xt7zcr5n9g1t_28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Theodore Dreiser," Edmund Wilson,                                  The New Republic, March 30, 1932 text "Theodore Dreiser," Edmund Wilson,                                  The New Republic, March 30, 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_17/123875/123875.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_28 xt7zcr5n9g1t ge      »»,.   ,,     _ ;
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 {   R€Sl'1€3I`1I1g Sl1OI°I1 L&H1l)S
Q   2   C The   of Holders of Defaultecz Rea] Estate Bonds
    7 by BERNARD J. REIS A A
    A{ter the Dearborn Massacre ~ Oauey Ioimson
    Russxaqs Ec011om1c Inventmns -· George Sauk R
   { Theodore Dreiser -· Edmund W1°7son E
      Japanese Fasc1sm ~ EeZ1`to1·1`a] R
    o¤AseAe A   
    sr —   ss~s as  VOL. LXX. N0. 904
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 ‘ · - »   * VV   `»·' T `.i¤   
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il THE NEW REPUBLlC i Md7'Ch 30, 1932    
W hen W e Choose to Plan   o I V.   s ,:;,,;;»
is =· Special number 0*   M A N C H U R I A       e o      .   
. ` ·   Q
To many an American, economic planning has seemed a       l ' .·r` E
balloorvlike idea, a Russian invention or a puffed out ~ . r _  
theory as crazy as our grandfathers thought "Darius Green · · ` V
with his flying machine." But a generation that licks air» ' [
mail stamps as a matter of course, is rightly curious as         ' ;‘
to what the idea might look like against the American i_
landscape——littered as it now is with unemployment and ‘ `   .
our half»foundered vehicles for production and distribution. Battle ground fm. centuries, exhausdcss reservoir . I
‘ This number is a mooring mast- such as cities set up of surplus populations, Manchuriameasures her » V l
to invite Zeppelins down to earth. These articles give _ history not by years but by the ebb and How of ` V,  
the thrust of creativeiinagination up from our new world invading Pc0Pi€s_ Here is he,. Story, told by an gy,.
experience. They bring the planning idea down to going A . 1 h h k h
A . . d t .) _t t.] { I t I h d /1 _ merican exp orer w o as nown t e Far East
merican in us nts exies, s ee, eep one an eec _ him d H_ b k
tricity. They traverse the natural resources which must Slllce C _l°° • ls °_° removes a theusalld  
buttress it; the legal maze through which it must find its _ nusconcepuons ¤l>0l1t this focal point of world   .
way andthe chance it might hold out for higher stand, interest and shows the present crisis in its true
ards of ll"mg· . light. His earlier books, "The Desert Road to A _
Articles by _ Turkestan” and "High Tartary," have established _
Stuart Chase _ _ him as an unique authority on the Orient. l
Lewis L. Lorwm r V V
• . . . . • I *•
Mary vim Klccck At all bookstores $3 00 A W ·
wmiam Hard E· C· L‘“‘l°‘“‘°"‘ I
Sldlle}" Hlllman l ` V THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 60 FifthAve., NewY0rkI .
Morris L. Cooke ` cnrcaao uosrox ATLANTA DALLAS san mzancrsco , ~
Robert W. Brtiere l____________   __ V ,1
I Turned into a pageant by   A s _, V
__ Hendrik W. Van Loon, Diego Rivera, o
Rollin Kirby, Lewis Hine, Otto Neurath. 1'|||$ SUMMER [E H" U . ~
» wg"' ja  iw W 
Also .
