xt7z610vtf61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vtf61/data/mets.xml Fayette County, Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Fayette County Clerk's Office  The fourth of four indices to the Colored Marriage Registers for Fayette County. This index is undated. Originals are held at the Fayette County Clerk's Office. indexes (reference sources)  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Indices to Colored Marriage Registers, Fayette County Fayette County (Ky.) Lexington (Ky.) African Americans -- Marriage General Index to Marriages, 2, Colored, Fayette County [undated] text General Index to Marriages, 2, Colored, Fayette County [undated]   2019 true xt7z610vtf61 section xt7z610vtf61 , - TF0 IBook Page *“
_ Abanight, William ” Embry, Lucy Ann 13 301
Abbott, Alice ” Kimble, Walter C. 30 135
’ Abbott, Ella ” Mills, Eli 15 219'
| Abernathy, Aline " Hill, Buford 19 333 .
Able, Della " Wright, John Jr. 25 90
. Able, Della ” Burton, Otis 33 244
Able, Elmer " Hocker, Charity 31 219
' . Able, Jennie ” Gibson, Martin . 13 319 1
I Absher, Arthur " Jackson, Clara 15 l
. Acton, Janie ” Castleman, Sidney 25 318
, Acton, Leonard H. " Bradshaw, Nervella 19 288 :
Actor, R. " Bolden, Susie Alice 19 55 ?
Actore, Jennie May ” Smither, John Thomas 19 478 .
_ Adair, Elmer' " Carr, Helen 28 231 3
Adams, Alfred ” Jones, Addie 15 354 71
Adams, Carrie Belle ” Burdett, Robert 13 231 2
Adams, Charity B. ” Livers, James 20 436 1
Adams, Charles " Poyntz, Mary Ella 26 369 E
Adams, Charley ” Bentley, Mary Eliza 24 164 g
I Adams, Charley " Simpson, Mattie 13 307 1f
' Adams, Clarence ” Morton, Nora 14 105 é
Adams, Cecil, ” Brown, Jean Brice 29 . 107 1
Adams, Cornelius ” Andrews, Anna L. 28 61 3
Adams, Cornelius " Weaver, Josephine 31 446 .~
Adams, Dan " Nelson, Sallie 26 12 7
- Adams, Dillard " Saunders, Louise 31 300 f
* Adams, Ed " Bush, Clara 11 257 3
Adams, Edna ” Sachel, Jesse 27 358 1;
Adams, Elizabeth " Watson, Montelle Clar 19 134 g
? Adams, Elmer " Fishback, Daisy 30 391 E
1,. Adams, Elmer " Green, Flora 24 481 *
Adams, Emma - " Banks, Alfred 13 381 3%
Adams, Emma " Lewis, Robert Lee 27 112 %
Adams, Ezra " Harris, Birdie 13 145 E
I Adams, Fannie " Collier, Moses ll 92
Adams, Farris " Harper, Sarah 32 51 .§
Adams, Farris ” Beasley, Hattie 25 379 §
- Adams, Flora ” Poole, Jack A. 31 36 g
Adams, Frances ‘ ” Blevins, John 21 435 .i:
I Adams, Fred Clifton ” Thomas, Helen Louise 31 324 :3
Adams, Fronie ” Jones, Dixie 21 449 E:
. Adams, George ” Martin, Gertrude 14-A 16 M

 » I-i—-
‘ Adams, Gertrude " James, Willie 30 329
Adams, Harry ” Brown, Amanda 13 443
2322:: 121-:1; I! garages?“ 1; 11%
Adams , Hattie B. " Boswell, John 31 17 I
Adams, Helen ” Vester, Harold 24 452
Adams, Helen Leverda " Patton, Cornelius C. 29 495
Adams, Helen Laverda " Sleet, Louis 31 482
Adams , Henry " Owsley, Nannie 14 73 I
Adams, James " Scott, Gertrude 14 275
Adams, James R. " Watkins, Wynolia 31 94
Adams, Jasper ” Howard, Mary Leatha 26 404
Adams, Jean ” Johnson, Leonard 32 187
Adams, Jessee ” Vinson, Jessie 14 323
Adams, John " Jenkins, Mattie 23 205
' Adams, John Willis ” Berryman, Betty 33 249
Adams, Lina Mae " Jewett, Fee 25 184
Adams, Loretta ” Smith, James Allen 33 388
Adams, Lucy " Mitchell, Perry 10 16
Adams, Lugusta ” Allen, James A. 11 399
Adams, Margaret " Marshall, Ernest 23 183 I
Adams, Martha Lee ” Smallwood, Sam 26 113'
VAdams, Mary " Milton, Ernest 21 469
Adams, Mary ” Fox, George 13 359
VVAdams, Mary ” Minor, George 14 353
,gAdams, Mary ” Graham, Henry 12 63
,EAdamS, Mary Christine " Thompson, William S. 17 271
fiAdams, Matilda Lee ” Simpson, Richard 30 397
igAdams, Minnie ” Howe, Henry C. 14 129
fAdams, Mollie ” Bell, Charley 15 170
~EAdams, Muriel ” Irvin, William 32 249
VéAdams, Murriel ” Leary, Robert Benjamin 27 289 ' .
EAdams, Ollie " Buckner, Lillie 22 57
iEAdams, Polly ” Henderson, J. E. 15 354
.-‘§rADm/xs,12a\LMoND " (ZEED,EA\56\B&TH 2:4 2133 ‘
TVAdams, Richard ” Johnson, Hattie 13 125
VV‘EAdams, Richard V " Woodson, Mannie 21 322 I
:5Adams, Richard " Madison, Fannie 13 591
iiAdams, Robert ” Stoner, Elizabeth 30 23
éAdams, Robert H. " Sidney, Emma 13 199 .
gAdams, Sallie . " Frazier, John 13 481
ViAdams, Shirley ” Rowe, Rachelle 31 390
. 3V V V

