xt7zcr5n9g1t_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. Pamphlets about the Strike text Pamphlets about the Strike 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_2/82m1_2_7/122674/122674.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_18 xt7zcr5n9g1t  
The Kentucky F rame-Up
demands coal miners’ lives
  _N ¥ _ St3]*V&tl0l1 Hlld Tyranny
  Ty rr·S A cnuvnz IN KENTUCKY
 gk}     _ TO c;1vE FOOD TO
      `>¥,`€>"; HUNGRY CHILDREN
M       2
.      E, .e-· *·’:i·   AND RELIEF CONFERENCE
          Organized by the
   ·        Of The
1 I  / _,_ _   ._  jg; I W W-
_· / I J  ]‘T'§`.g·¤J€iA • ·
  .»_n_   I  90 EAST mm STREET
    __ _. —·  Q   P. O. Box 51 Statxon D
      _  HSE . New York Ciw
.     an   .·~  `    2.~;      — -  ` ·· ‘”‘·- S ~   I 2
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       from 0th€1‘ S0¤1'¢€S that b€f0I'€ YOU electric chair or to life imprisonment
` ` distributed this flour you did conside- resulted in a dismal failure. On No-
roblo charity work. providing the chil- vember 18, wm. Burnett, striking
ON TRIAL FOR THEIR LIVES   ee f°°d         e     On  
“Yi%S Sli`: in order W keep them in for his life and was acquitted. W. B.
_ ` " ° school. Professor Robert came to us Jones, secretary, and Wm. Hightower,
Haunted by the grim spectre of that those brutes (company gunmen) and mid ns that n number of chiidrsn president, Evan iocah United Mins
starvation the coal miners in Harlan stopped and abused, they went to the were absent because they do not gsi Workers of America was tiisd next
County, Kentucky, downed tools in extent of pinching her breasts until sufficient food}, On December 14 and 28 scspsciivsiy
April, 1931, as a protest against un- they were black and blue for nearly a. 4.HOw many children did you fssdgn No attempt was made by the pi.Os€cn_
bearable living conditions. This peace- week .... " . _ l _ usometimes as many as 40 and tion to prove that either of them yvgg
ful resistance to degradation was ruth- As the result of the indignation 50; on rainy dsys 20 and 25_» at the Scene of ths deaths, but both
lessly opposed by the combined , aroused and protests voiced through- nThis commission understands that were convicted of nconspimcy to coin,
forces of the coal barons and their out thelcountry generally against the as Soon as the earload of flour was dis- mit murder," with the juries’ verdicts
henchmen, the local authorities. In anti-social iactivities of the "powers- tributed your husband was siisstsd and in both instances sntaiiing sentences
connection with this industrial conflict that--be" in Harlan County, Governor indicted for criminal syndicaiismon of nfs imprisonment. A Word on thsss
twelve violent deaths occured, four be- Flem D. Sampson appointed J. Smith wrhsy had a warrant out for hini_ three tsiais _ not forgetting that {Oi-ty
mg th°S‘* ef deputy Sh°’iffS· F°“Y° Hays ef Wlnshssm a“d.A‘.A‘ Bssstz Every day shoriffs passed our way more intended victims await their tum
_ four coal miners were immediately of Lexington, as a commission to m- I and inquired about my hnshsnd_ i had to face this vicious fmnis_un_
arrested, held f°" many m°“thS in Vsstigste th? sit“s"i°“‘ B°th eee Iss' ‘ ' to stay here myself; Mr. Appleman Burnett was charged with killing
. jail without recourse to bail, and in- ding members of the Kentucky bar. could not coms home Oi. hs wonid hs Jesse Pace, dspntizcd mai company
‘ dicted on charges of first degree mur- Their nine volume report is a scath- sH.sstsd_»» thug on April i7_ The prosecution sn,
eee- Subsequently, nre Witnesses in ing indlennent egeinet net Only Hen "You were not bothered until you uwlncu to prove cnn Burnett had
their f"“’°r were i“di°t€d· nn County amd the Stats of Ks“I°“°kY· distributed the flour?" atteniped to rescue a colored miner
SlIlC€ thén,   1185 bééfl (10]]*3, but also tl`l€   States 3S K COH`H· u Not until We   the aftgr   arrest, and   in the Strug,
in the way of alleviating these terrible ‘· try wherein citizens are subject to fiouinn gis Burnett kiiisd the gun_thng_ Bur-
conditions- Worsoy because of endee- "P<>liee b¤neli'¤ieS" by civic Officers ··wnnt became or the indictment?" nett‘s pics was one of self defcnso.
