xt7zcr5n9g1t_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. "Theodore Dreiser (An American Tragedy),"                                  Time, November 23, 1931 text "Theodore Dreiser (An American Tragedy),"                                  Time, November 23, 1931 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_8/123481/123481.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_19 xt7zcr5n9g1t ilk! ; ·
t         November 2}, 193]
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\]()lulUC   ICM}: South Iioxfmz is {/mwfzzg . . . Niulnbcr  
` (Sue Siwiivr)   i
Circulation Oflice, 350 East 22nd Strcel, Chicago. (Rog. U. S. Pat. OH.) Editorial and Advertising Otiiccs, :05 East 42nd Sum, New York. ii  

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— Ze! Me SOLDIER ¢z22/ Me SAILUR Mom yazz daze:
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How long? Some three thousand miles, to be precise. From the shelter of Pier 57, in Hendrik Hudson's river, to the I
harbor of Plymouth, England .... Drake’s harbor .... Bradford’s harbor . . . your favorite in England . . . England's
own favorite. Then to Havre, with its magnificent covered pier, and the finest train you ever saw to whisk you out
ofit to Paris in three hours. Let Lafayette the Soldier and De Grasse the Sailor (who bottled up the redcoats at York-
town) show you how many of the good things of life a big, strong 1931-dollar can buy on the cabin liners that bear
their names; of elbow-roomy cabin space, of comfort shoulder-deep, of incredible food, of intelligently chosen vin-
tages—ofgayety, companionship with more nice people than you thought lived, and of hospitality such as the French · F
know best. French Liners are like that—which is why they carry more passengers, voyage for voyage, than comparable ’  
ships on any ocean. The Soldier and the Sailor (old friends of your family) suggest that you call the French Line or
any authorized French Line agent now—you'll never see a dollar work harder!
December II, January 30 DCCCHIIJCF I, _IHI1UHI'y I6 R€fuI`I>ISI`II¤g {OF West VVest Indies Cruise, Novembcrij, DcCcmIJCl'jO December 9, Januzlry I4 s€(
Indies Cruises December I9 ]1_
'l`IAll·l. November 23, IIIZII TIME Is published weekly by TIME, Inc., at 350 East 22nd Street, Chicago, Ill. Entered ns second—cluss Volume XVIII, Number 21 '··""
matter January 21. 1928, at the postomce at (tlilcutw. lll., under the uct or March Brml, ISTSJV .suh.wcr1p¢lmr
run~»V· Une year. inthe U. S. and possessions. Uuba. Alexico. South America, $5; Uuuarlu. SSVUU; elsewhere, Sli.

 _ -—  »..-é~;.i._...-  ,--,
i i i I .
  . November 23, 1931 T I M E ‘ · ' 1 ` ·
r V  
. I
Men who "know it all"
are not invited to I
read this page '
THIS page is not for the wise young It contains the Announcement of the J OHN T. BIADDEN', Dean, School of
` man who is perfectly satisfied with Institute’s new Course and Service for Commerce, Accounts and Finance,
himself and his business equipment. 1nen who want to become independent New York University.
Itis a personal message to the man in the next five years. Among the con- HUBERT T. P.¤.nsoN, President, F. VV.
who realizes that business conditions tributors to this new Course are: Woolworth Company.
have radically changed in the last few ALFRED P. SLoA.v, J1z.,Pre.sidcnt, Gen- Dsvin Sanxorr, Presiderzt, Radio Cor-
years, and that there is a whole new set eral hI0tors Corporation. poration of America.
Li of rules to be mastered. He feels that he FREDERICK H. Eonnn, President, 1\Iet- Tnonss J. Wyrsow, Pre.s·z'¢Zcm‘, Inter- i
l ought to be earning several thousand ropolitan Life Insurance Company. national Business hIachines Corpora— I
dollars more a. year, but simply lacks the ` HON. `VILL H. IIAYS, Prc.s·1`de11t, l\Io- tion.
confidence necessary to lay hold on one tion Picture Producers and Distributors DEXTER S. KIDIBALL, Dean, College of
of the bigger places in business. of America, formerly U. S. Postmaster Engineering, Cornell University.