. _ _ Sigogpopatxrau (group: scf Inexzhirs, M I ·
Those Crazy Russians     V
drips ot 12 to oo days in the Sonet Lnion under competent
leatiershipx visiting tiiounost interesting of New_Russi_u’s {
A mia of roar assis by thedistinguished American 1;:53*%,,:3;;;*=;,;;;;:;·=;?$,3:;;;:;,*4,*;;*.t**°"*·‘· 1*-**** ***· SOM  
psychiatrist, Frankwood E. Williams. There have been 33 d . . . . ,
_ _ _ _ ayg In Rusgm $410 Including complete service from
countless articles telling from one point of view or another 26 a a it 375 l New York through Russia (ssa s _
what Riiisizi is ttlying tz do to build a new ki)nd ofhworld_ 21 M ·¢ ¤~ 350 i ‘g;?_f_})0‘;’:_‘; ::*;;:1 Hl::::‘l’:g3Ll’°m L pp
DL Wl, mms 35 Si EN Y efehthey, d‘§“g,)ltA QV at age For tourist class on steamer and 2nd category in Russia “ _'
the motives an satisrztctionst at Stir f em. 11 p1‘0§€€ 5 $654 for 33 days; $584 for 26 days; $550 for 2]. days.
to answer on the basis of his own iirst hand experience Samngs on the BREMEN and EUROPA ·
lll RllS$m· June 7, 15 July 9 August 13 ,
f ' ff For booklet, itineraries address PHILIP BROWN, Director if it
    O   FRIENDSHIP   iss imitiusnmr rxiacn _ I
_ Telephone: Souili 8-5315 Bll0OKLYNr N- Y-
_ 1 I illustrated numbers $   y
l.I`ICludiI`Ig Hu. the . LECTURE l ` . l  
features listed above ` " ___t‘_"_"   .
..,. _.________.____. ... .. This Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West .64th Street ‘ ·
suavsy omxpmc nz E. io som, New York city. ¤¤1'hg ch¤||gngg of unemphyment V r
I ccept your half price offer. S nd me 14 months of Survey ` i I
Grapliic, including the special numb; on Economic Planning and ln England and Am¤|'l¢¤" ‘   a
the series by Dr. Williams.· I attach $2.00. addresses by ' _ _
Name .........,....................................... . ................................................................................................ R¢¤;,   _. ,. ,.e.,. -.   "`v I- ` g
l%hi;;ibgr__,`,i,,,,££T*T7‘;?7YtZ""T'!I'??ZT5;I'?*Ti"i'T" 'Tf `.'Z '``'` `il T"""'Ti" ""fr "' ' "Z CL -7.'..` MI ` T C i e ` ini"? i

 ll T H E N E W R E P U B L I C A March 30, V1932.·, -" ~ o   I LV
W hen W e Choose to Plan `   ‘   " ‘ ‘T` ‘“‘” " ”_   e ; .   V A -
  aspmnumbef of MANCHURIA A    W         o     A  
To many an American, economic planning has seemed a       V _V V 1    
balloondike idea, a Russian invention or a puffed out ~ I   j f`
theory as crazy as our grandfathers thought "Darius Green _ > · L_ T
with his flying machine." But a rreneration that licks air» »   L:
mail stamps as a matter of courze, is rightly curious as        _ . V   QV . · \.’(
to what the idea might look like against the American   V   V. _
landscapc—littered as it now is with unemployment and ‘ f . '
our half-foundered vehicles for production and distribution. Battle ground for Centuries, exhausdcss teservoilf . . T LV , :
· This number is a mooring mast- such as cities set up of S¤fPl¤$ P0P¤l6tl011S, M8¤€l1¤fl3 measures her . V   A
to invite Zeppelins down to earth. These articles give _ history not by years but by theebb and How of A V   .
