xt7z8w383n79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383n79/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2008 text GLSO News, January 2008 2008 2008-01 2019 true xt7z8w383n79 section xt7z8w383n79 Gag and J , —‘: ,
0 Les ian
Services JENNY 2033
-A Publication ofthe Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 23 Number]
SisterSound Concert February 9 BOSton Marrlage
Do you know what a “Boston
“I Heard It Through the Grapevine" marriage" is? I didn't untilActors Guild of
that Valentine’s Day iS almost upon US Lexington Artistic Director Richard St.
once again. So is SisterSound'S Winter Peter chose the David Mamet play Boston
Concert, Remember When,,“Come Rain Marnageas paltofthisseason ofplays.
or Come Shine” to UK Singletary Center’s A “Boston marriage" refers to two
Recital Hall February 9 at 8 pm. and be women who live together, independent of
prepared for “Fun, Fun, Fun" as the gals any male support. The term was mostly
take you through decades of popular hits. used in the nineteenth and twentieth
"PutaLittle Love in Your Heart" with centuries and generally meant a
the sounds 0f "MiStY". "LOVE Me Tender"i suspected lesbian couple. However, the
and ”Unchained Melody". Theni for a term cameto be used asadescription ofa
change of pace, remember you don’t have platonic relationship after all the men went
to be a ”Dancing Queen" to tap yourfoot to to fight in World War | and the public was
the sounds of ”Take the A Train”, or a afraid women would turn to other women
beachcomber to sway to “Beyond the forsexualcomfort.
Sea". This concert will take you on 3 Now, “Boston marriage” is mainly
nostalgic ride from romance to dance and used in discussion about the hilarious and
backagain. wickedly smart play by the much
Come join us for an evening of celebrated and debated David Mamet.
ballads, salsa, swing, disco, and more. Boston Marriage opens at Actors
Reserve your ticket in order to ”Save the Guild of Lexington February 15‘ of 2008,
Last Dance..." Tickets are available at The show is directed by accomplished
Singletary Center for the Arts. JUSt “Walk actor and director Jack Parrish and stars
on BY" and PiCk up your tickets. ViSlt Julieanne Pogueand Gina Scott-Lynaugh
MW to purchase -
seats on line or call 257-4329. cntlnuedon nextpage
Get “In the Mood" for February 9 and Muir“:
join SisterSound in concert. Sponsom t emont
' —;rw 11/: «in»; ~21 A. R: k '
1“ ““5 Issue .9 in? $35er /1 inlJ 4*
1.5;in xii/ii Cour}: Events pig: 2 ,
Trans Article page 8 : Winter C 011C611
Bluegrass Fairness page 12 %
LGBT Ageing page 13 " Febmaflt 9’ 2008
' ' it as new