' \Ve should like to put into the hands General. i Can any ambitions man ini] to get .
of every such man a copy of alittle book BRUCE BAnToN, Chazrman ofthe Board, Something of valine from Contact with
i that contains the seeds of self-confidence. Batten, Barton, Dnrstine & Osborn, Inc., minds like these y Here nm 3 {CW €xnm_
Y It is called “lVhat an Executive Should Advertising Agents. plemsciecicd from many hnndrcdS’Sii0W_ _
i Know" and it will be sent without obli- DR. Jumps IKLEIN, The 1IS.S"l;S‘tUlItS£'C- ing how this Organized knowicdgc is
i gation. retary, U. S. Department of Commerce. tmnsintcd into added Burning n0“.ci.:
CASE 1. Ivorks Engineer, salary
_. $6.000; now Vice-President and Gen-
_ i  eral hIanager, salary $18,000. |
` CASE 2. Local hIanager at $.3,200;
_ _ . L V A A i   >¢=   ~ CASE 3. Production l\Ianagcr, salary
f ‘ . Whithn gxecuti ` $6,000; now President, salary $Q1,600.
I . i  " ii  sheum vc · . J.   _‘·.&   i
_ _ ·  . ,   " p ` K"°‘* C     Send for this Booklet
· V ’ »·iI>»‘ Tiiiigfg . - , . ·   .
. i M   “` ` t _ ,     . 4 — i · i . . » *4 For the man who is perfectly content
_ , I rig;     Q"?Q  _ — V . _ .   . with himself and his job, the Alexander
— ’ Q¤`—:‘~·=.·‘i. >~;?$~;,.‘.x;éi2~*`f `1§S`ii·}¢<~;. · — .— » `¤ · · ·
» . »~ s   1     · g Hamilton Institute can do notlnng. But
i ·           ·   . j   r q there are thousands of men who could
i · ` * `·`·   JQ   `·`i lfi   gi     i . `:    ‘ double their IHCOIIICS 1f they believed in
_   1*/*i‘ii         “=  g themselves and had the solid business
,: » Z '          zi ff.    knowledge to back up their belief.
» ‘ . ~ .· ' i i `*’:  \ °T}*    . s :?i¢@2Z€:-€£`i»iT?‘*"$  ¤.»    if ,?»'_?"»  '= · v • · 1
A   ’.’_ i  ‘· °i`       »;».°·.·         “hy not mvcstlgiltc "’”"’? flhc b°°k'
‘ `> _ J _i`i i "ii      let pictured at the left costs nothing and
~  i i   ·_ places you under no obligation.
· , - =       .»&=.·~,-.  IIN?
i  ‘ ; F   -‘’‘.     . ‘‘‘"" ‘ "'”‘''"'''` ' "'"' “'
f `  i  To the Alexander llamilton Institute, 561 Astor
_ i   _ ' — _ . Place, New York City. (ln Can:i==     ?ZrzZ5Zi[f,;1,iixta§iz;:iii·ei#   ,·,·, 1   a,a~¤:=v ,»,;   ·, -  =s5a‘;::; 
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i 5. Desirability of this new publishing formula is Gallup tests. Entire merchandising and adver-
  proved by more men and women asking for“Liberty" rising departments have had group meetings to L
j eVefY Week than MY Othef magazine m America- discuss them. Tradition-free Treasurers, Presi-
V  Liberty needs no expensive subscription activities to dents and General Mana ers rimafil eOn_ A
,  ECE C11‘CL1 21t1OI’1...99 percent O 1IZS CIICLI ZIEICE-fl 1S COPQY-· Ccfned With new Ioutes to Profits, have taken
Y`°°1};Y Pufchiéen i3‘W;€nl?9 Per Cem O g(?uI_ahS sudden interest in their advertising plans, acted .
= enter omes w 1C ou t t at issue to rea it I1 t - .
