xt7z610vtf7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vtf7m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2003 text GLSO News, March 2003 2003 2003-03 2019 true xt7z610vtf7m section xt7z610vtf7m ~, "I; GAYand
{:31 \ SEWICE
Lexington. Kentucky March 2003
A publication or: the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 3
ActOut presents Pride Month Planning
The TWLLLght Oftt’le GOLdS It is that time again. GLSO has set a
ActOut invites you to their production of 3:3:ngéiigufiaéxtaEernfgg 2:: 8:3:
Twilight of the Golds by Jonathan Tolins, _ ,_ , . , _ _
directed by Robert Parks Johnson. Month activrties. All indivrduals Willing to
Performances will be held at the Central work on some aspect Of Pr Ide_ Wm“ are
Public Library Theater, 140 E. Main St., over enc°uraged to attend organ'zat'ms are
two weekends in March Curtain’s at 8 pm invited to send representatives. Members
on Friday 14 Saturday-15 and Saturday of this committee will make decisions can-
22. There will also be a matinee on cerning theme, scheduling of events and
Sunday 23 at 2 pm. Admission is $8. advertisrng. We hope to include some new I
This drama is set in the not to distant activrties this year such as afilm festival. If ‘
future when geneticists are experimenting you have some ideas or some time and
with testing for sexual orientation of a fetus energy, please iorn us.
in utero. Suzanne Gold (SarahKate Moody) is . -
married to genetic researcher Rob Stein (Bill central KY CflllllCIl i0l' Peace and ”NICE
French), the 50” 0f Orthodox Jews who dis- The Central Kentucky Council for Peace
approve of what they perceive as their son's and Justice (CKCPJ) will be holding their
meddling W'th GOd s prerogatives. . annual Peace Fair and Dinner on Saturday,
When R°b Sme'tS “'5 and Suzannes March 1 at The Christ Church Cathedral in
unborn son to his colleagues' experimental downtown Lexington beginning at 5 pm
test procedures, the baby appears to have with dinner at6 pm. The dinner will be veg-
a 90 percent chance of being homosexual. etarian food catered by the Good Foods
Rob thinks they should consider abortion. Co-Op Deli. Due to a limited seating
Suzanne confides in her mother, Phyllis reservations for ...continued on page2
Gold (Robin Roth), that she fears for the
added burden her new family will face. Sponsor of the Month ‘
Mom's got a big mouth, and before long .
Suzanne-s rather, Waiter acid (Michaei Bluegrass Fairness
Thompson) and gay brother, David Gold
(Andrew Hyde), are weighing in with their 806-4114 ‘
conflicting opinions about whether or not
Suzanne should have an abortion. David,
naturally, has strong feeling about his fami- No. More, No Less
Iy members even considering this alterna-
tive. The G0” ...continued on page 2 . (s,ee pages 5’ 14-15) .

