum     ........_ . ..,...,,...... l 3
Young Pe0ple’s Division, see what rlO(lzly .,.,......,...,............................ rl. R. ll/. lllzlckfvlll 14
Doctor Mumpower says on page 25. _ _ ,_ _
‘ It you donlt go to Sunday school Wlings of the Cherubim, Lhapter 3. ....,...,......,.,....... Ca1·IC`lamIv 16
d t't‘dbSd hl , .  . . e. . `
ilélssssg Teal;   vzlritlsgn MSC 1&(;._ When \Y2lSll11lglOl1 Said t.iood—by to \\ ar, Lhapter 3. dllribvl .·ln.rlv_\· illurjilzy 18
-. ` T , b ` ' 36. Y , . . . . .
L wgwzird tlsflgllxgg 13; g;§°0thus Y2: Adventures in .R€llg101"l ........,...o,.......,,.........r ]·r¤S
I dusky eyes and hair V  __   ig   V   ,,._   _ with compliments.
  look still more dusky.  Q i ,  T     "You want folks al-
Q In fancy I can hear  *i"‘ffi"€" g?"¥‘§         · ‘   ways to be noticing
, the men at that party   -_,—.—‘b     _       ,_,  » you.”
 l raving over your · _ jj—,}fjjYi, I       "Y€S, I dof j’udy’S
l b€?mtY· I Cim $66 -       ','i.i     black eyes sparkled.
it., _i__   r ii O S e aaxminirea _ _       .i‘— , VV   V       J?.   "N<>ti¤<> me a IOM Mt—
"’ l=~<*i<=S fairly s1¤¤‘i¤si¤ ,.    V         Q ·l’si_,·,,   tj.; V F  ‘·t·V        fees. tam. Tm gi-Cary
wut dif¤¤ti<>¤-"       .   °;j .4  lil'?   ''._ V. A   l`,'.i       t` ‘';’   that W¤Y·” '
Merrily judy had    , ,j~ .· " V,       j — `   _ - _   ,.i_
F j laughed when she read   g _  · . fg}, I  i I  .   ,   AU G U S T patted
° the l“““`· He °"“Sl“   ’``e     ·s » Q.  ‘ ll,l     ‘l‘·     I   her shoulder as '
  Betty knewrher better         he turned toward the
li than ““Y other PCP   I T.   ‘litr   C10 S st W h BY G he
  son; knew that she       changed his hat for
i wanted to be the cen- '·li V       thc Cal) he WOR
ter of every crowd. August had suggested Dmma,S coming around the farm.
~ But judy had never “Mother l1kes you,”
i - told her how much into a “rut” she had fallen since she had he said in his ponderous way. Wliat do you think she was
married. At least she thought she was in a rut. doing as I came from town? Mending the lace on the
l Q Royal Masquerade costumes so they’ll be ready for us to _
  AUGUST had carried the great box into the kitche11 wear to the party."
  where judy was breading veal chops for dinner. He judy didn’t say a word, but her very heart trembled.
.; wore his greatcoat. The Minnesota October already had The Royal Masquerade costume, which August’s grand-
j the tang of winter. His cheeks were ruddy from its touch. father had worn when presented to the Swedish court, ‘
ig.; “lt was a beautiful ride to town," he said in his slow way. would make him look like a Viking king of the north; but
  “l `ll get a hammer and"- the grandmother’s costume, worn on the same occasion, *
  "Don`t open it, dear," judy warned, laughing. “It may would make her—a dusky-eyed, dusky—haired, slender girl
  hold your Christmas present. It lllély hold a fortune. It fronithe south—into an awkward, stupid sort of a misfit,
  may hold—Oh, anyway that`s a secret you can`t share yet.” but,she wouldn’t say anything about that now. Later she i
  August laughed. "lt might be," he agreed, "and I won't V would ask August to take his sister, Olga, who was then
  peek any more. l`ve already studied the writing on it, visiting her mother. The costume would add to Olga’s
  judy, so l know it`s from that cousin you like so well." blonde beauty, just as the gypsy fortune teller role judy
  The big, blond young farmer stopped at the range to was to play at the party would make her a regular sensation,

 ' 'Tl}£;'
March, 1932 E@w<2;@@ °   · 3
The gypsy costume had been in the Larson home several judy Secure the position of English teacher in the township
days before judy let anyone see it. Then she had shown consolidated high school.