vors being made to cover up the ini- whose actions "0¤l31`¤g€d common d°' " It was dismissed l yvent to the As a psacsahis Oniosksn Bninstt was
iiiuitiizstoflthihcoal gpegators and theirs ,' cency." prosecuting atinrnsy and asked what shot in Ons of his nnmissd hands byv
Us O0 s’ sss OY ymms mmcsn he had 8 ainst US- Ho Said ho P€T$0‘ one unman while another was firing
werken   eennened Win the eee ssssms CHILDREN A CRIME muy hadgnouunc against us. Ho an at ni.   behind his bak. Deciding
mc chair er use imprisonment ee s In Harlan it nee been and ie mE' ho liked my husband But the Block that the intentions of the gunmen
1`€S11lli of f1’8·m€d·11D murder Ch81`g€$- rely necessary to express sympathy Mountain Coal C01‘p01`8tl0¤ (P€8b°dY‘ were to kill him, Burnett drew his gun
A glimpse behind the scsnss in this with the werken to neeeme marked Insull docs Mt like him·” and answered shot ior shot until his
tragic drama, giving a vivid picture as a victim for a "ride." For instance, **Why?" ammunition was sxh,msisd_ His dc-
°f, '°h° "’"°’ i“a“g““‘“’°d by the "°**i HWY Annlemen hee been e merchant "To bo frank. the prosecuting at- quittni was encouraging to both the
mine owners, follows: ‘   Ev?;tsAfoii the paslt twelve yeags. torney did say; ‘You gave away flour. nliners and thsii. snnnoiisrsi hui; ths
I`S· · PP cmimis Bposition Yea Si You are feeding the children , and we two subsequent trials of Jones HIM
SIXTY CENTS A DAY WAGES ‘ “L°°ki '. _ » do¤’tlike that li OT $0m€thillg like? that}, Hightower, with their resultant con-
On December 28, 1931, W.- B. Jo- “In accordance with the Jewish At this point in their report the yietions, have brought home to all of
nes, secretary of Evarts Local, United custom to remember the needy during cgmmisgign commented 35 follows; iis the real magnitude of the menace
Mine Workers of America, at the be- passover season, Mr. and Mrs. Apple- H]-{eye it seems, the finest trait Confronting the indicted Harlan Co-
ginning of the present struggle, now man will give away on Friday, April . of .vi.rtug .and charity,. was illy re- unty mineig ...and unionisni in the
in prison pending appeal from a sen- 17 (1931;, at the Eyarts depot a car- warded by the authorities, Mrs, Ap- coal fields of Kentucky,
tence of life imprisonment, wrote: load of f our. lemanvs testimon should bg read in
"At the Peabody-Insul mine they “'l`his flour will be given away as gully for its prohatiyve value lies in the A CHALLENGE FROM PRISON
have cut the wages to 60 cents per long asit, lasts, a twenty-four pound detail of circumstances she relates, norganizsd iahni innsi iight tliis
day. At the United States Steel Gays bag to a family. A11 needy from The coinmissionsis taking hs,. msu, framemp of King Cmn so destroy ity.,
mines they are paying $1.25 a day for i Evarts and surroundings are welcome mony were greatly impressed by her is the ringing message Sent from his
labor. At the R. C. F. Wrays coal Co. regardless of creed and·eolor." einoei-ity_ It is the testimony of a prison csh by W_B_ Jones Wim High.
they are paying 75 and 80 cents a day Upon being asked who paid for good and truthful woman? towel. answered his ssntsiics to e life .