 V__V---.V- ..V-V__- Adamsulysses __ .VV-V .. . Bank-8:. Clere RV- _. V , 12 V 189 V
V “__EamS-Ulyses V _V Burley Bros-cilia _- V- V- V V 13513
VV-AdemSV-a_-Yiola- . V V Clerk, Robert . V , 20 275 V
I . V.-_-A-Vdam.s, William Jr. V ” Waters, Mamie 27 _ 222
“-._-__V... --_-A-<_1-ew_9,-W1111e3 _ V. - V ' _ __VHe-ooy. Lydia. V V l5 .. V ..9-2V
-n---ll__uééem31 William W1. ------- .-MWVV. WM---V--V Drake, Willa- - -- -- W-----.--_- V- V VWV26M-- ””230” V V
Adamswllllamfis V V V .. Long, Helen Frances V , _V V _V . V V 17 74V-
_-V_-' . V-VV-_--_..-_-.“Elsi-n.8,...VVVHeory-V-VVV V .. _ V',’_ Jones-..V-Effie V. _V .V V , _ .18 420 ,
.V-flwzjeoes - -- ThomasJeanC V. V _V 3Q 178
____é_1ken,E-llen , V. V" Campbell.- S... ...E-V. -, V V - V V V- . V V 11 -385.-
V__-_--- ___1:IL_1-<_eBS:_T-erry- VV V H-” Berry, Zoetta Min-or V V. 33 .203
I V_V-491393994998 _Eléz-abeth... V, V- V -.9-locker; William ‘ , V ,. , 30-- 7. 497-V__V
_ Jig-rLEarQVIVyy,--_ __D-otyErn-est- - -32 _232
-w-_ V-NWH_AlgornjmfiEhelde- . --9 .-VVV-L--V_ -V.VV-Mobley,-William V V -- V V,VV-_--32-wm-Mw256-
_--- _m-W-V_Al£QrQ,-EyelynwruW“-VH-H-V-VVWV-m-V_-V -V --Livingston, Mellen Jr. “-._-V-V -31-.- --363V--4
__-_V-V __ALQ-qrn,--VG_1.Qr-ia VV V..VV.V..- V V. V.'V'.-V V, Williams,- Godfrey -_ V V ., VV V . - 3-0 V 355
..V-m- _-__4190rnJeenAgoes .. ,, Williams Joseph VLer-eoe-e , . 32 .107.-
-VVV .VVV-flooVVrII-Vg- .John H«. . V. V ”. Edwards, Addie Louise V V -_ 28 372
.V-lli .....AlE9VF-I3-a-VWilliam-.V-J- V . . V .. ”.. V Covington, Hester. _ V V V. 22 V 7-_._5..V.
m V ”Algorn, William Morton V ” George, Juanita 30 275 E
---_. -HV V-AléersonaflBetty.. .VVV. V. . V “ VH-Chenault, Joseph . _ V V _V 30 V346 . é
_ .VVV-Algr_mge,VVA1ex-V V ‘ - , Harris, Fanny V .. .17 31.0
Velezseoer-g-Aoe-V, V. . V , V- V VIM-[93.52. Lethe-r- . V _. V . 21, 430-.
.Al-ezseoder, Abe V V V. _ " Kinkea-d,Mami-e VV 14.-VA. _- 173 V
V V. Alexander, Alice . “V Breckinridge,VRobert 26,-, _ 440
..V-Alexander.. V-VBethh-a V V VV”V -- Larry, William in -_ V _ .- V V V- 2.5 ..V-.100
WWW--Alewfi-e-LMQLa-rVa-lB-EWLl-e-W ll-”__Bush,George.Leroy V- .VV.V V. 3Vl-_V-~,-37Q--
V-Alexander..--Cora... V. V. V- V. V __“VV ..V-Williams, Lee V, ¥ _ - l4-___V__l-OVl
...-V -A-l-ezcander,Earl V V _ . - V "V- Hamilton,.-Anthony _, . V. 1.2-- _ -365
'A1_exanderEllsha V. - . -VRlngoLutle V . . -11 .V 305
__l-lAlexanderEllzabeth .V V Williams .John-Henry. V. V. , , 14A V 39
my“ ”My“: Alexander, Emma __ g - 7_ N _H ” ’ Levingston, Denver 14 91 _Ej
NW" “-Vm-V Alexander, Emma V V ”V Lewis,Charles E. V 14 298 ii
W... V-.VVV-.--..--Alexander. Ethel. V . .V V V. _V V. " V Todd, Eddie, _ _ 13 5.35
1.. V V Alexander, Eva V H Byrd, Will »%
"WW, - _m WAlexander, Frances ” Lilly, James S. 7 18 g ”222 .i
VVVAVlVexanderg- Franc-1,8 -_ _- V ” Mathews. James _ VV V V 11 353 1
_Wgw ”‘7 Alexander, Freda , _ ” Fender, Wm. C. V ‘31 455 g
_Mw-V -L- HA1exander,gGeorgeVV V.H-. _ V " VGill, Lilla Mae V 28 66 ‘j
‘7} " V’Alexander, George V g ” ‘ Lesis, Lila Lee '7 14 363 .3
' ‘
. ...., “Lian—r..-“ » --..V .1..“ ,V ..- -. . . _ .V_w-.-_“,_VVV,,-VV.VV“_VV-VVV--V-V.V_-.--V~-..“-W_-VVVVVV w. *- .--..VV-._.V“VV,VV.._.. war...“ .VV-“wan.” wwwfie

