xt7z8w382k2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w382k2r/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 12, May 1, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 12, May 1, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt7z8w382k2r section xt7z8w382k2r . Q · ' 4 __ ‘ —-—   .
' T• Edihn: Th• ‘ `
h M. »..»». ¤..»».¤.. THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤¤¤·»¤¤ ·· ··¤·»=
La pnparod for th•   _,   "“’ matte" ** th'
;r••• and is released ·   K A_   P°*t °m°° at L"'
for publication sn   ”‘"` '   Inyton, Ky.
r•c•lpL   _ .;s
May41, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. N0. 12
Dancing Features the 25 U. K. Men Get Help University Head Reports Students and University R. O. T. C. Training
Little Theater Program From National Funds on Tobacco Situation Pubhcnty Heads Named Offers Rare Opportunity
The second of the community Oi the sixty—Hve ex-service men A report upon conditions of tobacco Announcement llas just been made Uni‘,€1,Sitv of Kentucky Students
dgamu. ])l‘Ogl‘%l1lS a.1·1·a11ged for pre- who have been granted scholarships markets 0f the United States and of at the Uuiversitv Of Kentucky of my who are Gniouad in the Reserve OE?
sentaticn at the Little Theater, cmu from the Y. M, C, A. educational fund such foreign countries as was pos- mint t l` 1 t_ f _ __   c€l.s» Training Corps are Offered 0p_
pus playhouse of the University of more than twenty-ive are students of sible to obtain information, which has 1 _m€T1 S um G BC mus O1 `mlom Dortunity to attend the Summer u_ai¤_
. Kentucky, was staged before za. crowd- the University of Kentucky. Other just been made by D1·_ John R. Hum- Dubhcauons put out by the Students mg Camp at Camp Custer Michigan
ed h0use‘M0nduy uml Tuesday nights, applications are being made daily, phrey, head of the Department of of the University. These offices are from June 17 to July ,,4 ifkhcy so da:
April 26 and 27. The Dl`Og1'8.111, which Tl1isfum111as been appropriated by Marketing, Experiment Station, Uni- fiugd at thjs time SO that the new Sire ' {
was under the general direction of the national Y. M, C. A. out of its sur- versity of Kentucky, sets forth inf01‘— Officims may yvoyk yvith gm-mer (mcs The camp is {Our miles west of B t I
Mrs. R. L. Stout and Miss Sarah Bland- plus; of $48,000,000 left in its treasury mation of interest to tobacco grow- fgy the rest Og the tern] and thus bc ue Cr k Mi _1i _ _ _a
ing, i¤$¥ll‘u¢l0FS in DhySiwl education at the end of the war to the various ers and buyers throughout the State pl-gpm-Bd to proceed yvith the wm-k H fee ’_ blblgaugm ap excepnom
at the University Of Kentucky, crm- states, apportioned according to pop- and the South. next {au yvithout mten-upti0¤_ iirabgninaiogl S Pea wu lor Sufmpl
Sisted of Classical. aesthetic and f01li ulation for the purpose of helping Although the acreage to be devoted At present it is possible to Obtain d "'t Pre lslau ‘f“‘Ii_€;[‘pp y °t
d¤·HC€S and S€V€l`?1l 11111Si0&l ¤u111b€1‘S· ex-service men who need such assist- to tobacco raising in the United only a partial list of each Staff Since io; mia Gin agescuui) lg Pug iyS`
i The program was: ance in getting their education. Ken- States will increase by about 10 per [hg other appointments yvj]1 not bg iu; a n anim? li, davi eeI}u?,Sm1€d`
I, The Dances of the Fairies, tuckyg quota, is forty-eight thousand cent. OV€1` that of 1919, the report made until next S€DtGH1b€l‘· mggse (ggnczsmclube .mDv1BS1 miery
Cl9·SSiC DHHCG dollars. shows that there will be very slight Robert J Raible Louisville was ’ ’ C u 1O0mS’ ws ess
Jani-! G1`€g01`}’, Milfihil MCCl\11‘€, Kath- The scholarships are to be given to change in Ker1tucky’s acreage. Some elected Gaim,-.m.chi€g of the Kan. guise; 0; tpehfmd ECE)? mid Y'fW' C'
