xt7zcr5n9g1t_22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Starvation and the Reds in Kentucky," Oakley Johnson,                                  The Nation, February 3, 1932 text "Starvation and the Reds in Kentucky," Oakley Johnson,                                  The Nation, February 3, 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_11/123603/123603.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_22 xt7zcr5n9g1t Doles for Industry-an Editorial
Th N lt 0  
Vol.- CXXXIV, N0. 3474   Foun@865 —;—W\/ednesday, Febrtiary 3, 1932
“W  A AHB I h °k "
€ I°€ O S €V1 S
by Louis Fischer
Starvation and the “Reds"
in Kentucky
by Oakley Johnson
The Disarmament Conference Meets
by David W. Wainhouse
  Nice People—a review by Joseph Wood Krutch
Fiigegga Copy Five Dollars a Year

lh Nat` on the Campus  
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3474 T February 3, 1932] The_ Nation iii
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 iv The Nation [Vol. 134, N0. 3474
""'*'i'”"The Theatre Guild Presents I
Moumwmc Becomes Et.Ec·m.». SOCIAL WORK REWARDS
Composed of 3 plays
H°"‘°°°”"“‘• TI'° H““"‘I* 'I" H'“”°"‘I The tangible rewards of ]ewish social work may be
All 8 Ia s vlll hs presented on •n¤ day eommsnelng at 5:30 sharp. DInn•r · ·
nlnisrmlsslomof one hour at 7 o’cloZk. No mstlnes psrformancu. . exceeded by IIIOSC of C€I‘{21ll`l OlZl’lC1‘ pI'0ICSSl0l1S. ,
GUILD THEATRE, sza st., West of Erssawsy The intangible rewards, however, in terms of in- ’
trinsic interest, social usefulness, stimulating con-
tacts, etc. are probabl not exceeded anywhere else.  
I y I
ave you c osen your career . you ave
R E U N I O N I N V I E N N A not, and if you consider the intangible re-  
A comedy by ROBERT E_ SHBRWQOD wards, also,·as being of great importance, I
you are invited to examine carefully the I
MARTIN BECK T;',E:",:20,°t`M:,: $,`f:]._°:”;;:`;lZg advgmtages of Jewish Social Work as a ‘%
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_ , A number of scholarships and fellowships ranging from  
Civic Light Opera C0. (Milton Aborn, Director) $150 . .
, to $1000 for each academic year are available A
  with an an for especially qualified candidates.  
A . star mst For full information write to  
THRIFT PRICES: Ntghés; Slglctgo ggéigg $gVed. Mats., sue to $1.50. M I KARPF D_ { _
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ERLANGER THEATER iY?§¥..“‘é?1}9§§€°°'s}Z‘;. $151 wma 7
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‘.:ES...l:£»E...'£¥9}·’Y.A*¤.‘.'i?. §€i12L‘ig  W I  s...i‘Z.lvi£»...i. I =
Staged by Greene} Mining: I
“Tho seaso¤'s most grntt ying a venture." (a graduafg :,.],001) £
—Percy Hammond, Herald-Tribune. ·
Bnoannunsr T HEA..i‘b?.Ii1.S%v.?.‘T°‘;.%‘ §Q‘;“’a..E'°' °"° 71 W. 47th St., New York City I
. — ` I
GILBERT MILLER Proncntt ———-—-   I
I I. is
HELEN HAYES Fore¤nLan uaeCIasses QT
T H E G 0 0 D   I ,Ea:h lesson, 75 cents Y   I
HENRY MILLBR,S THEATRE. 124 wm 43rd S¤•“ Held at SILVA STUDIO, 11 E. 12th Street—Algonquin 4·8631   I
