xt7zcr5n9g1t_27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Kentucky Coal Town," Malcolm Cowley,                                  The New Republic, March 2, 1932 text "Kentucky Coal Town," Malcolm Cowley,                                  The New Republic, March 2, 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_16/123839/123839.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_27 xt7zcr5n9g1t I  AI    ‘``A’A   V  I I A   I *é,  A A  '‘‘   ’é;‘ I   ‘ ‘—»._  
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   Q · ;    I Pulalimhed  Week@/  
  I »   €dI1€S(13)T March 2.,      
  I     A
    Boycott Leads to W ar  
    I GOOCILYB to   Raslcob    
    »   K€HtUCl>-Y     · C`; ` I 1 >` A H · ,§Y "' _'       I W x · >· , 5 ` ` -_v -· L           ' T'             v—`4·_   T`   '.        {  II Wy TI
A ·~ II A THEI NEW REPUBLIC · g   .Mn,ch.2) 1932.  
‘ F A c E S     I II °  
» ‘ {Ii ,y_ 1 '.l;..·\ mv.,-·€`   . y .  
I L s I     Tliiiti »  
~ T H E ‘ i  ;;r·...;;"i~H=4r¤      ·
· I v' `t'I R 'I , t t ta I as widely as you - QI I
V     . ‘ czngsgzgg ¤;IS;;;n;(T:;:Ii1;ndOirt\p\l‘gsSIO¤S GS YOU CCU; A  
‘       and know what your expenses will be. The Open ·
, Road has devoted live ygars to perfecting its org¤niza· .  
,_ . - · _ r ' rh U. S. S. R. R ‘ d r p sentatives in {_
'% ¤¤¤° mm P'¤¤¤·¤¤ M s   rL?2.;2w Err r.,.r.g,...r lIriI:wiI1iIerr;r;i taralmerat to ,
II Ih°n °l IIlI‘° PIIGSGIIIIII °lIa°s? Ame" the country, and the things worth seeing. They save '
ima'; future depend; gm the you time and money. They help you to see what . Z
. answer. This constructive attempt mlelesls y°U m°II`I'  
{-0 an-{ye ai ,3 Solution is essénfial When inquiring For rates, please indicate whetner youI it -
· . I t t I I I r` ot many specia y con- I  
*$é<*·¤¤ *¤r_ **·¤ *¤~¤¤*-‘¤¤*<·¤¤ $E?r?§r°o'§§§ r€1§ZiZ?.J§.?"2i..,.r.r. wharphase at rr;
citizen. In its pages James Trus- Russian life interests you most. Round trip ratesas “  
» low Adams, André Maurois, Nich· l°W °$ $23& N y I ° · ge
I i olas Murray Butler, Gerard Swope, _ I   _
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt, Charles A. T · G R II gl
I I BGGFCI, Gnd ITIGFIY O'I`l'I€l"S discuss I   P     D  
_I Tjypgjignl s`I°`°I"_°" and ll"? basl sara Floor, 20-24 werr 43rd sneer, New York city `I - It
I v_   · Cooperating in U. S. S. R. with I N Il- O U R I   II‘.C`»‘
. · _  {1
SIMON AND Scuusrmz mc. I r s ’ _ g  
” announce s . . ' - _ I ie
the publication on February 27,1932 s I   I  
I ‘ ”f g ‘ _ . _ I r 
I rw `1 II"|YIW 7* I I II`,      
lHI· HIS IORT   I i  
i¤ . r J I I · I  I
. y ~ I ·• ·• FIGHT CANCER  
I W I IY W I . _ —  I
  J g LET Us HELP You  
‘ CANCER in its early stages is usually eurahle when prop- I  
' erly treated. If you have the slightest suspicion du!  
Q I ( A yo:i;1:ve c:r¤ee:, consult n physician nt onee. The odds Ill  
_ BY    * 7 in uggrn ¤:'n;'wm¢:¤;*:;';l1¤| Wlly lake n chance? Why _  
_ I ‘ · Follow the udviee of your own doctor, or of your Iced  
I • Cs¤¢crCommIuee. I .  
