xt7z8w383n1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w383n1s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-10-16 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 16, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 16, 1913 1913 1913-10-16 2015 true xt7z8w383n1s section xt7z8w383n1s   •
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University of Kentucky
sy   `,‘lZl;.1ZZI.1';Z’;.l.   ,1 5 , - 7,, i 7: ;_. ·*   5t.T:T;it "‘ ;‘T’t:
  Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 16, 1913 N0, 5
I   -—-—_-*·__—.·;-; -ti-—___•·__— Oh 1;;-  · -7
· ws ur wln ‘°@*"“‘“· '“"'* tttcls nrnctns *"""“ "“'*"“'*” wml mn wnmnl
_ The members of the Dairy team, tl. __ NOV H__Edwm_d Amherst on l
' Great Crowd Present on Cllfton C' m°h°";°°h’ H'   G°yI°’ H` S` hah Earle Caaaaday Selected aa President. Nov. 24 or 25-—Seumas Macltlanus. The second number of the Lyceum
Helghta to Wltneaa Csnteat Ie- h;r::h hh hw'; J; I sym lgzncchsehhsy .—. Jan. 27—John Kendrick Bangs. lecture course, a atereoptlcon lecture
tween Flrotand Oeeond Yaer lm °hFt 8 °c°° Q' ‘ °r t At a meeting of the Student Gov- Feb. 25—·Avon Sketch Slub. by Mr. Wright of Washington, I), C.,
Msn, WT'} Tm t:‘°r° *:*:5 ssh s°“;° ernment Organisation held ln chapel Mar. 3—Leland Powers, . pleased the large audience that had
‘°" °°· °"· “”"°° °° °“’ °“ ° last Thursday Mr Earle Cassady or Mar 1a-nr wmlam A celled
____ , . , . . . ge. gathered to hear hlm. Mr. Wright
in · and md glorious come", Il :`;°];;;”l4i;°w h°ld ht thu rhhce Inea was elected president; Miss Sue Some may be interested to know who showed some vlews taken in Northern
Ih||•!¤|n|ght was hlllg gud ghrgwdrlggg From there they will so to Smrun Msuhcwst sccrcrsr}'? and Ml`- \V8Y- Bhd Wlllt 80l`ll€ of these people are and Asia where he has Spent the log; (gn
'“ . pmmmrm me Soph. mumphcd m d d I s' land Rhoades vlce president. ln or- what they are ln the world. years of hls life. He was Introduced
M". we Mu yur mm Tu”d·y_ h "d°:d ntshmts gas: ih? ° °f °h° der that the new men mlght be glven Edward Amherts Ott, "The Purpose- by Prof. Boyd of the mathematical de-
"* _ madly Mwmoon hid been d°_ hh r hh Y ° ° ° h" a clear under standing of the purpose ful Orator" and author combines much partment, they having been associated
_ chad ‘ homhy nd by two dclock Fr°m th°r° thu wm s° t° Ch|°°s° and rules governing this body, of humor and entertainment ln his together at Hanover, Indiana, where
: arriving Thursday, October 23. Here
. an I"'. pond on Clmon Height. Wn speeches were made by President great lectures. He ls one of the most they attended the same school. Mr.
j= • , they will inspect the stock of the Na-
Barker, Prof. Freemen and Lieut. popular speakers ln America. Wright took ua from Ja an throu h
= hhmhhdm br hh °x°h°h md whhhs tional Dairy Show one of the la est D 8
§g myd or Imaam. md town poopw ’ rs Gulllon. of the faculty; Stonewall Seumas MacManus of Donegal, Ire- Port Arthur, to Manchurls, over the
Q; Th. Soph. mcehed the an side in in th° w°"d‘ Thu wm r°m°h‘ th°r° Jackson of the Senior Class, Mr. Mlnott land, ls probably the most famous plains of Slberla and the wonderful
_ until October 28, arrlvlng in Lexlng- _ ,
_ me mn up md with courage hom of I 0 t b 29 Brooke of the Junior class, (J. C. and dlstlngulshed Irish author llvlng. and picturesque Caucasus Mountains.
. o er . ,
il kuonnce or me prow"- of me un_ 1 3:80 crowd nw the men on Wilson for the second year men and L. Some of his most famous books are as His long vlslts to those countries had
» Clark for the flrst year men. During follows. A Lad of the Ol·`rlels, In enabled him to become thoroughly
{ conquerable Sophe, the Freshles began Tuudly mgm and wished me boys
A to form, the wut Ima. From B dm the past some opposition has been ex- Chimney Corners, Donegal Fairy famlllar with their language and cus-
i “¤°• the mem numblod l nut hum"' °h {hdr mp' At Ch|°°s° perlenced due to misunderstandings Stories, The Red Poacher, Ballads of toms. Hls lecture was very pleasing
{ · nm", nu u work n both sides mw wm m°°l' "°°h jhdsihs t°°m° and it was thought best to give all a Country Boy and a number of other and instructive and all who attended
from sixteen of the largest Agricul-
· and pick. md hou truly in digging ample opportunity to present new well known works. felt greatly benefitted and entertained
tural Colleges and compete for the
to. hom. The Scum,. pound on Ideas of government and means where- John Kendrick Bangs ls author of by his discourse.