 . III--
Alexander, George VAVleertVV - " Bradshaw, Sallie Bertha 28 . 242
Alexander, Glenn V ” Hampton, Malessia 21 15
Alexander, James ” Churchey, Doxey 15 185
Alexander, Janie " Burris, James 19 219 l
_ Alexander, Jannie ” Burrus, James 14 163 -
Alexandr-errJ-oele._ ,. _ - Sams, William. _ . . . 13 . 405-,
Alexander, Julia " Price, William 18 310
Alexander, Julia __ V . ” Green, Ollie - 23 34 '
. Alexander, Lafayette “ Howard, Susie _ 11 189 '
Alexander: Lerey . , . " -. Banks, Beverly 33 257-
‘ Alexander, Letha " Schooler, Carl 23 430-3
' ..-_--Al.exa.nd.e_r.,-_-Lizzie.--.. .. . . ”. - Pryor ,... James. .. . __ . - . .11- - 4.1.3....... - _
.Alexallder-,--L9ttie - - " Gant, G. H. 17 413 .
._...Al-sxanderr-_L.l.l.9y---. - - . , " Price, Joe - . . . - 13 1.5-.-
.. -. -.-Al.¢?$aP-§§£;-.LUCY._§s--... - - - ” .. Falker, Isom - . .14 . 3
Alexander, Mamie ” Baltimore, Felix 10 496
....A.l-e.x-ander,- Mason... . . , ., - ". Curd, Willie Mae _ 18 260
. -.Alexander.,. Mary - . . .. _ " Keys, William _ - 16 90- -
Alexander, Mary " Lewis, William 26 339
.-.Aleesanderr.-Pe-er.1-.. . .. ” Layne, 0- R. 19 229 I
Alexander, Richard " Mason, Lou Emma 14 225
Alexander, Roberta E. " Buford, Dr. Charles C. 18 293
V Alexander, Sam . " Black, Georgia 27 244
.. AlVexandVerV,VV Sam - V " Lee, Alice 17 417
Alexander, Samuel ” Bailey, Mary 14 363
Alexander, W. M. V " Hawkins, Mary 17 384
--eleééelleeia ,.We_.1.leCe-.. _- -_ Johnson: Mellie . 10- - .439, , ,.
1 Alexander, Will " Limberlake, Ollie B. 21 245
Alexander, Will . " Burley, Anne 10 341
VVVVV_VAlexander,V_VVWVm.V VV - V .- ” Gill, Glendora 14 36 .
VVVVAlford, Jehn _ - " Kemper, Christine V - 26 178 l
_._..-A-l-§9rd, Mary -_ -'-‘ _ DaViS, Jame.s----- . - 13 ._19 - V
Alford, Raymond S. " Moore, Clyde Jewell I 15 373
- Allan, Sidney D. " Taylor, Mattie Dudley 14-A 107
V. VVVVVVAllenV, Addie .. V VV V V V“ Calvin, Gabriel V 13 223 I .
:5 Allen, Alfred " Woodard, Mannie B. 2l 314
7. Allen, Alfred . . ” Washington, Mina J. 11 391
Allen, Alice VJeVanVV V VV V - V ” V Smith, Sherman 32V 125 -
i. Allen, Amanda - , " Leavel, Thomas 17 421
Allen, Amanda _ -- _ -- " Taylor, John - 13 359 -
.. Allen, Amanda ” Searcy, Thomas l4-A 13

 7 “Allen, Anna . ., . . a " _, Green, VIke 12 72
W WAllenWAnna A 7 , _. _ . , V Green, Ike . . l2. 129
Allen, Annie , ” Chiles, William 11 423
Allen, Arthur " White, Emma 17 46
I ‘ . “kW-Allen, Arthur . , " Givens, Mary A. , 13 267
. _._._.-_._A%1en, Baa??? __ . .2 Ripley? Mam-”1%,. _. ,.._,,Z4 W. ”l9...
_ . _ . 7_‘__H_A11en,g ‘E‘eatrice , g , _ " Jackson, Fred 29 489
, , MAUCD» Benjamine .2 , . .. "_ Morton: Mary 29 452
W. .__ ,___A.llsag_--§ettie ., , . ,7 ‘7, _._Reed: John . , ,, . ._ .16. . .38
a 7 fimAllen,“ Blanche 7 ” Smith, George Jr. 25 302 A,
_. WAl,l.en,-.CWM.f. ., 7 . . . ,,_.Green, Alice, 7 V2.5. 368,, .
WAEeagfimufiaazrie , . a. '_.' ,, .Scearca, Thurman . . ,, ”14,, , .52,
. . V _ ”Allen, Charle‘s ,. s , . "' Baker, Mary E- _ , 1,5 . 49*
W. W._A_11en,-_Qharles M Jr. _. . .. '1. 7. .._...J,ones, Gladys H. .. 7 __ W _, 7 20.. . . . 79.5. _
.4 .7 ,. A, , ._._.,.__.Al.len.,”Doc, 7 . .. . ". Harris, Dorothy A 7 22 A 17, .
Wéllena Ed. . _ _ , " . EStill: Frankie 20 308.
, .-_-.é_£l_€.=n:,..,.E.dna . . 4 . . . . .” Moore, Charley 19 ,154
W ...____Allfin_.a Eliza _ ._ . , ," Simmons; John _ . . 11 271
7 ‘ ”Allen, Emanuel " Veally, Alberta 21 37
I Allen, Essie Belle ” Blankenship, Nick V 16 4 __ ,
Allen, Eugene Edward " Payne, Berdie 25 333
Allen, Eugene " Means, Orilous 3G : 46
. . Allen, Eunice " Stephens, Richard 19 185 Q
_ , Allen, Frank ” Francis, Mary 13 363 .
.Allen, Gabe ” Hall, Carrie 13 427
V 7 Allen, Gabe Thomas _ ” Mason, Grace 17 21
,_ ”Allen, George . 7 7 " Christopher, Emma 13 139
WWW . ._...,.A.l...l__e_n,,-.,.George. . _. .” WLockhart, Fannie .. , .7 _ .. W14 _, 1.1399,. .4 .
.- 7 Allen, George L. _ ” Williams, Rhoda 31 352 ‘
. . ,y Allenfieorgia Bell. . ” . . Lewis, Robert. Edward . , 2,6,7. . _. 493. 2
WI _ V H ,. Allen, Gertrude ,. g ,, _ . , " . Jones, Jeff . 13 52,1
._ All¢n_z,,.G¢rtr9de 7 _ _, . Martin, Percy , 14 191
Allen, Gladys " Hawkins, William David 25 142
Allen, Gladys ” Washington, Henry 26 265
,_ I Allen, Hannah ” Smith, Will Henry 13 469
Allen, Isabell “ Williams, Robert 13 39
Allen, James _ ” Penn, Sophi , 28 370
. Allen, James " Pearsley, Eliza 13 387
, Allen, James A. ” Adams, Lugusta 11 399 '
7 7 Allen, Jane “ Stofer, George 2 13 121
Allen, Jessie W. ” White, Charles R. 14-A 230 .