, . , Th N Y nr ca c mm.- I ~ 
‘17·4nsl¢tedfrom the orzgmrzl Russmn ` H II ,,3;, 7; S,,,,_,I?I,,,,I:_I;:,I:,I,;_fI:T,,,_,,, me . ry;} 
I ,       It/¤•¢n¤u•e•yN••Y»rAcr:_y-•»•¤••n• l U r  
` , American Society for the Control of Cancer · ’* Iij 
. y mr·vrrr1r,n.v. r ; » {
.. ‘ v_ I   \
_ A · . y _ I, _   I, A I Q _»,I ‘· V. ri'? ~ K·  
_ -· ~ ‘ _ _, V. , - . f T » , ·.,‘     j-   r _ · ..`_. . y   ·

     'Z·%e JVe»?  
c   - . j
    R E P B   I  
t.   A Journal of Opmzon —
t t   VoL. LXX New Yoruc, WEDNESDAY, Marton 2, 1932 NUMBER 900 '
; spread——that it will function smoothly if only ' »
o ’ _   Contents someone will stop injuring it, that the chief injury ?
  t   1 Tr, War ......................................... s *°“.f?m°¥‘“‘1 ‘”.°m°“l°“a1t."“d*h‘*eFhe tht thtt t
  Editorials unfailmg sign of its health will be soarmg prices IH j
_ tl Boycott Leads to Warumln     58 the speculanve markets, particularly in those mar-
.   Utopia sspsgnsi ............ Z..jI .... ZZZZZZZZZ so kete which register the riches ef the ew¤ere· A
" General Articles ·
,_   wm France Go socaaustr ....... Phrxrppe soupauh 61 PROBABLY the m0St important bill HOW bef0fe :
  The Brookwaters (verse) ..... I ...... Léonie Adams 62 Congress has nothing to do wjth {hg gxjgtjng dg- p
_, I 3 €VZid‘1§?tf°}f;;$??l?l’iJ§§§J?‘f‘.€§§£aiE’£“,°Hill? 22 Pttttihh— It it tht hhtihhhhttith hih ttcthth e
- R The Wound (verse) ............ Harold Lewis Cook 66 reperred favorably by the Senate Tudlclary Com' _
t lh Iéétggggltytogegloéettn ··--·--··-·· htihieelmrfctgtltgy gg rmttee. The use o-f the United States courts as  
~   Mrs. Figke ........ I  .·Sfa·rk.Yoimg 71 tthtt ht trhrhtrttt ln labor ehepufee has feng htth ` l
 if International Painting Match...Matthew josephson 73 9- Scandal- It has l3€€fl denounced by maHY lligal
V   Are Good Houses Ur1—American?...Catherine Bauer 74 authorities, and both parties have pledged them- ·
__     _ Correspondence ....................... . ._ ........... . 75 solves to do away   jt_ The   now jntyoduqod
  Review of Books by Senator Norris is substantially the same as that (
I   V Bret HGIKC ..'.....·..............C0¤SI3HC€ R0lJI'l(€ 77 dfavvn, `Vlth Contlpctent legal advice, many rnonths A
5 Men of the Rcpubhc ............ JOl1D Chamberlain 78 . . — 2
  orgs ri. assist an ............. Newton Arvin is heh hh Whtth The New Rtrhhht tehthith_tth at i
it   The Lower Depths ................... Slater·Brown 79 length. It has several features, but the principal i
  A Brilliant Tory ................ Herman Srmpson 80 Ones arc: that `vhich Outlaws the "yellOW_dOg" eOn_
{ Book Notes ................................... 80 - · · · ‘
_ tract and makes nnpossible the issuance of an 1n-
o it junction in support of it, that which forbids the
’ _ _ issuance of a restraining order on ex parte affidavits
.   The Week alone, and that which prevents the judge who issues
·   an injunetion from being the sole authority as to
It U       _Afri(;a_, when an epidcmitj ravages IES VlOl21flO1l 3.I‘lCl tl1€ punishment th€1‘CfO1'. In g-C11-
;   the tribe, the witch doctors whip an image of eral, the bill seeks- to establish a policy asserting
  C   ‘ - the particular devil responsible. In America, when the Ipublic interest tn the existence of labor organ-
  »-:  values are crashing as a result of individualistic izanons and c0llective_bargainmg. lt should serve ‘
 ql management of a machine technology, Congress to prevent the use of judicial authority to interfere
  and the P1-csidcpt attack the bears jn \7V;tll Street, with labor’s elementary rights. VVe believe that a .-
