xt7z8w381965 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z8w381965/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-10-jul28. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-10-jul28. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-10-jul28. 1969 1969-10-jul28. 2011 true xt7z8w381965 section xt7z8w381965 

       Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
 University of Kentucky, Monday, July 28, 1969

       On call by Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
 of the University of Kentucky, and in accordance with KRS 164. 170, the Board
 met in special session at 2:00 p. m., Eastern Daylight Time, on Monday, July
 28, 1969, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of
 the Universitv of Kentucky. The following members answered the call of the
 roll: Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former Governor A. B.
 Chandler, Mr. Albert Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr.
 George Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr. B. Hudson
 Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Dr. Robert W. Rudd and
 Dr. Paul Sears, non-voting faculty members, and Mr. Tim Futrell, non-voting
 student member. Absent were Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mrs. Rexford Blazer
 and Mr. Floyd Wright. Present as representatives of the administration were:
 President A. D. Kirwan and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard,
 Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Stuart Forth and G. J. Ruschell.
 Members of the news media were also present.

      -A. Meeting Opened

      -Mr- Clay, Vice Chairman, presided in the absenceeof Governor Nunn,
who had attended the luncheon but had to return to Frankfort. The meeting was
called to order at 2:05 p. m. and the invocation was pronounced bv Mr. Willianm
F{- Blac1k.

       B. Oath of Office Administered to Dr. Paul Sears

       Mx.. .Cla~y administered the oath of office to Dr. Paul Sears, the duly
elected and qualified representative of the faculty, whose term began July 1, 1969
and will continue until June 30, 1972.

       C. Acting Secretary Named

       Mr. Clay askedMr. Richard Cooper to serve as Acting Secretary for the
meeting. Following call of the roll, Mr. Cooper reported a quorum present and
the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:10 p. m.

      D. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Goyernor Chaad1er, seconded, and passed, the reading of the
Minutes for the May 6,; 1969 meeting of the Boaro. of Trustees and the May 22, 1969



and June 17, 1969 meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

      i/E. Resolutions Presented on Mr. Robert F. Kerley, Mrs. Herman L.
Donovan and the Presidential Search Committee

       At the request of Mr. Clav, Dr. Kirwan read a resolution on Robert F.
Kerley prepared by a committee composed of Mr. Albert Clays Governor A. B.
Chandler, and Professor Paul Oberst. On motion made, seconded, and carried,
the resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the Minutes of the meeting and
a copy sent to Mr. Kerley. (The resolution appears at the end of the Minutes.

       Dr. Kirwan then read a resolution noting the death of Nell Stuart Donovan,
widow of former President Herman L. Do -.ovan. On -motion by Mr. Hill-nmreyer,
seconded bv Dr. Denham, the resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the
Minutes of the meeting and copies sent to Mrs. Donovan's family. (The resolution
appears at the end of the Minutes. )

       The third resolution read by Dr. Kirwan expressed the appreciation of the
Board of Trustees to the Presidential Search Committee. On motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, the resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the
Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to each member of the committee, includ-
ing two former members, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci and Dr. A. D. Kirwan. (The
resolution appears at the end of the Minutes. )

      ,F. President's Report to the Trustees

      Dr. Ki-wan called attention to PR 1 in the Board folders and indicated
that because of a heavy agenda he would point out only the first item which
reported that two University of Kentucky professors had been named by NASAto
assist in analyzing some of the lunar samples collected on the Apollo 11 moon-

      Mr. Clay thanked Dr. Kirwan, accepted the report on behalf of the Board,
and ordered it filed.

      G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Dr. Kirwan b iefly went over the important but routine items contained in
PR 2, Recommendations of the President, and recommended its approval as a
whole. On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed,
the recommendations in PR 2 were approved as a whole and ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.



        H. Approval of Ph. D. Program in Geography (PR 4)

        Explaining that there were no supplemental recommendations to be pre-
 sented, Dr. Kirwan read the background material in PR 4 and recommended that
 - pproval be given to the activation of a graduate program in Geography leading
 to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He noted that a program leading to the
 Master's Degree has been in operation for many years.