the thrust of creativeixnagination up from our new world invading Pc0P1€S_ Hem is he,. Story, told by an gv 
experience. They bring the planning idea down to going American ex lord who ha kl O V th F E ‘
American industries-textiles, steel, telephone and elec _ bil P _ S 1 vm e ar ast ‘ A .V ’ ‘
tricity. They traverse the natural resources which must s“}°° C dl’°°d' Hls b°_°k r€m°V"S “ th°“S““d ~ - S _
buttress it; the legal maze through which it must find its _ ¤¤S€0¤€eP¤0¤$ about this focal point Of world  ”
way and the chance it might hold out for higher stand· interest and shows the resent crisis in its true . Yi;
a r 1· = . . . P  
ar S 0 lling- light. His earlier books, "The Desert Road to -  
Articles by Turl¤tl» that tht ihvtttmtht tttwrtts of tht twhtty 2
  s Editorials would be diverted from productive industry to I
’ _, . Prospects of Japanese Fascism ................... 167 ‘lUOU·pl'OdUCtlV€ll governmental €XP€I`i$€$- Th€T€ is
I-   Liberia: the Black Manls Buftlell ................ 169 sonjg Strength in the first contention, but not ]]]uch_
···l ` General Arrlelee The chief investors in overnment bonds will re-
  Reshearing the Shorn Lambs ...... Bernard J. Reis 170 main as before not   individuals but banks
  After the Dearborn Massacre ..... Oakley johnson 172 . l l . r
·   Chaos or‘C0ntrol: IV ............... George Soule 175 · lllsurelllcc Compamcg a·rl_d tl-ustricd rund_S¤ Where
 $2;; W¤thl¤st¤¤ N¤t€¤ ·--·-·----··-·---..··. T· R- B- 180 safet rather than rield is the rime consideration.
ge Hot Cha and Taos Stark Yo ng 181 y 5 p
’   · . . .. .............. U ' . ‘ ,' ' ‘ '
;`  rnrtrazee ........................ Gilbert sewer ree Drlrrrlg presllerlryt even “‘rl‘ hlgll ‘“e°'?le reree l"
  Correspondence .................................... iss rOree· bY rar elle grearer Parr Or rlle thtthttt Or
gi _Rc,,;€w,, of Books the rich came from dividends and capital gains
_: :·l‘V . • •
  Equity for Americans ............ Edmund \Vils0n 185 fttthtr tllah from l:rlX'cxCml)r_SCCllrlrl€S·_ The ree' p
—   _ Allen T¤lt’¤ Ntw P°€mS -···---·-·-· T-twist B¤g¤¤ 186 verse may prove to be true in depression, but it
  Sellemy Alllmcen Years ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "‘Clle"lee.A' Beard 187 will cease being true the moment more money is ·
J-,. Bridge Builders ..... , ........... Catherine Bauer 187 , .
Yet The End of a Tradition .......... Robert Cantwell 188 to be made 1¤ 0€l`1€I' mV€$tm€llt$ than §O"€rlllll€llr
`L   Book Notes .................................... 188 bOndS_ Thg Sgggnd groumgnt ig ]O()-percent fal-
o   _  —;.i_ lacious. Somebody buy; all the government l3OHflS
s  `l that are issued in·any case; so far as the supply
  Th€ Week of Ii;1oney(§oHr industrilgiltloxpatrlgsion isleiiiifggihléf
  THE most cheering news of Congress in a me es no l eregee lll li cr C1 purclah im_CqtOr`s
Q  long time is the revolt against the sales tax, grelqpts are HC mves Ori Sr ESSC rlfuentq ig nm;
0 n • . ‘ 7 7 _
which so astonished and alarmed the leaders in the ure lcrlilgolef mlmcl dspillc ,,y gf? énccrminlv in
C i House last week In part, of course, it was in- lleeeeeelrl Y nOll`l)m ht ll ' .· .`
_ I \ ¤ · - n n . r V ( V h ‘
p \  spired by self-interest of important mercantile frlltegilrdlllcgeh producmc ih'? lallom-ly ll hm is y
er groups; but in the main it was a genuine revolt that e all ence not Spell a a '
against a bad principle. The proponents of the . .
"   L • . . n ' ' ’ d b W
( ~t,V   , · tax have sought to quiet the opposition by making {T Islexelllorelln?-la tlxlt llblth alzigeibjllsilqlslcii .