` leen Renick, Virginia Th1`OCkIllOl`COI1 uninjured men, the Government hav- of the great S0uth€1‘n 111&I‘k€tS WUI tugky Kernel at a, recent meeting of   ago nég TJ $1 to uw us dorbre-
IL Bluétw Pvlku ........ Classic Dance ing adequately provided for those who show a. marked increase, especially · - · . mea n' asa E? ’ 8nmS’ an as`
the staff membeis and M1ss Martha ketbau are pmvlded for Them is a
4 Dorothy Potter. have been injured. It is divided into za. Georgia, which will have an increase Bucknmn, Henderson, was glggtgd librar of 17 000 bOOks_ `T 1. . _
III, By the 1¤‘irelight..A Gypsy Dance general and 2. collegiate fund; the .*:611- of 500 DBP CGM. Vifgilliil wd the managing editor. J. P, Barnes, Bards- · y d B·L1 I y G lgwus Sep
_ Virginia Downing. era] fund to be placed at the disposal Carolinas will have an increased tggvny was I-€.81€Ct€d to the position ;vm§S_an alt like 8‘?S€S_ are held aug
  IV. Swiss Song ............................ Eckert of men who may desire special voca- acreage of from 10 to 14 per cent. of business manager with H_ B_ Lloyd, ngecnkujguigtorg S me gwen by pmmk
  Ellen Blétlldlllg. 1,10110,1 trainillg; the collegiate fund is Dgctor Humphrey goes 0n 1;0 say that rwelected circulation managen Th _ ° f h _
4 V. MOHIGIIE MllSiC21I ...... Classic D3.HCe for men who need additional funds the acreage of fgpgjgu Cguntyjgg will At 84 meeting of the junior class, bl Btpgrpgse Oltle Camp IIS tg cn'
Frances Smith in Pursuing their COm`S€S· i‘€m9·i¤ abvut the Sami? with a Slight Miss Adele Slade, Ludlow, was elect- il de S isn? to ·)a ance than- wmigr
VI. The Wood Nymph, The awarding of the scholarships is increase in some sections, ed €ditO1._m_chi€f of the 1921 Keutuclb m COT I 6 JY vlgomus Outdoor me
· Aesthetic DZLHCB entrusted to the Y. M. C. A. State The report points out that, OWNS ian, the annual class publication, wld ;)lf€€r€q b}; thedcali? {WEEE EYEW-
Virginia Downing. Bomd of Control, of whom Doctor F. to increased acreage a,ndtl1efactthu»t Fred Houston Shaw, Lexington, was tlmi I? pnéuif lwl ld u Gimeuencg
VII. (21) P1·aye1·;1ud Temple Dance, L_ McV€y’ president Of {hg University England and Other European cOlm_ elected business nmnagmx Org Elm IIS JH ance deve opment.
Gricg of K€HmCkY· is Ch*m`m€m· wd th‘€ tries will not demand so gvegt qugm- MM}, Archer Ben, Rockbridgc f `Nil'3 “1Ug>G £ltdC&lHp-Custei eioout
(b) Nocturne, county boards, who have charge of tities of tobacco as before, there will County, Virginia, and Frances Bethel, _0mh   S u ents hom c?1€g"S
_ V Chopin, Opus 15, N0. 2 selecting the czmdidates from theif bg 3, n),3rked falling off in the price Mmganhcm Kyq me to have Charge In t 6 1 9 `VGSL _The BME 8X`
_ (c) Isoldes Liebes Tod, iespective counties. Tl1€'Slllll allotted of burley tobacco during the 1920 scat- Of the State Press Bulletin Dense   the C`lmD‘ Wm be DOING by
~ \VflgIl€1‘—LiS€Z to each 111:111 will be graduated accord- SOIL The ,UmV€1_Sity Local Bulletin cf th€tU;i1t€d $31tis Cgoxiei11l111int£hT1·a,Ts-
Leland SUOGUY- ` ing to his HGBGS, U1€ 81110L1l1tS Twig- Doctor I—Iumph1·ey’s survey shows Weekly mmouncgméms Wm be D1.E_ por a' Mm wl )€_ MIPS lm G S u`
` VIII, Tyrolienue ___,..,.._,.,....,.. Folk Deuce ing {rom titty to one hundred dollars. guythgy that thg Situation as Lg dm-]; Dmed by Alma Louise Connor, LG} de? $$1*1 *h€;l’;1Y€"SltY LO th_° Czmfp
]\’[a\1‘g2U‘€lL‘P21l‘l‘iS}1,DOFOUIY POUQBI'. ..1-;..; tobacco is even more deplorable thazi iugmu, and Gilmer Sgggngcltéyy pu-   l(?liu1T' 1* u blstigcg dm1¥1“’ dtla
IX. Thé A\V2lkGHiHg .................. SDYOSS Eiertucgry Victorious that affecting Burley, in that dark ducah up W1   S;) Milsupp 16 and gmt ét
IX. (Cont.) Love, Ilrizwe Won You, A * t ]· ·· 5 { I *`1't Chim-1y in 1 ,- A · · Camp W1 )€ lg Same as la m
V ROMIM In Ty3ck\Mee{ Events SMLLO ms   jhu xg . _ M _ kmmem S“1S&h€1m’ LOmSV1u€’ has the military academy at YVest Point.