        On rlkotion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed
 without dissent, approval was given to the activation of a Ph. D. program in
 Geography. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Budget Revisions for 1969-70 Approved (PR 5)

       Dr. Kirwan recommended that the budget revisions set forth in PR 5 be
 approved, noting that the revisions were the result of additional income received
 over the amount anticipated when the budget was prepared.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the budget revisions for
 1969-70 as detailed in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end
 of the Minutes. )

     , J. Appropriation for Computer Purchase (PR 6)

       Reminding the Board of Trustees that they had approved the purchase of a
computer on January 29, 1969, Dr. Kirwan recommended that $800, 000 be ap-
*propriated from general fund balances for the purchase of such a computer

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, approval was given to the
appropriation of $800, 000 from general fund balances for the purchase of a
conputer. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Chemical Bank of New York Proposal Accepted

       Dr. Kirwan explained that he would present a resolution accepting a pro-
posal from Chernical Bank of New York relative to a guarantee to submit a bid for
up to $.30, 000, 000 of the Board's "Revenue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Notes" if
the same were offered for sale on or prior to December 1, 1969, in lieu of the
Finance Committee inasmuch as this committee had not had an opportunity to meet
prior to the meeting of the Board. He added that the proposal had been discussed
informally with Dr. Denham, Mr. Hillenmeyer, Mr, Cooper, Mr. Milner and
.Mr.. Blask-and had their endorsement. He then caused to be read the following
re solution:



          WHER  , by a certain resolution which was adopted by the

Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky at a meeting held on

November 27, 1967 (the "Series C and Series D Resolution"), authoriza-

tion was given for the issuance of $4,393,000 "Consolidated Educational

Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series C," and $29,250,000 "Consolidated

Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series D"; and in and by the same

resolution authorization was given, with the approval and concurrence

of the State Property and Buildings Commission of Kentucky (the "Commis-

sion"), for the issuance by this Board, jointly with the CoMMission,

of "Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes (the "Notes") according to the

authority of KRS 56.513, the same being dated December 11, 1967, and

maturing December 13, 1968, with statutory authority for renewal

thereof, if necessary; and

          WHEREAS, by a resolution adopted by this Board on October 22,

1968, authorization was given for the issuance and'sale of the Board's

"Revenue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Notes" in the principal amount of

$33,200,000, dated December 12, 1968, and maturing on December 12,

1969 (the "First Renewal Notes"), for the purpose of renewing the Notes;

and the said First Renewal Notes were duly sold and delivered and will

mature according to their terms on December 12, 1969; and

                                -1 -



          WHEREAS, the Board's $4,393,000 Consolidated Educational

Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series C, were issued pursuant to a Loan Agree-

ment with the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

(HEW), and the building or buildings referred to in said Loan Agreement.

have now reached the state of completion which will permit the offering

of the Series C Bonds at advertised, public, competitive sale with

assurance that HEW will submit a bid for the entire Series C Bonds at

par and accrued interest, at an interest rate of 3% per annum; so that

the Board may now authorize a public sale of said Series C Bonds, thus

reducing the amount which must be produced by December 12, 1969, in

order to provide for the payment of the First Renewal Notes; and

          WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of this resolution,

financial conditions are so chaotic, and prevailing interest rates are

so high on a nationwide basis that the Board is advised of the existence

of a considerable doubt of its ability to successfully market in the

foreseeable future either its $29,250,000 Series D Bonds or, alter-

natively, its "Revenue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Notes" in an amount

sufficient for that purpose; and

         WHEREAS, in view of this situation, the Board's Fiscal Agent,

F. L. Dupree & Co., Inc., has solicited and obtained from Chemical Bank,

New York, N. Y., a written proposal under the terms and conditions of

which Chemical Bank will guarantee that if the Board offers on or prior

to December 1, 1969, in accordance with KRS 56.513, its "Revenue Bond

Anticipation (Renewal) Notes" to be dated December 11, 1969, and to




mature December 14, 1970, said Chemical Bank will guarantee to submit

a proposal for the purchase of up to $30,000,000 principal amount of

such "Revenue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Notes" at the face amount