   '¤ important concessions which would exempt agri- here ee   SO lltt Cl .2: . een S al com ambie
' `   cultural implements, food, clothing, medical sup- pelferleio that a’“lllCl(£Sén ggncf do Fed the
.  . r plies and other special items. All told, these would wrt} W ee Our Own ll Ou C 1 llc il P .
reduce the estimated revenue from the tax bv measure. So far as we are aware, the only im-
Z-ii $144,000,000 out of a total estimated return of Ecrrillr eeeimpe ttxtetilt at dg; C§"{*‘lEeI‘3eXPe;"rle;;
_ ,  $595,000,000. VVe earnestly hope that those who els tth e it 0 {A lem? e`l&Ol) o ears ’ l
..   · have been leading the iight will not accept this com- wok 9* gum erh,O merleem Ongrgssmei acl-ais
    promise. It leaves the vicious principle of the tax tht b°r er eeblls elm erpfelllie this OW} em C
  {  Y - untouched; it would still impose a burden of more llrlghee§Ip°;§ e vttthttfh e e ta es eax mfopereb
  . than 400,000 000 annuall on those elements in rl°rl· r· _ eelrsr ls O emlree er mem O, greet
7 Y
  §  ` · · . . wealth and in recent years, of strontr and increas-
  I the community which can least aliord to pay, and _ ¤ _. N - H h f =¤ h, h
J   once the sales tax is enacted, it would be all too lrlg eorlservarlrsrlr elrrlrl? Ythe erwrs Zrzx W lid
  lh r easy to Whittle away the Cxcmptiolm bears upon t e poor rat er t an one w ic wou
M __   take an enlarged share of his own accumulated
*`fr~f,e l · AGAINST the substitute proposal to raise the property. A very dilierent picture of the Canadian
{T; ‘¥ he income-tax rates in the higher brackets, the old situation is presented by Thomas Moore, president
jgV_»]»r p argument is trotted out that if this were done, of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress, in-
    ‘ the rich would escape the levy by putting their terviewed a few days ago by the Scripps-Howard o i  
  _r-_. Elf`  or . money into tax-exempt government bonds. This Newspaper Alliance. \Ve summarize his statement: 2
     rtt C   t . _;
  he   71Zi"S'IT"1(i"7'Z"JLj"5}""L""l",""'.". . `'`' . 1`LL. .. Z. ` . , l . .a.. .,.. , .. ., . . . . - · — ~; l

 . · __ , ,`Z ;q.i,i.  T . _i
` ·‘ .   flfz
l6~l _ THE NEW REPUBLIC Ma1‘c}z 30, 1932   ·. ‘ ¤  _~i
, It has added much to the cost of living of the our gm,-cmmcms are to be denied the righf of _,       X m
lowost paid worker and his family. dealing with it at all? VVhat.is the use of holding i‘iq I   ed
lf is confusing {ind ¤0stlY iii ¤d¤¤i¤i$tY¤ti0¤· intact the so-called rights of individualistic private ~ it Q at  W]
Tile accumldatlon of profits charged °" the sslss property if the result of doing so is what we now _d¤,.   ‘ th
tax is many times the amount of the tax before tl1e eee On every hand? The right protected is little · -_ ’  _
i articles actually reach the hands of the consumer. _ h h _· he t e like _ h· e · e , i   its
·The tax restricts purchasing power and- thereby mma t an   C ug V O ac an analc ls m a ` l s bf!