it to Donna Bright, the "new school-teacher," who had · “Y0u’1l be a leader amour these cuiet >eo>le," he had
¤ _ is l l l
come to the Larson neighborhood in September to fill the said. “You’ll love it, too.”
vacancy occasioned by judy’s marriage to August during His prediction had come true. The teachers loved
the summer. Donna came to spend the night with judy vibrant judy and followed all her plans. Their admiration
[ ' so that August and Rodney, judy’s brother, could go to passed on to the neighborhood. judy was its "lirst love"
the city to buy some fencing and then stay late to attend and Sparkling leader. Everybody was happy when August
a meetin . Au ust had su ested Donna’s comin . “So Larson, the favorite ·oun » } g Y _
Rodney laughed. “That girl keep judy company!" he school closed.
ffd. “Sl’cfl(tt`. d 'lll.*t tt. - . .. .~ . ,
SCO € ie S 1 it , me Ju y ,W1 Tue 0,,Cn Cr am ETLR marriage judy’s position in the neighborhood had
herself to keep from bemg bored while she s here. . . .
H , . , ,, , changed, had waned, it might be said. At first she
Donna s just homesick, judy defended her friend. . . . . p
H . , was too interested in her new home and in August to
Back at college she was lively and gay. She doesn t have . .
, _ , notice that she was no longer named leader for all meetings ;
many good tunes up here. Teaching is sort of dull at . . _ _ .
times ,, that she was not re-elected president of the l1te1a1y society.
` . . . “D nna B" ht ` tr rin to tal rn nl e," sl e told herself
“You (lldllit find it dull," August retorted, more like O. Hg 15 l g (6 yl ac 1
Podnc than himself Ubut rOu,r€ a Tlamc GiI_l,,, trag1cally one day. But she soon found out that Donna
\ Y ’ y ` wasn’t. Homesick little Donna, whose life had been city
QFTER that judy’s heart had sung while she stood at lights and city people, couldn’t seem to {it in with the broad
the kitchen window, waving her “two men folks” fields, the people of the north, and their pleasures. Most
good-by. Then she donned her prettiest house dress to of the time she was a wretched, homesick girl.
read until her guest came; but though the book was inter- "Married folks have their own friends,” August told his
esting, judy’s eyes often roamed from the pages to look young wife when she confidcd to him the crowd was drop-
. around her pretty living room. That was because she loved ping her. “They don't fit in with the single ones.”
her home so much. "But they should," judy insisted. "Back home they did. r ‘
VV hen she and Rodney had come to the Larson neighbor- [ C oiztiizued an page 49]
hood sixteen months before, they had planned
’ r r ’ — ‘  · ·"f:f é1Ei"'fif—  `*;·-¥¤““T”i   i '
m my Om} “ lf? Of tW°· _ROd“‘°’?’5 hw   ;•~§<.- .·%,i# Fi elé iaémrazsa§¤§s§eit£s;§;;qi’     -.,»   . N  
had been responsible for their leaving their v_     ·: ‘* Y       i T ‘?¤{ir r ,.» ., _  
. ..   »;.;»" fa. ··.;&:. -+. it  . s - A .=·   ‘. ‘¤_——,,··*.. .,,. .
_ home in an Eastern city. The Hu had left     g   1,  (  ,_  
Spots on the1n. His work in ian architect’s     `'`“`" Y   {    t—t`‘ i  
Office further aggravated his condition,   '.,i_     ‘ l   ·g¥,_,;Jr’ _* V M5; · 3,
. ».»-   -—..   ·'     if ~      —- .— —· *· V .' ’ =  
judy had Just been graduated from college ,.   _ .   _,,,    ·   —   · ° »
· , . nr ¢;¤Ef=FE:3`Q`¢6L,..~ 1  i`   ‘°*:·‘?·+i¥1 if-?>`€’$   I .·»f7k /  . T ··> :’ ° ‘ ·
when the doctor s verdict about Rodney had gg?    , fe `»#». F`, ’-_‘. ”  ._._``   ,};'TS§<‘r ’ ;}‘~·¥;· ·
. .     .¢   ..   V —..· `r;~.l`**3`{§`;‘T"i1.'.§    i'_’»··    `,¤i2.5*i  ·   ?‘
been given. A position as English teacher in     ···· wg  ,3. ..·. a__,g;·. yy  ·   ..__     ~.» _·.,: »\l:  
I , . »   _ >--A   — _ *':::f;;,q_»*_:‘~;é {Tal.  lei}    'Y'.‘_:·3-llggl    ,2  ..~- `
the city s newest high school was open to her, _,   _` r·:· X »     {jg, _v._·   .»_,        
and beautiful dreams of being a leader in that       5   ,          
_ _ e·T*`·»!'   —s     ,.~ ki`? i,F·.,"? ;_;=‘i_‘ ;;‘_*:' if-‘Q’ 2   ·  12 
school had just started 1n judy’s heart when E             _‘$fi   ; -     ` @1  '
i the shock came. The doctor had recommended     V K  `·’·   &§"»*  _   ° r  _  
· Minnesota climate for Rodney. lmpulsively .3    ._· y,   _:;__,j   ‘
? judy had told him they would go there imme-     4:* ;- ;§i.. _ , _ ‘   Q _ j,   ‘·     ` T   ·` W
1 diately. She left the office to spend hours       ·r · ·? "r~»·-....__ r .,i ’_». ,    
‘ . . .     l`   --·.  ‘    ¤ ;a»—;;~   V .‘ `   *¤· — ’i?‘$a€ba?:"`· 1:;.2
_ walking thestreets, conquering her own disap- as _ l .    Vg   i   ,.   i   _ ..-. t J
l I · . ... »:.ms!· '   ;é',)_`4T,l    `· L·»=—' ¤•4,u[
l " pomtment and heartache over having to give .,   _     \ . 2 ’ i ..