H _Allen, John . . . . ” Taylor, Mary l4-A 208
'Allen, John C,‘ , - ” Hawkins, Almira Pauline _ 26 89
VAllen, John Henryn _ ” Gilbert, Myrtle Ruth 25 39
Allen, John Henry Hill, Allie 15 301 I
Allen, John S. . ” Burton, Minnie 13 311-
rrAllen, John W.Hv ..H-... _ . H, Prewitt, Ruby Lee 33 328
lAllen, Josh, " Stevenson, Amelia, 16 91
Allen, ”Lena 7 " Fox, Ollie 15 322 . '
- .A.llen,,.li3zi.e_,-.-. . - . " , Jackson, Porter , 13 475. ,
.Allen, Lizzie ‘_ 7 “ Martin, Taylor 13 497
Allen, Lou “ Goode, Jake 17 129
AllenLeuD __- .. .. , .. .-.-Harris, Nepalese-S-.. - , , _ . ¥ 1.3 , 13- , .-
. . .Allen..,.LL-1.ey _ . _ " . Palmer, Theo .20 58
...._A_ll-e--I1--,.--.Lll.cy-.,Belle-. .. . - . . - . Smith, Leonard... ,- . . . - 18 , 210. .
_H“ Allen,_Mallie Lou " Simpson, George M, , , . 13_ 511 , -
Allen, Mamie ” Johnson, J. H. 15 238
. AllenaMergeret. . . . " Black, Richard ' 33 438
_ _ All--33.,-.Me.rs31:-e§--. . __ . ”. . Carr, Charles H. _ . . . 11 397. _
Allen, Margaret ” Jackson, Ernest 26 250
Allen, Margaret E. g g . " Givens, John Jr. 30 152 2 I
7 Allen, Maria ” Champs, Roger 14 _ 347
,Allen,_Maryg _ ” Hazelwood, Robert 17 431
Allen, Mary, H, Davis, Henry 13 123 ‘
Allen, Mary_. . ., " Coleman, William 13 565
, Allen, Mary _ ” Keys, William 20 273
Allen, Mary _ “ Price, Lee 15 4
.-....Alleo.,.....Mery .- . .. . I' , Robinson, Milo . l4-A 2.28
; Allen, Mary D. ” Smith, Fred W. 13 487
--.All§n’ Matlack .. ” Carter, Sallie 7 24 260
,..-.-_A1.1.en.,.- N933 . . . .. ,- Winslow,- -Harry Wendell 13 5.0.5 . . .
.-.-..-.Allerla Peril-David Per-lick, Marie _ . - - 33. .30. I
Allen, Pauli-9e . . . . . , Person, Joe - ., . .. 30 . .92 . .
,- Allen, R. L. ” Anderson, Minnie l4-A 183
Allen, Rachel ” Long, Louis 18 306
, Allen, Reuben . . . . . " Ramey, Harriet . . 27 48 I
Allen, Reuben ” Wright, Marie 32 90
VAllen, Richard , ” Newton, Nancy 21 132
Allen: .Bicherd _ , _ _ Walsh: Mary . ._ , - 14. 57 . .
Allen, Robert ” Kelson, Agnes 20 194
, . ..Allens- Robert , , " - Gann, Amanda. .. , , . ll. 81 - ,
l . Allen, Robert " Jones, Helen 31 191

 ._..77-_A711.e.n;___Samantha . 7” Smith, Henry 7 _ 13 . 531
-_--...-.___-Allen.,--§o-phie_ A... .. .7 7 7 ” .Burton, John F. . 7 15 3667
AAAllen,ASusie " Beatty, Ben 25 464
7. Allen, Susie " Ray, William 15 53 7
' Allen, ”Texanna, . . 7 ” Walker, Julian A. 27 72
-_.-Allen;-_Ibernee- ‘7 .7 , .7777Fif‘3'717d737’... AnneMeY- 77 . ._ , 24 . .
.. -_--Allen,- Thomee- , , 7 ‘7 Tomes» Dovie 15 227
. 7. .._--,»777Th7°Wa$7J- . A _ 7. A"A Jackson, Lottie Meekes . 7 24 395 77 .
l 77 47.17.}?7927‘73“ 7 . 7. _ 77 777-"7.7 7.443544527390173” _ . . . - 14 -. 57
Ann wn . . _ _ Rice: Sue Elle ' 28 122 7
wAlleniWash _ . 7 , 7 777-_“_ . 7 Taylor,7.Addie 7 7 77 ll 7 .441
_ 77_Al-1-7en.a._7wllllam .7 .7 7 7 7 7'7‘7- Green, Mary v. 77 . 7 . - 7 7 7 7 l3. 77.774971 .7 7.
7 7 .7-77--._A1-len-,7 William . .7 . 7 'Y- _. Graves, Betty Lou - 7 7 307 7 720 _
-.--_Al-l-e-r.17,7..--William . .7 . 7. . 7 -7 7'7‘7-77 . _77Seals, Patsy 7 7. 7 7 _ 7. l3. 7 77 7167. -
. . 7.A71777l.7en,77Wi-lliam . ” White, Nannie . 7 13.7 261 7
. . _ Allen, William A . 7 7 ” Johnson, Elizabeth 16 117
.-..éllsne Willi-78m 7 . ” Clouds, Fannie 7 . l?- 259 7
7. ..--Allen,-..W.illiem7.7. .7 7 . 7 ” Campbell, Mary 7 7 . . .. 14 . 309,
A_AAA1AA1en, William Howard ” Bates, Lucille Hugh 32 406
' AAAAlAlAenworthA, VernaA " Montgomery, Joseph 27 471
Alkins, Margaret " Morton, Robert L. Jr. 27 124
. “Allison, Mary 4 ' “ Johnson, Daniel 13 593
7 . 7 Allison, Mary E. 7 " Veach, John Andrew 18 26
_ _7 . . Alsop, Ed “ Wilson, Lottie 13 599
Alsopp, Mary ” Green, Charles 10 614
7 Alston, Robert ” Overstreet, Amanda 27 331
. 7 Ambrose, Anna Bell 7 " Berry, Phil 27 67
fisbroseCurt 77 . Dunn, Annie... _ _ 7. _7 .. _7.713..- 4.29 ..
_ . Amos, __George A. “ Chrystal, Bertha A. 15 128
. _ 7, . AAAAAmAsden, Lena 7 7” Miles, L. . 24 163 A
I 7 _ Anderson, Alex . 7 7 . " 7 Whitson, Rebecca 20 .. 83
7 ._....77777Afl7d3FS79n: Alice . 7 7 , 7 7 " ABlackburn, George 19 208 7
Anderson, Ambrose ” Thompson, Emma l4-A 236
Anderson, Anna ” Bell, Otho 25 112
.. I 7 Anderson, Anna Bell ” Bradshaw, Lunsford 21 149
Anderson, Anna Lee ” Saulter, Stanley 23 207
77 7 AAAAnderson, Annie 7 ” Geter, Asa 17 31
,_ 7 w__Anderson, Bettie ” White, Albert 26 399
Anderson, Bettie Mae “ McClasky, E. 19 153
7 . 7 A Anderson, Christina ” Hamilton, Juniors 14 19
Anderson, Clara J. “ Lucas, Lonnie Jr. 29 381

