xt7z8w38429m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w38429m/data/mets.xml Waters, Horace, 1812-1893, editor 1860 1 score (185 pages), 13 x 16 cm. Call Number: M2117.W26 S23 1860 scores (documents for music) M2117.W26 S23 1860 English George Crosby Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Sacred vocal music Hymns, English Sabbath School [bell]: No. 2: a Superior Collection of Choice Tunes, Newly Arranged and Composed, and a Large Number of Excellent Hymns. Written Expressly for This Work, Which Are Well Adapted for Sunday Schools, Revival Meetings, Anniversaries, Christmas Festivals, Concerts, Pic-nics, Temperance Meetings, Boys' and Girls' Meetings, Excursions, Etc. Etc., Carefully and Simply Arranged As Solos, Duets, Quartetts, Semi-chorusses, and Chorusses, and for Piano or Melodeon, 1860 text Sabbath School [bell]: No. 2: a Superior Collection of Choice Tunes, Newly Arranged and Composed, and a Large Number of Excellent Hymns. Written Expressly for This Work, Which Are Well Adapted for Sunday Schools, Revival Meetings, Anniversaries, Christmas Festivals, Concerts, Pic-nics, Temperance Meetings, Boys' and Girls' Meetings, Excursions, Etc. Etc., Carefully and Simply Arranged As Solos, Duets, Quartetts, Semi-chorusses, and Chorusses, and for Piano or Melodeon, 1860 1860 1860 2023 true xt7z8w38429m section xt7z8w38429m  


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(fini’i’cvtimx ni



3 fiangrivr


WP. nus WORK. Wmtn ARE WFIL ADAPTED Fun 5131111 ~(‘I’OHIQ, mszmx. MHHNGS, Asm-
. ,‘S Jun-rrnw, BUYS’ AM) (nxm’

‘1 »
JIM) 8m: 1‘1 ARKA.\G! 1:: 1,5 Sun», in Lt‘fi

wurrncy Ex mu: SS] 1'
wmumss, (HHSTMAS ms11uxs,co.\czms, mr ans, Tmnwnu
., C(Ak%:

om SL5, AND 101: 111w 1:: 111101311».

MB‘E‘.‘ 51:8 FX(1RSIU.\S,§1.P
«:1 11:11:15, 5:- xxx-cum Lsgcs, ififl)


Author rf flabbsrh ~< hon! Bk A1 \(a. 19 Anuix (Artmry and Sunday School “up“. Books ‘05. 1 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 4, and Revival Meiodmb.

N rHCR—Aa most of fhe TU\T.8 and Hung in this book. are (‘omnmn'm 1) compilers will not be at liberty
In use them without fizst obtaining pu m 1582.02 f 14 m 11 Hanna, Aq'f.


 .. m.m.nrmrw..nmm.. .


7 l



Entered according to Act of Congress, A. D. 1860, by E. A. Dimes-n, in the Clerk’s Oflive of the District Court of the United States
for the Southern District of New York.


Tins little book, like its predeceSsor, is designed for the use of children. It speaks, or rather,
sings. fox itself. and needs no introduction to those who understand and appreciate music. Should
it fall under the notice of those who are jealous of original songs and tunes, or who look with
suspicion on the new adaptation of old ones, the publisher would say to such, that all music is
sacred, although it is sometimes, like the liver): of heaven, used for profane purposes. Music is
the lung go of heaven—it is the dialect of the angels; and if children or adults needed an ex-
cuse for pouring out their hearts and souls in strains of sacred harmony,- xve might- refer them to
the huh; and beautiful example of the great and good men of all ages—the songs of the Patri-
arehs azi'l Prophets, and the sweet strains of the holy choir about the Throne of God in lleavvn.
Moses is stern, bold, and original; his song a mere transcript of the scene in nhich he moved,
hat his language, though unadorncd With metaphor, like the mountain on which he received the
CU‘HEll‘L‘l'llflclltS, is sublime and lofty. Deborah sang with spirit, as she rose from her seat ([1
the hill-site, under the shadow of the palms. There is the ring of martial music in her song;






but her hard words, that fall like hail upon the enemies of Israel, melt in tears of it‘lHlt'l'lM’SS

when she sees the mother of Sisera. looking-It'mm emjndow. 3David is the great singer of ti.

