xt7z8w381c3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w381c3h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1938 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 09, 1938 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 09, 1938 1938 1938 2012 true xt7z8w381c3h section xt7z8w381c3h   P
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  G I'1 U C U m D U S  
Volume IX LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER, 1938 Number 2 }
I terest I UK R ‘ A t' T I M t' I
Classes ending in "4" and "9" will »
1 CIHSS of   y return to the campus in June to
  attend their reunion, which also
I           ··  #   “""““?h°““f"°*? *‘“’“”“S""“’ °?“‘€
- ‘ wg., ·· _. ._  _ , _ ..- A   ,= 1   ·,-; Alumni Association of the Univer- —
. aim- .—, , . .. °\§ .,,, · e ••. .14 It
 , _n__sq# —"’».   V  ;;‘»‘Jj.i ‘-  e g   ii} -  t  c   sity or Kentucky. .
  V ° " ‘ ‘  lf.  Z,. ~  .   ’a  _)  The Alumni Oiiice is now busy
.     __ " _ .   ’ I ,  1   compiling lists of reunion classes
{arts ‘ f r  · 1* . ` _·£ "    · ; and as soon as these are completed .
M Wil;  Y I S ~ _ * _   they will be mailed to members of
— , · I · ._ " ` the respective classes. On these lists
  4, $,,4  EE [  _   , will be several alumni from which
· E { · I . sr sl lx   -  ° _ 4-1,,.,2 mail has been returned unclaimed.
— ‘ l {We Information as to the whereabouts
r _ V ` `>s‘,g·;  of these alumni will be much ap-
i   _ I ix   preciated by the Alumni Oiiice.
r   I . 2};. Interest in the June reunion is
- J r ‘*f already mounting. Heber Holbrook r
·*_r   ·_   o _ Rice writes, "As president of the ·
’  ’ - _; · ; s. I,___ Class of 1904, I would be glad if i
A. ' e » ’  ·· _ _ _ `·  you will announce that we hope to
, _ at _Vv. A 1},,;-- -. V:   .ri  ; _rssg.tr;rr¢     ’ J- s,,a_»:a  _   makeltherthlrty-Hqrlarganniversary of I  
V _ ,_ _ . _     ..   -...     - ourcass in une, ,agreatclass -
_ Above is pictured the class of 1894. First mug: *L. S. Hughes, N. A. Newton, Harriet reunion Ol‘l the campus of the UI1l- l I
W IM .Wlli C. H b h, *C. C. Curtis, JI Jame M. Ha . S nd : *E ‘ - `
· Giéiiiiiilg (Mis.     Goli;htt{vI, Lillie Kroesingu Iiflrs. RSF. Kesyhseimgigf, Jmglglri) T. Egg, \éirS1ty` I urge all members Of i?h€ · I
_' ’Katherine Shelby (Mrs. Katherine Scott), B. C. Keiser, Pearl Oots (Mrs, A, C, Wells;. _aS$ Of_1904 to h0Il0I' the OCC’*°l0I1 l — 1
_   — Tgirg rgwlzicherohgandr .gr`:ndN¢trIirn3;n,0'DgraJ§se;d tgt;   liiljbinsggt. U.   Gg.l'l'€ds Wlth f.h€1I‘ pI`€S€IlC€ that the ‘E(:h()€s t
‘ . . U ', ’ WBT . IS I1 . € . lll B 8 VE llI'€ 8 8 E0? ’ ‘ n .
Dickie Bradshaw and William C, Trigg. * Indicates deceased. g Of 1904 may still reverberate! { .
I —————-;——»——-———·~»—————I—-— —-— A letter from Marcus C. Redwine, 1
president of the Alumni Association g I
Wildcat *38 Football Cam ai n atidamember ofthe Class or 1919, I! =
p g s ates that "the Class of 1919 is go-   "
.  _ ing to do its best in leading all the ';
  ° • rest of the classes next June in its ~ i
      2   7   1·eunion plans." Hugh M. Milton ‘ i
» , II preside t of N M ' ’ i`
The 1938 Wildcat football season and Oglethorpe would be easily de- College ang aha ;Wrnen$§;O01§t?g; ·
with two wins and seven losses is feated, The Xavier and Clemson class af 1919 Writes mnhs reunion or ’
now history. Bad history in a way, games were said to be tossups. my class makes 1t’ deubh, insistent —
s but again in the light of pre·Sea· Only in one game did md DT€di€‘ that I should be present next June 1 '
son predictions not so bad. None tions of the sports writers fall short. I can assure yen that this has been _
I of the sports writers predicted Ken- that being in the Washington and my plan fer several years and I .