' handsome prizes which are offered for b — t t ld b 1 Th G l
th, Mn. "mck uv How my I am y our presen sys em cou e m- e en al1dlot.A House Boat on the —-—-————-—
’ the best student judges from the ree-
mm [mm me Sho", n Loon uh a k proved. But after the speeches had Styx, A Strenuous Day at Oyster g1·0N;wALL JACKSON ELECTED
, ml mlm Tonight while me p°°uv° '°h°°l°‘ J°ds° B"` °r wm been made no one rose to present any Bay and some forty other volumes of ED|TOR 0; -l-HE IDEA
g ‘ meet the boys ln Chicago and will help
, hmm,. not to be ouwlund by um", th b t bri M k { th criticism and when put to a vote the equal note. He has been ln turn man-
e oys o ng c someo e ""
maui H"]. won we nm"'. with who- which won mm you hewn verdict was unanimous ln favor of aging editor of Life, editor of the De- M a meeting of the mu Governing
Throw out the we uae, mu, neu lat Th, mm lm you ll comm ‘“’:‘°'“"‘ ‘° “‘° ‘““°" °“' ""°‘°"‘ "'""°;‘;°’ “““‘°" ‘°' Mm"- ““‘ sou-a new ln me chapel aeaasy at
the Gang'a all Here and many other or ond to be on M me mount the °y° °m’ p°r °° r°th°"' °hh°r °[ Lh°r°hh`°’ 2:30 the resignation of C. E. Blevins
ou, anna nn Much dol. We believe that the Honor System editor of Harpers Weekly and of the {
» . y ormer edltor was accepted. The var-
C°h°s° °t As"°hm"° h" "ht °ht md has done great ood ln our unlverslt Metro lltan ma aalne
e wap caused by the two classes as to s Y p° s ‘ lous members expressed their regret
sh "° wry °hhmi°u° °°h°°"hhs thh and will be a greater influence ln ele· The Avon Sketch Club and Gl
the exact rules which should govern _ ehh at the loss of Mr. Blevins and thanked
success of the team. The entire stu nun our umd rd I nd t h W ll E { I
the eestest. But army cesea Bram- dm my lm ln me bm mlm ,0, .' ‘ ° ° °° “° "’ °“ ° “ ° °" “ °’°""““ ° “‘“° °· ’°°‘*‘ mm warmly ter me unselllsh me loyal
In"' my Tian and mom Damon l nut victory. all the students fully reallae what the lng and sketches that has been pre· support he hu given the impor mma
hum, me don of pace md me lm") system really stands for. With the pared expressly for lyceum audiences. his election-
report of a 32 Colt tightened the great PROF. ALLAIEN LECTURE! ON hhh°d hhpport hhd ehthmhhsm which Th° result is hh wehhls °f (hhshmh ln the election which followed Mr.
steel cable and me greatest battle of me rznnv cznremuat. °"“"“°‘°"‘°“ “‘° '“°°“°$ ‘““‘ '"‘“’“‘ "“"°"· F°“’ ’°““$ "°“‘°“ ss *"“" Stonewall Jseusen, on smsrtee, e
• me mth century wu on- For about day, we believe that our exams this form artists and the lnlmltable Glenn Senior in the College of l D wu
ave minutes the cable refused to show The faculty and students were treat- yur wm h° °`°hh°r ahh f°'h'°r than W°hS’ wh° hg h°th Bhwnaiheh ahh unanimously elected editor of The
`· any special preference for either side ed to a rare feast last Friday evening Z":] h°f°r°' with th° system ih hw mh°hh°h’ make hh °' very chwer °°m` Idea. Mr. Jackson has been assistant
· of the big pond and the crowd yelled when Prof. Allaben gave a stereopti- hh ° °t °°°h °°p°hl° msn md w°m°h hi°*m°“‘ editor elses lggt April wd lll, pre.