Lu P1 V “ ` }*·l1F0D€¤¤ ¢0U¤U1€¤» @SI)€Cm»UF 1‘13¤C¤ been appointed president of the State
° QH J Fmimg- , and Italy while Burley is used mostlv ¤· I E P. A Q · t·
. _ ,___ In the mst truck meet of the sea- ’ _, , ,_ , if *~"“(G“ RSS S~OCm 101* _
X, Vive L.; L.K1;<;;;`m`GtaUV€ Dimco Son um U1m_€1_Sity Of Kentucky with [(?1L'(l0lli;3Sl1lJ  The Nstiouel Student Press Asso- Mable Goes to thi?
_ _\[   . ‘ _ almost no tumlmg mat the Strong “=1·w¤· 19*1 S ‘ ·y*_ j · 3 _:¤ cuitiom will be 111 charge 0fM1ss Mar- University Of Iowa
it ¤'¥’·lUl<1 Mc@1¤¤¤· , , . A ly from the present condition oi tor- W,. A — · I ull , ,-11, aw S ·m·~ ___
Y , .- COlllll1i>(lOl`OS oi \”ilIll1€l‘l)11E and over- ¤·~1Ct &’m’t]} " ‘l}$‘1 “· * ISS ml *’
XH' TWO Butmnlléa _ (MNC lilepl bv the SH01-G Og Ggu to eign Oxchmlgg ml me met that g"O"‘-` z·,2sist;2.11ts will be: Lillie `Cromwell, pl-Og Edwayd C_ Mgbjcy geymgy as.
7 v ' Ih"‘i}`D"_CL·€”’·l‘;G     Kmimm“kV LOG); Bight msi; to €l'$ l¤¤l‘k€t€d U15? wbiwco mm in @1** Cyuthiium; Anna Louise Com101‘, LGR- sistmit professor of Public Speaking
V '*%*‘}’€°?1  ‘*€Q““·*,  “$‘·“*f j)’°"'}j"‘* m1Q‘COm1O(,O,.€5· im S€¢*~S°¤· 1**1- mgmm; Gilmer sege¤fe1te¤·,Paduc¤h; at me Uuivergity of Keumeky, who
V I   The following wee}; on ;m heavy Held   Bay EX€FCiSQS a · l?¤i11‘il`i1l€OW§&1i€}’» LE>llYSVji]€§ Cla? resigned. his position. lust Febi·u;u·y,
fm. mg lhnég ibm 1 imo r:_hC·{w1_ ig amd with QL COM Wind mowing, Ken-   at University mel kay, epflllgllehl, 01110; ll101211>S0¤ has received uu appointment as head
l{lMlél.HUl; ,,;`i,\,.,,]`(]ijC;;;i,Ll; Og Pwé Lucky met the red uml white hvlgrcuy- —-——---— Yun Dereu, Cyiitluana; {mil Mary Of the Depmmmcm Of Public Speak
F Fr  ,`.lrLi;C.l;1l(;£w,;,,, E,1,,.]i£.,i ics {rom Miami and went down in Annual Arbor Dey e>;e;·cis;es; of Lhag Ascher Bell, Rzmphiue, \Yll'g1H121. mg at the Smile Umversuy Oi 1OWu__
‘     _°"`$   _     gzjqljj ({g;f;;;_gr{ ;;;»5O;·¤ umm by th;) vgyy close senior clziss were held April 30 on ~—-——— IOWQ City, K0 ielke Gfiwi HGXY3 fill]-
cptutmcul., U.m.c1s1ty ci ;(.l1ll(,~.}. > _ rl / rn G `_ _ M _ ‘_ { V W nin _ Y ? _ 1* P_Of€SS Y M, bin 1__,_ OODG Ovcjugm
________f_##0_____ $(50.*4: ul Jn,3 to 501/;). Miami won the &.‘ .u -1 ¤ 2 · . _ [ F __71.’ . v _ _ , l V.   _, ' * ·· ~ ~ ‘~ U»·V,S·tv_
{mm Uuivmgity Mlmmi bzmqum given then; in 3-l—l<’.>, nnicli is lox.ei than and dl1t.1l).lL;V'(illP?1;j§12C%..1 rn H1 {commu. Couch Jungzm Img Im Mh ui C1 1y W _
during me lmlcmw Of the Kcmucky tue Q. l. A. ii. recom for the event. The exeicises npcliei with ui .t<- MHC mcmd excelled by {OW men in —·—-— —
[,;dw;m,m1 AgSgc{§pm,Q1 m Lguisvlllc. ——~·— dfsg by _?"‘?‘3 51****1 4C1"“?;;§i‘i uw Umm scams mm the U¤ivm·sirv University Procures
. . ·   it alter wuci · a . ,. . . .
