xt7z8w383t0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383t0z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1985 1985 1985-08-26 2020 true xt7z8w383t0z section xt7z8w383t0z _——____—_______________________________—________._.___3" -____3__
Add Drop ..
_ ‘
Vol. LXXXIX. No. 172 Established 1094 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 AUQUS' 26' l985 ‘ ‘ 3
W .
e , . ‘ .
CHE, draft plan Centralized add-drop to be held luesday v
‘ - 3‘ 33’ 33. .
K Registrar recommends students bring penetls and patience to rework schedules _ . - .3
amon U news
g HyALEXA:I)l-ZR s.t‘Rot't‘ll ence shouldn‘t be terribly traumat- ——-———————————-----— WM._3 ~ ' '. :3-
EditorialE itor ic ' Students will get an instruction . I . " 7'3". ' .‘
° smitten they enter Times for Tuesday 8 add-drop i -3.- r‘ .'
In recen mon S Before you leave for add-drop If you just want to drop a course - - ‘ - l ‘5 '- 'i, " if";
Tuesday don‘t forget a No 2 pencil. you can avoid the (‘oliseum and do it at Memorial Coliseum ‘3 ".3.“1 ’ :1,"
Staff reports and when you 3 find the queues 1n through the office of the department ‘ -. ,"Zt
front of Memorial Coliseum stretch- thatuffers the course 3 ‘3 . r 13'

33 it has been anything but the but of time for UK since the i3ng to the curb. pick up a little pa- l3l3_\‘ou miss adddrop Tuesday. the MC-O .............Zl000 Bm-Che . ,.l‘OO .r‘3ri'3 3373-.

. . , lence. ('o ege of Arts & Selences will still - 3 - ‘ t“: - Li
Spr;3l383:{e8§3.3m3 UK faced what President Otis A. Siwem termed That‘s the advice of L'nlverslly be in the (‘oliseum Wednesday. and P' RI "" ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "10'30 Chf DI “ ' ‘ ‘ ' l ‘30 3 ’.3' ‘3 '- f ‘ 313513".
“the most serious assault on the University in modern history and Registrar Randall “a” who 535‘s other colleges will have tables at Ri-Sm 11-00 DH: 2 n.) .‘
maybe since its existence." He was referring to the first draft of the last item Will “go a long way to their individual deans” offices After ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' " ' ‘ """' ' ' .3 ,3 .‘ 33,3. '3
the Council on Higher Education’s “Strategic Plan for Higher Edu- making it ladddropi an acceptable \i‘ednesday. AdrS departments will Sn-U 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3] ] :30 G-Hen 3_3 3 _ 3, 3 230 3 fit . 3
catim" Which called for — among other (him - closing UK’s Col- event. 3 conduct busmess at their offices 3 3 . 33

. lege of Dentistry and transferring comm] of the Jeffm Commu- He also adVlses students to arrive Students can continue to add V-Z ,__.12:OO Heo-Kh 3 OO -. ‘- ‘ ' . 3 _‘ 43‘ .
