xt7z8w383s35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383s35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1979 1979 1979-11-27 2020 true xt7z8w383s35 section xt7z8w383s35 Vol I XXII. No. 7] Ker e] l'nlverstty 0! Kentucky
Tuesday. Noumbgr 27, 1979 In Independent student newspaper Lexlngton, “6""th
w H
Tl I I I l i s
' d m H d Is '/i tt remove shah ’s a/lstone
U.N. Councr/ expecte to 9.9 0 ay i poem 3 o g
[It WILLIAM N. OTIS significance" in Iran and "we hate Sanjabi. reading from u prepared 1 By KEVIN McKEAN tleas halfan hour, if nocomplications the case and adyisetl that the soonest
Asstsciatcd Press writer requested postponement to the next statement. noted Iran had asked on i M» Sclcnc’t' wriici arise. The shahsdoctors hategiyenit the stone should be rcrnoycd was
week ofthig meeting." Nos. l3thatthe Security('ouneilmeet 3 . . a 50-50 chance of success. but Bur- tomorrow . ‘
UNITED NATIONS Mp) “At that time our foreign minister and was “glad"that request had come 1 NEW 'YORK (AP) A prominent henne has saidthe chance ofsuccess is Other doctors familiar with the
Security Council members agreed to will be coming here to New York to to Waldheim‘s attention. The United ! radlt’lt‘tflht istrayelinglromCanadato probably 80. percent. . __ procedure ha‘t’ “it'd the Shah \htmld
meet on the IFS-Iran crisis and the pariticipate inthe meetingofthecoun- States had blocked Iran's plea for a ; remoye a gallstone from the deposed The shahs doctors hate sayd that il be able to trawl and could leaye the
council president said the session ed and to explain the demands ofour meeting. but then announced Sunday 3 Shahol Iraninthc nest'few days.med- the operation fails, a second exceed- Initcd States yttttCC the gallstone is
probably would begintoda) despite an People." Sanjabi said. 1‘ WOUId sul’l'mrt Waldheim‘s request. I ical sources Sdld-I‘dSI night. mill) grate operation would be tith'ttht‘dt Ptoyidcd there are no com-
Iranian plea for a week's delay. Abolhassan Bani Sadr. [fan's acting on groundsthe session wouldlocus on 1 Dr. H. Joachim Burhenne was to needed to remoye the stone. and it p icr‘Ltilonsl ‘ , ( . .
Council President Sergio Palacios foreign minister. had said Sunday he a call for an Immediate release of the l afrhwhcrs‘ lahttthsht'dttel atfllghtfmm could not be done for a month or bod <1 fihh‘lhthhny‘wo let! in the shins
dc Viuio of Bolovia told reporters he would fly to \'ew York yesterday. But hostages. . Vmcouyer. B‘.( .. where he [heads the MOW. _ bl‘ dyd‘i I' WIN-I ‘0 “mt“t‘ h" gull-
expected a meeting last night ortoday the country's revolutionary govern- So yeah said “threats made by the { department 0ftddl0l()g_\ at V‘dnCh’UVt‘t Many Pattent5 do not need hto be 1 it if and ”III” E'dllhttmt‘h on 0st
in responseto Secretary-General Kurt ment announced hours later he had “-5- and Its propaganda campaign I (iencral IIO-‘P'Iitl- ‘ _ h"~‘»P"aI”Cd before the operation and “I ”F "ill-‘0 h'h'mtl”CUIS‘dIOTCHHCCP
Waldheim's urgent request that the IS- postponed his trip for a week because hate created a dangerous atmosphere I y A spokesman It" the hOj'P'IaL walk ““3.‘ when It I‘ 0‘“ M'I'Ih‘m students holding49 Ameri-
member counCilconyenconthe issue. ofAshura.themostimportant holiday for the region and entire world." He I I:amon Brennan.refusedtoconfirm or He. tBurhennc) is one of the cans hostage in the l .S. I‘mbassy in
Waldheim took the unusual step of for the Shiite Moslem sect. and the Hddt‘d Iran “£1"th dt‘PtN‘d Shah l ‘19.”):th “ITO” lit“ "'8“: ”W shah‘s “Whom“ ”n ”“5 _“PCMIION and Iran haye demanded tltilttht‘ hhuh _bC
callingthe meeting Sunday. sayingtht’ Dec. 2 referendum on Iran's new Mohammad Re/a Pithla\-|“and other ICh‘let physicran. Dr. Benjamin Kean. probably the one with the greatest returned to Iran formal to return for
conflict over Iranian militants holding Islamic constitution. members of his regime" returned to ‘ said he could not comment. experience WIIIZI itin the linited‘States the $2th release of the Americans.