 ACtor'S GUHd: BOSton Marriage open at 8'30 pm with the show starting at
C°_"t'"ued from p.899 1 9:30 pm. There will be a $5 cover, with all
as two women 'n a Boston marrlage" at proceeds from the show benefiting AIDS
the turn of the century. The women also Volunteers ofLexington
employ a horny little maid, played by On Wednesday, January 23rd, the
Laura t3lake. _ Entertainer of the Year Series continues with
G'”a and Julleanne's characters, Marquise Naomi Wllde’s entry, “The Vtficked
Claire and Anna, are much like Lucy and and Wide Leather and Lace Party." The
Ethe' When it COmeS ‘0 their high-iii)“ show, held at Club 141, will be the fourth
and comedy gold. The women are gorng show in the series, which has already raised
through some life changes financially and over $2500. Doors at 8:30 pm, show at 9:30
romantically and have to make it through pm, with a $5 suggested cover.
every obstacle thrown in their way or that Finally, the first weekend of February,
they throw d9‘_”"' themse'YeS- the Court will be hosting the annual Miss Big
Th? wrltlng by Davrd Mamet, the Bone Lick Pageant at Bang Nightclub. The
fantastic all-female cast and Jack camp pageant is a yearly pageant that
Parrish's vision createsa showthat is not rotates between the Imperial Courts of
to be mlssed. If you enjoy laughter, Kentucky and Cincinnati, with such
language, and ' most Importantlyf love, categories as Caveman Wear and Bone
come out and see Boston Mamage at Licking Talent. This is always a fun and
Actors GUM 0f Lexrngton February 1: creative pageant for those who enjoy camp
through February 24m- drag. There will be several related events so
There are “”0 "pay what you can" look for further information to be released in
performances before opening night, at 8 January.
pm on Wed., Jan. 30 and Thurs., Jan. 31, The Court had a great holiday month in
as well as one 0" the firSt Sunday, Feb. 3 December, donating $2000 to AVOL's Kids’
at 2 P01. Call 85922501370 for tickets. Christmas Fund, to purchase Christmas
presents for children of families affected by
The ImPerial Court HIV/AIDS. They also revived the Miss Mary
Chrlstmas Pageant, and later In the month,
January is a jam-packed month of traveled to Old Street Saloon in Monroe,
events for the Imperial Court of Kentucky. Ohio for the Lexington Court’s Invasion
Nothing rings in the New Year like some Show.
new divas, so on Wednesday, January The Courtisinthe process of launching
9th, the Court presents their 2nd Annual a completely new website; until it is ready,
Debutante Ball. The event will be held at you can stay up-to-date abouttheir events by
Club 141, with doors opening at 8:30 pm visitingthem atwww.myspace.com/imperial
and with the Debutante Presentation courtofkentucy. You don’t have to be a
beginning at 9:30 pm. The Debutante Ball Myspace memberto view the webpage.
will feature the up-and-coming members If you would be interested in
of Empress 26 Lawren LaMoore’s volunteering your time or talents for the
Debutante line, who will vie forthe title of Cou rt, please contact th e m at
Debutante of the Year. Cover is a |mpCtKY@aol.com. The Imperial Court of
suggested $5donation. Kentucky is a 501© 3 designated charity
The following Wednesday, January organization, with the mission of supporting
16th, come out and help celebrate and educating the LGBT community.
Empress 26 Lawren's birthday with a
Birthday Bash, held at Club 141. Doors
Page 2

 r" o
we WV... '1/‘\/“
Commit/Andy N ews
TransKentucky is a support, social,
and resource group serving Lexington Starting Thursday, January 24, The
and Kentucky. Our mission is to provide a Bang presents the return ofAmateur Strip
safe place fortransgenderindividuals and N'ght- The contest Wi“ be held from 1930
others who do not fit the standard gender to 12330 every Thursday night With prizes
norms. At meetings we will support each including, but not limited to, a $50. bar tab
other, offering advice, resources and forwmning participants. .
insights from our own unique The Contest WI” continue into
experiences. February and the final round will be held
Family, friends and supportive on Valentine's Day, February14‘“‘ Acash
community members are invited to prize 0f $100 Will be awarded to the
attend to gain understanding of issues winning contestant. There will be drink
concerning gender presentation, identity, specials offered: $1-50 draft and $4 for
and variance. The group meets on the first SkYY mixed drinks.
Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm in Contestants are welcome to select
Lexington. For info and meeting place from our music supply or YOU can bring
emailTransKentucky@gmail.com your own. Bring your friends and join us
Meetings are free and you may dress forthis fun event.
however you feel comfortabie The Look for announcements concerning
TransKentucky peer group is not a our special Sunday Opening Celebration
therapy group ora dating service. coming also this month!
There is an article, Trans Firsts
onpage 8 . that llaks about the many "first
times" that occur in the lives of people KEITH DO N I PHAN
who aretransitioning. E LSTO N
lexmqton lvons leather/law Club “mm“ AT LAW
The Lexington Lyons meet the z,"
second Monday of each month. Join us
on Jan. 14, at the Pride Center, at 7 pm. y'é: .
The Lyons are a group of friends who {gag ”*5
celebrate strength, unity, and diversity 1w 3'
for those who enjoy the Leather /Levi “3 $57:-
Lifestyle. For information visit ‘- .a
Bluegrass Women s Network (859) 225-2348
Bluegrass Women's Network is a
social group for'women of all ages. We 51 1_A WEST SHORT STREET
havegone camping,shared dinnerat local LEXINGTON, KY 40507
restaurants, and gone to the comedy Club
together. To receive emails about events.
Contact debbywoman@gmail.com.
Page 3