 ~ I”-
.“w Anderson, Dan ‘ _ ” Mason, Mary 28 252
Anderson, Ed 7 “ Sparks, Maggie 20 , 175
Anderson, Edward H. ” Ballew, Carlisle 30 469
Anderson, Emma “ Shotwill, Zack 13 71 I
Anderson, Flora “ Gover,Cowan 23 300
, Anderson, Frances ” Wingate, Walter 29 491
Anderson, Frank “ Lane, Nannie B. 21 143
. ,. Anderson... George ., , ” Britton, Kate 23 242 I
Anderson, 5903813... ” Hooks, John 20 327
_Anderson, Gladys ” Downey, Jessie C. , 32 238
Anderson, Grant ” Lytton, Esther 25 261
.WWWAnd§r§QQ.WQwendolynmw”up 1 m a a" ._ Qsle, William m. _V , . “.mfilu 392W “1.. . W
.Anderson, Hannah ” Young, John T. , 24 117,
-_.Aaslezseaz.--Hettie , . a A . " Johnson: Roscoe A a ._ 25, . _ ,67. . w ._
_UhAnderson,_He1enn ”W ”7 Woodford, George 13 381 _ »
Anderson, Horace ” Steele, Ida 14 287
.._,__,Ander.son,. Hughes. . . " , Burnett, Marie 18 1,3,3
Anderson, Jamss.,. ,. " .Crutchfield, Elza 29 1.65..
Anderson, James Arthur ” Housworth, Geraldine 30 414
”Anderson, Jane ” Lee, Charles H. 21 30 I
Anderson, Jennie ” Graham, G. H. 15 124
_Anderson, Jesse. ” Thompson, Ella 21 401
Anderson, Jessee ” Webster, Clara 14 329
_ Anderson, John " Harris, Lula Mae 29 419
Anderson, John . ” Clay, Bessie 19 155
Anderson, John . “ Washam, Betty 31 215
.Anderspn...John.._T... '7 Young, Mamie. . a. . l3 49
Anderson, John Winzzur ” Newby, Florida 23 159
Anderson, Julia _ _ 7" Martin, Thomas 7 13 _259 ‘
"w”,Anderson, Julia, 2. _ . H ” Woodward, Sidney Jr. . 20 382
“Anderson, Julia Bell. , d " Cochran, William Jr. 7 . 30 231" I ..
"._-.lmépdeyson, Katherine”.-. . ", Green; John V . _ V V 29 V .499 ,
Anderson, Lizzie ”a_ Brown, Willie 15 226
_ Anderson, Loretta ” Hamilton, James 30 198
.. Anderson, Lou H. , " Stevens, George 14 201 I
‘ Anderson, Louella ” Smith, John B. 26 483
‘ Anderson, Lula _ e ” Estill, Charlie 15 84
Anderson, Lulie Allen, 7 ” . Washington, Thomas 7 13 377
, Anderson, Maggie 7 7 “ Dry, Ed 19 410
_ Anderson, Martha,, m , ” Washington, Ethelbert . l4 _ 33_ ,
. Anderson, Martha Ann ,, " Hightower, A. J. l4-A 215

 .V VV.V-Vénderson.VMary _. . . . V " Green: Mace 27 274 ,
.V _._V.._V_V.._V_V.Anderson. Mary V . V . . _V . V” Rout, Perry V. I . V .18 182
Anderson, Mary C. ” Henderson, Charles A. . 29 198
I Anderson, Mary L. ” Lackey, Christine 20 157
__ ,V_V__An_deeron,V Minnie ” Allen, R. L. 14-A 183
_-----V . V--._V_An.<.1erson._MinnieV V " V V Parker... Charlie . V . .V 28 VV . 155
VV_VVVAanerson, Minnie " VV _Martin, John . V 15 215
I . ,__-_.And.erson, Paul V V . V V . ,, " V Cninn. Veloris 31 22
_. ,_ ..,--._.Ans1.erson,..VVVRalph . V _- _ ” Fisher, Lucille , ,, .V 21.. V V 236 ..
__-_- VV-._V__.Anderson, Richard V “ .Cummins, Ruth V 30 V 55
V .. .. .___Ander.so.n.,.--Robert . V. .V . . V V " .-Robinson, Sallie M. _ . . .V 24 . 426.
_-.VV_VV_V._ wlil-nd-erson.Rose VV .. V V Gibbs,VJ.ohn Jr _ - _. 15 29.0.-.-
._VV._._.An.d§r_$.Qn,- Susie . .. ” Spiller, Robert 26. 135 V
-_M..nAn-dersonkSylvester . . .. V V “ V. VB.la.9kf-QF§1’ Mattie 33,11 .V . V. . .. . V. . V V-27V._ V227,.
.. VV VVVVVVAnderson, Walter V " _ Baker, May VV V32 . 341
V V VVVVAVanerson, Willa Bell " McGee, Isaac , .19 361
M... .. VV___V_Andeeron, William "_ Fields, Jennie V. V 17 V .488
_ V --Anderson..-William V . . .V _ '.' Mabson, Ernestine ,, , VV - 28V 390
V_ Anderson, William " Graham, Lillie 21 70
I V ...VA11C1¢¥SOI1; William _ ‘VV‘ Holmes,Mariah 13 579
Anderson, William “ Glover, Minnie 10 530
Anderson, William Jr. “ ' Thomas, Emma Campbell 33 343
V , VVAanerson, William C. _ _ " Taylor, Mamie B. 10 81
V Anderson, William H. " Glass, Ludie 14 247
V V Andrews, Anna L. " Adams, Cornelius 28 61
Andrews, Carrie " Burton, Everett 15 134 V
_ VAndrews, Elizabeth. . " Cook, Dennis . 19 162
_V_ AndreWS.Fann1eM-. -. V " Parks,Grant .V .. ,V - V. 17 _ 30 V
_ Andrews, John A. V " Curd, Thelma M. 31 356
- .. .....433‘F?WVS_’ Lee _ . .V _, V V . " NOV-“0n: Mary V , V V20 247
VVVVVV' V V Andrews, Stewart V . V VV " V Carpenter, Mattie V V V 27 161
.. Anthony, Clarence . VV "V White, Katie F. V V13 V593 ..
VV Anthony, Delia V ” Wear, William 13 119
V | Anthony, Harris Lehman " Thomas, Leona 28 315
. Anthony, Mary C. " Green, James 15 317
V Apperson, James C. ” Congleton, Lilley Mae 15 3
__ V, Appleton, Bartlet " Williams, Hattie 13 407
. V (x Archie, Arnetia ” Hanley, Jessie W. 29 333
V V Archie, Bernard ” Meaux, Wadie 24 354
Archie, Calvin V " Lawson, Ann 30 139 .