for labor, and the above companies the flour Mrs. Appleman replied: Mi·s_ Appleman is 38 years old inside prison Wniis hy smiiiigs <·This
(like all others in the district) have "I did. I had saved the money to the mother of four children. She was fight has inst hsguniu
the yellow-dog contract in service and buy a machine. The people were suf- born in Po`and, came to America when
ovory man that goes to work for forirrg, so I thought I would do with- a mere child, was educated in Virgi- ANTI-LABOR JURISPRUDENCE
any of them has to sign a contract. out the car to give the people the flour. nig and is a naturalized citizen of the A , on art of
". . . .W0men of this country are Dozens of children would come to my United States alive;. maniiuveih ti Sanction
not safe along the roads - miners wi- store begging I said, ‘I never had a VICTORY AND DEFEAT the Pmsicufog anJW1 gsansfcrrsd
ves have been stopped alongthe roads car and will not miss it‘." ef Clrsm u gs, (mss I 200 .i
and insulted. In the case of one lady "Mrs. Appleman, I understand The first €“d€aV°r of the eeel bs` slssss tsmls to a poult mialhy ull ES
rons to send the indicted miners to the distant from the industrial sections

 of Kentucky and into an agricultural Outside of Harlan County and
community. Besides cousiderabZe outside of Kentucky, we, nhs boast of
additional defense costs caused by wit- a highly developed eoéial conscious-
ness transportation, upkeep, etc.,ets·. ness, have a distinct duty to_p¢·rform
-the State of Kentucky does not pro- if the appeal from conviction in the
vide such — the psychological make-up cases of Jones and Hightower, and the_
of potential jurors is entirely against freeing of the remaining defendants,
the interests of the defendants. is to be successfuZly accomplished. This
Persons well qualified to so state duty likewise implies a great respon-
and who have analyzed juries ina mul- sibility towards the maintaining of
titude of labor trials are fairly well life, health and some measure of hap-
in accord with the theory that uncou- piness for the kiddies and womenfolk
scious prejudices against organized la- of those brave unionists, the coal dig-
bor is rampant throughout non-indus- gers of Kentucky.
trial communities.
Here are the men whom the coal barons of Harlan County, Kentucky, are try-
ing to frame to electric chair:
Wm. Burnett ( acquitted on plea of self defense )
` W. B. Jones ( convicted "conspiracy to murder" )
I Wm. Hightower ( convicted " conspiracy to murder" )
Ganzie Banks Andrew H€¤€h Jim Reynolds
A.l Benson Bill Hudson Cecil Shadrick
F. M. Bratcher Jim Maynard Charles Shadrick
Charles Bradley Otto Mills Elbert Shadrick
Joe Cawood F Od M h Loney Steel
Asa Cusick ly UTP Y Wlm. Turnblazer
Kenneth Dalton Henry Oliver Bill runnin
Roscoe Dameron Elzie Philips Pless Thomas
John B. Gross Chester poor,.} Carl \Villiams
` Here are a few of the more important coal mine owners of Harlan County,
Kentucky, who are trying to frame the innocent workers listed above:
Peabody-Insul Coal Corporation Detroit-Edison Corporation
United States Steel Corporation Andrew Mellon Interests
International Harvester Corporation Henry Ford Interests
these mine workers of the now . . OF LABQR!
infamous Blue Grass State! for which they fight. Their fight
V THESE MINER h ns our fight, our opportunity!
,,,1.,, b.“ ,, fi fs; FORMFR HELP cizusn ri-uz vicious
I t I .§Sth° ,°t;hu$ iappea $° conspiracy of the country‘s over-
y°u ° al emm Fir rave ‘°°S'S' lords to exterminatc even native
uiuc? t° tim °pPr°SS'°“ °f ths °°·' workers who dare resist cruel and
pitahst olngarchy of the country! abject slavery;
sturdy miners frorn the shadow of FENSE! SEND FUNDS, FOOD
prison and electric chair! AND CLOTHING.
Organized by the
P- O· B<>X 51 Sta- D 90 EAST 10TH STREET New York City

A Survey l\/Iade for
Tlie Louisville Times
and the
North American Newspaper
l i
l   lljopyrlghl, l5)32§ebY"I;.hc Tlalegnugd l!hC)NOI'¢h AHICITCIIH  

 1 I.
The soft coal fields of Southeastern Kentucky pre-
sent to the neutral observer today a drab picture of
approximately 5,000 destitute miners and their f`amilies
against a background. of a stagnant industry. This eco-
nomic tragedy underl1es all the turmoil which has drawn
the attention of the nation in recent months_
Compl_icati·c·ns growing out of this basic ailment have
resulted in a condition almost without parallel in the
· history of the country, involvin rinci all clash be-
_ E D D Y a _
twcen rights of free speech and assembly and the right
to maintain law and order.
In his investigation this writer was permitted to go
g where he desired and interview whom he chese. Fullest
.· co-operation of all factions involved made it possible to
' L view the situation from all angles.
l No thorough understanding can be had of the prob-
, gem which faces Eicll and Harlan Counties unless one
igs >elow the sur ace of student visits, group investi-
gations, floggings, charges hurled by opposing factions
li and other acts. One must consider first the inhabitants
g of the section, their traditions, their ancestral and re-
  ligious temperaments and beliefs, and other influences
if peculiar tot them tln=;·ugh geographical and historical
[ environmen .