Evening. 8:,0 Mllinul Thanh, md snutdny 2,40 Auspiees League for Mutual Aid-104 Fifth Avenue I; ¥
I 2
ScottN vs Charles   {
stmasy, February mi, imo pm. RAND SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE I I
so ·
Tickets: 25c, 50c, $1.00-;taII;:; O§¢;u:nd Rand Book Storev     . I
7 East 15th Street, New York City on  ·
First Russian   Picture.,     29,   P.M. Adm. 50c. .> 
S O V I E T S O U N D I: I I' M A (ggsigng I-louse     ll/igegsv? Auditgrium  
O I:     W A I F S pmm’Il'uesday Evening, Feb. 2nd, st 8:30 P.M. eu 85. St.  I
IRMA KRAFT speaks cn: ,
I I__| E IQ G Q I) ··Mouni::dNOGh B§c0¥igssELEcTnA·· x
··— I Cf SY! 0 E ¢8I¤llv· ` I
This Sunday Afternoon (Jan. 31st) at 4:30 P.M. I
PROF. S. LIPTZIN speaks on: {
Jan. 30-31, N Y k, P th' T l, 135 W. 70th S. I
P¤°0l0g¤€ bY_ JOHN DEWEY secoun ANNUAL? niiimsii   is: gon., 7 1>. M., misc  
Professor Emeritus of Columbm U, Chatrmanz Woolsey Teller. Principal Speaker: Arthur Garfield Hays
R PEBATE, Sun., jan. 31st, 8 P.M. Woolsey Teller vs. Charles Smith 4- 
42nd St. I 10A.M.   Which is the Worse, the Old Testament or the New?” Adm. 25c.  -
5   5;B’w¤y I go} P_M_ c Public Invited. Reservations: 307 E. 14. TOmpkins Sq. 6-7675 _
American Association for the Advancement of Atheism  
Wha writing to ddwrtixen pleas; mention The Nation  

S J _
  Ihe N at1on
  F 0 U N D E D 1 s 6 s ·
*1 g i
5 s Contents more than the indifference or cynical amusement with which
3  4   in the past Father Knickerbocker’s citizens have met evi-
Q  ` . . •
ED1’roR1AL PARAGRAPI-rs ................................... 127 l
ls. . EDITGRIALS: dences of municipal graft and misgovernment
n_  _ genring tha} zgbyss ...........................................   V
o-  · gniiplirigirovsaiiiillilebip'fiffffIIf]ffffIfffjfffffffffjffffffffff     ENNETH MACKINTOSH of Seattle has been nom-
re.  . s,peA‘i&‘rNe‘or'i&'e`i$‘€>rurioii1;,2‘ié.9°n;;d‘.iiz_‘vvi⁢.‘¢;.;‘r.;.;.;ZIJJ Bi ¤nate‘¥E£liv€£".}?¥.?‘ii.‘?Ti€‘;"T::::;t:::::::t:::::;:::::::: 144 wu State Supreme Court- ln the latter capacity he has
i hbbbtiis?Eiirdérlgxsrlirhi/ir(sil!i>\izArii»irl‘i;CURE? By S' Palm" Harman 145 Sh0W¤ himself a consistent foe of labor and liberalism, What
  g*n°*;*h_f°;hl;’In{c   gi   ···-··········· 1::; Qjg Washington thinks of his work on the Supreme Court was
im ,_ ;E\lolqueI¤ndi§i¢i%z;§§l;y- Bliy V§i, Enrron deserves special mention. On Armistice Day, 1919, a mob
In AN DOR1’;;0¤lM‘¤ El>i"3¤5RITZ A HALLGREN of citizens and returned soldiers wrecked the hall of the In- g
a DOROTHY V DEVERE ALLEN ' dustrial VVorkers of the World, and later raided the city jail I
,k  . D¤AmA·rrc Emron Lrrmzanr Emrox and lynCl’1€d One of the H1CmlJ€IS of the   W.   Wl1O had
' *  JOSEPH WOOD KRUTCH E HENRY HAZLITT been arrested because four men in the mob were fatally
‘&  HEYWOOD BROUN ,§$,1;;’;:ggH&I§P MARK VAN noREN wounded in the attack. Two days later the following letter
a?  LEw1s s. GANNETT H. L, MENcKEN cARL VAN DOREN was Written.