 e l—---
Archie, Henry —_:—— Hart, Mary E. 17 159
hVArchie, Herdester . V “ White, Coaley 26 50
. Archie, John -.. ” Ogle, Martha ‘ 23 78
Archie, Mand ” Suter, Sherdon 29 290
Archie, Nellie ” Carr, John Berry 25 139 _ I
Archie, Turner G. Jr. ” Harris, Ruth V. 25 267 .-
Armsley, Rebecca .1 . V” Barbee, John 13 _ 251
_ Armstrong, Alex . ” Coleman, Martha l4 l3
VVArmstrong,VV Charles V ” Hawkins, Dora May 18 390 . I
Arm-arrange. Elizabeth _ . - '.‘ Gilbert. Nathaniel 20 131
. Armstrong, HarryVV " Lawson, Katherine 25 354 '
Armstrong, Isiah ” Jones, Eliza 12 329
Armstroneleveme , ” Lee, Themes Jr. . .. _ . . 21_ . 458....-.- __ .
VVVArmstrong,VLucy ” Clark, George 21 75
.1 .AIWSEIOflSa-MQHEQR 1. .V . ” Lee, Lucille _ 21 .- 361. 1.
.--..-...Armstrong._ Moro . . " Griffin, Mannie 21 103
. Armstrong, Moro ” Brown, Lola 32 251
Arbstreben Rachel. .. . ” Smith, V'helby 13 121
ArnettChes .. .. . Darnell. Leona 1.3 10.1..- ‘ .
Arnett, Claude “ Ringo, Manie 21 478 '9 I
Arnett, Eliza, - . ” Childers, George 27 204
Arnett, Nancy ” Smith, Edward 28 235
Arnett, Nancy ” Lay, Leonard 23 264
Arnett, Nancy . ” Lay, Leonard 23 276
Arnold, Adelaide . . ” Willis, George Lewis 33 394
Arnold, Albert Scott ” Johnson, Carrie 25 443
Arnold,VAlice ” . Martin, William H. 21 384
-. Arnold, A5thur-_. . “ Bond, Rosella 29 15 V
Arnold, Caroline ” Williams, Grant 21 94
1 Arnold, Daisey D. - V ” Hawthorn, E. W. 13 313
-..---..Arnolsl. .EllaMae , . . . " Williams, A. M. V, V _ 20 6.1. I
___Arnold, Fannie _ ,_ .. V 7 -'-'H Thomas, Richard 15 249 l .
...Arnold.,V_-.Gaorge J... .. " Collins, Margaret V. . . 21 .. 282. .
- Arnold, Guy .. ” Chenault, Joana 21 389. A
Arnold, Guy ” Walker, Alice 31 497
V Arnold, VVJaye VP. V V _ _ ” Moore, Dowell L. _ 29 166 ,V I
Arnold, Jerry " Smith, Maggie 13 265
Arnold, John ” Jones, Sallie Ada 13 489
Arnold, Joseph , _ _, 7 7 ,- .“ Jackson,”- Fannie A. - 14 161 .
_ Arnold, Josephus I " Morton, Florida , 11 139
-- .Arngld,.Kenneth, . ... . ” Bryant,-Mary Katherine 31 106
VArnold, Lilla ” Harris, Ernest 27 93

 WW-WW_-WW-.-WA£anéi-Lilliamfl ..--“W._....-, .-W_---2.. Ballard,_Roy.., . _ -, “W - W .1.- . l8. 36A.WW
WWW-“ ‘.WWW__Arnolé1Margaret-_ --.N-WWWWW.- .1--W-WVW-.HDonosan,_Ihomas. . “WMMWW.,M_W,.. . ....31 109.--“
.. __,.-__.-_._Arnold,. Mary. . . .. . _.". “Conley, Perry 1 2776 144 7
I , _ ....Arnold, Mary Elizabeth ” Waddy, James Henry 26 240
wiiw- WWWWWWWArnoléiWMaEYWI: _ W . H -m-.-i-_...Y-1_.NelSon, Clarence M- ... . . 1 ¥ 20.. 203 _
__WWWW_W__WWWArngléiWMaiaiewmmmW-WWWWWWW-WWWWWW-_WW-YW_WW§earcyinobartWFaWW.-.-WUWWWW_-, W.H.W _--24.mewllz.-m
WWWWW.W-WWWWArnold.WMa§tia.l .-, .m .. --WWW-.- " . Scott, Percy ,. .- , _ .25 108
W-.. --,.-........_-Ar.nol.d.,.....Bebeoca. . .. _ .'.'.. White, ..James .. . . . . . 13. .407. .
_WWWWWWWW_WW.A£ngléiM§arahWWWMWWWWWWWW--,-_---.W_WW.If.WWWalker, Richard . WWW _,W _W . . WW._NWlZWW - 332.---
_WWW.WWWW_.WWArnoldJWIheodore-W- . _WWH , -1..- W-_? WH-Wilson.HHnnter_Mae - . ..W, _ .1 W.,Z9 H 190.1-
WWWWArnoléVlrewMae _ ..-.W- . Qalnescharles Th0mas_ .. -., -. 2._7__ 373
_W -W--WAthur..-.--.Amanda--..l..-- __W . ,_.’..', . _.Ihaoke.r.,..-.3u.lins. . .. , .. . -.- W_ . , ,. .. 24W_- .._W__..3..1.AW,W
_W-W WWWWWWAAEEAnEWWAnatinMW._-” WWWWW-WWW Wriwliifiw- Walker, Gladys. ..M.WHLWW-W ...1 1 W.W.26-WWWW3QZMWWW
W ..W_.___A£hgr_,-...Austin. . . . ‘.' Roberts, Armentra .. ..,.25. ,_ ._ .94
W. ...WArizllur,,.,-,.Au.s.tin,...._ ,. ., . .. ._ .‘.‘. ._ ,. Coffey, Jennie _ . . _ . , . 14.- , -. .205. . .
W........ ._ W___-..WAr._thur.,-....Charles-. .. . .---.. -.. 1'. _.Hall, Bertha. ._ , . . .24, 464
“Arthur, Ellen , y . " Morton, Charles 32 290 I
W. .. ......Ar.thur, James _C. . . ., . . , " Gossett, Joanna . 32 439 . . .
Arthur, Martha " Wright, Walter S. 19 105.
.. .. y : ”ArthurLRobert __Carlos _ " Buford, Mary Hannah 7 26 , 7:40.76

. ,_ _. __,__,A,rt,h_ur, William , " Williams, Gloria ‘ . 23 _ 224

.. .. _._.._Ar1:__§,_.Mary ,. . .. . . ., ", , Johnson, Tom . 14 347 .