Twenty years ago a. visitor saw no monotonous rows
of ugly coal camo slkacks clustered in the narrow valleys
_ _ _ c the Cumber an Mountain section. No tipples
The GTILCIQS lll HHS palllphlél stretched up the mountain sides and no ming shafts
- · _ marred the wild. natural beauty. For generations in-
enlbody the findings of U nlenlbel habitants had little contact with the outside world. They
of the staff of the Louisville Times ;§;;?ml§;1¤`$g({"~1_2¤;§g%Oi>1; i5<>l¤t»i¤¤iS¤5, f¤¤d¤‘m€¤t¤l1y proud,
lll all iHU€Sl}ly(1llOlL to detéflllllle V Then came industry, the devel-c-pment of the coal
_ . _ .   fields. Railroads and highways cut shelves in the moun-
undel lying causes of tl vuble Ul { tain sides. The hill country was flooded with inhabitants
Southeastern Kentllcky coal fieldS_ · of other rural sections, seeking and finding employment
They are Ieprinted fl O"; The Thugs labile unnatuiatl lcllemands produced lby the war forced
‘ ‘ 1 , if igi wages an gi prices or coa.
_ . . _ _ _   But the hothouse development so;-n died Produc-
May 9 to 12, lnclusu/8, and we'?   ti:n capacity proved much in excess of recent and pres-
Supplied to all nlenlbers Of the , ent. demands for coal. Growing competition ofgas, oil
_ _   and electric power caused a slump in the coal industry
1`VOTHL AIIl€)°lC(I]l New$ptlpe)' AHL- i in advance cf the general business depression.
Thestory is told most graphically by a record of
ance- l car lzadings compiled by the Louisville & Nashville Rail-
road, The daily average number of cars loaded was
· 314 in 1916 and 1917, when production started. The
  average increased until 1922, when 572 cars were loaded
daily. After a slight drop the production rise continued
i to ·i peak of 1137 cars daily in 1928 Then the line
I started downward. In 1930 the yearly average was 958
cars a day: last year, 710 cars, and for the first quarter
Q of tgis year, 520 cars a day. The line still crawls down-
war .
i But the boom population is still in the fields. This
  means that production of 520 cars a day must feed and
l clothe as many and pessibly more than 1,137 cars did
fn in 1928. Many veins have been worked out and many
,; mines have closed because of expiration of lessps vid the
l collapse of the bituminous eoal market. The coal camps
{ are still here. some abandoned. Others nffp- miserable
· g shelter for idle thousands, rent free in many cases.
There is no other industry for the unemployed in
[ Harlan and Bell Counties. Except for small-scale hill-
side gardening the narrow valleys are unsuited to agricul-
ture. Some of the more fortunate work intermittently
and live in houses as comfortable as coal camp houses
ever were.
1 There has been no trickle back to farm and mountain
i homes. Having no capital, the unemployed cannot move.
Reports indicate that no fanns are available in the
_ _ , ,. . 2

broader valleys of Eastern Kentucky and across the m011 8`1`0U11d of Lllld€1`SKf1hdln¤ and no solution for revival
State lines in Tennessee and Virginia. of HU lllilfitive ili€ll1Stl‘y or Dthe salvation of 8, hungry
It is pointed out that miners live in the same houses labor surplus.