 {"‘\t Unitarian Universalist Church integrity
\ 1/ www.uucl.or
k/ g integrity is an organization of
The Unitarian Universalist Church lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
community is a diverse group of individuals Episcopalians and our straight friends.
with beliefs that cover the spectrum of Since ourfoundingin1974, Integrity has
liberal religious theology. We welcome you been the leading grassroots voice for the
to visit byattendingaworship service orone fU”_ ihC'USiOh 0f LGBT Persons In the
of our many adult activities. We are located EP'SCOPa' Church. _
at 3564 Clays Mill Rd. . The local llntegrity'group has been
Our Sunday Worship service begins at rcewtalizedt.Foginfgrmztion contact DaVId
11 am.ThereisaSunday morning Buddhist uppsat aw @ 8‘" cupps.com
sitting practice at 9 am and a Buddhist , _
discussion group (Sanga) at 9:45 am, both flirt/Y LRIUln’flr/Y
in the Allen House next to the church. There
are also adult religious exploration classes What happens when a 10-year Old
on Wednesday nights. boy from the south shows up on the
Our U.U. Church is a Welcoming doorstep Of a gay .man in Manhattan
Congregation. Unitarian Universalists have and C'a'ms to be his son?- Theres a
long called for the full inclusion of bisexual, family fOWEWhere that s gomg to have
gay, lesbian, and transgender people in to dea W't things t .ey WQUId rat er
. . . pretend do not eXIst including sexual
church and somety. UUs believethatthe life . . . . ..
. . orientation,, alcoholism, infertility and
experiences of GLBT people include sacred more
stories that need to be heard and DirtyLaundryisaserious comedy
celebrtated. 2:356 pay usaVisnand share about a dysfunctional family from the
yours oneswn “5- creative minds of writer/director/ actor
Maurice Jamal. Jamal explores a
m @1560 Maia» number of issues that emerge when
_ Patrick (Rockmond Dunbar) returns
Davma and Kathy “faVe started a A” home to find out why is mother (Loretta
House Movie and Discussmn Group through Devine "Grey's Anatomy) is insisting
the Unitarian Universalist he has a son named Gabriel (Aaron
Church. You do not have to be a church Shaw).
member to 10'" ”S for an evening 0f Initially, Patrick family does not
independentfilm and fascinating discussion. understand why he protests the
The group meets the first Thursday 0f paternity ofGabrieI, and it turns out that
the month to view a film at approximately 7 he's not the only family member with a
pm. at the Cinemark Lexmgton Green secret. Layers of “dirty laundry” are
Movies 8 orthe Kentucky Theater. Afterwards exposed as the family “gets into it".
the group discusses the film at a nearby Issues that are brought up in
restaurant. Our next meeting is Thursday, addition to sexual orientation include,
January3. verbal abuse, interracial families,
An e-mail listing the movie, theater and alcoholism and black fathers raising
meeting time is sent the Monday before the their children. Although this film is
group's meeting date To be added to the e- about an extended black family, the
mail notification list or for more information, issues are part of many families. Look
contact Davina at artemis427@yahoo.com. for it in theaters in January.
———_——_—_ .
Page 4

 Sponsor of the Month
, 6 ‘W/z
3. et en?
. . .. ,
IS '
(Ate'z ound A 2008 once'ct eabon.
e 8 6’ C 6’
n ‘ N
d . _ ,E W:
-« ,,. t , "'é» ; : :
’1 C; ’e g, “r -
, . u‘i ' _ “—th
\ he", ‘ ) i q , ./
a: 02;, 4:83“, . t .g
5 J. was, . ' t K
PART 1 The February concert lineup
includes such titles as:
saturda'y’ Febma’y 9’ 2+ Take the “A” Train
2008 24' Rock Around the Clock
fir I Heard It Through the
PART 2 Grapevine
Saturday May 31 2008 if Save the Last Dance For Me
, , x" Unchained Melody
Both concerts start at 8:00 pm ’4' Da’ming Queen
at the UK Singletary Center "’ Beyond the sea
for the Arts 257-4929 And much, much more!!!
www.geocities. com/SisterSaund
Page 5

