xt7z8w381n78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w381n78/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1939  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 11, August, 1939 to September, 1939 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 11, August, 1939 to September, 1939 1939 1939 2012 true xt7z8w381n78 section xt7z8w381n78  
S Vol. 1 August and September, 39 hslggg
" ., '. ‘~`•_   "
Y _ .‘¤ "
l `.p ‘.» on J
W. D. Arr11s`t_nor¥g, 'I~ltwl1,‘cultl1rist, Editor
2 Notlce.—The n ssue of this bulletin will appear in October. -
t' PEACH TREE BORER AND HOW writer has cut as high as 34 borers
*0 TO CONTROL IT from a one year tree.
** p_ 0_ RITCIILR Large borers pass the winter in ‘ L
·'€` Doph of Enloulology ond Botany their feeding burrows while many of I
}'· the smaller borers make winter cells
nl One M thc n}°St Serious pests Of in the bark of the trees. Borers
[F peach trees ln kentucky is the peach begin feeding again in the Spring and
1** tree bm-el-' Trees Ot every age are complete their growth. In late spring,
IY attacked and in many Peach Orchflnfls full grown borers enclose themselves i
.l‘. m°St °f me trees um mfésted wlmm in silk·like cocoons, usually located E
ly 8* year or two (incr plmmng' Borcrs at the ends or a little past their old I
1}. injure peach trees near or below the burmwsh Hem bomrs go through the   A
be g'°““d ‘“""1 by ‘“““°“"g_“"$1°r me pupal state and in due time the adult .
bark and more or less girdhng the peach tree bomrs emerge.   —
. the tree. Young trees are more apt
Hi to be girdled while older trees become Control with PDB ·
  stunted and. sickly and produce a poor The boot known Way of controlling   V
d_ CFOD- AH 1¤Y€Si€d {VB6 ¤S¤¤UY 1185 peach tree borer was discovered in V _
Liv roughened bark near the base Of th•3 1919 and consists of using a material  
o trunk and a mixture of Jelly-like gum called paradiohlorobonzono (pDB)_ E
ful and borer excremgnt will bc {Dum} PDB is a white, crystalline material   _
  wer the “‘¤¤¤¤S i¤ the bm of the that looks like come San and smells ‘ ·
P5 tree- something like moth balls. I When   , L
hk Life Cycle. The adult peach tree PDB is placed about a tree it gives off     _
me borer is a clear winged moth which fumes that are heavier than air which i ;_ *
Wk flies during the day and looks much sink into and saturate the soil slowly   _
like a wasp. In Kentucky, adults killing the peach tree borers. it  
begin to appear in June and eggs are The following dates for treatment   _;
`ad laid from late June until September. generally hold for this State: In lV V  
_“d Eggs are deposited on the trunk or eastern Kentucky, apply PDB during i "  
mg limbs of peach trees, on nearby weeds the last two weeks in September; in   · '_—' ;
Om and trash, or on the ground. The eggs central Kentucky from late September   .' {
ng hatch in about 10 days. One peach to early October; and in western  
ml borer moth is said to lay an average Kentucky, in October. Treatment is ?_L°;»Q
  of 400 eggs. Young borers hatch from delayed until fall to avoid infestation  
fm the eggs and burrow into the peach by borers hatching from eggs laid late  
-h*` bark at or near the base of the tree. in the season. For the PDB treatment  
Wk There they feed greedily and soon to he effective, the soil temperature  
ker. reach a considerable size, As many should be about 60°F. 0l‘ above aud j  
lld‘ as 90 borers. have been found by the soil should be comparatively dry.  