  It is the black magic gf Short sglljng’ apparently, strong labor movement in the United States. is
  which brings prices down and keeps them there. So essential to any sound program of economic tm- V
  the Stock Exchange is eventually forced to adopt provement, and that one uof the first legislative
t   rules which will make short selling more difficult, duties is to remove arbitrary interference with the t
. ··  , while committees of Congress report favorably on growth and effectiveness of unions by short-sighted ’ l
_ ~  bills which will permit the government to forbid or prejudiced federal judges. f
—   short selling altogether. But why these half meas- g
l V in   ures? Why not have legislation forcing everyone THE past week has seen six important develop-
‘ie‘ ;, to be a bull? \Vhy not make it compulsory to be ments in relation to the Far Eastern situation. t
i ~ Q  long of the market, and buy on margin? Thus, Bitter fighting has taken place around Shanghai,  
·   by holding a match under the thermometer, we where the Chinese continueto offer a resistance l
t   could make it register any desired temperature, more stubborn than n1ost people thought was pos-  
_)   g and people, looking at the torrid degree, would sible. The ]apanese election resulted, as was ex- _ T
‘ l_i—   , B begin to mop their brows and unfreeze their assets. pected, in an overwhelming victory for the i
· I · L   This is only another symptom of the curious de- Seiyukai, the government party, which by inference  
r "Vi; fi lusion concerning our economy which is so wide- at least, obtained a mandate for continuing its pres- j
t ' _I`.Q ’t   
.;. it   1 · A V ( pi
  I     t- `  -`*~4..a·..;d..----»-.---—;--——·»—-+-L-—·——--—----....»....».....»~.-.-.·......;.......a,..............;.....,e;...`.,_.,..,._.,,,_,,,.._,____,_,__._,_,,___,_“___,_,__,,_g_;___g_,.___,.,... -~;’

 . Q   i .  »  ’   _ i, . :  __ a __      .. 
I 56 . ‘ THE, »NEW_ REPUBLIC p — Mg1·c};*2jI9_§’Z  
  ent policy. At Geneva it was decided that the land from taking this ultimate step. o They say that T   _
° e League Assembly, meeting`on l\/[arch 3, must if Ireland were outside the Empire, and the full I   '
grapple with the Sino-Japanese conflict, though the · present_British tariffs were applied to her products, J ·  
consequences may be extremely serious to the she would be ruined, since 90 percent ofher trade is  
so League itself. A dummy, Japanese-controlled gov- with England. Also, there are some 350,000 Irish__ _ ,  
I ernment has now been set up in Manchuria, where living and working in England; and if these sud- ‘  
I Chinese irregular troops (called "bandits" by the denlyibecame aliens, it is possible thattheir posi- ‘  
o Japanese) are again active. The Japanese Foreign tions might be taken from them or they might even i a 
l\/Iinister, Kenkichi Yoshizawa, has issued a state- be deported back to Ireland. The first of these S si 
ment defending his government’s course, which arguments, however, is a two-edged sword; Ireland ._ ‘ { .
makes quite as bad an impression as therprevious consistently buys abroad "(chie_fly.from England)`  
public documents from Japanese sources. He much more than she sells, and anything designed to — j ,,
’ frankly admits that Japan is using her League injure her exports would bejust as' hurtful to her  
— membership to pttyabt interference by tbat body imports. If_ de Valera takes control, many serious _  
with what she is doing; insists that it was not Japan problems Will certainly be raised, particularly in re- .
