xt7z610vth16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vth16/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2001 Vol.72 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 2001 Vol.72 No.11 2001 2001 2019 true xt7z610vth16 section xt7z610vth16 F (UK) LEX 405


LEXINGTON KY 40506-003?“

Volume 72, Number 11 - November 2001 l 1 68 S
KPA fall contest breaks one record, almost two
Awards Will be presented another. Contest will be judged Thursday, “Newspapers are having to hold

. . The number of newspapers is Nov., 8, by the Florida Press down on expenses and we expected
during 2002 Winter the highest participation for any Association. Awards will be pre- the contest to be one of those areas
Convention in Lexington KPA contest in history, while the sented Friday, Jan. 25, 2002, at the that suffered from needed cutbacks.

4,086 entries ranks second to 4,271 closing banquet for the KPA Winter “It’s encouraging that this con-

More than 80 newspapers and in the 1997 Fall Newspaper Convention. test not only had the lafrgest num-
more than 4,000 entries make the Contest. Entry income for 2001 is “With the economy, we were ber of newspapers participating,
2001 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest $17,175, second to the $18,066 particularly concerned about this but almost became the largest in
the largest 1h hIStOI'Y — m at 193$ income from the ‘97 contest. Fall’s contest,” said KPA Executive number of entries and income.”
one category and a close second In The KPA Fall Newspaper Director David T. Thompson.

O ’ I O 0
Contest 1sn t only chance for recognltlon, showcasmg of work

The Winter Convention offers three ways for Photos taken during the previous calendar year and publish that on the front cover of the direc- 1
Kentucky newspaper people to be recognized for by newspaper photographers in the the state are tory with appropriate credit given inside the
their work or have their work showcased. displayed during the Trade Show. The exhibit is directory.

The Lewis E. Owens Award, presented also available for local use, at public libraries for

, annually by the Lexington Herald-Leader,recog- example, after the convention ends Jan. 25. Lewis E. Owens Award
nizes outstanding community service by a The KPA Directory Cover is another chance The Lewis E. Owens Award was originally
Kentucky newspaper person or staff. for photographers to showcase their best work. established in memory of Edwards M. Templin,

The KPA Photo Exhibit is a chance for Each year, we select one four-color photograph promotion director of the Lexington Herald-

Kentucky photographers to display their work. from a photographer at a member newspaper See RECOGNITION, page 6

O , : ' '

Board tackles tough 1ssues for 02 l; fi ,. j
oa rd votes | " “ w

I to freeze salaries, 1 .~ 2' ~~- ~-- , . .,~ , !

' Thought “ - ' , , ., l
‘ —— i . dIsband summer i .. _. ¥ ..
swarm: e 1 ; conventIon, ' . -. - , -, v. .- ,. ; .. , . _ .. , 1 ,

, 1 _ ,gififrgggfleess - A Fr: c Amer“ (J _ . . 1

It’s been eight or nine years ago Dr. TeCh HOtllne ' -‘ " 1.1;}...itjf‘ . - 1

’ that a couple or Board members RPM, and KPS ,n—d wh"—’,, ,, 5,01,; LL-1'539555551193'45555winger
mentioned they never really got the and could be KPA is offering new PRESS windshield stickers for member papers. The
chance to know other Board mem- Shakertown provided the first design, created by KPA/KPS New Media Director David Spencer, depicts
bers. two venues. Other retreats have the us. flag, with PRESS in large letters across the top. Overthe flag are

The Board meets only four been at Natural Bridge the words “A Free Press—AFree America” with the bottom of the stick-
timeS a year. usually for just a 0011- Cumberland Falls Lexington and er signifying “Member— Kentucky Press Association.” The stickers are
P18 thours and truly it doesn’t give the last two at one’ of the best kept available to KPA newspapers by contacting Sue Cammack at 800-264-
the members a time to get to know secrets in Kentucky _ Green 5721 and indicating the number of stickers needed.

. those Wlth whom they seive. Turtle Bay in Grand Rivers. That

8.0 I suggested we c ange the sits on Kentucky Lake and if a vote
meetlng process and for the Fall were taken the Board members www.mm,M,Wmm....,.-...._...._....WNW“...-..”stews.”...-...w...,......w.-..-_...........-._Wee....
meeting, we’d have a retreat. We’d 1 , - 1, . » > 5 " i " . _, ' . i

would probably say its the best 31 - »1 . 1 , , , , 1, . . .- _ .
go to someplace that allowed us to 1 w ’ve been g _. 1. , > 1 , . .'
concentrate on KPA and KPS for p acThuersday ‘ afternoons at 1 . . , _ . 1 . . _ . 1' ._ g . , '
two days, have 18 coupleof meals retreats are spent in committee I, 3 - I ' . A g ‘ ’ L. 3
together, all With the idea they . . h f . . g I

Id be able to s end more time meetmgs With about three ours_o ? ,. . 1 ‘ > » , ,. 1 , » 1 , _* _ '
W91 h th pd . the staff presenting various topics :3 -- ~ ' “ \ - g ' ‘ * 1
Ehtlyeainoge (Elm? tarlrkih: 12113:; and issues. In some cases it’s just to ' , ' .1 '1 a ' " : 1 > I;

’ See lSSUES, page 12 l 1 1

 Page 2 - The KentUCky Press, November 2001
K t K I . th
' w' Hospice organizations and commu— editor, Delores Chandler, is work— Elizabethtown News—Enterprise
COOk named advertlblng nity theaters in North Carolina ing as the newspaper’s reporter. He after 12 years in the position.
manager III BardStOWIl and Virginia- has a degree in computer technolo- Anders spent ’20 years with the
B C k h b en hired as gy from Lexmgton Electronic News-Enterprises parent compa-
ruce .09 as .e, ‘ 3 , ' ' School. He will be responsible for ny, Landmark Community
:10 adyergismdg rganager at The Berthltt CO' VOICC general news stories, composition Newspapers, Inc. Before joining the
'entuc y I an ar - w w ‘ . dt esettin Elizabethtown staff h headed u
~. ~ . . adds new staffers an H) . g- , . . e p
5‘ “3:1”; 0f gwinSbSn‘)’ (“Pk T _ W I d I h recruiting and training for LCNI.
gra uate rom ut er niversity raVis . i ones an . os _ - , Prior to that, he spent three years
in Indianapolis with a degree in Chandler have been hired in posi— JOumal Enterprlse calls as Norfolk city editor for The
music education, He entered the tio‘ns at the Breathitt County NIE program a SUCCESS Virginian-Pilot. He started his
newspaper advertising business Veice. ‘ I . ‘ h ‘ f . 1 Landmark career at The Opinion-
nine years ago and has worked at Jones is the paper's new sports “’tht t WIS years 0 lfnple‘ Tribune in Glenwood, Iowa. He
The Courier-Journal, The Raleigh editor. A native of Cynthiana, mentlng a ewspapers n also held managerial positions with
(N.C.) News & Observer, The Jones recentlyhgraduated from Educitul‘nhpr‘igrat? fi): Wedbster the New Albany (Miss) Gazette
Rocky Mount (N.C.) Telegram and Kentucky Christian College where Joun 3'le (:0 s, _ e h rov1 911?: and The News in T91] City, Ind.
the Tidewater Newspaper Group of his major in intercultural studies. gfurnaarl ntlierprfoicei as seen 1 He was actively involved in
S ff lk V . He ill work art-time at the ow ne Y we ‘ , ' ' r - - -
u 8 , a. ‘ ‘ w h'lp ] ‘ . ‘ Managing Editor Charlie Hust civic affairs in .Hardin County,
ook has also worked as a rep— newspaper w l e a so serVing as . id bout 250 news a ers went including the United Way. Anders
resentative for a new home and youth minister for the Jackson sat a] Th'sp p mor community service earned him sev- r
commercial builder in western Christian Church and a substitute 3:8?) ($885523,ng erslaiieeZEliverefi era] honors including the LCNI
North Carolina and Tennessee. He teacher in area schools. to Christian Hegita e Academ President’s Award for Community
has been actively involved in Chandler, son of the paper’s . ‘ g y, Service, the 2000 President’s
Prov1dence Independent and Award from the Hardin County
---— --— Welism C°u9t¥SCh°9ls . branch of the NAACP and the
C en uc ress We are Just thrilled With the . , .
, ‘ . .‘ . i United Way 5 Allen SOCIety
success of this program and it 5 due Communit Service Award
The Kentucky Press (lSSN-(XlB—0324) is pubv District 13 my“? It“ our wo’fierffil Sponsors Anders): in announcing. his res-
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise W 0 ”e p.118 provi “9 t e newspa- ignation to his employees, said he
Association/Kentucky PressService,lnc. persi Sald HUSt- The 1311519955 had reached a Oint in his career
Periodical—class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 . p00ple in WEbSter County are JUSt h h d pd t d th'
KY.4('<»(ll.Subscription price i5$8139" year. David Thornberry,Commonwealth-Journal terrific and their generosity is over- w. ere e nee e O 0, some lng
Postmaster: Send change of address to The h 1 ' b t I think the r aliz different and was 100k1ng forward
Kentuckvl’ress 101 Consumer Lane District?»— A 31 ehmingt ut 1 th y e e to exploring the possibilities while
1 ' ‘ . em ran roe enewsaer . ‘ .
Frankfort, KY.40601,(502)223—882l. Don White, Anderson News can lplél); as a learning tOOl 5:1 the not hav1ng at the same tune the
_ .. . » responsibility of managing a daily
Officersand Directors . . classroom.
K . .. .. . . DiSttiCtlS—B newspaper.
entucky Press Assocmtion ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘
John Nelson, DanVille Advocate-Messenger . .
Widen, Zubaty Joms Oldham N l H t h'ns
. e son, u c l on
Marty Backus, Appalachian News-Express State at Large E h h
Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times I‘a as p OtOgl‘ap 61‘ jOin news team
President Elect p t w_ Z b t h’ ' ' d th
Dave Eldridge, Jessamine Journal Mike Scogin, Georgetown News—Graphic newsfoSrrn of “1:0 aijllthfnJOEllrrl: as S in Nicholasville
Past President Jack McNeely, Morehead News reporter/photographer. He is a Julie Nelson and Nathan
Teresa ”"19“, MCLQmCO‘mW News . , , recent graduate Of Northern Hutchinson have joined the news
Sharon Tummski, Winchester Sun Kentucky UniverSity, where he was .
V' . , . . . staff at The Jessamine Journal.
ue'Pre‘sldent ‘ executive editor, copy editor and Nelson is the newsroom’s
Dawd OmenThe KentUCkY standard, Associates Division ' staff writer for The Northerner, h' t' t Sh . . l'
Bardstown Armando Arrastia NKU’s student newspaper. grap 1C ar 18 . e 18 a Journa ism
T Kentucky Department of Education :{tudeni at tdhe Hnlveé'sny 0f
reasurer . ~ . ‘ entuc y an wi gra uate in
5ha““‘T“m"‘5k‘rWmmesm 5““ Advertising Division Anders lCaVCS December. While at UK, she wrote
Elaine Morgan, Owensboro - for the student newspaper, The
ADi'sctrxiiil M a Ledve 8:me Messenger-lnquirer NCWS-EHICrpnse Kentucky Kernel, and was manag-
1 ‘- Ouse: u” y b r N Ed} .a] D' _ . Mike Anders resigned his posi- ing editor from 2000-2001. She had
ews ion lVlSlon - -
Distn'ct2 Chris Poore, The Kentucky Kernel tion as publlsher at the See PEOPLE! page 6
led Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress ——————-———___.___—___
Circulation Division
District 3 Kriss Johnson, Lexington Herald-Leader
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer eat S
Journalism Education
-DIStnCt 4 BUCk Ryan m
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite University of Kentucky
mums Genera, Counsels Bonnie J. Ball Archie Scott
Teresa Rice, Lebanon Enterprise Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene Bonnie Ball, advertising sales Archie Scott, a longtime leader
Dinsmore&$hohl manager for The Winchester Sun of Louisville programs to enrich
Districté . . died Sept. 20 at St. Joseph cultural exchange, died Oct. 22 of
DOTOth)’ Abernathy] Oldham Era Kentucky Press AW‘atliflf Hospital in Lexington. cancer at his home. He was 61.
0mm" Seglgc¥y§rgfi 55:21:23 tive Director Ball was also a bookkeeper at Scott was a former president of
K elleyWami ck, Gallatin County News Binnie Howa rdp C ontroller Staton Auto Sales. Sister Cities of Louisville, and was
Lisa Camahanflember Services Director Services were held at Scobee current chairman of its member-
DistrictB—9 Larry Brooks, Advertising Director Funeral Home and burial was in ship and Web-site committee.
KenMetz,BathCounty NewsOutlook RebabwisfiosmrdVMadcefingComdimM the Winchester Cemetery. He also worked 37 ears for
' u n y
District 10-11 gfissummrwANfigmg: Extecutive In lieu of flowers, the family the Courier-Journal & Louisville
. l H l a“ Spam" e", _ ”_ rec 0? asked that contributions be made Times Co. in the advertising, cre-
Ien'yP gran, Dailyln l dent gtiggnfiacé<®t€gugsgzgngwum to: Pink Ribbon Partners Cancer ative services, promotion and mar-
District 12 Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant Support Group, c/o Judy Bailey, keting departments. He was senior
Stephen Bowling, Jackson Times . Holly Wilhrd, Tearsheet Coordinator 614 Colby Road. See DEATHS, page 10

 . The Kentucky Press, November 2001 - Page 3
Community newspapers must Always nice when talk
reahze editorial content, paid leads t0 positive a t
c1rculation go hand in hand 0,, the w :fiztieee eleekfeeeeeteee yen eeee
. ,. e o in orma ion, 00.
By KEN BLUM most common type of historical col- ASSOClation '5 0):: partner in this iS the
Black Ink/The Newsletter umn can be done for a few dollars a .- .1152 5 Administrative Office of th C rt ‘
You can run a circulation pro- week by a history buff in your town Front if ?" (AOC) and '1 ant " b V e ‘Ou hb
motion every week You can offer who peruses old copies of the news- By use Camahan l5. t h ,1 ( . ‘ grh , .15 ‘cing soug t
subscribers a widget, or a chance to paper. KPA Member Services 5 _ "“ h , hp 5?,” t i “)5“ (if printing
win a trip to Disney World. You can The typical “Looking Back" col- Dina" v Q tf- an 0035 and putting on the
beg, plead, and cut the price in half umn has a few paragraphs each ‘_.‘__—‘—* training‘sessions. -
to sell a subscription. But it isn‘t about what was happening 10, 20, Meetings. . AOL. Wthh 8180 worked With
going to do much good in the long 30. 40, 50 or more vears ago. Other Meetings can be boring, often us on all the bench-press torums.
run unless the reader enjoys the historical features can include a are considered a waste oftime and has been extremely SUPPONWO
newspaper. It has been said that “Page me The Past" out of your one major complaint is they seldom going back to the first forum at
you can sell anything once. But if archives. It’s ideal to use it as a lead to any real action. Shakertown in November 1996‘
the product isn’t there. you’re going tiller page when you need to make I m pleased t” tell you. that The idea 0f getting judges and
to have a very difficult time selling a two or four-page jump. And his- KPA shouldnt be accused of non- journalists together to air griev-
it twice. torical pictures. submitted bv read— action in regard to our involvement ances was endorsed wholeheartedly
r This is why the editorial con- ers. make for great art for the edi— WW thi‘ past few years m a SONGS by then-Supreme (‘ourt (‘hiel'
tent and paid circulation are two torial page, a much better choice ofmeetings that gave‘reporters and 'IUStiC“ Robert Stephens. Wh" par—
peas in the same pod. for a community newspaper than a Judges a chance to all the” griev- ticipated in tb" tW‘Hl‘W
So what makes for a good com- syndicated cartoon. 3:)!be and opinions of each other’s Shakertown meeting. .
munity newspaper editorial prod— The Police Log: Court. olice . , Th9 forums i ‘ I S e‘ ‘
uct, one that will assure that the and fire department news 21:0 the NOW, as a result Of what we W by Stephens’ :b(Cc:l*(:(::p%)hti:ci
reader will want to part with his or best read content in a community learned from “1959 gatherings, JUStiC" Joseph Lamberti ‘
her hard-earned dollars for a sub- newspaper. This includes items KPA ls embarking on a plan to tor- Ste hens said - t ' r d"
scription, one that is worthy of a such as land transfers DUI convic- mulate a training program for court I k ‘ bpit V W H Um lmllhte 18:
half hour or more of th p;der,s tions fire and x , . ‘ reporters. That training would ogur ( ween representatives of
' . e r a e . emergency squad include .1 h db k f _ the bench bar and press was Vit'il
preCious spare time? calls, divorces and marriage licens- th , ‘ , an 00 on iow to LUV” H. u 'd e . th h..h ( A. f : i
For a weekly or daily communi- es. e courts m Kentucky: - L T“ ( \ tn oug t C par-“Oh
ty newspaper, there are two keys to In addition. there is one area of b 1 ) TigelldbeTlCh'pmss forums MY" av)” .Wd, may not come away from
. the reader’s heart. Key one is a the local law enforcement scene flier; ‘c a ‘ .over theistate, with l: Ld for March in (it er side s [JOSlllOI]. communica-
aggressive coverage 0f straight provide material for a column read- bomclrlsc‘t. ey include print and tlon itself was the key. Many next-s-
news. excellent writing, stunning ers will never want to miss. It’s the rrzjelttgastireportprs “3”“ .tht‘ area paper participants at thtf tr-rums
graphics and photography. and police log, the log of calls made dur- if)" “E ,(ihi'ri-(fi fir-Mi gllcmh ”di have Indicated the” commitment m
enough variety - from commen— ing the week by Police otticers in the "melthlfiqjgi‘.lufh 4thth w ere the havmg similar, regular ”19““ng ““i
tary to sports _ to capture every community. It’s public. record. it‘s 7111th (gigging. c (. t' k x I 1‘ ] a local level. between their ~judges!
reader’s interest. fun and it’s interesting (please note: while to $51,551”? Ems] (.1 .(hd 1,“ (i imd newsroom Staff
Key two — the key I would like names are not used in this column he‘ited “fittert‘innb‘. 1:1] fill?) _y (Tet? Something 015“ KPA Will PUP-“WI
to feature in this column —— IS per— unless an arrest has been made.) st‘irt sh'Ir" 1: thqiim ,.V , '( Jll ges as another way t” improve m" ”min'
sonal journalism. This is the con- Here are a few examples from workih Idwliltlf; flrttlxptr'l;mf‘b'm frayed relationship between the
tent that some elitists may call the “Police Report” column in the their “is ts . ripof Us“)? 1:.) [cover bench and press is presentations.
hokey and trivial, but it’s the back- Nt‘i‘nah (Wisconsin) Citizen. tli / add“ I (”K n por Us “w 1h“ lJOSSibl_V titled "Understanding the
bone of the weekly or daily home— ' "A Pit bull was allegedly "101' p Reporters tvpicallv rel'ite “on Media,“ or “Working with the
town newspaper. . . . nmg around snarling and hissing “Us “howl ’u‘ncoopdrative ‘judges PN‘SSe“ iltJUdit‘ml (“mtbrt‘m't‘s- ‘
Persona] Journahsn] IS little atpcople on Chestnut Street. U fTUStI‘HtlUH ()VL’I‘ gag orders 21nd tilt: \Vt‘ I‘t'CtHIant‘ that inexperi-
league results and club news. It’s a “A big plastic shark was seen in 190119“. thqt t'll‘ . t d i i , . enced court reporters aren't the
birth announcement, or a detailed the middle of South Commercial Mldd , ,1 tiliwhm ocumtnts. only problem A lack of L l . ‘t' l
bituary. It’s as on] lex s th - Street. An on-scene officer reiorted ' 'u M 5‘ a - ~ a out reporters ' ' i ( ~. um (.rfi in“ i
o c p ‘ 21 ga er . I. who are unfamiliar With the work— mg of the media s role is often-
ing a full page of copy for a public it muff have swum away, as It was ings of the court, court terminologv times to blame as well when things
records page, and as Simple as a gone. and wouldn’t know '1 laintiff from sour between ’ud res and ' ' l
single name on a middle school “30’"30719 from Domino’s Pizza a plankton and thhtg wher KPA ists A h‘ r J . g i d Wurbd ‘
honor roll. reported swirls of wind in the air comes ih i k e Ith; fly; mg vhc can .0 t“ edutate
It‘s the reason that paid circu- that could possibly be a tornado. (iur Itrainm r m mm w.“ b\ o )zrs a .0th w owe, are. and wh.V
lation at small community newspa- Orr-scene officers determined the held regionally airiiss gEh; stat; and W 0 tht W0 d0 Chn t‘hur't.
pers has gone up in the past employees mistook noises from a in a daylong format ivenews‘ ,l_ We .“ISO aren t.klddlng our-
decade, while larger dailies have flag fora tornado.” per rpporterq and b}(fad¢v1qt ”hp: selves into thinking that any
experienced a significant, even Is this small-town gossip? Not too (if they’re interested) the b (3’ amount of training for reporters or
alarming, decline. In this vein, 1 really. Apolice log column can alert information the heed to intjllli? presentations to .lUdgt‘S Will or
would like to highlight several per- the community to possible hazards: gently professioiilall and success- should totally remove the adversar-
sonal features from newspapers for example, a rash 0f stolen bib)“ fully cover the churts kof th la] role between the two. BUt better
across the country that I include in C195, a pack or nasty stray dogs, or Commonwealth 8 communication never hurt any
one of my presentations titled, an area 0f town where there have We’re not going to tr what relationship.
“How To Be Your Reader’s Newest been several break—ins. It also would be a futile attempt t); cram The goal is to improve the news
Best Friend.” serves as an excellent source 0f four years of law school into a da ‘ coverage Kentucky courts generate
Include some history: About leads for the beat reporter. you don’t have to be a lawyer to tile by educating the ones WhO deliver
half of community newspapers run Questions answered: The news a court reporter (nice yes but not a the news. It’s a worthwhile endeav-
some type of historical column or Staff at a community newspaper requirement). But ybu do need to ”r for everyone melVbd'
feature. Every community newspa- can serve the sourceaof community know the basic procedures, termi- (Th? bench-press forums are
pertihoiild. (glider) rleaderts (our most ifsfizgfcgl‘ljfifh; QUBStltin 12d nology and for lack ofa better term. Sponsored by the U’IlUWSitV 0/
a1 11 rea ers ov - or exam ‘5 9 ' ’ I " ' ' ‘ ."
what happened thirtyeor 2):)?2192: Horrv (Conway South Cariolina) the $3: and don ts ofthe beat. , Loztisville 3 Center for Humanities
. , , ere are certain things we ve and Civic Leadership in assocza-
ago. And, often, younger readers Independent has run a column learned from this series of bench- tion with AOC KPA th
like to get a feel what the communi- called “Y0“ ASked For It” on the press meetings that are major irri~ Associated Press and the Kehtuck:
ty was like in the old days. The See COMMUNITY, page 11 tants Of those. women andmen in. - Brmrdcasier-s' Associations) . i

 Page 4 - The Kentucky P'ress, November 2001
N ow more than ever, papers must be committed- to readers
° ° 3 that this war will be a long haul)? K “‘2’ ....
D8819" ls Here are some ideas for you to (V ”2”; . i I .;::§555‘-" ssészsfiizieiizs--:<;e§z?s.‘:§3?s;s?¥5'“*“ff;:;;;.g.;:.iii: '3
Eve thin “'29“ consideri fl If
ry g 5'" 1- Respect 0111‘ “83- If you’re 17 fl“ ‘ .- .... * ., ~ »~:"2¥5€3%5€3%¥¥3525:32:32
———— % going to use art of the US. flag in ’ “ _, > /’ '3
By Edufard F. r or near your nameplate, find art «v; we“ -
Hennlnger that is fitting. Don’t settle for clip 9.x . 1 ~ ’4 , . .353 -:EEE§E£EEE§E§E§5;S§F35335§553%%E§59555#?§5;i
art items that may make you look 5? #f
We are at war. There is no silly. If y OQ’VC already installed a * é A Wfi
Question about that. flag bUt It isn’t good enough, don’t ‘ / few . “
The question for us as newspa- be afraid to change it —— readers % We? ' ’ f ..
per editors and designers is this: “”11 want you to run a flag that I "i .. A
How do we react to that reality? embOd‘es pride and "ammo” . f , t '
changes, such as placing a US. WM“ ‘5‘“? blue° Yes" f S fine to “ ‘ 1 fig ».
flag in our nameplate or using red, _be patriotic and t0 dress yourself 4 s.
white and blue in standing ele- 1n ”I“ L010.” Of our country. i 4:55,.-
ments There s nothing wrong With that. .
haul (and we’ve been promised See READERS, page 7 ___ ,
Amer1can Profile launches AP purchases ad placement,
Publishing Group of America community newspapers.
(PGA) has launched American The web-based content NAA says sale Of NlCC and gfivices provid d b the
Profile Hometown Content, 3 includes downloadable television - ' ‘ . e .y .
downloadable content service for listings, local weather forecasts WI“ enhance serVICe gICC’ through Its. office in
community newspapers. and graphics, crossword puzzles (AP) _ The Associated Press acramento, Calif, WI“ contlnue
American Profile Hometown and specialized editorial content. has urchased from the News a er WIthOUt Interruption, AP said. At
Content is complimentary to The service is expected to save A p. t' fA - p p the same t1me, AP WI.“ develop
PGA’s more than 650 newspaper publishers $5 500-10 000 per year. thssema “)de Igencta a company enhancements to its ex1sting digi-
partners who distribute American American Profile Hometown m:ntpfifilnzsaidvetreéigfiie‘: 2:3: tal ad order-placement, proofing
Profile, the national weekly maga- Content is easily accessible via the cessiiig services. and delivery serv1ces, and COOI‘dl-
zine celebrating hometown American Profile Web Site Purchase of the News 3 er nate those serVIFeS WIth. the
American life. ' (www.americanprofile.com) for Industry Communication Ginger Sacramento processmg operation.
The new service is a result of American Profile publishing part- will allow AP to expand its existing d Full: DHBfeccardlchPsfgresr
feedback PGA solicited from its ners. T0 896933.21 weekly FTPSSWPFd digital ad services for newspapers 5:; till: :refasngiicllll 6:: ft get:
publishing partners on additional PUZZIG, primetime teleVISlon llSt' and their advertisers. The deal was p e 1 o
Opportumtles to enhance their See CONTENT, page 12 announced jointly Oct. 17 by AP See AP, page 11
? «Mt/x“ ”‘3’“: 2’ ‘ 3 «fifigifi 6t ' 7 i» 33‘s} 10 131 ' 1‘2 ' 13
l t: 2 COL - Lamasw 4 COL — “set? m. -
: Kentucky Press Service Also operanngthc 135g- bakimb
lOl Consumcr Lane Indiana Newspaper Advertising Network
Frankfort, KY 40601 (888) 909-4626 (INAN)
(502) 223.3201 WAN FAX (502) 875-2624
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 The Kentucky Press, November 2001 - Page 5
0 o
ExtenSIS releases new vers1on Simplicity of CD burning I
of font management software Powermac G4’s best feature I
.. .. at. : jif?3i:EEEEE2522555352???E253???335????i553???@333iii£35iiiéiééiééégiiiéiéiiisi3:5§§§i§35i355153r25t¥5$3.,5,- -. . the“ Fun SCSI pFObP on the new
Technology “W Wm Dr. Tech .. t computer to mount tho other hard
ts . ' * drive. This utility software is
Tips -- Hotlme . jj - ‘ included with Adapta- Cards. Tm.
—— _ ' 8 Tim Jones , oidor M act with SCSI hard tirivot
By Kevin Slimp ‘ am,” [‘4’ _}'*'§ji§’ff§ g’arts Plus will work for this last procedure. '
‘ w . ‘ Have you zapped tho PRA M

First, let me get something out My t'avorttt ttaurot ot- the lat- lately? mm part ttt- the tim-
in the open. I do not own stock in est models of Powermac G4 is the which holds some setting informa- ~
Exenstst the company that treated on turning. mm. It Mat not t.
such classic programs as M" t It is almost Simple as using Printer or Wt zooms tho
PhotoTools, QX-Tools and Preflight I“ ' {mgfisur‘ICASE 10 ,,:;“”’ a floppy drive, When you place a PRAM can solve that problem.
Pro. It’s just that I really appreci- I ' giggly” " blank CD in the drive, a message Sometimes this action can speed
ate their products. I gégiggéigEiééfégzaé-gsz1.55:::..t ,. pops up on the screen to ask you if up a slow computer.

Collect Pro and QX—Pro have I _ 1 you want to prepare it for use. How do you zap I’RAM‘.’ Have ,
been making life easier for Quark ; Then you can name the CD. An both hands free when starting the |
users for years. PhotoFrame has L W" ' ' ' icon appears on the desktop and computer. With two fingers on the
been one of my favorite Photoshop _ _ you simply drag files to it.When right hand hold down the P and R
plug—ins since version 1,0, Su'tc‘i'se 10 users can activate or you have all files ready to copy, keys, with the left hand hold down

I was showing off Intellihance f’eam'vate font? (below) by CI'CK' just simply go to the pull down the option and command keys.
at Photoshop classes almost 10 mg on the font m the “St' The new menu to “Burn CD.” That is sim- When you hear the second start
years ago. So you can bet I go into 5°“ware '3 a better chOIce for ple. up tone, lift your hands and let it
any Extensis product review with those papers creating PDFS' One feature which I hope start. Techtool Pro and some other
some bias. stays with Macs for a long time is utilities will also do this for you if

A couple of months ago I __ __ _ the pull-down side panel to add you like. Following this you may
received the latest version of iti‘SUlN " m ' ‘ w upgrades. All computers should be have to reset some items in the
Suitcase, Extensis’ font manage- § w y . " I made this way. control panel such as appletalk,
merit software for Mac users. I IWMtWM If you need to transfer files sharing. date and time.
have been a fan of Suitcase since -E’°’" " 35%;: from an older Mac to your new Some experts recommend
version 80. I M,M::;m‘r::":a“"'” G4, ethernet connections can be reformatting a Mac hard drive

Many Mac veterans remember I iffy“? E}: 3:: “M,” used if the old machine has ether- and reloading fresh software at
earlier versions of Suitcase, before I 11.5”?! £25332: §:‘l$:;1k».l net. If you do not have a network, least once each year. About two
the software was purchased by I “Egg; E; 733:”: «7533' this can be done by getting an eth- hours or more is rt‘quired for this
Extensis. It was known as a sure- Egg/i“ $32»; if: motif-I ernet cross-over cable to connect but it can be less costly than try-
fire "killer," causing more than its I «32:; E53: int-43;; I! from each computer. Then enable ing to search for a particular soft-
share of bombs in its early days. I L31,“ :3: 3:31 "'""""' File Sharing and set up a user on ware or system problem.

Suitcase is now up to version 10.01 I "2553.73,“. f; 3.: ”if" 31.:429‘1! one of the computers. Log on with Of course you should always
and it’s unquestionably ready for In???“ fig: "3:; IZ~3~fgy~I the other computer and copy files. backup everything before you do
prime time. mafia" :2: :21: “I. II For large hard drives this can this. We can never say "Backup“

I’m still amazed at how many it WM w WW” --~5¥--————~——-4~I be slow with 10B'I‘ Ethernet so too much. It is the action that too
newspapers that do not use any L__fi__fi__ggv 7__'__i7' here is another option. If you have many people ignore and wish they
font management software. Font was the inability to add a font an Adaptec SCSI card in the new had after it is too late. Backup to
management software offers users while a program was running. This computer, a SCSI cable can be zip disks, backup to ("D, tapes or
a fast and easy way to get the fonts meant the user was required to connected from the card to the other hard drives . it is never
needed when they need them. In shut down a program, install the built-in SCSI port on the older wrong to make backup copies of
most packages, users can activate, necessary fonts, then restart the computer. Start both computers everything.
search and View fonts, as well as application.
creating sets of fonts specific to Another problem was QUltC
particular projects. apparent at many newspapers I’ve '

Many newspapers use Adobe ViSIted over the years. More fonts 00 In or an
Type Manager Deluxe. As much as installed in a System folder meant i
I’ve appreciated Adobe software a more unwieldy font menu, WhiCh
over the years, ATM Deluxe was resulted in a less stable system.
one product I advised newspapers This was never more apparent em 10 66 9
to steer clear of. It seemed that an than'during a ViSlt W a newspaper 0
unusually high number of newspa— 1“ MISSiSSiPPi last year.
pers who used ATM Deluxe pDFConverting :ostscript files to