 G 130 P ' d C t
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Wm M to 3 M0 = Fr 12 = 2 Sat.
. . Games Ni ht
Visrt our Web Site at g .
After several months Without a
www.glso.org games night at the Pride Center, a
Information Referral list couple of people have volunteered to
- host the next get together on
Award W1nners Saturday, January 12, at6 pm. Bring
GLSO Sponsors can request an a snackto share.
ad on our web e as a benefit
Pag GLSO Board Report
We appreciate the response of
[exit-glam '“3igh* community members to our fundraising
Lexington Insight will meet for our letter. We need your support to continue
regular potluck on the first Friday, January our GSA for youth, adult programing, the
4th at 7 pm at the Pride Center. We will Pride Library, andthis newsletter. We need
meet the third Friday, Jan 18 for an insight more subscribers and...
Out Event. Dana, the coordinator of
Insight, can be reached at 859-230-2428. valuntem Needed
1. to keep the Pride Center Open on
. . Saturdays from noon until 2 pm.
D1scuss10n Group 2. to host a movie night (or a weekend
Every Wednesday Night afternoon) atthe Center
Pride Center 7 to 9 3. to write forthis newsletter
All Are Welcome Callthe office at253-3233 or
Mary at 266-5904.
VI/Illll ll/ ,_ //' // /”
i Subscriptions help us pay Pride Center expenses
i Name : Phone:
i Address:
‘ cm: 31%: Zip:
/ . . .
/[ ] $20 -1 year Membership & Newsletter for lndIVIduals or Couples
‘[ ] I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate: 515 ($12 or up}
‘[ ] I am enclosing an additional contribution of $
6 Please mail to: GLSO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588
Page 6

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Ezwomen’s futures at risk.~'fo this wickedlyifunhytveemedyygegiqimetgggiilaymimay 11“" at. ;;.
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Page 7

 A ngllt OfFiI’SlS flirts with you really can be flattering. It isn't
b Meredith Christine Maxwell about how you look. As Trans people we get
y self conscious about our identities including
Saturday was a night of firsts for hOW people perceive US~ When people
many of the members of TransKentucky. properly gender US. It '5 SUCh a relief.
For one member it was her first time out in Th's meeting also marked my first year
public. For another it was his first trip in the 0” Estrogen and I am beQ'hh'hS to see a IOt
men's room. Foryet another, it was simply 0f changes that I hédh't noticed before.
having her mother showing stronger There is my first Pair of Shoes that are
support and understanding by coming to actually Worth Wearing (Some Of the shoes I
the meeting. something that my parents are bought when i first transrtioned got chucked
not even close to considering. in the trash). There are the first tops I bought
It can be easy to forget where I on the Internet that never quite fit because I
was a year ago, facing many similarissues: didn't have the confidence to 90 shopping.
scared going out in public and getting my NOW some 0fthem fit because I've lost somef
letter for hormones. It is fun and fulfilling to weight and [05" muscle mass due to
experience these “first time" moments with hormone therapy.
other people. Even if you choose not to transition, but
What stands out the most are the first d0 wantto change youtgender presentation,
few times I got gendered correctly, ( the there are differences Ill‘l the way you dress
point where non-trans people perceive me and present yourself In PUth that YOU can
as the gender I want to be perceived), be COhSClOUS and WOW Of- . . _
whether it was because someone couldn't When YOU V9 been transmoning for a
tell, because I "passed" so well, orbecause while you have fewer firsts and sometimes
they were being polite. you forget how far you've come. I am proud
Hearing “Thank you Ma‘am or Miss" of how far i have come. Many of you in the
forthe first time can put you on cloud nine. QFOUP have helped me. I'm so thankful for
I'm sure for 3 Trans Man being called Sirfor your help and I hope that I can be a resource
the first time must be just as exciting. The forthose Of You Who have many “firsts” yet 10
first time a guy checks you out or a cute girl come. I know I haven't run out firsts yet, and
that gives me something to smile about.
GAY AND Pride Center Office Manager
“I LESBIAN Bill Chandler . ,
My; '
“ SERVICES News Editors
i ORGANIZATION Mary Crone - Sarah Phillips
Publishes the GLSO News Monthly _ _
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 ma”°’°"e@'“s'9htbb-°°m “é
www.GLSO.org volunteer opportunities available “a
Want to write an article or a column? We are looking for GLBT
History — Essays — Advise Column— Opinion Pieces. Contact
Mary at 266-5004 or email above.
Page 8