 Twilight cont. ..family is foced to openly discuss their
., _»,_ ._ GAY and deepest feelings about homosexuality. How do they come
LESBIAN through it? Join us for this thought provoking play. For
SERVICE related articles, see pages 16 and 17.
I, WHON CKCPJ cont. the dinner are encouraged, call Jeff
WWW KeWIC"y Freyman at (859) 233-8273. Cost is $8 for adults, $4 for
children under 12 . The keynote speaker will be Mayor I
TGLSO MEWSI Teresa Isaac whose topic will be "Working for Social
Volume 19 Issue 3 Justice in Lexington." ‘
The Peace Fair consists of a large variety of organiza-
published monthly by tions that work toward peace, social justice and civil liber- ‘
The Lexington Gay Lesbian ties for all people. Organizations are encouraged to set up
Service Organization information tables to distribute literature for their cause.
389 Waller Ave. Tables will be provided, call Melody Hickman at 254-5393. ,
Admission to the fair itself is free and you are more than _
Editor welcome to attend the fair without attending the dinner. ‘
Mary Crone The CKCPJ has been very supportive of the GLBTQ
community over the years. I would like challenge all
B oar d'Memb er: s GLBTQ organizations to participate. This is a great oppor-
J::ir';yN|\::f”l\r/‘isc’epgf:s?:enr: t tunity to network, make contacts, make new friends and ‘
Sharon Floward Treas. allies and have fun in a safe environment. Dinner and
Mary Crone, éditor speech from Mayor Teresa Isaac for $8 is not a bad deal. :
John Ridener, Secretary Look forward to seeing you there. I
$23213:th Imagine America Town Meeting , I
Tom Collins On Saturday, March 15 at 11:30 am at the Kentucky 1 A
Bill Chandler Theater there will be an event quite unlike any other you
Sarah Martin may have attended in the past. Moderated by Lexington I
Lee Noble Mayor Teresa Isaac, the following speakers will address
Marc Roland their hopes for the future of America: I
J03" Branon Dennis Kucinich, Chair of the Progressive Caucus of I
the Democratic party and a possible US Presidential can- I
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ didate. Kucinich is a strong supporter of workers' rights, I
Newsletter. civil rights, human rights and the environment. (www.thes- I
Individual ' $15 pritoffreedomcom or www.house.gov/kucinich) I
Couple ' $25 Marianne Vlfilliamson, author of A Return to Love, 5
Imagine, Illuminata, and other works. Williamson is an I
Opinions expressed in the GLSO inspirational speaker who envisions new possibilities for .
News are those of the authors and our COHeCtive fUture' ‘
don't necessarily represent those of John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America and I
wjlcgrfiingfiffi :gzxfjgfrigfi The Food Revolution, Food Choices Affecting our Health, I
to edit submissions and advertise- the Environment and the Global Food Supply. (ww.the- » I
gli'xjsisgir‘gegr:2:::;§;;‘t’srejeCI foodrevolutionorg) This event is sponsored by EarthSave
‘ and a $5 donation will be asked at the door. For more :
GLSO Page 2 '

 iir /
.. ommumt ews
Tiffany & C0. Benefif Show Show/Fundraiser on Wednesday, April 9th
’1‘ . . . at 9pm at The Bar Complex. A night of illu-
Tiffany & Company inVItes everyone to . . .
r . S|0n wrth door and raffle prizes too! Door
r our monthly benefit show for Moveable Cover will be $5 and don't for at ourti _
I Feast! Join us at Club141 on Wednesday, in mone forthe, m8, 9 y p
‘ March 19th. Your $5.00 donation will pro- p g y g ‘
vide you a night of fabulous entertainment .- ,
I by some of your favorite Lexington enter- SOHIJflrLB
) tainers! Scheduled to appear are: Tiffany Soulforce Lexington has biweekly meet-
Andrews, Mescha, Val E Sheridan, Miss ings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of
' Sheena, Cheyanne, Rayna Starr and our2 each month at the home of Jamie
; very special guests; Caviar Towers and McDaniel. Soulforce followas the principles
the reigning Empress of thelmperial Court of non-violence practiced and taught by
I of All Kentucky, Miss Nichole Diamond! Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
King’s dream and life work was to move
0 O O
I SIS'CIIS "I The Llfe our society nearer to what he called "the 3
j Sistahs in the Life isasupport group for beloved community." McDaniel believes ‘
j Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. that “an essential component of realizing
Join us for provocative discussions about that dream is for US to understand the thUS'
' our lives and experiences. We meet at 7 tices 0f yesterday 50 that we are better
pm every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. equipped to recognize and work towards
, For information, contact Joan at 859-539- ending the injustices 0f today. “
t 2657 or email Jweslie@aol.com Therefore, Soulforce has begun an in-
;y depth study of the Civil Rights Movement of
u 10171 The Chums the 50's and 60's. For the study group, each
n . . . . .
rt a t II b f ftw
,S , The Lexington Men's Chorus begins pa Mp n W e given me copies 0 o
, books about that era and Will be asked to
. rehearsal for the Pride Month/June 2003 . .
purchase a copy of A Call to ConSCIence.
3f Concert on Sunday, March 2nd at St. .
, , , The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin
,_ Michael s Episcopal Church, 2025 . . . .
. Luther King, Jr. For information or direc-
~ Bellefonte Drive, Weekly Sunday . . .
”y tions, call Jamie McDaniel at 859-230-
~_ rehearsals are from 5:30pm to 7:45pm. .
’ . . . .. 5625. www.SoulforceLexrngton.org
Come to Sing, iorn the auxrliary or become
3, a "Friend of The Chorus" (with your tax LEx DRESS ANd GENdER AlliANCE .
n deflfibfigzgtri‘:”2min a su ortive The next meeting of the LexDGA will be
’r . .. g y , g y p? . , Saturday March 1st at 8pm. Call 433-8388,
and is non-audition. Men s choral srngrng. .
. ~ . . or email LexDGA@yahoo.com or see
d musrc to your ears With harmony in your htt '// rou s ahoo com/ rou /LexDGA for
1’ heart. For more information call Kenneth mopre ignforfnat/ion ' g p
._ . at 255-1974 or E-Mail: info@lmcky.org . ' . .
' ,, . . LexDGA is a peer discus5ion group
e Men In Tights 2003 is Just around the . .
which meets monthly to discuss how gen-
e corner. Mark your calenders for The der affects our
Lexington Men's Chorus' annual Drag ..cont/nued 0" nextpage
GLSO page 3