me cheered also respeetlye zsyerttes ees lecture of the Perry vletery and ss °°““’°“° ““ *’"’“°“‘ ‘°"""““’° ““" L"‘“'f‘* P°"°” ‘“ "°“d °’ "‘° ’·°‘““° yteus work made him tas negleel me
on to greater endeavor. Teaser and held recently on Lake Erie. Views :‘°°hhv§’li°hs°lh:lT f°:h‘;:°°hd hw ;°w°rh °°h°°l °[ th° Sh°h°" w°"d* for the position. As a journallst he
more excruciating grew the suspense were shown of the raising and resto~ °° w° ° °v°' W mh ° - wry p°p` °Bt°h' The °hly hhhs thu h°°d be possesses a pleasing and vigorous
and then just a barely perceptible mo- ratlon of the old flagship Niagara and hh"- and useful during the coming nid hbout hhh is that he is the hmm style and his strong sense of justice
tlon was seen ln the straining cable many other views of men and objects yuh fhmhhh ahh best khowh hhh°rS°hht°r and independence will do much to
as she gllded to the eastward. Pande· which have been hallowed by the pass- Artsr thc slccucn cr cmccrs rcr mc and mailer ih the Lhhed States' strengthen our paper. ln an interview
monlum reigned supreme and the lng years. In hls lecture Prof. Alla- Hcncr Systcm wcrc ccmplsrcm Prcsh Dr' “ m` A` Cohcdge Uhwhhd hhh by an Idea. reporter Mr, Jackson said;
• glad shout wales went up from me ser took me eppertssuy or discuss- ¤¤¤t Bvksr ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤ my i¤¤¤¤-¤¤¤lv¤ "°“'”’ “· s‘““'°’_‘°' "‘"’*’ y°*{f*_ "§ ··1 deeply eppreelste me honor that me
Soph supporters brought the news of lng the great importance of that event- rslk urging thc cmcrcm clssscs to darkest Africa' h’dh'°Mh`c)h€f heh been conferred upon me and shall do
victory and defeat. Gradually the mo- ful conflict and the great recognition ¤d°Pl· the S€¤¤t6 ¤`¤l9 Wh6¤`¤l>Y UVB Stsncsrc hrlcyclcpccls snc crst all wllllln my power ld lmprdvd and
mentum increased and then with a the United States received among the mcc bs chcssu rrcm ssch clsss tc c°“' sdm? of the T‘ff’““‘°“‘ world Mag} brighten the columns of our college
mighty shout the Sophs drew the nations of the worldas a naval power. r°' with lhs P"°sid°“* °°“°°"“l“8 rhs hm °hth°r M Ih§°"h`°hv° Shhhes publication" We are extremely glad
surging mass of Freshles lnto the cold Hts talk was highly entertaining and scmcmcnr cr Ml ¤lm¤¤l¤¤¤ which srisc of Scottish Ahthms hhd Tfje Beshh to procure the services of sucha val-
and lnllospltable waters. Llke a great his vlews were clear and well chosen. bcrwccn thc rsspccuvs clcsscs· This hihg Ot the Modem Dmmm head of uable man for thls position and be·
dock or ducks the Freshles spread He came at the lnvltatlon of Judge m°“°¤ '¤°* with *h° msc? s“Pl’°" or hh; Dljriamgmht (2 E“g““;‘ h;‘hsh°s'; lleve that we may look forward to a
over the pond, clung to the rope Barker and the students desire to el- ¤ll¤1¤¤¤¤¤ scc mscungs wsrs held Fri' hh em hm' rmohr hm [me 0 renewed growth and usefulness of
as the sepus drew the cable to the press their thanks to both for me ee. dw m¤r¤l¤s to elect r¤l>r¤¤¤¤t¤¢lv¤¤ 'r°°*“‘°‘°¤>’ ““'“ *90** *`°“°“' °‘ "‘° The mee,
gthor slde and Dgmo Fortune wltll her llghtful and lnstructlve lecture on a r*`°m the four °l“s°s· ws bsllsve rhs Royal Geographical Society' Mr. Clyde Taylor, a Junior in the
mort llslllgrl smlle and gracious msn. subject that awakens a new pride and ¤¤88°m°¤ °Y P*’°¤ld°¤* B*“'k°" will bs H°hhy Drhhhmhd was hh} °I°h° College of Arts, was elected assistant
ser laureled tre brows of the trumps. loy ls the hearts or all true Amerlesss. ¤ rmt f¤·-/·r¤ mv ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ bm vm- ;‘°“"  *‘°‘;°" s°l“i‘:*d:*‘°‘(;°““°" "'““ easter. ur. ’I`aylor le e hard worker
• vided by the harmony which has re- 8 **98* °r mm cl °° ·
gut Soph;. Seldom before has there .._..........—.-—- and his election to this lmsnicn will
bdrm ncl, d dlrpldy of cl", rplrll dl JACKSON,. PURCHASE CLUB. slllted in the Dist ¤16¤U¤8¤· Th°r° wm h° °h° °h two hmm hum` meet with the unlted consent of his
BQQQ, Thq tug of Wl! hl] DBGB W|l’m· The Jacksouns Purchase   met   bers announced later. class as wen as the Board-   C- S-