" but China which violated the Kellogg Pact by the gartl to the position of Ulster; but we shall see  
"attack tm thc South Mancbutia Railway and tm nothing like _the catastrophic results which would   —
Japanese patrols at Shanghai"; and dismisses the h¤V€ f0ll0W€€l if it had happened ten }i€2l1`S 21,20-  
Nine Power Treaty as being inapplicable at present t  
because of the “state of chaos” in China. Finally, AFTER a long interregnum, during which
there is a growing pressure in the United States Germany has been ruled by emergency decrees, the _
‘ for a boycott against Japan, either undertaken Reichstag has met and set the date of the presi-I _ 
alone or in coeperation with the League. Boycott dential election as March 13. Hindenburg has A  
petitions have been signed by President Lowell of already been nominated on a nonpartisan ticket.  
’ Harvard, Newton D. Baker and more than one Opposing him will be at Communist, probably _  
hundred and fifty other persons,iincluding many Thaelmann; Hitler himself, running for his Na- r `(  ·
" well known educators. if _ tional Socialist party despite the serious questions s ` . 
as to the legality of his German citizenship; and if
EVER since 1927, when the Irish Republicans (the Colonel Theodore Diisterberg as the joint candi- e 4 l
Fianna Fail party) began to participate in the elec- date of the Steel Helmets and the Hugenbergists. if ,
i tions, the Government party (Cumann na nGaed- With these four candidates in the field, it isa grave  
heal) has had only a narrow margin of votes in its question whether von Hindenburg can win, at least L}
favor, this being partly because of the existence in without the second election required by German  
Irelandofproportional representation. In last week’s electoral law if no candidate obtains a clear major-  
election, it fell to an actual minority. De Valera, ity in the first balloting. If we assume that the op- e 
for so many years the Republican leader, is expected posing parties will do no better than they did in the  
j _ to form a government, which he can do, however, Reichstag elections of 1930, the reelection of Hin;  
only with the assistance of the Labor members of denburg would be more than probable. But the c is
the Dail (the lower house of Parliament). Though Hitlerites, who_received 6,400,000 votes in that .  
I the Republicans have always demanded complete election, are likely to poll from ten to twelve million  
independence from England, de Valera will not seek this time; and it remains to be seen whether they {
to attain this at the present time. He has announced will recruit this increase from the German People’s  
his intention of repudiating Article 17 of the Con- party, the Economic party and the agrarian groups , ,
· stitution, which requires an oath of loyalty to the which support Hindenburg’s candidacy, or from ·   "’
‘ King, and states that he will suspend payment of their allies, the Hugenberg forces, which polled E 
land annuities, amounting to some £3,000,000, to 2,458,000 votes. ·‘ p ,  i
the British Treasury. He alsoproposes to cancel ~ “ `.
all the recent legislation `restrictive of free speech IT SEEMS certain, moreover, that the Social y
and a free press. It remains to be seen, of course, Democratic party will not be able again to muster_ I F
whether the Labor party will agree to de V_alera`s 8,572,000 _votes to the Hindenburg standard: the ·  
policies; if it does not, he will be helpless. intelligent worker who formerly voted the Socialist  
` ticket now realizes that the reelection of I·Iinden- · _
THE British government recognizes that if Ireland burg gives not the slightest assurance that the i  
‘ V _ wants to secede from the Empire, she has both the Fascistswill not be called to participate in the next g ‘ I 0
right and the power to do so. The right is ex- government. He has seen Bruning’s and Hinden- A - ,*
plicitly recognized in the Statute of Westminste1‘; burg”s repeated negotiations with iHitler and knows i 
the power exists because public opinion, inside Eng- that only Hitler’s demand for the reorganization  
land and abroad, would not now tolerate the send- of the Bruning Cabinet prevented the de facto re-  
ing of another army to Ireland to subjugate the election of the President by a Reichstag vote. He l
, population by force——to say nothing of the cost of also knows that the Hindenburg front contains- S  
such an adventure. The British believe, however, parties—t_he German People’s party, the Economic it " 
that the threat of economic pressure will keep Ire- party and the agrarian .groups—which are openly ji . Y   A

 QQ] ~`. ‘°'.. L     . ` i S .  