thereof, and proposing an interest rate not exceeding 6-1/2% per annum

(the maximum interest rate presently permitted by law), upon condition

that Chemical Bank be paid, immediately upon acceptance of its proposal

by this Board and by the State Property and Buildings Commission, a

"commitment fee" at the rate of 112 of 1% per annum, computed upon

the number of days between final acceptance of its proposal and

December 11, 1969, conditioned upon such Notes being in substantially

the same form as the First Renewal Notes, and that at the time of

delivery thereof (if Chemical Bank shalt become the purchaser thereof)

it shall receive an approving legal opinion of Grafton, Ferguson,

Fleischer & Harper, Louisville, Kentucky, in substantially the same

form as in the.case of the legal opinion of that firm which was

issued when the First Renewal Notes were delivered to the purchasers

thereof; and

         WHEREAS, the Board has given due consideration to the text

of the aforesaid written proposal of Chemical Bank, and the same is

here reproduced in full as a part of this resolution, as follows:




              20 Pine Street
              New York. N.Y 10015

                                                               July 24, 1969

 To the Chairman &ad Members
   of the Board of Trustees
 University of Kentucky
 Lexington, Kentucky
 To the Chairan and Members of the
   State Property and Buildings Commission
 c/o Commissioner of Finance
 New Capitol Annex Building
 FranL-fort, Kentucky

      Re: (loan) Agreement Concerning the Purchase of
           Prospective Revenue Bond Anticipa-Ition (Renewal)
           Notes of the Board and the Commission


      We are familiar with the fact that on December 12, 1968, the Board and
the Commission issued $33,200,000 "Reven-ue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Lotest"
dated December 12, 1968, and maturing December 12, 1969; under authority of
Section 56.513 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, and in anticipation of the
Board's afture issuance of its "Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bs,
Series C (4,393,000), and Series D ($29,250,000).   As a matter of fact, Cemeical
Bank purchased $15,000,000 of these Notes.

      Your Fiscal Agent, F. L. Dupree & Co., Inc., of Lexcington, Kentucky, han
conferred with an officer of this Bank in recent days concerning the possibil-ity
of negotiating a Loan Agreement whereby Chemical Bank would agree to submit a
bid for the purchase of up to $30,000,000 of new Revenue Bond Anticipation (Rezewal')
Notes, the same to be dated December 11, 1969, and to mature December 14, 1970,
and the proceeds thereof to be applied, to the extent necessary, in payment of the
outstanding Notes which mature December 12, 1969.  It has been represented to us
by your Fiscal Agent and by your Bond Counsel, Grafton, Ferguson, Fleischer &
Harper of Louisville, Kentucky that authority for making such a Loan Agreeme. t
is found in KES 56.513 (4) upon terms such that a responsible lender may agree to
make continuously available a stated maximum amount of money for a. stated period
of time; that upon drawing against such guarantee, the lender would be issued
Revenue Band Anticipation Notes; and that in consideration of the making of such
a Loan Agreement the Board and the Commission may agree to pay a commitment 'ee
determined by the Commission to be reasonable according to financial conditions
existing at the time the Loan Agreement is made.



      Cheaical Bank, hereby offers 'to prc e i- L  coard and the Co  izsio,_
if new Reve=:aa Bond Antic iaton (-__iwa)  0aotes are offered in the custor- -
manner on or prior to December 1, i969, C1e4c   Bank will s   ui   bid f^ &.e
purchase of up to $30,000,000 thereof at the face amount of the \otes off--%ed
to be purchased and upon con^dition t-hat any Nctas awarded to Chic  3;;_
caused to bear interest at 6-1/24, per ann-n,., which i;e zre advised is the =a-
rate now permitted by Kentucky law.  Cur cozzitm-ent fee fo- undertaking, t..e rsk
involved in making this agreement is to be ccmputed at the rate of 1/2 of" , pae
annum on the entire amount of i3';c,0OOoo subject to the guarantee, compute'  
the date of your acceptance of this proposal, to and including Decezber 11, 19690
which is to be -the date of the new Notes and the date upon which the same are
delivered 'to Chemical Bank at its office at 20 Pine Street, New York City.

