xt7zcr5n9g1t_21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Red Blood in Kentucky," Charles Walker,                                  Forum and Century, January 1932 text "Red Blood in Kentucky," Charles Walker,                                  Forum and Century, January 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_10/122765/122765.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_21 xt7zcr5n9g1t W     *     4 *  , $2
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li glimpse of Paris-in-Africa the fa l` Pllllll 0 mcc p°OPl€ Wll0 know best how to
5:- Liner Paris (the aristocxlat 0f tl:;O;lS BYEHCE defeat w1nter—who have the smart world’s curi- lr
U-I take YOU 011 t0 Naples then to Na ol Bllslfwl ?SltY s—b0l1t North Africa and Cannes and Ma- l
Z Place at Ajuccio in C;)rsim_th .p eon s irrh- _l0rca—who cherish gayety and detest organized
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, ‘ 1¤€>Y Z1 program of well-bred gayety "T_'¤       l
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their nianncrs and customs, sccncry, churches. art and architecture — all thc mcmora-       4 r, ‘  » "     :_,     V   '
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  ';y·. .` — -1  . {mw] m;\5q¤rpict~L~_ we have issued the NEW i!\R’l` EDl]`lO\ of $’l`ODD.·\RD`b LEC'I1L REB. durlicatinz exactly tlic Fine quality and costly
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l André IlIauroi.s· V
j l\Iany believe that in tl1e Disarma-
ment Conference in February
France will lwld the l¤siti<>¤, IIEN RY GODDARD LEACH, Edil01’ [
and that her attitude will go far
toward determining how much can 5
be accomplished. In this article g
‘ André hIaurois will explain F rance’s  
5 position in relation to world peace l
l 1 and tl1e reasons behind her demands, l
as seen by a Frenchman. ,
Y ‘ J l \ '!
I I { \¥ HY A I IBDRAL I’AR'l1     l
l Q John T. Flynn     Z
The wail of tl1e liberals, headed by
John Dewey, lwwusc =» liberal party The Editor’s Foreword ...................... 1
has never been able to gain a foot-
hold in this country, has been heard Salute to To-morrow ................ IRWIN EDMAN 2
from coa.·t to coast during the I at _ _ _ _ _ _
few year;. It is S0 much cm;)g, Owen D. Young. Preszderztzal Posszbzlztres — VI . JONATHAN MITCHELL 6
noise in tl1e opinion of hIr. Flvnn. ·
“e need more liberals, he argues. rm are for riranchurla ```' H' B' ELLISTOA ll
. ’ . · A BI d ’ ......... ·
but not a liberal party — and we`ll "Rod" Blood in Kentucky '
never here °lle· Why 100% Americans T urn Communist .... CHARLES 12. WALKER 18
,’;El;iglgL’:ANN0UNCER Suicide. A Poem ................. HELENE mrnnnixs Q3
ANON!/"1v11S The Cruise of the Cashalot. A Short Story .... WALTER n. Emioxns Q4
Did it ever occur to you that tl1e ·
radio announcer’s suave clichés are Pl11l0S0pl1€r—at—L3W
often as painful to his own ears as The Career of Judge Benjamin Cardozo ..... Josnrn P. PoLm.nn 32
to yours? This article tells why an- .
nouncers get that way. The Negro Fad ................. HELENE MAGARET 39
THE END 0F THE ABSOLU'1`E In Defense of Caesareans ........... turns mrcncocn, 1u.n. 44 *
11 H zl`tt . .
rrlriix rrépfy to the article ..St{mdal_dS’,, Machme Age Architecture ......... ALEILANDER c. sopnn, m 48
` by J amos. Truslow Adams, in which Staudardiziug Values
1 hir. Hazlitt attempts to prove that I t d T . V .l D I R I DZ v _
} the Conception Of absolute Smnd_ ns ea of rymg to I az owniie estess olar. .W. A. TERPENNIAG oG
* ards, lol- rlllytlllllg ls llet Ollly Old' Modern Daughters .............. Amon AUSTIN Wnrrn 61
fashioned but fallacious.