49 American hostages in the IRS. Although Palacios de Vinio met Iran to stand trialand that "the wealth ‘ Iturhenne and Dr. R Mil/Yiirtt‘llttttf b) a lmflhatl Mild DP DasidS [”7“ ”W hostages “3‘" bee“ ‘ht'ld “III“
R Embassy in Tehran threatend world before Saniabi held his news confer— stolen by these criminals“ be giycn I ItuenOs Aires. Argentina. are credited mon. a New York radiologist. embassy in Tehran since \0\ 4 [be
peace. ‘ ence. he said he was aware Iran back to Iran. 1 with dcyeloping the gallstone tech— Iherc were reports the procedure [S has resisted their demands and
Iranian specialenyoy Saeed Sanjabi “requested a postponement" but the The shah is undergoingtrcatmentin nique. which lS-dttnc withoutanesthe- could be performed on the former threatened to use other measures
told a news conference the next few council would go ahead with its plans a New York City hospital. . sia and is relatisely' painless. . monarch as early as today. Burhenne besides persuasion to obtain the
days are “of high political and religous to hold a formal meeting. Continued on page 4 l Iht‘ procedure can bt’ done In as “1- 531d '35! “Wk that he W35 consulted on release “I lht‘ h“‘lfig€‘~
s ; “TQM? Age
" .'.. :17". *9
FORMER (‘ORBIN POLICE officer and city commissioner-elect Terry '1 w
Shelby was killed yesterday when he fell more than l00 feet from the top of a @353:- f4;
watertow'er. . 3‘ .
Shelby. 33. had been replacrng bulbs in a Christmas star on the watertow'er on if“ he "
Kentucky Hill. He was positioned about midway up a six-foot ladder‘on top of , - .. 3" b». ,.
the tower when the acctdent occurred shortly before ll am. / kit? s: . ' . ' 3'
A safety rope was attached to Shelby to pretent such a mishap. City Manager ‘ ‘ 9’ " f' f. . . .
Tom Thurston said at the scene. But. I'hurston said. the rope was tied to an ._ ffi’yi '- y .2531“ . . ""-." %¢. m. a, by:
apparently corroded steel pole supporting the star. 92. 3’" f ' 7/, _ 1E Vmfl
When Shelby fell. the pole broke in two at its base sending the star. ladder and If: “ W . ,-,- " 1373:} ' I h.
Shelby to the ground I _ 3?“ "'"' '3 W" ' " * Hf}; '
FOI'R CHIIDRFN DIEthen a fire apparently started by agas heater des- .-. . ,.. .. . .. . "A. ;. “3.227; 2”,, fig” 7 . , g . y, is? ,_ Lg . .«c'
troyed a trailer yesterday at Kimper. Ky. in the Johns Creek area ot Pike County. ; y ”W _ . . ,, “a *1- ' .
officials said. 1"; ,4, ggfi .. ,1 . a "is. . ..   ‘ y .
Dora Mae Casey. l4. daughter of Peggy Marie Casey. told insestigators she ’ M " "'1' "H ' " " 1% ,..-5a ”is”. »- _ ' ... ‘ . \\ ,5": , V, 1' "- g
was sleeping on the couch in her family 's trailer at I’rater‘s Trailer Park when she ' % .v _, . V ., . . he" -' . ' '- .
awakened after I a m. to find the kitchen area in flames 451a} l .' =22. .
She went tor help. and could not re-cnter the trailer because of the fire. state "1.31;" ' . . y . ' .. " 3. 4 ET: ‘. 5%2 y
police said. Two of her brothers and two neighbor children who were spending ‘ ,f/ *1 ’ . I ,i , . If; 1'3)! :
the night with the Casey's died in the fire , 1‘; I” ' 2.5.; 3 '23,; I, ,
SEVEN KENTI‘CKT PRISON inmates ser\ing terms without parole were . ‘ «’5’ 31% v .. My,
gisen the opportunity of parole in an order issued by (im. Jtilian Carroll and . - x l’" .3}; . I?) ' . ' “. . - ' ' "
released yesterday " ,3 "5 " " y " "
Carroll. who leases office Dec II. also issued one pardon. . y ,5 _ ...v _,_ . .. ~/
The executive orders spellin g out the actions were issued last Wednesday. but , 5,. ,, __ . u... '%5 ' r _./ é __.. ’
not publici/ed at that time ”5"" ' . ' tech} /,~- '- _, s- '
Gary Auxter. the governor‘s press secretary. said that was because he was .. » a. . - :5' . ._.. .. ., ,5. .. . - . ,... , . . y . . ~ 2- ‘ - . v - hf ,__ ‘_
attending the prelegislatitc conference at Kentucky Dam VillageState Park and . (up. I i ' " -~ -' " ' ' ’- " .. . ., . . _ ,. .,,,._ _ _ _ . .. ._ .-
was not able to arrange for release until yesterday. ' I ._
SENIOR l'.S. DISTRICT Judge Robert Van Pelt recommended that the
boundary between the Kentucky and Indiana be fixed at “the low water mark on
the north side ofthe Ohio Riser as it existed in I792. when Kentucky was admit~ . By TIM (ilBNIiSk‘I kernel Staff
ted into the l'nion."
The recommendation came in a report prepared by Van Pelt. a l incoln. Veb. SW|ng your partner
yudge. for the Supreme Court.
mum no Hm... h-h hhh hhh hhh hhhhh hhhhh h We
' Sciences junior. perform at halftime ot’the Lady Kat's Blue-White Came forming a disco number.
THE JI'DICIAI. NOMINATING COMMISSION yesterday submitted three
nominees each for \acancies on the Court ot Appeals and the Supreme (‘ourt to . . ’ ‘
(toy. Julian Carroll.
The nominees included outgoing Attorney (ieneral Robert Stephens. I‘ayctte 7
Circuit Judge \ Mitchell Meade and | exington attorney (‘hzirles landruer l eanlng ; 0 wer 0 I Klman
for the Supreme Court seat that becomes saeant today when Scott Reed is sworn . .
in as a l,‘ S District Judge.
The commission nominated John K. Carter. Robert (B. Breet/ and Herman I' ,,
Hick. all from loutsyille. for the seat on the Court ot Appeals left yacant when . I . ff. . I t to wo r
Boyce Martin was sworn in as a member of the IS Sixth (‘irciiit Court of Although It S leanlng’ 0 '0'3 5 say no ry .
Appeals in Cinctnnati.
Carroll will appoint one man from each of the list to serye until the Nosember 8V SI’SAV WEI I I" Kirwan lower. but that‘s certainly not One thing w hieh could hate Started -.
general election. when a permanent replacement for the two Judges WIII be - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ one of them." the tumor R that the tower sways in
selected. RCPUFIU __ (”by H . ‘ .‘ . ( ‘
r - as -- c said if the dorm. which is made strong winds.
natlon Ihe leaning hm“ of Pisa has if m of concrete. bricks and steel beams. “Itdoes sway aninchortwo.but all
become international attraction in .‘ n; . were leaning. it would be doing soat tall building do. esen the ltlJ-story ‘
- BOTH DAILY NEWSPAPERS in (‘inctnnati will be produced by a single Italy. bUt the UK campus may hate it ("'§;v:': .‘- TV RI the base “I the [“1"de “"Ih one Sldc ["mP‘W“ State Bl‘lldmfiu “‘3.“ a It.“
production operation beginningDecolollowmgapproyalofawaiterof‘antitrust leaning attraction of its own with Kir— C" v 0' Iht‘ dorm Slnkl"? ”"0 [hf ground 'nChCV Marshall “i“d» H they d'dn I~
laws yesterday by Attorney (ieneral Beniamin R. (‘iyilctte wan Tower I while the other side stayed the same. they would break in half from all the
the ruling. only the second under the Failing Vewspapers Act of tort). ends And although I'K engineers agree : m ‘ " “lake the famous l caning Tower of stress."
giggeltrpztlmnyncsrls of hearings although litigation continues in IxS District that the tower may be leaning 5“th» ’_ k / I It. ‘ITISEI for example. Marshall said. Tgh In; building‘ msjl hftl’ll'“ ’
I‘nder the agreement. The (‘immnali Post. owned by the EW. Scripps Co. they deny the rumor ”If" 1h? twenty— ( I if I" ’ “if 1:85?” it leans haEn'mhm: todo “h” 2:0“? stdm:n:]lnt;nt::1l:y::33 '
will keepits editorialindependence. Ihe printing.adycrtisingandCirculationwill three “My do’m'mfy I‘ going tobe ' ”1' ’ ’7 ' I / “I! t c LOttztrUCtmn'. If: t0t 6‘3”“ ‘ a! C in: ”Ii/:4“ lhf” . 'd VI N
be conducted by the morning (‘Intirinali Enquirer torn down and “hum because "I ”- '*‘ , If f I, /, (”Found Vi ‘Ch, n “as um on. strong “In 5.‘ ' ars d 5M," IOO
Iht‘ [Inquire] [5 n0“ owned by Iht‘ (iannett (‘0 Bl” (.OIIIIIM an architectural engp U ‘/ ('fg/X./ ’ IhC only mayor problems II’IHI WC IOWCTS dTC hlIIII IO “lIhSIdl'Ni h. IO
neer employed with IiK's engineering "/ 1/ 1*"! i, ’r ha\e had with thehigh rise dorm was miles per hour winds. he aodctl.
THREE MEN WHO ROAMED an eastside I \ansyille neighborhood asking department said. “I can't imagine I} l ,' /' MIC" SPaIImB “mm was due ‘0 bad “II I‘ Pt‘h‘lhlc for ”W occupants on
“where Iranians Inc" are being sought in connection with a shooting incident at where or how (the rumor) got started. '1 ’ '/// construction and planning." Marshall the higher floors to feel the tower mot;
' an Iranian student's apartment. police said but I can assure you that it is only a . / ,/ I], ' ' said. my: e\er so slightl} 011“"? a 5‘0”"
‘ y A bullet was fired through the door ofthe apartmentshortly before midnight rumor and no more.“ ' I / ll , fin. Brick spalling occurs when water Marshall said “And [(yr those who
e/ /' x it dh
a. me “me ' in the rumor. the “proper people“ y C ) ot getting out. causing pieces of con- what they might thin or say
Patrolman larry Willett said that at least two people lump in the apartment “UUId know about it. and the dorm if. ./" -3 ‘ crete and ank to fall 0" ‘ \ct. esen “uh; ltgg‘itiilrprool' aw“
. building where the shooting occurred told police that the three men were gotng “““ld ha“ been “ammo“ / N “I“ hm" ‘WH'I‘B- IHWSU'IS “It“ It" tht' “WWW “ t L ' ham] ‘ ‘°'~ -
door to door asking "where the Iranians live " “T here‘s iiist too many chances of ' F \ brought against the contractors.supp- at least on resident of the ui ding is
He said police hate a description of the men. lawsuits and people being hurt that 7 I; l C. / hers and architects of Kirwan lower. still not sure it is standing straight
something like that could possibly Ilo .._._. _ _ .. ‘ '/ but the case was settled out of court “I doiii know it the building was .
weather unnoticed." he said W Ihe construction company, I ostei biiili crooked i‘l what but I tan cscn
’ Although Collins is not directly and Creighton ('o ol \iishyille. tell that it‘s not totally hoii/oiital. .intl ,
" INCREASING (‘LOUDINESS today Wlth a good chance oI rain deseioping myohcd mihgampu, construction. he ('Iitton J, Marshall. an architectural lenn .and the architect. I-dward Iturh I don‘t know the lust thing about the g
by attemm" It‘d tomlht The “I!“ today “l” he '0 th‘ "VP" 40‘ said he does know enough information engineer in l K‘s Department of rell Stone of New York. corrected the construction of the hiiildtngs mid it .
about constriictmn to know the rumor Design and Construction said. “We construction problem and paid S4.l9l Danny Ilienian. ii rt‘\ItIlltI «ht 'ht‘ '1‘
is completely tiilsc may hate hJItI some problems with the to l'K iweniytirsi floor ;‘
‘ D
. _y. ,.-,.._,_, ‘_,..,.r . .... .. . .. .. . .

 .3 .. . .. . .c,_ A .. . ..... . ., ,....-c-i~~u,. - .... ..... ‘-
__________________________________________________._____________ I; i
KENTUCKY °"""'“‘°"“' M“ “m“ I
Editor in (‘hi’r/ hamtule hrlrtor 1., Ito-m Thou-I Clark Joh Clay Guy Lain ’
Pad Mm Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Director 0/ Photography
cm writ. u- DUI-M Rich-rd McDonald
1 Managing Editor Editorial Editor on, McGu Cynthia DcMum III-n Rkhrd David Maynard
“by Sum Assistant Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager
Steve Minty 7". You" (‘opy Editor: Entertainment Editor
editorials 59 comments W 5......
k / /d b T! r-~ l
Attac 0n ran WOU 9 SW/ , , e weu ' '
. . WHAT N "c"
938 but C‘UU/Ol car bl tter I'ICB “6‘th To . The“? ens A l
r - B‘EM rials PROB W t
M r
_ . .. . . . . TO 114‘ QTONe HAT TOO/MR- .
What has for so long been unspeakable . ‘ \ mct'tcn. of its s‘IIC. Simply because the nation is powerful. it IS 3 (2‘ PRCS‘DCNT
has been spoken. the LIS. goycrnmcnt has LEtr ccl7;‘li;‘cl not musclcbound. We will not bea sounding board for ‘ ‘66 . .. _ ..~ '
another nation with military action. may fringe group‘s frustrations and tantrums. / '
We are faced with the grim prospcct of hay mg to lsrt t rcyenge an immature action. We pride our \ v 7 3 .
attack Iran in response to any actions takcn to harm ‘s‘l‘ 3‘ 1“ bcrnga maturc.just people. We havetold the \“\ /}@ ‘3 all" '54 fr: "
the 49 Americans still being held in thcl S. Clllhassy “"hh'h‘ ‘hh' "(”3"th "h I the “‘d.‘ IOTCWIVC prolems. \ ‘W '2, ' * _ Pr"; , 0 ’
in Tehran l‘mcsn‘t this advice also apply to us.’ Ly“ $2,321.“ \ - 3" i:- I“ -‘ .3 o .
- . In addition. it must be remembered that we are cfzfl‘pr, g; ‘ .3. I o 5 ~35 ; $.31 C)
And the prospects arc indccd grim \rrtcrtcun . . . . 3 _ . 3 l . - :. 3 J . a. ‘ ,. i: 3" a .
ff . I k led c it “ )uld bc ””qu r 3.3 NM dcultng with religious fanatics who have expressed a 3 3 .‘l 3 ..I '33: .fi 3 ' .. . a ' :7 “a
sva y“ c ‘ ’ ltl‘r ‘ . .. .. - - 33. ‘ —t‘r ' ‘ '2“ z -' 7 5
0 may“. n‘ . g j . ' . chsit'c to be martyrs. The threat of military action is “(j l l: .1 ‘2- It“ ' ‘.l L -.,' O z‘{_ \' :9 f .
to use military forcc to rcscucthc hostagcs. \rry such _ . . . . . . - ~ 'I- . . - w. (l -.. ‘ ‘ , ~ ' “ ~3. .. \vr’ .j‘ ‘
. . ' . - - , - . c-tfccttvc when dealing Wllh rational individuals. but vb '. " v t l ‘ t q ! “Luis: .::- -‘
military action would uttlr/c helicopters to fly from _ 3 , r “3.33 3 (.3. 3s 3 .- ,3 33.3%.? N ‘ 3 ._33.33:3\§‘\£ ’3“; 3‘ 3
' ' ‘rafi carriers in the Persian Gulf or from I""Ilh\ hhh mm the case Whh Iran. ‘_ . _ - o "‘1 li:‘ f: I“ ‘ l ,,.lj c‘ 5 . m ‘ an... :—».;._—;:::;.:r .
INS ll' 3 i ' Io be sure. any attack on Iran would be swift and ‘.. a 9;; "cml’f‘llllll r ii I. l} ' ‘ l . . ’fit. ,. .. = 'e” L) ;
.. . a res. - ‘3 .. , t 3 3, . ”3:, a 3‘3
. - . . easy. 3;; . I .. ~ t ”/9 . 3' s - j. 3 ,5 3 o ,3
.. .... svltt- ' ,. ... . . . .. . , ‘ ——/ ' a (S 9° '
3 BUT had“? [he lrdh‘dhsdre Chhlhhch ““3“ ‘h ‘ Like most or that nation srnstttutronsats militaryts *2 ._ W t“, — Why .c ‘ ‘v—v W C,“ i
rtcatcd American-made radar “heme“ ‘u‘h “ mlw‘m irt total disarray. Most of the weapon systems are in a " —- : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘; "l o v E
would be detected at its beginning and rhc hosragcs state of disrepaiir. Discipline has evaporated. 3 2 g
would surely be killed. 3 Victory would be sure. But it could have a bitter ”nowadaymww . 0
So force could be used only after the death of orrc or price. W" ‘ ' f
more of the hostages. It would be a retribution. an act The most likely targets for attack are the Iranian oil 3
of revenge. fields. But Iran is a major oil supplier for most of There are no easy answerstothis question. Forthc world opinion changes the Ayatollah Khomeini‘s _ _'
But is this what we really want‘.’ Arguments can be America's allies. The United States would be expected present. the United States must continue its present mind. .
made for both answers to the question; to help alleviate any shortages our actions would coursc of diplomatic initiatives. The proposedUN. In an earlier period.3politicians and cdrtorialwriters 9.
' The l‘nitcd States must demonstrate to thc rcr- cause for them. Stoppingthe flow ofIranian oil would Security Councrl meeting on the Situation provides a turned to Thomas Paine for consolation: 3
rorists and fanatics of‘the world itwill not beacuptive cause extensive disruption of the world's economy. glimmer of hope. We must hope that the weight of "These are the times that try metric souls "
. ' care for. All we ask is that you let what issues you are interested in. and tion of the Kernel and to the letter to Tastcmaker brands and CIOIh mer-
Trees and parklng Other Slde peopjC know what really happened. we need your support. the editor ofthat Same edition, chandise of towels. sheets. hosiery. i
The new parking 10! on COIICgC Teresa Young.associatccditorlnow We hopcthatinthc futureyoutrytrnd Instead of sitting around An Iranian student said that the table linen. draperies. blankets and
View Avenue will mean almost 500 special editions editor) of the Kernel get both sides of your stories. because complaining about the injustices takeover of the L55. embassy was 8 carpets-
new parking spaces for faculty and staff, reported in a from page article journalism like that isn‘t going to get imposed upon students. or dreaming political “message.“ Fine. Unfortu- The resolution was passed because
staff (actually thcxlot is for students). on Nov. |9 that "the men of Phi you ajob with the National Enquirer. about how good things would be if natcly. the Iranian students messed it the J.l’. Stevens Company is the ;.,' '
but it also means fewer trees and more Gamma Delta were the most vocal“ in It‘s this kind of reporting that has only. . .. get off your posterior and get up in sending it. The “message“ prcs- nation's number one labor law viola— 3 .3‘
urban blight. In order to butldrhe new reference to the heckling aimed at given the press a bad name in recent involved. A group of students as large entcd was one in which they said that tor. having been C0nVlCl€d 0f more ‘
for. about l5 mature trees were several women demonstrating against ,VCZIFS- asthatofUKcansucccssfullyorganiyc they have no respect for diplomatic violations ofthc NationalLabor Rela— i
bulldozed down and shredded up. I yiolence and rape. a unified effort that will have procedures. If you don‘t likethethings trons ACI than any 01h“ company In ‘f
miss them and I‘m sorry that the \‘ow Teresa. we don‘t know what Doug Fields substantial influence on legislators. that a government. or the p80p|€ American history and has been “In 3
I ntvchtty acted as though trees and you were trying to do by singling us l7ndecided sophomore and we have been influential in the representing that government have v‘ictcd twice in federal court for mas- ‘
parking lots were incompatible. out likc that. but that statement was past. done. you throw the people out. You Sivc racial discriminationand tsundcr 33 3
lhe trees. in a qurct area behindthc totally unfounded and uncalled for Tim I") An open campus meeting will be don’t hold the people hostage. investigation h." the Equal Opportun— ' 3
Memorial (olrseum. were beautiful. We know that you don‘t want to Accounting senior held on NOv. 27 at 7.30 pm. in Room And to the Iranians in this country it)‘ Commission for company-wide '
and the now-blacktopped l0! lOOkS hear our side of the story. or you ”5 of the Student Center. All ideas who don‘t understand the American practices or discrimination.
cold and negative. The first day that I would have shown a little journalistic CHE seat are welcome and anyone interested in reaction to this incident. I saythis. you The workers of3.l,P. Stevens face 3
was there. the h'g ”“5 lay on me expertise and listened to it before you the lobbying effort is urged to attend. obviously hayen‘t learned anything cotton dust and Misc ICVCIS which are .‘3
ground all rust and yellow five or printed that story. However. we would Now is the time for your needs to be Come tell us your ideas. about the American pcoplc. You have many hm“ higher than levels permit- ~
six clms. the same number of maples like to tell it anyway. and try to savea voiced. A bill providinga student scat failedtorealircthatthcAmcrican pco— ted b." the Occupational Safety and i.
and it my trees that I think are called little face with the students and faculty on the Council of Higher Education Dee Jay Cooper ple love their freedom more than any- Health Administration. ~
sour gums. Kentucky has lots of trees of this campus. will be set before the legislature in the Political Affairs Committee thing. We. the American people. can We hope CWT." consumcrw‘illjoin in i
but couldntthe L‘ntverstry leave some The facts are: Six members of Phi upcoming session. This current issue idcnrifywiththc individuals being held the hOYCOh 0f J-P- Stevens and WI“ '
of them standing in the parking lots‘.’ Gamma Delta. curious about the should be of major concern to all Islamic law? in Tehran. The Iranian students are encourage ShillilOS and otherstorcsto ¢
A tree surrounded by atrafltc island police lights and chanting women. students. It would better our ability to _ 3 not holding an American embassy. SlOP buying their PFOdUCIS- because 0f
would probably drsplacc two and a walked out and stood across Kalmia partake in decisions. such as where lh the hm hi“ paragraphs 0‘ the they are holdinga group of American the many violations the cornpamny
half parking 5P1”eh sothar “OUId have Avenue with a large crowd that had and how our moneywillbc spent.what lead3s‘t0ry 'h the NO“ l9 ch'rne/.3an individuals against thcir will and with- has committed.
16“ 3‘ ‘63‘145‘I‘PBCCWOFCBrN Isthal formed there to watch the march. programs will be improved. and we Iranian student was ‘1‘“th as being our trial for allegedly spying. (And I
such a high prtcc to pay for keeping it During the march. wc did hear some would generally start to get more bothered by the fa?‘ that 0th Iran- wonder. would atrial befairanyvvay'.’) Patricia Todd
little of nature tn our communrry‘.‘ comments aimed at the marchers things accomplished for the student, ‘3” students were ”We?!” the present The Iranian government. if there is Lexington-Bluegrass National Organ- ‘
Itcel thatthcl niy erstry should stop which were totally unnecessary. but The above issue isj'ust one of many SF'Uhhy .b?‘ Imm‘gral'Oh halhrah’a' one. could have done other things to ization for Women PreSident ,
this strip mine approach to our rhcsc camc from people we didn‘t issues involving students at UK. Each hhh offrcrals.3 Although I am “0 “punish" the US. but did not. . . 4 .
transportation problems, W ccan have know orcarc to know. Af‘rcrthe march yearthe StudentGovernmcnt Political authority 0“ international aflh'r5~ l Instead. they let the embassy be taken Econom'c sanctlons
harljkngl-u“ uric/trees. tr3wcwanr. And was over. wc returned to our house, Affairs Committee organircs a fecll ”:33 perhaps “"93 reason ‘53 that over and are now in support of that Economic sanctions must be taken .3
, o cmcmhcr that anyone can it Nothing lewd or disgusting had been lobbying effort representative of our 0" y ”h'dh “Udem’ are3preser3rtly takeover. I don't think that the against all governments abetting ter- ’
parking 10‘ makc hm nnh (WU knn“ said by any Fijis present, University‘s student interests. The engaged lh the takeover 0‘ the [5.8. demands that are being made is what “mgr activities. The power of the '
who) can mulcc a tree. Vow. wedon‘t want to ask for any committee focuses on affairs which are :mbassy 'h hhh and 13h? hfhfhhg 0‘349 WC American PCQPIC are mad about. American Agricultural Products Car- ‘
3 3 apologies; it s too late for that. We of interest to the student. both present mcrtcdn .C'h’Ch“ hhhdg“ ,lhh bl‘h' NO. If IS the "'0." 1" WhICh the Iranian tel must be wielded to preserve peace. ‘
Michael 3I-arrall have already had more feedback from and future. But to fully represent ant ‘Ihhahhh hl international law government makes those demands. to promote economic stability. and to i
509"“ “0“ graduate student the women on this campus than we Student interests we need to know bothers "h" _ 3 , The American people do not like for perpetuate international leadership. -
Iranian students 'h the [-5- havc individual Americans to be used to
- ___-_ ‘3 becnveryhvocal in the past co3uuple of “get at“ the US. government. The“ Bill Arrott
// years ”‘1 err supportofthc overthrow where the line is drawn. '1 be taking of Engineering junior _
3 / 3 5 A s of the previous Iranian government. American hostages has drawn that
1 PM SlCK AN . 3 and equally as yocal 'h lhe” condem- line. and the American people are mad
I D W nation 0‘ the L‘-S~ Now the Shah hi” and upset. Americans havefoughtand
TIW d W . been overthrown.3the Ayatollah '5 1“ died to keep their freedom. and they The M’nlur‘kl' Kernel welcomes ;
3 A 3 3 CAN power. and with hrmthedocrrtnesthat get upset when even one American is all contributions from the UK ‘r
l me @‘m .l ( 1h? Iranians have supported. Whh denied his freedom unjustly. That is community for publication 0" the
3 , . - silk. ,3 I15” I SAY lhe” major goals accomplished the why the American people have reacted editorial and opinion pages. ,
I AN Issue", " ‘ K373i 5512‘ ,- ,, Preset" ,ShOIU'd be “We 0' 'mema' to this situation in the way they have. Letters, Opinions and commen- .-
~ 9M ll (10/. l‘ ('er t WA) reorganization. rehurlding.andrecov- and not inthe waythatthelranian stu- taries mu“ be “Fed and ”IPIC'
‘ I As | , w. K I ‘1)” "‘ 3, cry, from ”"53 supposedly corrupt dents and government thought that spaced. and must include the .
NQRT A% r" M. i . M‘N regime of the Shah. Instead. we “"l' they would react. The demands ofthe WT'WT‘S signature. address and
. . . m "655 hostile actions against the US. Iranian students and government will phone number. UK students ShOUId
\ m [l y 3 aggressrve ”3”th against all fallupondcafearsforaslongas Amcr- include IhCh year and major and
. u. t 5 3 ‘ r. 3 ‘ members of the former government. icans are held hostage. You don‘t get University employees should list .
,- \ l . f . . 4 l ‘ and supposed supporters 0f the new someone to listen to you while you their position and department.