  DAVID BOEHM, Anvxrnsmo Maomonx · GEORGE Dysnnrn ESQ.,
  E.§3"‘i$iL‘3é3? }E"é§;aELY°€£€3§”§§5‘1‘$“1’$‘..‘£§f.‘°2L‘l..I3i§‘;°.'2"l§f Eiiiii €aN§ALB» W*;§HINGT°l*&*
. Union. $6.00. Y EAR YSART: want to express to you my ap-
Q gsm NAl:II`IOl;, §¤.n2o_n/exy String InIew_ york C§y,n§al;1e_Addii&ss: preciation of the high character of citizenship displayed by
E , . US CH 0 U SCI'] IODS BH VC lilng, ISS · • · · · ·
-_ e£`§Z‘l.’Ii. ~?"e.£'.. 23 ’izm...-wht. squm. r..m%¤-. w. c. i, engine. the people of Centralra nn {hen agonmng ealannty. We
IAN I   are all shocked by the manifestation of barbarity on the
‘ AMUEL SEABURY’S REPORT to the State legis- part of the outlaws, and are depressed by the loss of lives
$631 F lature on the “evils" of the political system which has of brave men, but at the same time are proud of the calm
- the Now York City government in its grip would orovoko control and loyalty to American ideals demonstrated by the `
;.. i` into open revolt a more sensitive people than the residents lgcgfrncd sgldlgrs and l;f“nZ°"S· _I am §"°“d_ go Ee an mn -
I] 3 of that city seem to be. The report is of an intermediate a dtant ° a talc W lc °°"m“lS a city Wit t_ S r°cQr_
,_ nature the Seabury investigation being not ynt concluded which has been made for Centralia by its law-abiding citi-
· ’ . . . ` zens.
[CE 3 In almost any- other community its revelations would be con- KENNETH MACKINTOSH
-3094 3 sidered sensational. The report cites case znfter case·of graft Olympia) Wa_,.h_ November 13) 1919
, and corruption, example upon example of the sordid traiiie
in political influence.” It does not depend for its proof upon This man should certainly not be placed in a position of au-
S V hearsay or vague rumors, but piles up a mountain of docu- thority in a federal court.
’· mentary and other detailed evidence in support of its con-
i· clusions. Judge Seabury has by no means told the whole THE BILL TO REVISE the Federal Reserve and
L‘f§'§{" E story. Admitting this, the report accuses Tammany Hall of national-banking laws, sponsored by Senator Glass,
l having sought to obstruct and delay the investigation at every deserves praise for the direction in which it moves. It calls
  turn. In reply, a Tammany member of the investigating for the removal of the Secretary of the Treasury as a member
;   committee, Assemblyman Louis Cuvillier, has the effrontery of the Federal Reserve Board, a necessary measure originally
nnnn   to assert that the many evils exposed in the report are but advocated by Paul Warburg, toreduoe undue political influ-
l,  "an incident in the administration of all governments? ence. It seeks to control the disturbing growth of chain or
? Concluding his report, Judge Seabury declares that there group banking and to permit national banks to establish
i must be a complete overhauling of the city government, not branches in the States where State banks are permitted to
,°'5°   only in personnel, but in structure and form, and he recom- do so. This provision is necessary if merely for the purpose
S23;   mends that a city manager or commission form of govern- of putt·ing national banks in a position to compete on equal
·. Z3:. } ment be adopted. His recommendations should be earnestly terms with State banks; though it should be considered only
Msn   studied in every city where corrupt municipal rings exist. a first step toward general State-wide branch banking, and
  Would that they might excite in New Yorkers something the eventual establishment of branch banks throughout the
if ·:"  -
S   _  n ,  

i " ,*128 The Nation [Vol. 134, No. 3474  
Federal Reserve areas. The bill does not abolish banking then could it have avoided the present confusion, the charges l
afliliates but proposes a searching examination of them and and counter-charges, and the wholesale misapprehension as ·;,
complete publicity concerning their transactions. In the to whether the State Department does or does not approve  
moderation of this measure the sponsors of -the bill were foreign loans which exists in the public mind. .