j. ‘AV    1V    Q ·_ . p e _ A  
   »    — if Ii/[arch Z, ]95’Z ~ CTHE NEW REPUBLIC 57 Y 
AV       »monarchistic and barely tolerate the Republic. It is year transitional period, during the first ten of - V
?‘ * °,_g   - the tragic fate of new Germany that it has no demo- which the Philippines would enjoy free trade as at
  ‘   ` cratic movement with the strength and the courage present, while in the last five, tariffs would be grad- .
  p 0.   to fight for a real republic, and that the Social ually raised both by the United States and the  
    Democratic party is so panic-stricken in its fear of islands. This program would be initiated only after C 
LQ » s. it Fascismi that it not only tolerates a reactionary the creation of a constitution and the establishment
*l   `   government but actively comes to the assistance of of a government trader it; and before freedom be- =
'A A   Hindenburg, the embodiment of nationalism and came absolute, all the Filipinos would vote in a J
i _ ~   militarism in Germany. referendum based on their partial experience with i
l M _ -   A tariff exclusion and immigration restriction. Doubt- i
3.   S   ’ THAT the sins of the city fathers are visited upon less some ofthe framers of the bill assume that after
    their children to the third and fourth administra- this experience, the islanders would vote to stay
` · Q  ti0¤S is nowhere m01'€ evident than in Chicago at with Uncle Sam; but we believe they would be dis- ,
' .   ` the present moment. At least, we are certain that appointed by the result. This bill is similar to the
i -   tht! city employees, the teachers, firemen and police- excellent Vandenberg measure of the last session; f`_
' S g mimi will vouch {Ot it- F0? HOW €0m€S ah ¤¤¤0¤¤€€· and while it has some weaknesses, it provides the , 
A C S, ment from M¤y0Y Aiitfm   C€tm¤iv__g__•`_”_rr*v__é-r___*”_g~wW~g·~_”wwr_vw~V--_“*—~_““W,M M ugvggmgwmwgpwggmggg p gw A,

     - » ~ _ · e   , vj·A , VA··»» .~ et .4~. ; we   c M .   ·   e ·· ·—     . -1   ri _*.‘  ¥f"’j   { ·
_ 58 ‘ THE. NE-We REPUBLIC _~ s Ma¢·ch_`2, t]932“ifQE   
. mitteeon Interstate and Foreign Comnierce when These are the men who are willing to take ia chance ’
" he said that if Congress wants the Commission to of wholesale starvation, rather than upset the ` ‘ , 5 c
i exercise authority over railroad consolidation in the “sacred principle" that money from the national   . LQ  T
public interest, as specified in the Transportation Treasury shall be used to help banks but not people. L   ‘
Act, it must give the Commission powc-:r_to deal Their names are worth remembering.  
with the holding companies. These companies, by _ t t  
* acquiring stock control, can effect unifications which ‘ V   i s- 
- do not come under the jurisdiction of the`Com- Boycott Leads to WHY , . L  
· mission because they are not mergers or purchases ~ t ( r
· of physical assets in the ordinary sense. Mr. East- ON MARCH 3i th€·A$$€mhlY cf thc I-·€¤§¤€_0f
R · man mentioned specific cases of unification which e NTWOHS naccts for thc scccnd timc in h_lSt0fY,   _
had been disapproved by the Commission, butwhich tc ehhsider ¤€e_tO¤_hY thc Ltfftguc in f€l9~¤¤¤ Y0' l
· had nevertheless been eheeted through this device-—— _Japah’s asgttsstch th thc Fat East- Thctc Will. nc ‘ .    