ly rsccmmcscsc by sh wsc ssw it ss ln chapel on Monday morning. October To the Editor of The "ldea:" STROLLERS! R°m“ss was msc elected sssrstsm
s ssscsrscrcry mc"' cr scmlss c°“' 13th and held a very lnterestlng meet? Will you kindly announce that a hhsmsss msnsssh
clcsrvsly mc rslsuvc srrcssm cr rhs ing. A motion was made and carried, spoclal "coach class" ln mathematics A brldr bdslddss mddlldg was lldld —·—·—····—·—-·-···
“"° cscsr clsssss ssc wm cc cccbr that the club lnvlte all students from will be started thls week for the bene- ln cllwdl last lsrlddy dl whlch were Mr. L. H. Rasmussen, of Canton, lll.,
bc lhs sysrcm cssc lc sm"` Y°srs· those counties which are tn the Penny- tlt of Freshmen who are having dlsdddsdd various plans rdr lncredsldg a graduate of the Physical Directors'
Ml"` mc ccmssr rhs scchs mvsccc royal dlstrlct of Kentucky, to unlte trouble with algebra of trigonometry. the intgrgst ldlrdlldy large) of ddl. College at Chicago, has been appointed
mc qclcr mus Mtv cr Lcsrcncs '·°“'¤ under the name of the "Pennyroyal The claas will be ln charge of the dlddrs for llllrlgr pgrtalnlng ld lll;. assistant ln the department of phys¥s.l
wc mics ms"? °"°" '-lm" "l°*°rY· Club." It was decld•d to bold the flrst various teachers of the department and drdmd training at State Unlverslty. ir.
Much pm.° mu"' bs slvon ·l.° ts HIGGUDK of the Ponnyroyll   F'i' wm be   for the pr°·$¤t ln Pro- The nan-les of applicants for melllbor. RBBHIUBHBD [138 had excellent [NUD-
*s° s°"°'s¤‘°° °s ‘°°°“¤* °r rs"' l°Y‘l day the 1'lth. at 12 o'clock for organl- f•••or Davla’ room. Monday. Tuesday. slllp wgrg no; ggugldgrgd at gl], as the ins ln the Physical Directors' College
'Plm ssc lt mu be nlc rmt *9 cm' satlon. Let every member of the old Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30 to membarlhjp ddlllllldd was not ydl which has for tts purpose the educa-
ccrccr mc" rs ¤°r FM suimssr l”`°*‘ club be present. and especially do we 5:30 p. rn. There ls no fee connected ready td r8p0rt_ tlon of physical association workers.
• •¤°• °r ‘u*U'*°°· rt Wn *· nl'? Wd lnslst that all entitled to membership with lt. Very truly. .—-—-—— H8 WUI Wlw ¢ll¤¤‘8¤ of the 8Y¤¤¤¤¤\l¤
"' lconwmu on N'. ·)_ ' ln the newly formed club be there. PAUL P. BOYD. Payday. Ng Adygghgn, work altogether at State Unlverslty.

 O Ig
2 T H E ID E A
L L. J
_ 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. I
• ,     Tlw f<»ll<»‘·\|nx: wth < umvrnlnz tlw |mhIt¤ and elnportmom nf tho m··=t i D `
      i}¢‘HI` tttttl ilH\t‘ ht‘t‘tl 1\ll!`t‘•‘ti Nt it} UW Svllittf S••ImH>|‘H uml i·`r‘¢~:~tl11m|n Sow   7 {l]
imors uith tln•· sauwtimn of l‘rvst|d¢·nt Ilnrkn-r. t`t()Hir·0 Oct II 1*llR , W A U Amm~— `
. I e > t ‘ t · ‘ · ` ·
of Kentucky H‘8h Schools whoi       /\,,   Ilulvs rvpzurdlmx tho vnndnwt nl I·`r¢·sImu—n, ndnptml uml nurwrl upon hy       H"‘T* · I
BTC pfepaftd to €¥\t€Y the FY€9h‘I   *3/ -’~ V, _` Ji Ltlw Sviiaxtors nl` tho Svninr uml I·`r•—sInm:m (`iIlSN|'S_ uml npprmwwl hy Prngi. i -4   __'   _' W ' A rz" ` > " ]
mah Class. j   , q ·` ` j-, ident Iturkvr. Sah! r11I¢·smtuk¢·s-I`I`··<·t iIl\IIl|‘(ii1lI•'i}`.     OF       `
5  V T   I No l·`rr·:—Iumm whull hrvuk any Junior or Svninr of this l'niv•~ri¤ty during   $1.00
EBC}! county in th¢ State is 4 _i_,y· ,°‘V `uny alurivv or hull givmi umlvr the- u¤1spi<·¢>s0t`tlu- I`nlv¢~rsi1y_ - ·· —
ellfilicd to Séhd FREE of Wt- V /* I S No l·`r•~>tlm1uu shall ;»1·mn··muI¢· tlw rznnyms durim.: clnupvl hours.   &  
, . . \
tion, m8tl‘lC\1i8U0¤, l¤b0T¤¥0¥Y ’ ` No Frvslumun shall imlulgv in sumkim: in any fuslnion tvlnutsovwr in
Bhd other f¢¢9· One OY more any place on the vumpus vxcvpt in his mtu mom in the dormitory,       OPP- U|Ti0|\ Si8ti0l'I
8PPOiI'|¥¢¢8· No Freshman shall trvspass on tlw ;:ruFs·<*0ve—r0d portions of thx- vmn-  
pus but must mntinv his walking totlw|mvvd0r;;rz1vc·lpznssagnxxnysprn-     and  
N¢¢¢¤¤¤¥y ¢XP¢“$€$ m°d"8t°· vided from plan-0 to pl·u~<~
‘ ‘ TABIE `
| All l·`rc·shmen slmll wear an vlzws cup <·ImS¢*u by tlwn1s<¤Ivr~s uml suh_im·t tn J   and  
• • `
F0? full mf°Ym&t‘°“ Y°8aYd'     <·lmn;:<>s offered and azrood upon hy tho Your vlass pre-sldmmts.  
