xt7zcr5n9g1t_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. undated text undated 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_1/82m1_1_11/121592/121592.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_11 xt7zcr5n9g1t $ Editor & Publisaier,New York City.
I There has been so much misrepresentation in the press about my con-
nectigp with Taub and Frank affair that I am glad to advise you about it,
/ in response to your wire of today. _ _
if As correspondent Associated Press and representing several metropol-
itan dailies I went to scene of deportation of New York writers. I did not
take part in activities as charged and was at least one hundred feet from
seene of altercation. There were no writers in car of friends who picked
me up as e ;§§§é£gQleft Pineville hotel. I went only as press correspondent.
I interviewed at least ten witnesses at scene of altercation and with-
out exception all said Taub and Frank engaged in fight. Every word spoken
others indicated men fought one another. I made careful investigation to de-
termine whether anyone hit men and was unable to find single witness so ,
stating. I knew of no arrangement to take men out of town and did not know
they were to be taken until cars arrived at hotel. Had heard talk of such
move but was told no ptan such_plan to be carried out. If men were hit by
any member of escort not one word indicating it has been heard by me.
I called Louisville office of Associated Press and related just what
r occurred and repeated what witnesses told me, telling them I did not see the
`" .difficulty. A New York newspaper, or United Press, I donnt know which, call-
‘ ed me and I repeated same story to them, saying that I did not·see the troub
uble and was there only as reporter. Any statement that I saw fight or was
  participant in plan utterly false though from the hell the reds have raised
here in the past six months I don*t blame the people from taking·them to
the state line.
Confidential: Suit not ready for release in Time affair libel action.
I I Herndon Evans

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J.Iai.BI·00ks, MQYOR
I WALTER R.SI·,I[TH, C0. ,;¤.“c’cy.

 ` Dear Mr. Hartman:
Of course it has been many a year since our trails have
crossed in the Brevoort or the LaFayette. I should have written
to express my pleasure at the outward sign of your editorship.
Some years ago I came to the conclusion that however attract-
ive New York may be,-and it had for me as others the same fascin-
ations of the arc light for the moth-it was probable that more
happiness dwelt in simpler environments.
· At anyrate I have been in the Middle West and mostly in
Kentucky. At the present time I am one of the editors of the
Cincinnati Enquirer, which is ine unique interpreter of the
Ohio Valley. I write editorials ,conduct a column,Kentucky Yester-
days and Tomorrow and write special articles. Some of this is
the first draft of a book suggested by the Bobbs-Merrill Company.
It is possible that I am in touch with things which might
interest you, though in this day when editorial policies seem
to be in upheaval one can scarcely predict what the next issue of
any publication may bring to light as a new policy.
Of course since our Sunday Edition circulates all over the
Middle West-a quarter of a million copies- we endeavor to under-
stand and interpret what is going on in the minds of this great
sector. I am therefore in touch with most of Indiana, Ohio,
and Kentucky.
If we had a little while at a table in New York I should
like to discuss various matters. You perhaps, having heard first
hand the stories of some of the writers who have invaded
Southeastern Kentucky, Dreiser, Waldo Frank, et al-and who have

 been thrown out, might ask me about all of it.
While I have not been in Southeastern Kentucky recently
or for purposes of investigation it is my business to keep in-
formed. How well I interpret the feeling of the section may be
gathered from a clipping I send you which invites me in the name
of the Citizen's Committee of Pineville and with the sanction of
the authorities. That this happens at the very time that they
v are requiring peace bonds from self appointed investigators--
either put up or go to jail"means,I believe,that I am not regarded
as an alien.
Indeed I have had a protracted correspndence with Herndon
Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun, whose name appears in the
clippings I send you. He has forwarded his account of the
disturbances as seen from his view point, which I have summarized
for my column.
These citizens , who are in actuality very far from "gun—
thugs",(albeit most Kentuckians know the use of small arms and
have ever been m1litant)feel that they have been maligned and
A libeled.
Herndon Evans has offered to collaborate on a story,or
it may be that if he were steered properly he could do one on
his own for your uses.
This is but one of the things which we might discuss.
d There is a feeling in this part of the world that most of what
is offered us is produced by people who are out of touch and
who went to New York because they were misfits in their en-
vironment. It is believed that they look with disdain at what
lies west of Manhattan Junction- Comment on what goes on out
here makes very curious reading.