notably by the Van Sweringenintei·ests. “Here the dcuhti hc sttcng advocacy cf thc usc <>f_a¤ ccqncrnic   »
common control of railroad companies, which is h0Ye0rr aga1¤st_thc Oh-ejh€le1‘· _Mca¤Wh1lc,ag{tatt¤¤¤.. _
generally recognized as actual and effective, has fer Arherreah eO_ePer9-heh with thc L_et1gheir¤ ?.hY =
been accomplished in a way which is most cleverly such marc rs r”·PrellY grhhmg he¤elW¥’·Y ih the Uhtted  "
disguised. It has not been through any one hold- States- A Seaeemehe sighed hy Newrhh D- Bakeri   »
ing company, but through a tangled maze of hold- Preerdehr A- I-·e‘Vrehee rjeweh at Harvard ejhd  
ing eemP,,,,,eS_·» It Should give us pausc that p,.,_ numerous others of prominence urges this policy. t 
vete owners who are ele-eye proclaiming loudly that Thcta ¤s ha tcaschahla dcaht that Japan has nc- i
( their activities in profit-seeking are for the good of rated her 0hlY thc League Cevehahr (Wh¤ch the » 
the public, are always finding ways of opposing and Uattcd States has htvst srghedb hat the Kerregg f 
circumventing the agencies set up to protect the Pact and the Paerhe Nrhe Pcwtt Ttcatvi tc Whreh .  
, public ,me,.eSt_ this country IS a party. The League, for th_e first £:_
’ time, must squarely confront the question of the use  
V THE La peHette_COSdga,, bill, eppropriating of sanctions against a violator, as provided 1n.1ts ,  
money from the federal Treasury to aid the unem- Covehemtv and the Uhrted Statts ,rhu_et _tree*de . 
ployed, has been defeated in the United States Sen- Whtthst te ass thc samc meehs at drserphhrhgy a-  
atc by 21 Vote of forty-eight to thit·ty-five_ The h&U0!lWl11Cl1 l121S broken the generalepeace treatlres  __ I
measure in its Heel fem, would have provided to whichlwe have set our name. I, This is al decisive  
V $$757000,000 fe,. the States to use in feeding the moment in the history of international relations, and  "
St,,,.v,,,g’ and $375-,000,000 fe,. e federal ,.Oed_ we ought to be sure that what we do is both wise "  
building program which would have furnished em- aad lust _ V A _ if
ploymentto thousands er meh, aswell as preneiihe _Th<= t\tt·sh>_¤t the Laasat Ccvtaaht {hahha  
a useful supplement to the nation’s highway system. Wtttt Sanctttms is aamhtt IQ; what dots re sat?  
A substitute bill which would appropriate the same Thc hrst S€¤t€¤€€ b€g1¤S¤ Should any Member at
_ amount of money under slightly different circum- at the League resort ta Wat m dlsttgattt at tts ,  
stances has been introduced by Senator WVagner of tovtmants tmdtt Atttttts 12* 13 Ot 15* tt shalt  
New York, and every argument Whieh was used in zpso factlo be deemed to have committed an act of ’  
favor of the LaFollette-Costigan measure applies Wat ttgamst att Othttt/ttmbtts _Ot tht Ltaguti i  
with equal force to the `VVagner proposal. Asimilar Only tttttt tht tttognltltin at thts state at Wotld-— _;
measure has also been introduced in the House. ln Wattlots thf ust at Stmttttms apply" _ The tcttttntc L L
the meantime, here is Q use Of the Senators who continues- which hereby undertake lH`llU€Cll3.t€lY·tO` it 
voted against the {Orme,. bill: subject it to the severance of all trade or hnancial  
;. , relations, the prohibition of all intercourse between { 
REPUBLICANS (27)_A,,ed,,’ Barbour, B,,,eh,,m' their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-  
Capper, Carey, CO\lZ€nS,Da1€,DiCkinSO¤’F€SS’G0l(is, breaking State, and the prevention of all financial, c · *r ’
, borough, Hele,..HnetiiigS, Hatfield, Hebert, Kem], commercial or personal intercourse between the t
Keyes, McNary, Oddie, Patterson, Reed, Robinson nationals of the covenant-breaking State and the i
(Ind.), Smoot, Townsend, Vandenberg, lValcott, nationals of any other State, Whether a Member of 2
W¤t$¤¤ tmd Wl*it€· the League or not." Immediately following this  
A Dmrocnnrs (21)-Bailey, Bankhead, Blaek, Brons- pledge to carry on the war by economic meansis t 
sard, Byrnes, Connally, Coolidge, George, Glass, Gore, a provision to further it by military means. Mit i %
Harrison, Hawes, Hull, Kendrick, King, Morrison, shall be the duty of the Council in such case to ti 
Pittman, Rchinsca (Ark-), Stcphcns. Trdiass and recommend what effective military, naval or air i
A Walsh (Mass). foree the Members of the League shall severally `  
Vormo PRESEN’1`·•L€WiS (Democrat), ill. contribute to the armed forces to be used to pro- ‘  
pA,,,_s___B,,ddev (Dy te,. with Waterman (Ry tect the covenantsiof the League." E
against; Bhiew (D.), ree with lVIoses (R.), against; lt. thctctctc. thc Lcaguc dccidcs that Japan has c  
Howell (R.), for with Swanson (D.), against; violated any of her pledges under the Covenant.- ,..  
