xt7z8w381r20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w381r20/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-05-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  9, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  9, 1952 1952 1952-05-09 2013 true xt7z8w381r20 section xt7z8w381r20 The Kentucky Kernel


May 17 Set
As Award

Officials Sav School
Not Above Criticism,
But Judge Streit Unfair

Split Top SGA Posts
As Lawson, Patterson Elected,
United Students Cop 11 Seats

To Be Presented
Presentations of Air Force ROTC
awards, including .the Colonel Ed- ward G. Davis Trophy, the Air Force
Association Medal, and the ROAO
medal, will be held at 9 a.m. May 17.
The Air Force ROTC Plaque,
awarded to the senior who possesses
to a marked degree those inherent
qualities of an officer and a gentle- man, will be one of the many to



Campus Sing Sunday night, Jim Woodward of Delta Tau Delta and
Phylis Warren of Kappa Delta have but one regret. Because of a new
ruling, these organizations will not compete in next year's event. Kappa Delta has won first place three years consecutively. Delta Tau Delta
has not lost in 15 years.


3000 Students Attend
Festival On Campus


Approximately 3000 high school
instrumentalists will compete today
and Saturday in the 28th Annual
Kentucky High School Intsrumental
Festival on the UK Campus.
The students wiU participate in
50 bands, seven orchestras, and over
400 small ensembles and solos. They
will represent Louisville, Covington,
Morehead, Richmond, and Pikeville
The instrumental solos and smaU
ensembles are scheduled all day
today in Rooms 22 and 17 in the
Guignol Theatre of the Fine Arts
Building. The string ensembles will
meet at 1 p.m. in the Bluegrass
Room and Music Room of the SUB.
Drum ensembles and xylophone
players will assemble at 1 p.m. in the
rear of the Fine Arts Building. There
will be student conducting at 3 p.m.
Fine Arts Build-- .
in Room 22 of




Page 6)

An invitation to visit the University and investigate its athletics
programs was extended this week to
the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Southeastern Conference, and the Southern Associa
tion of Colleges and Secondary

President Herman L. Donovan
said the telegrams sent read:
"The integrity not only of Coach
Rupp but of administrative officials.


Judge Saul Streit in his recent state- mem irom uie oencn in sentencing
three of our former basketball players in the basketball scandal. We
respectfully request that the NCAA
SEC and SACSSi at your earliest
convenience send to our campus
representatives to investigate the
truth of these charges and any violations by the University of Kentucky
of the rules of the NCAX 'SEC and

Department of Music; his brother
Keith Stein, Department of Music.
State College; Thomas A.
Western Kentucky State Col- Betty Semple Glover, Otter- bein College, Westerville. Ohio:
Hugh Gunderson, Western Kentucky
state College; Robert K. Hamilton,
University of Cincinnati.
Mark Hindsley, University of Illinois; C. B. Hunt, George Peabody
College; Paul Katz, conductor, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra: A. D.
Lekvold. Oxford University; Warren
Lutz. UK; Ernest E. Lyon. University of Louisville; Frank J. Prindl.
UK; Henry Sopkin. conductor, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; James
van Peursem, Eastern State College; George Wain. Oberlin College;
Don Wilson. Shackleton's Inc., Lexington; William Worrel, UK.


Special Program Tonight
these events will be included in a
special program at 7 p.m. tonight
m Memorial Coliseum, i A special
feature will be the appearance of
the Elizabethton, Tenn.. High
School Band composed of 110 boys
and girls. A festival party will be
held at 9 p.m. in the Social Room
of the SUB.
Henrv Sopkin. conductor of the
Atlanta Symphony, will conduct a
string worksnop irom 11 a.m. to l
p.m. Saturday in the SUB for all
string players from the orchestras
ensembles. At 2 p.m. in Mem- orial Coliseum the class "A" band
events, representing Ashland. Du
Pont Manual, Lafayette, and Louis- ville Male high schools will be held.
Judges for the festival include
Edwin E- - Slem- - head of the UK

Dr. Donovan Invites
Inquiries Of Program

Win After 1622 Vote;
Installation To Be Monday

Superior Writers
To Be Considered
por Scholarships


Students enrolled in Kentucky
and universities who have
demonstrated superior writing talent
will be considered for free tuition
scholarships at the 1952 Writers'
Conference in the Rocky Mountains
One student under 30 from each
of a number or selected colleges ana
universities throughout the country
will be eligible for scholarship con-an- d
sideration. Nominations must be
made by the heads of English De- partments or teachers of creative
writing in the institutions selected.
and recommendations should be for
warded to Don Saunders, Director,
The Writers' Conference, University
of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., before




May 1.

