xt7z8w383x9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383x9w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-05-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 8, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 8, 1942 1942 1942-05-08 2020 true xt7z8w383x9w section xt7z8w383x9w Minutes of the University Faculty - April 24, 1942

The next meeting of the Faculty was scheduled for May 8.



May 8, 1942

The University FaCulty met in the President's Office Friday, May 8,
1942, with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were Jesse E. Adams,
Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans. J. H. Graham, Henry H. Hill,
C. C. Ross, and Edward Wiest.

The minutes of April 24 were read and approved.

Dean Evans presented for the College of Law a revised statement of
the courses of this college as they are to be offered under the quarter
system. By action of the Faculty, this revised list of courses is substi-
tuted for the one submitted at the previous meeting, and is made a part of
these minutes by reference to the files of the Registrar's Office.

The petition of Dr. George H. Ray. asking that he be granted the 00m-
bined degree in artsemedicine, was approved, with the understanding that 10.7
credits in the sciences and mathematics be substituted for a 9 semester hour
deficiency in German. Dr. Bay had left the University in 1925. Subsequently
he had entered the University of Louisville Medical School and had graduated
from that institution.

0n recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the petition of
Jack B. Baker was approved. This petition asked that he be allowed to sub-
stitute a course in English literature for 3 semester hours of deficiency in
foreign language. At the close of this semester Mr. Baker will have com?
pleted 132.3 semester hours, and will have satisfied all requirements for
graduation except the previously mentioned deficiency in foreign language.

Dean Cooper presented to the Faculty the following recommendation
from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics:

It is recommended that under Section III on Page 9 of the mimeor
graphed copy of the rules of the University Faculty, paragraph 2,
be eliminated and the following substitution made;

College of Agriculture and Home Economics. In addition to meeting
the generalflrequirements for admission to the University, the high
school units presented by the applicant shall include 1 unit in algebra
and 1 unit in plane geometry.

After considerable discussion of this recommendation and its relation to the
recently adopted admission regulations, Dean Cooper asked that he be permitted
to withdraw the recommendation and return it to the Faculty of the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics for further consideration.

The following recommendations from.the College of Arts and Sciences

were presented by Dean Boyd-



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Minutes of the University Faculty " May 8, 1942.

University of Kentucky
College of Arts & Sciences m

May 7. 1942


At its meeting on April 28, the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
recommended the following:


Anthropology and ArchaeolOgy 107. Ethnology 2: the New World.
3 recitations a week. 2 quarter hours. A study of the origins and
migrations of the ethnological groups of the new world.


This is an expansion of Arch. & Anth. 105 and 106 into a third quar-
ter's work.


Psychology 126. Mental Hygiene. 3 quarter hours. A continuation (fil‘
of Psychology 124, Students are given the opportunity to apply to 2 ’
to concrete cases the principles and concepts developed in 124.
Prerequisites; Psychology 124 or Hygiene 120a. It will be noticed

that this is the same description found in the catalog under Hygiene

120b, except that the prerequisite has been added.

Report 2f Committee on Classification.



Since the quarter system not only requires students to register and
classify three times in the academic year, but also permits fewer
days in which to do the work, the following reCOmmendations are
made, and in so far as they involve all University students, it

is recommended to the University faCulty the adOption of these

(1) In so far as possible a preeclassification and pres
counselling program be adopted for all students. «“5.

(2) The preeclassification program should include as a minis 2
mum the following;

a. Students should be assigned to specific advisers
before the opening date of school. The students
should be required to see the adviser and with his
help make out a schedule of classes. &

b. The adviser should sign and keep the classification cards.

c. Before registration day the adviser should return
the classification cards to the Dean's office,
where they will be alphabetized and arranged accord” '
ing to classes (freshmen, sophomores, etc.) 6“


Minutes of the University Faculty a May 8, 1942




d. On classification day. each student will be exoected
to go to the Dean‘s booth, get his classification
cards, and take them to the Various departments for
assignment to particular sections.

All students should be classified according to some prc~
determined alphabetiCBl arrangement. In the past fresh~
men have registered alphabetically. but have not been re-
quired to resort for classification in any orderly way.

All changes in schedule, exceot those involving changes
in hours” should be approved by the student95 adviser.
This will require that the adviser keep a cony of the stu—
dent‘s schedule card.

Each student should consult his adviser before dropping a

It is suggested that, in so far as possible, all depart»
ments assign students to specific sections before classia
fication day. This can be accomplished if the Dean‘s ofe
fice turns the classification cards over to a particular
department for a limited time before classification day.
Such a orocedure will serve as an incentive for students
to see their advisers early in order to get into the sec"
tions of their choice, and will enable the advisers to
devote more attention to students.

It is further suggested that, in so far as possible, the
academic program be made out for the entire three quarters.
The publication of the schedule for the three quarters
will make this possible in many instanceso In these cases.
the adviser will nd2turn in the schedules but for one
quarter at a timeo

4. Recommendation of Committee on Scholgrsh'p.



The Committee recommends to the Faculty, and through the Faculm
ty of the College of Arts and Sciences to the University FaCUlty,
that no transfer student be admitted to the junior and senior
class in the University unless he scores at least 25% or better
on the University entrance tests.


Paul P. Boyd

Parts 1 and 2 of this recommendation. providing for certain course changes

were approved.

Parts 3 and 4 relating to preclassification of students and

to admission of transfer students, were referred to the Rules Committee.

Dean Wiest presented to the Faculty the question as to whether it
might be possible to offer a course in commerce in Frankfort. for which



















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Minutes of the University Faculty a May 8, 1942.

reference was made to the c0urses to be offered as residence work at Pike~
ville and Harlan during the coming summer, and the issue was raised as to ,
whether it might not be desirable to allow a minimum amount of graduate credit
by extension. No action was taken on this matter, as it appeared desirable

to await the return of Dean Funkhouser before considering the question of
graduate credit by extension" It was pointed out that any courses could

be offered by extension in another community, but that graduete credit

could not be allowed under present rulesl

graduate students might receive credit. In the discussion of this matter, fig.

Dean Hill read to the Faculty a request from the Library that all
departments and agencies of the University that issue printed material
cooperate with the library staff in furnishing sufficient copies to allow thw;
to maintain their exchanges with other institutions;

Dean Hill also distributed copies of the tentative questionnaire
form designed to discover what proportion of students now in attendance at
the University expect to be in summer SChOGlo The deans of the colleges €8fl‘
were requested to aid in distributing these forms in the classrooms, in
order that a census of the student body may be takeno '

On recommendation of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
the Faculty aprrOVed a twoeday trip made by Professor W. D. Nichollel

class in Systems of Farming. The trip covered May 1 and 2a

The Faculty also approved the trip of the University Band to Louisw
ville on Saturday, May 2, to participate in the Kentucky Derby.

The next meeting of the Faculty was set for Frida , May 15.


May 15, 1942

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday, May
15, 1942. President Donovan presided. Those in attendance were Jesse E.
Adams, Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. EVans, J. H. Graham, M. E.
Ligon, Frank D. Peterson, and Edward Wiest.

With one minor correction, the minutes of May 8 were approved as

The Rules Committee reported to the FaCulty upon its consideration
of the suggested change in the admission requirements made by the College ‘yl.
of Arts and Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
It was recommended by the Rules Committee that the following addition to
the recently adopted rules be inserted on page 6. following paragraph 3.
and that reference to the high school mathematics requirement be omitted
from the admission statement of the College of Arts and Sciences page 9.
paragranh l: