xt7z8w383q32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383q32/data/mets.xml Wyoming Colorado Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1940 iii, 27 l.; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.11/no.49 books English Denver, Colo.: Colorado Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Wyoming Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Labor -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Wyoming -- Catalogs Wyoming -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XI. Department of Labor. No. 49. Wyoming text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XI. Department of Labor. No. 49. Wyoming 1940 1940 2019 true xt7z8w383q32 section xt7z8w383q32 <4i’s-Id-‘u ‘
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Ii ' The Historical Records Survey I
I i
fj , Philip 1?. IIaner, issistant Director I
Rush Iiazee, Jr., State Supervisor, Colorado f
{21' v E
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I Division of Professional and Service Projects 1
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner ;
; Virgil Paine, State Director
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F. C. :_.€LI‘I‘1113‘GOZ'1, Coz'-111;is31oner
L. C. Flannery, State :‘Ldrzinistrator I
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j The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
3 of the WBEETEr the SEFVE§‘5f“rEaE}EETififiifiifla§775H§ch operated as a nation"
‘ wide project of the works Progress Administration from January I, 1936 to
June 50, 1957, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
‘ Eistorical Records Survey, also operating as a nation~wide project of the
3 Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
3 that Administration.
y The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I
J consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
; and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
é archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed informa»
; tion secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series
; number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the De"
‘ partment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. ‘Within
J each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and
i records of the gOVernmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers con—
I tain the inventory proper, Separate numbers being assigned to each state
5 in alphabetical order. Thus, in each Series, the inventory for Alabama is
3 No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
E For each local office information regarding each Series, or unit of re—
; lated records, is presented in the follmving order: title, inclusive dates
3 ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured),
{ general description of informational content, description of the system of
; filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use,
1 form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear
1 footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records
: (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying
5 information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this infor—
9 mation was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was
; abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National.Ar—
i ‘ chives.
5 In fiyoming the work of the Survey was under the direction of Ir.
j. Clifford M. Sublette as Regional Director of the Survey of Federal.Ar~
l chives for Colorado and Hyoming, with Fr. Dan Greenburg as State Supervi—
f sor, from March 1936 until June 30, 1957. From.July, 1937 until November,
I 1939, Mr. Sublette was State Supervisor of the Historical Records Survey
f for Colorado. He was then succeeded by Mr. Rush Razee, Jr° This Invenm
; tory of the records of the Department of Labor in Wyoming was prepared in
? the Denver office of the Survey and was checked before mimeographing by
I Miss Elizabeth Edwards of the Washington office.
i Rush Razce, Jr., State Supervisor
i Historical Records Survey Project
’ Denver, Colorado in Colorado ,
3 September 1940
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1 The United States Employment Service ‘ Page
f introduction . . . . . . . . . o . . . . t . . . . . , . . . . . l
, Buffalo, National Reemployment Service, District 2 Office. . . . 2
i Casper, National Reemployment Service, Casper District Office. . 5
‘ Casper, Veterans' Placement Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
E Cheyenne, National Reemployment Service, District 7 Office . . . 4 w
E Cody, National Reemployment Service, District Office . . . - . . 5
j Douglas, Wyoming State Employment Service, Converse County

§ Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . 7
E Evanston, National Reemployment Service, County Office . . . . . 8
E Gillette, National Reemployment Service, Carmbell

i County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
i Greybull, Rational Reemployment Service, District 1 OTfice . . . 9
E Lemmerer, Hational Reemploymert Service, Lincoln County

5 omlce 10
: Lander, National Reonployment Service, District 4 Office . . . . ll
5 Laramie, National Reemployment Service, District 7 Office . . . 12
E Lusk, flyoming State Employnent Service, Niobrara County

i ovum 14
? Pinedale, National Reenployment Service, Sublette County

i Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . . l6
1 Rawlins, Wyoming State Employment Service, Carbon County

i Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3 Rock Springs, National Reenployment Service, District 6
Ojicc 20

; Sheridan, National Reemployment Service, District Office . . . . 21
3 Thermopolis, National ReemployMunt Service, Hot Springs

j County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
i Torrington, National Recmploynent Service, District 7

{ emit 24
J Horland, national Roonmloyment Service, District 1 Office. . . . 25













I 1




‘ The United States Employment Service was established by the Department
‘ of Labor in 1914 under authority derived from the statutory powers of the
. Division of Information of the Bureau of Immigration, where in 1907 a

T public employment system had been established in connection with the im—
. migration station at New York. Prior to October 15, 1917 the United

1 States Employment Service was conducted as a part of the Division of In-
1 formation of the Bureau of Immigration. The funds necessary to carry on
1 this Work were taken from the immigration appropriations, and many of the
1 field officers of the Bureau of Inmdgration acted in a dual capacity,

: both as Immigration and Employment officials. The United States Employ—
' ment Service became a separate unit in the Department of Labor on Janua—
«1 I‘y 3, 1918.

j The present United States Employment Service, which succeeded the unit

' E set up in 1918, was established by the Wagner-Peyser Act of June 6, 1935

L and began operations on July 1, 1955. In setting up and maintaining a

3 national system of employment, the USES operated through two types of of—
§ fices — State FMployment Service offices, established in accordance with
, the Hagner-Peyser Act and affiliated by agreement with the USES, and of—
; fices of the National Reemployment Service. The latter was an emergency
2 agency set up in July 1935 as a division within the USES for the primary
E purpose of placing labor on projects financed with public works and emer»
i gency relief funds, although it also placed workers in private industry.

f The activities of the NBS and of the State employment offices were co—

: ordinated to prevent overlapping and as the facilities of the latter were
E enlarged, the offices and positions of the NBS were turned over to them.

I In Wyoming this transfer had been completed by the time the Survey of

i Federal Archives was made. On July 1, 1939 the USES became a unit of the
i Social Security Board and thereby part of the Federal Security Agency es"
1 tablished by President Roosevelt‘s Reorganization Plan No. 1.








 f United States Lrployment Service, Buffalo 2
1 County Court Rouse Bldg.
1 Iain and Fort Sts.
3 This office began operations in 1955 at its present address. Its
; functions have remained the same, interviewing and placing applicants in
( private industry and on MFA employment. The volume of business varies
i with the seasons, registrations being higher and placements lower in the
J winter than during the summer months. Close cooperation with all govern”
( ment agencies, particularly with the local MFA and welfare offices, is
l maintained. No records have been lost or destroyed. All reports are
i sent to Sheridan, hyoming, District Headquarters for this office.
l 602, record of clients who have left the county or state, obtained social
1 security pensions, deceased, and for other unknown reasons. (Frequently,
1 official.) 6 x 8 covers, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. 2d
Q floor, SW. (42)
g 2. CASE CHANGE RECORD, 1952 to date. Form 501; case number, old and
j new address, number of persons in case, and changes in list of eligible
I workers. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 6 X 5 covers,
, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing caSo. 2d Floor, SN. (45)
E 5. PLACEMENT REPORT, 1952 to date. Form 501: occupational code num—
1 her, division or district number, office from which report is made, adv
i dress, and name of interviewer who compiled report. (Frequently, offi"
f cial.) 8 x 10 forms, 6 in., in drawor of steel filing case. 2d floor,
8171'. (58)
l 4. REGISTRKTIORS, ACTIVE, 1952 to date. Name, occupational classifiu
i cation, experience, and secondary classification of work desired. Filed
i alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in drawer of'
[ steel card cabinet. 2d floor, 31.7. (4.6) u
i 5. REGISTRATIONS, INACTIVE, 195: to date. Of people registered and
( now working, gives status, abilities, and types of present employment.
g Filed by classification. (Daily, official.) 4. 3: e cards, 1 ft., in
I drawer of steel card cabinet. 2d floor, ST. (45)
i 6. RELIEF CASES CERTIFIED, 1952 to date. WPA Form 402, reassignment
{ slip, noting employee's name, identification number, date, case number,
( relief district, age, sex, time, occupation, and reassignments from one
i project to another, date, description of project, and where located,
with names of foreman and of reassignment official. (Daily, official.)
6 X 9 covers, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. 2d floor, SI} (44)

 """1‘? E “
United States Employment Service, Casper 3
7. REPORT OF APPLICATIONS, DAILY, 1952 to date. Form UGO: office and
; address where report is made, interviewer, name of person who compiled
i report, kind of entry, applicant‘s identification number, and industrial
1 and occupational code nunters. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)
E 4 x 8 forms, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. 2d floor, SW. (59)
E 8. SUKKARY OF‘ACTIVITIES, 1952 to date. weekly report to Washington,
1 listing number of people interviewed, placements, subtraction and addin
} tion of employees on lists, type of work secured, etc. (Frequently, ofe
:7 finial.) 8 X 10 bundles, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. 2d floor,
; . 1m. (41)
1 S. TALIY SHEET, 1952 to date. Form 1, status of applicants and work
} relief clients; Form.5910, showing if client is working, kind of work,
1 employer, work relief status, and remarks. (Frequently, official.)
1 8 x 10 bundle, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing ease. Rd floor, SN} (40)
{ .I__-i_.-
Old Post Office Bldg.
i Welcott and Rd Ste.
i This office was established in hugust, 1955, with quarters in the
l Turneerottman Building, 150 west Second Street. In January, 193A it was
i moved to the Yessness Building, 114 west Second Street. On Thy 1, I954,
I it moved to its present address. It became the CaSper District Office in
E April, 1934, with administrative jurisdiction over Carbon, Converse, and
1 Ratrona counties, the local offices beinp in Rawlins, Douglas, and Casper.
I This office works in Close cooperation with the other government agencies,
esDecially the local welfare and UPA office in the matter of certifica~
f tion of eligibility and placement of workers on UTA projects. No records
1 have been lost or destroyed.
1 IO. FISCAL FILE, Aug. lSSS to date. Reports and correspondence cone
1 cerning pay rolls, telegraph and telephone expense, office equipment
I rentals, director‘s expense vouchers, incidental expenses, and all disW
: trict office expense records. Sec addende ior list of subjects. (Daily,
2 official.) 9% x 11% folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filine case.
5, 11.1. (117)
1 ll. GERERAL FITS, Aug. 1935 to date. Correspondence, reports, and
f tabulatiens regarding clientele, labor disputes, publicity, migration of
l labor, orders for workers, pay rolls, and personnel records. See addenda
E for list of subjects. (Daily, official.) 9i x lli folders, 8 ft., in 4
; draWers of steel filing caSe. R. l. (116)
12. STATISTICAL FILE, Aug. 1953 to date. Reports and corrospandenee
relative to openings and placements of individuals. (Daily, official.)
' 9%‘1 11% folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of Sthl filing case. R. l.

 “\fmfif‘ " ‘
_ United States Employment Service, Cheyenne 4
» V7] TETlll-T S ’ PM. 0.11 731‘? T :3 E11171 CE
Old Post Office Bldg.
2d and Uolcott Sts.
This office was established at its present address on June, 1954, for
, the purpose of aiding unemployed veterans in the state to secure employ—
ment. Projects are financed from funds of the Public works Administrau
tion under the National Industrial Recovery Act.

15. GENERAL FILE, June, 1934 to date. Correspondence with veteran
organizations throughout U. 3., and with O. D. Hollenback, Hashington,
D. C. See addenda for list of subjects. Filed by subject. (Daily, of—

' ficial.) 93 x 11 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R.
2. (so)
‘ City and County Annex Bldg.
Pioneer and 19th Sts.
i This office was established in 1955 with quarters in the City and
; County Building until August, 1955, when it was moved to the present ad"
‘ dress. The purpose of this office, financed jointly from.Fedoral and
State funds, is interviewing, registering, and placing relief applicants
under EPA employment and in private industry.

The NRS was reorganized in ipril, 1934. The Cheyenne District Office
had an active jurisdiction over Laramie, Albany, Platte, and Wheatland
counties. February 1, 1955, Niobrara County was added to the jurisdic~
tion of the Cheyenne office, and the personnel of the various offices re"
mained the same. Substations for the district are located in Cheyenne,

‘ Laramie, hhcatland, Torringtou, and lush. Close cooperation is maintained
I with the various local Welfare and'UPA offices. Information is supplied
1 to the NYA and CCC as to openings in private industry and their qualified
, ) enrollees are placed whenever possible. No records of this agency have
[ been lost or destroyed.
. i ‘14. EMPLOYERS, 1955 to date. Forms 515 and 515, industrial and do—
} mestic service cards: requisitions by private employers for workers,
) listing position offered, applicant referred, and result of interview.
1 Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 4 x C folders, 2 ft., in 2
E drawers of steel card cabinet. R. 1. (458)
' i 15. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCJ, 1955 to date. With employers regarding
. f the qualifications of applicants for positions. Filed chronologically.
V (Daily, official.) 8 X 10% folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing
case. R. l. (465)

United States Employment Service, Cody 5
16. PERSONNEL, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Applicant’s relief status,
' name, address, and work classification. Filed alphabetically. (Daily,
~ official.) 5 X 5 cards, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of steel card cabinet. R.
5 1. (4.62)
V 17. REGISTRATIOWS, 1955 to date. Form.52l, giving complete work
history of applicant. Filed by occupation. (Daily, official.) 5 X 8
, cards, é ft. 2 in., in 4 drawers of steel filing case. R. 1. (A64)
18. STATISTICAL FILE, 1955 to date. Form 500, daily report, showing
occupations and industries having the greatest number of unemployed; Form
i 501, showing occupations and industries absorbing most unemployed; and
{ Form 502,'wcek1y summary of Forms 500 and 501 and other activities of the
office. Filed by county. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 2 ft., in
[ drawer of steel filing case. B. 1. (459)
19. CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIFILITY, 1055 to date. Form 600, showing
' whether applicant received relief prior to or after May 1955, and giving
A date of certification; WPA Forms 402 and 405 are attached to certifica-
tion slips of Workers assigned. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
= . 5 x 8 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of steel card cabinet. R. l.
I (4.61)
l 20. REQUISITIONS, 1955 to date. WPA Form 401, requisitions for work—
} ers for projects; attached is Form 525, assignment slip of Worker. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 1 ft. 1 in., in
? drawer of steel filing case. B. l. (460)
' date. FDRA Form 602, used for cancelling Form 600; WFA Form.405 also at—
' tached, used to remove applicant's name from.pay roll. Filed alphabeti—
. cally. (Daily, official.) 5 3 cards, 3 ft., in 3 pasteboard boxes.
I R. 1. (465)
, First Eational Dank Bldg.
1125 — 15th St.
l The Park County office began operations in 1955. The first offices
E Were in the Date Building. In December, 1954 they were moved to the
J United States Post Office. In hovember of 1955 they transferred to their
5 _ present address. In April, 1954 the MRS was reorganized with a system of
[ district offices covering several counties and branch offices in all
i counties. The Cody District Office has administrative jurisdiction over
' washakie, Big Horn, and Park counties.
The District and Park County offices are located together in the town
of Cody; Big Horn and washakie Counties are served by offices located at

 agg _ ~
: United States Employment Service, Cody 6
Greybull and Uorland. No records have been lost or destroyei. honorts
- are sent to Washington.
22. APPLICATIONS, 1953 to date. Form 510, pink card for veterans
' and white for non—veterans, and Form.Sll, for women: name, work qualified
for, occupational classification, employment record, education, and plaar
nest and referral record. 3 X 5 card index. (Frequently, official.)
I 5 x 8 cards, 4 ft., in 3 drawers of wooden card cabinet. L. l. (45)
i 25. CEKTIFICATIONS.4ND ASSIG7ITJTS, 1953 to date. FERA Form.600,
certification of eligibility; F324 Form 601, notice of case change; EPA
f Form 525, assignment slip; WPA Form 402, reassignment slip; UPA Form 405,
' notice of change in work status; and WPA Form 404, reclassification slip.
Filed alphahetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft., in
drawer of wooden card cabinet. R. l. (47)
24. CORLESPONDENCE, 1953 to date. Letters and telegrams of instruCn
tions and procedure from washington, and from other state rccnmloyment
) offices requesting certain types of'workers; also correspondence concern-
! ing applicants. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.)
r. 9 X ll 3/4 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. l. (48)
f 25. IDEHTIFICATION CARDS, 1935 to date. Form 550, showing applicant‘s
} occupational classification. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, offi-
’ cial.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden card cabinet. R. l.
l’ (46)
I 26. OFFICE MANUAL, 1955 to date. Instructions for industrial classi—
i fication and codes; used to classify applications and placements. (Fre—
l quently, official.) Sfi-x 12 vols. (9), 10 in., in desk drawers. R. l.
' I (45)
i 27. STATISTICAL REPOLTS, IQSB to date. Form 300, daily report of ap—
plications; Form 301, report of placements; Form 302, summary of activi—
f ties; also weekly report of other offices in district. Filed chronologi-
3 cally. (Frequently, official.) 9% x 11 5/4 folders, 4 ft., in 2 draJers
) of steel filing case. R. l. (41)
28. EPA BULLETINS, 1956. Instructions and procedures on NBA assign—
ment slips. (Frequently, official.) Ofi—x l2 loose-loaf books (C), 1 ft.,
in desk drawers. R. l. (42)
I 29. JOB DESCRIPTION, 1956 to date. Describes jobs found on several
1 construction projects. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 9; X 12 vols.
i (5), 8 in., in desk drawer. R. l. (44)