Army Accepts Women

each, the tuition
scholarships entitle successful candipQT IMt'dical
dates to attend any or all of the
The U.S. Army's Women's Medical eight workshops offered under the
Specialist Corps is accepting ap- sponsorship of the University of
Board and room and
plicants for the Army Occupational Colorado.
other expenses, except tuition, are
Therapy training program.
Applicants must hold a bachelor's not covered.
degree and be willing to serve as a
commissioned officer.
Further information may be ob- tained from the Dean of Women's






squadron obtaining the highest
number of honor points. The Air
Force Association Medal is given to
the outstanding military student of
Senior Division ROTC.
Reserve Officers Association, Cen- tral Kentucky Chapter, awards include the ROAO medal for the out- standing first year cadet and a sec- ond lieutenant insignia awarded to)
the outstanding graduating senior
are to be given.
Other honors to be presented are
me jjexuigion neraia L, e a a e r
Trophy awarded to the member of
the Air Force ROTC Rifle Team
with the highest record for the year,
and the Wolf Wile Trophy, which
goes to the "best all around cadet,"
who is selected by secret ballot in
the senior class.
Trophies will .be presented to those
students holding the highest schol- astic average for the academic year.
The donors of these trophies are the
pnoenix Hotel. Air Science I; Pur-ce- ll
Company, Air Science II; Lafayette Hotel, Air Science III; and
Stewarts, Air Science IV.
The Public Aviation Award will
be presented to the outstanding air- craft maintenance engineer who will
be a senior Air Force Cadet,
All of these awards will be pre- sented by Dean M. M. White, with
the exception of the Colonel Davis
Trophy and the ROAO Awards.
Immediately after the presenta-Michiga- n
tion, both ground and Air Force
visions will proceed to the down-leg- e;
town area for the Armed Forces Day






All floats entered in the May Day
float contest are to be in front of
the Administration Building by 12
noon Saturday. Bob Link, Suky float

chairman announces.
The floats, based on themes from
children's literature, include "Hansel
and Gretel," Alpha Delta Pi; "The
Littlest Angel." Alpha Gamma Delta: "Peter Pan," Alpha Xi Delta;
"Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," Delta
Delta Delta; "Mother Goose," Delta
Zeta: "Cinderella." Kappa Alpha
Theta; "King Midas and the Golden
Touch," Kappa Delta: "Goldilocks
and the Three Bears," Kappa Kappa
Gamma: and "Winkin Blinkin and
Nod," Zeta Tau Alpha.
Fraternity entries include "Paul
Bunyan," Alpha Gamma Rho: "Tom
Sawyer." Alpha Sigma Phi: "Sing a
Alpha Tau
Song of

Omega: "The Old Woman Who Lived in the Shoe." Delta Tau Delta;
"Mother Hubbard's Cupboard," Farm
House; "Little Miss Muffet," Alpha
Tau Omega; "Humpty-DumptyKappa Sigma: "Repundal," Lambda
Chi Alpha: "Aladdin's Lamp," Phi
Delta Theta.
"The Little Engine that Could."
Phi Kappa Tau: "The Ugly Duckling," Phi Sigma Kappa; "What Little Boys and Girls Are Made Of,"
Sigma Nu; "Ole King Cole," Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; "Legend of Sleepy
Hollow." Triangle; "Book of Fairy
Tales." Sigma Phi Epsilon; and
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,"
Zeta Beta Tau.
Suky will award a first and second
place trophy in both th women's
and men's divisions.




had majorities in the Colleges of I majorities in the Colleges of Enui- Engineering and Education.
j neering and Commerce brought Mis
Victory In Two Colleges
Patterson victory. She also carried
Miss Patterson had 807 to 778 for the College of Arts and Sciences,
opponent Henry Neel, chairman of while Neel had majorities in the
other colleges and the Graduate

Seniors To
1 UeSCiay

Victors Express Hope
For Progress In SGA



A meeting of seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences will be
held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Mem-

orial Hall.
Officers will be elected and
formation about graduation
tivities will be given.