“,lLD BILL MURRAY Toasts ............................. IV
Archibald C. Edwards Opinions about Books ...................... VI
A portrait of tl1e rip-roaring Gover-
nor of Oklallgulgn Ong of the ulggt R.OStI‘l1D1 ........ . . . ....... . . .... . . . . XIII
prominent of our presidential im- T
possibilitieg Travel I\ews .......................... XIX
` DOES BIG BUSINESS "'l`NT DO$\'Dt0Y\’D. [‘lTOg7`86‘S   R8CO7lSfTllCtfO7l . . . . . DONALD REA HANSON XX
l Wrillis J. Ballinger _ _ _ Y V  
That is what we are headed for, VOL' Lxxxr ll -»l`°° I
` argues Mr. Ballinger, and the re-
: Peel Ol the Sl1¤¤¤=~¤ ACM S0 M- THE FORUM, combined wa. ra omm realm (Reg. U. S. rrr. ori, is pub- '
.. delltly Prayed for by mimbl large lished monthly by the Forum Publishing Company, Inc. Q5 cents a copy (30 cents in
K l ,_ corporations, would be a long step Canada); $2.50 a year; foreign and Canadian subscription, $3.50. Publication oliice, 10
\ l   toward it_ Instead, he suggests iu_ Ferry Street, Concord, _N. H. Editorial and general offices, 4-ll Lexington Avenue, New
  > 5 tcm out {md controlled com ctitiou Xork, N. Y. Back copies not over three months old, 2.2 cents; all other back copies,
‘ ¤   i'2·_ g P ' $1.00. Four weeks’ advance notice required for change of address, and such notices must
.. i " THE JARGON OF   old address as well as the new. Indexed in the Readers` Guide to Periodical
l , All manuscripts should be typewritten, accompanied by return postage, and addressed
g- rr/' Bérrm W0rlr€’ Mr’D' to the Editor at the New York office. No responsibility is assumed for the return of
i Everyone uses the language of PSY' unsolicited manuscripts.
l chology, but few understand it. P _ t d _ th U _t d St t f A _ E t d d I tt t tl t
~ · · · .· rm e in e ini e a es o . merica. n ere as secon -c ass ma er a ie pos
l Herr lr rr Srmlrlr prrmrrr that rrlr office at Concord, N. H., under Act of March 3, 1379. Copyright 1931, in the United ‘
  enable the Ordllmry umu to End hls States and Great Britain. No article in this issue may be reprinted in whole or in con- '
l Way around. densed form without express permission from the editors.
l .
‘ "*’—;jf ·~—r··-r·’· _;_;_ ~··· ———~——r~~ ~~—--———;;·——-····—-—-—-············rr· r——·r··———#··r·~·~··W W ·· ···~-— —~~~—·* V ir *"·r·"r········· · ··— r I A r
" L ’     or-...l·.¤ <·r='>ris-».¢i··¤·nun.?7`Y‘—·<·4r·s•v+¤tr¤i?—··¤=’=rr·~>*~ = ·’···*·‘w:gr¤mi bringing the Chinese government`s economic pub- magazines.
;\_ mgntnnr tnc nncsr mind? cdnsccrdrcd to lications. After an interval i11 New York JAMES HITCI-1CoCI< is a Boston physi-
,i i Cnnsnnn Scrvicci =¤ta<=k1¤gf¤=<¤1¢SS*y rnd as editorial writer for tl1e Herald, and a cian whose last FonUM article. UCUIIIIIIUII
ein? that rcrnrd prdgrcssr and Providing second stay in China, he returned to this Sense   tl1e COIHIUOII Cold " appeared i11
iiswn and Lcadershrp t*}f¤¤sh rnc rndzc country i11 1927 and was for three years our December issue.
i gggilfefgfgnncs now rdcilnlg rdmciricd and research director for tl1e Council of ALEXANDER C. SOPER, III was cd11-
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