church: now his harp swells vith grandeur and'sunliu'slt‘vfuntil its chords shiver in the it inlngst
of his passion; now he shudders over his mvn‘ history, and his song sounds like the vvail of a.
broken heart. His words are smiles. and sighs, and tears. Hisévrics are unrivalled in literature.
Passing hastily over the exz‘nnple of the inspired men of the yihle. on'xitting even the names of
many distinguished for their epic and lyirie g ’andeur and harmony, we hasten to the highest au—
thoritv that coznes direct from heaven to carth——the song of the holy a gels announcing the ad—
vent of the Saviour. What a scene to contemplate l——a choir of angels coming from the crystal
walls and golden gates of Heaven. While the shepherds Wore watching {heir flocks. or studying
the stars. suddenly a great glory breaks in beauty on the sky, blotting out the luster of the stars,
. nd fl) nlizr; the hemisphere with light. With this glorious el‘fulgence comes the sweep of wings
Etllal the son; of angels. “And lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the gior‘) (f the
Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘t'car
not; for behold! I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall he to all people. For unto
you is born, this day, in the city of David, a. Saviour Which is Christ the Lord. And this shall









he a sign unto you—ye shall find t.:e hahe wrnppel in swadling clothes. lying in a manger.’ And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host. praising (led and saying:
‘ Glory to God in the highest! and on earth pence, good will toward men.7 ” Children have ill”
lesson of the angels—~the song of the “multitude of the heavenly hostf'l—aud every child should
have a lurinn inihis heart; so that the song can break fawn the lips as naturally as the emol
eonles from the bird, when Nature spreads her nott wk «5 flowers before it. Singing swr-r-ttns
the temper, softens the voice, strengthens tl e lungs. is a rich source of entertainment. to all who
are Virtuous and good. The, songs of tw—(lujr may he the statutes of to—inorroW. hln‘
the hearts, and lips, and Volm‘f; of children. ‘

Among“ this music will he found many of the best and most sti 'rine‘ airs, united with sacred
words. and invested with nvw :lssucifllllms. It. is well known that, many secular compositions
possess unequaled (‘XCGllCZlCA and mower as music. and are especially :nizzgriwl by theiv animation
null eznhodiinent of the true idea (71" nnsie. to interest the young: ln mnneetion \"iil‘. the new
Sentiments lhev utter, theii former Zliiflcl‘itl'lilfz will he ftn'fgntteu. on? their tire and spirit he >0—
eured for the inculcation ml" holier Sentiments? Music. in itself. is never 'mniorul or hurtful: inn
the Contrary, it is essentially hole. The true home and Soiree of mush" is llguven; lost 5.1, irits
inn}; howl and curse. but never sing. And if OixlmOCtO‘d with holy Sentiments, its influenee never
fiiis to second and entire-e. truth, EL‘lél every Virtuous feeling,

This book is not onlv a. Song—hunk, but an educator; for While it interests the children. the
solos. duets, trios, anl qunrtetts are so arranged tliz'it the choruses 0 ill for responses from iszeients,
teneners. and all who may a. tend the meetings: thus kindlingr an enthusiasm generally for wwr'd
music. And this is not only pron-er. hut Scriptural. As in the nus... Mile of the h« :akui‘x' LYN-T,
every angnl joined the (‘llfll'llc‘4~Ilt')f one was, silent; so in the sonus ot‘ the thlmth Film“: or
Unneert, all should copy the exrnple of' these holy inessmigm's. :w- :tu'zz there sleuhi not he
an exception;-—old and young should join in the chorus. lti ihe li'l th l’seiltn we find the priest
chaining. “Oh, give thanks unto the Lord. {'0 he. is gov/‘11" and the people or the (on: 'r Llll‘:('rll,
responding, “ for his mere": i-n’ltirn‘eh for ever.” “ Oh. give thanks unto the {kilul of god: ifhmus,
" for his Ill‘l‘CY endureth for ever.” 21nd so on to the *lose of this wonderful. and beautiful lasalm.
The priest sung the solo. and the Congregation repliel ”with the chorus. It is like the ehhiws: :rnd

flowing of the tide ;-——-now the Wave sweeps from the shore te the sen; then the innhitudinons



! :





billows break broad and deep upon the beach ;~lil .
ESE—EJ5— ; r‘ - ~ — 4——':_;: 1133?:
'r—iji: * 2 r - * A ’T“‘I€E::EE"1;«JE '1



Sign un- to you, Ye shall find the babe, shall find the babe in swnddling





GIgVOICE. Soprano.



171 [V/ 11/.
And suddenly there, and suddenly therewafi


cloUu-s,1ying in 1 1mm — gar,




Q , AAFaenm‘fl‘T‘fl

gi 4- z ,w—‘A — 7» - ~ , A
E with the— angel 2L mul- t tudcofthehuwe 111} host oft‘m, mmmmlv hast yruining(iodgmd s in:




..-v=~s-¢2\W~>-.. ww’ ‘MiaW—v- «9:35, :1.” .k . ,. M...” “Q”... Y,“ 1 4, «.4» _,,. ,‘


4 M.“ I .,,(,,‘,..,,1.,_ “ Glory to God in the highest." unorus.
530777.073“ , >— > > > \

‘_ .__,,-, flaw—u-“ _ a“. _.4¢L 7 __.J,#_ _ _ AH. ,_~ ,"_T_
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— v ~ r ‘ ~~4 a —
.971, 4; , w “t I , ~ - , , r9 “rm—4‘51 , a— ”a“, 3—4 Q——9#
,._u’ _- ... g g = Jfi L



»"' :1 [20. 7

high - est, and on earth peace, on earth peaor



4mg. , u.‘
.1 V g...“ WW V


WI ‘3'“,

f J , Alto p. Sopranof '
j'Tj:f:"£_,.i:1tfi:?::"r'§ ’4 "‘"A:

..__' i _ 7 Vifl _____ H ._
S_EH.Z_:$' 5" ‘3’ a.