. , _ Asberry, Stanley . . _ ". . Carter, Mabel 15. 260 1.
., _ 7 _ Aspury, Katie Mae .. " Tyvles, Jesse 27 132

.. .Afihera Sidney ., _ _ . . ., " ._ Haydon: Leon .- . . . 15 221
W_._WA_$_lt;f°1-'§WGun W " WalllamsLAnnle ., 1.5. 2.32
-MWW_ 1-. AShfordi Mattie..u. .. “ -. Davis, George. 23. 334

_W W._A§.11£orc1, Minerva. . .. . ,.". _Carter,.Joseph . .. . .. ..13 429 , .

I Ashleya Hana-"NU ., . , . , ., .. , Ferguson, Susie B- .. ., .18 .. .439... , .

-WWWW._WWWW-WA§py,-§en§valm.--“ --- . 1 . .m. .. WW 2-...Lindsay,.Henry i- . m- -1 _ W -1141. .137 _WMW
. Asken, Decoram " Walker, Joseph Raymond 25 304

__ .. , Askew, Charles . " Dunn, Mollie 13 55

I " Askew, William _ ,. . . .. _ _ " Ray, Lillie Belle Bates 32 7 _
ASpy, Geneva “ Lindsay, Henry 14 137

-... ., g . Asque, Fannie. Mae _ " Craig, L. C. 25 340

. .. “Atkins, Millard _ . g - ” Phenix, Carrie _ 13 . 585

, Atkinson, William T. ” Jones, Mary D. ‘ 31 42
Atlas, Louis H. .. ” Garner, Ida Mae 32 . 222

7 Austin, Annie Bell ” Burley, Andrew 20 5

   _ I_---
Austin, James 1 ” Gay, Mary 33 412
VVVVVVVAustinV,VVVVNVVina V .. . ” V Smith, Asberry . 17 397

Austin, VWillViamVH. ” McGowen, Billie 19 179
Avery, Ida 1 " Lander, caleb 14-A 85 I
1 Avery, Leroy 1 ” Hale, Dora Lee 29 337 ’
. Avery.-- 111.1391}... 1 . 1 ” Sidney, Lonisa 11 1 101. 1.32 1 , ,
V . Aydelott, Lawrence ” Henderson, Nellie 18 451
1 Ayers, AddieVB. 11 1 1 “_ Dinwiddie, Dr. w. 'I'. 10 111 I V
1.1.1Aye1r181 Anna.-. 1 1 _ , _ ” Simion Gardner _ 1 10 1 24.
_ Ayres,1..1F1r.ankie .1 1 ” Hawkins, John 17 292 1
V“ Ayres, Isabella “ Payne, George A. 14 123
....-Ayr1es..,John..- .. . . . . " , 1. Rice, Bertha. _ . 1 1. 1 26 . 3.82 .
, Aye¥.$._a_1guniu$-_ . 1. _ " Woodard: Camellia .. 15 239 .1
AyerSLMary . 1 ¥ 1 ” 1, ...Buckner: William. 1 14-A . 149 11 .
11_-..11Ayers.,-.1911:115... 1 .. , 1. 1. 1 1 ‘.‘, Turner, Mary Elizabeth 33 1. 31 1
‘ I

 7 Bachelor,Maggie Alice 7 to _ Calloway, James Jr. 10 524
., _ Back, Charley, W ., to Brent, Mary 13 321
,7 , Bacon, Edna to Beasley, James 17 315
, do George to Taylor, Katherine 26 4
I I ,_,,._,,d,° .7 , Oscar ‘ , 7 . _ to Curd, Nannie 23 178
do . Sam , , , to. Duncan, Lillian . , 7. , 17 .433
. , Bac9m. E. M- . A _ to. .§mi_th.Myrt1e . l9 7 24
' Bailey,“ Anna“ . , , , _to Smith, John , 11 471‘
,, doAnna Belle ., to .. _Brown, Alfonzo ,_ _, , , 33 , 307
. ”do, ,_ ._AnnagLouise _ . to Johnson, John w. . , 32 431
_W do .. Annie 7 7 __ . . to. _ Brown, William, 7 13 _, 67
W «Clara's . .. W, W. ...to .. “Logan. Frank , _ 25. 339 _
_. d9 Edward . , . , t0. ,_Summers, Celia .25 331
deifidwerd W, ., .. . .7 . W to. _. Thurman, Beatrice . . ,. ., _ .30, . 7.2.57 ,
. . do ”Edward .. . to. Fields, Dorothy 31 . . .72
..., H ,. _. ._._,.._do _ Edward James 7 4 ,to, Bailey,gElizabeth . 15 161
. do Elizabeth to Bailey, Edward James _ 4 15 161
W, . A _, do Elnora. .. to Fanning, Washington A _ 13 67
do . Ethel to Crutchfield, Preston 21 192 V
,, _. I _do Ether D. to Jones, William Jr. 14 375
do George Jr. to Wilson, Suzanne 33 419
,. W do George Jr. to Byrd, Minnie 31 367 .
do 7 George F. , to Hamilton, Amanda 23 298 3
do 7 James William _ to Salyers, Ella Ruth 32 411
. - do , Jo Ann to Bond, Joseph 31 325
. 7 do, '.Julia to Shank, Jack 18 141
, ,7 do ,Leslie Todd .' to Searcy, Alice 33 334 ,1
W “do ,Luc_ou,s_..T.fl_,_/__ 7. to. Pulley, Cynthia , . ., . 7 ,, .26 _ . 189 ,.
.7 .do Lula . to Burgess, Arthur J. 13 529
. do, Luther to Lcdchart, Mattie C. 14A 223
I 7 . do Luther , _ . to Thompson, Callie 14 311
..-.do 7. .Mannie,. _ , to Williams, Gus _ 19 463 i
. do Margaret to Mountjoy, George 14 177 ;
' do Mary to Alexander, Samuel 14 363
I do Quincy 7 to Reed, Mary C. . 18 298
do Robert to Hardy, Mamie . 142 212
A - r 7 do Rosalie .to Harris, Wathan 31 458 3
. do Sallietta to Ross, Leander 23 190
do Sarah B. to Hayes, Mote 15 248 E
. do Serena / to Mayfield, Eddie 31 93
' ’ do Sonnie L. to Barbour, Mary H. 13 453% 5;
do Thomas to Lee, Mary Eliza 12 45%???