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You & Us 31% U38
@2007 UBS financial Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. Member SIPC. Page 9

 GLSO Newslefler cuIendqr To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ._.. w .
JAN “ARV 2. Visit us on the web at: www.GLSO.org \
Sundu MOINIG 1' - - - Wednesdu Thursdu Fridu Saturday g
7p GSA (call for place (73.) GLSSCDiscufiim 7ppL?|l_n9t:np|23lght Center Open 12n-2p
266-5904) '°"l* .t‘tlt-t". . o - uc - _ . .
:“5W5'5‘ft - J“ for location:
as states/st... answerer ma...
e: :4; p ' 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
Discussion/SpeakeriCa/l for
_ _ __ .,. __ _ . _ . __ . , , LOCOfion]278-7’103
'.. ...;.;,.,..«'.I..-,;.. . . :1: . ., ;_,, :r'i. .:...... .7 _ ..:; .. ‘ . . , . . . :: . _ ' center open1zn-2p
10:30 a St. Mychal's 7p GSA (call for Place 7P GLSO 0'5“"5'8.“ 'I'uesdu s:
“8 UUPhurch 266-5904) G'°”p'PC S". “14 fl is}? 6" The Return Of 7pm - GgA (Gay Straight Alliance
6.00p SisterSound Rehearsal w “.55 933% we“ . ii at? "1 9pm — KorOOke TuneSdOy @
1% )_ 8p Gay/Lesbian AA litiiisumm “it The Bar Complex
c jg? Call for place 948-3434 - . o
”""’ 8:30p lCK 2nd Annual We (Ines d“ .
. ys.
W..- W... . ._ . . _ .Dehlitaiiie Ba," @ Club 141 130" GLSO Board ”9' GAMES NIGHT 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
’ .25 ‘ 1»; .. ..;2 ’ .:.. , .. .1 , ,1 , . . - _ L .
10:30 a Si. Mychal's F 7p GSA (call Mary for 7p GLSO Discussion 7p Lexington Insight Center Open 12n-2p fggfii%/7:_S%%2AA [CO/I for
11a UU Church ._ t iiii place 235.5904) Group-PC . We“; is ,1. a;
6:00p Imperial Court if it . . is». if g; 1 ‘F s i
mtgpc @Z/7p Lexington Lyons-PC ' of" “ “ at: ' . Bil. "ili ': Fridays:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal , ~ 8p Gay/Lesbian AA : 0i." “It Nit 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
i ca” “5 p'ace 9483434 . ‘“' ; A (Call for Location] 278-7103
‘Xiivt 8:I30p Empress 26 Lawren s E III A»! »
Newsletter Dead-line Birthday Bash @ Club 141 out and Lanes Saturdays:
. . ,. . . ‘I. . , g -. . ,, , :.. 7p GSA (call mARonr 7p GLSO Discussion . . Center Open 12n.2p
10.30 a St. M chals r .5 10.30 Amateur Strip
11a 00 Churcyh Place 266-5904 G'°”P'PC $23 Night - The Bang Sundays:
6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal A57". 8p Gay “6861;; A A 10:09 am - UU Church Worship
lg Call for place 948-3434 SerVices.
'5 ES ,. 3:309 Marquise Naomi 10:30 - Mass, Sf. Mychal The Mart
"W” ilde's EOY entry @ Club 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
W Th k r Th, M t l N I t! s Landsdowne Presby. Church.
, , meme"... iii an so is on 5 use er ponsor .._.,,,...,.
12:88 E‘hflhchaEth for place 266-5904 Gmup'PC fig Night - The Bang §E§TE RSQU N D 6pm - The Imperial Court
6:00plmperial Court 2&5;th _ diamante?” ,1"??? 5” SouIForce -Co|| Jomie 230-5625
Mtg-PC 19% ,i. 8p Gay/LesbianAA 83" A°‘°',T,,G“'ld‘ -. . . 1.x 7 ,2 ::;t"::“_.:.:"“"
5i) SlStelSOUlld Rehearsal in its” Call for place 948-3434 oston arr rage *3.- re a. " . 5’31}:3535.2227'.‘~.':{-‘;3?1~'5«7
8 p Actors Guild: .:._ ~ -“_.‘ 1.» of“ , ' .
Boston Marriage ‘5
Monlllly AGIMHOS: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
Mondays: 7pm _ Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) Thursday: 7:30pm - GLSO Board Mtg (2nd Thurs.) email the group to confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings.
Friday: 7pm - Lexrngton ln5ight(1st& 3rd Fri.) Suiurduy: 7:30p - Trans Kentucky [1 st Sat.) Pride Center may be abbreviated _ PC Ca" for Place may be abbreviated_ CFP
GLSO Page i0 GLSO Page ii