. tucky to sweep all foes before it. Lee-Kentucky game which the am hoping that nn nnrersegn event I
I None of them picked the Wildcats Wildcats lost. “viH jnterfere with my presence on ·
- to win half of their games. On the The 1938 team failed to live up that eeeasienrn i I 
` contrary, it was conceded that four to expectations in but two instances, The mlm. _ U _ _
games won out of nine ga.mes played these being its poor showing against of crass r IO'; pwemm will c°nSlS€ *
- would be an extremely fortunate Tennessee and its defeat at th€ mance tmc €°n:S* banqueh com' Z
1 break, hands of Washington and Lee. Oh ts; m¤;%%.t.°xir°1S€s·° tfhe MCVBY ;
- Only the optimistic fans gave the other hand the Wildcats were in rar b tt mntho a Sp~°ja1_P“f€I`am J
. Kentucky ·a chance of winning not expected to put up such a iight rr gi C "{ mg _ 8 ASS¤¤¤¤¤<>¤s HF _
J over any of its Southeastern against Vanderbilt, Alabama. and E ¤¤¤~¤rS;¤y— r I
C011f€1·€1-me fO,9s_ Yet the Wildcats G»gO;·gj3_ T9(;h_ The Alumni OH-:106 solicits your K
I scored on three of their Confer- Thus as to games won and lost ¤0l`F‘=‘$DQ¤d€¤<>e and suggestions 1
I ence opponents. Last season they the Wildcat campaign was some €01}¤€F¤lHg the coming June re- » 
failed to score a single point on what a disaster. But from the point ¤¤10¤· €SDe01¤1ly from class omcers i
these foes. of material at hand and schedule Help make your reunion the best , ‘
No one doubted that Maryville encountered it was successful. €Ve1‘.  
d M,,,C,,sC_ ,;,,,,,,,,,1 iguur Asanriuiiuu mztrnha rurhial grrriinga mth brat RO,,n,K_Snnrs_  
’°'°“"""‘ ° nmalgra for EI merry 3mms smh an surrraaful Nun Ever S°°"’ ‘""   .  
I   `I

 .  i j
N t L m As Potential Conterence Ch if
  The University of Kentucky bas-   P-
`nf ketball squad for 1938-39 has poten- `NP ·
lldcat Guard tialities of giving the school one of lldcat Captaln I C
  its finest teams in basketball his-   the'
_ · » tory. _ .-.   .·,   W,. `__ W  ‘ _ ’
Coach Adolph Rupp is very much _   *`”"*E  ’j`¤ ` " S,U€E
, pleased over the outlook and he is   P · ““"d
never inclined to become too opti- gi. ' Q WOO;
»‘ s · mistic unless there is really some- % ` mm]
  thing to be optimistic about. Rupp \*e; ‘_ * » Nm
    is definitely rounding his squad into ‘ / · KY t
\. . aw. shape with the thought of winning _ Qf t
·` lm the Southeastern Conference cham- - ° E .» ....... .   hY€S_
  picnsnip, which the Wildcats won P - - Cmn-
V — `   two years ago. ’   Saga
  Present indications show that ‘ if WE
  "   there will be no glaring weakness ··     -’   mat,.   Jud?
° f` at any spot in the Wildcat team.   ; ij N· N
  e The team will be well-balanced and V W `   ·£·l]
. there should be no weakening of 7 ,  r a 'E
  the team when subs are shoved into ·,   gqu?
  r the game. V   ew
Kentucky has probably the finest _ ` _ _ _   Roac
m*» '     __________ corps of guards in the country. [       K
. »  »   ‘ There is Capt. Bernie Op r, an all- ‘   V °""°‘   IWES
l ,,.. . ne J.,   th
~ " V conference man last year, and Lay-     Ne
  _. V    I E _ »   " ton (Mickey) Rouse, who as a soph- { egr.%»,~   {     ~   mms]
    O   omore last season played with       » .  . gm?