. . ' ` ZJ-=¤" x" ,,4* ’  %· ’  *1: Z " _ ` l
up the position. Wlieii she reached home that _ ,_     gra   ~ .   V;
i ` evening she had seemed to sparkle and had _·   jg A. ,   _  
made even Rodney believe it would be a great ,  I, L ii h A       I+/. 
adventure.   fl r V     . ·_  it  Y"'   =»:~
T She had hurried him up to Minnesota before  ’       ~ i   __ »       _,   ,
any of his friends could tell him that state  A ,   "       __;§; ’2"i   V, i
  would make a lonely home. The physician to '·_; i`     , ,. ' , .  ii.}
i t r »a· HH Y z . ...‘ . 1*   ··€   si ,_·.   ··_-  _;txJ·  
· ‘ ' ‘· ~   2;;;      "   ’   *»i_ ,       . _- _
  her to the Larson 1]€lglll)OI‘llOO(l, had helped .  i;‘   " =" rm    ’ .*,»=·$ .    ··
` them lease a tiny farm, and then had helped She wanted to sgy, “Y0u’1-c 10ve1y," but she didrft dare

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`     §!>\1:', Copyright, 1931, by Albion Roy king
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1 *' I , ., ` 4 l' G -
,     1 Ytwikze-e . . . . . . . .
E i .,%%*1*   This article is the tirst of a series giving the results of scientific
  ·  .j`f.l~f¤Z investigation and research on the subject of the use of alcohol.
    They are nonpolitical and are published for the beneht of those
_ 1,1   { _\i1r?*):°;{_·(lf_’»—N{§,r' \;11,iQ@.,§ who want the strict truth divorced from propaganda.
g *   `e.· f     ‘Y&i·
· _ ·1-Ev',. L.; ...}ic.-i3r£S·i2I.‘: l!\l ‘ H
l I. Science and the Liquor Reform trafhc i11 liquors a convenient means of supplementing i11- ,
. .. . · rdecuate ;·1larie‘. Methodist s f’r f r t the rule of
, O\V1;Rl*UL forces are arrayed agamst each other 111 A 1 I " °_ _   9 A O go
. 1 - . _ _- 1 { I I I john VN esley against l1qL101` Clfllllilllg that tl1e General Con-
’ the fight over ll(lLlUI` refoini. O11 tl1e s11c1etory
* temperance, and then 1)I'Ollll)1tlOll, as a lll€€ll1S of l1lZll{II1g _
. . . . secret1o11 of tl1e yeast plant. Its food value l1as been proved ,
; tl1e temperance 1(lC2\l effective, as objects of a great 1110ral , , , _
1 . . to be I1€gllgll)lC, 1f any, and it breaks ClO\VI1 tl1e natural re- l
T crusade. It may be good strategy for 1ts €1l€111l€5 to brand . . V , .