 » I--_-
HflBaileyi-Walter-.wuw_ --. .- -.W to .Gross, Mildred ,. m 14 23
,-W,..dQ_,,-William ..W-- . . t0 . Peyton, Minnie. - A 13 . 203
do William to Farnsworth, Nellie 13 576
do William to Wright, Georgie 10 394 I
Bainsford, Mabel WW_- M y. to Waters, Green , _ A 21 424
_ , ,-_Bake.r,,A. FAnn - . to Garvin, Leroy. - . . __ 33 , 130 _ ,, _
.do, Agnes - , - to Booker,Harry Jr. 30 321 4
. do ,_ Ann _ , - ., , - .to Underwood, Charles... . 29 323 l .
, .. , do .Ar,t.ie-.,.W . .to Halloway, Louis _ _ 25 27,3, . , ,
”Wdo W -Bell..WWW. _.W ,.W., . to - Stern, John 18 401 W
do Carrie to Reeves, Amos 33 262
do ,_Char1ey . W ,. - to. ._..c..ri.tt.endeo.,,,..Sedie .. , ¥ , ., 2.1 ., .._.3_83 _
W,-imdoW-- Charley, W. ,., ., , , to Crittenden, Sadie. . 21 382
doDonald ., ., , ,. . ,V . , to -Taylcra Oma Lee ,, . ,31. . . .287 , '
dEdwrd _. to Nash: Mattie Alice 27 290 ,
do Elizabeth to Lindsay, John E. Jr. 22 27
-910.----......E.liz_.e!>e§h Helen , , . to Banksesoneyfienry Jre 32 264 '
A , ea EthelM _, ,. . to. Peyton. Charles. , , 25, 50 . ,
do Francis Lee to Craig, Addie 24 191 g
f ,_,-.-_do - George - - _ _ , to Jackson, Josephine , 28 .. 355. I
. do George H. to Washington, Mary Elizabeth 23 179
do , Hammond E. _ to MCClure, Anna B. 15 239
do , Hattie to Higgins, Leon 27 28
, _do , Henry . to Overstreet, Mary 18 175
do . James to Lewis, Evan 31 364
do James to Sellers, Belle 14 135 i
,, d.°_ Whales-He.- .. .. .. ._ to Muir. Sarah _ _ ,. ., _ .. 10 335 -
do James M. to? -Penman, Myrtle 28 281
__ Idowwr Joseph Dean . , to V Byrd, Lida _ 32 235
do Laura - W _ ., to Turpin, James . _ -. 24 . 446- .
do Lafura , , -- to Travis, Charles 30 205 I
W919- -LH¢.§1-_1§--. -. ,. . to .Petsleye John .H- 33 - -56, .
I do _ Lucille to Mitchell, Estill R. 4 31 177
do Mae Emma to Wilson, Robert C. 22 108
do, Mary E. 7 7 to Allen, Charles, 15 49 I
do Mary Emma to Edwards, Robert Isaac 27 402
. -- do , May. to .Anderson, Walter 32 341 W
do , Myrtle - to .Brown, M. C. , 14A 234 _
- do. Robert . to Smith, Pauline 33 204
i. .do Robert Edmond to Marshall, Mary E.. - 33 152

__Mi Dakar, Roosevelt -V _ _r to Waddell, Helen 31 163
-, l.V--Vd° r rRooseyelt 1 _ to Marshall, Lucille 28 49
17 _ do Sallie to Dennis, Charlie 15 339
do Sarah to Jenkins, Willard 21 88
I V .V do Sidney. V , t0 Poindexter, Lee . _ 17 324 V
_-V , doSJ-dney V. .. .Vte . Slag-lam, .VVHallVie V - V V. V V. 14A V 7.8. _ V
_W_ - _A'doH 77W, M, to Ross, Hattie B. 11 179
V . V .919, _.VWVeVther _ , . V to. Gibson, Hattie V 13 5.69 V
l d0 WilVl...V V _ V - . . . to .Winn,VBenv Ella 1.8 95 .
1111. 1 1 VBaldwin,_Forest 1 1 I 1 to Rice, John 15 33
-11- --V WWMQQV NVJoe MH VVV.V. -V V V to- .Johnson, Eliza VV V, 301. -. 313 V
-VV-- -d9_~Vl9VsVeph- V. V, _, . V ..Vto ,_.-Jackson. Mary Ellen V V _ V 14. V .249-
- __V ..V- do” -.Martha-V V V - V.“ to.. Jett, Richard V V 32 147 .
_m-- V--11- Wdol-W Mary V V V V.“ - -V- -MW-V_ to-VVRay, Ben M V V V . . m-ZOVVVV-. 19V
-V-V.. V V .VV..VVBaVlVVerV,V-V.Amanda.V V V V. V 1:9 Figs, James ...10 361 V.
-Hm-V ,VHW -Balis,-Levi . V to Williams, Mamie V. 19 - 14
-W- _.V Ball,-Marie .- V.. .. V-V _ to Collins, Ernest .- 14A V 64
V do __V.Cora Lee V . V V to Brown, John Ernest 24 412
. do Mattie to Smith, Theodore 24 388
I BaV11Vard,VB. D. V to Mukes, Evangaline 17 465
' do B. D. to Perkins, Aline 22 99
V.. VVdo Cecil to Chenault, Arthur 15 258
V do Donald to Miller, Mary 25 201
1 - do ivyElizabeth to Randolph, William 13 325
‘VV Vdo Fount to Lovings, Willie Anna 14 153
V .do George to Merchant, Elizabeth 17 195
..V. V. Vdo V George, to Stewart, Mamie V 11 309
V-V-VVVVVV . do Hazel V .V _, to... V_Buferd, Angus, Jr. .V _ , _ V. 3.1 V.276.V.
1 ‘ d0 J. T. to Graves, Frances 24 480
V V. V ¥ V49._ VV Joe V V V V to Graves, Hulda 13 379
I 1 do 1 ,John to Mitchell, Sallie 13 V 11
-1-- V .-d° V JothHenry V- to Mason, Tommie 24 359 V
V V _do Louise to Bingham, Robert 32 231 I
do Katie t