- _ _ g g with dollars-and-cents contracts on these Fmt
  away . . . is lf any wonder that you get greater value . . . . . .
  . · Fam in the sea of advertising sentimentalities
 ` than when only 15 %, perhaps, enter with the same d 1, , _
Z 3.l'1 g€1'1€I21 1f1€S.
= welcome ?
2 YOU, tOO are 111V1t€Cl tO W1`1f€ {OI Out CO .
W 'tl F T b G ll R t ’
* ` W e W 6 *4 ue gpm! It will be presented by a Liberty representative. an
Many of the country’s leading business ex- Address Liberty, 420 Lexington Avenue, New ’
r ecutives have already seen full details of the 6 York City. L
a AMERICA ’S Best Read Weekly  

` 4 T I M E November 23, 193l . P
\ :
  L E T T E R S -
i  - YW sY;_ é...._;  
/·H{i`\’ Q [ \[ h say "I’m Pep " "I’m V'm " "I’m Vigor " Your
/·-x*·» _ nt1el”arc — =· _ · *· __ · i
L?>L£?/"" » _ "lt’s brief." etc., seems very reminiscent of that {
y /» Slrsi _ rather juvenile attempt to be “different." Please l
me After I read your list of commendatory letters (bmit; it nmltcs my backbtmc bristle
' WI Nov. 2 on the March of Time, I thought you MRS. VVILLARD SPORLEDER i
might not mind hearing from me, who am one C I t Ctr Ul
O   of your more regular letter—writers. H ume 1)* ‘ 1
I have heard only four of your programs, and _ · · -
so you may say now that I am not a fair judge SIYSQ _ M _
[ Of then- tnc;it_ _ \\e (;0l`lSl(l(;:l'·lllC March of Time the most
  However, as a cover-to-cover reader of Tim; interesting offering of the entire radio program.
° for years and years and a violently entlnisi- lf you extend guest privileges for the broadcast-
astic adorer of Time, I think I may say—{aii-ly, mg of same it would be a sincere pleasure to he ,
at least——that the March of Time doesn’t come D1'0S€¤t· `
  O   up to the news-magazine. TSABEL L. YVEBSTER
Of course, the program is pretty good. Your Brooklyn, N, Y, .
copy is good: "It`s brief . . . every word _ _ _
counts." "Discover T1su;," and your musical 5ll-S; ,
interludes are splendid .... _ _ _ Turn graciously obliged a fellow-employe-   Q
Of COUYSB. li MHY be that fF1d10 _1S¤’€ 21 méfllum subscriber-Timenthusiast with a pair of passes
good enough for the superior article that Tim; {tn- Tmlys brilliant March Of Tin";
is. But the March of Time. unlike Time, Can Tm]; repent, legbllge?
never contains phrases that make one roll on I_ MAGED
NW6 the floor with laughter at your smartness and New York City
THU/" delight in your boldness. _ _
FOR EN Of course, I know you will say the radio pro- TIME, OH l‘€ClU€St, W1ll gladly send stu(l10 »
• r!··· _
• du rvf GIF   . ‘ _ ~,i’     l··  is ??$    ‘-<·   °‘i‘i    
  ` , ._ ·         Q 5*,  i  `,_   4, 1 ag;  .._  xiv . {`     if  
Wye HOME     jill? ,  ·   i   Dil,        €“ ‘’”i`‘     »°»,_  :.j;_ ,`._‘·,__—       I
.   V ' `— .   ·°’,`  .£‘.Z;j?’aé2i=~  Fr ——»‘ t »§<.z’§? ·· ‘3?%‘¤&s;%l§" =§§[`i7       *   ‘