. doubtless guided by the fear that more drastic regulation [_
would cause large national banks to take out State charters. ERD SNOWDEN, who with Ramsay MacDonald and  
The bill seeks to control speculative loans; and, finally, sets   H. Thomas deserted the British Labor Party in the ,
P up inside the Federal Reserve system a corporation to hour of its greatest need, is beginning to wobble again. He 2
liquidate the assets of failed member banks and to make threatened to resign from the National Government because ‘· 
cash available for depositors as early as possible. of its insistence upon a general 10 per cent tariff on all manu- l_
factured goods, contending that the projected tariff sched- —, 
Y SHIFTING GENERAL DAWES to the Emergency ule is entirely unnecessary in view of the depreciation of the
B Reconstruction Corporation and appointing Secretary pound sterling. It is difficult ·to forgive Snowden his sins of  
~ Stimson to the head of the Commission to the Disarmament the immediate past, but it must be acknowledged that here he  
Conference, the President has improved the quality of the stands on firm ground. A permanent tariff would .in any case  Y
commission. In saying this we are well aware of Mr. Stim- prove costly to Great Britain-—to say nothing of its disastrous ‘_ 
n son’s great unpopularity with the American newspapermen effects upon international trade. But the depreciation of the S. 
, and of his ineptness in handing out news. No one could pound and other circumstances have made such a tariff doubly F 
i have done worse in this respect than he did at London. None unnecessary. Were the MacDonald Cabinet’s plan for a Q
L the less, Mr. Stimson is most eager, as his utterances have` blanket schedule to be carried through, it would mean, as  ‘
steadily shown, to obtain a real measure of disarmament, and Snowden emphasizes, that Great Britain had unashamedly " 
l more than that, his rank puts the American delegation on embraced protectionism, the most dangerous form of that eco-  
‘  the same footing as those of other countries so far as that is nomic nationalism which has brought world economy and  
possible for us. There had been genuine resentment abroad world trade to their present low estate. In spite of his Hat  
° at the President's failure to put anyone on the commission of disagreement with the majority of the Cabinet, including the  
higher rank than an ambassador. These last—hour shifts and Prime Minister, however, Lord Snowden will not resign.  I
appointments have, however, injured the solidarity of the Rather than spoil the fiction of national un·ity, Mr. Mac-  
~ commission and very much delayed its getting together on a Donald will endure the almost unprecedented spectacle of a  l
Q definite program. Meanwhile, the President’s hasty appoint- Cabinet split on a major issue. ;§
‘ ment of General Dawes to the Reconstruction Finance f
l Corporation in advance of the passage of the bill -by Con- JAPAN WILL NEVER be held in check by mere words, · `
gress has been another blunder, for the law distinctly by public remonstrances from Geneva alone. This the  ‘
` states that the directors of the corporation are to choose their League of Nations and the American State Department  `S
` own officers. As both of these men are Republicans, this has ought to know. The latest proof of the contempt in which ·< 
given the Democratic minority a chance to charge that the the Japanese hold the insincere peace gestures from Europe Q 
President is playing politics with the corporation. What a and Washington is revealed in their activities at Shanghai. .