~¢._ j       · flashes of brilliant form. ·'I‘hen     ?     '°“
   ,._v K; » » l V . . there are Lee Huber and Ernie Jef-     V i ` _,_,___; »— .- ' *2: mgm
` " ` ferson, both all—state high school   NW"` * wm `   · · ·
WALTER HODGE players two years ago. Huber is BERNIE OPYER   mis
O also the state’s No. 1 tennis player.  i_  
plaque Ceremomes  in(\gi1e1r;}tiaidH;aji§iis   a qL§€S°i°“ mark;. fmdge “""S im iu;   Sire
~ con erence guar wo years ago u   wl
football injuries kept him cut of   · 10
onor Dr. McVey . c ir
  action last season. Both knees were { ; addy
Honoring President Frank L. operated on last spring and it re-   (Hm
McVey’s 21 years of service to the BASKET?£§g9i€HEDULE mains to be seen if they will take   Divi;
University of Kentucky. a bronze ' tlic pun‘shment that basketball re-   Cali;
plaque, the gift of students, alumni, _ quiyes   ant
f9»C¤UiY m€1mb€1‘i, ind Otherrrfriegldsi D€C‘m;§)§€O1gEtOWH at LEX- Vieing for the center position are     of tl
WQS l1¤V€l·€d Fi D· H1. l1€S ‘9·Y, ` _ "Tub" Thompson and Marion Clug- l Q Rail
N0V€mb§1` 22, i¤_i?h€ main 10bbY Of D€l§i1O_S0uth`BaSt€rn at Mem gish. both big fellows but natural Q Clev
the University library. gn 15-17 C_Dcm¤at_ at LEX bauplayelx { g is 3
unO]xé·;£n;0g€réJ1e;§;§;sSI cagtiggleglmtllgg ~c-mgtgj.] 1 . The tcpymen in seeking the for-   Heis
which was se Cula ei through an- me Zi-W¤i¤i¤g·¤¤¤-me ei §ifEi°l.·pZS$2°ilS€iii€§§{?;§l$O°L““§E§;i€   E3?
tributicns and Sponsored by Omi' J Lgggtonil d tl M d. omorei However stiff competition   Resi
§’?“ I-”“‘iliK”°’°a’ mms m°"”‘   siixtiiis   E` " Wm be had from are Had an    
hx? Paper Jly`. T-It d Jan 6__St Josephs at Phi1a_ Cab Curtis. both seniors who have *2% FWY0
daugégg? of pligggleml pagyeiiagnz ldelphia. seen considerable action in the past   Corr
veiled the plaque. Music for the Jan.14-Notre Dime atL¤uis— fW?,y%a‘S· it SO W°?{,k“‘g f°‘_“,§   gbl;
dedication was rurnisned by the ville- Otmr pm IO? W1 be DOM   ve,.
` Meng Glgg C]ub_ Jan. 21——Tennessee at Lexing- Olggziclioggglgolgiy _ t d b Paul 5}: SOS
A dinner in honor of President ten. _ , ’a. aSS`5_€ y. QP;
i MCVEY, Sponsored by Omicmn D8} Jan 28__A1abama at Bh,m_ lVIcBijayey_ 31, 1S working with a X-  
ta Kappa, was given at seven ingharn. `quah Of about twemy I . ,,1 1,,,8,
o’c1ock in the ball room of the Jan. 30—Vanderbilt at Nash- W etevei ¢¤m¤1¤e¤¤¤ the c°?‘°_,°°; ‘`·‘ ifi Lexi
Student Union Building following ville. fmauy d€’°’d€ On as t¥“’“` m`St‘5F‘¥"==   G
l the dedicatin of the plaque. Feb. 4—Marquette at Lexing- team Wm PYOVQ Stiff, cempeiiiieu jg;1 Of t,
Principal speaker was Lena Mad- ton. for all the Wildcats Opponenm ¥ Q . `
Iq · · · · _ · · · · Kentucky should be the outstanci- L, HOU
icen Phillips, 17, prominent New Feb. 8 Xavier at Cincinnati. _ _ . Lexi
York attorney and the first woman Feb. 11—Alabama at Lexing— mg team {U the Soumeastem CO“' E me
graduate of the University of Ken- ton. f€i`€¤¤€ th1S Y€¤1'·  
tucky College of Law Some 225 Feb 13 Mississippi stat at -—-———··——‘   mt