nity Collegefrom UK totheUniversityofLouisville. at the time their name is scheduled courses until Sept 4. which is also K. 33 33 ,- .3. 33
At its June 24 meeting, the Board of mm passed a resolution or later. but not before 3 the last day to withdraw from the A‘BI ------.- - - - - - - - l 230 "Mb ---~ ~ 30 3' .; '3 .3 ‘-- .' .."3
opposing the draft. Stated the resolution: “Any such proposals to 3A claisedsc3hedult3>3 book 3and one s l'néVerSlI)‘ or reduce course load - ‘ - ,‘
. dismantle the Universit of Kentuck are unacc table to the board C 855 SC u 9 car are a $0 lmp0r~ an receive an 80 percent refund - - - 1 . . r . 3 3
andwillbevigorously opyposedf‘ y ep taht things to bring along 3 The last day to drop a course with. Late reglstl‘atlon begins Monday . 3- 33 ~ 7 ..-3 .3‘ 3.3-
CHE officials contended the draft was a worm paper and not a The first Students - with last out it appearing on the transcript is 13 3- 3 33 33 3;3
finaldocument. names beginning Moo Will start Sept 18. and students can drop a ———-————A ~ 3 5 3
Earlier this month, the council released its most recent draft through cemrahled additrol’ at 10 course and r869”? a W -- Withdra- not know what the deal is that s a his SH We? 1 i w we ~ ‘. -. ‘
which recommends for the community colleges either consolidating am Tuesday In the Coliseum. and wal 7 untilnci 21 mi“. kind of [hmg he 5mg tape [Hilton ltll \iuo. mi;- -‘ t < "f '
the vocational schools as technical imtilntes under the community the bu'ldlng “.1“ remain Open ulllll ll'dlll cautions students not [0 ac- ClallV about degree requmeniontg \tii'lt't‘ I‘t‘flis't” - '- .i ‘l' "l"‘ 3. ':-3_,' 3" I' 3"
collegesystemorestablishingaseparategoveming boardforboth. 55me cept "street wisdom" when amend- I late .‘3 ‘3 3. 3 5
A5 for the dental SChOOl. the draft recommends: convening 8 Although there are lines and the mg their schedules "We do find Tuesday also 15 the last din to N‘Pt V -\ ’ "t -‘ .- '- :m ‘3 I -3 3. -’
panel 0t experts to decide WhiCh school toclose, cltsing either “’5 atmosphere on the main floor can sometimes people take academic ad- drop a course or cancel registration the? t" ""“t ‘ ' ' ‘ - -. - ‘-
or U of [4's dental school and restricting enrollment in the remain- seem beet“; Dam 531d [he experir \‘lSlllg from ll‘lelf‘ friends who may and geta full refund lriillllndli’l it.’ ",y . . ".3 . ‘, " -‘ i
ing program, keeping both schools hilt reducing enrollment and “‘"“““"_’l ..3 2
funding or discontinuing both and contracting for dental education 3 3 - 3 —"‘“"" "‘" "w“ I .‘ i- 3 ' :
withoutof-stateschools. I 3 " 33-;3 ‘33 i.»- ' , . l -.3' . - 3 3
Burns E. Mercer. CHE chairman. said the draft outlines differ- - T‘i . ‘33:? ’ 3- , ' ' . . '
ent options to get public opinion. Meetings were held across the ‘ 'Q ' 3 '. - .‘ . -. .‘
statetogatherpubllc reaction tothedraftearlier this month. ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 l i . . ‘ "
About 700 people attended the Council's first public hearing, 3333-1193 ".,3 i -‘ _ ‘ :
whichwasheldinthemainauditoriumoftheFineArtsBuilding. ‘ ”is“ '~.,3 \ ' -’ 3 . -
About 25 people —- faculty members and members of the com- -‘- -‘ 3 ’93 ".,3 . .' : 3 » -'
munity — spoke before council officials on subjects ranging from "'1 Yak "-.3 ' - ‘.§" i
the closing of the dental school and law school to promoting UK as 73,; 3- » . . "-ch "u. 3‘ - 3 3. -3 ' -»' 3‘
anationallyrenowned.comprehensiveUniversitv. "figrt" —~—» 1 ‘ "3,3 ., 3 . 3 3 '- '
Singletary reiterated his oppOSition to closing the dental school $333 433 .-. " ' . “a“ 73 .3 - - X . '3 .
and the changing of the community college system He also con- "$3" '- \3 3 .3 3 ‘ 33*4-.~.‘“~N ' I ' V i .‘ ' ‘
yatulated the CHE for dropping the Jefferson Community College ' L ”is, .3 3 3 .. M‘ T \3- a H hm... ' (’ .3 .' . . . ‘ ‘
out of the proposal and urged the council to make UK the compreL 4: ‘~ " e \j "33 "M”“W-m . \ '. " ' ‘ .
hensiveuniversityinthestate. . ’3 ‘itj " V \ ‘ . 3. H - , :
Most of the speakers spoke out against the plan. and several .,3 - I .~ 3 ' .3 ‘ .