 Bluegrass Fairness education must continue to improve if I
Kentucky is to have a ca able and talented
9f Central Kentucky workforce in the years ahead.
Leglslatlvc Issues for 2008 Kentucky is not exempt from the crises
by Beth Hartmann facing the world's environment, and has
issues here at home that demand resolution.

As the state legislators convene in The problems 0f water quality are
January,theywillfaceaplethora ofissues exacerbated by the challenges of water
and challenges for improving the lives of supply to a growing population. EmlSSth
the people of Kentucky. As with every standards affect not 0le the global
legislative session, some matters will be environment but also quality of the air we
given priority; others will see little breathe. The factors are myriad and
discussion and less action. The complex and will take time to sort out if
constraints of time and the legislative responsibledecisionsaretobe made.
process make it impossible to do justice The healthcare crisis in Kentucky needs
for every need and concern. Our immediate attention. More and more of our
legislators must prioritize well to ensure rural communities are finding themselves
that Kentuckians are being wellserved. without enough health care professionals to

in the 2007 session, much time and meet the needs of their populations. There
effort was spent addressing the question continue to be far too many Children in poor
of whether or not the legislature should and middle class families who have no health
address the matter of domestic insurance and no opportunities to obtain
partnership benefits as approved and healthcare other than hospital emergency
implemented at Kentucky's two most rooms.
prominent universities: the University of These are jUSt a feW examples 0f
Kentucky and the University of Louisville important areas that need to be addressed in

There is no doubt that those who the 2008 legislative session. The leadership
would bend the policies ofthe universities of the House and Senate has a responsibility
to their own biases will continue to wage to keep the work of the legislature focused on
that effort in the upcoming session, In the highest priorities. The voters of Kentucky
fact, two Democratic legislators, Reps. have a responsibility to let their legislators
Ancei Smith of Leburn and Richard know that time must not be spent on matters
Henderson of Jeffersonville, have pre- like domestic partnership benefits at the
filed legislation that would forbid universities when the price includes failure to
universities from providing domestic act on real issues that have far broader
partner benefits. impact.