l 3 federal entomologists in a single six Tree i11jury may result from PDB ap-    
l`ll· ¤r seven year old tree but the usual plied during hot weather. Growers  
Humber is from two to ten. The should use this information when   gigi

   = Adeclding on what days to make treat- vorlzed soil over the crystals, from dilut
meme above, in a way to avoid pushing them The
_ Gygyvgyg egteh ask ig peach tree against the bark. Then place six or satis
borers cannot be treated with PDB in seven additional shovelfuls of dlrt DBDY
- · . · _ around the tree and pack it to form a EI
the Spring. In I`7€utucky{Spr1n§trGat_ cone. With average fall conditions, mg
$1eTt has got glveu Saglsmcyiny von most of the PDB will evaporate in pm-;
. » ,1*; ·S,0£§,yt "B;p’t‘,’;g· om; we   four to six weeks killing so to 100 per een
1 “ ‘ , cent of the borers. Cool weather and ie hg
o _ - warm enough to 11be1‘21tB tht? fllm€·S of rom hinder eynpol-ntiO¤_ Ip any case, the {
lhs PDB" borers have drme mrrch m' it ls best to remove the mounds around gem
- ~ Jury and may be dwp In merr bur- the trees flve to six weeks after treat- {run
r°vvS· ment. lf mounds are left over winter, the
. o _ $305895- 1'§1‘€€S six Y€3l`S of age Olé tree injury may occur. bette
 . o er s ou receive one ounce 0 ·
. , pDB_ On fem- and gve yea,. trees control with Ethylene Dlchlorlde $:25
E and unusually large and sturdy three Recently federal entomologlstg tion
( year trees, % ounce should be used, developed a new material, ethylene more
. In Kentucky, two and three year old dichloride (EDE) emulsion, as a con- pim,
· . trees have been safely treated with trol for peach tree borer. This rxijagg emu
` · one—half ounce of PDB. If growers rial has severa acvantages over
. choose to apply PDB to one year since it is easier to apply, safer on
1 A o trees, the dosage should not exceed young trees and can be used later W
%. to % ounce per tree. In measur- in the fall and also in the early spring. com
~ ing out PDB, use a small bottle or tin At Lexington. in the fall of 1938, com
' . box holding the right amount. ethylene dichlorlde emulsion applied W
M M th d_ T . t { . late in November gave satisfactory
’· . trearmezit relrnogeelgzxis aandmgebrtis °O“tr°1 while PDB gave very p°°r gg),
» from around the trunk nd 1 tl1 ff c°r*tr°l· _
— , o the ground If bororg arguggrkigg It is possible for the grower to pre. Q-$8
much abovo ground lovoh draw in pare ethylene dichloride emulsion by Emu
, Somo nosh Soil and pack it down m.m_ using a cold water soluble, potash fish mm
, ly around the trunk so that the earth Orr Scan H°‘v€v°r· rr is pr°babry EDI
is aoproximotoly lovol with tho high much better for the grower to buy one is 8
, . est borer. Next, place the PDB in a goth; riiriy rmred emursmus now °¤ ook
' , __ ring around the tree about one inch ar ·
s - ;i from the trunk but not nearer. After Method. The amount of ethylen• c'
· . . . €[]`[\]
  ir · - this, spr1nkle a shovelful of well pul- dichloride emulsion to use and the SUE
n ir . Dosage and Dilution Table for Ethylene Dichloride Emulsion git
· :  
  v_   — " , To make 10 gallons mar
3,; . E of diluted emulsion
Q.   : - for use on different Dosage eg
W   g t Strength .
  Age and Size ag?] was or me the D‘l“‘°d E"
  , · Se- . Emulsion
, , . of Trees _;L..——;- Diluted U
» - for Each
  ..Vo ‘ $1 50 Emulsion Treo enc,
  Ti . percent
    e .. Water Estick gill?