 J United States Ermloyment Service, Douglas 7
Douglas National Bank Bldg.
‘ g 112 N. 2d St.
' This office was established August 6, 1933, as a National Reenployncnt
Service office. In 1935 it came under the jurisdiction of the flyoming
State Employment Service. The first office was located in the United
States Post Office Building until August, 1954, when it was moved to the
First State Bank Building. In June, 1936, it moved to its present ad—
. dress. Close cooperation is maintained with government agencies and pri—
' vate industry. The agency also works in close harmony with the NBA and
' PWA. No records have been lost or destroyed. Copies of all reports go
to washington through the Casper District Office.
: SO. APPLICATIONS, 1953 to date. Forms 310, 511, and 526—A, complete
_ . history of applicant, with qualifications and past employment. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in 4 drawers of
_ ‘ wooden card cabinet. R. 8. (5)
» 51. CORRESPONDENCE, 1935 to date. Regarding administrative problems
V , of district and state headquarters, labor problems, employers, publicity,
clients, etc. Filed by subject. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 fold—
., ers, 2 ft. in 2 drawers of wooden filing case. R. 8. (1)
32. DEPLOYER'S ORDER, 1935 to date. Form.315, qualifications of work—
. ers required by employers of private industry; Form 316, domestic service
requirements; Form 330, relations with employers; and Form 331, record of
' dealings with individual enmloyers. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 10 K 12 folders, 8 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 8.
( 3 )
‘ ' ' 55. GENERAL APPLICANT FILE, 1955 to date. FLRA Form 600, certifica—
‘ tion of eligibility; FERA Form 601, notice of case change; FERA Form 602,
cancellation of certification; Form 525, original assignment slip; Form
540, notice of placements, Forn.360, notice of failure to report; WPA
' ' Form 402, reassignment slip; WRA Form 405, notice of change in work sta—
tus; and WPA Form 404, reclassification slip. Filed alphabetically.
.. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards and a x 6 slips, 3 ft. 4 in., in drawers
of wooden card cabinet. R. 8. (T)
54. EASTER INDEX, 1955 to date. Form 321, information on each appli—
cant. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in
drawer of wooden card cabinet. R. 8. (6)
55. REQUISITIONS, 1935 to date. W?A Form 401, used by all WPA and
, PEA projects to notify office of employment needs. Filed by project and
numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 10 in., in drawer
of Wooden filing case. R. 8. (4)
x r

 ' United States Employment Service, Gillette 8
36. STATISTICAL REPORTS, 1955 to date. Form 300, number of relief
V registrations and placements; Form 501, number of placements other than
7 relief; Form.502, sumnery of all placements. Filed chronologically.
' (Frequently, official.) 10 X 12 folders, 8 in., in drawer of wooden fil-
ing case. R. 8. (2)
’ Federal Building
3 10th and Center Streets
This office was established in 1933 as a part of the public enmloyment
office for the interviewing and placing of relief applicants on NBA em-
ployment and in private industry. Close cooperation is maintained with
all government offices in the territory, and especially with the local
welfare and WPA offices. No records have been lost or destroyed. All
reports are sent to the District Office at Rock Springs, wyoming.