Mi iii“



‘ - " “r*r*#—‘


; - ~ 3 ‘
, by
good will to-ward men: glory to God, good will toward men; glo - ry to God, good will to




“Glory to God in the highest." Cancluded. 3:“5'
n m: >‘ > > > ?- > ,4 ,7 J___,_.\ a _4\_



_- 1:91:2_ __
4;._A_4 7 -4-

g: _: V fi?_4v__4\r_.4..‘\__~___\_-__t ., .._44-__-4 a: -Q.;
. ‘5' ,,.;:“:é:;f; :1*::er::*ijf:;:: '
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:- V V 'w ‘1“

....'~_! _A


_ a ‘..__ 2'4 - , E9"—
0;;4 ___._-... ’44. -‘l___._._.;|_
1 N -

. e‘l: glory to God, glo-ry to God in the high — est! the high- est, the high — est.




, . :1 1“ ‘— —“
ya 9
.4 =‘





11 DUETT. Sommm 117117 1770.

Music by REV. 110111-1111 LOWBY. Arr. by H. WATm.

' P ,. >A—AA7AAA-A 1s _AA A A] \1—N'?A~N~\: W‘er'k'“ —~—-

/: .1. fi.......... - P A 1134-.-----11.---9- ~1— ~~7~Aw .1; 2 1. 1
[=;§:4‘:9E:L3:::3_31;3-: ‘5.“ 9"" 5 “‘61. ‘ : 3:73-? 9- ‘6 “*‘fi .171}. f“
1.x a- - "—7-- -- .. 1-. _- -- -


-f_é..p A'11221zl11710/‘219 Qf G’z'r7..9


1:7 “"9 _"::


-._ __. 7.07.70. I -l_


._ -1: -.,L_u-,_




Tho‘ their form we cannot see.
’l‘hvyaffevi .1111'1 1111111111111" way,
T111 wegpin (1111- comp my 1

I11 the fields‘ 01 110.1ven1y d.1y.i
0/10. —-Dcn' t you hear &0. 7

.._.-1\ 3T :\ ,1;- j‘r— ;; :jsflij ';:’:.7:;‘
‘7 7E0 ‘. ;_ a: g:—Z:1:
7 17‘ 1 4 v

D1111”!youhearthetn? coming; 0 - vcr 11111 and plain,

. fl.--fi+ l..£_ HHQQ
‘f‘- :J—x};/#7



. ' 1’ 1 H ”‘4
.- , rrrrrrr - 2—1711 24494

Oh! don't you hear the angels coming, singingas they (301110? 011! 1111211" 11113 11
\ .9. p. 42. £2. .9.

‘ 1

11-111 1171111111 :111:1111_11‘sw111:, ;
\11!1 11 .111J111< 1111'111111111111 ‘
O11,11r1"1‘:<\v11.1_\‘ 11' '111 111 11.1- 111;: ‘1
'1‘111‘1)‘ 11111 Wand the S:1v111111“s 11111110. 1
Chm—Don't you hear, 8:11. 1


776—1111 a -
I / {£15.19- 1/

1r11‘111011nmh 1

1111:1113, nug- 1< 11


Y11m11‘11111ks 11 I 8111111111 11111,

\1]7 11110111011". :1
I, 1111111:11,1s..1ik .111: 1111. 1.‘ 7y,

A1111 H111. S:1vi1.1111"1¢ 1111111111:1 1 do.
(710 Don‘t you 1111111, 81013






Anna, .Iq‘u’fm“-N&«
w , »





0:71; (7‘ 4” 1H

rfl “ -:a


a 43-dta—o


1. Who was 111 t1 1e 11111111391‘1 111111 : " . V1 11'.» for 111 g}:
2. Who can hear us when .‘e 01:11? JG — 81.:5 1H 0 the (k




5.1 {21013-11 01‘1111? Jcr- ‘— #113.










1 "1 y \ “-5 r _ KY

f.‘ , »—-+7 —fi——; ~ —1~~—— ~1- -—:——7 ~—?‘—r— -~, ——L~—~

‘ 3 , —7 ~13“— A—3— —0—§79fr “AK—LAMJL—in 'j—yv

1 ' ~ «w art—g ~— w ”+— y'nr —“~a— 6— _,

H V 4' '"#‘ 6376* a \g _a_ d—a”—_—w g—g_ 1'11—7GA6— a_g'—

1; 19- ‘ \J‘r

E 11'1“) up (1:11 - V”, —ry \\':1<11-«1'? “Wm for us 111$1111~1>10w1 $11011? Jesus Christ. cronthm’shond.
1 \\ :11) :1 - lune 01111 110115 2111111, “'mm wu‘rc 10551-11 m1 Jordan‘s 110ml ‘3 Jesus Christ, 0111‘ risen Lord.
1 _ I; Ah, _, V”: ,,1£2_"5‘_“”‘7\. ‘1: ”N: a

i" . ‘ ‘ a»: ,L: 1.12M 912.