'l" g In net v.u;· gw 1 it · *1- G , __ Gush Dwiuél ’ _ _ _ _ considers itselr luclvy iu p1·0cu1·1u¤" _
  FLL tiZS—$IYiL`Zi$¤$€ {S; "°L°°EaKS?§§Oi;%ipS Awarded """t°“ if     ‘h§’ EI 1‘`' MS   Us Wm ¤l‘0‘>¤’¤;’ A——n Emmm Coach
°`   ” " ’. ”* *~¤ ·‘.l;l   ft` af,.   __ . . .
J. Smulmzm, ’l-i, prcsialeut, amd Mass -...~-- ;1§l?iSLL§V;§`ifOI Ouxilgviih? Fgghgtbpi msu, the Uu1vei·s1ty during co111111e11ce- The) noted football Comb yvmmm
, _*> ~ I , , _ J , *5.5, _ _ _ . ’ _
Emmet `\VOCl‘!lOl`, ’<)5, socrctzuqz the {fhg {allowing Sqgmlm-Ships and fgl- mad mn CNW Wophgsy ment week of the piesent SGSSIOD to _y_ Juuelmy wm lead thc Umveyslty of
OfflCO1`S lll C]l?J·l`gQ· Bil`. Si!·li(ll1lU»!l {UNI lgvggiiipg hywg bggn [)‘\VQ‘]‘dQd gt [hg Dlwiuiy 'u_bB1_L [lay (-`__(;1_CiS€q in rm- look OVGY UIQ Sl[llLltlOll Elld to tElk€ liéniucky —\Vi]dCutS to Victory ngxt
Miss www wm—0c__wi€¤¤€ii pm- University of iczmumky: CMMS with Cusiouftliis Leinp and “‘“°““““‘“`y *’““’S ‘°"`“"d b€g““““`g M- ~’“¤**“*» “’h° is R gmhwle °*’
dent and sec1·etzu·y, respectively, Of Fgllgwghipgg (]hgmi;m·y, Leroy Cmqq glnior mOu,S hlmomry Smiety \=‘0l`k in UJG mu Xvisconsiu, an z1ll·\Veste1*11 end, coach-
the Louigwlle bmncli of the alumni “rm·k;¤g, qq-&HSy]v;m;& gguege; Z0;)- ima`  wud Cmwu SEMO? Women?) Mr, Junea,u’s contract covers il Gd yviscongm to H Xvesterm Coufmc
j z1ss0ciz1ti0i?r.J§y———~——··· Iggy, Alberta VVils0:1, University of :)I_gFmi;_m(;n lvvcqgcd me members D€l`i0d Of mma Y€9·"S wd [OY thc ence victory, 1\;Im·quette College wld
· ·’ A Y W V- `   ’ ` ` i   V t is confined to the coaching of N , , St. t 1 t smtp
V Little Sister Movement k°~m°M· —- »~ ;· S · = 2 -21. DWSCH . bO“*h D·*1*°m " "’ °“°‘ O “
· Estéblishpd gy U Oi: Ky As,gi;;L;mLships; Mutlieiimtics, \V. E. fm mb SE TOD OL 19 0 WG f¤0t1>v~11 t€€¥m» which has 3- SCh€' qyhmupimlghips, and mst year led Uni-
·— _ , _· _1 ° ° Axmeutmut, Virginia; G. Joel, S. dule next full, considerecl generally mrsityof Texas to SGC0n(lI)l&C€i1lt1]G
` ",r`MiSS Mm.gm.Ot FO,-d_ Shclbyvulcr Georges, Maryville, Tenn; Zoology, Adele Slade; AuthUY   • ” the most difficult yet presented to the Somhwesmm CO“fG1,€HCB_ Juneau
KY was Clccmd Dmsidgut Og the Miss Leona King, Rice Institute, Up From the Beginning defenders of the Blue mid White. wm bg head Coach and Wm hwg
Student S€]f_GOVC1·m“€n(; Asggciutigg T€X%\$· *1_j—’T ChiU`g€ of ilu football activities at
¤ . x i- . .- · · M' All Slz<¤ml¤¤U0¤$ f°*` th'?
· ' at Am] Arbor, Mmhwmly Am`? 29, ·· CA-ll S oi G20:] stqngingtfmd gptitude This pageant is considered by the chology ofthe University of Kentucky, school year begin May 29 extend~
· At the Same meeting the Llmc SW eo Egg gl h   ' t cl ursued faculty to be one of the most skillful was accepted by the executive cou- ing through June 4. The commence-
» tar Movement; was introduced by Mme {01 {119 W01 { t Elf 1115 OHIJG D ‘ GX; pieces Of Work Submitted by a Stu- mittca of the Board Of Trustees at ment program as Submitted by the
" ` ,A"