pity it is that the President has not a wider range of ap- The Chinese have only one weapon with which to oppose
pointees to choose from! With him it is always Dawes, Japanese aggression in Manchuria, and that is their boycott  A
Fletcher, or Gibson; or Gibson, Fletcher, or Dawes; of Japanese goods. The Chinese have used this weapon with L 
or Fletcher, Dawes, or Gibson, with Meyer thrown in every telling effect; Japan’s trade with China, and therefore the _ 
now and then for good measure. well-being of her people, has been seriously impaired. Japan I
now means to break the boycott with military force. She 2
= OUR CONSTANT WISH that The Nation might have has sent 1,400 marines and several warships to Shanghai  T
the means to establish its own Washington Bureau with with the avowed determination to reduce `the Chinese to  ,
  observers to report each week on what is actually happening utter helplessness. She even threatens to close Shanghai
J in Washington is intensified by the fact that in our leader harbor to Chinese vessels! Tokio does not appear to be ‘
 f on foreign loans in the issue of January 20 we were the vic- bothered for a moment by the international complications  if
, tims once more of inaccurate or inadequate Washington re- that might be encoun·tered in carrying out this plan. Several °, ii
i porting in the dailies, and therefore did the State Depart- Powers have troops stationed at Shanghai, and they have  _
_ ment something of an injustice. We would, of course, not treaty rights there no less sacred than those Japan claims in J
I have said that the State Department approved an extension Manchuria, The representatives of these Powers will need  
, of a short—term credit loan to Colombia of $20,000,000 had the utmost tact to prevent a clash with the Japanese invad-  
we known that it was not correct, as reported, that the State ers. But far more serious is the fact of the Japanese `
Department passed upon this matter. We also learn that invasion itself. Japan may, by juggling diplomatic phrases, » _
the State Department did not ignore the protest of the Com- be able to justify in international law her aggression in  i
I rnerce Department with regard to the Bolivian loan of $23,- Manchuria, but she can never justify the hostile stand she  
l 000,000. While we greatly regret having been thus misled has taken at Shanghai.  
' into an unwarranted comment, we do not believe that we have  
done any substantial injustice to the State Department. It HE NEW stand-still agreement between German banks ·
should never have had anything whatever to do with foreign T and industry and Germany’s private short-term credi-  
V loans, should have refused to state whether it had or had not tors is probably as good a solution as could have been reached "
_ objections to them and have kept its hands off entirely. Only under the circumstances. The agreement, to be effective for  
f 9
~ l
l Ev

if   February 3, 1932] The Nation 129
Egg   one year, provides machinery for the conversion of short-term bridge, Valso on the Eastern Shore, only to be returned later
prove _ obligations, at the option of the creditor, into ten-year notes to Baltimore. Meanwhile the people of the Eastern Shore
` bearing ·interest at 6 per cent, and offers inducements to clamored for what they called justice. In the midst of the
7 creditors to make such a conversion. With the existing furor another Negro was lynched in Worcester County, and
Land   uncertainty it was found undesirable to provide for any this increased the agitation among the people. The Mary-
n the  ` repayment of the short—term debt in fixed amounts at fixed land Court of Appeals ruled that Lee could be tried on the
He   intervals; the plan, therefore, is a flexible one, and the amount Eastern Shore, but added in unmistakable language that the
zcausc .g  and times of repayment are to be subject to the decision of court in which he was tried and the authorities of the com- V
namp r a committee. One significant feature of the report IS its munity would be held strictly responsible for any miscarriage ‘
;Chcd_ _ ` emphasis on the fact that Germany has already made the stu- of justice. Eventually, with the help of some of the more
5f the ’ pendous repayment of 5,000,000,000 marks sinceVthe autumn sober-minded residents of Worcester County, the State au-
ins Of rl of 1930, an amount equal to nearly half the original short- thorities succeeded in having the case transferred to Towson,
are he  ij term debt. But the terms of the agreement emphasize 1ts a smallVtown· near Baltimore, where the trial was held in a
Y case   own stop-gap·nature. The all-important thing, as the cVred1- quiet, dispassionate atmosphere.
Stmus T  tors’ committee insists, is to restore a basis for credit in - V .