E ' J 3-"- ,9 (9 a; -a—_H::_c’l-~—r’4—



V1110 0:111 rob the grave of g100111? “7110 will give us sweetest res

Jesus. Jesus.
110 can rmse us from the tomb 3 11'110111 1: 1 heaven sha11 we love best ‘3
Jusus. Jc 3118.

A11 1115 foot- 0111 crowns we 11 fling.
\Vhile the rapturous sung we sing,
J c5115 Christ, our ‘aviour King.

3'111111 bofnrc the Judge we. wait,
V511” \\'111 open heaven’s grate 1
Jesus Christ, our Advucubc.

_ 3‘.
K From SONGS m1: 11112 SABIEATXI SCHOOL AND YESTKY by purufission of II. Horn Publflmr


8 S E L 33 C
Tune, “ 1’111111111: FLOWER." page 9.

Ne“ Year 01:19 11111;, when our hearts me
1:111. 111111 11111411911311:
1': 1151=11111c 1111,

1. UN this
.111111'1'1111111 11s Cheerful
\V‘ 1111 11111 happy 11111-115
A1111 1:: 1 :12‘1111511119. C111 ..
1\IPrr11’ 1' “(3 <1.111- 21111; 1 111111i1e11..o11(1211111 ail.
I’;'111<11 \‘11111 13111111 61111: 011.111. 1:19:11. £11113 small

. ' 1111 1'1 .1 : 1111:11' 111311951011:

110:1! 111111111111 i11i m 111111 51:10.».




Bright. 11919:)1' New Yezu'! joyful we sing,
1192113911114 gimme»: 111111 '.11- 111111111;
3"", 11:11:1’106111111115, Jenn, full of inn: and cheer,
5.111111 111.1011 15111 gind New 'cur.


2 (311111“. (3147111 ehiidrma join our happy 3111113 band,
P1164: inns 1rd 1.1111111. "1111 {Fr 3:11111
“1 ‘Iv'ré' "1 11111111: “19111011111 \111‘1111911 112111;: of 1101‘
A3; 1h1}1:1m;< of Jew: 11111
1.1 1111: 151.11 of sunshmo sorrow 1.: 1111kn11w11,
A111: {1.111111 a11dp<1atefui 1111111! 11111 {111111111-
(‘1)11111 1'0 :31! :11 1%! “E1111 111 this pi >166 111 rest

(30111:. 11111191: lorever 111051..


Bright, happy New Year I joyful we Sing, &(:.


Tune. “ 3115;111:1121: IIYMX.“ 7:: 6'; 65, peculiar.
I. blew firm-1" 1111‘s 11251111111111331113
N011 1111331.: (1111:11x1111r11,
Inodaak. 111' 511.111}? {1311121111113
In any pagan 1111111,





(311115 lander ta: 1312111 Cr

T1181! souls {111111 111111.": (11131113,.
Than 1113113 by >111 111111 11161,

111 all our streets and lanes.


‘What 1110111111 our (' h; 1: inn altars
Are 11115113 111 1115113.- " ylo,
If 011115111111 Humane {21111115,
501' szz‘n'eis ‘10 1:21:13 1111' 11118:
In 1111111 has (11111 111 kindness,
111:; 11111.:511114: ('11 2;: >111111'11,
11711116. 111 1111211111111131111’1111ss,
Mun live, {Hither-5‘11, 11111111111131.

. “V1: Prim: 111' 3.111'1111111111'11111,
\V'il'1 wwium 1r (1111011 M11111.
V1 1111 1111 i 11:11' -. :11141 :313111011

\ 1:13'11'111r11i;< 1:111}; F
Salvutxm T K) 5411 1.2111011!

“1‘11 :11111<'-r>' 1111.111 prurlmm,
T219 1111111 of (11. 91:11 11111

Must 111-11111 Me 5111115 11:11110.





T111111 waft . \(1 1111;111:311 14 510133'1111113111:10H,
T131 11k:- {1 “'11 (111,11):
11:91:11 5111111 111
T111 [11"1-1 0111 11111-1-1111111 1:1
T1111 1.11111!) 101 1111111: 5111111,
R111! 111 111111. hing. ( ”1:13.111.
{11 11118.: r11i11r128101'tiun.


T1111 112111111 11111111 111. ax 2111;111:1111 {nr the 11:8 {1f Five
Pu 111: (ervl [11011 “1581011 4‘1 13 1x11”: Mn (11 New
Y 01K, in \V’. ‘ 1».


Praise G011 from 1.0111111 1111 13109<§11 1:1: flow?
P1111513 111111. :1 11111111111105 {112111 1-1111“ ’

P1 1:1: 1:1: 1111112111111'9. ye isenvvnh 11:11:! P
P111150 111111111 5011, and 1101 y (111051 E




Words by Rev. SIDICEY Dyna.