Brisk Campaigning
Precedes Elections


By Dorman C'ordell

Honors Day
To Be Held
Next Week

companied by a city fire truck with
siren screaming.
After circling the campus, the
parade wound back to the Administration building, where two tickets
to the Stan Kenton show at




All day election day, the area
around the polls was congested with
campaigners and voters. Election
lules prohibited campaigning closer
than 15 feet from the polls, and most
of the candidates and their supporters stood just outside the boundary line.
Lanchers Handed Cards
During the period the cafeteria
was open for lunch, persons entering
the ground floor of the SUB were
immediately handed cards by various workers for both parties.
Counting of votes was started immediately after the polls closed at
4 p.m.. and was completed about 6:15
p.m. in one of the most rapid counts
ever made.
Candidates and party leaders kept
going in and out of the
room, checking latest tallies. Bos
Todd, chairman of the election committee, kept a watchful eye over the
Swayze Won Early
The College of Education count
was the first completed. Suzanne
Swayze, the winner, left after receiving congratulations.
She came
back later to watch other results.
When College of Agriculture results showed the United Students
had taken all three, seats. Bob Jones,
Alpha Gamma Rho president and a
Constitutionalist, expclaimed. "How
about that? They took every seat.
Every single seat! How about that?"
Law students with United Student
affiliations were shocked by Consti- tutionalist Bob Davenport's victory
by three votes over United Student
Ted Iglehart.
Puzzled Over Victory
"How in the world did Davenport
ever beat Iglehart? That's what I
j want to know,"
said one.
Bob Smith and Charles "Red"
Hale, present president and vice
A series of courses, entitled Atomic president of SGA, are both from the
Sciences in Our Daily Lives, will be College of Law and both United
bv the College of Arts and dents.
After his defeat in the vice presiSciences during the summer session.
Prof. George K. Brady, coordina- dential race, Henry Neel said he
tor for the program, said, "Courses thought it would be best if he rein atomic sciences are being offered signed as chairman of the United
by the University in order to clear Students Party.
up misconceptions about the dangers
Glad We Won'
of the atom and to prepare the peo"I won't be in close contact with
ple for the time when atomic energy SGA, and
on a lot
may be used in the home."
of Issues and policies," he said. "I'm
Five introductory courses requiring glad we won a majority of seats."
Jess Gardner, defeated presidenno previous work or training in the
field of science will be open to upper tial candidate, stated. "I think our
and lower division students with party ran a good race. As far as
special permission from tr.eir deans. showing the students a platform, the
Students may take three or four Constitutionalists did the better job.
of these courses, earning six or eight The United Students had more of a
'pig in a poke.'
credits upon completion.
"The election at least showed the
Three lectures each week will be
given by outstanding specialists in Constitutionalists are definitely still
their field who will speak on some alive."
phase of atomic science. They will
be members of the UK faculty or
specialists brought to the campus
from atomic research centers.
Following the lecture periods all
students will participate in coffee
hour discussion groups in the SUB
cafeteria. Each discussion group will
consist of six students, and the subFinal examinations in all colleges
ject matter will be taken from the
lectures. Groups will be rearranged except the College of Law will be- from time to time to enable students gin at 7 :30 a.m. May 27. They will
last through May 31.
to become better acquainted.
The exam schedule:
From 10 to 12 a.m. Monday
May 27. 7:30-9:3- 5
a.m. classes
through F."ay. the students will
attend the courses in which they which meet fust on Monday or
are formally registered. Although Wednesday at 8 a.m.;
each student may register for three classes which meet first on Tuesday
or four courses, he may take only or Thursday at 8 a.m.; 3:15-5:2- 0
one at a time. Each course will cov- pm. classes which meet first on
er a period of two weeks.
Monday or Wednesday at 5 p.m.



Air Force Offering
Needed Specialists

were given away.


University scholarship, fellowship,
and award winners will be recognized
at the annual Honors Day Convocation, to be held at 8 pjn. Thursday
in Memorial Coliseum.
Students with high scholastic
standings and members of honor so- cieties will also be recognized.
Dr ' H l. Donovan, UK president,
viU pre8ide at the convocation',
Whjch will include a student ad- -'
dress by Student Government As- relation President Bob Smith and
a main address by the Right Rev.
William R. Moody, bishop of the
Diocese of Lexington

The University s livestock judging
team placed first in the Southeastern
division of the International Live- stock Judging Contest at Mississippi
State last Friday. The team placed
first in the Judging of cattle and
and second in sheep judging,
Jack Milliken placed second in
the individual competition, Joe Tur- pin received third, and Marion Hay- den placed fifth. Turpin placed sec- ond in beef cattle judging, and- in
swine judging Hayden received first
and Milliken placed second.
ot Music
The team members, who are all
b'"- students in the College of Agricul- After the invocation by John
tur anri nm FMnnmipt
er the direction of Dr P G Wool- - luimi, presiuem 01 uie uiuvcisii-fork of the Animal Husbandry De YMCA, Smith will speak.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, UK vice
president, will have charge of the
recognition ceremonies, which will
be followed by the main address.
Among honoraries whose members
will be recognized are Alpha Lambda
Delta, freshman women: Alpha Zeta,
The Air Force is offering direct agriculture; Beta Gamma Sigma,
to fill openings for commerce; Kappa Delta Pi, educa-150- 0
critically needed specialists, Col. tion; Order of the Coif, law; Phi
Edward G. Davis, professor of air Beta Kappa, arts and sciences; Phi
science and tactics, said this week,
Eta Sigma, freshman men; Phi
specialists are partic- - silon Omicron. home economics: Pi
ularly needed in the communica-- ; Mu Epsilon, mathematics; Rho Chi,
tions, procurement control and pro- - pharmacy; Sigma Pi Sigma, physics;
duction, special investigation, legal, and Tau Beta Pi, engineering.
weather, psychological
warfare,! Other societies requiring a min- engineering, and scientific fields, imum standing of 2.0 for memberCol. Davis said.
ship will have their members recog- Direct commissions are being nized. They are Cwens, freshman
awarded to specialists in grades women; Mortar Board, senior womranging from Second Lieutenant to en's leadership; Omicron Delta Kap- Lieutenant Colonel, depending on pa, senior men's leadership; and Phi
the person's age, education, and Delta Kappa, education professional.

Victors in Wednesday's Student
Government Association election expressed hopes this week for a year
of progress in SGA in 1952-5George Lawson, victorious in the
presidential race. said. "I certainly
was pleased at the turnout.
thanks goes to all who voted and
worked for my election. I am looking forward to a fine year in SGA."
Pat Patterson
Vice president-elecommented, "Instead of letting all
this enthusiasm about the election
die down, we ought to use some of
it to put through some of the plat
form planks.
"I think both parties can work
together and really get something
done," Miss Patterson said.
Posters Everywhere
Miss Patterson's statement
ferred to the campaigning done by
both parties before the election,
Campaign posters of both parties
covered trees, bulletin boards, and
doors all over the campus,
Lawson Probably distributed more
of his posters
candidate. Eighty-si- x
were counted in the Journalism
Building alone.
Several candidates had printed
posters and cards, while others used
mimeographed posters,
Constitutionalists Parade
On Tuesday night, the Constitutionalists held a gigantic political
rally. Beginning at the Administra- tion Building, cars decked with colored streamers and campaign pos-- !
ters paraded around the campus, ac- -