      The Notes are to be in form substantially the same as in the case of the
Revenue Bond Anticipation (Renewal) Notes waich are dated Decer.ber 1,2 I968 , azd
it is to be agreed that at the time of delivery we wi1l receive the custo:maavr
closing documents, including the customary nc-litigation certifica-te2 t`Oeer
wSith an approving legal opinion of Graftcn, Ferguson, Fleischer & Harper to the
same effect as in the case of the legal o~irioa of that firm which was dceivared
to us upon our purchase of the Notes due December 12, 1969.

      If the Board and the Commission see  i to approve and accept this proposal,
Chemical Bank is to be paid the comreiitmerat fee at once, and it is to be agrea
that the fee is -fully earned, notuithstanding the fact that the Board and te
Commission may see fit to issue Notes in an amount less than $30,000,000) or to
take some other course of action whereby Notes are not issued in any arount.

      It is intended that this proposal, upon your acceptance, shall constiulte
such a "Loan Agreement" as is authorized by Section 56.513 (4) of the Kentuce.ky
Revised Statutes; and it is to be understood that your acceptance is your conrenst
that the form hereof is acceptable as qualifying under the terms of such statutsry

     Your acceptance should be in the form of certified copies of proper proceed-
ings of both the Board of the University and the State Property and ail~dings

                                                  Yours very truly,

                                                  CHMICAL BANK

                                                  By        7
                                                      ~---4   Douglas M. Smitnh
                                                          Senior Vice Presidemt



          AND WHEREAS, after due consideration and full discussion, and

with the counsel and advice of the Office of the Commissioner of Finance

and of the Fiscal Agent, it appears to the Board that the proposal of

Chemical Bank, New York, N. Y., as above reproduced in full, is

advantageous to the Board, the University, and the Commonwealth; that

it is submitted by a "responsible lender" within the meaning of KfS

56.513 (2); that the "commitment fee" is reasonable according to

financial conditions existing at this time; that such proposal, if

accepted by this Board and the State Property and Buildings Commission

of Kentucky, will constitute a "loan agreement" such as is authorized

by KRS 56.513(4); that the same will permit the Board to offer and

sell prior to December 1, 1969, either its Consolidated Educational

Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series C and Series D, or its Revenue Bond

Anticipation (Renewal) Notes,which may be offered to be purchased by

persons and parties other than Chemical Bank; and that upon considera-

tion of all of these factors, such proposal of Chemical Bank is advan-

tageous to the Board, the University and the Commonwealth, and should

be accepted and paid for in accordance with its terms,



          Section 1. The proposal of Chemical Bank, New York, N. Y.,

which is quoted in full in the preamble of this resolution, is hereby

accepted in the name and on behalf of the University of Kentucky; and

the University hereby recommends and requests early approval of the



same on the part of the State Property and Buildings Commission of

Kentucky. The proper officers are hereby authorized to endorse upon

one or more copies of said proposal of Chemical Bank any appropriate

evidence of this Board's acceptance thereof, and the Secretary of

this Board is authorized to provide to Chemical Bank one or more

authenticated copies of this resolution.

          Section 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect

from and after its adoption.


          The undersigned, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, hereby certifies that the

foregoing (including therein a reproduced copy of the written proposal

of Chemical Bank, New York, N. Y., referred to therein) is a true copy

of a resolution duly adopted by said Board of Trustees at a properly

convened meeting at which a quorum was present for the transaction of

business as provided by law.

         WITNESS the signature 6f the undersigned, and the seal of

said University, this      day of             , 1969.

                                              Board of Trustees
(SEAL)                           5         University of Kentucky



       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Denharn and passed,
the above resolution was adopted contingent upon subsequent approval by the State
Property and Buildings Commission.

       Those voting "Aye" were: Mr. Black. Mr. Butler, Governor Chandler,
Mr. Clay, Mr. Cooper, Dr. Denham, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Hillenmeyer, Mr.
Miller, Mr. Milner, Dr. Nicholas, and Mr. Pence.

       Voting "No": None.

       L. Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Since the Board of Trustees had had an opportunity to examine the financial
statement covering the eleven-montas' period ending May 31, 1969, Dr. Kirwan
recommended its acceptance.