Music by G. F. Rom, by permission.

Arr. by A. CULL._






..__ ._.__ \ I }
f 11-2-1: 4.4-
9 —.—; —'—“’
:11}: :———< :‘a""—:' ,
i ’3 v
2 1. Hausa ihee.ch1hi of heaven2w‘ny despairing thought? God to thee h: s gZ-V on, all unsothght
9f 0 a Bright, andfadclcss giories in the work} a— hove ..............................................
E: | 4 L 1 72*
-" 7:14.41, g_- g--:_1_ L:- ::L_ 1: 1 9:, 1121:!) -1: 11__7:_ It: ,7 “:1 ”i- 1!
§.§A1£z__:;::g:c _‘:;:f.:“: it: :1: :.;,,,;;_::;: 1:::'9. '
s; j _4““'"* F111;: 1- :—‘* -_r* 119: 1:, , *1***** :11,
”'5 “i y fix .1 x F 9 V V y
\ CHORUS to each verse! \
r w, fl—V +- — a f 4—4;: ‘ 19111 —+*1— «.14— J—
‘\ a: :1 , , 443,; 3,; a“; '"f‘af-EE’ a" r :4:;_:a:‘ ‘
E 114:; ‘ 1,1 7 ‘ KJ— __: d


391.:ng of his

6 - tcr- n31 love!


Trust him for- cv - er! rest in

his word; Grace he has giv - en,










Glowing on the him sitie. blushing m the flowers,
Happys :piritsg N s t us cheering: ours‘ .

013.88 from thy repiniaag mase thee, child of heaven
Shale the blessings God has given. Trust him, &(>



Anthem notes of gladness round thee r01};


Healing all thy care and pain. Trust him, doc.


Rnnse thee from thy sadness, rm: Re thee, (11' mm


Catch the song of rapmre, jpiu the seraph strain, I


'4 s
, { 51*J~~~<~\ ' ————~— 1: \r 151—1 -+—~
: x» .1 — : . i _.._J_ 1: ::_ ,_
1 g 33g a; 2:122 , haw—jg, as? . :1: 1—4—11: . 94E
; H 7“ as} a ' ' —£ 3‘9 a a— 5 ‘3' :3 ’i_‘ ‘ ifi“:tk§ '0‘“
? prayer‘mhusheard: Shoutinnotes of ghduess, let. thy spir-xc soar, Praising him for ev ~c1-mm‘c!
. 1 $33 a ._,-,_,_p_,.._1,p_ee_1_ —PL1~—~fl———!~:_ ._ LA-
99 :1: 7f: 1 —C:C'—‘9:~:_i i“’i;_.— 1:1: :15? :§J_’p_":€ 21.1%
:._::E'_::_ '—i“':!:" _' ’"”' _ “4—" ‘ :: :E :" 311.“:1
V D V v v .1 9 ‘9‘ 3 i7



















13 Azucnmo MUSIC OF AEGELS. n’orgsby may. 3- 3mm
P “DE 1??” hi Void. “a 1mm: arrange Jy AJJULL.
{1:23 7 ,,;:_: __,;.';:: ":T:—*:_: :"—:::——::::’S *i“"f:::‘ :1"? ’ "'1,
iK-J-v. '7 3 ':'**J\‘}~~ x——~ jL—w 57—i-:——IA~-u?————<9W wfw—u—g—w — 5*E
é‘éi:_,8;—' ::; ___ Ew—‘f’ —;**“""“_’1, —"‘—1:‘.§"‘“”" i—‘Hé
. v v , .
lst Vozce. I hear not a foot - - step, there 18 HOt a
fzd Voice. There is not a foot - - step, but 1131: to the
54.1.} T x E ‘_-_\,_ -_______ R926“:
L , ,_ L V T .. V f,_ L _, L T‘ 7‘7
.= L 32:»: -y:«—,;" ~4— —:—~—2—5—%—a——::~—rr‘: :—*—-:
7wL—C~———a— —. .' 1 . 5—; ‘ 1 __-L _S:-
§ ‘ / I J I 4__ 7
tone To cheer me in sadness when Wea - 1' V and lone;
song, Sweet au— gels are sing - ing a glo ~ r1 — - fled thmng;
191! Voice, N 2/? Voice.
€~~"~— ,"N «N 5 , —-> N 4}
4542; :vflk—‘j—P“ 5 “Jr—f ; «
3‘ ¥g_:;f;g--—~ r 77*7—“7 4:, :_ -g— g:


Hark! the soft cho - ms un-ceas - ing — 1y rolls,













9:: - Ht? ::_’::’:_;,'i
r r l L_i , LL,
,_ L ~ .1
' Rit. Both A TEMPO.
Tr;- “‘s‘— j R —“ L ::_c:;: “ ‘ ,“;;\; ::;T “1" ”S
fi;_"’l-:2’,:i;:;i :3 :L_ " ' 5*+:-— 5n: 4— E{;: 3:37; 3‘:
. _. _£._:‘,_‘ _ ’ J A
U ‘ 3- ‘d‘ J V

deem} - er of souls, What can be fiear—er in heav - en a- bove, Than


-L 1‘ LL !_ _, L, -L 1
PIJ+ —rp~~~ ~——L—-——Fv— r—L—L~ ________,,__.,_,,, L—:--——
5” C >——._ L ’ .——~ r—- L—l——~}——— ———~ —p—————p~~ L- L_, »———-
Cr— r—H— 1—~—P————~—— —L 77;— 7‘ f—— _:,__-_:’ w L 7,,_,__
_-"' _» .V —_l , A l _.._._T..




M-“ «mm.» LNA-Ake'w‘“ wen-ran: .92" ,








_ Y T a “f‘ L1 I 1's! Vzice- h , N
l ‘ 3:4: ::'~ :'——‘l::~:"*: “ 17‘._ ”f L _ _ 'r i ._ : ' *4:
$7,: —;: —§«—5—-¥.5i1§°éfi—i—JFl—i—it—ET—j—fi:Sfi5;}_
“J ' 7 5.5, V ' 1r - '7 ‘7 ’?
l" mu -- sic of fill - gels from friends that we love, Mu - sic of an - gels,
E .0, ' -L 1- + + + 4* L -'~
i“‘=',§”'_wf::i :E-_‘L__f:” ___-_L;'— L: :E“,_— _ EL”? ;:L:_
l :L 7’ ‘ ’ ‘— *‘* — * 'L _,::l::” :féfi- :g—1:::L __._—:"' ' "M:




~_ firm—5:- -
5:7:Esgtgéigflgg l:;:::§.‘:;::$:3:1[E






.— vnum







n ‘ "1—‘1'434’ -—+-—1 —a~- a; —
V‘ V ‘ “9‘“‘7‘m‘L‘H‘f ‘. 7 “.“i“""‘r“
\.‘/ \J 4— -d 1 4 V v i.
mu - sic of an ~ gels, Mu - sic of an - gels from friends that we love.
. _A“’gi_ ‘3__.__________".‘. -__
0 __ __“__fi.________i‘__77 777*A _07_
’— O
‘7 "“"‘—'yf" Ei—w—‘WT "' 9—7115; {E
2. 3.
In dreams as I listen, in tones sweet and clear, 0 I grant me, dear Father, when death draweth
The musxe of heaven strikes snft on my ear; near,
My rapturous spirit unites in the strain, The “ music of angels ” may fall on my ear;
To worship, With angels, the Lamb that was The foretaste of rapture my spirit shall know,
slain I i \Vhen meeting the friends I haveloved here below.

Hark ‘. the soft music, 6:0. u Hark l the soft music, «Sac.



wam-«wfi-M Hm“ * gem; w

32 IS IT TRUE? 7s,

HAESTQSCL “’ords by Havana Bran, Esq. Music by NE. 1‘ II. SMITH.


‘mfl. WE i u ‘7‘:- 1-3-5. game be- fare.

‘ 1. Is it true that, I mus: {it}: In the grave—yardby and by,
a - o

. .L 17 . a g or I... n T" !7 . y ‘L —r . .. F '9. E. .L a;








8 h it true that (in 13:: . _
Jesus Med and div 1 ”in: us,

An .L while. hang}: a r «as the tree

hpwmul sent- :: 112111-15? in: mu?
Is it il‘ue—-O§.l!. is it M513

2 Is it true, as many sag,
Life is but a passing (1:12;:
And that heaven is ins-{01' wan.
Em thi; fleeting day has flown?
Is it: true—Oh . is it true? :

4.13"” true fi1:1:a‘:1 death‘s siaiu,
‘5 iii 21‘ ise an} live 33:11:}.
311-: 31.: final judgment :15,

Sen] ‘ i‘v 1531.1: an? some fur woe
1:5 it t:- :c-Mi‘ is i: true "




T2 macaw Words by llamas REED, Esq. Music Arr. by M. F. H. Siam.

YI__,_;:E: EE

:‘4. trod, On which her eye de light- ed fed; T1344 Saviour called. “For-



TE 42 {ovary {1le of youth


. ‘O- ’-
332353231333... ,4: $3333.14:
:ggj" g—,v;g:42 :——*—~~: —-—4- —-~- ::4g1g:g: 44-
421—4 ~+ r—— — iv :44 49:3 Elflfi—P—‘ff—flw—v F 1:99:12 9
——«:4~&* “4—4 :1- ;—;j"r'*p - g L


















I ""'—' 4
- — sake your toys!“ She would no: 1'15 ten to 133 voice—find who can teil‘? And 4w he can tell?
o—+o—£:+6~+2 +r‘;_:—4—o~+o—o— +3
1:.6:1_ lip,;:_pdj— i ETJLI Q1" f1:f.::
I ‘ ,1 /_.L._.._y._¢___«1___’.:_;__::;: ;: :::;i:£1___

2The <74: 1:10-th qaicldy passeu away

I mm nif the hill side and the (N411, '

Anui :en we saw her pres ssel 34» 11.1 cares,

U5 2115113111 0 her soui’s whim—M And «wned the wife: e: as his (mild,
Afid, whu can tell? But, who can tell ?