Votes cast in the election totaled
the largest number since the
Spring 1950 election.
In the College of Arts and Sciences. 510 votes were cast. Paul
Holleman and James Bradbury won
upperclass seats. United Student
Holleman had 314. and Bradbury, a
Constitutionalist. 234. Their opponents, Dick Allen and Hunt Perkins,
had 196 and 192 votes, respectively.
I S Get Both Seats
Both lowerclass seats in the College of Arts and Sciences went to
United Students. Dick Running received 259 votes and John D. Redden had 248 votes. William A. Ger-rar- d
received 197 votes and Luther
House received 207.
Zoe Parker. Constitutionalist, received 286 votes for Arts and Sciences upperclass woman. Her write-i- n
opponent, Doris Morgan, received


rnnf otf




To Lead Student Government Activity For The Coming Year

Wins First Place



UK Judging Team
In T.ivpstrwL-

United Student George Lawson and Constitutionalist Pat
are the new president and vice president of the Student
Government Association.
Eleven United Students and nine Constitutionalists also won
seats in tin assembly at the election, held Wednesday.
Installation of new officers and representatives will Ik- held at
7 p.m. Monday in R(Km 12S of the SUB.
Lawson won over Jess Gardner, S46 to 746. He carried the
Graduate School and the Colleges of Arts ami Sciences. Agriculture. Commerce, and Law. Gardner. the United Students Party. Larue
Pat-lerso- n

Floats To Assemble
At Noon Tomorrow


jine Constitutionalists


be given.
The Colonel Edward G. Travis
Trophy is awarded annually to the

"We do not contend that our record in this affair is above criticism."
University officials said in a
statement Wednesday answering recent charges by Judge
Saul Streit.
However, the officials added, "we
would offer the opinion that Judge
Streit went to unnecessary lengths
in blackening the reputation of a
University that has commanded respect throughout the land for its
scholastic standards, for the high
accomplishments of its faculty, and
for its steady and sound development over the last three decades."
Hie statement was released to answer blasts made against the University by Judge Streit in suspending
the sentences of three UK basketball
stars implicated in recent "fix"
A fuller statement will be made
later, it was announced.
'Never Again'
The statement made following a
Joint meeting of the executive com- mittee of the Board of Trustees, the
board of directors of the Athletics
Association, and the executive com- miltee of the Alumni Association,
pledged :
"We are firmly resolved to make
such reforms in our athletics pro- gram as will assure the people 0f
Kentucky that never again shall a
scandal besmirch the name of their
The statement said much of the
Judge's statement was based on
statements of fact, removed from
context and taken together with hi
statements or opinion. This "pro- duced a distorted and untrue pic- ture of theathletics program of the
Some of the charges w hich the
statement discusses, and their an- swers:
1. That the athletics scandal here
is due to "the inordinate desire by
the trustees and alumni of Kentucky University for prestige and
profit from sports." The group said
the Athletics Association is a nonprofit agency, and all income goes
for the support of the athletics program as well as for other educational and cultural purposes.
-In the second place, the desire
for winning teams is not a char- -



Air Force Plaque

By Dorman Cordcll


NUMUEi: 27



Fuller Report
To Be Made
By University




ISeries Offered
In Sciences

This Summer

Stu-offer- ed


Jane Stockton, another Constitutionalist, won the lowerclasswoman
seat in Arts and Sciences. 251 to 230.
over Mar(uerite MagUl.
Ac Callece Cast 32
The College of Agriculture cast the
second largest number of votes. 321).
United Students swept every seat
in the college. John C. Robertson
beat Ward Crowe. 167 to 148. for
upperclassman. Fred D. Williams
beat John Ernst. 189 to 128. for
and Pat Moore defeated
Marlene Farmer. 180 to 124, for
woman-at-larg- e.

United Students also took all three
seats in the College of Commerce,
where 284 votes were cast.
Henry Maeser received 150 votes
to James Perry's 125 for uppercla-ss-mae.
Dick Hubbard beat Ken
183 to 93. for
Jane Truitt had 132 votes to Patricia
Pauli's 94 for woman-at-larg- e.
Sweep Engineering


A sweep



College of Engi-

neering, where 218 votes were cast,
went to the Constitutionalist Party.
For upperclassman. James McCurry
defeated Charles Campbell. 130 to
Edwin Berry won the
seat over Norman Berry.
107 to 96. Arthur K. Linville took
seat over
the representative-at-larg- e
T. Y. Martin, 119 to 92.
In the College of Education, whore
126 votes were cast. Suzanne Swayic
was elected woman-at-lars- e.
received 67 votes, while her opponent, Martie Driskill, received 56.
Davenport Wins Law
Constitutionali.st Robert Davenport won the representative-at-laru- e
seat in the College of Law. usually
a United Student stronghold. Davenport edged out Ted Iglehart. 48 to


Jack Early and Abdel Nour, both
United Students, were unopposed in
their races for
representative-at-larc- e
in the Graduate School. Early received 57 voles
and Nour received 54.
Aliceann Clayton. Constitutionalist, won the Graduate School
seat, receiving 21 voles.
Her opponent. United Student write-i- n
candidate Betty Gentry received




12 votes.