‘ ` i Z Ulu SIOH
_.,., _ ._ i mai
; . ; l 1 und
€~;~.·   sg Ga lons Gallons Percent its
    Q g; , \ or ` or \ { the:
* _   ` gi   Parts Parts and
·   ? I ally
  Six years and older ............ 5 5 25 1/2 pmt beg,
ge.     (Average size and larger 0
Qfgk ·· gl _ trees.) bon
  ll . Six years and older .......... 6 4 20 % pint eth
    (Small size trees.) emi
g·       · Four and five years ____________ 6 4 20 no pmt Thi
K E -, r .· Three years ........................ 7 3 15 io pint 1,0(
  ·— gi _ Two years ................,.,.__,__.._ 7 3 15 ri pint the
  i gi ._ One year .................,.........,., 81/Z 11/J 7% 1/,, pim and
· Q V i V use
i 4 2

 u dilution varies for different aged trees. appears that a number of these trees l
u The dilutions and amounts found most have been killed or injured. The most
u satisfactory are given in the accom- likely cause of injury was that the
pt panying table. material was used too strong. Two
o EDE emulsion is applied by pour. year dosage was used and the trees
s, lng the correct amount on the lower Were just Starring tnerr eeeend gr°W‘
lll part of the peach tree trunk and the ing SGHSOH and Wlll not be two years
er sou just around iu when the ground old until this fall. The two year dose ,
ld is loose and level no preparation of is four times eo nee·YY ee the ene Year
e. the soil before treatment is necessary. dose (rerer rd dnunen renler Orner »
,u Sometimes ouoruug the Sou about the possibilities are that the hot weather
it- trunk to prevent run-ol! or loosening rneredeed rne rnlury and {net the me' ·
=l‘. the soil around the trunk will give tene! was not eernPre_relY emu1$rned·
better results. After treatment place Srudree nrererng rndde or ture ense-
several shovelfuls of dirt against each Ir nf snggeered rnnr these nerng rne · ;
tree trunk to prevent surface evapora- EDB __ rrenunene nuY_ the prepared r
to mm or the EDE· A un measuring cup. emulsion and dilute rt according to
ng marked for 0nE_fOurlh and 0rl0_€ighth Ill3.rll.lfB.CIllI`€I`S .dlI`?C[1OIlS 1l'1St.€8.d of
;¤· pints is very useful for applying the rryrng to ernurerrY rr nr home-
e· emulsion. .._ 
gr Where growers are getting good GROWERS  
· control with PDB, it is suggested they f
gi continue to use that material. W' W' MAGILL 5
my Where growers were unable to ap. YVTIBJ. kind of plant food or fertiliz- -
tor ply PDB at the proper time or where er does your berry fleld need to help r
growers wish to make early Spring lt produce 200 crates of ·No. 1 straw- r
l.e_ treatment, EDE emulsion is suggested berries D9? 6·€1`€? I b€l1€V€ YOU BTG ‘
by for trial. It is suggested that EDB more interested in this information Q o
rsh emulsion be applied, preferably, at the than any one else for with it you could . ,
ary times recommended for PDB. In case probably invest $10.00 per acre in ;
me EDE emulsion is used in the spring it August or ggrly September in the ` r
Ou is suggested that treatment be made ueeded plant food and sell your berry   r
nerere Avril 1- crop next May for $40.00 net per acre j
rm Cavtlenr Since the prepared BDE more than you will otherwise get. r
rh, emulsion you buy may be of a This would return you 400% on your = _ ·
¤U'€¤Eih 8¤`€8t€!` than the 50% used i¤ investment and at the same time more -
the table, be sure to follow the manu- [han half of me prom food Supplied ’ _ V
___ facturers’ directions for that D¤Fti¢· would still be in your soil.   '
uler bT3·¤d· The Experiment station soil men j _» ;
and your county agent know that all   t-—V .
E western Kentucky soils respond favor-   .
ably to superphosphate on straw- G  
d ETHYI-ENE n'cHr-ORIDE AGAIN berries and also to a reasonable   _.
r Usually there are some sad experi- 9·m0¤¤'1 of ¤it1‘0g€¤ 8·DDli€d HOW (1816 I    
ences connected with the use of most Auguetr Tue nitrogen is needed    
any new method or material in insect eeneernny “'ne_re no legurne nee been   fr
or disease control. This is true in turned under rn rne rnrnrrnni but we    
many cases bgcausg of the lack of do !10t kl1OW the exact amount your For 
'“ understanding of the newer material, form needn- _ ;: gin
its preparation and use. Sometimes Here re eweuggeetrnn for Yen ea n  =h_.§
these cases of injury are due to soil berry _grn“ or dr mn ner cost {nu gg;xj.;._.g
and climatic conditions and occasion- mer no eenre rn enen nnn net °`Yer ·lf=_?5"gg
ally to the method or material not ene nerr dnye lnnnn .1 would like  
being perfected 500 berry growers to give it a trial.  