1 4 Fain would we hope when 0 (4:4 the grave


3 II hen (an 1191' dying bed 51181:“ I 5 Then, seek the Savimn in ‘hv youth,

Her Spirit hove: 611,311 was weli
That, at the last. 1.th havh m 511: fled,

She dreamed she heard the funeral knell;Ear1y tin sinful pass‘mns queiI?

“ A little ion r441'!”then she cx'i4'441N0W for the berm: “4:: 4'143 prepare,

“A 3631'! a. dzn ! ’and 39 she died— For death in? 34 6031'"? o4'c3’0u re aware-
£11. —~Whu can tc‘i? And, w he can tel: .








F “WNW!- - 1", v.
ALmerAm‘o. \V’ords by 3115. M A. Knumzn. Arr. by A. CTLL.
é DUEL {Q‘t _____ \Y \ :1— ‘
{651:9 :E’g" 93:5? :1 343—;94—«1:Ea7.— 7:3:
Jo: _, ~ r~w~r —-——4 ——7— .4, 4 ——7
If ##T—7 r~—r-—_ r—» w y


18: Voice. VChen light. comes o’er the plain, And sunshine o’er the Ian, 01 ! meet‘me once a —
2d Voice. \Vhen fh'n't the sun’s bright my, Illumcs the sparkling sea, I‘ll leave my homewm‘d


Second Voiv‘e want.

gain, V‘There oft I’ve knelt with thee; E F vs! V “we. _
way, And knee! in prayerwith thee; 5 How blessed 18 ev — cry spot, VS hem

Swami Vm'rp.




-,4. ___ _ ”-
7— ~£ -:ar:/(5 ~—— gia—:l_
.‘ -7’- i

a 7V_‘ l/ i— /



The plea S - ant Sub — bath school, To









H. K L N Second ending.
flats-r1525 {55: 5:37:51— 52?‘ 5 5"“1'4 W: ”
W773: l” r ?::5_,_-,_. 16555 ‘ 5' i- "

.( .5/ l ‘ V

E -iu Whose walls we sung The songs of heaven-1y grace; sung The





















m FINE. Second Voice. 30212.3;
9:3: _‘§r.:5p ::l 1:__.i_~ :~, “in ‘ ‘ i
. A, 5r l ——5 a 5 5515—— _tp—' ~5- .9— g» p—ya5555
5 _.-5 5 ——o «— —‘—F 55p—5a5;5a 5 5 __.V 55—. —a-~~ we —9L55*
at #l: — 7— ' :_ ':"€‘—fi __. [“flUV—WG:"/ H— fl:#“—* ' * *—-” b— ~
l , "‘—L} _ — “ “at ”d ‘V H l“ -
i songs of heavenly gyace. The pleasant Sub - bath SCllel, To us a ho - lV
_4L,, . , L L __ .-_
Awa "—~——- 2— , __ .1; T4: 5 7W3: 3;:2 e 5_ g A.” _,4
_ ' A ,___.____ __w _ ._ ..... 4.. -91 ___A-_, ,_____. - ._ -L_... _ LL _
‘ ‘ g r > #_E L l i i::lw l ’_'_’{ _‘_‘ :2- V 77% i P. if lei—*IC— \
. . . ..
.2 .1 lst Vnzre a”? POM. - m V VD m
3_ { . __-:‘<. m “T -.:—555—;of_ :5; j:_,_‘i:;"5 :Zl:\f’:3*f “91}; 37;”; 5.-..— :
: ———B—;+—5a55—:IS —5——-—+—a—1—-:m .— 55-5 755—59—- 555 ,5 5 5 .5-5 .
i _,,__,__, . 555—595—555 — .J 55555 55 5555a-~5— 555.55.15—5 95 55—55—7545;
25\—P~5 —— .— d- _ v _,_ _v___4L__g____,___.r.__._.’_;_ , .__,.g ,, ~_ ,7
l [J . . 1 V _/
é: place, 'Wlth - in whose walls we sung The song of heavenly grace,
J, g
V'. _".’_ 1",. m
-J~'———5 —E- L’ E _, 555——'p’-::«— —n ‘5:———-——r5
a: 55:5": 51:55:55? 555: —: ,-___,. 5,5..5 5 W , —55a_-.:,-::5.
i_ ’7 uni:l 7 #1”,
‘ At morning rosV hour I'll sing the blessed songs,
On each5 lest Sabbath (lav, The deer inspiring strains,
011! leave thy pleasant bower, ‘ Whose sweetest song belongs
And come Wheie Oluistia: 13 mV To Christ our Lord. who reigns.