they did when wages were high. Money was spent for The group l`C])l`CSCI`ll€d by the Citizens cpu] operators
luxuries and none banked. Millers do not 0Wh homes in illld politicians, at pfescnt having complete control Ot
the camps and have no incentive to improve property the situation, justifies its handline of problems by citin»
owned by mine operators,   right to protect the peace and welfare oficommunié
MOST MINES LOCALLY ()WNE[)_ , @195, _l'10 matter what the cost, and warns "outsids med-
A pmpoudemnt number Of mine Operators in Ben titers} whom it accuses of abusing the rights of free
and Harlan Counties are of native stock, Except One Sl‘l“(,§ It yd .a0SCmbl.y‘ _, . t
mine controlled by Chattanooga, Tenn., interests, all we lt _ atfcwll MIHYIS U““m· a Small army Qf d€$tl‘
mines in Bell County are owned or leased by residents msc ;l_l'$mD Olcdr ‘°l”,“S_°’?l~S 3 Stmndwl CWSQ, its l9_¤¤·
of the county. In Harlan County only four large 1nin0S t M?n?l.§,€1lk   and 1m_l)}dd°n to 1`€tPlt“· The United
are operated by outside interests. Two of these are ,t kt t `rl   Ol Am°“°a· *},1* OPWSWOU l8b01`_ EYOUII
known as ..Capm,e mines], as lime of their Output goes ste 3 o profit by the others loss of leadership, and
to the connnercial market. It is consumed by the is ao S_I?lmrl}1¥. t°_1?°1g“mZC·
owner. They -:·pe1‘ate six days a week and their workers n , Li°’Qul}Z‘lt1Om m Qthm`. 1>=¤‘*~$¤f th°_C0Vml`Y ul’l}°ld‘
enjoy decent nvmg Conditions. ,‘_ tig ilL\·(.d.llh() of const1tut1~:n_al rights, viewing the's1tua—
Though Set in E mountain Wndemessi Pmevnle ion icie fiom the perspective oi outsiders, considering
county seat of Bell county; Middlesboro, largest town QM ‘¥§‘€;i·*“{“> at hem? ,9¤d ¤*‘01‘l<>¤k1¤e fundamerrtals-
in me county and Harlan, county Sent Of Harlan Ceumyl ,   (l¢:ll¤lllLC at the \'lgllll1lLC methods of the sCCt1Z1llS
are modern little cities in every respect. They have (L mduh
schools, churches, modern utilities and progressive ‘ BACKGROUND OF TR,0UBLE_
groups. All are supported directlv or indirectlv by the
Coal industry} Pmfessiglml and business men, pennemns V The controversy has a background of labor diffi-
and “,v:1_km_S in Every trade me Subjects Of King Coat culties which can bc SllI`l`lYI`l8l'lZCd briefly
Of the 103304 mhabmmts Of the two counties, 14,000 _ After several attempts to unionize the soft coal
are miners. I fields of SLlLltllC€lIsl.Cl`ll Kentucky the United Mine WOrk-
The use and deenne Of the eenl industry in Harlan [ Chi ef Allli‘l'lCFL in March, 1931, 1`CglSt(5l'@d substantial
and Ben Counties have not erased me religious and 2 progress. This came on the heels of a 10 per cent wage
patriotic tenets Of Op€1_3tm_S O1, miners Then, vision has n reduction, forced, operators czntcnd, to prevent a shut-
not been bmadeued to the extent that they wm eendene Q down of the mines by competition from other fields.
theories or beliefs that threaten their age-old faiths § Tile H€·l`l3ll COUNEY mines discharged approximately
and p1.€judiCeS_ E %J004t1nfn who attended a protest meeting Called by the
Into this muddle of economic distress and tragedy l mcc Mme W0l`k€l`S at Plh€\'lll€.
Suddenly was projected another Element, regarded by e Evarts, rt corporate town near Harlan_ became the
Operators and business men as a menace by hungry men hotbed for unemployed, part-time and discharged
as a possible means of relief. That element was Com- “’0l§;?;`gi1€m I 1 b t M
mnnisl-n_ ‘ casies_ eween iese groups and mine
Leaders, a large number ef whom have been te col- guards—deputy sherlffs in the pay of operators—were
lege, see their business and institutions in actual peril €l1¤i¤¤€·_ The strike. called at an inopportune time, failed to
doctrines From pamphlets distributed during T€€€¤$ g benefit miners, caused a 1:ss in market returns and
months they have gleaned ’a Vague 1d€8. of 8 BOV€l`¤‘ I Wages. added to the general discomfort of the industry.
ment run by the workers.! F, 1::/nd turn-ed the attention of operators to the National
- . iners' nion.
Leading roles in the drama of misery, bloodshed and V To the citizen-operator-official group the National
depression in the coal fields of Bell and l‘{?·I`€?¤ Qglmlg 1Vfiners‘ Union in particular is an anathema because of its.
greet 15a;-rgoslzien taken by groups with Conf C ing 1 ea direct céonnection glen the Communist Party. It has
_ · _ _ _ a mem ers lip of e Ween 7,000 and 10,000 miners in
Today finds them in bitter <>DD0S1€l0¤, With ¤0 C°m' the Kentucky fields, who hold "cards" but pay no dues.