Z Y   3 · - J;-ii Ml°S
persons attended the dinner. Lexington. The Alumm Omce always Wet   ·
—————— Feb. 18—'I‘ennessee at Knox- eeniesnewri abeut Alumni and their    
A t_ _ _ Y Vi11€_ activities for publication in the   L
_ I c ive membership in the Univer- Feb 21_Xavi€r at Lexington Alumnus and the alumni edition of .__
sity of Kentucky Alumni Associa- Feb 25_Vand€rbi]t at L€XmgQ the Kentucky Kernel. Only with   D
tion for the current year to date ton. the help of Alumni in sending lll   Sem
IS 1635   such news can came be obtained.   erbj

nps I News About the Classes of ‘ 4" and "9" I  
in 70’s — 80’s — 90’s dence address is 210 S. Grand Ave., Lexington .... Charles A. Johns
C. G. Blakely, 79, life member of Baldwin, N. Y .... Martin A. Doyle lives at 28 Elmwood Ave., East Or-
` . the Association, lives at 1434 Polk is with the U. S. Coast Guard, Room ange, N. J. He is price manager
  Street, Topeka, Kan .... Capt. Ed- 950, Leader Building, Cleveland, O. of the Western Electric Co., Keam- l
· ward Ellershaw, '89, lives at Oxhey Residence address is 2601 Colchester ey, N. J .... H. H. Lowry lives at
» Woods, Middlesex, England . . . An- Road, Cleveland Heights, O .... 0. 67 S. Munn Avenue, East Orange,
na Gist Prewitt, '89, lives at 120 K. Dyer lives at 11 Russell Avenue, N. J,. . . Virgil Y. Moore, lawyer, is
, ‘ North Hanover Avenue, Lexington, Buffalo, N. Y. He is sales manager located in the Earle Building, Wash-
1 Ky ___, John T. Faig, *94, president of the Blower Division of the Buf- ington, D. C, Residence address is
of the Ohio Mechanics Institute, falo Forge Co .... Prof. W. E. Free- California, Md .... Patrick H. Neb-
  . lives at 3345 Whitfield Avenue, Cin- man is assistant dean of the College lett is Director of Free Textbooks
A cinnati, O .,.. U. A. Gan-ed, ’94, is of Engineering, University of Ken- in Kentucky. Address is 407 Shelby
engaged in business at 35-45 82nd tucky. Residence address is 1020 Street, Frankfort .... E. B. Perrine i_
street, Jackson Heights, N. Y .... Fincastle Road, Lexington. . . James is engaged in the manufacture of i
_'___ ____ Judlif Jétmesslvl. lglaygl{’94,llives :31512   Gitlllgdngr, léfe mgnlbelx is pigs- $§ort;ngFgoogsl. Slgusigiess address} is I .
N, or on ree , mu gee, a. 0 e ar ner e ro eum o., . our ree, Minneapo is,
,. . Mattisnn.B..Jones, ’94, attorney- 326 Beacon Life Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Minn. Residence address is Wind- ·
at-law, is located at 1208 Pershing sor Hotel.
‘ square Building, Los Angeles, Calif.   1914
A Residence address is 727 Kenneth , Robert Boyd Cottrell, assistant
. Road, Glendale, Calif .... Mrs. P. Class of   chief mechanical engineer for the
F_ Kesheimer (Lillie Kroesing, *94)   American Steel Foundries, lives at ~
····~··~ lives at Route No. 4, Elkton, Ky .... 7645 Coles Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
· Nathan A. Newton, ’94, technical "  Business address is 410 N. Michican
_,__ consulting engineer, lives at 114 ` V   _ ‘<    j avenue . . . J. W. Atkins lives at ?