Fayette County legislators urged the council to let the general as- ‘..3 £ 3 '3 33 3 ‘ \ ‘ ‘ . ' 3 3-‘3 ‘
sembly make the final decision on the closing of any educational ' ‘ 3 X? - ”$.33 ‘ 3. " -‘ L '
facilityinthe state. _ t “F g , / ' 3, __ ;. .' ‘3 3
so“, l s.. § “his-3mg .« i 1 I
I Earlier in the summer came the transfer of a $4.3 million energy 1 ‘ . “. ' \. ’ 3 " 3 " ' x ' '
contract frcn. ['K Cr ‘11) University of louisn'lle. The contract went : l g ’" " - a \ ’ ' ' ‘ ‘i 3 In 3 '3 ' .
to fund coal research projects at the Kentucky Center for Energy 1 Q S ’ c t, . . ‘ ., ,
Research laboratory Up ' i 3 h / \‘ \3 I , ‘- 3' ‘
Speaking before the Joint Interim Energy Committee, State En- pl ’ ' / \ ‘3 3 ' 3 . ‘ ‘
ergy Secretary George Evans, who made the decisim to transfer , kit. a; «7/ d ,. . ,- . ‘ 3 ,. ‘ ‘3 3 '
the contract. cited 23 of 25 projects behind schedule and a reluc- i , ' 3 ‘33 :J _ 3 ' ” / . . , - ; .'
tance to change in the direction of research on the University's part i ‘3. ‘ > = ’ a 7" l / . . _ .- - ’ _
as reasons for the transfer. i ' is; “i 3 . .,.-/"3 / 3 ” . ' - l‘ ’ - - ‘ 9
Evans also said L'K does too much theoretical and not enough i ‘ ‘, ‘ =' 3.5331; ' 3/ 3 y/ ' 3, ‘ -. ’ 3 . ~
applied research. made “unneccessary and disruptive personnel ac. i /,» .. . 3 ~ ‘32-... -/ 3’ 3/ }I .' . 3 3 : ,
tion which . . lowered morale and created anxiety and apprehen- i \ / 3‘ A ’k 3 3 “'3‘: /" . ' .- 3 3 -
sion among the employees" of the lab. used the lab “to [remote , 5 - v f ' . 3 a‘ 3 , ‘ 3‘ ‘
University interests to the detriment of the state's interests" and l i \g ' l l a?" = 4.“;- . W4 t I - . 5 " --"
thatUKfeltit"owned"thelab. l / ‘3‘ , ’ i , at ‘ " ‘ ., ‘ ' ' -
In a later meeting of the committee, Singletary and Lyle Send- ’/ \ ' I. J 27 ‘" . l ‘4 ‘ - ’ ,3 ' - .
lein, director of the Institute of Mining and Minerals Research and ~\ " ’ 3 . - ... —-~» »- ~-—j ’ “ " e31" “\i ’. ." 3- - .. T- " I:
former director of the lab. denied Evan‘s allegations , ' “v' "4 .3 . , 3 3. - ‘ - “ .,,s .33' . ‘3 3353 ,. ‘
An ad hoc committee of the Board of Trustees was formed to /"/‘\‘ ' ' ‘3 _ ' . ,‘ ‘7 -. V", 1-. 3. . .«
review the contract loss. Committee members said they hope to '- ,, "\" 3 ‘\ l 3 \ 3 , . - ' A ' 3 ‘1 " ..
identify any shortcomings or mistakes on the part of UK personnel “m.“wm. ., . , ,.,., a ‘ “ i ., 3 " ,'- ‘~ "3 ,
and advise University officials of ways in which contracts of re- ° ' -.‘ . 3 ' .- '- '-3
_ searchadministrationcanbeimprovedinthefuture. Gridiron ' -‘ ~ ’--3' 3 I -
The ad hoc committee heard from Evans and various University 3' ' -' “ '. - . '
officials and will present its findings to the board at its Sept. 17 Robert Walter, 25, of the Dryvit Co., hoists up 0 bucket of Limestone. Construction on the store sh0old be -- ;- Med I _ _3‘ ' ‘33 3 'I .-
meeting. plaster during the recent remodeling of Kennedy Bookstore on within a few weeks. i ",3' .3 3 ' ~"3
_'__h3_ __33333_3 i 3 3 ' i ' . ‘
' lnseparatemeetingsinlateJune,theUKandUobeoardsof C b .d ' tt' t I t' '
trustees presented recommendations agath a merger between the ampus uses can a] 1n ge lng O c ass on lme -‘.3 . . .- 3 ‘ 3‘ 3
18511:; mfngEZTKILgESgettipégzdshgdipeuiafleggzfig Staff "For“ wtll run every weekday school is In The south route Wlll run between lk‘x'l'l'im PH" "it“ it"‘il’hlt'tN “Ith " 3' 3- -'- 7,
ofmergingtheuniversities. 3 3 session, Southcampus buses run 6:30 am and 5:35 pm at intervals Wilt? and \(‘ht‘tiult‘ Information ' 3‘ ‘ ,.