S , .. ,- ·°· \ T V tl ,. .——_· s   `—:·. ,     ;—· .-+;.1. ` ¤.:,~;·;·s;   i . `*?. =;,,~’2.;:=*: yen  all   `··- ·w· ;» if ll  
t»N"'E V   4,- -   l   `A '``=    ’»l   »‘·—;   i'‘—         ’‘‘,  ,      
,N ·_ — __~, _   _ xi ; ‘· N   _ { ‘’—‘ !%"·;j_ V   *<  ¥.·F¥~  ·      ._   ; ,g;;=;,s;; l
r__;_   e V _ '· _,       '     3.   ·   3 ` · __      *" e {PQ-}; ya _ ‘   '.‘,`,»   5  
  ·       `;;} r·’“ ·/3;{_ ltr - ‘;;j ’! /4 A wl? NV wfx __' 7 I   `jé W 5 1 ..-‘ .   4   jg; mg,   ,  ? ang! bg ‘ :»    
  =i=    . l'   t #*3 V . " · » aw<`» -· " *"*"*‘ ‘ * —     l·=·‘- V =*= ‘ Vt *·     N I
S liiii ;·. l at     ‘ u if. ,,~ P .   ~   ‘ ·*‘   l V"- ‘ if ·-·’ · F
  ‘ ,   ,:539 ]  _ , ·* _sé   l l""“ _ Q R-   _ {   {   ,,___,,___ •`,  
I ___.  _ pn _   5.   i n   . __=_   V t /   . E, \ _ ,
 5 tir·‘l F ’-"‘ Q ,   be rv { if .* 5  ‘   V ‘ "`2"*?‘   r ,   “ »~¢ .,._ e   e ll
  ,   ‘- _. , ;. s J ‘. • is-' " » ··   T - ' F
      ~ ·i· i • i" l  ~,     " * l I   I   I l
  Alfie-.     I at · .  .· ·   · ’r ···“‘` *‘   · .- 1** ~         -».;— R I
li»· Jklai     ,,,. ‘ ·"   5   i`’i¤ · `" V· i `T ° .yi.;f“*"` ·
.   - sy   it; ,,. [,,4    ¤ = _ ..,4 ; - _     _ _ 3 g
  ' 'iimrw i — ` ° xi   ‘ — ` · .   { ·` ‘ i A i
2 ` t °i V . ’ . ' . ’ ·' ' .. - .·· ·   •· '·»··.—·e· "
A X-} _ ,_`_) _,.‘.  A, {         ‘ __ I A__m  ,:5%;;..5 A bV,,.,.,. .l,,,   Q Q .,.. .   I. A  
, \,   g .»V€¢ .   _   ‘ l
  .   '    ·‘ 'V    YZ ' Ei? ’l‘‘ < — ` ‘ A
il   .·i` ip;  -   V   · ’   Q .' l _ i
·—     ;··7ZZ‘ ».;.     rs,   "¤*¥` ‘ V   , t l
` "*·K’*2;a·r¥¤a%`  ..   T .’lV 7,. ··.=     V » ·- V=‘= "· · V
‘ ‘~**»:§··», '• ...w·,;» -»--   ·
V V .  ‘ .   ·5l’·   V
V  I ‘     »V~V    ‘—,»     ._,l2t "THe Mmzcn or TrMe" ·
. . . passes issued 0n request.  
TABLEAU by Johnston is atotally new mam is merely sun_r>1¤_me¤t¤ry. I know that- passes for March of Time broadcast. ll
idea in candy packaging! Wherever ,}il.;f[Fs*;;l· I *"S’$‘i lt ‘$ “°t the "““l“€ ml"? Cut shows studio scene during recent  
You hVC> You HOW (Zim bur c€mdY from a Perhaps you think I should have sent this to bY0adCaSt·"ED· l
famous maker-and be sure of perfect, your radio promotion department: but I pre- __®_` l
gloyying freshness every time! fer to consider it a conunenrlation for Time, Junior Leq ue m Glqdstonc
Th€p&CkagciSSmHrt’spal_kling,m0dcm rmitligr than a condemnation of the March of Sirs. g ¢ ¢
A p£1Cl—····# 1 ~··~··-1 ——————··—-—   ~~—·— ·»-—— · V ~   A W » . .»rr   717. . —··—-— 
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1   » ¤ ’ QL ` ‘‘‘‘;;";   ‘‘‘‘    "J
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1 1  c_;:» _;Ig§·¢!§§;:»§j;!5;y 1 , 11 1
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A 1 To-L?`¥1e!§?5"¥~¢!f*1s!ZF'1—§•{ 1 1- ·· 1 ‘ ‘   . . . .
      -  _ One outstanding 1nd1cat1on that
1   *1**f€if#55E“¥·~§!§iE115!?E‘    1»·· F   '11- . . .
1 »   1 ,1-;I ·111   _1 America 1S buckling down to real
I` " · 1 FII}   `   .I   11 ·1I1f I' I __ 1 • O ·
  ·   jj ; I1,/Q1  _.1»_ 1  bus1ness 1S the fact that the Mimeo-
if A Y   graph is now being used as never
I _ before. Here is one tool that is work-
CI ing overtime. In record volume the
1 Mimeovra h is turnin out its rist of
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1 letters, forms, bulletins, reports, charts,
Q solicitations, market reports, etc., by tl1e
  hourly thousands, privately, and at low cost.
/ ll
  ’ lt is an important force in the upward drive.
  Let us demonstrate how it can save time and
  A money for you. » » Address A. B. Dick Company,
I . . .
j Chrcago, or consult classified °phone directory.
I1 1  
¤_ —. ¤ 1 ·‘
  C  ®i{>J

 , 6 T I M E Novcmber_23, l‘)3l Z`
  suffering particularly from any great social
l t ~ \\‘I'0l1g ....
; _ . E. Timor: .
Cl ' r
Q .. @ \\'onian’s'National Committee for mlrmm
,;, 4% Education against Alcohol
I €  \\'ashington, D. C.
.l · C
“V° Knew de Bosis
l Sirs:
' \ __, I am moved by your story of de Bosis (Turn, ·
  Oct. 26).  
i ·   knew de Bosis and I can well envisage him ;
V Q flying to his death for a cause he espoused. He ;
g ' was olf the quiet type that does things like that. i
Ita y’s problems are matters for her ·1
  € { »—-—. Nationals to solve. Of more importanceO“tb
é l humanity at large is that youth continues v`lli y
t \` (f to die gloriously, joyously, for its convitifioiilél
\\_ _ German aviators buried with honors a gal-
g 5 lant young enemy, Quentin Roosevelt, who
crashed over their lines.
Italy honors the fearless spirit of youth by
D E ’ H: R naming her National organization of boys after
the youth Ballila, who is reputed to have opened
- fire on the enemy invading his native village
B   ' will; thlci o{1ly uieapon at his command, I1 rock,
w ie a ayout iim stood helpless in the r ul *—
• sis of fear. lie giixie his life to kindle tl1§1iiglft—
ing spirit in is e low townsmen and lives for-
ievef in the lives kaud activities of the boys of
- it · . .. ta . It' t `· tlrttl t;b1`l d l··
THE CONTRACTOR calls 1lZ CU.Cl<·l')O1l'1C1I'lg, but KO in Ilfaly iiillmdo lioiaifr diicn   (ilSezfth1S(i(f irilleérll
. . . . . he is lost) to one who gave his life in an effort
US lf S€€HlS 1TlOI.'€ l1l{€ Clfllllflg Ollf Et C3.V1Ky SLI to destroy that order—yet the spirit of dc Bosis
. . . . . will continue to soar even if his body has crashed ·
Il'11l€S lO1'1g 3.1'1Cl fllllflg 1C W1IZl'1 1'l1C€ 1`1€W C€1'I1€1'1[. to earth in the wreckage of Pegasus. ·
_ I last saw de llosis some tive years ago in his
. . . Dampness W3.S CI.‘€€p11'1g ijl'11'Ol1gl1 the H1OI'E9.1‘ studio in the old wall of_Rome. He had in-
_ _ y _ heriterl the studio from Sir Moses Ezekiel, an V
In the bflck Walls Of Omg gf the World S blgggst American sculptor. Sir Moses, he