Thomas (D.), for with Glenn (R.), against. that in itself is equivalent to a recognition of, H. SMU? ~  ii
‘ .. · - · —_ V ~ , ··· °·-;,  J l_.`_~W,_—

     f i A » Q t   ` ' ’: 
 iii} 1 Jlfarch Z, 7932 THE NEW REPUBLI C 59 - 
l     of war between japan and the rest of the world. enemy and because we should be the nearest enemy  
  7 A ·. E ‘ e 1 Diplomatic and economic sanctions automatically to attack. Our navy would almost immediately be _
  fi    r follow. League members would be pledged not involved; the only consolation would be that the  
    I only to interrupt their own trade with japan, but British navy would be obligated to help it. A i
`   to interrupt the trade of any non-member-—e. g., clause in Article 16 of the League Covenant ,
. it   4 the United States. The United States would there- pledges the Members to "support one another in I
_   fore either have to join in a League war upon japan the financial and economic measures which are
‘ i   or submit to a League blockade interrupting our taken under this Article," but it is inconceivable §
{ commerce. Military, naval and air measures are that the League l\/{embers at present would con- i ,
  thus indissolubly linked, under the League pro- tribute toward our losses in a boycott or that, if /
  - cedure, with economic sanctions. they agreed to do so, they could pay.
__   In this country it is the fashion to advocate a This is not a time to deceive ourselves. VVe are
it i·   boycott as a substitute for war. Clearly, no such drifting toward a war with japan, and those i
5 ”'“ distinction is recognized under the Covenant of the pacifists whose plan to safeguard peace is based on ._
, J T League. VVe cannot cooperate with the League in the League conception of sanctions constitute the i
r ” S  4, an effort to discipline japan without going to war. principal force in that drift. The question before Q A .
i _ g * Nor is it realistic to pretend that a boycott is a sub- us is, ought we to hght japan, even as allies of the   I
1   ‘ stitute for war in any case. It is not just a self- rest of the world, in order to punish her for her I
L i denying ordinance against profit-making. It is an unquestioned guilt?
j  interruption of the flow of essential raw materials The New Republic believes with all the force of
_ e   · and manufactures, a weapon which, if it is effective its conviction that we should not. The world has
; »  _ at all, is directed in a deadly fashion against the had one unhappy experience in the use of war to i .
’   civilian population of the enemy. It bears most end war. It has tried to outlaw treaty-breaking by
·   heavily on the weakest and poorest elements of that the punishment of a "guilty nation." In 1917 The  
V e   population. It leads directly to unemployment, New Republic was naive enough to urge American 1
if starvation and disease, _to the killing or permanent participation in this endeavor. By 1919 the tragic -
_ V   injury of women and children. VVe might just as consequences were already so clearly apparent that
E  — humanely send airplane squadrons to drop gas and this journal was unwilling to approve the result as
  incendiary bombs on industrial cities. No nation expressed in the Treaty of Versailles, or to con-
i . threatened with severe losses from a boycott would spire in creating another world war of the same
  suffer passively. It would either surrender or strike