Ooo western Kentucky grower regardless of how the berry fields have grrr 
bought tive gallons of the pure been rernnZen· _ §T’;·°}§
ethylene dicloride this spring and DIRECTIONS: Weigh out five  
emulsified it according to directions. pounds of superphosphate (20%) and  
This was applied in late May to about apply broadcast on a row fifty steps _! ‘—·‘  
1,000 Elberta trees that were starting (50 yards) long. On the second row,  
their second growing season. Strength apply ten pounds on a row iifty steps i sgjgigg
and dosage for two year old trees was long. On the third row, apply five  
used. As a result of the treatment, it pounds of superphosphate and two  
ie ;

 it t pounds of nitrate of soda or sulfate of Crops can be destroyed in less than for d1
ammonia. On the fourth row, apply a week. on tht
only two pounds of nitrate of soda 0I' CONTROL; Spraying with 4—6—50 The
sulfate of amnlonia. OI1 IDB Hlth POW. bordeaux is a. preventative. Lime Sul- tninn
. 110 U`€8¤11€¤t- phur is not effective. ln sections of soiuti
Apply these fertilizer applications orchards where the Bitter Rot has np- one o
when the plants are dry. Where you peared in past years, growers are ions
i apply the nitrogen, take the extra pre- urged to be on the alert and examine
` caution of brushing or sweeping the the area carefully every few days for “b°“i·
. · row of berry plants with an old broom the first appearance of the Bitter Rot bean
or a handfull of tall green weeds. on the apples. Carefully plck and whim
`2 When harvest time comes, start five cm`i`Y_°“i iiii the fruit Showing the ing {
of your best pickers on these tive rows infections mid follow with 3 boideaux “bS°r
_ and ask tneui to ten you tne number spray at four day intervals in the so the
· or ouurt ouns they get on tnie titty infected areas. Often one tank of gprol
· · yard row_ your packing Shed ioreninn bordeaux twill cover the necessary Gm
can mono o reoord oi their eto_te_ area. During winter remove all mann- teriai
‘ monte If you wiii renort to your mied fruit and fruit stems from the tml 0
· county agent that you are conducting trees ii) Pmvciit ii °i“i`Y‘0V€i`· ¤om._i
` · i such a demonstration we will provide ___._. ming
you with a simple card for recording much
_ ziigityygiiir ggiiiuiagfgggaggrvgéii ‘*iS° Nicorims-sgwromrs sr>RAv Fos that
_ The "no treatment" or check row COOLING MOTH large]
will be the most valuable row in the During the past several years much i"`°i’i‘
_ A demonstration so be sure to have a has been said and written about the i‘“i""€
"n0 treatment" row. Repeat on an- problem of getting away from the use Thf
0U1€l` UVB 1`0WS if D0S$ii>i€· of arsenate of lead for control of cod- this I
___...... lliig moth in apples. The usual arsen- that i
. ate of lead spray programs have failed cides
BIT-i-ER RCT ON APPLES to give adequate control in many Ken- canno
tucky orchards. This program has When
W· W· MAGILL also caused considerable spray injury Iibera
1 . The hot temperatures and high to the foliage, and has caused many fruit
humidity of late July were quite growers to go to the trouble of waslr This
i   favorable for the spread ot Bitter Rot ing their fruit before selling. grows
. .   ‘ in Kentucky orchards. As early as Apparently one of the most satis- problt
° Jliiy 15 I 0bS€l`V€d dtiiwks of the R0t factory arsenical substitutes is a diS€f1¤
, V I ill JGKBYSOH, Henderson, ROWBI1, and cgmbingtign gf nicotine and other lDl'€S€
2 T C . ~ Fleming Counties. The following materials. There are several ccinhina factor
‘_   i Varieties 3·i`€ 3~m0¤S' the m0l”€ $llS€€D· tions using nicotine as a base with With
i V ;. tible to the disease: Grimes. Golden which a protective coating can be built Gro
· i · . D€iiCi0l1S» Kills David. Gi1ll0. Bild up on the expanding fruit. One of these terial
_ . Jonathan. The disease is first ob- is a so cailed nxcd nicotine that is pur- easy
‘ Q  served on the side of the apple most chased in the dry rorni. Another torni, here
` _   €XD¤$€€i to the Siill end &DD€9·l‘$ 215 3 that has been used for several years that
.. M   well disoolored spot- The rotted spot in Indiana anu which is being used wasn
‘ » 2L  in distinctly Sunken end sharply de- this year tor the first tinie by a large dong
. l it ined, When one half inch in apple grower at Henderson, is O16 Thi
  ;t diameter, smell hleok dots eppeer et Nicotine-nentcnite tanhniiireti com- Sm
i ‘   iI'I`€gl112.T iHt€I`V3.1S b€H€3.th {118 Skill). binatign that has been giving gi vgry Care;
V   I` in the sunken areas. These dots may {ipe control of epdling mptp_
.   " be arranged fm coucfamric i`mgS· and This combination was developed by
i _· qi become fruiting bodies or spores of United States Douurtmom or Agri
  4 »— it the disease. These spores are spread ouituro Workers and is getting muon A
' ·_ E; thmughoiit the UGG and to ¤€i’·i"bY attention. The program calls for the
  it · ti`€€S bY iii€5» mln wid Wi¤d· it SDl`€¢1dS use of the usual spray applications up
{ .   on the apple even more rapidly than through the calyx and first cover
5 __   · brown rot on peaches. It may appear spi·ay, using the usual amount of iu
: _ .» and spread in the orchard any time arsenate of lead in combination witha .