Of thc   Germany, which cannot be done without a final settlement FULLY ONE THOUSAND musncians are facing dest1-
mubly {V  of the reparations problem and of the 1nter-Allied debts tution in the city of New York, less than two and one-
for a  ` which are intimately connected with 1t. half years after the great stock-market crash, and a trifle less
an, as  . ' than two years after Herbert Hoover so confidently informed
mcdly : , COMMUNIST DISTURBANCES appear to be ga1n- the American people, on March 8, 1930, that the unemploy-
lt cC0_   ing in number and in force. We shall doubtless see ment was only a little more than seasonal, and that both un-
Y and Q more of them as the depression wears on. Some of these employment and the depression would be a thing of the past
Vis Hat , ’_*= outbreaks are obviously directed by the Commumstsi others in two months, that is, in May, 1930.. A fund-of $300,000
ig the   have been spontaneous in nature, popular revolts agamst the 1S being raised to tide over these music1ans——a pitifully small
,cSignV   hardships of the world-w1de panic, Wh1(ih have, of course, sum, particularly- when one remembers the fact that many _
Mac_ Q  played directly intothe hands of Vthe radicals. There is no of them areVmus1c1ans of the first rank, with corresponding ~
E of a  ~ proof that_the British naval mutiny of last September Was responsibilities. Yet this IS only one aspect ofthe injury
V, of Communist inspiration, though the radicals were quick that the depression has done to us on the cultural side. Who
  to jump at the opportunity to make capital of the disaffec- can measure the blow to education———the studios of these mu-
N0rdSV _  . tion thus revealed. The Chilean naval mutiny which took siciansl who Vare Valso teachers are reported entirely empty-
lis the  _ place at about the same ·t1me was, however, openly and in various directions, or estimate the number of young people
Ttmcm  —· frankly led by the left. Since then Bolshevik ag1tators have whose plans for a liberal education have had to be abandoned?
which _,  conducted what for their purposes have been successful Everywhere theV story is the same. With half the theaters
Bumps  *. popular demonstrations in other South AHICTICFLZH countries, in New York City closed, as compared with a year ago,Vthere
Vnghai·   notably Peru. More recently the Communists, together are hordes of actors and actresses without the possibility of
Oppose with the anarchists and radical syndicalists, have induced earning a cent. There are teachers who look in vain for
mycott  . great numbers Vof Spanish workers to join in the direct-action places, while doctors and dentists and many lawyers, too,
n with , campaign against the newly established lrepublic. The find themselves unable to obtain payment for services ren-
Vrc the   Spanish authorities have turned from promises to bullets 1n dered to perfectly honest people-who are eager to pay their ·
Japan  V, their efforts to qu1etVthe working people. Getting closer to debts but cannot. What a terrible responsibility those per-
· She , home, the Communists have taken advantage of the con- sons bear who   the United States 1nto the World War,
anghai  ~ fusion in El Salvador thatVfollowed the- overthrow of the thereby placed in jeopardy.the Amemcan Republic, and were
msc to  ` government by a military clique. When it was learned that shortsnghted enough to believe in 1918 that they had won a
anghai * the Communists had -taken several towns, the United States, victory!
to be , British, and Canadian governments, realizing the danger to ·
cations  ~ themselyes,V hurriedly dispatched warships to .El Salvador. IJYTTON STRACHEY is dead at the age of fifty-two
Several r — However, it may beV doubted whether thts uniyersal unrest V after anVattack VofV paratyphoid fever. Never a pro-
Y have ,‘ can be put down with bullets, or with anythmg less than lrfic writer,-his fame will rest upon three or possibly four
lims in   world-wide economic recovery. books, but it appears about as secure as that of any con-
11 med Q; temporary. {History will certarnly remember him as the
inVad_   AN APPARENTLY F RIENDLESS NEGRO, Euel inventor of ‘ the new biography, but it will probably con-
ipancsc ` V lace, o