ing ¤PP0\¤t¢¢9» COUWC9 Of ¤*“dY· Tho adoption of those rules is in full settlement nf past dIft`¢—re~nces hn-      
cost ¤f b¤¤rd· ¢¢¢-· ¤PPlY *¤ Arc Mt only essential f¤r usc. tween the Senior and Frnshnmn onutm.     V   •
H. S. BARKER. ‘but also for appearance sake. You _ ..._---.._..__-_....-.-~--..* ,
P1'¢¤id¢¤t· IMC j\1d8¢d by the 8PP¢¤Y¤¤€¢ 0f SOPHOMORES WIN TUG OF WAR. BANQUET SATURDAY NIGHT.     cn;
LCXi|’\8t0|’\, Ky- iyour teeth. __._- M __ `
  1, { ’ I • . . ` .
T I hone   i         dc' ((`()]][i]]u(\d f[‘()]|] l‘{|_Lf(\ ()]](*}_ bdturdd) night dt b Otlutk l’rUL        
° °p Luach while good, sound' wcH_ A M oM-W 1-. o or ._ m·1c1wr will give- the members of the *’*;***·*’*i*;=##;:;T;¤
Th G t U ,t C Ikept teeth attract. Come and ]ct~i18I'(i fought contest und somolmdy had Bjblp Class u banquet ut (he ph,,mix 1 ·
Q u   0. lu! put your teeth in good c0ndi_\m win and the bophs were thv 1*0** Hotel, This class is one of the most J. D.     {
Itjom For any kind of dcnta]I“*`“B0"S of mp l“"k "?“`d· popular held in the different churches ( &
_ lucorponhni)
' *_"· f *.-1* I li. l.i
T0BACC°S· PIPES· ETC- "°"‘ °°"`° `°   “" * THE wc op WAR. I.Z,1'I`ZC]ZI Kn.? IZZ`cr'LZ§Z.YJ,Z QQELZQZ “°"°"'Y D""" SHOES
Pipes Rcpaired Dr J T   i (With 81*0108iPS to 0· W· H0lm€‘“‘· which] the members of his class hold SOR  
• U · ’T"'“S 3 gl0"i°“S Si!-im and grand for their teaclxer. About forty men $ .50 to  
LEXINGTON- ‘ ‘ KENTUCKVI 127 CHEAPSIDE As we watched eucln noble band wm attend from State RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
  H ur al ml to 8 pi mi Phone 864-X Leave the g!`0\|¤dS __     • •
UNIVERSIIY LUNCH STAND Wltite the deafening tumult S“'€uS At a recent meeting of the Young   to  
Catere exclusively to student! S & F d And lniglvpitclned fearsome yells M · Q ]_ { S  
M F.¤...., of sm. U..w.r.¤., pB3l’S 0l’W00 L d d   M 8** A **¤¤ *¤**¤¤ 0* me
A B   Ou VGSOUU · University, Dr. J. J. Tigert delivered or the
• • an address on "Heroes and Her0ism."