Jack Dulworth who was the student member of CHE. said the 3G0lng to class could mean a long from Commonwealth Stadium to Co of six to eight minutes They can be ()l)lLl|flt‘I‘ .lv 2m- lollow 3 . ' _ " . - .3 3 3,
recommendations‘effectively put an end to further mager talk by hike across campus. but the 3Lexmg- lumbia Avenue and horthfampus lng campus intuitions student ('en . ' -' , ‘
theCouncil, ton Transit Authority and [ix help buses run from Greg Page Apart 3.3333933th a 333033303333 33 being con- ter information (limit the 'llillll en , 3 33
Both the UK and U of L recommendations cited political difficul- students get to class 0" time by pro ments to Memorial Coliseum. Sidered to' expand the LK campus trance of the l’t'il'l‘snn \ei‘iice 3 . 3 ‘ . .
"€53 faculty. student and staff oppositim; and other perceived dis- \ldlng them with free transportation 3 area buses 3333333333 But 33333333 a 33333 3l§ui3lding the lohlrx .it putter-con (ll 3 3 3 3 3 . 3
advantagesasreasonstoopposethema'ger. on ca'F‘PQS- 3 3 3 The north FOUte begins at t a.m “emem ls reached students 33333353 lCt Tower the lllitlll entrance in the 3~ . - 33 33 3 t 3'
Beginning Wednesday. Six Lex- and runs until about 6:13 pm. The 3 , 3 ' 3 3 Medical (enter and the iii-hr nl Stu ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘
Tran buses ~~ three for north cams buses run at intervals of about 15 pay 30 cents [30 use the on) buses to dents office 31 :Htlit-o-'l‘n.wi .' ' I '
The sentencing of Elzie Alexander Morton was delayed last pus and three for SOuth campm‘ minutes get 0" campus '
month by legalquestions aboutthesentencimpowerof judges. . I ' - ' '
Morton, 32. of 1972 Kingtree Drive, was scheduled to be sen~ . ' ‘ " -
tenced July 19 for the murder. rape and sodomy last summer of UK a Ineup - ‘ I ,
graduate student Lin-jung Chen, but Fayette Circuit Court judge ’
Armand Angelucci delayed. askilg imtead for memoranda briefs . . . s t ' . . .
fromtheprosecutinganddefenseattorneys. Concerts, lectures, busmess expo, Homecoming being planned by S AB for fall ‘ - ,-
3 Angelucci said the briefs wov‘) help him decide whether the '-
jury'srecommendationwasbinding. Byt‘i'NTlllA3A.PALORMU th‘s week of actmties is for new and Although Homecoming isn't offi John Herbs! throw”! of the Stu ' I 3 : '
He told the attorneys to submit their simultaneous briefs on Sent“ StaffVlriter returning students alike, Clally until Sept 233 when the Cats dent At-tmties Board. will students ‘
Septfiandsetasentencing hearingforSeth). 3 _ September and October will be take on Cincinnati. the week preced- WI“ b1“ ahlc to EN information and ‘ ' '
The prosecution in the case asked for the death penalty for Mor- The Student ACt‘V‘na Board has highlighted by Homecoming. guest mg the big game will be full of ac talk to people about \.iri clude some concerts by local bands RCA Records, Chryulis Records gram. which incorporates music.
. Paul Hayden. SAB president. said intheday‘s activities. lndlgeJeang slides and videos willhefree
l \ h

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL ADD-DROPEDI‘DON, Fol 1916 My, Alumni, 1905
+Added course
*Changed course
S E #Five or fewer vacanctes
This Skills‘flulfifilffllgbéfs supplement lists all of the OPEN LQEIQLEEY
classes for the 1985 Fall Semester which are available for Coliseum . . . .