 lives, and to help members network with Legojan fifty Plus Gigup
each other in a supportive casual atmos- by Ginger Maore—Jlfinder
phere. You are encouraged to dress in any I want to start a new group for lesbians
manner you feel comfortable and to bring a fifty and over and their allies. In January |
close friend who might WiSh to learn more. attended “Silver Threads” a convention for
The LexDGA is not a therapy group and 50+ women in St. Petersburg, FL. The
the meetings are not to be used as a dat- St.Pete, Tampa area has several very
lng seerce. active groups for women in their fifties and
Past topics of discussion have included I thought it would be fun to start one here.
dealing with past and currentguilt, coming I have been advertising in the “Meeting
to terms with our transgendered nature, Place” to let people know that do not get
coming 0L” to friends and family members, this newsletter and to increase our atten-
and discussing how gender affects our role dance.
in society. We hope to have makeovers The first outing will be Saturday, March
Planned for the Marc“ meeting 15. We will go to The Red Seville
Restaurant on Limestone in front of the
Men Of All Colors Together Main Library at 6pm. A section has been
KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT) set aside for us and a special menu of
is meeting regularly on Sunday, March 16 Spanish and Latin (Not MeXIca'n) food has
at the Pride Center at 7 pm. MACT is a been arranged. At 7pm W? M” be enter-
national gay multiracial organization which talned W'th Flamenco dancmg. At 8pm we
fosters a supportive environment where Will go across the street to the Act-Out Play,
friendships and partnerships can be cele- “TWIllght of the Golds". It promises to be a
brated free of racial and cultural barriers. very speCIal evening. Reservations and
We plan to watch a video at this upcom- tlckets to the play are reqwred by March
ing meeting. For more info email mac- 1?, call 253-3233 or 276-0673. Let all your
tky@aol.com or check out our web site a friends know.
www.mactky.com LYONS m / mm CLUB
. The Lexington Lyons / Levi and Leather
(5L1 9'th W Club meets at the Pride Center on March
Anne Edwards, a lesbian and a thera- 10 at 7:30. We welcome new members
pist at the UK counseling and Testing and individuals interested in learning about
Center, is offering a therapy group for gay, our organization.
lesbian, bisexual and transgender students The Lyons recently donated a copy of A
(minimum 5 credit hr). The group is meet- Handbook on the Leather& BDSM Lifestyle
ing from pm t02 pm on Wednesdays and to the Pride Library. This notebook has
is co-lead by Dr. Colby Cohen-Archer. information about the BDSM lifestyle gath-
There Will be 5 to 12 members With a ered from a variety of sources and is partic-
variety or backgrounds and presenting con- ularly designed for the gay male audience.
cerns. All members will either be self-iden- It includes information about the history of
tified as GLBT or be questioning their gen- the leather tradition, terminology and cur-
der identity or sexual Preference Please rent day Pride material. it is available for
call and ask for either Edwards or Dr. Cohen- loan from the pride Library.
Archer if you have any questions. 257-8701. more news on page 10
GLSO page 4