con. s. umzsronz AND COLFAX     iS<>t1wyS=¤y¤¤1><>¤ may _ ur. mgm succeeded in doing mm College Boys SIIIOk8I’
  lwent the F¥`€Shi*—‘S for B WHY very few speakers are able to demand, G0 to
’ 211 NORTH UMESTONE sT· Full vt h°I’€‘ that was to see the good result of his · 4 ~
w' °"° SMI p'°"`"° 4 Sum f°r $120 WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ( When the blazing Sun was set mm at Once. After thc address an The Lewm Cigar C0'
-¤¢— _ _ Opp. New Phoenlx
· · » · ON -Y()UR SHOES, .Ttw¤=> M found them mad and Mt which ur. mgm spoke of the heroes  
Bally Barley s Pressmg Club _ . ,_ A
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS OPEN EVENINGS uN1·|;_gg·(;Lg(;K_ “ith0‘1t S0¤1>- who did brave things und the heroes S I   I 3
159 South Limenone Phone 621-y who did good by not doing certain O
  `· ‘ ' n    
  in Gr tht? b01>hl€S l>llllt*d tlltém d0\\'¤ things, the seniors who were present at y Stop gzto town • ‘
  Not 8 g€m€¥` bunch was f0¤¤d the meeting held a conference and re- T
‘ he New Pool R0
In old State _- ly {uq H { - { by ] - ctn V
C• A•   iHOT LUNCH AT ALL HOURS, V Y V ) e W #0 Gt ld 0 t)Illl 0. dspwmy ub South Limo ‘
{ Bow they me·.k1ytre.1dth€ street should be used in their dormitory.   ii
wh°égn%$*£EYriéI $';$G°`g°_;g:E‘¤ ° g G, W,   N0? U1€i*'fO*`m"¥` t¤·i€¤¤1>= they 8*`€€t The experiment has been in opera-     P , l
$h°¤'d Ha"- '°° c"°a S°d*· i559 S. Lime Opp. Agn"] Bldg. Sad is fam tion now for some time and the •;·1Tm·z • rop r {
MMN AND WALNUT STREETS-J   lam been muarkabne.   l B
" " ""` 1Uut why urievv or longer mourn { _______ ______ __ g C     S  
'i `I ".é" *‘ `   . 1
Thom`r;`?;;(l;l\u*`;);'llc;Uur hunt H torn I AGGIES GO TO sHELByV|LLE_ IO`] Scuih Lnmestone Si., Opp. Phoenix Hohl A
Tlwre umong the honored dead ld [ S mr] ) _! l _ t V e. .,-.-
.· s ru ¢u* morning imc s u-
M··· .··d"l·l.·=·· dl~·1
"’ ’;‘;g;‘;‘g   °”° """"‘° ‘*‘“ dents in the coinage of Agmuntuw R€St8\1I‘8l')t\'*! E
· ` " ` went to Shelbyville to visit the farms Hot Lunch°· at an h°u"_ ciglnl Toblcco • i •
of R. J. Shipman where they inspected
\\'l I ‘ *1 11.* ` 1 `
A Llmzlaumwl wir   S mum d his magnificent Jersey herds. From w° w'  
Il B War ‘l`l(*.' l*I' ¤ 1‘ ‘ lll . ·
grhey mgy tip; CL ew I there they wom to \\'. H. Bull's farm Corner U|)p€I' 8[`Id BOI|V8I’
_ _ to look over the herd that won prizvh · ·
A11 me grwf um wmeks their band { (_ I bu ld T 1 d T] b  
u o um s un o 0 o. ne oys w ~
I ··ll· tf`·l zd·· d
u A Bi;) in Ibn in Emu visited the Undulutu Farm to inspect   & CO•
r ve uw; v.
L U 1, H thc tihé herd of Jerseys, one of the S“°°°“°" *° SARFUS G- CO- V
P S Y   ` ii i lbvst in the country.   W- Main St-
" A ‘" W ’ ""WUM BEST SODA FOUNTAIN m 7;-45
TAU BETA PI ~~·—~——»—-——~—r ————
. . . . . • . · ' I li . y I ' A      
We are the or1g1nators1n Lexmgton of hngh-class tailored U" 1**** “"*‘“·“·** "“ ‘·""· *1* S h ,
. ‘ · ‘· ~ ` he brown amd xthite ————- '
garments made to your measure for """""""“ ° "' ‘ _ _ I]
ribbons announced the sclmwtiou of Al"°l“’l A h·h¤i¢·1»ur‘t¤h<·ntt I JUS! “¤h tu M5. M<·hth·¤h¤·h. thut tht , ' _ ·
, ._ H A, ,_ _ Iirht xmrnvd urn xxiw; the- rmt oth·· Miss M°*u° S ‘vc' · • _ •
I Patronize our Advertisers. “'i¤°-" Hume 1261 V

• •
H     I ) I I   Money Loaned on all goods of Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
Diamonds. Watches ewelr Etc.
9 I
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix B|()ck
W. t·»....,..,,.7;.."L.. .... y s...~».·.,· CREAM FLOURt Ender. Keen Cutter,
            M       hold its opening meeting nt Patterson "MADE IN ;EXlNGTON" g and Ever Ready
· . — - Y- ·
        Hall Wednesday, October Kth at I • . I JUST WHAT YOU NEED.