How hlest is every spot, (Sac.


(Tugxaummr. \Votds and Music by Il‘xerixcs.







‘miii Lail iii .5 \\ lici i b "'11 t tin/l clicei‘ —f=1l, WM; — or should lf‘it i - (ll‘; spi-nt ii
l\i.1' W}; H gloomv, (luik, and Mar — Lil, Shuuld Lliey loilil ‘in dis — (um - tent; )


’ ' '77—;

4—!“ __ ,:E:;,
_?fi‘:blfl:t* At?








2 Yuuilii‘ul tiny—2 Will 5042:: l)“ (W132) 3 Youthful (l x"? :11‘0 fww 21:11 T “ifl‘illf'1r
'l‘lmug‘lx tlicy beam to linger lung; Ix: us than on! ti no i n 1)} nw (5',
Time 011cc past we ne’er recover, Ami nmv Owl, ion \(‘l \ i 1lcl<
‘ hotlxci‘ we are old 01‘ young; illus \\ itl) 21 Sm imi‘i“; lo: u:
Though we may ii's loss deplord, 'llizit will kwp us (lay h) (3.12;;
It- li il:‘~l foy<;‘-r<:i'.v-.«. l Safe 211011;; the; lwnvmzly v- “


 .._».A.‘,x.x.,.‘..a.:r.m§gy : " . _;“> ‘ ’1 flu-75” ,- - .. . a.” flwi

0mm, T.) mans. 17




ALLMRBT'I‘O. Arrztngml, and partly composed by 11. \VATEM
”37": a , ,— - .—~%——~‘ ——~4\~— ~ 77~ ~ A ,, — mafia» ~—- W——
‘ , (3’1"9' , ~ _ "Lu "*W" ““1 "— N; g '4‘ ’ 3’ if ”9 "fi’
“ l" ' ' 1" ’7" a 'I j": '"_’_—J_-;,._i'_“"_ ' '54“AQ“'"_ i: “ ‘ C “l ‘
' ‘3 ' ‘J ‘ Ii“? T“ j ““‘—/' W ', ’i'a”. 1
1. (‘onw :o Je- sus. Come to JP -sns‘ Come to JC- - 5115, Come to JP, - sun, (‘ome to
'3. 1’: \‘~1|l Hwoyou‘ lle wxll save. you, lie “le save you, lle will save you, No will
3. l bet—1.0m H, I be — lmvu 1t, 1 1w, - Mine 11, I be - lien) 11. 1 be-
4_ I Hm lmpjny. I am lutp-py. I am nap-fly, I am hnp— m”. 1 am
5. 114 - 1w — 1o - Jun, 1121 - lc - lu — Jun, 11:11-11" - lu - 3:111, l - 1v — 1n - 1:111, 1121 - 18
.fl.‘ .192.



‘I L. . L A' 4?. L



, d : ,
("ozw su‘l. (‘oznc lo Jo - sus, JIM: now, Just now.
\‘1'0 you 110 W211 mm: you, He wail S‘H'e you, J'lST, now, .1118! now.
- MAX” v1, 1 1m - 1mm 1:, I be - have it, Just mm" Just, now.
1' 5H ' ".V» I 21111 Imp-1W. am 11111) - 3w, .lux-t Low, Just now,

11 - j’lll, 11:11-10 - lu - jnh, Ilnl- le - lu - jal)‘ .111t 1.0x».

w—A’: ‘ , ~—~‘ ~vr~r , _jv——~ — .« ~ ,
{U ‘ .9. ° -/ 1 0 6' . up
‘ lo Lu . 11M 1?\'. 1,11% 7.71”“, Just Just now, (‘ome to Jo - SIN. Jon I?" i
1 ‘Ii‘V" “Hul‘h‘l now, .T!1~ pv, Just now!
I ~ in. - 111. Just now. Just now. Jnat . In“ How. llul - le - ll) -_j21h, JUN ow!












__ .J 3 ______ J ) ‘ - _.1, J14» .1:
s}:— 1;; :4: 0:1: _j--__4 . _.- , a M j.
F'V’: 7‘4‘5—1‘6 3 3““!: 91?: “ did’jj‘:t "“ f, .9 "3’1 ""‘fi‘fgjii-
u —: «9:1'0 % ~5— 1—:9‘ ig—,~la—a- [4:1 9.194 F 0-
Little travelers, Zlon-ward, Each one en-ter-ing to rest, In the kingdom of your Lord
4- 9
J— +— -+— .0- 4—
'*: 177:: ': 1-1:?“
ti ‘2: 3:3 i'E:i6*:t:p} *
+— IQ' Céédr—Zl- - — ~ ——















4N— ‘ . -1, _
*3:“— 1%: N 7 J” W *7 if
Jinwnn 4.15? :21“ a , V. 3_ $75
19—»? : -a 707:6 9: $~c -0: .
In the mansions of the blest, In the mansions (£50., There, to welcome, Jw‘vx;