helps te eeeeeee the depression, necessarily interdependent world.   ~  _ , in
Nil'- i\l001`€i ihl`0ll§ll his 0lli€l¤l position. Ouglli to AT THE moment, the news from the Far East   g
know what he is talking about. \Ve should be glad is more eheerful than le has been in nqany Weeks—. ,,    
to know Wll€fll€i` Nil`- H€3l‘Si, as tht? P1`i¤€iP21l though it is of course entirely possible that before . ii gh
- American proponent of the sales tax, has any an- these words are read, the temperature may have T   , as
SW6? to tl1€S€ €l¤21Fg€S· dropped again. The Chinese and Japanese forces _   W,
_ JUSTICE Holmes is gone from the Supreme gugglagggag h,?;$,e;gl;1a,§gSaigaepgcedtgeclgigxqagnifoa: .i   » t
Court, but Justice Brandeis remains. His dissent- ,_.e. b ’ .5 d in N k. T k. Th A  gv  T
ing opinion in the case of the New State Ice Com- all mg _ Gag rat;] C ,y C,a.n mg for O Kal, C s .   {W
pany vs. Ernest A. Liebman is a notable addition HEC? plgvl esa at Sch image Orca: S S at?  " in
to his long list of similar documents. Declaring  cla, t ig ala'   tha Japaaaach S a Wit é   d6
that we are faced by an emergency more serious law` rcsuma y’ t la. racaaa t .c Tatum Q   tii
i than war, lVIr. Brandeis laid the responsibility at moat Of the Japamaaa aoldlala to than- Own Coma`   M
the door of unbalanced · ducti d m - Uiyl although the dlapatchas di) mag make this   UC
- - pl? On an Consu .p l ·. The Lea ue of Nations investi atin com- P  
tion, and quoted with seeming approval the belief C aal h   d Sh h . dg ,1% s h _ jg; or
of “many thoughtful men" that investment in pio- namaa aab auwa aa . daag ali as W 10 t e   U co
ductive enterprise must be subjected to control, time Vi/ashcmg aagitlatc lm mam Cf Wal`? am   `th
and unbridled competition brought to an end. sesjgl mf ‘? thmougg, Ybuschcss mk Ob "";‘m““~“g   0 gi
\Vhile fully recognizing the difficulties of a planned the Catluctlon caaaa Y t.,a Iiacaat att CSI In   ¤€
national economy, he declared his faith in the Japan' aha Claagal Oi a _ml1taly dictatorship On   th
ability of mankind, by experimentation, “to remold fascist lmaa la HOW llappltaa to here been cxag`   ai
Z7ur economic practices and institutions to meet ga1iatad’ and tha pradlhcilon la maala thatahc pres`   wl
A changing social and economic needs." Such experi- cat uaaaUSfaCtOly.pO-ltlaal conditions will be ra`   pc
-.. mentation, he declared, is a legitimate function of solvad by a coalition govcramaat Of the Ramsay _   bu
.' _ the individual states, and the Supreme Court ought MacDonald typ€’ which will mchidc .aapraS€ata` Q e fr
V not to hamper these activities. "VVe should mics sf both thc Salyukal aaa Mlaaalto pamaa   ob
ever be on guard, lest we would erect our preju- Even, m regard to tha most samaus ultimate prob`   ek
, diccs into legal principles. If we would guide by lem m the Far East'. the possible War between.   Se
i the light of reason, we must let our minds be bold.” Japan and Sovlct RusS1a’ Phe news of the moment   CO
is somewhat more reassuring. The Japanese gov- ri
IT \,\7QULD be `vgll if the majority Of the Qourt, ernment has officially notified lh/Ioscow that its lac-   li;
who disagreed with Justices Brandeis and Stone tlOll$ im? not illii€l`l€l€d to bs llllmlcal to Rllsslall ~ `  
in the Oklahoma ice case, would read with atten· llll€l'€St$- it has 0ii€F€d to SHPPWSS tho Whltc      
tigy], and ponder UPON, thc recent letter fygln RLISSi21X`lS ill lVIHl'1Cl'1UI'l21, 3.IlCl WllllC it admits 8. COH- at .e
President Erskine to the stockholders of the sidcrabls messing of lnpansss troops along rhs   `,  SL
Stiiglgbaker Q01-pnrarlnn_ l\/lr_ Erskine, arguing Korean border, it insists that these troops are not . e . ml
for a writing-down of the value of the common to bs used against tim U5-S-R- Dsspifc all those i i _‘._ , av
stock and the plant aqcgunt Of the ggmpgny, points fine words, of COLIYSC, the fL11'1Cl3.1TIC1'1t3.l COlllllC‘C IC-     - Sep
__ out that the automobile industry has plants capable mains ¤¤¤b2‘~i€€li ihmlgll lapallis llllmlllaiillg shook ,  i` 1
I of pl-odueing 9,000,000 ears annually, though ie at Shanghai, the diiiiculties she is encountering in e —, ml