J \ 3- I l 3 x \ / regime who are reluctant to return to hold a gun to their head. The Kernel may condense or ,
-—-’ “ ' rl. ' Iran. This. I suppose. is Islamic law. 303,0!“ lraniansintheU.S..when reject contributions. and frequent
, ‘\ However. I do find one point of you try rojustifythe taking ofAmerj. writers may be limited. Editors
| agreement “"‘h the Iranian SIUdeh‘S- can hostages to other Americans. just "556er the right ‘0 edit for correct
One student was quotcdas sayingthat remember not to be too surprised spelling. grammarand clarity.and
The trial of the Shah rs gorng to be when they ignore you. may delete libelous statements.
scandalous."Judging fromthe rcports Contributions should be '
' 3 SAY of the numerous “trials" and subse- Leslie Eugene Lewis delivered to Room “4 Joumallsm.
- ? 4.7 fl‘a‘ qurnt executions following Khomei- Physics senior University ofKentuclty.Lexington, 3
3 WHAT . 6N) / 3 Rf ’ 3 Ms rise to power. I would even predict Ky. 40506. .‘
‘ I ’ i ." that if the Shah ever goes to trial in For le | '
‘ 3 3. 3 . ga reasons. contributors .
3 j . 3 . (‘1 “\ Iran. the spectacle will be resignedly consumer boycott must present a I’K ID before the a
\‘g ‘ ‘ ‘ .~,). abominable. The Lexington-Bluegrass chapter of Kernel will be able to accept the :-
‘ - A the National Organization for Women material. 3
’ .\ ./ G90?“ 3'"! Burton unaminously passed a resolution 5
3 / . ' Animal SCION?! graduntc “Wk"! endorsing the consumer boycott of Letters; . 3.
. ' \ - ' ‘ JP. Stevens products and calls upon Sh‘hhd be “0 lines 0“ less hh‘d "Ill 1
wrong mam a all stores and especially Shillitos more than 200 words. hey “ 30" :u .
\ l 3 _ g department store to discontinue its concern particular "hhes‘ concerns 3
V -\ M155 . lh's I‘ll" ‘5 in response tothe arti— sale and promotion of Stevens mer- hr “ml“ relevant ‘0 the h" ,3
. ’ MW CIC onthc front P889 ofthc NOV. |9Cdi- chandrsc. Ihts incl ides the lltica and Chhthhh—V' 5
- 2‘
' f;
. - :9
n 33 52‘ . _ j
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, 3 r. ’ 3 ' ‘ ‘ . .3 i‘M"“ ' “ ‘ ~ ——-
'0 l - ' . p v T
-. ._ a ~ . l SI COPYA

. IIII KIN“ ( KI KIRNILL Tuesday. November 27. ”79-3
I l
I I I I HAR ()F Ml Sl(‘ finding a place to fire. writing. gise his lyrics adequate treat-
' an" e Da ma k u St e feast hiking ”md‘ war. Wllmmn and CW“ of mem His voice adds another
I I I I e a I.\II¢'/ beirig human life lyrics ques- dimension tolyricsthatalread)
”K. wonders 0' New W1“. tiori. challenge and reseal the reseal a mind turning over in
; Stage presentations seem to be running in streaks tlirs year in cess of Du. the Opera Ilorise's seeoiid “Itroadwat \ighis“.iirr.it hate struck deep In“, ”K. hear» “l“m'dlt‘ Will ”I “it'll” It“ lt‘ul- PUWM’ through ”Hints
l Lexington ”‘5 either least or famine. troti of the _\car ”and with ”m year's \crsiori H! is c\cr)whcrt'. but no one has mental stages It} rne s
g The nexttw‘oweekendswillbefeastslorthcaterfans. l‘K Ihea~ ““116” I“ “I‘ll PlrtWHPhI llUt-‘ll l “mil“L I)“ ““‘ " ll‘lll‘l.‘ st-lf«aiia|ssis. l‘t’tlf o/ .Ilriiir thought m 100k for H approach 1‘ sometimes blunt.
: trc will open its production of 'I'urm/lt' Ihursda) night and the acclaimed Broadway production of the I978 season. winning the 1);“ M H. m... persona '\ll ihernerrihersof thegroup “I‘ll" “l “Ill" “mt" “‘ ”MILIUC
Lexington Opera Home will play host to the touring coriiparn of Ion} Award (Broadway's Oscar) for “Best I’ltis.”aiiioiig others "wwwwmjlm, totlieedgeof are former art school students ”It“ hs‘ bare!) ullltdcs to the
z [)a a week later. _ . Ilie play is still itiririrrig iii \ew York ('it_\. . Mm”) m fear in m. ”pk”... Ihe lalking Heads I. not a topic
‘ 'l‘artufle is a classic Renaissance comedy written by Moliei'e in Set In l)llhl|ll. the CtttItL‘t