·· — — , Moran Street, Oil City, Penn .... ,_ _  24,,;;  /#-’   i Liggett, Ky .... W. S. Carritliers is
‘ r 2 Lieut, commander Albert c. Nor-   .,._  .:;  ,   ..., *   owner of tho Machine Shop and
_ » ` ' man, ’94, lives at Thunderbolt, Ga.   ·‘`·     ,     lj Welding Service, R-42 River Street, I
· 4 · l ( _ , _ Mrs. A. C. Wells, (Nina Pearl   "      > i       Carbondale, Penn. Residence ad- *
()ot5, ’94) is teaching in the Har-     A s »   dress is 32 Washington St ..., R. C. I
rison School, Lexington, Ky. Res-  _ l   /"¤·-I ,  l.   `‘’V   Dabney, chemist, is with the Miller l
H A idence address is 727 W. Main     ll   `    g ..‘‘*   Rubber Co. Residence address is .
5 all 3 · street.   »_   V; ..   _,.._ ,.. .». 2 `.·’     742 Wellesley Ave., Akron, O ....
QE0 but ` William Clay Trigg, ’94, farmer.   ·-»r»  j Qi};  . f  » Leslie L. Guyn, is located in Cross- — I
out of =  ls located at Corydon, Ky ____ The `  ll   _       `. . 3   field, Alberta, Canada, where he is i
685 WGYB address of Mrs. William C. Hobdy Q    _ ‘     ···> engaged in farming _ _ _ Edgar E_   _
d it re- (l{al·l·iol, Hooker Warner, ’94) is 2841 .·  . ” -°     All Johnson is sales engineer for the _ I
vill take _ Dlvjsgdero Street, san Francisco, » t_ . `· Buffalo Forge Co., Buialo, N. Y. I ‘
bball re- Calif .... L. B. Allen, ’99, is assist- `   l ’ C Residence address is 103 University X
ant to the executive vice president   ,  Ave., Buffalo . . . Carl E. Lauer, chief _ g.
ition are of the C. and O., N. K. P., and P. M. 2   chemist for the Texas Co., lives at   ’
in Clug- · Railroads, 3116 Terminal Tower, ?_   1*  _ 300 Avenue A., Edgemore, Port Ar-   _
natural Cleveland, Ohio. Residence address    ills · thug. TGXRS. Business address is 2 , 
is 2070 Chadbourne Road, shaker       · P. . Box 712 . . . Guy A- Huguelct.  
the ici- Heights, 0nio . . . Rev. Walter Lucas _  _   _ lciresidentcf the_Southeastern Grey-   -
»dman. a , Brock, ’99. is pastor of the First hound Lines, lives at 1721 Rich- l _
a soph- i Baptist Church at Appalachia, Va. Clarence Scott Graves, alife mem- mfllld Riladl L€XlllEt0l`l» KY- ' ·
npetition A Reoidence address is 411 Kilbourne ber of the Association since 1934 is 1919 5
cad and Avenue . . ._ Joseph Hunt Bullock. ‘99, living at 242 Arlington Avenue, Lex- Earle C_ Clements, county judge l j
rho have l attoiney, is located atl 800 Trust ington, Ky. Ol Ullllm County, ls llvlllg all M0l._ _
the past C0¤lll31l2’ CBlllldl¤E· I-·;l; i Mmus Redwme- Pfesidsnti Lime Logan. . ......................... . liv ‘
i 1 Xice-Pr8sidEnt;hR0b€}:t  Sa]yers’ Secre- ··»·..........................·········· `   
i , ary. James S ro s ire, Tr as , · ·j,· ·lHV
{ { 3. That the kncgln bondheoldgig morn [] Bus1ness·Address ............... ...... ........................ L Sha
Q gagees and other security holders owning (Check address Pwférred f°Y alumni mailings!   Y
E _ or holding 1 per cent or more of total _   the
’ ` amount of bonds, mortgages, or other OCCUDBYZIOH .................... . ...........,................ ·· gg- _
~ i 1 securities are: None. (Please be explicit, thus: Engineer for Jones gr (:0,, contractors) Sip mt1'(
 » 1 » ROBERT K. sAr..YERs, Ed'}; , ·."‘ ·
i Sworn to and subscribed before mel glliis y Mal’1`i€d To .............................. , ,............ . ..··· - V Q; Sl
  28 day of Se¤tembe5ANE J NICHOLS V fFull name. If former U. K. student, give class,)   f1’€Sl
 I lMY °°mmi$Si¤¤ expires July 17, 1939.) +·————··-L-l»—a ..L..—~ has