P. M. So great is this year‘s lncroaso- Lexlngtonl   Mlns C0"
h¢‘0|' 0l’I
$15.00 Suits for $f0.00 | $20:;) Suit for $13.50 ,,, m,,m,,,,,,,,,,p that hm,m,,, bm _ _____   &  
  Suit! {Of   meetlngs will h lold ln tl e Recrcati n
W k S ,t d r nte F.t nds .ce Hall Instead ofplihllosoplslan room. `     C0• MAIN S125grqE;S}r§)ADwAY
ema ecvcry ut an qua · c I · ctvl The speaker ofthe evening was Mrs. AI‘ltl‘\l‘8¢itQ and Bituminoug ,_..-   .. . ___.__________________
J One PI'fC¢—-·····Sp0t C88h··—-PIIII1 F IQUTCS Smith. sister of Miss Margaret Hina,  
Librarian. Mrs. Smith gave n .¥k|‘l('!I Lexington _ Kentuck  
‘ · UNITED CLUTHING STORES "'     0*   ·’‘‘‘       y·"“         "
Miss Marie Louise Mlchot, prosi· W S G        
i :n•¤r•¤n••d dent, earnestly requested the "co-operu- ° • R -T0-
;   S   tion" of all the members in making The Sanitary Grocer r  
. 115 E. MAIN ST. Opp. Phoenix Hotel this year a most successful one for _ | ’ •
  literary work. A delightful surprise PHONIU 720 I   S  
r   was sprung wrlen at the Prose of     S.        
meeting, delicious sandwiches were M2A_‘00 ) m__(,0nf;r9nN_ __}/rzrgzsiolrrli 341 W· NNN ST- Ph°¤¤ 1635-**
J. T. LAIL · L- M- LAIL ° L ` ' A ` y “"“"“ "“`R“"‘ “ " `_—_`
served. , .. • .
Activities. Student Volunteer      
THE COLLEGE MEN°S STORE Mrs. J. A. Meoutre, or xvinrhester, "°*“""“·" I
3_00 UH Fr ld Tl Incorporated
Ph . H b d h has been here for a brlef visit to · p· m·‘ °m” E S ‘“*   Slllargulgctures of
  a       her sister Miss Mollie McGuire. Challenge Smdydl ' E  
  —- Friday afternoon the Senior Girls (M mrhe N°gr°·N Pr°f· A· M· Tm' 36 W  
celebrated with a theatre party to see wich
• Imported Line of Macklnaws and Sweaters Hume Woman? rb, ..r,,,, Comry ,,0,,. Mr, _,_ —._—......._.._
cl" °"d I" °° m°k° Y"' Fan wl" Miss Eloise Ginn entered school last T` Smmb °f Berea    
,...°.,..,. ..0.-.. ....t¤.~¤ t¤¤·~m~. ·<¤~w<=··,>¢, r _·  
• ·             Science Department left Tuesday for (b) "Thc Town BOY." David R. ir ' ‘   ·- » ' v _;)   I
• * P [ . I ' - I I
Both Phones   Phoenix Block Germantown where she will remain 0F GY H N ’ r 3 _ I ¢%»  l
for perhaps a week. She is sent on (c) The Small Town. Lewis \\.   \\ H; - »
_ Experiment Station extension work. Dunn. ll r '
Miss Elizabeth Moore spent the 11200 a. m.—Address, "Wonder Work   Q! . _ `¤  
r ———————-———  week end gn Midway, in Japan." W. M. Vorless, Kentuckyiir / `  -  
_ I       Misses Marie Spldel, Frances Gelsel, State Association Rel>¤‘€BeH*3*IV€S- i) H ,
L and Martha Viley were In Georgetown 2t00 p. m.—Conference, "The Vorless   *. il f
? Fall Styles an use sims and ° °°"¤‘€ °‘ °°”·   MI — ‘ WA
‘ ! . M * I I ` ·.
: , , , Misses Elsie Heller and Clara Cham- 2-30 D. m.- The KBHBBS City <.on· rr »
l Furnlshlng goods are now In bers went to their homes ln Paris, vention, " J. Lovelle Murray.     `J * (Q2 1
G d d & B   Friday and returned Sunday night. 3¤00 p. rn.——Groub Conferencesr iili Q CP `
·   y     To Misses Lila Estes and Ethel (a)"An Effective Plan of Work ini V M Mc
‘ » V " • I
, Toleman has fallen the good fortune 8. Preparatory School, Dalit! R. .l|  
J' & M: and Miller and so valued among school glrls—that of Porter.  