 My purpose in sending you these clippings from my files
1s to show you that this is no new or sudden interest
on my part for the section of Kentucky 1n which you
live. I regret that I do not know more, but I trust
that I am not very far astray 1n my evaluation of the
fine portion of your background against which the ugliness
of the present communistic attack appears silhouetted
and sinister.
If you care to show them to your associates it may be just
as well for it might just be that I can someday run down
for a talk with you and them and I do not wish to be mistaken
· for a sensation monger.
, Indeed, I have a very legitimate reason for coming. I have
; been asked by the Bobbs4Merr1ll Company to write a book
companion to Paul W1lstach's Tidewater V1rg1n1a . So far
I have confined myself to the chapters on the Blue Grass
Regions , recreating the ancient scene. Later I wish to write
about your part of the world, not however the kind of thing
which makes out of the mountain men the degenerate and evil
type which is so usual, but more nearly the type which I
know and which Theodore Roosevelt appraises in the editorial
I wrote about shooting affrays in the country.
Personally I think Frank and his crowd got off very fortunately
and I am not so sure that th1s community even though a seat
of culture and in fortunate circumstances so far as most
things are concerned would have stood what you have done
- with so much patience and fortitude.

 Mr. Editor;— V
i It is very strange that New York has not leerned the structure of these
. United Stetes. There is only one explanation. She has opened her doors to ell
”sorts end conditions of men" and is e mongrel state. Hongrels are locking in l
i intelligence as we ell know. But students who have only glanced over the consti-
tution must see these are "sovereign states" with sbsolute jurisdiction over their
· ovm personal sf’i`o.irs within their ovm borders. The officers ot Yfoshington have
nothing whatever to do with this "Hone Rule". They have s perfect right to cx-
clude ell visitors when they consider undesirable. Neither the President nor
Congress can dictate whom to edmit end when to exclude. New York is s very shell
fraction of the Union. enc is et nest only s stepchild with hor crowds of for-
eigners and gengsters. If her "Bowels of Compassion" ere suffering from diarrhoea
we suggest that sho negotiate with the proper authorities,-chsrtor s cer end trans-
fer the the objects of tgeggysolicitude to her gorgeous "speekeesies", hrothels
and kidnspers' den: of torture end death. They would grow rich end comfortable.
Above all ,Englsnd should keep out of this brawl! Ue're tired of bfing her school
nnstor. Co hone children, open your books end do sono reel research. Learn
the constitution of the Undtod States end let your etepsisters alone! Don't
repent the outrage of the 60’s when you Forced your way into your nei;hbor's ger-
den, lsid it waste and confiscated her pro erty. There is no yromise of protec-
tion efter meny warnings! So sony women too! They must have imagined there is
safety in numbers and sex. But sisters, women on such s mission are un—eoxeQ.
We cannot imagine e wo;en south of the Rosen ond Dixon line rushing up to Kew
York end poking her nose into vice conditions in that abandoned city!
· Run home and tellhreiser to send JUDO the next time!

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216 BRESLIN BLDG- `       j
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p ' ` May 7, 1952. j€§¥ gj
I Dictd 5-6-E2 i €Q§@ §l
Mr. Herndon J. Evans, Editor, ~ Ca$§ il
Pineville Sun, SEE E.
Pineville, Ky. AZ? {
l I A V    V
 i Dear Mr. Evans: » t il
H On the eve of leaving the city for Washington where I will - Q
» be next week, I am sending to the Editor of the Courier-Journal a letter g`
4, signed A BELIEVER IN AMERICA. I thought better not to sign my own gl
y; name because of the fact that readers seeing this name might discount ii
lg; or refrain from reading altogether the subject matter of the letter, g
iii since a great many people know that I was one of the most sinister Q
I5} coal operators in Eastern Kentucky. 3;
‘· 4 · 2 n
4 [ ,L Q` |
?j` Iidon't know what your neighbors propose to do in regard to " Q
gr the motion for the injunction that is to be argued before Judge * 3
lgg Cochran. Personally, I don't suppose there should be any resistance 5;
lli to the motion or, if so, it should merely be,on the grounds that g
 ;l such an order of court is unnecessary, but it would be·well for the fi
{Z opinions of the U. S. Coal Commission and the`Supreme Court's opinion Q
j:‘ in the Gitlow case to be thoroughly aired nowadays. In fact, I g
r~ ‘ think that the principles contained in the latter opinion should be {j
{ taught in schools and that every school—boy and girl should know gi
VV something about the rights of free speech and free press and the limits »[
p beyond which these rights cease to exist. 3i
zi g;
Ir Incidentall I have heard nothing but com limentar comments i‘
. Y: _ _ _ P _ Y p _ Q
[gg on your talk at the Woman's Club and think it did a great deal of good ;»
— vii and that the publicity in the Courier—Journal did even more. I am _ {g
I' hoping to come down to Pineville, Middlesboro and Harlan before very I?
¤¢ long, and if so hope to have the pleasure of seeing you and Mrs. Evans. Q
w '  