F Q1 __ from July to October. A series of hot fungicide. This is for the purpose of {amy
;   .. wet days in August or early September getting a deposit in the calyx to pre- 40 ac
' . i may bring about a very sudden attack. vent worms entering there later and slder
· 4
detii 1
{ ._,.   IL _

 1 for disease control. From this time early summer of 1938. This scale
on the nlctolne schedule is used. multiplied rapidly until severe dam-
0 The mixture used at present con- age was being done to tbe trees by
l" talns one pint of nicotine sulfate harvest time. During the two weeks
Y solution, five pounds of bentonite and following harvest the injured limbs
" one quart of soybean oil to 100 gal- and trees yellowed up a great deal
2 lens of water. The bentonite costs and thousands or the young crawling
I. &b0\1£ 0¤€ €€¤l· D0r l>0¤¤d Mid U10 S0Y· scale could be seen on practically
,i beau 0ll about Bl! ¢€¤lS D€1‘ pound. every tree. ·lt was plain that very
d When these three are mixed accord- Severe damage would be done to the
e l¤8 to l¤$lr¤0ll0¤9 lll€ ¤l00ll¤€ lS trees before fall if something was not ‘
x absorbed by the bentonite and "flxed" done to check the increase of the
e so that when it is sprayed on the frult Scale,
lf a protective covering is deposited. We had Some Summer Spray Oil Ou ‘
Y Growers that are trying this ma- hand and after consulting with Ex-
; terlal are highly pleased with its con- tension Service and Experiment
trol of codling moth, in comparison to Station representatives some pre-
near-by arsenate of lead blocks. The liminary spray tests were run. These
foliage on the nicotine trees is also results seemed satisfactory, so during _
much larger and some growers report the later part of August the entire
R llllll ll1€ fruit $lZ€S UD earlier arid orchard was sprayed thoroughly with 2
larger. With this spray there is no a 25; percent strength summer oil
h problem of an arsenical residue at grnu]gign_ After the spraying was ,
LB ll¢1rV€5l- · done we found fewer of the young
;e There is one serious drawback to Crawling Scale arid ll1€ 0ll al$0 =
g. this Nicotine-Belltonite program and S€€H1€d to kill 8 good ¤l·lmlJ9r of l·h0 ?
n. that is the fact that any of our fungi- D¤rllY matured S0&l€- However. WB
ld cides for control of summer diseases C0l1ld illld 3- V€rY few of ll1€ f¤llY ~
n. cannot be used with this colnbination. 11180-1r€ Scale that WB lll0l-lghl the ` ‘
is When this is done the nicotine is SDTHY killed- After H10 SDr¤Y was 8·D· ‘
·y liberated and a coating is left on the Dlled U18 orchard S€€¤1€d to improve 2
ly fruit that is harmless to the worms. lil 00r1dlll0¤ and U10 U`€€$ went
h- This is particularly serious where a through tht? Garly fall lll good Sl1¤D€ »
grower bag 3 bitter rot or blgtch Bild l1€ld [h€lI` foliage lll 8 11OI`D13l WBY. f
s- Problem and Where other $umm€l” As soon as the leaves had fallen and
A diseases need sprays. Much effort at dm-man; spraying was safe we put on  
ei- present is being used to develop satis- a faii appiieaiiou Of 3 percent Yyinter   ’
8- facl0"Y funglcldes that can be used oil emulsion and made every effort to Q   ?
lll with this ma·t€l`lal· cover ever crack, crevice and twig.  
lt Growers that are trying this me- This was followed in the spring by   " t_tt i
SG l€l'l8I for cOdllflg moth say that it is another complete application of 3 per- Q . "
lr- easy to tell when all parts of the tree cent winter Oi] emulsion to which a   . ·.