\ Florshlem Shoes Stetson Hats having a visit from one's mother. fb) Social Activities, "Thc Signili-  
f ~ __,_.___..._ __________¢__| mg, M. A. scnoyel spent several canoe of zz Working Program? li. L. *
’ ‘  __._._._______.____._____.__. days last week with Mrs. Barker. HBH. i;
Y SENATOR8 MEET IN COUNCIL chester where they spent Friday and Mm Gimb who 1*8** been the m*’*"°“ S“"d*Y» N°"*"“b*" 2- ,`    
........ f Maxwell Hill ls to leave the UTS! 9§30 3_ m,-—-"Per5(m3l \V()rk" Prof. Il
» Saturday inspecting the railroad re- ° ' ‘ "
r   senators from the four classes met I ' ln the €BSt9rD part of the St&t€· The   il. l]l.—C|ll1l"Ch S€I`\'i('9, HTIIES   t- 7 Ar" l rdmvmr I-—
r V. in conference with President Barker Railroad from Winchester to l*‘Vi¤0· `york is also in connection with the Ministryf ml!   THE
I ° to decide upon the rules which the The work p"°“"m“ “"“’ features in eX*€¤¤I0¤¤ “'0Fk of *1*8 EXP€¤‘im€¤* S*¤· 3:00 p. m.—l·1vanz.:elisti<· Address.  
• I %‘ Seniors had agreed upon concerning construction and reconstruction. The tion. David R. Porter. Irl    
T the conduct of Freshmen. One of the construction of the new lines and the The K“W“· Dena Society (Entertai"' 7*30 P- m·_Cl°“i“g Ex€"CiS“· I  
' men from wajking upon the pavement & E and L & A to the econoluic RITE party 3[ [118 BOD Ali and 3.f[€!'· The Night Law School, which wrulill
, leading from the main gate to the W$·*`d With 3 *6**- M the Phoenix- be conducted this year at the request I   J p i F" ‘  
handling of coal from the flelds from _ , II
Gymnasium building had caused no Tl f0“0_"—"‘_‘_"“"“m mgmm has been M of many business men of this city.; I
little dispute and the court room and E°’°t°m Kentucky is m° chief °b·1°°t‘ r n I d for mi psmm Student Con will meet to organize in the Law I   Tl'I€ Best of  
e · ’ .
cggngn did B, pushing busmase Thjgr The senior class made a thorough fa im wl ich Mu be held at Nicholas School at State University Monday il     H   E
ere ·e i * ·
h0W6VB1‘, did not meet with gracious inspection and made the trip by rail, vine October 30 to November 9 The evening, October 20, at S o‘clock. All IA Ot lng, ats Iris,
sood will of the l*`reshmen and Presi- horseback and on rbbb The members program wm begin at 3 dclock Thurs. who w·lsh to enter should telephone orl   Shoes ctc {Or Cha S
dent Barker, anxious to pour oil upon _ , , see W. li. Nichols at whose law office l` ° P
or the party were. Prof. \V. 1:.. Rowe, day arteruoouand and close Sunday .
the troubled waters, called a meeting the classes will be conducted. I h k
or the Senate for Saturday morning W. C. Almstedt, P. H. Croft, R. L. evening and will be: l I at ROW
O ` __-— 5
• Here the old rule was abolished and G"°g‘"`y· H· D· H“ndl°y· H· D· P“"l°· Th¤*`•d*Y• °°*°b*" 3°· The Young l’rot`essors' Club will l    
= three new ones were substituted in its T. In Pearre, R. A. Rowe, C. H. 3:00 p. m.—Upening address, "The bold its memmg mmgm m Mm.hmm.m (
v¤•¤¤- They Me ¤¤ fellows: No Schwartz and R. rs. Steffy. Bible Ulm *0 DW U*°·" Han. rmt. w. s. Freeman has the I ‘ T
_ Ffélhmln Bhlll be MIOWQCI to smoke The Idea needs 3 uva man rm. mum 3*15 P- m·"(`0n[8¥`9nc9 on `IOPDOJ" program in charge and has arranged        
¢Is¤rette¤. ¤is¤r¤ or vines on the cam- *¤¤I*>’ for $6****03 In ***8 K°¤*¤°**Y a very attractive entertainment. lt ls
aging editor. ,,
’ pus; they shall keep off the grass; Mountains- the custom of the club to meet inform- !
· , I Nothing ls more useful to a paper __ I d dd l
GU CIBSSFHGI1 BIIBU Well? €¤l>¤ d6¤h;¤¤t- *00 P- "‘·‘“ Husume ** mss on ally once u month. 'l`he program von- I
than a hustltng managlug editor. We __ _ _ ,, , _
ing classes, the style of which shall be need a man to do Mme or no wrmng bvviel @*>¤dm°“¤· Prof A- T"*“‘**k· sists of an address by one of the mem ` r
decided by the presidents of the 8*1:* X`- '“"G"°“P Conferences- bers on some scientific subject followe  
but to take the business of seeing that _ A I r r S . .
classes. Others Bend ru their work ¤t¤