" 57. GENJRAL FILE,.ACTIVH, Yov. 1955 to date. FERA Form 600, certifi—

' cation of eligibility; FERA Form.50l, notice of case change; FEHA Form

V 602, cancellation of eligibility; Form 525, assignment slip; WPA Form 402,

_ reassignment slip; and WPA Form 403, notice of change of'work status; al-

', so correspondence. See addenda. (Frequently, official.) 8 K II enve—

' lopes, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 202. (52)

58. GENERAL FILE, INACTIVE, Nov. 1933 to date. Correspondence and

' records on applicants who have obtained private employment, left the
state, or for anx other reason are no lonver available for emnlovment.
f is I .
' (Rarely, official.) 8 x ll envelopes, 1 ft., on floor. R. 202. (53)
City Hall, Gillette Ave. and 4th St.

‘ This office was established January 1, 1934 with quarters at the pres~
ent address. It is under the supervision of the District Office at Sher-
idan, Wyoming. No records have been lost or destroved.

.) a u

' 59. REQUISITIOHS, STATISTICAL CARDS, May 1934 — Aug. 1935. Pecord of
relief granted to clients, direct, indirect, and work relief. (Never.)
Bi X ll cards, 1 ft., in drawer of wooden filine case. Basement, ILL
( 18 >

 on? 1
‘ United States Employment Service, Creybull 9
: identification card, showing name, address, age, occupation, date of reg~
istration, and identification and classification numbers of applicant for
1 employment; FERA Form 600, certification of eligibility; Form.525, assign:
ment slip, used when applicant is assigned to EPA or other agency employ-
ment; WPA Form 404, reclassification slip, notice of occupational reclas~
sification of worker; FERA Form 601, notice of case change, notice from
1 certification officer of any change in eligibility of applicant or memr
bers of family for work relief; WFA Form 402, reassignment slip, notice
’ of reassignment to previous EPA employment. Filed alphabetically. (Fre-
, quently, official.) 5 x 8 cards and papers, 2 ft., in drawer of wooden
' filing case. Basement, DE. (15)
41. CORRESPONDEDCE ADD BULLETINS, 1954 to date. Between district of—
, fice, employers, and other departments, regarding CCC records, list of
, relief clients, rating of placements, requisitions for supplies, finanm
cial records, etc. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in
' drawer of wooden filing case. Basement, N3. (14)

42. OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATIOE, 1954 to date. Record of applicants

for employment with description of individual. Filed by work classifica—
, tion. (Frequently, official.) 5 X 5 cards, 1 ft. 5 in., in drawer of
wooden card cabinet. Basement, NE. (17)

45. REGISTRATIOHS, 1954 to date. Form 521, registration card of each
applicant for employment, and record of past employment and all placements
by this office; registrations not renewed monthly and those of applicants '
employed at more than security wage are in the inactive file. Filed a1—

' phabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft. 6 in., in 2
desk-drawers. Basement, NE. (16)
National Feenmloyment Service
200 S. 6th St.
This office began operations in 1955, at Basin, wyoming, and moved to
- its present address in 1954. From 1955 to 1955, a substation was in op—
' eration at Lovell, wyoming, but is no longer in existence. District
Headquarters for this office is at Cody, Hyoming. No records have been
lost or destroyed. Daily and weekly reports are sent every month to
‘ 44. ,APPLICATION ADD IDENTIFICATION CARDS, 1955 to date. Name, refer—
' ence, and experience of all registrants for work. 5 x 5 card indexes.
(Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 and 5 x 5 cards, 6 ft., in 4 drawers of
. wooden card cabinet. R. 1. (4)

~ United States inmloyment Service, Kemmerer 10
L' 45. DULLETIHS, 1955 to date. Covers administration policy, PfiA rogu—
? lations, fiscal, clearance, veterans, statistics, relief administration,
vocational education, rehabilitation, and MRS rules and regulations.
. . ,. . ‘:L 1
Filed chronologically. Indexed. (Frequently, oifiCial.) 9; x llfi‘lOOSB“
; leaf books, 1 ft., on wooden shelf. R. l. (2)
. 46. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. Between reemployment district and
' state offices, regarding applications and identification cards. (Rarely,
1 , c -
' offiCial.) Sg‘x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. n. 1.
’ (l)
t 47. REPORTS, July 1954 to date. On applications and placements, and
- sunmary of activities. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.