Registration on August 26. 1985. Some of the courses listed have 50C 517N401 50C 565 001 C03 790 001 50( 79‘) 001 SOC 797 00]
very few spaces available,
The Supplement must be used in COHJUUCthn with the regular
Schedule 037511535 SlnCE the days when classes meet, times, and rooms ETWLE—NEE
. 4 ' I 4 '
3'9 SNLVETgSt9dé73l ‘“°Se Cfiurses,‘0"h59L‘T°"5l]"h‘§“ "6V? bee” added v5 350 001 ~v5 650 001 avs 768 001 vs 770 001 «vs 786 001 «vs 791 001 vvs 792 001
‘ or w ere t ere as been a c ange in t e origina iii ormation. VS 351 001 ”VS 749 001 NS 769 00! ‘VS 781 001
. The format of this Supplement is the same as the regular schedule,
. , ' 1.e.. the colleges are listed alphabetically. COLLEGE OF ALLlED HEALTH PROFESSIONS
V \‘ . ‘ - ~' THEEE {WE OPEN COURSES ONLY AHP 855 001
‘ . . N07: '1 4.11.0050 "Clist'dtzon dates fur the 1980 Spring Semester ALLIED HEALTH EDUCATlON AND RESEARCH
. 1, . are Novemter 15-20, 1985. Advance registration is re— ‘—‘—"""‘“”"""“"“"""”""
-. . . . lvlrs“ ’Cr 9" 50’11"U‘”9 5tu09"i74 405 320 001 ~405 6700002 405 690 001 405 850 001 405 861 001 405 871 001 4405 880005?
_ « ‘5, , . 405 595 001 405 6705003 405 8424001 405 851 001 4405 862 001 405 872 001 4405 8805053
. ‘ . . ‘k-L ~3 ¥““*l>l‘4 59"d‘s “EQU'dt‘Uns 9‘V8 *dculty members the 405 6604001 405 6700004 =405 842800: 405 852 001 405 863 001 405 873 001 +405 88000::
. 1 . ~¥“¢" 5' JVCDC “g 5‘009”35 ""0 30 ”Ct 3‘t*"d the ‘lrst 4405 6608002 '405 670N401 405 8425003 405 853 001 405 869 001 405 8804001 5405 8805016
. -- , ' . Twc ~l38‘ “99“”33- 405 6704001 405 6700402 405 8420004 405 860 001 405 870 001
1', _- > " spErIAL» DROGRAMS 1100 CCHIRSES *27855 405 6700401 40v 550 405 0vsr 05010 001015 1 M 0600-0900PM TBA 011:
.‘ H‘ 1“ .; +92363 405 8800004 550 405 555551 01 4501515000015 2 F 1000-120000 05 214 PERRIT‘
- 1 ~ - ,g11505 05 0551;105 0155455 00 0411501. 14011v, 400
‘ _V .. . 5-_ 5,,- .., 00151541 105040151
_' ' l ' Q _ i “- ‘39 3$1 +92371 405 8805005 550 405:555551 05 45015/5000015 2 a 1000-120000 05 1334 PERRIT’
; .1 . .‘4 , 0155455 00 0411501, 140111. 400
:. 4 _. j 7 . ., ,- _ 5. 00151541 105040151
1 >" 1 " ’ . . E*::7“7.5\'lj_ L.J}.>‘« .D’V n1.
>fll _- 1 ;”’_l' -" :9: “1 551015417001011100
1".1' ,1 ' " _. 4...‘ 05.4-4 4‘1 1 4 ,1..,, ,1 5:5: rs: "~45? - ~ 1-~5r'narr.l i x~ : 1
1. g4 .,l, . ' ' ~' E‘v- “ Y 4 ~ l~-» ‘ , ‘~‘ ‘” ‘ C “'1 ‘ ’ ‘3 r g 500 601 001 +500 701 001 500 785 001 500 781 001
.; Y'l.’f; f. ' ,,' -~->“\-~'~\~‘ \-.... »]\«~M +91588 500 702 001 40v 51101141 001011100 3 00005 400 511015 BRUCKNEP
,‘ ’r. '. ,1 :-i ~ “5 ~45 41,.1LV"“~\U"1“‘
' j' . ‘..-' A: ~15: 544 7:: 51101541704510041 5000555100
‘ .- . '1 - 1;; 21V _. .2 1 ;~;\~,:; * 09:: .200 "ME
. 4 . . .. c_ ,7 _4 _1 , ,. E . _ . 3’ 505 501 001
l I , 1' " “HZ-2311'“ V:OV;DSEE CngMlJl‘lllV fiEALTH
'-"’4 ,fl ‘,. " ' ‘"'”""" ““"”“ ”" I; ' " "’ '"""V”'.; ‘ ’T';" 50 241 001 50 250 001 50 3E1 g3: 50 2540401 50 511 001 50 785 001 450 842 ~.1
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 KENTUCKY KIWI. Am m, '0' 1m Manhy, August” I!“ - 3
#ARC 1015005 ARC 220 001 ARC 821A001 ARC 832 001 ARC 914 001 ARC 9638002 ARC 963K009 +1.31 (4 .,
«ARC 101F006 ARC 230 001 ARC 821C003 ARC 834 001 «ARC 920 001 ARC 963C003 ARC 9631010 "I ’*‘~ NW “
«ARC 1011007 ARC 810 001 ARC 822A001 ARC 040 001 ARC 950 001 ARC 9630004 “10'1ng 1.01.1
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«91511 ARC 813 001 ARC $10010 1v 6 MHF OZOO~OS3OPM TBA arm “ ' .7151 ”A“ "D ‘
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CIA 111 CIA 131 001 CLA 201 01.1 CIA 2351141,; , « - ‘ - , 4
- ~ = ALA ; : - CLA 13014.1 CIA 21'. 45;: CA :51. : 4 , -, 4 ‘-
COLLEGE OF AR” AND SGML“ CIA 11:1N41.1 CLA 131N402 CLA 210N401 CIA 261 “.1 ,. A ~: . ~ 2 . , ..
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f 3:: ROTC hasheen two N‘enrsot ROTC .1ttr.1ett‘.1st111MITCH " “ . . I.
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8 ea S unger. «jg ~ A :; trammu people to But all of them l1.1d_ one 1:11:11 :2 .. var: .. 15 «A ~,, ’.
3’ ~ do .I jol‘ thats also the desire to lTeuIn theIrtuture.15 r\r::1'. ottm‘rs . -- .
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e lClous {7- .‘ 1‘ ‘ .l tr.1d1t1on,The \\ hv dont you do the same \.. 2 .. ~- - f '. - . , V
O f" . 5 s ' IolTot 1m Armv graduate to .1 posItIon ot re.I. respt ITTsLI‘:.It\ - v...
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,Jerrvs Champ bandWIch conquers even the ‘4 V ‘ mull l‘ll‘) EVIFEN 1‘ “it rfihll 1nd m 111 "S, ‘\ , h ” . , _' _. ,~
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heartIest appetIte. Its made of stdeked delI ham. , ' ls ‘ C If“; ‘ L“ kl ‘1 :lMUR lutute It” \‘l‘m‘ “ ' ““ L ‘l‘ \ ‘ f - , ~_ -.
. . . .3, . . \'_~~‘ , \ . 4‘ . .‘ ,( _ .‘Yk ‘ . _ . ,
lIghtly gnlled WIth melted bWIss Cheese. slIced ’; ' Q ‘ ‘~ _ ‘ .. :;., .4 .dpttliltt ‘ k.‘ n ”51;: ,‘ ‘1 \enturti 1m“ p“ \[u ‘g/i . _ _ «
'- I ._ 1 5‘5“. ,l' 722,551 . . 5 1 \ ~~ . \v . . . ' ‘ ' ,
tomato shredded lettuce and our own spend] ‘ 3. ..:~: gig-131:4"; j.e‘- P‘lrm‘ 9‘ ~ ‘1 form” ”t “ml-1 .1 “9"“ K H“ .1 a.“ ‘