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed with-
out dissent, the financial report for the eleven-months' period ending May 31, 1969
was accepted and ordered filed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Revised Lease Agreement with Alpha Delta Pi Approved (FCR 2)

       Dr. Kirwan, indicating that a copy of the revised lease agreement with the
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority had been mailed to the members of the Board prior to the
meeting, recommended its approvat unless the Board members had any questions.

       There being no questions, on motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr.
Hillenmeyer, and passed, the Acting Vice President ot business Affairs was
authorized to execute the revised agreement with Beta Psi House Corporation of
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Resolution on Affiliation of the University of Louisville and
the University of Kentucky Approved

       Dr. Kirwan reported that since the joint meeting of the two Boards of the
University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky on March 25, 1969, a sub-
committee composed of members of the two Boards had worked together and
prepared a report, copies of which had been sent to the full membership of the
two Boards and a copy of which is attached to these Minutes. The University of
Louisville Board has already approved the Joint Committee report. The members
of the University Board Committee on Affiliation with the University of Louisville,
together with members of the administrative staff of the University, prepared a
resolution for presentation to the Board which he read on behalf of the committee.
A copy of the resolution is included at the end of the Minutes.



       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the resolution on affiliation
of the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky as presented by
Dr. Kirwan was adopted without dissent. (See Report of the Joint Committee and
the Resolution on Affiliation at the end of the Minutes.

      0. Code of Student Conduct: Rules, Procedures and Responsibilities

      As chairman of the committee appointed by Governor Nunn, Mr. Clay
presented the following report:

      At the May meeting of the Board of Trustees, Governor Nurin
    appointed me chairman of a committee to consider the Faculty Senate's
    recommended revisions to the student code and, further, to examine the
    code in its entirety and recommend other changes we thought in the best
    interests of the University. Members of the committee, in addition to
    myself, were Dr. Nicholas Nicholas, Mr. Richard Cooper, Dr. Robert
    Rudd, and Mr. Tim Futrell.

      It is not necessary to review the actions of the Senate nor the
    circumstances which produced that body's recommendations. Every
    member of the committee was aware of the debates, both general and
    specific, and had access to the minutes of the meetings. Two of the
    committee members were present at the Senate's meetings.

      On one occasion the committee met with the Acting Vice President for
    Student Affairs and the Dean of Students and received their opinions in
    writing. At the same meeting, the committee benefited from the advice
    and opinions of Attorney General John Breckinridge and one of his staff.
    Subsequently, Mr. Futrell requested formal opinions of the Attorney
    General on a number of points relative to the authority and responsibility
    of the university, opinions the committee found of value.

      At the May Board meeting, Governor Nunn invited those students and
   faculty who wanted to appear before the committee to make their desires
   known. All who made their desires known were invited to meet with us
   and did so. They included one student, several faculty members, and
   two administrators.

      The members of the committee, as members of the University
   community, have been concerned from the beginning with the need to
   clarify ambiguities in the code, to continue to assure students the full
   benefits of due process, and to make it clear what penalties may be
   imposed for violations of the code's provisions, both academic and non-
   academic . Having observed that legislation in other states has been
   recommended or adopted which seriously impinges upon the rights of



    state universities to govern themselves, the committee was determined
    to recommend such changes as would preclude the need for our own
    legislature's acting. We hope we have accomplished this.

       The committee has secured a codification of the code -- a codification
    accomplished by two members of the student body, Mr. Sheryl Snyder,
    a law student, and Miss Taft McKinstry, a 1969 graduate who will enter
    law school this autumn. Both these students have had extensive experience
    with the code and are to be commended for the quality of the work they
    did. In its codified form, any student will be able quickly to understand
    what the rules and procedures are and what conduct he is responsible for.

       The committee adopted four major changes, two of which were recom-
    mended by the Senate. these major changes are:

       1. The Appeals Board will be required to meet within 48 hours if the
          student charged with an offense so desires. Alternate members
          of the Appeals Board will be appointed to insure a quorum within
          48 hours.

       2. The Vice President for Student Affairs will no longer serve as a
          member of the Appeals Board.

       3. After having heard an appeal from a student, the Board will make
          its recommendations directly to the President of the University.