Observers said more campaigning

was done by both parties this time

than for any other election in recent


Final Examinations
To Start May 27



if I anc.-s- , junior men's honorary, will be initiated Tuesday.
THE MYSTIC II. the newly elected
They are (top ruwl Ansel Levas, Max Smith. Jam s Hudson. John Baueliman, Sidney White, (second rowl
John Walker,
Charles Patrick. William noughts. Van Xutt, JdImi Krnst. '( bottom rowl tieorge
I'ete tarter, and Charles Wlialcn.

May 28. 7:30-9:3- 5
a.m. classes
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursdav at 4 u m : 9:45-1- 1 50 a m
classes which meet first on Monday
or Wednesday at 9 a m.;
classes which meet first on Tuesday or Thursday at 9 am ;
p.m. classes which meet first
on Monday or Wednesday at 4 p.m.
May 29. 7:30-9:3- 5
am. classes
which meet first on Tuesday or
iCudUhuvJ to Fae 6)



Fridav. Mar 9.



The Stewpot

Pledged Program Of Reform Carson Comcs
Must Have Public Support
Book Store Get
we arc finnlv nolvcd to niaVe such reforms in our allili-ticpropani as will assure the
a sain shall a scandal
of Kentucky that
liesmirch the name of their University."
With this statement (taken from the University's
reply to Judge Saul St.r it's criticism), UK officials
pledged themselves to an athletic reform program.
At the same time they reaffirmed a stand previously
taken by the Kernel when they said that while they



were ready to admit their responsibility, they felt
the blame did not rest entirely with them, but was
also shared by:
"A public that persists in gambling and in pros
alumni, real and
tecting gamblers; an
synthetic, who place athletic victories alxne all other consideration; by radio stations, newspapers, and
magazines that have featured college sports out of
all proportion to their importance; and by college
and university administrative officials and coaches
throughout the land."
It is obvious that University officials will not
able to successfully carry out their reform measures
without the cooperation of these groups.
University spokesmen have pledged themselves:
now, it is up to the rest of ns to see that the pledge
is carried out, and, to accept our responsibility for

Writer's Wrath

Dean M. M. White has apparently gone off his
rocker, and has appointed Miss Ann Carson, Bill
Wilson, and the writer of that horrible column,
The Stewpot, as a nominating
committee for the senior class of
the Arts and Sciences College.
We, the omniscient, are supposed to nominate canAdates for


Spring Retaliation


Comprehensives mav he defined as that small
period of time during which department heads lord
and ploat over the inadequacies of graduating seniors.

However, tilings liavcu'l always leen that way.
1 ItXVs universities were run in a different fashion, with students fnking the upper hand in
deciding policies and courses of action. At least
it was that way at Bologna University.
Everv two years an upperclassman. called a Rector, would lx appointed, to take charge of things.
He didn't always have an easy time of it, since students have a tendency to be more appreciation of
the finer aspects of life, such as women and wine.
All teachers had to oW the Bector, who, in turn,
was acting on the advice of the students. A professor either swore to olx y liu? Rector or lost his right
to teach. That wasn't cuiiie as bad as the loyalty
oaths some teachers have been asked to sign, but it
to make the old scholars
served its purpose
hopping mad.
If a prof fell behind sTiedule in his lectures, he
w as fined. The same p.pplTed to teachers who overlooked pertinent material or. and this lx?ats them
all. talked too long and said too little.
Most gratifying of all. to students who frequently
catch parts of the lower onions for cutting classes,
is the fact that a prof at old Bologna JJ was pinched
in the salary if his classed fell below a certain number. In those days it didn't pay to put a class to
Now and then, prolwitlfv in the spring, some of
the younger profs felt tlic urge to marry, only to
find their romances cut short by the honeymoon
limit set by the students . . . one day.
Maybe the comprehensives are retaliation for several centuries of wonderful power in the hands of
the students, but it's hardly in accordance with the
students golden rule: "Don't do to me what I
wouldn't do to a dog."
Back in the



its success.