u. have been hit with the mixture and 5-6-100 bnrdeaug was added for leaf {
rs that this l>r€V€rllS lllé operator fr0¤1 curl control. During the winter some   -2
=,;;_:A,   expense of moving the car from the cars may write to Michigan State xlsck
    railroad Siding to his farm College, East Lansing, Michigan, and my
.   ' k r ··R r · t·
  i, After the car trucks are removed, 2201;; Stoiggiergrglgguigrggpdogs? lime,
      the car is loaded onto a special wooden or Write to the; Department of Hom' 1938
.`-{ `   .   h f · · `
  ___·.   t, wheel movmg truck’ .1 c t OSB ra culture, University of Kentucky, Lex- my l
a- yi quently used for moving heavy road in ton Kenm k porn
 ,~ ,   _ machinery such as steam shovels, etc. g ' C y' In
    such moving equipment can be ———————— msg,
    _ arranged for at a fair price in several Of D,
      of our Kentucky cities. The car, SUMMER FIELD MEETINGS maui
ff;  loaded ready to move from the rail- Prm°°t°H_L€xmgt°¤ Dem
  road to the mm will weigh about Pr·¤<==t¤¤. July 28 Cm
    twelve tons and can be drawn to the A special fruit program was held in bad
      . orchard with a farm tractor with conection with the regular lleld day of Hem.
    _ rubber tires. the Western Kentucky Experiment pom
{ Ti  l?  i These cars are insulated equivalent Substation at Princeton on July 2S. had
  f il 4 to two inches of block cork which is Some 2000 visitors in all crowded the had
  “   ._ far more efficient insulation than any grounds to inspect the crops, live- Stay
; ·` . ` , of our apple farm storage houses now stock, dairy and fruit work in progress mm.
? 6
i?Y"?g·· L

t and to listen to the discussions. In this is affected with the same
" the morning a large group was lead on diseases. This is an example of the
1 inspection trips through the orchards damage being done by these diseases
Y` by Mr. W. W. Magill, Extension Horti- generally over the state this year.
1 enlturlst. The raspberries and small The raspberry spray test plots were “
l` truit plantings were visited by smaller digcugggd_ Ou the Latham variety
r groups. the portion that was unsprayed in .
W In the peach orchard a study of 1938 lost practically all of the over-
0 various degrees of pruning was made. winterlng canes and produced no V
D Trees cut back moderately after the berries this season. The sprayed por- t
crop was lost in 1938 were not carry- tions that received three bordeaux
B ing as large a crop as trees that were sprays during the summer of 1938 .
2 not cut back. The Bile of the fruit came through in excellent condition `
on the cut trees was larger however. and produced a good crop this season.
is Some breakage of limbs in high topped The Flaming Giant variety of rasp-
xt trees was observed. Trees in les- berries on both the sprayed and un- °
lg pedeze sod and in various types of sprayed portions lived through the p
ld cultivation were studied. Due to the winter and produced a fair crop. On ,
lc Shorliige of Ydlu during July many this variety also the sprayed portion  
of the trees carrying a full crop of yielded fifty per cent more than the _
S' fruit on thin soil were suffering for unsprayed portion. It is this ability _ ·
lg moisture. Spray tests were studied. of the Flaming Giant variety to par- ;
ad Brown Rot was found in the Hale tially survive without sprays, along   ‘
Dr variety while none was found in the with its earliness, that explains why ·
'S' Elberta trees. Four varieties of early most of the raspberries produced in . ‘ l`
`p` peaches, Cumberland, Radiance, De- western Kentucky at present are of ;
if licious, and Viceroy were ripe and the this variety. 3 e V
ui visitors enjoyed some treo rioened rn the afternoon, the Horticul- I
lh fruit. Thi? Elbefm and Hale V¤1'1€· ture section presided over by Prof. g ‘
UBS WETB & \'·’€€k to ten days f1`0¤1 A. J. Olney, Head of the Department   V i
in maturity. of Horticulture at the University of 2 ` ‘
th The new variety peach orchard Kentucky, was attended by about 75   I L
ge planted this spring on terraced land growers from tlfteen counties who §·» (_ Z
M and cultivated on the contour was of heard discussions on subjects of time- 1 .j___»
ud much interest. It is planted down to ly interest to the fruit grower. Dr.  