       4. Penalties for disruptive and coercive actions have been spelled
          out by the code revision sub-committee.

       In addition, for the first time, the code states specifically that the
    President of the University is responsible for student discipline under the
    provisions of KRS 164. 200. This has long been true in fact, but previously
    it was not specifically stated in the code. In addition, a student's financial
    responsibility to the university and members of its community have been
    included, and a few other minor changes designed to clarify various points
    of the code have also been included.

       The committee unanimously agreed on the provisions of the revised code
    and submits it to you now. I move that this Code of Student Conduct: Rules,
    Procedures and Responsibilities be adopted as an official policy of the
    University of Kentucky, that it be administered by the President of the Uni-
    versity, and that any subsequent changes to it be adopted by this Board.

       The motion having been made by Mr. Clay that the Code of Student Conduct:
Rules, Procedures and Responsibilities be adopted as an official policy of the
University of Kentucky, that it be administered by the President of the University,
and that any subsequent changes to it be adopted by this Board, it was seconded by



Dr. Nicholas. Mr. Clay asked if there were any comments before the vote was
takenu and Mr. Futrell, non-voting student member of the Board, indicated his
wish to state his position. He said that he considered the proposed Code better
, an the old Code but he wished to make it clear that, in his opinion, it fell short
of what is needed on this campus. He continued that "we must look to other
alternatives, such as a Student Bill of Rights, and other additions to the Code
to make it better than what it is today. " Repeating that he considered the Code
which was before the Board at this time an improvement on the old Code, although
not yet adequate to the needs of the student body, he endorsed it.

       There being no further discussion, all members present voted aye and the
Code of Student Conduct: Rules, Procedures and Responsibilities was adopted. It
was further agreed that the Code should be printed immediately and copies mailed
to all incoming students and made available to all University students at as early
a date as possible. (See copy of Code of Student Conduct: Rules, Procedures and
ResDonsibilities at the end of the Minutes. )

       P. Dr. Kirwan Thanks Board for Cooperation and Support

       Since this was his last meeting with the Board of Trustees as President of
the University, Dr. Kirwan asked that he be permitted to say a few words. He
said his tenure as President had been a most pleasant, stimulating and gratifying
experience. Every minute had been a plea sant one and he had had the complete
support of the Board, the administration, the staff and, in general, of the faculty
and students. Although the University had made no great "leap forward" during
the past year, he felt that many things were accomplished, including several
important appointments and several major decisions on the part of the Board of
Trustees. In no instance was there a divided vote on any recommendation brought
to the Board, only complete unanimity and complete acceptance. He said he did
not mean to imply that the Board was a rubber stamp but rather that it is a Board
made up of dedicated members who accept fully their responsibilities as Trustees.

       Mr. Clay responded by thanking President Kirwan for his remarks and
appointing a committee to draft a resolution which would adequately express the
Board's thanks and appreciation to Dr. Kirwan for his outstanding service as
seventh President of the University. The members of the committee so named
are: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman, Mr. Robert Hillenmever and Dr.
Paul Sears.

       Q. Meetin2 Adiourned

Having first determined there was no further business to come before the



Board, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at
2:45 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Richard E. Cooper
                                       Acting Secretary, Board of Trustees

(The Resolution on Mr. Robert F. Kerley, Mrs. Nell Stuart Donovan, and the
Presidential Search Committee, PR's 2, 4, 5, and 6, FCR's 1 and 2, Report of
Joint Committee on Affiliation of the University of Kentucky and the University
of Louisville, the Resolution on Affiliation of the University of Louisville and the
University of Kentucky, and the Student Code of Conduct: Rules. Procedures and
Responsibilities which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the July 28, 1969
special called meeting of the Board of Trustees. )


                          ROBERT F. KERLEY

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with
deep regret that

                          ROBERT F. KERLEY

has resigned as Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer.

       The Trustees feel a sense of loss and yet a satisfaction that the
patterns and practices which this vice president adopted during the
period of the University's greatest expansion will remain as guidelines
for handling its future financial affairs.

       When Mr. Kerley became the University's chief financial officer
five years ago, this institution was