' ""l


Dr. II. L. Donovan:
I have the utmost faith in you, Coach Rupp and
the University Boards. I am aware of the great
good that has !een done' for many boys who were
at the University on athTAic scholarships. Time
will prove Judge Streit's charges both unfair and
Homer L. Baker

J. Paul Sbredj

to Wildroot


Because He flunked The

It seems



There was a time when we were kids that it was
well for us to read sweet and tender tales such as
"Cinderella." Naive children would admire a hero-- .
, nle who learned all the social
... ..,
graces from throwing coal into a
Now that we have learned in
college all alxnit such things as
heredity and environment, let us
tell our own version of the Cin- . avW1
dertlla story, or shall we call it
Forever Ember.
Let's make like with a lusty novel, and skip the
pages to the interesting part.
Cinderella hopped down from her coach and ascended the steps to the palatial ballroom as fast
glass slippers could
as her first pair of
She paused momentarily at the massive oak door
and tapped the brass knocker lightly. The door
immediately opened and she was confronted with
an enormous penguin who addressed her with an
English accent.
"Wot! Another one!" Jeeves exclaimed.
"I'm Cinderella," she cooed sweetly and smiled
naively up at the doorman.
This was the fourth time lately that the doorman
had been interrupted from his champagne party
with the cook in the kitchen. Each time it had been
a lone woman, unescorted, that looked sweetly up
at him.
They had all been half tight, and had lost their
way from the patio in the rear, or had eluded some
passionate admirer in the rose arbor to the left.
No one ever smiled sweetly at the doorman, unless they were drunk. "Come in," Jeeves grumbled.
"Thank you," said Cinderella.
The lovely naive Cinderella floated daintily past
the irate Jeeves and was at once confronted by the
enormous ballroom.
While she was standing there gazing at the enormous chandelier, those dancing legan to notice her.
They, too, became transfixed. They had never seen
such a beautiful girl with such a look on her face.
Of course, this stupid l(xk of awe was translated
by the men in the crowd to be that come-hithsultry look.
The women said to themselves, "What a stupid
look!" Courtly women, especially jealous ones, are
"always objective alwnit such things.






high-heele- d

of Kentucky

Entered at tha Port Office at Islington, Kentucky. at second
claw matter under the Act at March S, 1879.
1.00 per acmester



Editor Bill Dow GaoTB....Bumnei Mar.
Bn.L MansfteiJ)
Newi Editor
Tom Wilioin .... Managing Ed. Dormam Cctuieli
aociety editor; Paul Knapp,
Jean Grant,
feature editor; Noi Peers, assistant managing editor; Dick Cherry, adjutant news editor; Jack Whitalv, Ronnia Butler, Jack Cady, Merrill
McCord, Barbara Hickey, Dolly Sullivant, copy desk.


Class Rings






Black Onyx.


year-dat- e

degree. Use convenient order blank below.




University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

to apply on the following

Enclosed is deposit of
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Qonr lose



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If your moose is cooked by unruly hair, collect a little doe and
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And ask for it on
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When you're getting a bridal portrait it'a no time
to compromise with quality. Be sure that you get
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We think we can give you just such a portrait.
Ask about it. Bridal portraits are our specialty.

N. V.

(Chock property below to indicate article wanted)


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Eddie Fisher
I'm Yours
When You're In Love .... Frankie Laine
Toni Arden
Kiss Of Fire
Yma Sumac
Jo Stafford
Within Your Arms
Les Paul
Somewhere Along the Way
King Cole
Eddy Howard
Singin' In the Rain

My Thrill Is Loving You
Limehouse Blues
Boo Hoo

Ralph Marrerie
Bobby Maxwell
Bell Sisters


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