be soy beans. The portions that were Joe H. Gourley, Chief of Horticulture, E  
t.. limed aud Dhosphated iu the fall of Ohio State University, discussed    
M; 1938 are supporting a much heav- orchard soil management problems,  
Bp ier bean growth than the untreated relating experimental results which  ji
portions, were or great interest to the assem-    
In the apple orchard disease and bled growers. He related the flue 5S if
insect specimens were studied. Lack results that had been had in Ohio  
of pollination was pointed out in this using a continuous heavy mulch under  
planting which consists of stayman, apple trees and stated that trials  
Delicious, Winesap, and Transparents. there showed organic matter in soils  
Cedar rust and quince rust are very under mulch remained at a high level  
in bad in this planting which is located but that when clean cultivation was  
of near a great many wild cedars. It was used, the organic matter was burned  
Bm pointed out that over 1,000 apples that up in spite of heavy crops of organic  
2S· had been knocked off by these diseases matter being turned under. He sug-  
um had been picked up to date under one gested the use of €XlZr8. nitrates ap-  
"'€' Stayman tree, This tree at present is plied to the sod in orchards 8.11d 8d-  
ESS carrying a light crop and a portion of joing meadows and lespedeza fields  

 ii ¤ as a means of growing extra material Lexington, August 4 Y
that could be cut and placed under Au lnteresten and entnusisstte \0l
this t1`€€S HS fi mulch- group of fruit growers from over cen- —-
In discussing apple pruning, he tral and northern Kentucky met at
stated that in Ohio trees that were the Experiment Station Horticultural
pruned less produced a total of more farm on Friday, August 4 for a Field
fruit of all grades and were larger Meeting. The growers from twenty
· _ than heavier pruned trees. As o. or more counties were especially
, pruning suggestion he mentioned interested in seeing tho newer hardy
— · going in under the trees before harvest peach varieties fruiting. Outstanding T
and noting the type of wood that among these was the Halehaven, zi t·zlrlY
‘; bears the small undersized poorly yellow freestone of high quality, ripe
colored fruit. That is the type of wood August 1, in the Lexington dlstrlct.
_ . he suggested taking out at pruning The Yedette, a canadian variety is Tl
 · time. also showing much promise. These .
‘ · — Ml._ Wllllam Fegenlmsln presldent varieties and others are bearing a full lll tl
· of Kentucky Horticultural Society and Crop iilo Sllllo of iomliorhilllfs of 1S° last
Superintendent of the Horticultural and 2_3 fer two nights lee¤¤¤s $oo$oo· l·llt.(,
1 Fair, discussed standard and new In the apples, much interest was _ _
features of the exhibits to be shown shown in the Paducah variety which ln"`
this year and urged growers to take has a heavy bearing record here over lllv
— · advantage of their opportunity to a long period of years. Several of the disp
l exhibit fruit at the State Fair. Any newer introductions were also ot ·l·lm
. fruits including apples, peaches, special interest as well as some of .
V " grapes or pears, which mature ahead the older varieties that are more or Tim
  ‘ of State Fair dates (Sept. 11 to Sept. less generally overlooked at present. lllll
` 16), should be shipped to the Ken- Some interesting examples of top- {left,
tucky State Fair, care of the Mer- working and bridge grafting were ·l~ll(l
chants Ice and Cold Storage Company, seen. In the spray plots Dr. Rltcher
` — Louisville, Kentucky. This fruit will pointed out a series that had received ·\l’l
be stored at no expense to the grower a nicotine schedule through the sea- lead
· and will be delivered to the fair son in comparison to others that were l'nl
· grounds by the fair management on sprayed with arsenate of lead. Rosy llll
t ’ the opening day of the fair. aphis injury that gave promise of de- (
, .§ A discussion or the strawberry work releviee ooilior ie the Soosoo did eel {ml
I; _ was lead by W_ D_ Armstrong Partlal develop even on the unsprayed check lllr
  LY results of the 1939 mulching work tr€€S· llllll
  were given. These showed that the The Latham. red rssnherry nlsnlins been
. j A heavier mulches caused the berries to which is seven years old bore a l. l
;_ j_  · be slightly larger and free from grit Sllloudid CWD this Your and tho new U,
. ,   and caused the ripening to be a few canes for the 1940 crop were look- \
IU   il days later, Due to the mild winter ing f