can now Sell Only 2,()()(),()()()_ DO thg learned Jug. l\danchuria and her grave internal situation have _   -  
tices approve the social and economic effects of P€1`l121[i>S operated to postpone fl1€Yl&11g€1‘0f€0¤lli€f-   · fe
using the labor energy and resources of the coun- ri   Z., th,
try in order to prepare to produce over four times TVVO developments occurred last week in regard ii _ th,
as many cars as can be sold? Perhaps they think to trade between Soviet Russia and the United ‘ ·   1,,,
there is a potential need for 9,000,000 new cars States, one favorable and the other hostile. Of the   I tim
a year; but in that case, how do they expect the two, the favorable one was much more important. _ ,   b
people to be given enough purchasing power to Sitting in the United States Customs Court in New ,· __  _ ea;
I buy them? Do they maintain that this result can York, Judge Charles P. McClelland ruled that e_._i»  gi tl;
bc achieved under capitalistic competition? Vilhat “dumping" duties of more than $1,000,000 need  ·    
is the use of competition to reduce prices in the _ not be paid on matches made in Russia andasold in ` · i _Q§§ pc
4 interest of the consumer, if the consumer cannot America. The government contended that Jthese »     _ ga
buy at any price? The Oklahoma licensing law is matches had been “dumped" here without reference · ¥ ii fig.,  _ ` · 0 (
probably not the best way to tackle this type of to "fair value," and sought to impose the ve1€yii j_j-QT  ei
problem, but bow is any way to be discov_ered if high duties required by law in such a case. Judge.,   I  
··   ‘ ;   i·_,   `1. .

     . Illarch 30, 1932 THE NEVV REPUBLIC *657  
  ».»', `_ ‘ McClelland held that when the matches were made, cially, she dare not do it in view of the situation Q
  ·4—, iff  S i* ~ they had no “foreign market or export va1ue." He in Egypt and India, and her own public opinion ·
  added that it was impossible for him to ascertain and that of the world would condemn such an ..
  what Congress meant by the words "fair value" in action. As for the annuities, the same situation
»   f· the Tariff Act, and excoriated the government for holds good. They are as uncollectable as war
  its handling of the case which, he said, seemed to debts, if Ireland chooses not to pay. The problem i
t til A . be designed to conceal, rather than elucidate, the of Ulster is an extremely difficult one, bnt there  
if  - A important facts. This case will be appealed to the is no need for complete pessimism about it. The j
  T full court of three judges, and if they sustain Judge Ulsterites, realizing how little assistance the Brit- I
f   McClelland, it will go to the United States Court ish can n0W glVe them. will be lnehnetl to be ten'
"li  of Customs and Tux Appgalg at \VgShil]g[Ol]_ In sonable; €il'lCl tl`1C Il`iSl'l gOV€l'I]Ill€I'lt \Vill UI'lClOUl.)tCCllY
  ii the mgantinig, Judge Mc(jlcllsnd’s dccisinn cnmcs he moreisober andiconciliatory than anyone would I
  ` as a breath of common sense in regard to a subject have believed Peeelhle 3 tleeetle ago-T To tbe lone .
  which is usually the occasion for hysterical nonsense. thni lt ls tlhtlhhhtethlv hest that hdtthcth end
  is   . . i Southern Ireland should work out their relation-
.‘      THE other development of the week was a re- ship without interference from any outsider. Only i
. i  newed attempt to put a complete, embargo on the in that way can a permanent solution be attained. .  
 `; importation of merchandise from the U.S.S.R. A ~
i_  li" delegation of ten Senators, twenty-six Representa- SENATOR Bingham of Connecticut, who used to
I   tives and numerous private citizens called upon Mr. be 3 college PF0t€5$01' and had Senne Ptetenelehe as
    Secretary Of the rldreagury, to demand that 21 SCiCI1tiSt, has lC>€COlTl€ 21 tllO1'OLlgl`lgOll1g pOl1tlCl21l'l,
  no more goods be permitted to Come from Rtlggig, as is evidenced by his shocking behavior last week.
I   on the ground that all production there is under A measure is before Congress providing $132,00%
  _ eonditions of ttfgyced labor-_" Mr_ Mills replied OOO for road building, largely as relief to theiunem-
  U tha