 Bluegrass Fairness
y l
L: FAIRNESS Promoting equality for all people regardless of
fly _ _ their sexual orientation or gender identity
nd No'Mbre,No Less ' in sixteen central Kentuclq counties.
'fifl Let’s work together
he to make central Kentucky better!
as If you’re planning a celebration of same-sex marriage a
3“ or civil union, consider talking to us about placing an
2’: announcement in the Herald—Leader.
’8 If you’re an employee of Ashland, Inc. (including
nd . .
ch Valvoline or Speedway/SuperAmerica), contact us
,u, about efforts to extend health coverage to domestic
’ If you want to volunteer for our efforts to promote .
'er equality for all Kentuckians, contact us about our
ch . . .
”S committee opportunities. (see page 15)
l/A Our new Lexington phone number: 806-4114
as ’
Of __-——_——-——_—
ir- [3,0, Box 22032 www.bluegrassfairness.org
bi Lexington, Kentucky 40522 www.kentuckyfairness.org
,0 859-806-4114 info@bluegrassfairness.org
— _———_———_W

 1% I 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 $
LESflAN WDEO NIGHT and some snacks to share. For more infor-
, . mation call the Pride Center at 253-3233 or
In honor-of Womens H'Story Month, email Jane at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com.
we'll be Viewmg Aimee and Jaguar Friday,
March 14 at 7 pm. This 1998 drama is Art for Fun
based upon the true story of two women,
one German and one Jewish, who fell in We are proud to announce a free art
love in Berlin during World War II. group which wrll meet on the first, second,
Maria Shrader and Juliane Kohler won and PM“ Saturday, from 1pm to 4pm at
best actress awards at the Berlin Film the Pride Center. The group “(In be led by
Festival for their performances as the title two local artists W'th occasional iguest
characters The film is in German with artists. Informal instruction Will be given .in
English subtitles. The version that will be suchlarts as drawm pastels, watercolors,
shown has not been rated acrylics, Oils, sculpting, or whatever medi-
(For additional information about gay men um you’d “k6 to work 'wrth. The goal '5 ”Ct
and lesbians in Hitler’s Germany, seethe arti- to produce great artists bUt to help you
cle on page 16 or check out the documentary release your creative energy that was no
Paragraph 175 from the Pride Library.) doubtsquelched in elementary school.
This group plans to do gallery hops here
Xena at the Pride Center in town, and trips to Louisville and
bvjane Minder Cincinnati art museums. Some art history
| ' _ and appreciation will be taught. The group
Its been two long years srnce Xena, the will be drop-in so you do not have to attend
Warrior Princess and her gal pal (w'nk)r every session. Come see what fun it is to
Gabrielle traveled the world, fought bad enjoy the process of creating without too
guys (and girls), d'ed and came back to much concern for what is created. Art for
I'fe' hung OUt w'th goddesses and QOdS' fun will be offered from March to May.
traveled through time, and generally kicked
ass where ever they went. Are you are still mm m
suffering the effects of Xena withdrawal? _ _
Or maybe you are an "X:WP Virgin" who The GLSO Discus5ion/Support Group
missed out on the whole phenomenon. meets every Wednesday at 7 pm at the
Well guess what? THEY'RE BACK!!! Pride Center. We are always open to new
Join us for the return of Xena and people dropping in to join us. We discussa
Gabrielle at the Pride Center, on Saturday, whole range 0f issues. If you have some-
MarCh 15th at 1pm. Every third Saturday thlng that you need to thlnk OUtIOUd about,
of the month we will get together to watch we will listen. For information contact the
several episodes of this classic series, in PM? Center at 859'253‘3233’ or Jane at
order, commercial free, in the newly issued email ladyjaneky@yahoo.com.
DVD format. See their journey from the
beginning and decide for yourself when all BAYMES NIG"
that "lesbian subtext" started. The Pride Center is opened the fourth
It's free and everyone iS welcome. We Friday of every month for Gaymes Night
are hOPing for a big crowd so bring a friend which in March ...continued on page 8 _
GLSO Page 6

 t _ 1:."1'3‘17 . . I I
/A 1' i_. “ by“ iyf
)r- ) " HEATIi‘E
or fiber?
‘ I
art ' 4,
id, m: 7‘ it.“
t“ ”a .~ t . t j???
c t a: * V : at
re . -   . ‘2“‘1‘ . ‘
1d Directed by Robert Parks Johnson
Jp _ _
,d Starring, Andrew Hyde, Michael Thompson,
to SaraKate Moody, Robin Roth
3; and Bill French
Performances will be presented at
The Lexington Public Library Theater, T40 E. Main St.
- and are scheduled as follows.
:2 Fri. March 14, 2003 at 8:00 pm.
3w Sat. March 15, 2003 at 8:00 pm.
-.a . Sat. March 22, 2003 at 8:00 pm.
re- Sun. March 23, 2003 at 2:00 pm. ,
:te Admission is $8.00 Please call 253—3233 or 252-2867
at to reserve tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door
for each performance.
“This program is made possible, in part, by funds from the lexington Arts and Cultural Council
Community Arts Development Program.“
3 __________________________
— GLSO Page?

 will be Friday, 28. Bring a deck of cards or Serving in Silence by Margarethe
your favorite board game to the pride cen- Cammermeyer (HQ 75.4.036 036)
ter for an evening of fun and games. Bring These and many other books and videos
a snack or soda to Share if you would like on a wide variety of subjects can be
some-munchies. We have a m'9r0W8V9 for checked out at the Pride Center Library,
warming f°°d- A" the fun beg” at 7-00 located at 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100,
pm. open Monday-Saturday, 10-3.
ll . r
Gays In Ille Military" 9
By lane Mint-[er The GLSO Pride Center is planing a
' M . Th' '
For most GLBT persons "Gays in the rummage sale In ay '5 IS a perfect
.. ,, . . way to get rid of all your gently used
Mllltary brings to mind the US. govern- . . .
, ,, , , ,, . clothes, furniture, knickknacks, linens,
ments Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy. But . .
. . . dishes, etc and help the pride center at
With the threat of war looming on the hon- . .
. the same time. As you do your spring-
zon I began to think about all the people . . .
. cleaning, please put aSlde anything you
past and present, gay and straight who . . .
. .. think would be appropriate for this
have served in the military. I know people . .
. . . upcoming fundraiser. Due to space con-
ln this community who have served our . .
. stralnts we ask that you do not bring any-
country With honor and valor. I would hate . . . .
. . . . . thing to the Pride Center at this time.
to think of their stories as being defined by . . . .
.. . . In conjunction With the sale, we Will
the political issues of our time. In some . .
. , set aSlde an area for a Craft Fair.
small way I hope that this months selec— . .
. . . . . Crafters may need to prowde their own
tlons of fact, fiction and biography, Will .
honor their service tables and Will need to pay a fee or
' donate part of their income for the day.
Conduct Unbecoming.’ Gays & Lesbians in We will be heavily advertising this event
the US. Military by Randy Shilts (UB 418-638 and are looking for a large turn out so this
8556) would be an excellent way to make the
. transition from a hobby to a business.
Dog Tags by Alex's Jude (F JUde D654) To complete the fair atmosphere, we
Gays in Uniform: The Pentagon’s Secret would like to have a food wagon offering
Reports edited by Kate Dyer. (UB 418.638 638) hot dogs, chips, drinks, and funnel cakes.
The Lieutenant by Andre Dubus (F Dubu L721) If anyone has a focal wagon they WOUId
like to donate for the day or knows how to
Lieutenant NW5 MemOIr Of a Basque go about renting one, please let us know.
Transvestite in the New world by Catalina Look for more information in the next
de EreUSO (CT1358-E7A3) newsletter. We will need volunteers to
Mat/ovich the Good Soldier by Mike Hippler 5°” and Price Items ‘0 heIP W°ik the day
(HQ 75'8M3 H667) of the sale. Call Ginger or Sharon to vol-
_ _ unteer, for additional information about
Privates by Gene HOFOWIIZ (F H°r° P951) donations or about selling crafts, or if you
Sailors and Sexual Identity: Crossing the have information about acquiring a food
Line Between Straight and Gay in the US. wagon. Pride Center - 859 253-3233,
Navy by Steven Zeeland (VB 324038 Z44) Sharon at 859 338-1046 or email lexing-
tonglso@ yahoocom.
GLSO Page 8 '

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— WW

 Ahde’S {Huh Fear F3010!" updated information, check our web site at

Andrews Club for GLBT young adults The Entertainer of the Year shows are
has kicked off with a bang. Members gath- under way; two successful shows have
er at 7 Pm at the Pride Center and often 90 already raised over $1,000. Members of
from there to other locations in Lexington. the Court have traveled to Connecticut and
It meets on Saturdays March 8 and 22 and Long Beach recently for coronations. We
is open to YOUHQ adults 18 and UP- If YOU are excited about planning our Coronation
are a somewhat older, come anyway and 22 which will be in early June.
see if it fits your needs Our Calendars are now on sale for $7.

At one Of the February meetings, Get one at this bargain price. And last but
Andrew arranged a game Of Fear Factor. not least, Congratulations to Jenna Jive
AS seen on NBC, everyone competed in who was crowned Miss Gay Valentine on
outlandish competitions ranging from eat- Febuary 12,
ing sardines and transporting crawfish in
their mouths, to climbing a 40 foot rock wall Mystery Dinner Theater
and hanging upsnde down by.a bungee Actors Needed.
cord for an extended period of time.

“It was hysterical watching everyone GLSO and ActOut have commissioned
compete so ferociously,” Andrew said, a short play to be presented in May. There
“Luckily I was just the host." The fierce are six parts for actors, no previous expe-
competition ended with a champion who rience necessary. Tryout are scheduled for
was awarded the coveted “Andrews Club Thursday April 2 at the Pride Center with
Champion” T—shirt. three male and three female parts.

Andrew Hyde, from CBS’ The Amazing This will be basically a one act play that
Race reality TV show, started this group in opens up to audiance participation as folks
January and looks forward to all the group try to solve the mystery of who set a fire at
has planned for 2003. The group will have Bell Breezing’s House of ill repute. If you
a different activity each meeting ranging are really interested, we suggest you call
from hiking, going to the movies, weekend Terry before the tryout date at 576-5262.
trips to places such as Gatlinburg, and He may asign parts in advance of the try-
New York City in June. Andrew will be out date. 80 give him a call and sign up to
speaking during New York’s Pride Events. have some fun.

“I’m completely psyched that everyone
is having such a blast. It’s a very laid back y .
group and is absolutely open to everyone,” _ . IFYOU COULD SAVE
Andrew stated. For info contact Andrew at ., 1UP To .500/0. 0N___ ‘
KYAndrew1@aol.com. , 'MEEICAL . DENTAL . HOSPITAL . ‘


As you can see by the ad on the pre- 1 r . Would You?