The question that legislators and The political leadership of Kentucky
voters need to be asking is this; ls the must refrain from bending to demands of
dictating of human resource policies to the those few Who would impose their values on
universities really among the most us and all and instead do itsworkto servethe
important issues facing the needs of everyone who lives in the
Commonwealth of Kentuckyin 2008? Commonwealth. Bluegrass Fairness of

There are issues of education that Central Kentucky (BFCK) is calling on
need to be addressed. Affordability of Kentucky's legislators to drop the opposition
higher education is becoming increasingly to domestic partner benefits and to allow the
lllusive as tuition rates rise. Adult illiteracy universities to determine their own human
continues to undermine the economic resource policies so that they can focus on
well-being of many citizens and issues in dire need of immediate and
communities. The quality of K-12 concreteaction

continued on next page
PagTIT——_—_—————- i

 Bluegrass Fairness continued to hide this part of your identity at a time
However BFCK knows that when your entire identity is threatened (a
legislators listen to a majority voice, so common component 0f aging), she S.a'd'
BFCK is also asking you the voter, the Thats a faster pathway to depressmn,
constituent, the taxpayer to call your Lallutf" to thrive and even premature
legislator and express your support of ea ‘ T d GLBT l |
university autonomy and domestic partner . . 0 ay, peope are . ess
benefits. Willing to deny who they are. In addition,
Go to the following website to learn our general increase in visibility means
w h o y o u r | e g i s l a to r i s . more people “recognize” us. Sometimes
http://lrc.ky.gov/Legislators.htm. You can people W“? see us as gay connect us With
use that website also to learn your other“famlly" members and In otherways
legislator's phone number, address, and give [.13 support...but "Ct. always.
e-mail. If you do not have access to the {Accordlngto-several recent studies, GLBT
internet, you may leave a message at the lndlvlduals .llvmg m nursmg homes or
legislative hotline for your legislator at 1- aSSISted'hymg Winters or reoelvmg home
800-372-7181. For the latest go to care, are increasmgly reporting that they
wwwb fair or orcall859 951 44:50 have been disrespected, shunned or
. g . g - _ u . .
mlstreated ln ways that range from hurtful
to deadly, even leading some to commit
GLBT Elder Care suicide.
This is a condensed version ofan Gloria Donadello recalls her painful
. . brush with bigotry at an assisted-living
an‘IC/e wrltten by Jane Gross center in Santa Fe, NM. Sitting with those
Have you thought about what care she considered friends, “people were
you might need in old age? How difficult laughing and making certain kinds 0f
will it be to find assisted living or nursing comments, and l'told them, Please dont
facilities that are accepting and supportive do that, because I in gay.
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender The result of her outspokenness,‘ MS‘
people? GLBT individuals are facing Donadello sald, was sw1ft and mercrless.
difficulties in elder care throughout our ”Everyone looked horrified,” she S?'d- N0
country. longer Included in conversation or
There are an estimated 2.4 million welcome at meals, she plunged into
gay, lesbian or bisexual Americans over depressmn. Medlcatlon did not help. V\fith
the age of 55, said Gary Gates, a senior her emotional health deteriorating, Ms.
research fellow at the University of Donadello movedinto an adult community
California. The number of same—sex nearby that caters to gay men and
couples, over 55 almost doubled between lesblans. .
2000 and 2006to416,000,from 222,000. '” another nursmg home,- an openly
In the past, most GLBT elderly would gay man, W'thOUt family or friends, was
return to a closeted identity when some moved Off h's floor to qwet the protests Of
form of care became necessary. A partner other residents and their families. He was
might be identified as a brother. An given a room among patients with severe
individual would not speak up if disabilities or dementia. The home
homophobic remarks were made. If at contactedAmber Hollibaugh,the authorof
times necessary this is not healthy. Dr. thefirsttraining curriculum covering GLBT
Melinda Lantz, chief ofgeriatric psychiatry issues for nursmg homes. Before a more
at Beth lsrael Medical Center says: humane solutlon could be found, the man
“There is something special about having committed sumlde. .
contmued on next page
Page 12

 “While this outcome is exceedingly homes designed for older gay people with
rare, moving gay residents to placate support services similar to assisted—living
others is common," says Dr. Melinda centers. There are also now openly gay
Lantz. ”When you're stuck and have to geriatric case managers who can guide
move someone because they're being clients to service providers that are
ganged up on, you put them with people accepting and knowledgeable.
who are very confused. That‘s a terrible Elderly GLBT people are also 5
nuts-and-bolts reality." advocating on their own behalf. Some t
The plight of “our" elderly has become c