3 4

 However fcublc it may bo now, tho uni—;·n nnulc the must dcstt-0 to mst the mw in higher c,,mrt_.5_ despite Statemcnm
persistent efforts to orgzuiizc in this section. _ tt, thti Ctmtmty by Wultm. B. Smith, Ben County DwSc_
In clashing with this group on the right to 0l'[.§2\lllZL*. (.utOr_
citizens and officials clm1‘g’(— that ns sulJsc1‘lbu1‘s to thc AS long as there is Conflict, deputy Shcriffs wm
dgqtyiues of Cnnilllllllism, ills 0l'$;i1lllZl?l`S Smlld {OY the g‘uzu·d mime p1‘<1pcl‘Ll43S. Paid by the c0mp:mies_ these
ovu1·tln·ow of the G0\'011l1Hl‘¤t Hlld l¤1l\’U 119 Yltlhb W l”`°' giiurds hnvv thc same powcr as any other peace officer.
tcction under thc C0l1Sti@l1lii011. Officials mcct criticism on this paint with arguments
· V , · · · that thc counties cann-ct afford to cmplrr mcn to pro-
'N¤'”°““"‘Y LA") V10 UNIOI" tcct priviitc p1·op¢·1‘Ly. The number of dceyuties depends
Tho O1`@\{l.lllZCl'S nmmtnin that the opci·at-1·s_ holding umm [ht; pxtmt U; thc tmublti myc-at€ncd_
me whip through control of law cl11`01‘Ucl11c¤t b·¤dlL‘5. Mine officials say they do not oppose picketing of thc
spp}; (.0 prevent miners from organizing and bvLl¤¤`11\§ ordinary kind, but dislike the method practiced recently
their conditions. when women nncl cliildrcn sat on tracks and blocked the
Officials tzikc the stand that thc National lVlllll‘l`$` * · pgggggp Of com Cm-; to and from the mmcx
Union has no siuccvc pu1‘1>3se of Yclicf. but. swim: fi Opc1·z¤lr>rs say they have no objection bn "legitimate"
“-gg}; spot in the ccsnomic Structufc, Himckcd to will labor groups. affiliated with the American Federation
H footimid {Oi- communism, of Labor. This gxprcsslzn, howcvcig is modified by the
Talk lu Olson Calvert, Plncvillc attm·n¢~v and .apok<·<- sentiment: "As long as they do not interfere with our
man for thc ~Q·}JOl'{l.Y»Ol`S. Hc also is cliuirinan of :1 cm- l;u.=;incs.s."
Zeng committee which has assumed lc1ldr‘l°Slllp lll d'$u1‘ Lending citizens nf Bell and Harlan Counties admit
ing with "ontside ng‘imt0i‘s." there- nrc two sides to the conflict; that the legality 0f
` "We lmve no 0bj€€ti0H tu llhlcll l¤l>01`." SHYS Ml'. CTW the nmnncr in which tho situation has been handled
vgyp ··W4_» thin}-: thc miners are culltlcd LO m01`e WHQBS. can oc qur·sLi0nvd, and that an outsider cannot undef-
but Opei~;ut>i·s cannot pay move and czmnn give Ul<‘m stand the limitatin of free speech and restriction of
all work. Bell and Harlan Cvulltlcs 0D€l‘M·i¤1`5 hF¤\'C‘ UDL {fcc trzivcl rind nsréembly in thc scction. Some even ad-
made A dollar in three yours. D¤€‘¥»l‘l1ics D1`€€¤€h<‘d DY mit that thc student protests might have been handled
these ‘Red` 01*g;anizcl‘s incite trouble. There is no Lclllng yngytg Wi_$t.]y_
what would happen if wc allowed thclil IG gct Ulwc At thc same timc, citizens say they have the basic
miners stirred up. right of self-px·c.sc1‘vation_ with more at stake for thcm
"Auv 01‘ga1\iZ1\[i0¤ Hb this time Call get me wif OI than the "constitutlcnal rights" demanded by outsiders.
the miner if it promises aid, although a miner might Then- jntgrpygfgtjgn gf Cgngtitutigngl tights is regarded
never subscribe to its dcctfihes. We camwt ¤€°l`Bc MH by them as necessary to meet an emergency.
anybody who attacks marriage, church, God, schools and UL
Guy Ggvernmcnt. and wc do not illielld to IM Uwm Charges that Kentucky has barred residents cf Otht-BY
come in here. With thc lXldUSt·Y`}’ hnvlfv; t00 ¤l¤¤$' lllell States seeking to study conditions here and aid the
and too many mines, I can scc no solution We certainly; mmeyi and that constitutional rights O; {rec speech
will not allow Communist. Organizers to add I1101`0 Bi`l€‘Y·` and as