. . - . . . s1sta11ce to disease. A c0n1par1son of cookbooks 111 general ¢
1 tl1e rctorm ll]OV€Il]€Ut as the work of a 'fZll]21I1CZl.l puritanism, ,tl tl { t t H .11 1
1 . . . . . . use 110\V wi 1 10se 0 wen 1- ve or more fears *1 *0 Wl
b11t It IS a gross 1lllSC21.lC1ll2l.tlOl1 of the s1ze and effectiveness . I . . . B . C §°
, . reveal tl1e extent of tl11s 1'CVOILIIEIOI1 111 d1et 111 tl1e way ·
of tl1e forces arrayed agamst tllClll. I11 tl1e First ])l1Z1S€S of . _
. vegetables 2111(l fresh fruits l1ave replaced meats and alco- ·
tl1e lllO\’€ll1€lllZ tl1ose forces have l)€€l] ec01101111c, 1110ral, and C _ d 50 -
1 rehgious. But tl1e dec1s1ve lI1l:lll€I1C(i 1s, and w1ll continue [ ml mug lm page 1
a to be, science. Science is the 011ly autl1ority which tl1is W,   I,1_._,__,,   .....   -
, - · ·. 1 , — xii.:    -
generation will hsten to Wltll absolute conhdence. And the ·=c£_;,,;:m.:_..,,.,,a,.1..,;1?.-y;»-—~·~-—- `
1 verdict of science l1as bee11 delivered against alcohol, ,____,_;fjQf,Q;})"i@,,,1., cig   _ 1
1 I .....   e°“‘°"` r  *1
, N()'l` so long ago alcoholic liquors were generally re--   ‘t`',    ` -.s g; I  P
, ’ ld · l r _ { if (1 1 d l I 4, _ I .   {1, ,/ - I   ·1 J  _;  _ l\l" ` [ath I  ·"\;§E·iw‘¥,f@,‘," ,
. gai et as tl oo an 11 necessary 116111 of daily d1et. ,11-.__ T; _Q _ .,1. ,_ ·r    »  T,   ,, r  ?,l;,1¢u· 1
Y . . . . . . . ‘L # I ·'/ I 4  .·=,;‘_ ’x ,‘ · , I M"  i "
_ ln l8l9 there was a strike 111 the sh1pbu1Id1ng industry 111  M, ézlyi 1, 1 _   l ,   lfp fi ,,_ ‘ (
, . . . '     `Q " 1·»f', ;»  " 1 <*.     ;   " .
, Massachusetts because a11 employer c11t olf the da11y l'Zl.U01l @1    "  ’» ,,1.,   E $,5/  1  -  
. . . ·· ~.. ‘.‘ ·C‘1·    I N   "    al ;F
,1 of a ])lllt a11d a half of wl11sky to the workers. Knowmg __;§  ·1   1 *1 ll`,   JQ?   — (
t=' · · ········ 1   `  . -· °  V  "·¤·.
y SO1ll€tlllllg ol tl1e times, and the general ways of employers,  771 ”""* V i I
@,1 we lllily Slll'l1llS€ that it was Yankee tl1r1ft ratl1er tl1a11   /  ·\
, ` , . . . .   ;·/1··;.,, #·~ L ·
_, l ankce }')l.ll`lt2l.IllSll1 \VlllCll led to tl1e measure. There is no        ,,.;»~·*-   ` ,
1 · . . . _ ,' iC.,·‘~1.v;;;j ` `   Q•;.»;_:Ui,-{fx, <
*,1 1lllllllElt10ll lll tl1e record tl1at wages were 111creased accord-       .
‘ · . . . .   32  “- E']?/”‘V"ff?]~é’1 A
  ingly. Liquor was freely prescribed as a tOl11C a11d every-  
  _ _ "_·—  ·¤  ·. (,1··1;€,;.*Q g   ,
»,E where regarded as a Slllllllllilllt. Even preachers in the early `··,____ "`$  ·'·‘i¢’ii;‘5·iZ1 - %··¢=¤» 1 1
" . . . ,, _ ‘\ "   *2 .
t 1 circuit rider days looked UPOII strong spirits as an €5S€IltlZl.l "‘ h
; 1 _ . _ . . _, . I V _ cartoon by Carmack, Courtesy of t e christian Science Monitor
, tlltl to llOlllllC[lLdl hberty, a11d some of them found the usa}, it with votesp 2
1 [4]

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H, BEULAH LAND, sweet Beulah Land, as 011 the panted a gorgeous 11ew car, gay with bright paint and 111uch
V . · . . .
highest mount I stand," sang Ma lordan lust1ly as nickel. Tl1at was strange enough 111 itself, but at the wheel,
she kneaded the bread for to1norrow’s baking. her face flushed and ea